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Bezpieczeństwo zasobów wodnych - potrzeba zrównoważonego dostępu i korzystania
Safety of Water Resources – Need for Sustainable Access and Use
Goleński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
bezpieczeństwo wodne
sytuacja hydrologiczna
woda pitna
katastrofa ekologiczna
water safety
hydrological state
potable water
ecological disaster
Na świecie około 2,2 mld ludzi nie ma dostępu do bezpiecznej wody pitnej, a 4,2 mld do właściwie zarządzanych urządzeń sanitarnych, nawet w państwach wysokorozwiniętych nie jest on powszechny. Zmiany klimatyczne grożą zwiększeniem dysproporcji w dochodach ludności, a tym samym pogłębieniem istniejących nierówności w tym obszarze. Globalnie rzecz ujmując, bezpieczeństwo zasobów wodnych nie jest stanem powszechnym. Polska znajduje się w niekorzystnej sytuacji hydrologicznej i powinna dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby zadbać o zapewnienie odpowiedniej ich ochrony. Jak wskazuje zaprezentowany w artykule materiał empiryczny, efektywne gospodarowanie zasobami wodnymi oraz właściwa ich ochrona nie mają jednak miejsca.
The objective of the article is to present the issue stemming from improper management of resources, which – in the case of water – makes a real threat and poses a challenge to the state’s operations. The article focuses on the issues related to the volume and quality of water resources in our country, as well as their safety. Through the desk research, the article attempts to verify the hypothesis that the state of Polish water resources does not guarantee water safety. The assessment made for this purpose, although it is quality based and, necessarily, fragmentary in nature, refers to reliable and accurate empirical data. The analysis used selected pronouncements on audit results by NIK, as well as available materials and reports on public statistics, also developed by other public institutions and independent think tanks. At the same time, it is Vital to emphasise that the article touches upon the issue of water resources safety from a different perspective than the one adopted in another article previously published in “Kontrola Państwowa” (Water Safety of Poland. Effective Management of Resources, edition 1/2020), which dealt with similar issues. Therefore this article can be treated as a supplement to, or an elaboration on, the previous considerations.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2024, 69, 2 (415); 99-113
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cost analysis of water charge rates in the Czech Republic – Case study
Oblouková, Aneta
Vítková, Eva
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
water charge rates
calculation formula
water management companies
Czech Republic
vertical analysis
horizontal analysis
The article was conceived as an initial insight into the issues related to the representation of individual type costs (e.g. material, labor costs, property depreciation, etc.) in the price of water in the Czech Republic. The aim of the article was to point out the possibility of dependence between the size of the company operating the infrastructural property of water supply and sewerage and the representation of individual costs in the water price within the framework of the case study. As a sample that formed the outputs of the case study, 14 companies were taken, which were selected according to the unified regions of the Czech Republic. Both basic mathematical methods and elementary methods used in financial analysis were used in the analysis. Within the scope of the case study, it can be stated that there is no dependence between the size of the companies and the representation of costs. Among the largest costs from the point of view of financial representation are other direct costs, where the costs of depreciation, property repairs, rental property, as well as wage costs and material costs are mainly represented. Insignificant costs include, for example, energy costs, which are only represented in the range of 1.39–5.70% of the total costs. Therefore, in order for the results included in the case study to be considered statistically relevant, it is necessary to expand the sample and confirm or refute the initial findings published in this article.
