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Effectiveness of promotion using web-based agritourism portals in the light of their users’ feedback. Web portal model for the region
Jasiński, A.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Badań i Innowacji Pro-Akademia
Łódź Voivodeship
promotion of agritourism
marketing strategy
Tourism Development Program
województwo łódzkie
promocja agroturystyki
strategia zarządzania
Program Rozwoju Turystyki
In recent years, agritourism has become one of the most popular forms of tourism. It is not easy to promote it, so most rural tourism farms are not able to promote their services on their own. This requires special qualifications and financial resources. The solution to this situation seems to be the use of the Internet, thanks to which the owners of agricultural tourism farms have the opportunity to use specialized agritourism portals, where they can publish information about their own services for a small fee. The author of the study decided to look more closely at this form of promotion of agritourism services. The subject of his research was the effectiveness of promotion using Internet agritourism portals in the light of the opinion of their users. The survey covered Internet portals promoting agritourism in the Łódź Voivodeship. Particular emphasis was placed on researching the portals belonging to public organisations dealing with agritourism, including the Agricultural Advisory Centres, agritourism associations, the Regional Tourist Organisation of the Łódź Voivodeship, Local Tourist Organisations, municipalities, poviats, Local Action Groups and other institutions. In order to obtain a fuller picture of the study, these portals were analysed from 3 perspectives: the analysis of the content conducted by the author of the study, opinions of owners of agritourism farms as well as opinions of private persons interested in using the offer of agritourism farms and obtaining information on them using Internet agritourism portals. The study showed that on the Internet there are many non-integrated portals containing offers of agritourism farms from the Łódź voivodeship. The portals vary in functionality and offers presented. There is no single comprehensive portal dedicated to the region of Łódź. This causes confusion among Internet users and makes it difficult to access important information. In addition, the author noted a number of shortcomings regarding the promotion of services on existing agritourism portals. At the same time, it should be emphasized that in the author’s opinion, Internet agritourism portals have much greater potential for promoting agritourism in the Lódź region than is currently used. In connection with the above, the report presents a number of recommendations which, in the author's opinion, could significantly improve the quality of these portals and help in developing a new comprehensive agritourism portal for the region, which in turn will result in attracting new tourists and at the same time promoting the entire Łódź Voivodeship. Prepared recommendations are divided into strategic and operational ones. The first of them are addressed to the institutions responsible for setting the strategy for the Łódź Voivodeship in the scope of tourism development and innovation. This type of institution includes: The Marshal Office of the Łódź Voivodeship and self-government units in the region. The second group of recommendations was addressed directly to economic entities, including institutions responsible for the promotion of agritourism in the region (Agricultural Advisory Centre, agritourism associations, Regional Tourist Organisation of the Łódź Voivodeship, Local Tourist Organisations, Local Action Groups), owners of commercial agritourism portals and owners of agrotourist farms of the Łódź region. Strategic recommendations concern mainly such aspects as increasing the use of new information technologies and innovative solutions for the promotion of agritourism farms and development of a comprehensive agritourism portal for the region. The author draws attention to the need to include these issues in the strategic regional documents (i.e. Development of Tourism in the Łódź Voivodeship Programme, Regional Innovation Strategy and the Regional Operational Programme for the Łódź Voivodeship) and in the promotional strategies of poviats and municipalities, which define the scope of activities of these entities in the field of tourism promotion (agritourism). In addition, the Marshal Office of the Łódź Voivodeship, as a public institution responsible for the promotion of tourism in the region, should strive to build a new comprehensive agriturism portal for the region, integrated with existing tourism/agritourism portals. A comprehensive portal should be understood as a portal which includes 3 main functions: information, booking and communication. In the case of operational recommendations, the author considers that owners of Internet agritourism portals (commercial and those of the institutions responsible for the promotion of agritourism in the region) should aim to develop and improve existing portals because at present they do not present a sufficient level of technological advancement and they do not meet the needs of Internet users looking for agritourism offers. Expansion and improvement refers here to the removal of problems detected during research and adding new functionalities, including the use of innovative IT solutions. Moreover, these portals should enable the owners of agritourism farms to publish the most interesting and extensive offers and their later editing. In addition, the author pays special attention to the needs of organizing trainings, conferences, forums, publishing of articles and conducting research in the field of promotion of agritourism in the Internet. They will allow the owners of agritourism farms to be made aware of the benefits of this form of promotion and thus provide them with knowledge of how to effectively use the promotional tools offered by the Internet. Additionally, based on the results of the study and recommendations presented by the author, a model for the construction of an online agritourism portal was created. The model is based on the principle of benchmarking and draws the best standards, e. g. from the portals which have been tested. Therefore, in the future the model can be used to build a professional and comprehensive agritourism portal for the region of Łódź.
Acta Innovations; 2012, 4; [1-62]
Pojawia się w:
Acta Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Operacyjny program rozwoju turystyki w powiecie golubsko-dobrzyńskim
Operational Programme of Development of Tourism in the Golub-Dobrzyn District
Sewerniak, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Rekreacji
operacyjny program rozwoju turystyki
powiat golubsko-dobrzyński
operative program of tourism development
the Golub-Dobrzyń District
Celem rozważań jest identyfikacja i ocena możliwości rozwoju turystyki w powiecie golubsko-dobrzyńskim. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań określono koncepcję zagospodarowania turystycznego w formie operacyjnego programu rozwoju turystyki. Opisane zostały: rodzaj planowanego przedsięwzięcia, założenia programowe, lokalizację i ogólną charakterystykę obszaru, opis projektu, planowane elementy obsługi, charakterystykę proponowanego produktu turystycznego oraz planowane wykorzystanie obiektu. Główną metodą badawczą były badania terenowe. Dotyczyły one oceny atrakcyjności turystycznej i inwestycyjnej obiektów przestrzennych pod kątem możliwości rozwoju funkcji turystycznej rozpatrywanego obszaru. Wynikiem badań jest opis konkretnych miejsc i obiektów obsługi turystyki, co ma istotne znaczenie praktyczne. Do implikacji teoretycznych należy wskazanie metody oceny uwarunkowań rozwoju turystyki i sposobów zagospodarowania turystycznego jednostki przestrzennej, którym jest powiat.
