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Zróżnicowanie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego powiatów województwa świętokrzyskiego
Diversification of the level of socio-economic development of powiats in Świętokrzyskie voivodship
Miłek, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
rozwój lokalny
zróżnicowanie rozwoju powiatów
region świętokrzyski
metoda Hellwiga
metoda Warda
local development
diversity of powiats’ development
Świętokrzyskie region
Hellwig's method
Ward's method
Celem artykułu jest diagnoza i ocena zróżnicowania rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego powiatów województwa świętokrzyskiego oraz wskazanie grup powiatów o podobnym poziomie rozwoju. Badanie przeprowadzono dla lat 2010 i 2015. Wykorzystano w nim wskaźniki charakteryzujące rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy w następujących dziedzinach: sytuacja demograficzna i rynek pracy, potencjał społeczny, struktura gospodarcza powiatu, infrastruktura techniczna oraz stan i ochrona środowiska naturalnego. Do syntetycznej oceny rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego zastosowano metodę wzorca rozwoju Hellwiga, a za pomocą metody grupowania Warda wyodrębniono grupy powiatów podobnych pod względem badanego zjawiska. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła na zidentyfikowanie powiatów o najwyższym, wysokim, niskim i bardzo niskim poziomie rozwoju.
The aim of the article is to diagnose and evaluate the diversification of socio-economic development of powiats of Świętokrzyskie voivodship and to indicate groups of powiats with comparable levels of development. The research was conducted for the years 2010 and 2015. The indicators applied are systematised into the following areas: demographics and labour market, social potential, economic structure of a powiat, technical infrastructure, condition and protection of the natural environment. Hellwig's method of development pattern was employed to make synthetic evaluation of socio-economic development of powiats and Ward’s clustering method was used to identify groups of powiats similar in terms of the studied phenomenon. The analysis enabled to identify powiats with the highest, high, low and lowest levels of development.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2018, 63, 6; 39-56
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie produkcji mleka w regionach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2007-2011
The diversity of milk production in the regions of the European Union in the year 2009
Дифференциация производства молока в регионах Европейского Союза в 2007-2011 годах
Śmigla, Marta
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Stanisława Staszica w Pile
produkcja mleka
regiony Unii Europejskiej FADN
analiza skupień
metoda Warda
milk production
regions of European Union
cluster analysis
Ward’s method
регионы Европейского Союза
анализ концентрации производства
метод Варда
Celem rozważań było określenie podobieństw i różnic między gospodarstwami mlecznymi z poszczególnych regionów Unii Europejskiej w latach 2007-2011. Zróżnicowanie gospodarstw mlecznych w regionach określono za pomocą aglomeracyjnej analizy skupień metodą Warda, na podstawie danych FADN. Analizie poddano siłę ekonomiczną gospodarstw ESU, powierzchnię wykorzystywanych gruntów ornych, ilość krów mlecznych oraz średnią roczną mleczność krów. Na tej podstawie dokonano typologii regionów UE. W wyniku przeprowadzonego grupowania uzyskano pięć jednorodnych skupień regionów. Porównano wskaźniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne w poszczególnych grupach regionów w celu określenia podobieństw i różnic między skupieniami.
The purpose of the considerations was to identify similarities and differences between dairy farms from different regions of the European Union in 2009. The diversity of dairy farms in the regions of theEuropean Union was determined by agglomerated cluster analysis using Ward's method. The research was based on FADN data. It analyzed the economic size of farms (ESU classification), total utilised agricultural area, the number of dairy cows and the average annual milk yield. On this basis the typology of EU regions has been made. As a result of clustering five homogeneous cluster regions have been obtained. A comparison of production and economic indicators in each group of regions has been made to determine the similarities and differences between the clusters.
Целью рассуждений в этой статье было определение сходств и различий между молочными хозяйствами в отдельных регионах Европейского Союза в 2007-2011 годах. Дифференциация молочных хозяйств в регионах определялась с помощью агломерационного анализа концентрации производства методом Варда на основании данных FADN. Был проведен анализ экономической мощи хозяйств ЕС, площадь использованных пахотных почв, количество молочных коров, а также среднюю годовую молочность коров. На этом основании была проведена типология регионов ЕС. В результате проведенной группировки было получено пять однородных регионов аграрного состояния продукции. Было проведено сравнение производственных и экономических показателей в отдельных группах регионов для определения сходств и разниц между аграрным состоянием продукции.
Progress in Economic Sciences; 2014, 1
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Economic Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie wybranych metod taksonomicznych i prospektywnych w polityce oraz strategicznym zarządzaniu publicznym
The use of selected taxonomic and foresight methods in policy making and strategic public management
Baron, Marcin
Ochojski, Artur
Polko, Adam
Warzecha, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Metoda delficka
Metoda k-średnich
Metoda warda
Prowadzenie polityki
Rozwój lokalny
Rozwój regionalny
Usługi publiczne
Zarządzanie strategiczne
Delphi method
K-means algorithm
Local development
Policy making
Public services
Regional development
Strategic management
Ward’s method
W artykule prezentowane jest podejście metodyczne do prowadzenia kompleksowych analiz na potrzeby polityki i strategicznego zarządzania publicznego. Do identyfikacji podobnych regionów, pomiędzy którymi mogą wystąpić efekty uczenia się, zaproponowano metody taksonomiczne, natomiast metodę delficką wskazano jako odpowiednią dla lepszego zrozumienia przyszłości usług publicznych oraz zwiększenia zdolności adaptacyjnych na różnych poziomach sprawowania władzy. Metody zostały zilustrowane przykładami zastosowań, zaczerpniętymi z dorobku projektu ADAPT2DC („New innovative solutions to adapt governance and management of public infrastructures to demographic change”).