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences; 2024, 33, 1; 33-52
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of lipopolysaccharide on the development of oxidative-nitrosative stress in salivary glands and soft periodontal tissues of rats under conditions of water avoidance stress
Pletnov, Vadym
Tkachenko, Olexiy
Akimov, Oleh
Mykytenko, Andrii
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
bacterial lipopolysaccharide
nitric oxide
salivary glands
soft periodontal tissues
water avoidance stress
Introduction and aim. Violation in the salivary glands will inevitably cause changes in periodontium, and periodontitis can disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands. The purpose of the work is to evaluate changes in NO-synthase and arginase activities, pro- and antioxidant balance in rat salivary glands and soft periodontal tissues during administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and water avoidance stress (WAS) modeling. Material and methods. The experiment was performed on 24 rats. The animals were divided into 4 groups: control, WAS, animals injected intraperitoneally with 0.4 μg/kg of bacterial LPS of Salmonella typhi, WAS+LPS. Results. Water avoidance stress led to decrease of inducible NO-synthase (iNOS) activity in salivary glands by 1.63 times, but decreased arginase activity by 1.15 times, superoxide production increased by 1.53 times, catalase activity decreased by 1.2 times, and malonic dialdehyde (MDA) increased by 1.19 times compared to the control. Lipopolysaccharide led to increase of constitutive NO-synthases (cNOS) activity in salivary glands by 1.48 times, but decreased arginase activity by 6.15 times, catalase activity increased by 2.6 times and superoxide dismutase activity decreased by 2.74 times, and MDA increased by 6.84 times compared to the control. Water avoidance stress + LPS in salivary glands led to decrease of cNOS and arginase activity by 1.09 and 1.19 times, respectively, superoxide production increased by 1.88 times, catalase and superoxide dismutase activity decreased by 1.06 times and 1.34 times, respectively, and MDA increased by 2.44 times compared to the control. Water avoidance stress led to increase of iNOS activity in periodontium by 1.44 times and arginase activity decreased by 1.37 times, superoxide production increased 1.32 times, catalase activity and superoxide dismutase activities decreased by 1.27 times and by 1.53 times, respectively, and MDA increased by 1.31 times compared to the control. Lipopolysaccharide led to increase of iNOS activity in the periodontium by 3.88 times, arginase activity decreased by 2.69 times, superoxide production increased 1.64 times, catalase activity increased by 4.32 times, and MDA increased by 4.51 times compared to the control. Water avoidance stress + LPS in periodontium led to increase of iNOS and cNOS activities by 1.95 times and 1.53, respectively, arginase activity decreased by 1.39 times, superoxide production increased 1.66 times, catalase activity increased by 1.11 times, and MDA increased by 1.53 times compared to the control. Conclusion. The combination of LPS and WAS leads to changes in NO production and oxidative stress in salivary glands and the periodontium.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2024, 22, 2; 404-416
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imaginary and Symbolic Forms of Water between Spirit and Culture
Sparano, Eleonora
Strizzolo, Nicola
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
Water is a theme connected to human and social development, not only biologically but also in terms of cultural and identity processes; surprisingly, studies that discuss water from a sociocultural/sociological perspective are scarce. The foundational role of water in the construction of social reality should be highlighted: as a maetr of fact, thanks to it identity processes develop, and the realisation of the relationship between human beings and the environment, and between culture and nature, occurs. The relationship with water as a primordial substance tied to the roots of existence pertains to the physiological as well as the historical development of societies. Historically, societies see the presence of water in their territories as an indispensable element for establishing the foundations of civilisations, and a central criterion for seting the bases of development. With regards to the management of territorial resources, it should be noted that, although water is a primary resource, it is not available everywhere. Humans had to struggle to secure reliable water sources, using techniques derived from millenary knowledge systems, which enabled individuals and communities to live and survive in times of abundance and scarcity, tumultuousness and poor health. Past narratives and ethnographies related to traditional communities link symbols to history, productive forms, and material constraints due to the physical factors of the environment. Water is a foundational element of the cosmogonic and theogonic myths that governed the evolution of ancient genealogies and epistemologies. For its intrinsic virtues, water is considered a living and beneficial force: it is hard to find another substance that can at the same time wash away guilt, eliminate impurities, refresh and reinvigorate weary souls, and promise renewal and existential rebirth. Starting from these premises, the essay deals with the theme of water, a humble substance with complex implications, considering the foundations of culture, and analyzing the natural element from a sociological perspective with reference to myths of origins, naturalistic philosophical conceptions, and imaginary, up to and including aspects related to religiosity, to get to the roots of identity.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2024, 15, 30; 39-52
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jeziora bez nadzoru - samowola właścicieli i błędy w zarządzaniu
Lakes Without Supervision – Lawlessness of Owners and Mistakes in Management
Trzaskowski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
grodzenie jezior
samowolna budowa pomostów
dostęp do linii brzegowej
linia brzegu
charakter wód
kontrola gospodarowania wodami
fencing of lakes
illegal construction of piers
access to shoreline
characteristics of waters
control of water management
Jeziora są zasobami wodnymi o istotnych funkcjach ekologicznych, rekreacyjnych i krajobrazowych, dlatego rozwój tych akwenów powinien uwzględniać ich wielofunkcyjny charakter i zachowanie wysokiej jakości wód. Jeziora sklasyfikowane jako wody płynące stanowią własność Skarbu Państwa, a gospodarowanie nimi należy do obowiązków podmiotów publicznych. Wyniki dotychczasowych kontroli NIK wskazują na liczne nieprawidłowości w tym obszarze. Do największych problemów należy ograniczanie dostępu do linii brzegowej przez właścicieli nieruchomości przylegających do jezior oraz samowolna budowa pomostów.
