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Connotazione giuridica e teologica del diaconato permanente alla luce del Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico, del Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica e del Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’
Juridical and Theological implication of the Permanent Diaconate in the light of the New Code of Canon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the 292 Motu Proprio ‘Omnium in mentem’ .......
Selejdak, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
Code of Canon Law
Word of God, Sacrament of Holy Orders
Grades of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Diaconate, Presbyterate, Episcopate
Common Priesthood
Acting in the person of Christ the Head
Permanent Diaconate
Diaconal Functions
Diaconal service of the Liturgy
Word and Charity, Diocesan Bishop
Extraordinary Minister
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms thatthrough the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican The Code of Canon Law (1983), the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992; 1997) and the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem (2009) of Pope Benedict XVI, seek to give a clearer definition of the juridical and theological implication of the Diaconate, specifically that exercised in a permanent way. Prior to the modifications brought about by the Motu Proprio, Omnium in mentem, the Code (cann. 1008-1009), aligns the diaconate to the priesthood and the episcopate, without sufficiently highlighting the nature of their distinctiveness. Canon 1008 affirms that through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, some among the faithful are constituted sacred ministers in the Church, are marked by an indelible character and deputised to fulfil, in the Person of Christ the Head, the pastoral munus of Christ, subdivided by the now traditional terminology of the Second Vatican Council, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself toCouncil, into the 150 triple munus of teaching, sanctifying and governing. Canon 1009, §1, limits itself to
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne; 2020, 33, 1; 122-151
Pojawia się w:
Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fundamental Rights—Comparison of the Approaches in the Canon Law and in the Civil Law
Leggi fondamentali: confronto di prospettive del diritto canonico e del diritto civile
Lois fondamentales : les perspectives du droit canonique et celles du droit civil à comparer
Přibyl, Stanislav
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Church law
civil law
natural law
human rights
fundamental rights and freedoms
duties and rights of the faithful
the Code of Canon Law
law making
Catholic Church
rule of law
diritto ecclesiastico
diritto civile
diritto naturale
diritti umani
diritti e libertà
obblighi e diritti dei fedeli
codice di diritto
processo legislativo
chiesa cattolica
di diritto
droit ecclésial
droit civil
droit naturel
droits de l’homme
droits et libertés fondamentaux
obligations et droits des fidèles
code de droit canonique
élaboration des lois
église catholique
état de droit
The Code of Canon Law of 1983 came up with a list of obligations and duties of the Catholic faithful. This list is analogical to those of the charters of fundamental rights and freedoms found in the documents of international law and in the constitutions of democratic countries. the inspiration of church law by civilian law was a reality from the very beginnings of the development of Canon Law: first by Roman Law, in the modern world by complex codifications of civil law, and after Vatican II also the idea of universal human rights. The specifics of the Catholic Church in relation to a democratic state is the incorporation of the subject of law into the Church through baptism which brings, above all, duties and obligations. Thus the catalogue which may now be seen in the Code contains first and foremost a list of duties, not rights, which are not stressed in the modern state. In fact, the modern state has very few demands; often just the payment of taxes and compulsory school attendance. The article deals with the individual obligations and rights found in the Code of Canon Law and compares them with their analogies in constitutions. The concept of civil and canonical norms tends to get closer primarily in the case of inspiration by natural law, whereas the obligations of the faithful represent a specifically ecclesiastical goals, for which no analogy in civil law can be found. After all, the supreme law of the Church is the salvation of souls, indeed, the state does not have such a supernatural goal.