The paper aims at presenting method approach to complex analysis in support of policy making and strategic public management. Taxonomic methods are used to identify similar regions that can benefit of mutual learning and improve their performance in public service delivery. Delphi study is proposed to better understand public service futures and increase adaptation capacities on different levels of governance. The methods are illustrated with samples of ADAPT2DC project („New innovative solutions to adapt governance and management of public infrastructures to demographic change”) works and reflections concerning their application.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2015, 233; 56-72
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie strategii portfelowych do inwestycji w waluty kryptograficzne
Application of the portfolio strategy to the investments in the cryptocurrencies
Kądziołka, Kinga
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu w Szczecinie
waluty kryptograficzne
portfel kryptowalut
strategia MVP
metoda Warda
portfolio analysis
MVP strategy
Ward’s method
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania strategii portfelowych do inwestycji w waluty kryptograficzne. Szczególna uwaga została zwrócona na problem doboru walut kryptograficznych do portfela. Do redukcji liczby kryptowalut charakteryzujących się silnym dodatnim skorelowaniem stóp zwrotu zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody Warda. Następnie rozważano różne metody wyboru reprezentantów podgrup (uzyskanych metodą Warda) początkowego zbioru walut kryptograficznych. Wybrani reprezentanci (kryptowaluty) tworzyły portfel, którego skład optymalizowano z wykorzystaniem strategii MVP. Redukcja początkowej liczby składników portfela może prowadzić do uzyskania większej stopy zwrotu, jednak portfele o mniejszej liczbie składników obarczone były większym ryzykiem.
The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of using the portfolio strategy to the investments in the cryptocurrencies. Particular attention was paid to the problem of selection of the cryptocurrencies. There was proposed to use the Ward's method to reduce the number of cryptocurrencies characterized by strong positive correlation of the rate of returns. Then there were considered various methods of choice representatives of subgroups of the initial set of cryptocurrencies. Selected representatives (cryptocurrencies) formed portfolio. Weights of the portfolio were optimized using MVP strategy. Reducing the number of initial components of the portfolio could lead to a greater rate of return, but portfolios with reduced number of components are characterized by greater risk.
Zeszyty Naukowe ZPSB Firma i Rynek; 2017, 1(51); 107-116
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe ZPSB Firma i Rynek
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie hierarchicznej klasyfikacji aglomeracyjnej do grupowania krajów Unii Europejskiej ze względu na strukturę i skalę produkcji gospodarstw rolnych
The use of the agglomeration hierarchical classification to group the eu countries according to the structure and scale of farms’ production
Ryś-Jurek, Roma
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
hierarchiczna klasyfikacja aglomeracyjna
metoda Warda
agglomeration hierarchical classification
Ward’s method
Celem opracowania była próba delimitacji krajów w UE-27 o podobnej strukturze i skali pro-dukcji pochodzącej z gospodarstw rolnych. W badaniu położono nacisk na uwypuklenie po-dobieństwa struktur produkcji typowych dla obszarów klimatycznych UE-27 w 2008 roku, a także na wskazanie klasy, do której zakwalifikowano polskie rolnictwo. Wykorzystano dane z bazy FADN, którymi były średnie ważone przeliczone na gospodarstwo rolne z 27 krajów członkowskich UE w 2008 roku. Delimitację wykonano w oparciu o strukturę produkcji, wielkość ekonomiczną, powierzchnię użytków rolnych, wartość produkcji i dochodów z go-spodarstwa rolnego. Badanie wykonano za pomocą hierarchicznej klasyfikacji aglomeracyjnej metodą Warda. Przy czym strukturę produkcji reprezentowały 23 cechy, a pozostałe cechy były pojedyncze. Optymalną liczbę klas krajów o podobnej strukturze i skali produkcji wy-znaczono na podstawie analizy wielkości przyrostów wariancji wewnątrzklasowej w procesie łączenia klas między poszczególnymi poziomami łączeń. W ten sposób uzyskano 10 klas kra-jów. Klasy opisano według obliczonego miernika różnic średnich dla analizowanych cech.
The aim of the article was an attempt at delimitation of countries in the EU-27 with similar structure and scale of the production of farms. In this study, the emphasis is placed on high-lighting the similarity of production structures typical of the climate’s areas of the EU-27 in the year 2008, and also on indicating the class in which the Polish agriculture were classified. For this research, the data from FADN database was used. This database contains weighted averages per individual farm in every of 27 UE member countries in 2008. The delimitation were made based on the structure of production, economic size, agricultural utilized area, production and income of agricultural farm. The research was conducted using the agglomera-tion hierarchic classification based on the Ward’s method. The structure of production is rep-resented by 23 characteristics; the remaining characters are represented by single variables. The optimal number of classes of countries of similar structure and scale of production was estimated on the basis of the analysis of the amount of the intra-class variance’s increment. 10 classes of countries were obtained. These classes were described by the measure of the aver-age differences for analyzed characters.
Przegląd Statystyczny; 2012, 59, numer specjalny 2; 261-276
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Statystyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie analizy korespondencji w badaniu aktywności turystycznej emerytów i rencistów
The application of the correspondence analysis in the study of tourist activity of pensioners and annuitants
Bąk, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Katedra Ekonometrii i Statystyki
aktywność turystyczna
analiza korespondencji
metoda Warda
tourist activity
multiple correspondence analysis
Ward method
Celem artykułu jest analiza aktywności turystycznej emerytów i rencistów zamieszkujących województwo zachodniopomorskie a w szczególności wykrycie powiązań pomiędzy zmiennymi charakteryzującymi ich wyjazdy turystyczne. Jako narzędzie badawcze wykorzystano wielowymiarową analizę korespondencji. Ze względu na dość dużą liczbę wariantów analizowanych zmiennych zastosowano metodę Warda, która umożliwiła wyznaczenie powiązań pomiędzy wariantami zmiennych.