The aim of the paper is to identify and to assess the possibilities of tourism development in the Golub-Dobrzyń District. On the basis of the conducted analysis the concept of tourist development was presented in the article as an operative program of tourism development. In the paper they were presented: kind of planned activity, program assumptions, location and the general characteristics of the investigated area, description of the project, planned tourist service elements, the characteristics of the proposed tourist product and the planned purpose of an object. The main research method were field studies. They concerned the estimation of the tourist attraction and the investment value of the spatial objects in aspect of tourism development in the investigated district. The main result of the study that can be useful for practical purposes is a description of individual tourist service places and objects. As a theoretical conclusions of the study the method of assessment of: 1. tourism development conditions and 2. ways of tourist management of a district as a spatial object were presented.
Problemy Turystyki i Rekreacji; 2013, 1; 79-94
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Turystyki i Rekreacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzeń turystyczna – cykliczność, „aktorzy, determinanty rozwoju
Włodarczyk, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
przestrzeń turystyczna
typy przestrzeni turystycznej
cykl turystyczny
„aktorzy” przestrzeni turystycznej
determinanty rozwoju i program badań przestrzeni turystycznej
tourism space
types of tourism space
tourism cycle
tourism space ‘actors’
development determining factors
research into tourism space
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę przestrzeni turystycznej zarówno w ujęciu subiektywnym (indywidualnym, percepcyjnym), jak i obiektywnym (z punktu widzenia miejsca obszaru jej występowania). Omówiono także typy przestrzeni turystycznej ze względu na zajmowane terytorium oraz w układzie dynamicznym, traktując je jako możliwe fazy rozwoju ogólnej przestrzeni turystycznej. Efektem jest zaproponowany cykl rozwoju przestrzeni turystycznej. Ponadto scharakteryzowano rolę różnych grup „aktorów” przestrzeni turystycznej oraz determinanty jej organizacji i funkcjonowania. Zaproponowano również model postępowania badawczego zmierzającego do pełnej charakterystyki przestrzeni turystycznej.
The author discusses the issue of tourism space both from a subjective (individual and perceptive) and an objective point of view (the place or area of occurrence). He also discusses types of tourism space as regards the territory they occupy as well as dynamically, as potential development phases for tourism space. As a result, he proposes a tourism space development cycle. In addition, the roles of different groups of tourism space 'actors' and the factors determining organizaUon and functioning of tourism space are described. The author further proposes a model research procedure aiming at a full description of tourism space.
Turyzm; 2006, 16, 2; 41-64
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Utrzymanie i wykorzystanie Wschodniego Szlaku Rowerowego Green Velo : Propagowanie aktywnych form wypoczynku
Maintenance and Use of the Eastern Cycling Route Green Velo – Promotion of Active Relaxation
Dziedzic, Urszula
Trojanowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Wschodni Szlak Rowerowy Green Velo
Miejsca Przyjazne Rowerzystom
Program Operacyjny Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007–2013
trasy rowerowe
Green Velo bicycle trail
places friendly to cyclists
Operational Program ‘Development of Eastern Poland 2007–2013’
bicycle routes
Turystyka rowerowa jest w Polsce coraz bardziej popularna. Rosną więc oczekiwania dotyczące coraz wyższej jakości usług tej branży, odpowiedniego standardu miejsc noclegowych, a także przyjaznych miejsc na trasie. Odpowiedzią na nie jest budowa kolejnych szlaków rowerowych o różnym zasięgu: gminnym, międzygminnym, regionalnym i krajowym. Do tych ostatnich należy Wschodni Szlak Rowerowy Green Velo (dalej także Green Velo lub Szlak). To najdłuższa, licząca około 2 tys. km, spójnie oznakowana trasa w kraju, przebiegająca przez obszar pięciu województw: warmińsko-mazurskiego, podlaskiego, lubelskiego, podkarpackiego i świętokrzyskiego, wybudowana kosztem niemal 275 mln zł. NIK sprawdziła jak funkcjonuje oraz co jej zagraża. Ujawniono wiele nieprawidłowości w utrzymaniu dróg we właściwym stanie technicznym i ich oznakowaniu oraz zaniedbania dotyczące przeglądów gwarancyjnych i okresowych kontroli obiektów Szlaku. Zawodzi też współpraca podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za jego sprawne działanie i rozwój.
The Eastern Cycling Route Green Velo is the longest comprehensive cycling route in Poland, constructed several years ago at the cost of almost 275 million zloty. The route is almost two thousand kilometres long, and it goes through five regions of Poland. The main goal of the planned and ad hoc audits related to Green Velo was to exam ine whether the route was maintained and used in accordance with the objectives set. While the detailed objectives of the audit were related to the compliance with the requirements of the project stability, the expected results of the route, and the regularity of its financing and use. The audit covered 39 entities, including 23 local self-government units – partners in the project, sampled for the audit due to, among other, the length of the Green Velo route running through the roads they manage. The audited entities are responsible for the maintenance of 416 kilometres of the route, and for 35 cyclists service points.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 3 (398); 141-156
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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