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Еволюційні тенденції у діяльності ліворадикальних організацій Західної Європи (Італія, Іспанія, Франція, Німеччина)
Evolutional Tendencies in the Activity of the Left Radical Organizations in Western Europe (Italy, Spain, France and Germany)
Рева, Тетяна
Вільчинська, Ірина
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
left radicalism
far left political parties
Western Europe
«society of justice»
democratic centralism
The main evolution tendencies of the radical left organizations of the largest counties of Western Europe (Italy, Spain, France and Germany) are researched in the article. It consists of the analysis of their origins, development and modern condition. The actuality of the article is the necessity of the political historical analysis of forms and manifestations of the phenomenon. It is also important to study such its features as variety, ideological transformations and dynamic processes. The researching of the new tendencies of left-wing political parties and movements in the well-developed European countries is very useful for Ukraine in the context of the decommunization process. The term «radicalism» ( from Latin, radix – root) is used to characterize the extreme-orientated organizations, parties, movements and groups which show their inclination to the radical reformation of the modern social political institutions to solve different social problems. Left radicalism is the social political phenomenon, based on the aspiration of political active groups of some people for destruction of the existed system of the state authority to put in practice the ideas of the «society of justice» and communist conceptions of ХІХ-ХХ centuries. The main tendencies of the modern leftwing groups are: 1) Revolutionary idea. They support the idea of the transformation and the elimination of the existed social regime by the upheaval; 2) Anti-capitalism. Left radicals rudely criticize the world economic system as the form of the slavery of the end of XX century – the beginning of XXI century. It is characterized by the domination of the great corporations’ interests; 3) Democratic centralism. A man has the right of choice in the different fields of social life. Only one political party or group gets the state power; 4) Strategy of protest. Left radicals take part in single terroristic acts or organisations and various movements of protests. 5) Armed struggle. Using of the violence is one of the main methods to influence the community. For example in the second half of XX century, many powerful extreme-left terroristic groups acted in Western Europe. They are «RAF» (Germany), «Red Brigades» (Italy), «GRAPO» Spain, «Action Directe» (France). The fundamental principles of the left radicalism are the idea of the society of justice and critical analysis of state imperialist policy. Left radicals call for the elimination of the capitalist system and building of the socialism by the revolutionary-armed fight. The most part of the left movements and political parties are anti-American. They fight against the political influence of the USA as the centre of world imperialism and call states for leaving such imperialistic organisation as the NATO. There is the ideological regionalism of the political radicalism in Europe. Its various kinds dominate in the different parts of the country. These ideological orientations depend on many social economic and historical factors. For example, we can see the ideological regionalism in Italy between North (right wing radicalism) and South (left wing radicalism) and in Germany between West (far left) and East (far right). In general, in the modern Europe comparing extreme right and extreme left, we can see the decadence of the far left and the activation of the far right political tendencies. The main reason of extreme right success is the modern migrant crisis in European countries. Left radicals are popular only in the countries with political economic crisis and associated with populism. The researchers of left radicalism distinguish three potential electoral groups of far left political parties and movements: 1) Extreme left subcultures. They are groups or people who have taken part in the various demonstrations and have been a member of the far left political party for a long time; 2) Left centrists. They have neutral political position and prefer vote for “green” parties; 3) Protesters. They are groups of young people who support the populist tactics and join different demonstrations against globalization and the EU. In the second half of the XX century left radicalism was more aggressive then the right one in the biggest countries of Europe. The most powerful terroristic organisations of this period were left wing. They are «Red Brigades», «RAF», «GRAPO» and «ETA». The scientists connect the “revival” of left ideologies in Western Europe after the Second World War with the spreading of anti-fascist ideas in the former fascist and national-socialist countries (Italy, Germany, Spain, Romania, Hungary and Portugal etc.). Today political radicals actively influence the internal and external policy of the European Union. The main vectors of their activity are the fight against the EU enlargement, the limitation of immigration, the revision of the social guarantees for migrants and their families and the state control in all spheres of a society. All these issues were manifested in the attempt to stop the temporary regime of the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in September 2014. The activity of the Eurosceptics led to the enlargement of the number ( 99 up to 124) of the representatives of right and left out-system organisations in the European parliament in 2014. The European left parties even established political block, called «European United Left – Nordic Green Left (GUE-NGL)».
