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A Multivariate Technique to Develop Hybrid Water Quality Index of the Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia
Lusiana, Evellin Dewi
Mahmudi, Mohammad
Hutahaean, Sarah Mega
Darmawan, Arief
Buwono, Nanik Retno
Arsad, Sulastri
Musa, Muhammad
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
principal component analysis
water quality index
variable selection
water quality assessment
Surface water resource, such as river, is constantly contaminated by domestic and industrial pollutants. In order to properly manage the water resource, a composite index for water quality assessment, such as water quality index (WQI), has been designed to monitor and evaluate the properties of surface water. However, this index is quite subjective in terms of determination of relative weights. A principal component analysis (PCA) can be used to reduce the dimension and subjectivity of water quality variables. The purpose of this study was to implement the use of hybrid PCA and WQI methods to assess and monitor the water quality of the Bengawan Solo River, which is located in Java Island, Indonesia. The result suggested that COD, BOD, TSS, TDS, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia were the main factors that determine water quality of the Bengawan Solo River. Furthermore, it was revealed that most samples from the river showed water quality status as slightly polluted. In addition to this, the seasonal variation of the PCWI values indicated a significant increase of water pollution in the Bengawan Solo River per year.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 2; 123-131
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Actual Status Assessment and Prediction of the Musi River Water Quality, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Rahutami, Syntia
Said, Muhammad
Ibrahim, Eddy
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
heavy metals
pollution index
quality status
water pollution
Water pollution in rivers is still a crucial problem for the countries that use river water as the primary water source. This study aimed to determine the water quality of the Musi river and the content of heavy metals in water, sediment and mussels as well as to predict the water quality of the Musi river in the next five years. The water samples were taken from 18 stations (sampling points) from upstream to downstream to be checked physically, chemically and biologically. Prediction of the river water quality was made using the QUAL2Kw software. The research results show that the Musi River water is categorized as lightly polluted with concentrations of TSS and DO that have passed the threshold. The heavy metals in river water, such as Pb and Cr have also passed the quality standard. The Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations are pretty high in the sediment. In turn, in mussels, the metals measured were Fe, Cu, and Zn. The prediction results reveal that several values of the river quality parameters will pass the threshold value with the same pattern tendency from each station.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 10; 68--79
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktywnosc alkalicznej fosfatazy na tle chemicznych i biologicznych wskaznikow eutrofizacji wybranych jezior Pomorza Zachodniego
Siwek, H
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
aktywnosc enzymatyczna
fosfataza zasadowa
wskazniki jakosci
wskazniki biologiczne
stan troficzny
jakosc wody
wskazniki chemiczne
Pomorze Zachodnie
enzyme activity
alkaline phosphatase
quality index
biological index
trophic status
water quality
chemical index
West Pomeranian region
W wodach czterech jezior Pomorza Zachodniego badano kinetyczne parametry określające aktywność alkalicznej fosfatazy (APA). We wszystkich badanych jeziorach APA była wyższa w warstwie naddennej w porównaniu z warstwa powierzchniową, szybkość maksymalna reakcji hydrolizy związków organicznych fosforu katalizowanej przez fosfatazy była ponad dwa razy wyższa w warstwie naddennej. Największą szybkość maksymalną (vmax) i najniższe wartości stałej Michaelisa-Mentcn (KM) odnotowano w wodach jezior Dołgie Myśliborskie i Zaborsko, w których występowały największe letnie braki fosforu, które fitoplankton mógł kompensować przez wzrost produkcji enzymów.
Kinetic parameters of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) were studied in waters of the four lakes in Western Pomerania. APA was higher in near-bottom waters in all the lakes, maximum rate of the hydrolysis of organic phosphate compounds was over twice higher than in the surface waters. The highest maximum rate (vmax) and the lowest Michaelis-Menten constant (KM) values were observed in surface waters of Dołgie Myśliborskic and Zaborsko Lakes, where the strongest summer phosphorus depletion occurred. Phytoplancton could compensate their phosphorus deficiency by increasing enzyme production.
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 2006, 515; 357-363
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An assessment of water quality temporal variation in Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte canal, Sri Lanka
Nishanthi, K.
Dushanan, R.
Mathanraj, S.
