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Kronika wschowskich bernardynów, red. o. Alojzy Pańczak OFM, Wschowa 2019
The Chronicles of Cistercian Monastery in Wschowa, ed. rev. Alojzy Pańczak OFM, Wschowa 2019
Laszuk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2021, 28; 301-309
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pogranicze leszczyńsko-wschowskie w 1939 roku. W 80. rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej
The borderland between Leszno and Wschowa in 1939. On the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II
Ratajewska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Agencja Wydawnicza “PDN”
wrzesień 1939 roku
After Poland regained independence, only a small part of the then Wschowa Poviat (currently the Commune of Wijewo and Włoszakowice) was incorporated into Poland, to the Leszno Poviat, which was then within the borders of Poland. The remaining part of the Wschowa Poviat was left in Germany. In this way Wschowa (then Fraustadt) and Leszno became the towns of the Polish and German borderlands. In the direction to Leszno the last village on German’s side was Dębowa Łęka (Geyersdorf) and the first one on Poland’s side Długie Nowe. The Germans felt aggrieved by the resolution of the Versailles Treaty of June 1919. They could not accept, among other things, the fact that some of their territories were incorporated into reborn Poland. In January 1933, Adolf Hitler took the office of the German Chancellor. In subsequent years the Germans systematically violated the provisions of the Versailles Treaty and prepared for war. However, Polish-German relations were correct during the first few years of Hitler’s rule in Germany. On 26 January 1934, both countries signed the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact. The situation changed drastically in autumn of 1938. The Germans proposed a new agreement to Poland. Gdańsk was to be annexed to the Reich, and an exterritorial motorway and railway connecting the Reich with East Prussia was to run through Polish Pomerania. In return, the Germans offered to prolong the validity of the pact of January 1934 up to 25 years. Poland rejected the German proposal. Polish-German relations quickly became increasingly tense and the outbreak of armed conflict was more probable. In March 1939 the Abwehr (German intelligence and counterintelligence services) began establishing battle and sabotage groups in Poland. They recruited the local Germans who were familiar with life in Poland. The Wrocław Abwehr also created such groups in the Province of Poznań. In July 1939 these groups consisted of 2324 people in Poznań. The same was in the borderland Poviat of Leszno. In summer of 1939, a spying group led by Arthur Krämer (40 people) operated in Leszno and Kurt Schlecht’s group (10 people) in the nearby Gronówek. In 1939 German youth more often escaped to the Reich. According to the Provincial Office in Poznań, from January to June 1939, 2 628 people escaped from the Province of Poznań, including 189 from the Poviat of Leszno. In July and August 1939, the number of escapes from the Province of Poznań to Germany increased even more. The reports of the Leszno starost of June and July 1939 mention German fortification works near Wschowa. On 1 September 1939 Germany attacked Poland. The Second World War broke out; it lasted a few years and claimed many millions of lives. On the night of 31 August and 1 September 1939, a few hours before the attack on Poland, the Germans committed acts of sabotage near the boundary between Leszno and Wschowa Poviats. Walther Starke (an officer of the Wrocław Abwehr), who resided in Wschowa, was responsible, among other things, for supervising sabotage groups in the Leszno Poviat. Arthur Krämer mentioned above escaped to Wschowa on 20 August 1939 and then prepared, under Starke’s supervision, a sabotage act whose aim was to support German riots against Poland in Święciechów and Leszno. The operation began on the night of 31 August and 1 September 1939 around 1.00, so a few hours before the war broke out. The group of 25 people under the command of Arthur Krämer and Wilhelm Hirte set off from Wschowa. They attacked the Border Guards post in Długie Nowe but Polish soldiers repelled them. 1 September 1939 was marked by skirmishes with the Grenzschutz units and saboteurs who particularly made themselves felt in Leszno and Święciechów. The Poles, however, managed to repel Germans. Leszno was also shelled by German