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Спогади Лева Биковського про Варшавське повстання: біографічний та краєзнавчий вимір
Memories of Lev Bykovski about the Warsaw uprising: biographical and local lore dimension
Stambol, Ihor
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Лев Биковський
Варшавське повстання
Варшавська публічна бібліотека
Lev Bykowski
Warsaw Uprising
Warsaw Public Library
library science
У статті проаналізовано спогади про Варшавське повстання 1944 р. одного з найвидатніших українських книгознавців, бібліотекознавців та бібліографів – Лева Устимовича Биковського (1895–1992), який також долучився до бібліотечної справи Чехословаччини й Польщі і виконував обов’язки директора Варшавської публічної бібліотеки в один із найдраматичніших моментів історії польської столиці – антинацистського повстання. Серед постатей, які відзаначені у спогаді: Яніна Пешинська (1887-1949) – завідувачка відділом мистецтв Публічної бібліотеки та активна учасниця Варшавського повстання; Реґіна Чайковська – донька письменника Александра Свєнтоховського; професор Єржи Ковальский (1893-1948) – класичний філолог, письменник, професор Львівського та Вроцлавського університетів; письменниця Марія Домбровська (1889-1960); бургомістр Варшави Юліан Кульський; князь Віктор Вікторович Кочубей (1893-1953); діяч уряду УНР Станіслав Стемповський та інші. В краєзнавчому контексіт найбільше відзначено події навколо Варщавської публічної бібліотеки та ситуацію на вулицях Маршалковській, Кошиковій, Познаньській, Емілії Плятер, Гожій тощо. Також у спогаді є чимало свідчень про культурні установи Варшави та їхній стан після завершення повстання.
The article analyzes the memoirs of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, written by one of the most prominent Ukrainian bibliologists, librarians and bibliographers – Lev Ustymovych Bykowski (1895–1992), who also joined the librarianship of Czechoslovakia and Poland and served as director of the Warsaw Public Library in the most dramatic moments in the history of the Polish capital – the anti-Nazi uprising. Among the figures mentioned in the memoir are: Janina Peszynska (1887-1949) – head of the Arts department of the Public Library and an active participant in the Warsaw Uprising; Regina Tchaikovsky – daughter of famous writer Alexander Sventokhovsky; Professor Jerzy Kowalski (1893-1948) – classical philologist, writer, professor of Lviv and Wroclaw universities; writer Maria Dombrovska (1889-1960); Mayor of Warsaw Julian Kulski; Prince Victor Viktorovich Kochubey (1893-1953); former minister of UPR Stanislav Stempovsky – former minister of UPR and others. In the context of local lore, the events around the Warsaw Public Library and the situation on Marshalkowska, Koszykova, Poznanska, Emilia Plater, Goza, etc. are most noted. There is also a lot of evidence in the memoir of Warsaw’s cultural institutions and their condition after the uprising.
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia; 2021, 9; 149-161
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Popławska-Bukało, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
The historical building in 26 Koszykowa Street is the seat of a Public Library established almost a hundred years ago for the capital city of Warsaw. In 2007 this institution will be celebrating its round anniversary. Created in 1907 thanks to the initiative of the Public Library Society, it has been almost uninterruptedly gathering and rendering available scientific collections and the belles lettres. From 1914 it is housed in an object erected due to the funds and efforts of Eugenia Kierbedz, born Kierbedz, the daughter of Stanislaw, an outstanding communications engineer and the author of the first permanent bridge across the Vistula in Warsaw. The Library was designed by acclaimed architects: Jan Heurich Junior and his collaborators - Wladyslaw Marconi and Artur Gurney. The building is composed of the two-storey main part which occupies the whole width of the front of the lot, and a single-storey outbuilding in the back, connected by means of a narrow and also one-story passage, perpendicular to the north-south axis. The most representative is the front fragment and the passage built on a ground plan similar to the letter T, which originally served predominantly library purposes. It still houses the large reading room featuring lavish architectural outfitting, harmoniously corresponding to the monumental facade which refers to the principles of Classical architecture. The outbuilding adjoining the passage and granted two wings of different width and height (on the ground plan of the letter L) formerly contained book storerooms, which burnt down during the second world war. Almost from its very outset the Library has been forced to tackle assorted problems involving available space. Successive postwar transformations (such as the erection of a new reading rooms building on the spot of a non-extant house in 28 Koszykowa Street) managed to meet the constantly growing needs of this institution for only a brief space of time. This is the reason why despite numerous failures, up to this day the Library has not resigned from efforts to expand and modernise its facilities. The results of a competition organised by SARP have been announced in December 2005. First prize for a conception of enlarging the Library went to the Bulanda, Mucha Architekci Sp. z o.o. studio. The adaptation of the Library buildings complex will be carried out in stages, and its completion is foreseen for 2007. Will it be conducted with due respect for the historical substance, or shall it assume the form of a successful integration of the new with the old; finally, will it add splendour to the anniversary of the hundred-years old institution? We still do not know the answer.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2006, 2; 57-68
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Manuscript materials of public life of the Załuski Library in Warsaw from the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (the second half of the 16th-18th century)
Matwijów, Maciej
Góralska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
Załuski Library in Warsaw
Polish librarianship in the 18th c.
