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Metoda projektowania zamków konwentualnych na ziemi chełmińskiej. Przyczynek do badań nad zastosowaniem kwadratury w krzyżackim budownictwie zamkowym
The design methods of the Chełmno Land’s conventual castles. A contribution to the study of the use of quadrangulation in the teutonic castle building
Wasik, B.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
zamki krzyżackie
projektowanie w średniowieczu
Teutonic Order castles
design methods in the Middle Ages
W okresie średniowiecza nie powstały żadne traktaty precyzujące i prezentujące ówczesną teorię architektury. Żywa była jeszcze pamięć o zasadach architektury antycznej, ale z biegiem czasu stawały się one odległym ideałem, z którego czerpano dość dowolnie. Mimo to posługiwano się geometrią w projektowaniu już w okresie romańskim. Co najmniej od XIII wieku stosowano także triangulację i kwadraturę. Metody te zaczerpnięto z pracy Witruwiusza, a ich prostota sprzyjała stosowaniu przez budowniczych, wymagały bowiem jedynie znajomości najprostszych zabiegów geometrycznych i podstawowych narzędzi. Z terenu krzyżackich Prus nie zachowały się żadne pisma ani rysunki projektowe, ale pośrednie przesłanki źródłowe świadczą o istnieniu tych drugich. Metodą najbardziej odpowiednią do projektowania regularnych zamków konwentualnych wydaje się być technika kwadratury – oparta na kwadratach. Metoda ta polegała na rysowaniu kolejnych rzeczonych figur. Rozpoczynając od największego, każdy kolejny kwadrat był wpisany w poprzedni i wyznaczany od środków jego boków. W ten sposób co druga figura była obrócona pod kątem 45 stopni w stosunku do poprzedniej. Kolejne miały też powierzchnię dwukrotnie mniejszą od poprzedniego. Kwadraty te można było w razie potrzeby obracać, a pozyskane z nich wymiary służyły w konstruowaniu rzutu poziomego i wysokości poszczególnych elementów budowli. Analizie pod względem wykorzystania powyższej metody przez średniowiecznych pruskich budowniczych poddano cztery zamki z terenu ziemi chełmińskiej: w Papowie Biskupim, Golubiu-Dobrzyniu, Radzyniu Chełmińskim, Brodnicy. W pierwszej kolejności ustalono, że w dwóch mniejszych stosowano starą stopę, a w dwóch pozostałych – nową stopę chełmińską, co odpowiada odrębnej ich chronologii. W przypadku zamków wzniesionych na planie kwadratu z narożnymi wieżyczkami ryzalitowymi ustalono, że pierwszy kwadrat opierał się na wierzchołkach tychże wież. Figury II i III służyły do wykreślenia ścian obiegających dziedziniec. Zasięg krużganka wyznaczał w Papowie kwadrat V, a Radzyniu i Brodnicy – IV. Mniejsze figury służyły także do wyznaczania wysokości i proporcji krużganka (Papowo – kwadrat V) i elewacji (Papowo – kwadrat V, Radzyń – kwadrat V, VII i IX). W domu konwentu w Golubiu, który ma prostokątny obrys, zastosowano najprawdopodobniej dwie przesunięte kwadratury. Jak wynika z powyższych analiz metoda kwadratury stosowana była do wyznaczania podstawowych proporcji budowli. Elementy mniejsze, takie jak wieże i okna były wyznaczane za pomocą miary stóp i prętów. Stwierdzono ponadto, że kwadraturę (przynajmniej w takiej postaci) stosowano przede wszystkim na ziemi chełmińskiej. Niewykluczone, że poza jej obszarem posłużono się nią w projektowaniu, starszych od chełmińskich, zamków znad Zalewu Wiślanego. W późniejszych zamkach, poza ziemią chełmińską, kwadratury raczej nie stosowano. Wyjątkiem jest zamek w Świeciu. Popularność tej metody na ziemi chełmińskiej w pierwszej połowie XIII wieku świadczy o funkcjonowaniu tu grupy budowniczych, miedzy którymi następowała wymiana myśli i tradycji architektonicznych.