Priyadharshini, C.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Water quality
Weighted Arithmetic Index
Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte canal
Assessment of temporal variation of the water quality is an essential aspect of evaluating temporary changes in a water body caused by natural or artificial contributions. The study aims to assess the water quality temporal variation and the water quality index over the year from 2010 to 2019. Water sampling was carried out near the bridge of the Kotte canal. Water quality parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined to assess the quality of water at different periods. It has been calculated based on the standard of the central environmental authority of Sri Lanka. The weighted arithmetic index method has been used to calculate the water quality index. The water quality index of the study area was recorded as good (33.60760) in 2010 and poor in 2013 (56.95663), 2016 (52.37269), and 2019 (69.04417). The study revealed that the water temperature in the canal fluctuates with the time and climate of the area. The EC of the water is registered within the reference range. However, pH, COD, DO, and ammonia are the main water parameters deviating from the reference range. It is observed that the leading causes of the deterioration of water quality are human activities, the illegal discharge of sewage and industrial wastewater, the lack of adequate sanitation facilities, and urban runoff.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2021, 38; 139-157
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza hydrologiczno-środowiskowa lokalizacji małej elektrowni wodnej na rzece Budkowiczanka w miejscowości Krzywa Góra
Hydrological and environmental analysis of the location of a small hydropower plant on the Budkowiczanka River in the village of Krzywa Góra
Wiatkowski, M.
Gruss, Ł.
Tomczyk, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
małe elektrownie wodne
odnawialne źródła energii
moc teoretyczna elektrowni
wskaźnik względnego opadu
jakość wody
rzeka Budkowiczanka
small hydro power
renewable energy sources
mechanical power
relative precipitation index
water quality
Budkowiczanka River
W niniejszym artykule Autorzy przedstawili analizę warunków hydrologiczno-środowiskowych w aspekcie lokalizacji małej elektrowni wodnej na rzece Budkowiczance. Zlewnia rzeki Budkowiczanki wynosi A=232 km2 i znajduje się w południowo–zachodniej Polsce w województwie opolskim. Długość rzeki Budkowiczanki wynosi ok. 60 km. Autorzy zaproponowali lokalizację małej elektrowni wodnej na jazie w km 20,142 jej biegu w miejscowości Okoły-Kupi Las w gminie Murów. Badany przekrój należy zaliczyć do jednolitej części wód powierzchniowych „Budkowiczanka od Wiszni do Stobrawy”. Planowany na cele małej energetyki wodnej jaz zlokalizowany jest w odległości około 1,7 km powyżej wodowskazu Krzywa Góra. Przeanalizowano warunki hydrologiczne w rzece Budkowiczance dla profilu wodowskazowego Krzywa Góra. Na potrzeby hydrotechniki, dla rzeki Budkowiczanka, w przekroju wodowskazowym Krzywa Góra, wyznaczono stany i przepływy charakterystyczne obejmujące okres 1981-2015. Dla poszczególnych rocznych sum opadów z wielolecia 1981-2015, dla stacji Opole zlokalizowanej w pobliżu zlewni rzeki Budkowiczanki wyznaczono lata bardzo suche i suche. Dla tych lat wyznaczono miary odpływu takie jak: współczynnik odpływu, wysokość warstwy odpływu, objętość odpływu. Wyznaczono również moc teoretyczną elektrowni, w oparciu o przepływ średni w wybranych latach oraz przepływ najdłużej trwający. W badanym cieku stwierdzono występowanie ośmiu gatunków ryb. Po względem elementów: biologicznych, hydromorfologicznych i fizykochemicznych z lat 2012 i 2015, potencjał ekologiczny JCWP jest jedynie umiarkowany, a tym samym stan jednolitej części wód – zły.