Lakes are water resources with significant ecological, recreational and scenic values, that is why their development should consider their multifunctional nature and preservation of high quality of water. Lakes, which are classified as flowing waters, belong to the State Treasury, and their management lies with public entities. The audits that NIK conducted to date in the area indicated numerous irregularities. These include restricted access to the shoreline due to owners of estates adjacent to lakes, or illegally constructed piers. The latest audit of NIK related to the management of lakes that constitute public waters was conducted in 2022, on NIK’s own initiative, in order to assess how the competent public administration bodies performed their tasks in the area. The audit comprised the Ministry of Infrastructure and 16 organisational units of the Polish Waters State Water Holding (Polish Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, PGW WP), i.e. the National Board of Water Management (Polish KrajowyZarząd Gospodarki Wodnej, KZGW), five regional water management boards, five boards of drainage basins and five water supervisory boards. NIK assessed the activities of these bodies, as well as the supervision of public lakes management. The following issues were audited: performance of owner’s responsibilities by the State Treasury with regard to lakes, including sales of lands, execution of the ban on fencing that prevents access to lakes, and control of water management.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2024, 69, 1 (414); 111-118
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryzys ekologiczny na Odrze - spóźnione działania podmiotów publicznych
Ecological Crisis in the Odra River – Belated Actions of Public Entities
Zyman, Iwona
Madej, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
kryzys ekologiczny na Odrze
zarządzanie kryzysowe
Prawo wodne
gospodarowanie wodami
zanieczyszczenie rzek
odprowadzanie ścieków do rzek
ecological crisis in the Odra River
crisis management
water law
water management
river pollution
channelling of sewage to rivers
W reakcji na katastrofę ekologiczną, do której doszło na Odrze latem 2022 r. kluczowe organy administracji publicznej odpowiedzialne za bezpieczeństwo obywateli długo pozostawały bierne i nie podejmowały koniecznych działań. Nie zapewniły skutecznego obiegu informacji oraz nie uruchomiły odpowiednich struktur zarządzania kryzysowego. W konsekwencji alerty ostrzegawcze i zakazy korzystania z rzeki skierowano do ludności z co najmniej kilkunastodniowym opóźnieniem. Kryzys na Odrze obnażył brak należytej troski państwa o dobry stan wód. Był to efekt wieloletnich zaniechań jego organów, błędnych działań, a także niewystarczających rozwiązań prawnych.