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2016, 6; 169-178
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne interwencje w średniowiecznych zamkach Europy Zachodniej
Modern interventions in medieval castles of Western Europe
Węcławowicz-Gyurkovich, E.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
zamek średniowieczny
prace konserwatorskie
Europa Zachodnia
medieval castle
conservation work
Western Europe
Prace konserwatorskie związane z adaptacją zabytkowych obiektów do nowych potrzeb i funkcji w średniowiecznych zamkach wiążą się często z potrzebą wprowadzania nowych kubatur. Konieczność zachowania autentycznej substancji zabytkowej, a także tradycyjnego klimatu kulturalnego zobowiązuje do wnikliwego przeanalizowania zakresu prac adaptacyjnych. Dotyczy to w szczególności obiektów zabytkowych o unikatowych wartościach kulturowych i artystycznych, zobowiązujących do analizowania możliwości ingerencji współczesnej architektury w tę substancję. Przedstawiono trzy przykładowe rozwiązania z Włoch: zamek Castelvecchio w Weronie adaptowany na muzeum, z Niemiec - zamek w Bensbergu, niedaleko Kolonii, w którym zlokalizowano ratusz miejski oraz zamek Castelgrande w Bellinzonie w Szwajcarii, usytuowany w centrum miasta, pełniący obecnie rolę muzeum, restauracji, kawiarni i winiarni. Autorami owych adaptacji są wybitni europejscy architekci. Precyzja i lapidarność geometrycznych kompozycji nowych elementów harmonijnie skontrastowanych z kolorytem i układem form historycznych dała w przedstawionych przykładach pozytywne efekty. W każdym przypadku istotny był klimat warowni średniowiecznej i emocje, jakich doznajemy odwiedzając te obiekty. Wiodącą inspiracją stała się w tych przykładach pokora, elegancja i oszczędność środków wyrazu wobec zabytkowej substancji zastanej oraz świadomość delikatności tworzywa, jaki stanowi każdy zabytek, a w szczególności zabytki unikatowe, jakimi są zamki. O tym, czy propozycje uzupełnienia starej architektury są trafne, nie zawsze decydują wypracowane reguły, ale często rzecz nieuchwytna i niedefiniowalna, jaką jest talent architekta.
Conservation work connected with adaptation of historic objects to new requirements and functions, in medieval castles is frequently connected with the need to introduce new volume. The necessity to preserve authentic historic substance and the traditional cultural climate, obliges to conducting a thorough analysis of the range of adaptation work. It refers particularly to historic objects representing unique cultural and artistic values, obliging to analyzing the risk of interference of modern architecture into this substance. Three sample solutions were presented here: from Italy - Castelvecchio castle in Verona converted into a museum, from Germany - castle in Bensberg near Köln, in which a town hall was located, and Castelgrande castle in Bellinzona in Switzerland located in the city centre and currently serving as a museum, restaurant, café and winery. The authors of those adaptations are outstanding European architects. Precision and succinctness of geometric composition of new elements, harmoniously contrasted with the colour scheme and the layout of historical forms resulted in positive effects. In each case the climate of a medieval fortress was very important and the emotions we experience while visiting these objects. The leading inspiration in these examples was humility, elegance and frugality of means of expression with which the existing historic substance was treated, and the awareness of fragility of material represented by any monument but especially such unique ones as castles. Whether the suggestions for complementing old architecture are accurate or not is not always decided by thought out rules, but often by such an intangible and indefinable thing as an architect’s talent.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2008, 23; 94-103
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływy północne (skandynawskie) i zachodnie w państwie pierwszych Piastów
Dębski, Artur
Kóčka-Krenz, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
kontakty kulturowe
wczesne średniowiecze
Europa Zachodnia
architektura przedromańska