Il Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983 ha introdotto un elenco di doveri e diritti dei fedeli laici. È analogo agli elenchi caratteristici dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali contenuti nei documenti di diritto internazionale e nelle costituzioni dei paesi democratici. L’ispirazione della Chiesa al diritto civile è stata una realtà sin dall’inizio del diritto canonico: prima attraverso il diritto romano, poi, nel mondo moderno, attraverso complesse codificazioni del diritto civile, e dopo il Concilio Vaticano II, attraverso le idee dei diritti umani universali. Una caratteristica specifica della Chiesa cattolica rispetto a uno Stato democratico è l’incorporazione del soggetto di diritto nella Chiesa attraverso il battesimo, ciò che porta con sé tutti i diritti e gli obblighi. In questo modo, il catalogo dei diritti e degli obblighi, che ora esiste nel codice, include principalmente un elenco di questi ultimi. I diritti sono invece messi in evidenza dallo Stato moderno. In effetti, lo Stato moderno impone pochi obblighi ai suoi cittadini; spesso si tratta solo di pagare le tasse e di obbedire alla costrizione dell’istruzione obbligatoria. Il presente articolo tratta dei singoli obblighi e diritti contenuti nel Codice di Diritto Canonico e li confronta con i corrispondenti obblighi e diritti contenuti nelle costituzioni. Il concetto di norme civili e canoniche è simile, soprattutto se ispirato alla legge naturale. I doveri dei fedeli, invece, rappresentano fini ecclesiastici specifici, e in questo caso è difficile stabilire un’analogia con il diritto civile. Soprattutto, la legge suprema della Chiesa è la salvezza delle anime, e lo Stato non ha un obiettivo così soprannaturale.
Le Code de droit canonique de 1983 a dressé une liste de devoirs et de droits propres aux fidèles laïcs. Elle est analogue aux listes de droits et libertés fondamentaux contenus dans les documents de droit international et dans les constitutions des pays démocratiques. Le fait que l’Église se soit inspirée du droit civil est une réalité qui remonte aux origines du droit canonique : tout d’abord à travers le droit romain, puis, dans le monde moderne, à travers des codifications complexes du droit civil, et après le Concile Vatican II, à travers les idées de droits humains universels. Une caractéristique spécifique de l’Église catholique par rapport à l’État démocratique est l’incorporation du sujet de droit dans l’Église par le baptême, qui entraîne tous un ensemble de droits et obligations. De cette manière, ce catalogue des droits et obligations qui existe désormais dans le code comprend principalement la liste de ces dernières. Ce sont au contraire les droits qui sont mis en évidence par l’État moderne. En fait, l’État moderne impose peu d’obligations à ses citoyens; souvent, il ne s’agit que de payer ses impôts et de suivre l’enseignement obligatoire. L’article traite des obligations et droits individuels contenus dans le Code du droit canon et les compare aux obligations et droits correspondants contenus dans les constitutions. Les concepts de normes civiles et de normes canoniques sont comparables, notamment parce que toutes deux s’inspirent du droit naturel. Les devoirs des fidèles, en revanche, représentent un objectif spécifique de l’Église et, dans ce cas, il est difficile d’établir une analogie avec le droit civil. Par-dessus tout, la loi majeure de l’Église reste le salut des âmes, alors que l’État ne poursuit pas un but surnaturel de ce type.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2020, 6; 73-95
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa i obowiązki wiernych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem praw i obowiązków rodziny
The rights and duties of the Christ’s faithful in the CIC 1983 with particular focus on the rights and duties of family
Kornecki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
CIC 1983
Catholic Church
rights and duties
The Canon Law of the Catholic Church
The Church
The members of the Catholic Church have both rights and responsibilities, which result from the nature of the human being, as people are called to follow their vocation in life. However, to make it possible people and their activities must be protected by the rights and duties. Code of Canon Law sets out the rights and responsibilities of those who believe. It should be emphasized that these rights and duties permeate each other. A human being, as a member of the community of the Church through baptism, has the right, but also the obligation to promote holiness in life and thus strive to achieve it, since not only does it enrich inner life, but it also affects family life making it more human and more Christian. Parents should enjoy the right to educate their children according to their own beliefs and systems of values, and the state authorities cannot infract or destroy these systems. The right to education is a part of the idea of evangelization, which should originate from the closest members of a family. At the same time members of the Church, including both parents and children, can rely on help from the clergy in achieving salvation. They have the right to form associations and the right to defend the good name.