In this article, the Authors presented an analysis of hydrological and environmental conditions in the aspect of the location of a small hydropower plant on the Budkowiczanka River. The catchment of the Budkowiczanka River is A = 232 km2 and it’s located in south-western Poland in the Opolskie Province. The length of the Budkowiczanka River is about 60 km. The authors proposed the location of a small hydropower at 20,142 km of its run in Okoły-Kupi Las in the Murów commune. The analyzed cross-section should be included in the body of surface water „Budkowiczanka from Wisznia to Stobrawa”. The weir planned for the purposes of small hydropower is located approximately 1.7 km above the Krzywa Góra gauging station. Hydrological conditions were analyzed in the Budkowiczanka River for the Krzywa Góra profile. For the hydrotechnic purposes states and discharges were determined. Based on the annual sums of precipitations for the Opole station, from the multi-year period of 1981–2015, very dry and dry years have been designated. This station is located near the Budkowiczanka River catchment. For these years, outflow measures were determined such as: outflow coefficient, height of the outflow layer, outflow volume. The theoretically available power of the hydropower plant was also determined, based on the average flow and the longest running flow in the selected years. In the studied river, eight species of fish were found. In terms of biological, hydromorphological and physicochemical elements from year 2012 and 2015, the ecological potential of surface water body is only moderate, and thus the status of water body is bad.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2018, 19, 6; 103-113
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza roznorodnosci fitoplanktonu jako wskaznika jakosci wod rzek nizinnych
Frak, M
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna
tereny nizinne
wskazniki jakosci
monitoring biologiczny
jakosc wody
Water Framework Directive
lowland area
quality index
biological monitoring
water quality
Organizmy fitoplanktonowe wykorzystywane są w monitoringu biologicznym wód powierzchniowych. Badania wód dwóch rzek o zróżnicowanym stopniu antropopresji, Narwi i Biebrzy, wskazały na celowość ich wykorzystania w ocenie zmian jakości. Analiza składu jakościowego zbiorowisk fitoplanktonu wykazały ścisłą zależność od chemizmu wody. Na jakość wód rzeki Narwi wpływa Zbiornik Siemianówka, który powoduje wzrost trofii i pogorszenie jakości wody. Zmniejszanie różnorodności fitoplanktonu wzdłuż biegu rzeki oraz wzrost liczebności zielenic i okrzemek, wskazuje na stopniową poprawę jej jakości. W rzece Biebrzy stwierdzono natomiast mniejszą liczebność i różnorodność fitoplanktonu niż w rzece Narwi. Zmiany w jakości wody oraz w zbiorowiskach glonów stwierdzono na odcinkach intensywnego wypasu bydła, bliskiego sąsiedztwa gospodarstw rolnych i zróżnicowanej szybkości przepływu.
Phytoplankton taxons are used in biological monitoring of freshwaters. The studies of two rivers with varied anthropopressure degree, the Narew and the Biebrza rivers, indicated a purposeful use of both of them for assessing fresh water quality changes. Analysis of phytoplankton taxonomic composition showed itc strict dependence on water quality. The Siemianówka Reservoir has an impact on the Narew river water by increasing trophj and decreasing water quality. Decreasing phytoplankton diversity and an increase of euglenoids and diatoms number along the river length, point to a gradual improvement of water quality. In the Biebrza river, a lower number and diversity of phytoplankton than in the Narew river were observed. Changes in water quality and in algae composition were found in the regions of intensive cattle grazing, and in the neighborhood of farms as well as at reaches with a diversified flow velocity.
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 2006, 515; 81-88
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of Surface Water Quality of Four Rivers in Jayapura Regency, Indonesia: CCME-WQI Approach
Tanjung, Rosye Hefmi Rechnelty
Yonas, Marcelino Novryanto
Suwito, -
Maury, Hendra Kurniawan
Sarungu, Yulius
Hamuna, Baigo
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
water quality index
heavy metal
Jayapura Regency
In Indonesia, the river water quality has been determined based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2021. This study aimed to determine the quality of surface water from the Damsari, Jabawi, Kleblow, and Komba Rivers in Jayapura Regency based on the monitoring data from 2016 to 2019. The CCME-WQI method is used to determine the status of rivers based on river water quality standards (class 1 to class 4). The results of the study showed that the parameters of water temperature, TDS, pH, $NH_3, NO_3^-, SO_4^-2$, surfactant, oil/grease, Cr-(IV), Mn, Fe, Fecal Coliform, and Total Coliform were still in accordance with the quality standard. Meanwhile, TSS, COD, BOD, Total Phosphate, Hg, and Ni have exceeded the water quality standard, where the dominant pollutant source is an anthropogenic waste. On the basis of the WQI average value, the four rivers are not suitable as a source of drinking water (Poor-Marginal; 41.33 – 58.25). The Jabawi River can be used as a recreational facility, but it must be under special management (Fair; 69.75), while the other three rivers are not suitable (Marginal; 52.00 – 61.67). The Jabawi and Komba Rivers are in the Fair category (75.50 and 69.33) to support aquatic life, while the Damsari and Kleblow Rivers are in the Marginal category (59.00 and 61.25). The water quality of the four rivers is very good and suitable to be used as a water source for irrigation (Good category; 80.00 – 88.00). The strategies for controlling river water pollution and increasing the role of the government, stakeholders, and the community are needed.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 1; 73-82
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Applying of water quality indices methods for assessment of 9-Nissan Water Treatment Plant