In the Middle Ages there were no treaties detailing and presenting the contemporary theory of architecture. The principles of ancient architecture were still in use, but over time they became just a distant ideal and their rules were used quite randomly. Nonetheless, geometry was used in architecture already in the Romanesque period. Triangulation and quadrangulation were known at least from the start of the 13th century. These methods were taken from the work of Vitruvius, and their simplicity (requiring knowledge of simple geometric operations and basic tools) was good for use in building. No manuscripts or drawings of this kind have preserved in the former Teutonic Prussia to our times, yet indirect evidence proves that the latter must have been in use. Quadrangulation method – based on squares – seems to be most appropriate for the design of regular Conventual castles. This method is based on adding subsequent figures into the first one. Each next square’s corners are based in the middles of the sides of the earlier one, so that it is rotated by 45º and its surface is half of the previous square. These squares could be rotated as needed, and their dimensions were used in the construction of the horizontal plan of the building and its elevations. Four Chełmno Land castles were analysed for the use of this method by medieval builders in Prussia, these are: Papowo Biskupie, Golub-Dobrzyń, Radzyń Chełmiński and Brodnica. It was first established that in the two smaller castles the old foot measure was used while in the other two the new Chełmno foot, which corresponds to different chronology of the castles chronology. In case of castles erected on the plan of a square with risalit towers the outer corners of the towers marked the corners of the square. Squares II and III were used to mark the outline of the courtyard. The range of the courtyard galleries was marked: by square V in case of Papowo and square IV in case of Radzyń and Brodnica. Smaller squares were also used in the proportions of courtyard galleries (Papowo – square V) and elevations (Papowo – square V, Radzyń – square V, VII and IX). In case of rectangular conventual house in Golub two shifted quadrangulations were used. As was shown in the article shows, quadrangulation method was used to determine the basic proportions of the building. Smaller components, such as towers and windows, were determined with the measure of feet and rods. It was also found that the quadrangulation (at least in this form) was used mainly in Chełmno Land, possibly also in case of some of the older castles of the Vistula Lagoon. In younger castles outside Chełmno Land, with the exception Świecie castle, quadrangulation was not in use. The popularity of this method in Chełmno Land in the first half of the 13th century proves that these castles were erected by a group of builders who exchanged ideas and were of the same architectural traditions.
Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki; 2013, 58, 4; 79-97
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Murowany zamek prokuratorów krzyżackich w Bytowie w średniowieczu. Chronologia wznoszenia, rozplanowanie i układ przestrzenny
The Medieval Brick Castle of the Teutonic Pflegers in Bytów: Construction Chronology, Layout and Spatial Arrangement
Jóźwiak, Sławomir
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Teutonic Order
Teutonic castles
Teutonic Pflegers
medieval fortifications
late medieval warfare
Teutonic castles in Prussia have long captivated the interest of scholars, with greater emphasis placed on the fortresses of Teutonic commanders and, notably, Malbork Castle. Lesser attention, however, has been given to the castles of lower-ranking Teutonic officials. One such castle is the Teutonic Pflegers’ fortress in Bytów, which stands to this day. Research on this site has been ongoing since the early 20th century, primarily conducted by art historians who have predominantly relied on architectural elements to delve into the castle’s construction chronology and spatial arrangement. Remarkably, numerous written accounts, both medieval and modern (16th–17th centuries), have been preserved concerning this castle. By incorporating these historical documents alongside archaeological findings made over the past three decades, the authors have reassessed prior conclusions about the castle’s early history and reconstituted its medieval spatial layout. Regrettably, little information is available regarding the initial residence of the Teutonic Pflegers in Bytów during the latter half of the 14th century. The brick castle was erected around the turn of the 15th century, displaying a rectangular design with four corner towers. The primary building was located on the northwestern side. Within the courtyard, a distinctive feature was a transverse wall that divided the castle into two sections, viewing from the side of the kitchen. This architectural choice was distinct from other fortifications of Teutonic officials constructed in the first half of the 15th century in Prussia. The design of the castle in Bytów was innovative, while its architecture and spatial layout were to align with the evolving demands of warfare, such as the development of firearms.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2023, 88, 4; 5-37