The purpose of the article is an analysis of tourism activity and pensioners living in West County in particular, to detect relationships between variables characterizing their vacations. The study used a multidimensional analysis of the correspondence. Due to the relatively large number of variants of the analyzed variables using Ward method, which allowed setting the links between the variants of variables.
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych; 2010, 11, 2; 1-11
Pojawia się w:
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie metod wielowymiarowych w określeniu pozycji konkurencyjnej gminy na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego
The use of multi dimensional methods in defining the competitive position of the community on the example Lubelskie voivodeship
Adamowicz, Mieczysław
Janulewicz, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Katedra Ekonometrii i Statystyki
konkurencyjność gminy
metoda Hellwiga
metoda Warda
competitiveness of the municipality
Hellwig method
the method of Ward
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań konkurencyjności gmin województwa lubelskiego przy wykorzystaniu metod wielowymiarowych. W pracy wykorzystano dwie metody: wzorca rozwoju Hellwiga oraz analizę skupień Warda. Badania wykazały przydatność tych metod w strategicznym zarządzaniu gminą. Metoda Wzorcowa Hellwiga pozwala na dokonanie klasyfikacji gmin pod względem konkurencyjności, a metoda analizy skupień Warda okazała się pomocna do klasyfikacji gmin według podobieństwa względem przyjętych zmiennych.
Streszczenie (jęz. angielski) - The paper presents an attempt to use both quantitative and qualitative veriables to analyze complex phenomena. First part of the paper focuses some normalisation methods that often occur in empirical works regarding their characteristics. Special attention concerns zero unitarization method due its adequacy in normalising both quantitative and qualitative veriables. The latter part of the paper presents the metod of quantification and normalization chosen qualitative variables. The whole procedure of normalization, construction of synthetic variable and ranking is illustrated by empirical example. Results of research on the competitiveness of communes in Lubelskie voivodeship consented with the use of multi dimensional methods are presented in the article. Two methods: Hellwig development pattern and Ward aggregation analysis were used in the work. The Hellwig pattern method enable the classification of communes according the level of competitiveness while Ward aggregation analysis is helpful for classification of communes according variables used in research Results of research on the competitiveness of communes in Lubelskie voivodeship consented with the use of multi dimensional methods are presented in the article. Two methods: Hellwig development pattern and Ward aggregation analysis were used in the work. The Hellwig pattern method enable the classification of communes according the level of competitiveness while Ward aggregation analysis is helpful for classification of communes according variables used in research The aim of the study was to show the analogy in the changes in the structure of household expenses in the chosen EU countries and Poland between1988 and 2009. The direction and pace of the changes in the budgets of Polish households can be predicted by using the principle of analogy. Classification of the objects has been carried out based on the modified kmeans method. Three classes of similarities have been distinguished. The structure of Polish households budgets from 2004 – 2008 has turned out the most similar to the structure of the expenses of Portuguese households from 1988 – 2005. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. In this work we analyzed the changes of the structure of value of agriculture products’ exports in Poland during 1980 – 210 in comparison to other EU countries. In this comparative analysis we chose those EU countries whose largest fraction of exports is constituted by agriculture products: Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. To study the changes of the structure of export of agriculture products during those 31 years we used multidimensional analysis methods: Gini index and GCCA – Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis. To visualize the differentiation of structures of export of agriculture products we used overrepresentation maps (prepared in GradeStat). Analysis was based on 9 groups of agriculture products in million USD: live animals (S2-00), meat and preparations (S2-01), dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), cereals and cereal preparations (S2-04), vegetables and fruit (S2-05), suger, suger preparations and honey (S2-06), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof (S2-07), feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals (S2-08), miscellaneous edible products and preparations (S2-09). The completed studies have shown a large differentiation of the structure of export of agriculture products in all researched countries. However, the largest differentiation was present in Poland. A significantly high dynamic of growth was observed within three groups of products: dairy products and birds’ eggs (S2-02), Fish, crustacean and molluscs, and preparations thereof (S2-03), vegetables and fruit (S2-05). The participation of those groups in the country’s export has been steadily growing. On the other hand, the participation of until now standard groups of agriculture products (unprocessed: live animals (S2-00) and meat and preparations (S2-01)) has been decreasing. The paper presents an investigation within the subject of fuzzy methodology concerning some phenomena, which is the consequence of their fuzzy nature. In order to illustrate some fuzzy procedures and their results an empirical example is included. The paper presents the forecast of agrarian structure of voivodships up to 2020 according to typological groups. The data were taken from Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture edited by Central Statistical Office. The forecast was based on the method of structures’ forecasting proposed by Nowak. Then, on the basis of fuzzy classification method, the prediction of spatial differentiation of the structure under investigation up to 2020 was evaluated. The forecast presents what kind of changes in agrarian structure of voivodships will take place if the direction and rate of changes within the period of 2002 – 2009 remain stable. Investments of local communes are intentional expenditures of capital aimed at increase in tangible and intangible benefits of the commune. All effective expenditures born by the commune on construction and reconstruction of its wealth are treated as funds positively influencing its development and well-being of citizens. The paper was intended to assess the level of dispersion, i.e. concentration of expenditures on investments born by 19 cities acting as counties in Silesian voivodship. The fundamental measure used in research was concentration coefficient proposed by Karol Kukuła and the basis for calculations was data presented in budget usage collected by Regionalna Izba Obrachunkowa in Katowice. The regression theory involves methods and tools of exact description of relations between various types of phenomena. Since many years, it is used for the economic and econometric models formulation, however, as the analyze of literature indicates, regression is understood in different ways. This article is a reflection on the application of quantitative methods in economics processes modeling, with particular emphasis on the relations between them, expressed by