In summer 2022, the catchment area of the Odra River was affected by an ecological catastrophe the scope of which had been unprecedented. In the river, where water was contaminated along hundreds of kilometres, fish and other organisms, such as clams and freshwater snails, died in large numbers. At least 350 tonnes of poisoned fish were recovered from the Odra River and its tributaries. The results of the analyses conducted by researchers from the Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences of the University of Szczecin and experts from non-governmental organisations, which were published at the end of 2023, showed beyond doubt that over 3 million fish died (1,650 tonnes, i.e. 60 percent of their biomass), as well as almost 90 percent of organisms involved in the river’s self-purification processes. Taking into account the scale of the catastrophe and its consequences, it was justified to evaluate the activities of the government administration bodies and state legal persons responsible for reacting on the situation, especially in the light of publicly voiced accusations of their idleness, especially during the first phase of the crisis. It was also important to present the conditions stemming from the actions taken, or negligence that led to idleness. The NIK’s audit focused on two areas: preparedness of the state structures and the circumstances that led to the ecological crisis in the Odra River, as well as the way state bodies reacted on the situation. The article presents the findings of this audit.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2024, 69, 2 (415); 40-55
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odsalanie drewna dotkniętego korozją chemiczną na przykładzie baraków zlokalizowanych na terenie byłego niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego i zagłady Auschwitz II – Birkenau
Desalination of wood affected by chemical corrosion based on the example of barracks located in the former Auschwitz II – Birkenau former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp
Urban-Dąbek, Maria
Łabuzek, Lidia
Gruszczyk, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja drewna
odsalanie drewna
korozja chemiczna
drewniane baraki
kąpiel dynamiczna
suszenie drewna
badania drewna
wood preservation
wood desalination
chemical corrosion
wooden barracks
dynamic water bath
wood drying
wood testing
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze działania podjęte, by opracować metodę konserwacji drewna baraków, które ulega niszczeniu w wyniku korozji chemicznej. Kilkuletnia praca nad tym zagadnieniem obejmowała: kwerendę literaturową, kwerendę archiwalną pod kątem używanych w przeszłości preparatów ochrony drewna, monitoring korozji chemicznej, badania składu chemicznego drewna, konsultacje z zewnętrznymi instytucjami badawczymi, próby ekstrakcji szkodliwych substancji oraz sformułowanie wytycznych konserwatorskich co do konserwacji baraków dotkniętych korozją chemiczną. Na podstawie zdobytej wiedzy i doświadczenia przeprowadzono odsalanie pierwszego baraku drewnianego. Ważnym aspektem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na konieczność zachowania rozwagi w stosowaniu przy drewnie zabytkowym środków ochrony drewna, szczególnie tych zawierających związki nieorganiczne. Przed rozpoczęciem konserwacji drewnianych konstrukcji oraz całych budynków powinno się w pierwszej kolejności sprawdzić, czy stosowanie środków ochrony drewna jest uzasadnione. W tym celu trzeba wykonać badania chemiczne pozwalające ustalić ilościową zawartość środków ochrony w drewnie. W przypadku gdy konieczne jest zabezpieczenie ogniochronne obiektu z uwagi na obowiązujące przepisy przeciwpożarowe, należy dążyć do alternatywnego rozwiązania, na przykład zwiększyć ilość środka gaśniczego w gaśnicach. W drewnianych barakach dawnego KL Auschwitz II – Birkenau jest to stosowane od 2014 roku.
The article outlines the most important steps taken to develop a method for preserving the wood of the barracks which is deteriorating as a result of chemical corrosion. The several-year work on this task has included: searches in the literature, searches in the archives for preparations used to protect wood in the past, monitoring chemical corrosion, research on the chemical composition of wood, consultations with external research institutions, attempts to extract harmful substances, and drafting guidelines for the conservation of the barracks affected by chemical corrosion. Based on the knowledge and experience acquired, the first of the wooden barracks underwent desalination. An important aspect of the article is to draw attention to the need for caution when using preservatives, especially those containing inorganic compounds, on historic wood. Before starting work on the conservation of wooden structures and entire buildings, it is first necessary to ascertain whether the use of wood preservatives is justified. To do this, chemical tests need to be performed to determine the amount of preservatives in the wood. If a facility requires fireproofing due to current fire regulations, an alternative solution should be sought, for example, increasing the amount of the extinguishing agents in fire extinguishers. These have been used in the wooden barracks of the former KL Auschwitz II – Birkenau concentration camp since 2014.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2024, 1; 199-229
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
Schmidt, Jan H.