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dienerzy w służbie zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach w drugiej połowie XIV – pierwszej połowie XV wieku. Liczebność, utrzymanie, zakwaterowanie
Dieners in the Monastic State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia in the Second Half of the 14th Century – the First Half of the 15th Century: the Group Size, Maintenance, Accommodation
Jóźwiak, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Middle Ages
Teutonic castles
the Teutonic Order
In the late medieval Monastic State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia dieners were people who came from knightly families (not infrequently from beyond the territory of Prussia) and were maintained by Teutonic dignitaries and officials (they were provided with accommodation, food, clothes and pay) in exchange for the diplomatic, military-knightly and courtly service (the participation in military actions, the manning of castles, transporting information, the defence of envoys and guests, the examination of the territory occupied by the enemy, the participation in corteges, etc.). In the first half of the 15th century (the available data refers only to this period of time), every high Teutonic official, commander and Vogt had even a few dozens of dieners at their disposal, except extraordinary situations such as the manning of frontier castles in Klaipėda and Dybów. In the whole territory of the Teutonic State in Prussia there might have been about 450–500 dieners at that time. The source analysis conducted here which concerned the castles in Malbork, Świecie, Elbląg and Brandenburg allow us to state that dieners were provided with the accommodation in the buildings situated in the outer wards of the castles. They were given rooms (chambers) exclusively for their use or individual rooms in infirmaries of dieners/servants. As may be inferred from the relatively numerous sources in the Malbork castle they were accommodated on the ground floor in the southern part of the eastern wing of the first internal ward, in the infirmaries next to the Church of St. Lawrence (the southern wing of the first internal ward). In Konigsberg the solution was quite exceptional. Dieners residing there were allowed to have their residential space within the outer wards of the castle (which cannot be proved), but the infirmary where they resided was situated in the territory of the so called wolnizna [Burgfreihei], in the north of the north-east part of the outer ward.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2018, 83, 1; 7-37
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Techniki budowy zamków w ziemi chełmińskiej. Nowe dane w świetle badań archeologiczno‑architektonicznych z lat 2016–2018
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
construction technique
Teutonic Order
Chełmno Land
In the years 2016–2018, as part of the research project “Castra terrae culmensis – na rubieży chrześcijańskiego świata”, five castles at the Chełmno land were studied. They supplemented the existing knowledge concerning construction techniques. Castles in Starogród and Bierzgłowo represent the oldest period of brick construction in Prussia. They constituted a continuation of wood and earth fortifications. When building the walls, the older embankments were completely removed (Starogród) or lowered (Bierzgłowo). The curtains were set in narrow ditches, at different levels. The castle in Lipienek represents a type of castle, which was built around 1280. However, it was located in the place of a gord, which deviates from the rule when it comes to this type of castles. However, here the builders took advantage of designing methods, construction staging, and large embankment works typical for such type of castles. However, the presence of a rampart forced a modification of the standard technique. It was necessary to partially level it in order to be able to build the basement walls individually. The presence of earthworks – embankments, was also found in the fore court II in Papowo Biskupie. They were also characteristic for irregular castle zwingers erected during this period (Starogród, Bierzgłowo). Whereas, in Unisław it is possible to trace the technique of building an arcade foundation.