regression. The regression theory involves methods and tools of exact description of relations between various types of phenomena. Since many years, it is used for the economic and econometric models formulation, however, as the analyze of literature indicates, regression is understood in different ways. This article is a reflection on the application of quantitative methods in economics processes modeling, with particular emphasis on the relations between them, expressed by regression. The article shows the practical application of the Analytic Network Process in solving decision problems from the field of management. The ANP Model proposed in this paper includes all kinds of dependencies and feedback between decision-making elements in the area of manufacturing management, reflecting the complexity of the problem and actual compounds that occur both between the agents within the company as well as in its surroundings. The paper emphasises the possibility of using experts’ opinion, who gave importance (specifying the validity) of decision-making elements using pairwise comparisons, allowing the identification of factors and the evaluation of their impact on the increase in the volume of production. The article shows the practical application of the Analytic Network Process in solving decision problems from the field of management. The ANP Model proposed in this paper includes all kinds of dependencies and feedback between decision-making elements in the area of manufacturing management, reflecting the complexity of the problem and actual compounds that occur both between the agents within the company as well as in its surroundings. The paper emphasises the possibility of using experts’ opinion, who gave importance (specifying the validity) of decision-making elements using pairwise comparisons, allowing the identification of factors and the evaluation of their impact on the increase in the volume of production. Entering into European Union and financial markets crisis left their stamps on Polish economy. Land market was influenced by these changes the most significantly since December 5, 1989, when new regulations concerning free transactions in land appeared. In the nineties farmland was treated as an additional superfluous ballast, however, together with Polish accession to EU it became one of the most popular alternative investments bringing profiteers huge profits in short term. Unfortunately, financial crisis trundling on the real estate market sadly revised investors’ optimistic plans. Abortive investments in too expensive lands without possibility of being transformed into building terrains became problems to people without appropriate knowledge and skills who had wanted to earn quickly. Currently, despite of spreading fashion of land purchase, the market has been weakened significantly. It can be admitted that finally the farmers instead of profiteers are interested in land purchase, which is the beginning of situation stabilization and the first sign of market maturity. Calculus of variations and optimal control theory are on one hand side intensively developing mathematical theories on the other at the center of both of them lies investigating of extremal problems. In connection with extremal problems there naturally arise questions important for mathematics and applications: 1) does there exist a solution of the problem? 2) is the solution unique? 3) how to really find the solution? For problems with constrains, a general principle was proposed by Lagrange. This idea can be generalized far beyond the limits of the problems that he considered. In the paper we present unified formulation of problems of calculus of variations and optimal control in connection with Lagrange principle. There is a 5:1 ratio between the number of households and business entities. This ratio is considered “quantum satis”. The purpose of this paper is to estimate level of local government unit’s financial independence in eastern Poland. For this purpose it was used multidimensional statistical analysis allowing to describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value of synthetic variable (Hellwig’s method, additive aggregation function). The purpose of this paper is to estimate level of local government unit’s financial independence in eastern Poland. For this purpose it was used multidimensional statistical analysis allowing to describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value of synthetic variable (Hellwig’s method, additive aggregation function). A number of recent papers on the management of the stock portfolio describes the advantages of the naïve diversification. The naïve strategy performs similarly to the ones which use sophisticated mathematical models. In this paper the strategy is presented which statistically significantly overperforms the naïve strategy. The aim of the paper was to make an attempt to assess the influence of belonging to selected population groups on the size of flows between different states of economic activity, as well as to determine the nature of unemployment found in the various population groups, especially among the rural population. The research showed that the changes in economic activity are mainly affected by structural factors, but in some population groups it is possible to improve the employment situation through actions towards an improvement of the prosperity on the market of goods and services. The aim of the paper was to make an attempt to assess the influence of belonging to selected population groups on the size of flows between different states of economic activity, as well as to determine the nature of unemployment found in the various population groups, especially among the rural population. The research showed that the changes in economic activity are mainly affected by structural factors, but in some population groups it is possible to improve the employment situation through actions towards an improvement of the prosperity on the market of goods and services. Dynamic development of organic farming in Poland is observed since 2004. At that time were introduced the subsidies to organic agricultural production for farms with the certificate of conformity and were in the course of the changes. The aim of this study is to present the dynamics of growth of the number and size of organic farms and the number of organic ecological factories in Poland in the years 2004-2010 and the designation of the forecasts for the next three years. To designate the forecasts of investigated phenomena it was used extrapolation of models of development trends method. In this paper we discuss the development of the rural population in Poland over the past 60 years and the latest demographic projections of Central Statistical Office. The main objects of our attention are the demographic processes in rural-urban cross-section. Poland belongs to the less urbanized countries in Europe. Among Polish neighbors, a lower proportion of urban population is only in Slovakia. However, in the past, differences in the level of urbanization between Poland and other European countries were much higher. In the years 1950-1990 the percentage of urban population in Poland increased from 35 to 62%. However, since 1990. share of rural population has ceased to fall and in the last few years have seen a decline in urbanization even in our country. The main reason for the change is a systematic change in the directions of rural-urban migration. More and more urban population moves to the village. Quite interestingly, this process began much earlier than the changed political system in Poland. Since 1975. decreases systematically negative balance of net rural-urban migration. Since 