Wielkopolska/Greater Poland
early Middle Ages
western Europe
pre-Romanesque architecture
The article deals with the issues concerning an extent and nature of cultural contacts between the early Piasts’ populations and Scandinavia, as reflected by archaeological evidence. The contacts with Carolingian and Ottonian cultures were recorded in sociotopography of leading fortified settlements and also in reception of secular and sacral forms of pre-Romanesque architecture.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2020, 2 (25); 130-150
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Un modello di santità femminile alla corte dei Merovingi: per un approccio storico-religioso alla figura di Gertrude badessa di Nivelles
Model kobiecej świętości na dworze Merowingów: przyczynek historyczno-religijny na temat postaci ksieni Gertrudy z Nivelles
Iannello, Fausto
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Gertrude of Nivelles
Merovingian Church
Early Medieval Monasticism
Irish Missionaries in Continental Europe
Female Sanctity
Gender Studies
Western Christendom
Autor niniejszego artykułu pragnie omówić historyczno-religijny wpływ wywierany przez św. Gertrudę z Nivelles w świetle nowych trendów kulturowych poruszonych przez tzw. „gender studies” oraz w kontekście tych lat, które przyczyniły się bardziej niż inne do powstania tak zwanego „zachodniego chrześcijaństwa”. Przez pryzmat działań młodej ksieni merowińskiej, w kluczowym czasie przygotowującym renesans karoliński, możemy obserwować całkowicie oryginalny model kobiecej świętości.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 63; 253-270
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uchodźcy, żołnierze, „dipisi”. Białorusini w Europie Zachodniej w świetle korespondencji z Liavonem Rydleuskim (1946–1947). Prolegomena
Refugees, Soldiers, “DPs”. Belarusians in Western Europe in the Light of Correspondence with Liavon Rydleuski (1946–1947). Prolegomena
Waszczyńska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Belarusian emigration
Western Europe
Liavon Rydleuski
emigracja białoruska
Europa Zachodnia
беларуская эміграцыя
Заходняя Еўропа
Лявон Рыдлеўскі
Artykuł poświęcony jest korespondencji jaką prowadził, w latach 1946–1947, Liavon Rydleuski - białoruski działacz emigracyjny z Białorusinami, którzy znaleźli się we Francji lub chcieli się w niej osiedlić. Głównym powodem zainteresowania listami była chęć rozpoznania ich potencjału w badaniach diaspory i jej losów. Należy zaznaczyć, że w badaniach emigracji białoruskiej nie jest to źródło nowe, ale do tej pory badacze koncentrowali uwagę przede wszystkim na korespondencji osób znanych, rozpoznawalnych. Natomiast listy, które są podstawą artykułu zostały napisane przez osoby nie zaliczające się do tej grupy. Korespondencja ta została opracowana od strony formalnej, a także z wykorzystaniem metody jaką jest analiza zawartości treści. Wykazała ona obecność dwóch głównych pól tematycznych: diaspory jako bytu społeczno-antropologicznego i politycznego, w ramach których odnaleźć można wiele wątków pomniejszych. Udowodniła, że również listy pisane przez osoby zwykłe mogą przysłużyć się badaniom diaspory białoruskiej.
The article is devoted to the correspondence conducted in 1946-1947 by Liavon Rydleuski, a Belarusian emigration activist, with Belarusians who found themselves in France or wanted to settle there. The main reason for the interest in the letters was the desire to recognise their potential in the study of the diaspora and its fate. It should be noted that this is not a new source in the study of Belarusian emigration, but until now researchers have focused primarily on the correspondence of well-known, recognisable people. In contrast, the letters that form the basis of the article were written by people who do not belong to this group. This correspondence was drawn up from the formal side, as well as using such method as content analysis. It demonstrated the presence of two main thematic fields: the diaspora as a socio-anthropological and political entity, within which many minor threads can be found. It also proved that letters written by ordinary people can also be useful for the study of Belarusian diaspora.