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza; 2023, 26; 276-299
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topografia i układ przestrzenny krzyżackiego zamku komturskiego w Toruniu w świetle średniowiecznych źródeł pisanych
Topography and spatial layout of the castle of the Teutonic commander in Toruń in the light of the medieval written sources
Jóźwiak, Sławomir
Trupinda, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Middle Ages
medieval architecture in Prussia
the Teutonic Order
Teutonic castles
The information included in the medieval written sources enrich our knowledge about the Toruń castle destroyed in 1454. The construction of the part of the defensive walls (made from stone?) lasted at least from 1255. In 1262 the stronghold in its original form had been already erected. In the subsequent years (1263) works took place to construct its interiors (at least a chapel located on the first floor in the eastern part of the southern wing). The main octagonal tower situated in the northern part of the courtyard of the High Castle was frequently mentioned in the medieval written sources (starting from 1381). However, it must have been erected earlier. The information about buildings located beyond the space of the High Castle is particularly interesting. The buildings included the „gemach” of the commander (with a chapel, refectory and a kitchen) in the northern part of the western outer bailey, the „gemach” of the castle’s commander – probably in the vicinity (it was created later – after 1409) and the „summer house” („somerhaws”) with the „summer hall” („aula estivalis”) existing since at least the 1380s and situated in the southern part of the western Low Castle. Among other buildings recorded in the medieval written sources there were also the „gemach” of the Teutonic head of the mint („Münzmeister”) located next to the western defensive wall of the Low Castle; the „gemach” of the steward of Königsberg (Kaliningrad, Russia) mentioned from the end of the 14th century and situated probably in the western part of the Low Castle; the building of the infirmary which might have been located in the north-east part of the Low Castle. In the topography of the castle there were also outbuildings. For example, at least two mills were situated within the defensive walls probably in the eastern part of the Low Castle. To sum up, the medieval written sources present a picture of a complex construction of the Toruń castle.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2016, 81, 3; 7-35
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcje siedzib drobnych urzędników krzyżackich na obszarze komturstw człuchowskiego i tucholskiego
Functions of residences of minor officials of the Teutonic Order in the area of komturship Czluchowski and Tucholski
Knyżewski, Marcel
Data publikacji:
Fundacja dzień dobry! kolektyw kultury
Teutonic castles
Teutonic Order
construction fortified
Middle Ages
zamki krzyżackie
zakon krzyżacki
budownictwa warowne
Article relates to functions of castles and manors that belonged to minor officials Teutonic in south Pomerelia (komturship Człuchów and Tuchola). These areas had provincial character in the State of the Teutonic Knights. Castles and manors of komturship seem to be typical in terms of its functions to other such facilities in the former monastic state in Prussia. The most interest-ing thing in terms of residential tasks seem mansions in Kosobudy, Debrzno and Chojnice. The first of them could be the temporary residence of high dignitaries. Debrzno and Chojnice may not have a permanent crew. Noteworthy is the fact that most of these objects probably did not present a strongly defensive forms. Probably all or almost all (question as in the case of urban mansions) seat monastic functions in relation to the breeding and cultivation.
Amor Fati; 2015, 4; 193-204
Pojawia się w:
Amor Fati
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Techniki budowy zamków w typie kasztelu w państwie krzyżackim w Prusach
Techniques of construction of castellumtype castles in the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia
Wasik, Bogusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zamki krzyżackie
zamki konwentualne
średniowieczne techniki budowlane
zakon krzyżacki
Teutonic Order castle
conventual castles
medieval building techniques
Teutonic Order
W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały techniki budowy zamków regularnych (kasztelowych) w Prusach. Wznoszono je od ok. 1280 r., kiedy to stabilizacja i rozwój państwa stworzyły podstawy do rozwoju monumentalnej architektury. Okres ten charakteryzuje ilościowy i jakościowy rozwój budownictwa. Wysoka klasa architektury szła w parze z rozwojem technik budowlanych i realizacją przemyślanych inwestycji. Nowsze badania wskazują, że zamki kasztelowe budowano według podobnych schematów, począwszy od wyboru miejsca budowy, przez projektowanie, porządek prac murarskich, po wielki nakład prac ziemnych. Cechy te, powtarzalne do pocz. XV w., wskazują na obecność ugruntowanej tradycji budowlanej w Prusach.