Abdul-Hameed, Hayder M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
suspended solids
water quality index
water treatment plant
In this research different methods for measuring water quality indices were conducted to investigate the performance of the newly designed, constructed and operated 9-Nissan water treatment plant, Iraq. Data gathering and implementation took place throughout winter and summer. Water samples were taken periodically, according to the standard method, the research was carried out by collecting different random samples for eight months (Jun. 2015–Jan. 2016) and measuring (turbidity, total hardness, pH, total dissolved solids, suspended solids, Cl–, Mg2+, Fe2+,NO3–, NH3+) for each sample. Five different approaches and methodologies of calculating the water index were applied. The results revealed that the Water Quality Indices varied from 70.55 to 88.24, when applying Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCMEWQI) and British Columbia water quality index (BCWQI) geometric weighted mean respectively. All the results, from the five approaches indicated good water quality, multiple regression analyses were conducted for turbidity, total hardness and suspended solids, they found that these parameters are strongly related to each other and to other parameters.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2020, 47; 25-29
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing Groundwater Quality for Drinking Purpose in Jordan: Application of Water Quality Index
Ibrahim, Mohamad Najib
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
water quality index
groundwater quality
drinking water
Escherichia coli
Groundwater is a key source of drinking water in Jordan. This study was conducted to assess the suitability of groundwater in major groundwater basins in Jordan for drinking purposes. The groundwater quality data from sixteen sampling stations within one-year-monitoring period from March 2015 to February 2016 were used. Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) with respect to the Jordanian standards for drinking water was used for quality assessment. Sixteen Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were selected to calculate WQI. The result showed that all physical and chemical parameters were almost below the maximum allowable level based on the Jordanian standards for drinking. On the other hand, the microbiological parameter (i.e. E.coli count) was exceeded the maximum allowable limit in all the studied locations based on the Jordanian standards for drinking water. The computed WQI values range from 40 to 4295. Therefore, out of 16 studied locations, three locations are classified in the “Excellent water” class, nine locations as a “Good water” class, one as a “Poor water” class, two as a “very poor water” class, and one as a “water unsuitable for drinking purpose” class. Furthermore, Escherichia coli is considered the most effective parameter on the determination of WQI in this study. This result highlighted the importance of including the microbiological parameters in any drinking water assessment, since they reflect with other physical and chemical parameters the actual condition of water quality for different purposes.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 3; 101-111
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing Water Quality of Kufranja Dam (Jordan) for Drinking and Irrigation: Application of the Water Quality Index
Abualhaija, Mahmoud M.
Mohammad, Alsharifa-Hind
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Kufranja Dam
physicochemical parameter
water quality index
The current study was undertaken to assess the physicochemical quality of the Kufranja dam (KD) surface water in northern Jordan during the summer and winter seasons [2019]. The samples were analyzed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, major cations, major anions, and heavy metals. Most of the physicochemical parameters exhibited a similar spatial distribution, where the maximum concentrations were observed at the dam’s entrance, while the minimum concentrations were recorded at the dam’s end. This indicates that the factors affecting their occurrence and distribution are the same, including natural discharges from the surrounding catchment areas, weathering products, agricultural activities, and wastewater effluents that enter the dam via Wadi Kufranja. All the physicochemical parameters and heavy metals in KD water lie below the maximum permissible levels of the Jordanian and international standards for drinking and irrigation, except for EC values that are above WHO standards for drinking. The application of the water quality index (WQI) depicts that the KD water is chemically unsuitable for use in drinking and needs proper treatment before use. The irrigation indices (SAR, Na%, and MH) indicate that the KD water is chemically suitable for irrigation, whereas EC results and USSL diagram showed that the dam’s water is suitable for irrigation and belongs to the categories of good to permissible for irrigation. Therefore, KD water is suitable for irrigation of most soils (except soils with low salt tolerance). Crops with good salt tolerance are recommended and a special treatment of salinity might be required.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2021, 22, 9; 159-175
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment and Physicochemical Characterization of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation and Drinking Purposes in Bazer Sakhra (Eastern Area of Algeria)
Bounab, Samia
Khemmoudj, Kaddour
Sedrati, Nassima
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
drinking water
irrigation water
water quality index
hydrochemical facies