Annales Canonici; 2014, 10; 151-162
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwo wykorzystania seksualnego osób bezbronnych w Kościele katolickim. Analiza karno-kanoniczna z uwzględnieniem wybranych elementów psychologicznych
The Crime of Sexual Abuse of Vulnerable Persons in the Catholic Church. Penal-canonical Analysis and its Selected Psychological Elements
Kiełpiński, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
osoby bezradne
kanoniczne prawo karne
molestowanie seksualne
ochrona osób bezradnych w Kościele katolickim
prawo kanoniczne
helpless persons
canonical criminal law
sexual abuse
protection of helpless persons in the Catholic Church
canon law
W 2019 r. w prawie kanonicznym prawodawca umieścił termin „osoby bezradne” i uwzględnił go w systemie prawnym Kościoła katolickiego dopiero w tymże roku. Ustawodawca określił jego definicję legalną. Interesujący termin wskazuje na osoby, którym zapewniono ochronę przed przestępstwem wykorzystania seksualnego. Badania realizują podwójny cel. Celem pierwszorzędnym jest pokazanie w społeczności kościelnej osób, do których odnosi się termin „osoba bezradna”. Drugorzędnym celem jest ukazanie na podstawie analizy przepisów prawa kanonicznego zakresu ochrony „osób bezradnych” wobec przestępstwa wykorzystania seksualnego. Do przeprowadzenia badań wykorzystano odpowiednie metody badawcze. Należą do nich: metoda dogmatyczno-prawna, historyczna, filologiczna, porównawcza oraz metody analityczne wykorzystywane w naukach psychologicznych oraz kryminologicznych. Narracja stworzona w artykule pokazała, że do kategorii „osób bezbronnych” zalicza się różne osoby dzieci, młodzież, osoby niepełnosprawne, osoby starsze, kobiety i mężczyzn uzależnionych od alkoholu lub środków psychoaktywnych, pensjonariuszy domów opieki i sanatoriów oraz ludzi, którzy nie potrafią oprzeć się agresji sprawcy. Obecne przepisy prawa kanonicznego kompleksowo chronią powyższe osoby przed przestępstwem wykorzystania seksualnego. W związku z tym ustawodawca wraz z podległymi mu organami powinni stale obserwować zjawisko wykorzystania seksualnego i dostosowywać przepisy, aby zapewniały nadal wolność, bezpieczeństwo i ochronę osobom bezradnym oraz karały odpowiednimi sankcjami sprawców.
The legislator has placed the term ‘helpless persons’ in canon law. It was placed in the legal system of the Catholic Church only in 2019. The legislator has set out its legal definition. The term indicates persons who have been given protection from the crime of sexual abuse. The research has a dual purpose. The primary objective is to present people in the Church community to whom the term ‘helpless persons“ refers. The secondary objective is to show, on the basis of an analysis of canon law, the extent of protection of ‘helpless persons’ against the crime of sexual abuse. Appropriate research methods were used to conduct the study. These include the dogmatic-legal method, the historical method, the philological method, the comparative method and the analytical methods used in psychological and criminological sciences. The narrative created in the article showed that the category of ‘vulnerable persons’ includes a variety of people including children, adolescents, people with disabilities, the elderly, women and men addicted to alcohol or psychoactive drugs, residents of nursing homes and sanatoriums, and people who are unable to resist the aggression of the perpetrator. The current provisions of canon law comprehensively protect the above persons from the crime of sexual abuse. Therefore, the legislator, together with the bodies subordinate to it, should constantly observe the phenomenon of sexual exploitation and adapt the laws so that they continue to ensure the freedom, safety and protection of helpless people and punish perpetrators with appropriate criminal sanctions.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 2; 455-483
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka statutu Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Dyduch, Jan M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski
canon law
Catholic Church
Congregation for Catholic Education
John Paul II
the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow
Foundation of the Pontifical University of John Paul II on 19 June 2009 required a new statute. It was adopted by the university senate on 23 February 2009 and handed over to Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, the prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, on 26 May 2009. After entering the observations of the congregation by the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, it was approved by the congregation on 2 May 2010. The statute regulates the activity of the entire academic community and its individual faculties. It emphasizes evangelisation tasks of the university, its independence and autonomy to the civil authorities and compatibility of the canonical norms and the regulations of state for the universities.