The article describes the techniques of building regularly-shaped castles (Castelle) in Prussia. They started to appear around 1280, when the stabilization and development of the state provided a basis for the development of monumental architecture. This period is characterized by rapid advances in architecture, both in quantitative and in qualitative terms. The development of high-class architecture was accompanied by progress in building techniques and the completion of well thoughtout investments. More recent studies indicate that castellum-type castles were built according to similar patterns, ranging from the choice of a construction site, through design, order of masonry work, to extensive earthworks. These features, repetitive until the beginning of the 15th century, evidence the presence of a well-established building tradition in Prussia.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2018, 2; 33-60
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symbolika i znaczenie zamku krzyżackiego w Malborku
Symbolism and significance of the Teutonic Castle in Malbork
Wiśniewski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Teutonic Order
functions of the Order Castles
Grand Master’s Palace
restoration of the castle
political references
The architecture of the Teutonic Knight’s Castle in Malbork was finally shaped in the first half of the 14th century. It was one of the grandest aristocratic residences, being the seat of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order from 1309 to 1457. The monumental structure testified to the power of the Order which ruled over a rich territory protected by the Patroness Blessed Virgin Mary, situated on the east side in an external niche of the presbytery of St. Anne‘s Chapel. As each castle, it performed the basic functions: that of an abbey, a strategic function of a fortress and an economic management centre. As the residence of the Grand Master it was also the capital of the monastic state. Malbork, because of the relics that were kept there, especially those of the Holy Cross, was also a pilgrimage centre. After a few centuries and the partition in 1772, when it was the venue of the homage paid by the people to the Prussian king, the Malbork Castle became more and more politicised, by linking its old Teutonic past with the current political situation in Germany, emphasizing the merits of the Order in the propagation of the German culture in this area and the Germanity of these territories, although Nazi authorities considered they should be connected only where their relics remained, such as the Castle in Malbork. The last time it became a political symbol of “the German survival power” was when it was announced a stronghold during the battles about Malbork and the castle during World War II. By abandoning and getting rid of political determinants, which distorted the truth, the International Historical Commission initiated work on a reliable and objective presentation of the history of the presence of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia. All politicised for contemporary purposes was abandoned, “considering the Teutonic Order more comprehensively than before, not only in the context of the history of Prussia. This was certainly a result of border changes after 1945, but also – hopefully – a result of common sense”. (H. Boockmann).
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 7-25
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budownictwo warowne jako narzędzie intensyfikacji władztwa na obrzeżach kraju. Casus Bezławek w późnośredniowiecznych Prusach
Constructing Strongholds as a Means of Strengthening Territorial Authority on Peripheries: The Case of the Castle in Bäslack (Bezławki) in Late Medieval Prussia
Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
late Middle Ages
Teutonic Order
territorial authority
The article concerns the chronological framework and circumstances of constructing a castle of the Teutonic Order in Bäslack (Bezławki). The research was based on written, mainly manuscript, primary sources. A detailed analysis has been made of the colonisation carried out by the Teutonic Order in the lower and middle course of the Dajna River, where this castle was built, in the region of Barten (Bartia). The analysis made it possible to date back the chronology of constructing the stronghold to the 1370s. It was also argued that the direct reason for erecting the castle was the conflict of the Bishop of Ermland (Warmia) Johann II Stryprock with the Teutonic Order, which had been escalating in the 1360s, and which ended only in 1374/1375. On the one hand, the construction of the castle in Bäslack was to symbolically emphasise the dominant position of the Teutonic Order in Prussia and its supremacy over the dominion of the bishops of Ermland. On the other hand, it was to serve as a tangible demarcation of the territory which was directly under the rule of the Teutonic Order in the region, where the border between the lands controlled by the Teutonic Knights and by the bishops of Ermland had not been firmly established, which was one of the causes of the aforementioned conflict.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2021, 86, 3; 81-116