artillery. One of the best-known events of the second day of the war (Saturday, 2 September 1939) on the Polish-German border in Major Poland (Wielkopolska) was a sortie made by Polish army from Leszno to Wschowa. The sortie was made primarily by the 55th Poznań Infantry Regiment under the command (from November 1935) of Col. Władysław Wiecierzyński. The first sortie unit included the 2nd company of the 1st battalion of the 55th Poznań Infantry Regiment under the command of Captain Edmund Lesisz, a tank platoon, a platoon of heavy machine guns and a platoon of artillery under the command of Captain Ludwik Snitko. The second sortie group included a squadron of TKS light reconnaissance tanks (11 units) under the command of Lieutenant Wacław Chłopik and a squadron of cyclists commanded by Lieutenant Zbigniew Barański. At the same time, a platoon of uhlans commanded by Second Lieutenant Tadeusz Stryja from the 17th King Bolesław Chrobry Uhlan Regiment was in the forest near Wschowa, observing the area and transmitting information via radio. The sortie towards the border with Germany began around 4 p.m. on 2 September 1939. The infantry was transported to the village of Stare Długie. There they prepared to attack and cross the Polish-German border. The attack itself was carried out around 5.30 p.m. The 1st platoon of the 2nd company under the command of Second Lieutenant Stanisław Rybczyński attacked the border crossing; and the 2nd platoon, commanded by Second Lieutenant Władysław Konwiński, captured the German customs office, seizing weapons and ammunition. The 3rd platoon, commanded by Second Lieutenant Stefan Perkiewicz, led an attack in the area between Stare Długie and Geyersdorf. Around 6 p.m. the Polish army captured Dębowa Łęka, which was left in a hurry by its inhabitants. Captain Ludwik Snitko shelled Wschowa with cannons on the orders of General Roman Abraham. A total of thirty-six shells were launched towards the town. It is probable that several German soldiers were killed and a dozen or so wounded. This action caused a lot of commotion. The authority of Wschowa even thought of evacuating civilians to Głogów. The leading unit of this sortie, namely the 3rd platoon commanded by Second Lieutenant Stefan Perkiewicz reached as far as town’s outskirts. The sortie of the Polish army to Wschowa on 2 September 1939 did not have any strategic significance, but it was not its purpose. Thanks to this attack, the morale of the soldiers who crossed the border of the enemy was raised since they captured one of the German villages and shelled the town of Wschowa. In September 1961 the monument commemorating this event was unveiled at the entrance to Wschowa. It is a boulder with a plaque informing about the events of 2 September 1939.
Adhibenda; 2019, 6; 103-129
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bitwa pod Wschową 1706 : a potem pole bitwy zabarwiło się na czerwono...
Fraustadt 1706 : ett fält färgat rött
Sjöström, Oskar (1979- ).
Łygaś, Wojciech (1959- ). Tłumaczenie
Infort Editions. pbl
Data publikacji:
Zabrze ; Tarnowskie Góry : Wydawnictwo Inforteditions
Bitwa pod Wschową (1706)
III wojna północna (1700-1721)
Bibliogr. s. 302-318.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Wątki religijne i duszpasterskie bitwy pod Wschową 1706 roku
Religious and pastoral issues of the Battle of Fraustadt (Wschowa) 1706
Kalbarczyk, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
battle of Fraustadt (Wschowa)
state religion
military ministry
bitwa pod Wschową
religia państwowa
duszpasterstwo polowe
Dnia 13 lutego 1706 roku, na obszarze Rzeczypospolitej, tuż przy jej zachod niej granicy, między wsiami Dębowa Łęka a Osowa Sień, rozegrała się krwawa bitwa, która przeszła do historii pod mianem „bitwy pod Wschową”. Szwedzkie oddziały dowodzone przez generała Karla Gustafa Rehnskölda rozgromiły liczebniejsze siły sasko-rosyjskie pod wodzą generała Johanna Matthiasa Schulenburga. Bitwa ta uważana jest za jedną z ważniejszych batalii wielkiej wojny północnej (1700–1721). Na temat bitwy wschowskiej powstało kilka obszerniejszych prac w języku polskim, niemieckim i szwedzkim. Wszystkie one ukazują to wydarzenie głównie od strony wojskowo-historycznej. W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione dwa wątki tej bitwy: wyznaniowy i pastoralny. Tworzą go dwie części: pierwsza – poświęcona znaczeniu religii w krajach uczestniczących w bitwie i ich władców, oraz druga – dotycząca duszpasterstwa polowego w obu armiach tamtych czasów.