Kochańska, Iwona
Schmidt, Aleksander M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
direct sequence spread spectrum
Kasami codes
shallow-water channel
multipath propagation
underwater acoustic communications
The underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS data transmission tests in the simulation and experimental environment, using different types of pseudo-noise sequences: m-sequences and Kasami codes of the order 6 and 8. The transmitted signals are of different bandwidth and the detection at the receiver side was performed using two detection methods: non-differential and differential. The performed experiments allowed to draw important conclusions for the designing of a physical layer of the shallow-water UAC system. Both, m-sequences and Kasami codes allow to achieve a similar bit error rate, which at best was less than 10−3. At the same time, the 6th order sequences are not long enough to achieve an acceptable BER under strong multipath conditions. In the case of transmission of wideband signals the differential detection algorithm allows to achieve a significantly better BER (less than 10−2) than nondifferential one (BER not less than 10−1). In the case of narrowband signals the simulation tests have shown that the non-differential algorithm gives a better BER, but experimental tests under conditions of strong multipath propagation did not confirm it. The differential algorithm allowed to achieve a BER less than 10−2 in experimental tests, while the second algorithm allowed to obtain, at best, a BER less than 10−1. In addition, two indicators have been proposed for a rough assessment which of the detection algorithms under current propagation conditions in the channel will allow to obtain a better BER.
Archives of Acoustics; 2024, 49, 1; 129-140
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Acoustics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Securitization of Water in Central Asia: Insights from the Regional Water Security Complex
Musioł, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
water security
water stress
water scarcity
Regional Water Security Complex
Central Asia
Central Asia is revealing itself as an area where the problem of access to water and its current regional dynamics are almost at a radically critical level, where the potential risk of water disputes is still one of the highest in the world. Therefore, water scarcity issues and challenges triggered by the Aral Sea syndrome, the existing water mismanagement system, infrastructural and investment projects of dams and water reservoirs (Rogun, Naryn, Kambarata, Toktogul, etc.) and their transformation towards an existential threat will be analyzed within the securitization prism through the selected speech acts. This article will contribute to developing a new analytical framework of Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT) and the securitization theory in water stress. The efforts undertaken in this article will ultimately lead to the development of a new approach to issues of water security and hydro politics within the concept of the Regional Water Security Complex (RWSC) on the example of the Central Asian region. The main research question will be to what extent water, as an immanent feature of this complex, is politicized and securitized. An important question will also be how the formulated security language indicates the existential nature of water as a security problem in the region.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2024, 1(53); 191-205
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Water-related diseases following flooding in South Asian countries – a healthcare crisis
Ahmed, Syed Hassan
Shaikh, Taha Gul
Waseem, Summaiyya
Zahid, Maha
Mohamed Ahmed, Khabab Abbasher Hussien
Irfan, Ullah
Hasibuzzaman, Md Al
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
South Asia
vector-borne disease
water-based disease
water-borne disease
water-washed disease
Introduction and aim. Industrialization and elevated greenhouse gas emissions pose significant threats to the environment, raising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and leading to climate change. Climate change may impact human health either directly via increasing extreme weather frequency and altering disease patterns or indirectly via social institutions and disrupted global supply chain resulting in consequences like undernutrition. Material and methods. This review conducted a comprehensive literature search on PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Library, from inception to September 2022, using relevant keywords. Analysis of the literature. Massive flooding in South Asia is leading to a surge in water-related diseases. Cholera outbreaks have occurred in countries like Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh following floods, and waterborne diseases like typhoid, rotavirus, hepatitis A, and leptospirosis are prevalent in flood-affected regions. Additionally, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, Shigella, and Polio outbreaks are reported. Water-scarce diseases, including scabies, impetigo, and cellulitis, are also on the rise in flood-affected areas. Water-based diseases, such as dracunculiasis, schistosomiasis, and Leishmaniasis, pose significant risks. Vector-borne diseases, including malaria, dengue, and Leishmaniasis, are becoming more prevalent due to flooded areas providing breeding grounds for disease vectors like mosquitoes and sandflies. These diseases are now more common in flood-affected regions, affecting millions of people. Conclusion. Urgent measures are needed, including early warning systems, resilient infrastructure, drainage maintenance, and stricter land-use regulations, to reduce the impact of these natural disasters. International cooperation and immediate action at national and global levels are essential to mitigate the health crises caused by flooding and other natural disasters.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2024, 22, 1; 232-242
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaopatrzenie w wodę w sytuacjach kryzysowych - zapewnienie mieszkańcom gmin bezpieczeństwa dostaw
Water Supplies in Crisis Situations – Ensuring Security of Supplies to Inhabitants of Local Communities
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
bezpieczeństwo dostaw wody w gminach
sytuacje kryzysowe
zaopatrzenie mieszkańców w wodę
water supplies safety in municipalities
crisis situations
providing water to inhabitants
Woda jako podstawowe dobro publiczne wymaga specjalnego zarządzania i ochrony oraz bezpiecznego dystrybuowania. Występowanie powodzi, odnotowywane w różnych częściach Polski wypadki skażenia wody bakterią legionelli oraz zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa obywateli wynikające z konfliktu zbrojnego w Ukrainie wskazują, że w razie zniszczenia, skażenia lub unieruchomienia infrastruktury wodociągowej konieczne jest zapewnienie mieszkańcom wody pitnej w inny sposób. Wyniki przeprowadzonej w 2023 r. przez NIK kontroli wykazały, że w gminach nie zapewniono bezpieczeństwa zaopatrzenia w wodę na wypadek wystąpienia sytuacji kryzysowych. Nie posiadano wiedzy na temat aktualnych potrzeb i zasobów oraz nie planowano kompleksowych działań w razie wystąpienia zdarzeń mogących istotnie ograniczyć zaopatrzenie w wodę z sieci wodociągowej. Obowiązujące w Polsce przepisy nie określały warunków dostaw wody w takich sytuacjach.