Foundation of the Pontifical University of John Paul II on 19 June 2009 required a new statute. It was adopted by the university senate on 23 February 2009 and handed over to Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, the prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, on 26 May 2009. After entering the observations of the congregation by the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, it was approved by the congregation on 2 May 2010. The statute regulates the activity of the entire academic community and its individual faculties. It emphasizes evangelisation tasks of the university, its independence and autonomy to the civil authorities and compatibility of the canonical norms and the regulations of state for the universities.
Analecta Cracoviensia; 2012, 44
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona danych osobowych w działalności Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce
Protection of personal data in the activity of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland
Czelny, Michał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Catholic Church in Poland
church-state relations (Poland)
churches and religious associations
freedom of religion
law on religion
religious freedom
freedom of conscience and religion
relations between the state and churches
Canon Law
kościoły i inne związki wyznaniowe
prawo wyznaniowe
relacje panstwo - kościół
związek wyznaniowy
ochrona danych osobowych
prawo kanoniczne
Odpowiednia ochrona danych osobowych w działalności Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce rodzi wiele pytań i kontrowersji. Niniejszy artykuł odpowiada na pytania: kto jest administratorem danych osobowych w Kościele katolickim, jakie ma on obowiązki i jaką ma odpowiedzialność karną za niewłaściwą ochronę tychże danych. Pojęcie administratora danych osobowych w jednostkach organizacyjnych Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce ma swoje źródło w ustawie z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych. Administratorem danych osobowych jest podmiot decydujący o celach i środkach przetwarzania danych osobowych, a więc w tym przypadku Kościół katolicki, przy czym administrator danych osobowych może upoważnić inny podmiot do przetwarzania tych danych. Opracowanie uwzględnia obowiązki informacyjne, rejestrowe i zabezpieczające dane osobowe, którymi winien się kierować administrator danych osobowych. Ponadto, artykuł opisuje obowiązki wynikające bezpośrednio z Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. i Instrukcji wydanej przez Konferencję Episkopatu Polski w dn. 23 września 2009 r. nt. Ochrony danych osobowych w działalności Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce.
Adequate protection of personal data in the activity of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland raises many questions and arouses controversy. This article addresses the following questions: who is the administrator of personal data in the Catholic Church; what are his responsibilities; what is his liability for failing to protect such data. The idea of the personal data administrator in the organizational units of the Catholic Church in Poland goes back to the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data. The administrator of personal data is an entity, in this case the Catholic Church, that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; such an administrator may also authorize another entity for such processing. The paper discusses the requirements as to the disclosure, registration and security of personal data, which should be met by the administrator. In addition, the author touches upon the relevant obligations arising directly from the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Instruction of 23 September 2009 on the protection of personal data in the activity of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland issued by the Polish Episcopal Conference.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2011, 14; 241-268
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Normatywne aspekty w konstytucji apostolskiej papieża Franciszka Veritatis gaudium o uniwersytetach i wydziałach kościelnych
Normative Aspects in the Apostolic Constitution of Pope Francis: Veritatis Gaudium on Universities and Church Faculties
Biały, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Code of Canon Law
personalistic norms
social changes
and challenges
mission of the Catholic Church
Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego
norma prawna
przemiany i wyzwania społeczne