Twenty groundwater samples were collected and then examined for physical (pH, EC, TDS) and chemical (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3−, Cl−, SO42−, NO3) parameters, followed by multivariate statistics to determine the current state of groundwater quality and to assess the suitability of these resources for drinking and irrigation purposes in the Baser Sakhra area localized in Eastern of Algeria. The analysis carried out showed that the cations trend in most of the groundwater samples is on the order of Ca2+˃Na+˃Mg2+˃K+ and the anions trend is on the order of HCO3-˃SO42-˃Cl-. Stabler diagram demonstrated the predominance of Ca2+- HCO3- hydro-chemical facies (80%). Moreover, the parameters, such as sodium adsorption ratio, percentage sodium, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index, Kelly’s ratio, potential salinity, and magnesium hazard were evaluated for the suitability of groundwater for irrigation. The values obtained in this investigation concluded that most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation. From the other approach, the Water Quality Index (WQI) for drinking was also used in the current study. WQI ranged from 72.46 to 506.426, indicating that 40% of the samples were suitable for drinking however, 60% of them belong to the poor to unsuitable category of drinking water in terms of physicochemical properties, according to the World Health Organization norms.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 8; 119--132
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of Lower Zab river water quality using both Canadian Water Quality Index Method and NSF Water Quality Index Method
Ahmed, Sarah M.
Taha, Omer M.E.
Najemalden, Mohamed A.
Ahmed, Rehab T.
Abedulwahab, Ali A.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
NSF Water Quality Index
Canadian Water Quality Index
Lower Zab river
physicochemical parameters
dissolved oxygen
biochemical oxygen demand
Rivers are considered the most important sources of surface water on Earth. They are play a significant role in all human activities and the quality of river water is needed. Therefore, the importance of the water quality index is arising through providing data base about quality of the water source, and explain the change in the water quality over a period of time continually. This study involved determination of physicochemical and biological parameters of Lower Zab river in Kirkuk city at two different points. The objectives of the study are to assess the present water quality, through analysis of some selected water quality parameters like pH, TDS, BOD, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, EC, alkalinity, and salinity etc. and to compare the results with the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment and National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Indices. Raw water samples were collected from the Lower Zab river twice a month by one sample every 15 days from each station. The water quality data include 16 different parameters. Tests were carried out following the American Public Health Association standard methods. The results show that all parameters values were within the standards of drinking water proposed by the CCME standards and Iraqi standards or the World Health Organization standards for drinking purpose, except turbidity, DO, nitrate, calcium, which were mostly higher than the standards and sometimes BOD and potassium. The results of WQI showed that the water quality at LZ3 station is lower than LZ2 station due to the polluting activity of the Lower Zab river. Furthermore, for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016, the water quality was degraded due to the ISIS war. Also, it was noted in the 2013 year that the water quality degraded more in fall and winter seasons due to that the earth has exposed to the long-dried season and then suddenly exposed to a high rainfall season which in turns leads to increase some parameters very high (i.e. turbidity). Finally, the Lower Zab river water cannot be use for drinking directly. However, a pretreatment is needed before the drinking use.
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences; 2020, 29, 2; 155-171
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of Surface Water Quality in the Hau Giang Province Using GIS and Statistical Approaches
Thuan, Nguyen Cong
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
geographical information system
multivariate statistics
water quality index
water supply
The study aimed to assess the surface water quality in the Hau Giang province in 2021 at 44 locations (with a frequency of 5 times per year) using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Cluster Analysis (CA) and GIS. Surface water quality was compared with the national technical regulation on surface water quality (QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT, column A1) and Water Quality Index (WQI). The results showed that the surface water quality parameters of total suspended solids, organic matters, nutrients, coliform, and Fe far exceeded the allowable limits, while the Cl-, color, and CN- parameters were within the allowable limits of QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT, column A1. The values of WQI showed that the water quality of the Hau Giang province ranged from poor to excellent. The water quality at the Vam Cai Dau and Hau River areas could only be exploited for water supply, but appropriate treatment is needed. CA divided the monitoring months into three distinct clusters and reduced the sampling sites from 44 to 33 locations, reducing 25% of monitoring cost per year. PCA revealed three main factors which could explain 69.0% of the variation in water quality. The water pollution sources were mainly industrial and agricultural discharges, domestic and urban activities, transportation activities, salinity, hydrological conditions and water runoff. The current findings provide useful information which support local environmental managers and water supply companies for safe and sustainable.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 9; 265--276
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the environmental state of surface waters of right-bank tributaries of the upper reaches of the Pripet River by macrophyte index MIR
Malovanyy, Myroslav S.