life materials
The paper discusses a part of manuscript collection of the Załuski Library in Warsaw related to developing, documenting and registering or aimed at influencing public life in the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth. The manuscript collections of the Załuski Library, amounting to about 11-13 000 units, were among the largest and most valuable in Poland up until being dispatched to Saint Petersburg in 1796; following their repossession by Poland after 1922, the vast majority of them (about 80%) were destroyed in 1944. Asthe old handwritten inventories were lost together with the collection, the paper is based on two printed selective catalogues of manuscripts, later inventory and catalogue records drawn up in Saint Petersburg as well as few reference works and other scientific studies. The number of public life documents held in the Załuski Library can be estimated at approximately 300-400 inventory units. The most important ones include Crown Chancellery official books and collections of records concerning administrative, fiscal and military matters of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Anumerous group of materials was represented by sejm diaries, collections of public life documents created by private initiative and for private use as well as official correspondence of Polish kings and state dignitaries
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi; 2020, 14, 2; 179-212
Pojawia się w:
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rękopisy biblioteczne w Archiwum Warszawskim Radziwiłłów
Library manuscripts in Warsaw Radziwiłł Archive
Jankowski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych,Archiwum i Biblioteka w Nieświeżu,Archiwum Warszawskie Radziwiłłów,rękopisy biblioteczne,
Radziwillana w zbiorach publicznych
Central Archive of Historical Records,Archive and Library in Nesvizh,
Warsaw Radziwiłł Archive,
library manuscripts,
Radziwillana in public fonds
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2018, 25; 191-220
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biblioteki klasztorne i kościelne w Księstwie Warszawskim i Królestwie Polskim w świetle Kursu bibliografii z 1831 r. Łukasza Gołębiowskiego (1773-1849)
Monastic and church libraries in the Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland in the light of the 1831 Course in Bibliography by Łukasz Gołębiowski (1773-1849)
Puchalski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
historia bibliotek
bbiblioteki klasztorne i kościelne
Biblioteka Publiczna przy Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
XIX w.
history of libraries
monastic and church libraries
Public Library at the University of Warsaw
19th century
Wiedzę na temat programu nauczania bibliografii (bibliologii) w Polsce w pierwszej połowie XIX w. poszerza Kurs bibliografii –  wykład przygotowywany w 1831 r. dla studentów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego przez historyka, ludoznawcę, tłumacza, wydawcę i bibliotekarza Łukasza Gołębiowskiego (1773-1849). Został on opracowany przez  Jacka Puchalskiego i Elżbietę Maruszak (bibliografia, indeksy) pod redakcją naukową Barbary Bieńkowskiej i wydany w 2017 r. Dorobek rękopisoznawczy i edytorski Ł. Gołębiowskiego doceniano już w XIX w. Jego prace bibliotekarskie oraz informacje zawarte w Kursie bibliografii mają fundamentalne znaczenie dla wiedzy o kodeksach rękopiśmiennych przechowywanych niegdyś w bibliotekach polskich, zwłaszcza klasztornych. Rękopis Kursu bibliografii zawiera również informacje na temat ilości książek zabranych w 1819 r. z bibliotek klasztornych i kościelnych uwzględniające woluminy zarekwirowane z konwentów nieobjętych kasatą. Wśród zgromadzeń, które nie ucierpiały wskutek książkowych rekwizycji, była biblioteka augustianów w Warszawie, krótko opisana przez Ł. Gołębiowskiego na podstawie katalogu opracowanego w 1810 r. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera prezentację i omówienie właśnie tych informacji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem książnicy augustianów.
Knowledge of the bibliography (book studies) curriculum in Poland in the first half of the 19th century is expanded by the “Course in bibliography” – a lecture prepared in 1831 for students at Warsaw University by a historian, folklorist, translator, publisher and librarian Łukasz Gołębiowski (1773-1849). It was edited by Jacek Puchalski and Elżbieta Maruszak (bibliography, indexes) under the scientific editorship of Barbara Bieńkowska and published in 2017. The manuscript and editorial output of Ł. Gołębiowski were appreciated already in the 19th century. His library work and the information contained in his “Course in Bibliography” are fundamental to our knowledge of manuscript codices once held in Polish libraries, especially in monasteries. The article presents and discusses the part of the “Course in Bibliography” which contains information on the number of books taken from monastic and church libraries in 1819, including volumes confiscated from those convents which did not undergo dissolution. Special attention is given to the Augustinian library in Warsaw, since it was one of those libraries that did not suffer from book requisitions and was briefly described by Ł. Gołębiowski on the basis of the catalogue compiled in 1810.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2022, 29, 2; 218-228
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badanie rękopisów średniowiecznych według Łukasza Gołębiowskiego
Analysis of medieval manuscripts according to Łukasz Gołębiowski
Kaliszuk, Jerzy
Szyller, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów
rękopis średniowieczny
Biblioteka Publiczna przy Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
historia bibliotek w XIX w.
medieval manuscript
Public Library at the University of Warsaw
history of libraries in the 19th century
Thanks to the discovery made by Jacek Puchalski and Elżbieta Maruszak, both working at the University of Warsaw, Polish academia was presented in 2016 with “Kurs bibliografii” by Łukasz Gołębiowski (1779–1849), a Polish librarian and scientist. In his book, Gołębiowski included his advice on scientific descriptions of medieval manuscripts. The article analyses the educational aspects of the manuscriptological advice included in the book, as well as his proposed method of describing medieval manuscripts. Gołębiowski also made excerpts from the medieval manuscripts stored in the Public Library of the University of Warsaw, which do not exist anymore. Those excerpts are published in the form of annexes with a scientific commentary.
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki; 2020, 29, 1; 7-69
Pojawia się w:
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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