misja Kościoła katolickiego
Analizując konstytucję apostolską Veritatis gaudium, można dostrzec dwie normatywne perspektywy. Pierwsza oparta jest na woli kontynuacji personalistycznej idei wychowania katolickiego, jak i działalności misyjnej Kościoła. Tym samym wpisuje się w wykładnię, jak dzisiaj należy rozumieć kwestię dotarcia do konkretnego człowieka z prawdą katolickiej wiary, zawartą w kan. 781-792. Druga poszerzona jest o nowe zasady otwarcia się na dialog i kulturę ogólnoludzką. Możemy nazwać to „misyjną normą humanistyczno-teocentryczną”. Znaczy to, że jeśli za kontynuację będziemy rozumieli personalistyczny wymiar doktryny (realizowany w duchu Jana Pawła II), to papież Franciszek wymóg ten przeradza w zasadę wyjścia Kościoła do innych kultur ościennych poprzez nowy paradygmat dochodzenia do prawdy i pojednania, tzn. aktualizacji. Nazwane to zostało „koniecznością przemiany misyjnej Kościoła”. I jeśli w tę podwójną perspektywę została wpisana rola uniwersytetów i wydziałów kościelnych, które mogą dostarczać integrującej wiedzy o człowieku, podając jej naukowe uzasadnienie na zasadzie interdyscyplinarności, to w tym kontekście studia z prawa kanonicznego uzyskują bardzo ważną rolę (jak też sam KPK).
When analyzing the apostolic constitution Veritatis Gaudium, we see two normative perspectives. The first is based on the will to continue the personalistic idea of Catholic education as well as the missionary activity of the Church. Thus, it fits into the interpretation of how one should understand today the issue of reaching a specific person with the truth of the Catholic faith, as stated in can. 781-792, etc. Secondly, we have here a broadened view of new principles of openness to dialogue and universal human culture. We can call it „integrative humanities” or „missionary humanistic norm”. This means that if the continuation here present is a clearly noticeable personalistic dimension of the doctrine (in the spirit of John Paul II), then this requirement Pope Francis transforms into the principle of the Church’s going out to other neighboring cultures through a new paradigm of reaching truth and reconciliation (i.e. actualization). This was called „the necessity of the Church’s missionary transformation”. And if in this dual perspective is included the role of universities and Church faculties, which can provide integrating knowledge about man, giving scientific justification on an interdisciplinary basis, then in this context studies in Canon law acquire an especially important role (as well as the Code of Canon Law).
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2020, 30, 4; 213-228
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany wielokulturowe a zakres pojęciowy przestępstwa aborcji: refleksje w świetle kanonu 1398
Multicultural transformations and the significance of terms concerning abortion: reflections in the light of canon 1398
Biały, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
przerwanie ciąży
semantyczna poprawność
zakres pojęciowy
teoria prawa kanonicznego
doktryna Kościoła katolickiego
termination of pregnancy
doctrine of the Catholic Church
semantic correctness
conceptual scope
theory of canon law
The author asks what we understand today under such terms as “abortion” and “termination of pregnancy”, especially as Church legislature (CIC can. 1398) punishes the perpetrator of the act of killing innocent human life, located under “the mother’s heart”, with an excommunication latae sententiae. He argues that the semantic changes that are taking place today in connection with the development of biotechnology, but also with the cultural development of societies, demand a more deepened examination of this issue. He comes to the conclusion, analyzing the literature of the subject, including doctrinal documents of the Catholic Church, that although in present-day colloquial speech (but not only) there exists, an ethically dangerous identification of the concept of “abortion” with the concept of “termination of pregnancy” – in the official teaching of the Church we have clarity about the significance of these terms. However, the author calls for the doctrinal specification of this issue to be carried out, preferably as soon as possible, in order to reassure accuracy and avoid the euphemistic social engineering techniques of some circles operating in this ethical field (cfr. EV 58).
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2018, 61, 4; 63-78
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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