Артыкул прысвечаны перапісцы, якую вёў у 1946–1947 гг. Лявон Рыдлеўскі – дзеяч беларускай эміграцыі – з беларусамі, якія жылі ў Францыі ці хацелі туды пераехаць. Мэтай было вывучыць патэнцыял лістоў як крыніц для даследавання дыяспары і яе лёсаў. Трэба адзначыць, што ў даследаваннях беларускай эміграцыі гэта не новая крыніца, але дасюль даследчыкі канцэнтраваліся перадусім на карэспандэнцыі знакамітых, распазнавальных людзей. А лісты, якія сталі падставай для напісання гэтага артыкулу, напісаныя людзьмі, якія не належаць да гэтай групы. Карэспандэнцыя апрацаваная з фармальнага боку, а таксама з выкарыстаннем метаду аналізу зместу. Ён паказаў наяўнасць галоўных тэматычных палёў: дыяспары як сацыяльна-антрапалагічнага і палітычнага аб’екту, у межах чаго можна знайсці шмат змяшаных сюжэтаў. Аналіз выявіў, што лісты, якія пісалі звычайныя людзі, могуць прыдацца для даследавання беларускай дыяспары.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2023, 17; 27-44
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Turystyka i edukacja. Zagraniczna peregrynacja młodego polskiego magnata w relacji księdza Kazimierza Jana Wojsznarowicza (1667‒1669)
Tourism and education. A Foreign travel of a young Polish magnate in the account of fr Kazimierz Jan Wojsznarowicz (1667‒1669)
Kucharski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
dziennik podróży
Europa Zachodnia (Niemcy, Francja, Holandia, Włochy)
Kazimierz Jan Wojsznarowicz
foreign countries
Polish aristocracy
17th century
travels account
Western Europe (Germany, Holland, Spanish Netherlands, France, Italy)
Prezentowany poniżej artykuł dotyczy istotnej kwestii staropolskich podróży po Europie w epoce nowożytnej. Rozważania oparte są na kanwie jednego z ciekawszych i obszerniejszych dzienników podróżnych napisanych przez Polaka i po polsku – wileńskiego księdza Kazimierza Jana Wojsznarowicza. Podróż, która miała miejsce w latach 1667‒1669 objęła kilka krajów europejskich: Niemcy, Holandię, Niderlandy Hiszpańskie, Francję i Włochy. Relacja podróżna zawiera wiele spostrzeżeń autora nt. sztuki, religii, ustroju politycznego, obyczajów. Ks. Wojsznarowicz opisał szczegółowo w dzienniku podróży także swoją pracę naukową i działalność wydawniczą oraz postępy w edukacji czynione przez jego podopiecznego – Aleksandra Janusza Zasławskiego-Ostrogskiego.
The main purpose of the article is a question of old Polish journeys across Europe in the modern epoch. Our considerations are based on the ground-work in the form of journal of travel written in the second half of 17 th century. This account of travel was written by the Polish priest from Vilnius Kazimierz Jan Wojsznarowicz. He wrote this text in Polish using also numerous Latin expressions. This journey took place in the years 1667‒1669, in times of mature baroque. It included coverage of several European countries (Germany – various duchies, Holland, Spanish Netherlands, France, Italy and Austria). This account of travel includes many observations of its author about different questions of culture, nature, politics (system of government) and realities of traveling: art, religion, landscapes, flights boats, means of communication, administration, political structure, science, theater, customs of populations and many others. Father Wojsznarowicz described in his account of travel in detail also his research work and publishing activity (writing and publishing printed sermons) and also progress in education of his pupil, he took care of during the journey – young polish magnate Aleksander Janusz Zasławski-Ostrogski, descendant of famous parentage.
Studia Gdańskie; 2011, 29; 205-227
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The State and Christians in Western Europe
Musiał, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
Western Europe
Western Christianity
The notion of “Western Christianity” appeared in historical and geographical literature in the 19th century.  According to Pew Research Center, Christians were the largest religious group in 2015, constituting 31% of the world population. From the research results of this centre it can be inferred that the world is becoming more and more religious: the number of people describing themselves as religious has increased in the world from 82% in 1970 to 88% in 2013 and it will reach 90% in 2020, as it is predicted in the report.               The religious vitality among young people is especially important for the future of Christianity in Western Europe as well as more generally – in Europe.               Overall, it can be concluded that religion constitutes an unfamiliar aspect of life for most young Europeans. For the future of Christianity in Europe, mainly in Western Europe, it has a pessimistic overtone. 
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2018, 4/270
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Military Role of the Kaliningrad Region in Security Concepts of the USSR and the Russian Federation
Paradowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
Central‑Eastern Europe
European security
Western policy of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a country with strong aspirations to rebuild its superpower position in the world. In this process, the Kaliningrad Region and its military strength play a significant role. At the same time, this region is an important element of the foreign policy and security of the Russian Federation, and due to its geographical location, it is a key element of Russia’s political and military influence on the Western countries. The region also plays an important economic role, and the Russian Baltic Fleet oftenarried out activities supporting the economic development of the region and the country. After the takeover of power by Vladimir Putin, the significance of Kaliningrad increased even more, and the area itself plays an important role in the New Defense Doctrine of the Russian Federation. A tendency visible for years, relating to the region, is to increase the military position of the Kaliningrad Region together with increasing aspirations of imperial power by the Kremlin.
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa; 2018, 5; 33-44
Pojawia się w:
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Language of Papal Gift-Giving in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: An Example of Soft Power?