2000. more and more of the population migrates to the country than comes out. We also pay attention that a similar phenomenon of the growing importance of the share of rural population also occurs in other countries. However, while Poland is following the European countries also in the sphere of customary transformation, the village population seems to be the mainstay of traditional family values. In this paper we discuss the development of the rural population in Poland over the past 60 years and the latest demographic projections of Central Statistical Office. The main objects of our attention are the demographic processes in rural-urban cross-section. Poland belongs to the less urbanized countries in Europe. Among Polish neighbors, a lower proportion of urban population is only in Slovakia. However, in the past, differences in the level of urbanization between Poland and other European countries were much higher. In the years 1950-1990 the percentage of urban population in Poland increased from 35 to 62%. However, since 1990. share of rural population has ceased to fall and in the last few years have seen a decline in urbanization even in our country. The main reason for the change is a systematic change in the directions of rural-urban migration. More and more urban population moves to the village. Quite interestingly, this process began much earlier than the changed political system in Poland. Since 1975. decreases systematically negative balance of net rural-urban migration. Since 2000. more and more of the population migrates to the country than comes out. We also pay attention that a similar phenomenon of the growing importance of the share of rural population also occurs in other countries. However, while Poland is following the European countries also in the sphere of customary transformation, the village population seems to be the mainstay of traditional family values. In this article, the problem of optimization of crop production was formulated as nonlinear generalized transportation problem. As a solution the author proposed generalized quasi-basis method. The illustrative example completes the presentation. The study exemplifies an application of the multidimensional comparative analysis aiming at quantification of international competitiveness of the agri-food economy. The international competitive position was equated to a form of a synthetic measure. The coefficients trends allowed quantifying perspectives of equalization of international competitiveness levels between countries. The empirical investigation identified six patterns of the observed interdependences. Convergence should not be expected in the whole set, but in subgroups of objects. In the light of the Central Statistical Office data from 2010, farm equipment is shows very high differentiation in spatial aspect across Poland. The paper presents an attempt to construct ranking of voivodships with respect to the level of farm equipment. On the basis of zero unitarization method different variables are compared and used to form the synthetic variable. In consequence, three groups of districts were distinguished: of high, moderate and low level of farm equipment. This work is devoted to discussions on application of relative measures of accuracy of the ex-post forecasts. The authors showed that when the variable has a very large amplitude of seasonality indicators the average absolute forecast error (MAPE) can not be used. Theoretical study are illustrated on the example of thermal energy production. This work is devoted to discussions on application of relative measures of accuracy of the ex-post forecasts. The authors showed that when the variable has a very large amplitude of seasonality indicators the average absolute forecast error (MAPE) can not be used. Theoretical study are illustrated on the example of thermal energy production. The analysis of monthly prices of broiler chicken livestock in years 1991 - 2011 in this paper was presented. Decomposition of price time series was performed using method Census II/X11. Price of broiler chicken livestock characterize stable an stronger in recent years seasonality. In 2011 the seasonal index was ranged from 107,3% in August to 92,2% in December. In the range of six month more than half of price variability (51,4%) is a result of long period changes, 44,9% of variability is shaped by seasonal fluctuations and only 3,7% is made by irregulars fluctuations. In this paper, the rankings of the food industry sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were made on the basis of Taxonomic Attractiveness Measure of Investment. The following groups of variables were included in this study: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, market-based ratios. Then analyzed whether the positions in the rankings of investigated companies remained stable over the period 2009-2011. In this paper, the rankings of the food industry sector companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange were made on the basis of Taxonomic Attractiveness Measure of Investment. The following groups of variables were included in this study: liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, debt ratios, activity ratios, market-based ratios. Then analyzed whether the positions in the rankings of investigated companies remained stable over the period 2009-2011. The article focuses on trade between Japan and Poland, in 2000-2010 years, using the SITC (Standard International Trade Classification), identifying trends occurring among one of classification group: Food and live animals. Analysis of exports and imports between Japan and Poland shows big changes in trade with Japan and the large growing difference in the trade balance. Furthermore the imported and exported groups of products show market differences and demand in Japan. The paper presented classification of voivodships due to the selected financial data business accommodation and catering department. For this purpose it was used the multidimensional statistical analysis allowing describe complex effect with help of one variable, so called value synthetic variable. Among the factors that impact the absorption of European Union funds in Polish agriculture, natural, demographic, technical and organisational conditions of the development of agriculture can be differentiated. The basic objective of the article is to identify and quantify the factors, which significantly impact the territorial differentiation of the absorption of European Union Funds in Polish agriculture within the framework of the “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. Among the factors that impact the absorption of European Union funds in Polish agriculture, natural, demographic, technical and organisational conditions of the development of agriculture can be differentiated. The basic objective of the article is to identify and quantify the factors, which significantly impact the territorial differentiation of the absorption of European Union Funds in Polish agriculture within the framework of the “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013. The wage effects of student numbers on particular fields of study in Poland are analyzed. It is found that any of the fields of study, i.e. humanitarian, business and economics, technical or natural sciences, contributes to an increase in wages on the macroeconomic level, but the whole effect is smaller for studies in economics, which could be an outcome of too high interest in that kind of education. On the other side, our results for technical studies could be viewed as an argument in favor of an excess labor market demand for engineers compared to their supply by the educational system.