For every inhabitant of a city or village, for every production company or farm (a client of a water supply company) it is necessary to have the feeling of stability and security of water supplies. These are related to the ability to provide water in every conditions, also in crisis situations. In Poland, local authorities (municipalities) are tasked with providing water supplies through water supply companies, on the basis of a licence granted by the local executive body. During the latest audit, the Supreme Audit Office made a comprehensive assessment of water supplies safety in case of a crisis in ten middle-size municipalities in five regions. An assumption was made that planning and preparing of measures to ensure water supplies should be based on a comprehensive assessment of risks of water network failures, on the estimation of the actual needs for water in extraordinary situations, and on the identification and ensuring water resources sufficient to provide the inhabitants with the required amounts of water. The audit comprised the years 2021–2023. The specific topic of the audit called for employing experts in the area of water supplies in crisis situations.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2024, 69, 3 (416); 33-43
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
4-methyl-4-[2-(naphthalene)-2-oxoethyl] morpholin-4-ium iodide as a water soluble photoinitiator
Jodek 4-metylo-4-[2-(naftalen-2-ylo)-2-oksoetylo]morfolin-4-iowy jako rozpuszczalny w wodzie fotoinicjator
Ozcan, Fatma
Dogruyol, Zekeriya
Keskin Dogruyol, Sevnur
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
water-soluble photoinitiators
quaternary ammonium salt
fotoinicjatory rozpuszczalne w wodzie
czwartorzędowe sole amoniowe
Quaternary ammonium salt namely 4-methyl-4-[2-(naphthalen-2-yl)-2-oxoethyl] morpholin-4-ium iodide (WSMPM) was synthesized and characterized. High molar absorptivity at 347 nm (1910 L • mol-1 • cm-1) and good solubility in distilled water (10-2 M) allows WSMPM to be used as an effective photoinitiator also in water-soluble systems. Photopolymerization of acrylamide monomer with WSMPM (10-3 M) and a tertiary amine (N-methyldiethanolamine), resulted in 84.4% monomer to polymer conversion. Based on laser photolysis and electron spin resonance, a photoinitiator mechanism was proposed.
Otrzymano i scharakteryzowano czwartorzędową sól amoniową – jodek 4-metylo-4-[2-(naftalen-2-ylo)-2-oksoetylo]morfolin-4-iowy (WSMPM). Związek charakteryzuje się dużą wartością molowego współczynnika absorpcji promieniowania o długości fali 347 nm (1910 L • mol-1 • cm-1) oraz dobrą rozpuszczalnością w wodzie, co pozwala na jego zastosowanie jako efektywnego fotoinicjatora, także w układach wodnych. W przypadku fotopolimeryzacji akryloamidu w obecności WSMPM i trzeciorzędowej aminy (N-metylodietanoloaminą) uzyskano ponad 84-proc. konwersję monomeru do polimeru. Na podstawie fotolizy laserowej i elektronowego rezonansu spinowego zaproponowano mechanizm fotoinicjacji.