Chauvin, Maëlig
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Early modern diplomacy
Western Europe
Golden Roses
In the seventeenth century, the practice of handing diplomatic gifts was on the rise among European sovereigns. A certain number of treatises intended for ambassadors specifically refer to this practice. These gifts, brought by the nuncios, his ambassadors, were selected, not only by the pope, but also by great figures in the papal court, like cardinals’ nephews or relatives. They were able to recognize which works would be the most appreciated by the Stuart King, the emperor or the kings of France or Spain. The letters sent by the nuncios or the newspapers which tackle events that had occurred in foreign courts constitute precious sources to identify and review such presents. Moreover, papal gifts were dual. The Supreme Pontiff was a religious sovereign and, as such, he offered reliquaries, blessed swaddling clothes and Golden Roses which were holy objects able to sustain Catholicism and maintain the faith. If these types of offerings were conventional, the pope also sent secular objects such as paintings, which represented profane themes, antique statues and small galanteries such as fans, gloves and perfumes, which is more surprising. As a matter of fact, the pope played a political role as a peacemaker between the other great European powers and defenders of the territories over which he had full jurisdiction: the Supreme Pontiff exercised both spiritual and temporal power. This dual nature can be seen in the different objects given. How did presents become instruments of power which served the pope’s interests? How did gift-giving rituals help him persuade the other sovereigns to follow his will and to maintain him as the greatest sovereign in Western Europe?
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies; 2020, 4; 167-188
Pojawia się w:
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Testing the congruence of the macrofossil versus microfossil record in the Turonian-Coniacian boundary succession of the Wagon Mound-Springer composite section (NE New Mexico, USA)
Walaszczyk, I.
Lees, J.
Peryt, D.
Cobban, W.
Wood, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Ameryka Północna
Western Interior of North America
The Turonian-Coniacian boundary succession from the Wagon Mound-Springer composite section in the US Western Interior shows a virtually identical macrofaunal record to that revealed in the proposed candidate Coniacian GSSP in the Salzgitter-Salder-Slupia Nadbrzezna composite section in central Europe, with easy identification in both regions of the base of the Coniacian Stage, as defined by the first appearance of the inoceramid bivalve species, Cremnoceramus deformis erectus (Meek). The macrofaunal boundary definition is additionally confirmed by the foraminiferal and nannofossil data, demonstrating the high potential of the inoceramid marker for the base of the Coniacian. The former claims about distinct diachroneity between macrofossil and microfossil dates in the trans-Atlantic correlations, resulted from methodological deficiencies, and have no factual basis.
Acta Geologica Polonica; 2012, 62, 4; 581-594
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sustainable Development as Seen by the Residents of Eastern and Western Europe on the Basis of ISSP Environment Data
Problematyka zrównoważonego rozwoju w opiniach mieszkańców Europy Wschodniej i Zachodniej na podstawie danych ISSP Environment
Rydzewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
sustainable development
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
rozwój zrównoważony
Europa Wschodnia
Europa Zachodnia
The ISSP Environment 2010 data (random sample including more than 18,000 respondents) were used to demonstrate differences in opinions concerning sustainable development between the residents of Eastern and Western European countries. If it is assumed that the concept of sustainable development involves a relative balance among the three pillars (social, economic and ecological), then opinions of the residents of Western Europe are more in line with this assumption. On the other hand, a disproportion can be observed in the case of Eastern Europe, where the environmental pillar is clearly underestimated and the social pillar is much weaker.
Wykorzystując dane ISSP Environment 2010 (próba losowa o wielkości ponad 18 000 respondentów) wykazano różnice dzielące kraje Europy Wschodniej i Zachodniej w zakresie opinii związanych ze zrównoważonym rozwojem. Jeżeli w koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju zakłada się równowagę pomiędzy jego trzema filarami (społecznym, ekonomicznym i ekologicznym), to bardziej z tym założeniem zgodne są opinie mieszkańców Europy Zachodniej. W przypadku Europy Wschodniej zauważalna jest dysproporcja – wyraźnie niedoceniany jest filar środowiskowy i znacznie słabszy filar społeczny.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2015, 10, 1; 49-53
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stany Zjednoczone a integracja polityczna, militarna i gospodarcza Europy Zachodniej w pierwszych latach po II wojnie światowej (do 1950 r.). Ameryka nadaje ton i dyktuje warunki (Część I)
Klimiuk, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Second World War
post-war period
Western Europe
United States
political, military and economic integration
the doctrine of isolationism
Western European organizations
economic development
international trade
loans and credits
Marshall Plan
The influence of the US on the forms and course of the integration processes in Western Europe was very strong, especially in the first post-war years. It was the influence of an external force which, being free of the internal contradictions stemming from Western Europe’s interests, had at its disposal real capabilities to impose integration concepts beneficial to itself. Such integration was in line with both the economic and military interests of the United States during this period. The main reasons prompting Western European countries in the first post-war years to accept the solutions suggested by the United States were: the said countries’ difficult economic situation, fear of the communist parties’ coming to power, and the reluctant (hostile) attitude towards the USSR and the communist bloc. The combination of these causes served to temporarily neutralize the centrifugal tendencies and muted the divergence of interests between the individual countries of Western Europe. Such motives of integration also influenced the character of the emerging Western European political, military and economic organizations. The economic development of Western European countries, whose sources, in addition to the Marshall Plan, should be seen also in other factors, later led to a shift of integration initiatives from the American side to the European one. From a formal point of view, the effects of US policy in the period up to 1950 entailed: the establishment of NATO, the creation of the OEEC and the signing of the agreement on the EUP.