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych; 2012, 13, 1; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie analizy skupień w ocenie zróżnicowania zagrożenia ubóstwem w podregionach Polski
Using data clustering in evaluation the diversity of poverty danger in Polish subregions
Использование кластерного анализа в оценке дифференциации опасности выступления бедности в субрегионах Польши
Kraszewska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
analiza skupień
metoda Warda
odległość euklidesowa
wskaźnik zagrożenia ubóstwem
cluster analysis
Ward’s method
Euclidean distance
at-risk-of-poverty rate
кластерный анализ
метод Уорда
расстояние Евклида
показатель опасности выступления бедности
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu wykorzystania metod analizy skupień do oceny zróżnicowania zagrożenia ubóstwem w podregionach. Na podstawie danych dotyczących rynku pracy, wynagrodzeń i opieki społecznej, opracowanych na podstawie zasobów Banku Danych Lokalnych GUS (BDL) i ich weryfikacji zmiennościowo-korelacyjnej, określono zestaw cech diagnostycznych, które posłużyły do wyznaczenia skupień podregionów podobnych pod względem zagrożenia ubóstwem. Otrzymane rezultaty porównano z wynikami prac studialnych w zakresie przestrzennej dywersyfikacji oszacowań wskaźnika zagrożenia ubóstwem ARPR (at-risk-of-poverty rate) w 2011 r., przeprowadzonych przez Ośrodek Statystyki Małych Obszarów Urzędu Statystycznego w Poznaniu we współpracy z ekspertami Banku Światowego.
The article discusses the use of cluster analysis methods to assess the differentiation of risk of poverty in the Polish subregion. On the basis of data on the labor market, wages and social care, developed on the basis of the resources of the Local Data Bank of the CSO and their variable-correlation verification, the author has defined a set of diagnostic features used to determine the cluster of sub-regions similar in terms of risk of poverty. Results were compared with the results of study work in the field of spatial diversification of estimating at-risk-of-poverty rate (ARPR) in 2011 conducted by the Small Areas Statistics Centre of the Statistical Office in Poznań in cooperation with experts from the World Bank.
Статья была посвящена вопросу использования методов кластерного анализа для оценки дифференциации опасности выступления бедности в субрегионах. На основе данных по рынке труда, вознаграждений и социального обеспечения, разработанных на основе фондов Банка локальных данных ЦСУ и непостоянно-корреляционной проверки, был определен набор диагностических признаков, котoрый использовался в определении кластеров субрегионов аналогичных в отношении к опасности выступления бедности. Полученные результаты были сопоставлены с результатами научных работ в области пространственной диверсификации оценок показателя опасности выступления бедности ARPR (at-risk-of-poverty rate) в 2011 г. проведенных Центром статистики малых домэн Статистического управления в Познани в сотрудничестве с экспертами Всемирного банка.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2016, 5; 17-36
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykorzystanie analizy korespondencji w badaniach transgranicznego ruchu turystycznego w Wolińskim Parku Narodowym
Using the correspondence analisys in the research on transboundary tourist traffic in Wolin National Park
Bąk, I.
Zbaraszewski, W.
Pieńkowski, D.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
analiza korespondencji
twarz Chernoffa
metoda Warda
turystyka transgraniczna
obszary chronione
parki narodowe
correspondence analysis
Chernoff's faces
Ward's method
cross-border tourism
protected areas
national parks
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wykorzystania wielowymiarowej analizy korespondencji do badania podróży turystycznych turystów polskich i niemieckich związanych z odwiedzinami Wolińskiego Parku Narodowego. Podjęto próbę wykrycia powiązań pomiędzy zmiennymi charakteryzującymi te podróże. Do obliczeń wykorzystano moduł Analiza korespondencji w pakiecie Statistica 10.0. W celu podwyższenia jakości odwzorowania przeprowadzono modyfikację wartości własnych według propozycji Greenacre’a. Ze względu na dość dużą liczbę wariantów analizowanych zmiennych zastosowano metodę Warda, która umożliwiła wyznaczenie powiązań pomiędzy wariantami zmiennych. Dodatkowo, dane zostały zobrazowane za pomocą metody twarzy Chernoffa, która umożliwiła zaprezentowanie różnic pomiędzy profilem preferencji statystycznego turysty niemieckiego i polskiego odwiedzającego Woliński Park Narodowy.