On 13 February 1706, on the territory of the Republic of Poland, close to its western border, between the villages of Dębowa Łęka and Osowa Sień a bloody battle took place that went down in history by the name of “the battle of Fraustadt”. Swedish troops led by general Karl Gustaf Rehnsköld routed the more numerous Saxon-Russian forces commanded by general Johann Matthias Schulenburg. The battle is considered to be one of the major battles of the Great Northern War (1700–1721). The battle of Fraustadt has been the subject of several detailed studies in the Polish, German and Swedish languages. All of them show the event mainly from the militaryhistorical perspective. The present article discusses two issues of the battle: confessional and pastoral. They make up two parts of the article: part one focuses on the signifi cance of religion in the countries participating in the battle and for their rulers; part two deals with military ministry in both armies in those times.
Teologia Praktyczna; 2018, 19; 141-153
Pojawia się w:
Teologia Praktyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wątki religijne i duszpasterskie bitwy pod Wschową 1706
Kalbarczyk, Adam
Data publikacji:
Agencja Wydawnicza “PDN”
Bitwa pod Wschową
1706 rok
obraz Kielich pułku
On 13 February 1706, in the Republic of Poland, near its western border, between the villages of Dębowa Łęka and Osowa Sień, a bloody battle was fought, which went down in history under the name of ‘the Battle of Fraustadt’. The Swedish army commanded by General Karl Gustaf Rehnsköld routed the Saxon and Russian forces, superior in number, under the command of General Johann Matthias Schulenburg. This battle is regarded as one of the most important combats in the Great Northern War (1700-1721). Several extensive works in Polish, German and Swedish were written about it. All their authors present this event primarily from a military history point of view. The Great Northern War and one of its combats, the Battle of Fraustadt, were not accompanied by any religious motivation. Nevertheless, those who started them and took part in them believed in a religion, belonged to one of the Christians religions, were people of faith, which, to a greater or lesser extent, could shape their view of the political order in contemporary Europe. Their faith could contribute to the alliances they entered, the decisions they made, their attitude, a fighting spirit, the soldiers’ morale. In addition, both armies had a well-organized pastoral care of the soldiers. These both themes of the Battle of Fraustadt – religious and pastoral – were discussed in two parts of this article: the first one devoted to the significance of a religion in the countries involved in the battle and their rulers, and the other one focusing on military chaplaincy in both armies of that time. The investigated material shows that everything which was connected with this battle was related, to a greater or lesser extent, to transcendence, to God, who was perceived, on one hand, as a mystery unfathomable to a human and on the other hand, as an active participant in the history of man and the world, God who ultimately decides about everything. That was why most participants of the battle paid a great attention to faith, prayer, God’s word, Christian liturgy, pastoral ministry and eternal remembrance of heroes.
Adhibenda; 2018, 5; 13-29
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Ten Knobloch, ten czosnek, czujemy go w nosie”. Bernardyni polscy a reformacja w XVI wieku
Sitnik OFM, Aleksander
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Bernardyni polscy w XVI wieku byli postrzegani, także przez protestantów, jako zdecydowani obrońcy wiary i Kościoła katolickiego. Działalność tę podjęli bardzo wcześnie, bo już w latach 20. XVI wieku. Wykorzystywali w niej tradycyjne metody: kaznodziejstwo, spowiedź, liturgię, pieśń religijną, piastowane funkcje kwestarzy i kapelanów dworskich, organizowanie przyklasztornych bractw religijnych. Dzięki dobremu wykształceniu teologicznemu oraz prowadzeniu życia moralnego na odpowiednim poziomie jedynie trzech znanych z imienia i nazwiska bernardynów przeszło do obozu protestanckiego. Zakonnicy utracili na rzecz protestantów tylko jeden klasztor we Wschowie, a przejęli klasztory pruskie w Lubawie, Barczewie, Nowem, Gdańsku oraz Toruniu po upadłej w okresie reformacji saskiej prowincji zakonnej św. Jana Chrzciciela. W znacznej mierze jest to zasługa prowincjałów, którzy potrafili uchronić klasztory bernardyńskie przed reformacją.