Historia i Polityka; 2019, 27 (34); 95-114
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Społeczeństwa Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej pomiędzy mitem dobra i postępu ludzkości a pozornością zachodzenia innowacyjnego rozwoju konsumpcyjnych społeczności Zachodu
The societies of Central and Eastern Europe between the myth of the good and progress of mankind and the deception of innovative consumer development of the Western society
Kubicki, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
interdisciplinary nature of knowledge
societies of Central and Eastern Europe
Western society
transformations of economic system
transformations of political system
interdyscyplinarność nauki
społeczeństwa Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej
społeczeństwa Zachodu
transformacja ekonomiczna
transformacja ustrojowa
In the context of current integration of EU member states the author makes an attempt at examining whether assisting moral quality of European integration by ecumenical Christian communities and churches would or not constitute making their ecumenical aspirations more profound. For, on the one hand, they remain the only institutional organism capable of such moral actions and at the same time in a way called for the good of EU communities; on the other hand, their mutual engagement from the perspective of evaluation of moral quality of EU member states integration would allow not only to contribute to achieving integration aims of the western-European societies, but also – in a way simultaneously – laying more solid grounds for the created through integrated moral actions Ecumenical community.
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2013, 10; 69-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Pacts: a Western Recipe for Central and Eastern Europe?
Meardi, Guglielmo
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Central Europe
social pacts
social dialogue
The paper examines the issue of relevancy of social pacts in the shape that has developed in the Western Europe to a specific environment of Central and Eastern Europe. Firstly, experiences of western European countries with social pacting are summarised ('the western recipe'), with a particular emphasis put on significant similarities observable between the western European countries that managed to sign social pacts. Secondly, attempts undertaken in Central and Eastern Europe in tripartite negotiations aiming at concluding social pacts are reviewed. Finally, an arguably main difference between old and new member states in the context of social dialogue is discussed, that is multiemployer collective bargaining, which while retaining relatively strong position in the west, plays marginal role in the east.
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology; 2011, 2, 3; 73-87
Pojawia się w:
Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słowiańskie ujęcia idei „modernitas” („Fabryka Słowian. Modernizacje”, red. nauk. Danuta Sosnowska, Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki UW, 2017, ss. 407)
Moroz-Grzelak, Lilla
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Western Slavs
Southern Slavs
„lesser Europe”
Slavic visions of the modernitas idea A review of the new collective volume Fabryka Słowian. Modernizacje [Slavic Factory. Modernizations], ed. Danuta Sosnowska, Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki UW, 2017, 407 pp., which is the first part of the research project envisaged for a four-volume series. The publication consists of an introduction written by the editor, the record of a discussion on the leading theme, and eleven articles concerning the titular modernizations, and may be seen as a part of the interdisciplinary trend of contemporary Slavic studies. Słowiańskie ujęcia idei modernitas Recenzja tomu zbiorowego Fabryka Słowian. Modernizacje, red. nauk. Danuta Sosnowska, Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki UW, 2017, ss. 407, który stanowi pierwszą część projektu badawczego przewidzianego dla czterotomowej serii. Publikacja, składająca się ze wstępu redaktor naukowej, zapisu dyskusji nad tematem wiodącym oraz jedenastu artykułów poświęconych tytułowym modernizacjom, wpisuje się w nurt interdyscyplinarnych współczesnych badań slawistycznych.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2018, 18
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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