There is still a small contribution of German tourists visiting Polish natural protection areas at Polish- German borderlands despite the border checks elimination in 2007. An example of protected areas in Poland located at the borderland is the Wolin National Park (WNP); the share of foreign visitors of the park including Germans, is still marginal (approx. 0.7%). The paper is aimed at presentation of the possibilities of using multiple correspondence analysis to study Polish and German tourists visiting WPN. At fi rst the travel preferences have been illustrated by the method of Chernoff faces. The specific objective of the research was to investigate relationship between variables characterizing German and Polish tourists. Also Ward’s method was applied because of the relatively large number of analyzed variable variants; it allowed indicating the links between the variants. The latter revealed 3 groups of tourists visiting WPN; two of them distinguished different nationalities. The calculations and graphical presentations of the results have been computed with Statistica software version 10.0.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2014, 2; 238-251
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ kryzysu finansowego 2007-2009 na strukturę hierarchiczną europejskich rynków kapitałowych
Impact of 2007-2009 financial crisis on hierarchical structure of European capital markets
Majewska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
globalny kryzys finansowy
analiza skupień
metoda Warda
global financial crisis
cluster analyzis
Ward's method
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza struktury hierarchicznej europejskich rynków kapitałowych w okresach: przed globalnym kryzysem finansowym 2007-2009 oraz po jego zakończeniu. W badaniu wykorzystano tygodniowe logarytmiczne stopy zwrotu głównych indeksów 28 giełd europejskich, wśród których znalazły się zarówno rynki rozwinięte, jak i rozwijające się. Okres badawczy objął lata 2000-2016. Do zbadania struktury powiązań między rynkami wykorzystano metody aglomeracyjne, przede wszystkim metodę Warda. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła stwierdzić istotne różnice w strukturze powiązań między rynkami w okresie przed kryzysem i po jego zakończeniu. Wskazała również grupy rynków szczególnie silnie oddziałujących na siebie.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the hierarchical structure of the European capital markets in the periods before and after the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. The author uses weekly logarithmic stock market returns of the 28 main indexes of the European exchanges, both from the developed and developing markets, in the period 2000-2016. The examination is based on agglomerative clustering methods, primarily on the Ward’s linkage method. The results show that the Global Financial Crisis has changed the hierarchy of the markets. They also indicate which groups of markets are most strongly interconnected.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2017, 3(87); 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielowymiarowa analiza poziomu działalności B+R w Polsce w latach 2005-2011
Multidimensional Analysis of R&D Activity in Poland in 2005–2011
Piotrowska, Ewa
Roszkowska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
B+R activity
multidimensional comparison analysis
method of Ward
działalność b+r
metoda warda
W opracowaniu zaprezentowano podstawowe wskaźniki obrazujące poziom nakładów na działalność B+R oraz strukturę ich finansowania w Polsce na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej. Dokonano oceny zróżnicowania poziomu oraz zmian trendów działalności B+R i innowacyjności w ujęciu województw Polski w latach 2005-2011 z wykorzystaniem wskaźników indywidualnych, a także dwóch metod taksonomicznych: metody TOPSIS i metody Warda. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdziły to, że województwo mazowieckie jest liderem we wszystkich rankingach i regionem zdecydowanie wyróżniającym się wśród pozostałych województw. Dla większości regionów Polski zaobserwowano zróżnicowanie zajmowanej pozycji w rankingu, jak również zmianę przynależności tych województw do różnych skupisk w badanych latach.
In the paper basic indicators depicting/describing the level of the expenditures on R&D activity and the structure financing them in Poland against the background of EU countries are presented. An assessment of diversifying the level and changes of trends in R&D activity and innovativeness in voivodships in Poland during the period 2005-2011 by making use of individual indicators as well as two taxonomical methods: TOPSiS and Ward’s methods has been done. Received results confirm that mazowieckie voivodship is the leader in all rankings and firmly comes the other provinces off. For the majority of regions in Poland diversifying the filled position in the ranking, as well as the change of the membership of these provinces in different clusters in examined years were observed.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2014, 1(67); 153-183
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielowymiarowa analiza porównawcza jako narzędzie oceny spółek deweloperskich notowanych na GPW
Multivariate comparative analysis as a toolto evaluate the development of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Chrzanowska, Mariola
Zielińska-Sitkiewicz, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Ward’s method
k-means method
Polish developer companies
The diversity and multiplicity of information associated with investment in the stock market can cause problems with the proper understanding of the analyzed phenomena. In particular it refers to small investors who invest directly in stocks. Therefore, evaluating the financial condition of listed companies is very important, hence the need to use methods that will simplify and thus make stock market analysis easier. This paper presents an attempt to apply the selected financial ratios for the classification of 17 real estate companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange into groups characterized by a similar economic condition. In the study multidimensional comparative analysis was used, i.e. Ward’s method and the method of k-means. The analysis was carried out in the period 2010-2012. In the experiment it was proved that using Ward’s method could identify companies with the weakest condition.
Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analytics; 2013, 4(42); 60-71
Pojawia się w:
Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analytics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variation of Polish voivodships according to selected indicators referring to people aged 65 and over
Zróżnicowanie województw ze względu na wybrane wskaźniki odnoszące się do osób w wieku 65 lat i więcej
Szymańska, Agata
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
demographic ageing
people aged 65 and over
cluster analysis
regional variation
Euclidean metric
Ward's method
demograficzne starzenie się ludności
osoby starsze
analiza skupień
zróżnicowanie regionalne
odległość euklidesowa
metoda Warda
The aim of the study is the assessment of the spatial variation of voivodships (the largest administrative units in Poland) in terms of selected indicators describing the situation of people aged 65 and over. The study used data from the Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) for the years 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2019. From the obtained set of diagnostic variables, five were used for the final analysis, including those relating to demographics, the pension security system and health infrastructure. The applied empirical method was based on the Euclidean metric as well as cluster analysis with Ward’s method. The performed analyses indicated a variation of voivodships which is reflected by the computed distances and components of the created clusters. The results revealed a spatial variation of voivodships which is consistent with the demographic ageing in Poland. Moreover, the observed distinction of Śląskie Voivodship may have been affected by the fact that variables related to the pension security system were also considered.
Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest ocena zróżnicowania przestrzennego województw pod względem wybranych wskaźników opisujących sytuację osób starszych (65 lat i więcej). Badanie dotyczyło lat 2005, 2010, 2015 i 2019; wykorzystano w nim dane publikowane w Banku Danych Lokalnych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Z uzyskanego zestawu zmiennych wybrano do ostatecznych analiz pięć, w tym zmienną demograficzną oraz zmienne związane z zabezpieczeniem emerytalnym i infrastrukturą zdrowotną. Badanie empiryczne przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem miary odległości euklidesowej oraz analizy skupień metodą Warda. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały zróżnicowanie województw, co odzwierciedlają zarówno wyliczone odległości, jak i skład wyodrębnionych skupień. Wyniki wskazują na przestrzenne zróżnicowanie województw, które jest zgodne z przestrzennym zróżnicowaniem demograficznego starzenia się ludności w Polsce. Zaobserwowana odrębność woj. śląskiego może ponadto wynikać z uwzględnienia zmiennych dotyczących systemu zabezpieczenia emerytalnego.