Polish Bernardines of 16th century were perceived, also by Protestants, as determined defenders of the faith and Catholic Church. They took up this duty quite early, starting from the 1520s. They did it by means of proven methods such as preaching, confession, liturgy, religious songs, holding offices of fund-collectors and courtly chaplains, and organising religious brotherhoods near monasteries. Owing to solid theological education and living a moral life on a proper level, there are only three Bernardines known by their names who moved to the Protestant camp. Only one monastery in Wschowa was lost in favour of Protestants. On the other hand, Bernardines took over Prussian monasteries in Lubawa, Barczewo, Nowe, Gdańsk and Toruń after the Saxon monastic St. John the Baptist’s province fell at the time of reformation. It is thanks to provincial ministers that Bernardine monasteries were protected from reformation.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2022, 118; 353-374
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polscy mieszkańcy powiatu wschowskiego w walce z germanizacją na początku XX wieku
Ratajewska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Agencja Wydawnicza “PDN”
walka z germanizacją
strajk szkolny w Bukówcu Górnym
The article presents the Poles in the district of Wschowa at the beginning of the 20th century. The district of Wschowa, after the administrative reform of 1887, covered around 477 km2. It comprised the present-day communes: Wijewo, Włoszakowice, Wschowa and Szlichtyngowa; and some parts of the following present-day communes: Sława (Śmieszkowo) and Święciechowa (Długie Nowe, Gołanice, Krzycko Małe, Niechłód). The district of Wschowa existed in this form until 1920, when it was finally decided to join its small part to the reborn Polish state. The capital of the district – Wschowa – had the greatest number of inhabitants. 7538 lived in the town, 6662 of them declared German to be their native language, merely 713 pointed to the Polish language. Moreover, 155 people declared the German language and another one, and 8 inhabitants mentioned only another language. Thus, the German population was definitely predominant in Wschowa. The authorities of Prussia looked with great distrust at any organizations formed by the Poles in Greater Poland and implemented the policy of Germanization in the land seized from Poland as a result of the partitions. Consequently, the Poles faced difficulties in putting their associations and organizations into legal operation. The Catholic Church was the one playing an important role in maintaining Polish identity. The priests in parishes conducted not only pastoral but also social work, organizing Polish associations and organizations – not only religious ones but also economic and cultural ones. These were the places where the Polish language and tradition were nurtured. One of the most important weapons in the struggle to preserve the national identity of the Poles during the period of their captivity was speaking their native language, which helped to strengthen the national community. The authority of Prussia, especially under Bismarck’s rule, systematically eliminated Polish from school.
Adhibenda; 2018, 5; 133-175
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dokument Przemysła II dla Piotra Winiarczyca
Jurek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Przemysł II
kasztelania wschowska
Greater Poland
Wschowa castellany
Artykuł zawiera analizę interesującego dokumentu księcia wielkopolskiego Przemysła II dla Piotra Winiarczyca z Gniezna. Wbrew podnoszonym wątpliwościom jest on niewątpliwie autentyczny, a wystawiony został zapewne 25 VIII 1283. Załączona edycja przynosi tekst różniący się istotnie od znanego z wcześniejszych wydań.
The article presents an analysis of an interesting document issued by Duke Przemysł II of Greater Poland for Piotr Winiarczyc of Gniezno. Contrary to doubts of some scholars, it is undoubtedly authentic and was probably issued on 25 August 1283. The enclosed edition offers a text differing significantly from the version known from the earlier editions.
Studia Źródłoznawcze. Commentationes; 2020, 58; 207-217
Pojawia się w:
Studia Źródłoznawcze. Commentationes
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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