Boіaryn, Maria
Muzychenko, Oksana
Tsos, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
surface waters
ecological condition
macrophyte index
observation point
water quality category
The results of the study of the macrophytes of the rivers Turia, Vyzhivka and Tsyr, the right-bank tributaries of the upper reaches of the Pripet River, are presented. The species composition of aquatic and coastal aquatic vascular plants was investigated during the vegetation seasons of 2018 and 2019 at 9 observation points located along the rivers from the source to the mouth. The most numerous species composition, 57 species, was found in the Turia River, 36 in the Vyzhivka River, and 28 species were identified in the Tsyr River. The macrophyte index for rivers (Pol.: makrofitowy indeks rzeczny - MIR) was determined from the results, and the ecological state of the rivers was assessed according to the methodology of the macrophyte assessment of rivers (Pol.: makrofitowa metoda oceny rzek - MMOR). The investigation showed that water quality in the Turia River on sites No. 1, 3 and 4 belongs to class III, satisfactory category. The surface water quality on site No. 2 of the Turia River belongs to class II, a good category. The water quality in the Vyzhivka River on all test sites belongs to class II, a good category, which testifies to favourable ecological conditions for the development of higher aquatic plants along the whole course. The water quality in the Tsyr River on test site No. 8 (Kamin-Kashyrskyi, upper course) corresponds to class II, good category. On test site No. 9 (middle course), the quality of surface waters of the Tsyr River worsens to the class III, satisfactory category.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2022, 55; 97--103
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of Trophic State of Inland Water (the Case of the Sola Cascade Dam Reservoirs)
Ocena stanu troficznego wód śródlądowych (na przykładzie kaskady Soły)
Jaguś, A.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
wody śródlądowe
kaskada Soły
jakość wód
wskaźnik trofii
inland water
Sola cascade dam reservoirs
water quality
trophic index
The objective of the study was to assess the trophic state of water in the hydrographic system of the Sola cascade, situated in the Carpathian region in southern Poland. Analyses included inflowing and retained water in dam reservoirs: Tresna, Porabka and Czaniec. The level of eutrophication of water was estimated basing on its physicochemical parameters. Out of all methods used in determining the trophic state, the selected methods included the norms determined in the Polish regulations, the Neverova-Dziopak index (ITS – Index of Trophical State) and the Carlson index (TSI – Trophic State Index). Analyses of data from years 2007–2009 showed that water quality reflected characteristic parameters for mesotrophy and eutrophy. Unfavorable trophic state concerned almost all waters that were studied, including waters of the lowest reservoir of the cascade – Czaniec reservoir, which is part of the municipal water supply system. That emphasizes the need for protection of the catchment of the cascade with regards to reduction of contamination load discharged to surface waters.
Celem badań było rozpoznanie stanu troficznego wód w systemie hydrograficznym kaskady Soły, położonej w obszarach karpackich Polski południowej. Analizowano wody dopływające oraz retencjonowane w zbiornikach zaporowych: Tresna, Porąbka i Czaniec. Na podstawie parametrów fizykochemicznych wód ustalono stopień ich eutrofizacji. Spośród stosowanych metod ustalania stanu trofii wybrano normy określone w polskich przepisach prawnych, wskaźnik Neverovej-Dziopak (ITS - Index of Trophical State) oraz wskaźnik Carlsona (TSI - Trophic State Index). Analizy danych z lat 2007-2009 wykazały, że jakość wód odpowiadała parametrom charakterystycznym dla mezotrofii oraz eutrofii. Niekorzystny stan trofii dotyczył niemal wszystkich badanych wód, w tym wód najniższego zbiornika kaskady - wodociągowego zbiornika Czaniec. Wskazuje to na potrzebę ochrony zlewni kaskady pod kątem ograniczenia ładunku zanieczyszczeń dostających się do wód powierzchniowych.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2011, 18, 11; 1433-1440
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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