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician; 2022, 67, 3; 28-45
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Typologia miast na prawach powiatu według poziomu zadłużenia w Polsce, w latach 2007-2014
Debt of towns with county status in Poland
Kozera, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
financial security
towns with a county status
Ward's method
bezpieczństwo finansowe
miasta na prawach powiatu
metoda Warda
Miasta na prawach powiatu, ze względu na ich dualny charakter, pełnią funkcje przypisane nie tylko gminom, ale również część zadań przynależnych powiatom. Realizują one zatem szereg zadań zarówno w sferze socjalnej, społecznej, jak i infrastrukturalnej, które mają wpływ na poziom rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego regionu, oraz jakość życia społeczności lokalnej. Jednak z roku na rok dynamicznie wzrasta zadłużenie podmiotów sektora samorządowego, a w szczególności największych miast na prawach powiatu – metropolii. W 2007 roku zadłużenie ogółem miast na prawach powiatu wyniosło bowiem 11,2 mld zł (7 mld zł w przypadku metropolii), natomiast w 2014 roku było już prawie trzykrotnie wyższe i wzrosło do blisko 32,5 mld zł (w przypadku metropolii do ponad 20 mld zł), stanowiąc ponad 45% zadłużenia ogółem sektora samorządowego w Polsce. Analiza zjawiska zadłużenia podmiotów sektora samorządowego, w tym miast na prawach powiatu, z uwagi na to, że realizują one szeroki zakres zadań, a ich dług obejmuje część długu publicznego, ma istotne znaczenie nie tylko z racji prawidłowego ich funkcjonowania, ale także bezpieczeństwa finansowego państwa. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska zadłużenia miast na prawach powiatu w Polsce, w latach 2007-2014. Badania przeprowadzono przede wszystkim na podstawie baz danych publikowanych przez Ministerstwo Finansów (Wskaźniki do oceny sytuacji finansowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego) z wykorzystaniem metod statystyki opisowej i metody Warda.
Due to the dual character of towns with a county status, they function not only as communes but also have some functions of counties. They execute a wide range of welfare-related, social and infrastructural tasks, which affect socio-economic development in the region and quality of life in the local community. Every year the debt of entities in the local government sector increases dynamically. It is particularly noticeable in the biggest towns with the status of counties – metropolises. In 2007, the total debt of towns with a county status was 11.2 billion zlotys (7 billion zlotys in metropolises). In 2014, the debt was nearly three times as great: it increased to nearly 32.5 billion zlotys (more than 20 billion zlotys in metropolises). It amounted to more than 45% of the total debt of the local government sector in Poland. It seems important that analysis of the debt of entities in the local government sector, including towns with a county status, be conducted because they perform a wide range of activities and their debt is part of public debt. Therefore, the analysis is significant not only for a proper functioning of these entities but also for the financial security of the state. The main aim of the paper is to investigate the debt of towns with a county status in Poland between 2007 and 2014. The study is chiefly based on databases published by the Ministry of Finance – Indicators to Assess the Financial Situation of Local Government Units, and uses descriptive statistics and Ward's method.
Optimum. Economic Studies; 2016, 4(82); 145-166
Pojawia się w:
Optimum. Economic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Territorial diversity of availability of public services in Poland
Miłek, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
public services
availability of public services
Hellwig’s method
Ward’s method
regional diversities
usługi publiczne
dostępność usług publicznych
metoda Hellwiga
metoda Warda
zróżnicowanie regionalne
Purpose: The nature of contemporary development processes determines the development of the area of public services, which is related to the distribution of these services and is of interest to public sector economics. The state’s key commitment to its citizens is to guarantee adequate availability of public services. It is an important issue that determines the quality of life of the citizens and determines the level of social and economic development of territorial units. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate inequalities in access to selected public services in Poland from a regional perspective. Design/methodology/approach: To assess the level of availability of selected public services in Poland, Hellwig’s synthetic indicator was used, which made it possible to indicate the ranking of voivodeships in terms of availability of public services. The research is complemented by the Ward’s clustering method, which was used to identify clusters of territorial units with a similar level of availability of the analyzed services. The research used data made available by the Statistics Poland (GUS), including the Local Data Bank and statistical studies: Use of information and communication technologies in 2014 (orig. title: Wykorzystanie technologii informacyjno-telekomunikacyjnych w 2014 roku) and Use of information and communication technologies in 2018 (orig. title: Wykorzystanie technologii informacyjno-telekomunikacyjnych w 2018 roku). The analysis concerns the years 2014 and 2018. Findings: Regions of Poland are characterized by a diverse level of availability of public services. The analysis allowed to identify the regions with the highest, high, low and very low level of availability of public services. The distance between the highest and the lowest ranked voivodeships indicates quite significant territorial inequalities in access to public services, although it has slightly decreased throughout the analyzed years. Social implications: The study of availability of public services is an important component of the assessment of the level of social and economic development of territorial units and the standard of living of local communities. Therefore, it is justified to determine the essence of spatial diversity of the level of availability of public services, which play an important role in shaping the level of social and economic development of territorial units and influence the implementation of development priorities of the country and the European Union. The development of public services requires identifying existing barriers in the area of public governance as well as possibilities for their improvement and then proposing a set of instruments to improve the service management process. Originality/value: The results of the research can be used in the process of management of public services by public administration units in the context of increasing the universal availability of these services and improving their quality. The results of the analysis may provide a source of knowledge for both national and regional economic policy actors as well as European Union decision-making bodies in the area of public support to improve the availability of public services in the next development programming perspectives.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2020, 146; 275-294
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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