Polimery; 2023, 68, 4; 215--220
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A clean industrial scheme for de-ketalization of EIDD-2801 intermediate in water to give molnupiravir (MK-4482) anti-COVID-19 agent (containing its pharmaceutical analytical analysis)
Siadati, Seyyed Amir
Samadi, Marjan
Soheilizad, Mehdi
Firoozpour, Loghman
Payab, Meghdad
Bagherpour, Saeid
Dindari, Bahareh
Data publikacji:
Radomskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
clean chemistry
de-ketalization in water
czysta chemia
deketalizacja w wodzie
Due to the need for molnupiravir (EIDD-2801, MK-4482) anti-COVID-19 agent, in the present report, we have systematically investigated the effect of different solvents, acids (as catalyst), temperature, and other parameters which play rolls in De-ketalization process of its key intermediate. At the first glance, it might seem to be easy, but the complex nature of MK-4482 agent, and also the ultra-high purity of the crude (which is required for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)), make this process more complicated. As would be shown below, even a little change in the type of solvent, solvent ratio, the type or the amount of catalyst, and the temperature could directly change the reaction fate (it may lead to emergence of un-controlled impurity profile, or even it could block the reaction). However, in this work, we have been able to run this de-ketalization process only in water as the whole of the system. Here, it was observed that the high energy water molecules have been able to hydrolyze the ketal intermediate of MK-4482.
Scientiae Radices; 2023, 2, 2; 202-216
Pojawia się w:
Scientiae Radices
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A data-driven approach to predict hydrometeorological variability and fluctuations in lake water levels
Tan Kesgin, Remziye I.
Demir, Ibrahim
Kesgin, Erdal
Abdelkader, Mohamed
Agaccioglu, Hayrullah
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
lake water level
stochastic time series models
water transfer
Beyşehir Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the Mediterranean region of Turkey that is used for drinking and irrigation purposes. The aim of this paper is to examine the potential for data-driven methods to predict long-term lake levels. The surface water level variability was forecast using conventional machine learning models, including autoregressive moving average (ARMA), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA). Based on the monthly water levels of Beyşehir Lake from 1992 to 2016, future water levels were predicted up to 24 months in advance. Water level predictions were obtained using conventional time series stochastic models, including autoregressive moving average, autoregressive integrated moving average, and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average. Using historical records from the same period, prediction models for precipitation and evaporation were also developed. In order to assess the model’s accuracy, statistical performance metrics were applied. The results indicated that the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model outperformed all other models for lake level, precipitation, and evaporation prediction. The obtained results suggested the importance of incorporating the seasonality component for climate predictions in the region. The findings of this study demonstrated that simple stochastic models are effective in predicting the temporal evolution of hydrometeorological variables and fluctuations in lake water levels.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 58; 158--170
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A proposed quantitative method for assessing the impact of river regulation on its hydromorphological status
Kiraga, Marta J.
Markiewicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
habitat modification score
habitat quality assessment
hydraulic structures
river regulation
water management
Changes in river channel morphological parameters are influenced by anthropogenic factors, such as climatic changes, river catchment management changes, and hydrotechnical development of rivers. To assess the intensity of individual pressures and the resulting changes in abiotic and biotic factors in the riverbed, water quality monitoring is conducted, including the assessment of the hydromorphological status. The assessment can be based on the River Habitat Survey (RHS) which is a synthetic method that includes the evaluation of habitat character and river quality based on their morphological structure. The input data, which characterise any river include physical features of hydrotechnical structures, bed granulation, occurrence of bedforms, visible morphodynamic phenomena, and a sediment transport pattern. The RHS method allows to determine two quantitative indices used to evaluate the hydromorphological status: Habitat Modification Score (HMS), which determines the extent of transformation in the morphology of a watercourse, and Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA), which is based on the presence and diversity of natural elements in a watercourse and river valley. The proposed method can be divided into three stages. The first assesses the river section hydromorphological indices, describing the degree of technical modification (HMS) and the ecological quality of the reach (HQA), using the RHS method. The second stage describes morphological changes resulting from the technical regulation and estimates indices for the regulated reach. Finally, we compare HQA and HMS indices before and after the regulation. This comparison is described by numerical indicators and related to reference values.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 57; 98--106
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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