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamki pokrzyżackie w województwie chełmińskim w czasach Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów
Post-Teutonic castles in Chełmno province in the times of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Bogusz, W.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Prusy Królewskie
województwo chełmińskie
Chełmno Voivodeship
Teutonic Order
Zamki dawnego państwa krzyżackiego w Prusach, jako wybitne pomniki architektury gotyckiej, budziły zainteresowanie od XIX wieku. Ich nowożytne przekształcenia były jednak traktowane na marginesie. W czasach, kiedy Prusy Królewskie były częścią Rzeczypospolitej, zamki te stały się jednak siedzibami koronnych dostojników i przez nich były rozbudowywane i modernizowane, aby sprostać wymaganiom nowej epoki. W niniejszym tekście scharakteryzowano nowożytne przekształcenia zamków na przykładzie wybranych obiektów z terenu województwa chełmińskiego. Można je podzielić na dwie zasadnicze grupy. W pierwszej główny nacisk inwestycyjny skupiał się na przekształceniu zamku wysokiego (dawnego domu konwentu) w wygodną rezydencję starościńską bądź biskupią. Do grupy tej zaliczyć można zamki w Lipienku, Golubiu, Starogrodzie i Lubawie. Modernizacje objęły przede wszystkim wnętrza piano nobile, ale także (w różnym stopniu) elewacje, np. przez ich otynkowanie i przekształcenie formy okien. Natomiast druga grupa zamków charakteryzuje się przebudową starych i wznoszeniem nowych budynków na parchamach i przedzamczach. W przypadku tych obiektów (Grudziądz, Brodnica, Wąbrzeźno) zabudowa poza zamkiem wysokim pełniła ważną rolę rezydencjonalną. Modernizowane w stylu renesansowym i barokowym zamki pozostały siedzibami starostów i biskupów aż do rozbiorów. Dopiero zmiana władzy państwowej przypieczętowała ich degradację i ostateczne opuszczenie.
Castles of former Teutonic state in Prussia, treated as outstanding examples of gothic architecture, have been within the researchers’ interests since 19th c. Their modern transformations were treated marginally, though. In the times, when the Royal Prussia was a part of the Republic of Poland, they became the seats of the Crown dignitaries and therefore they were expanded and modernized to fulfill the needs of a new epoch. The text presented above, characterizes modern castle transformations on the examples of selected objects from the area of Chełmno Voivodeship. They can be divided into two main groups. The first – the principal investment effort was concentrated on the transition of the high castle (former convent house) into a comfortable residence of a starost or a bishop. This group includes castles in: Lipienko, Golub, Starogród and Lubawa. The modernizations concerned mainly interiors – piano nobile, but also (in various forms), facades, e.g. plastering them and changing window forms. The other group is characterized by rebuilding old and erecting new structures in outer and inner wards. In case of these objects (Grudziądz, Brodnica, Wąbrzeźno) the buildings, except for the high castle, served very important residential purposes. Castles modernized according to renaissance or baroque styles remained starosts’ and bishops’ seats until the country partition periods, when the change of the state authority sealed their degradation and final abandonment.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2015, 41; 20-35
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Produkty wykorzystywane w przepisach krzyżackich. Analiza wybranych przykładów z krzyżackich ksiąg kucharskich
Ingredients used in Teutonic Knights’ recipes. Analysis of selected examples from Teutonic cookery books
Śliczyńska, Joanna Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Ostrołęckie Towarzystwo Naukowe
zakon krzyżacki
zamki krzyżackie
kuchnia krzyżacka
przepisy kulinarne
produkty spożywcze
Teutonic Order
Teutonic castles
Teutonic cuisine
recipes from
the Middle Ages
cooking ingredients
Rozważania nad potrawami i artykułami spożywczymi, wykorzystywanymi do przygotowania potraw i zapasów, w kuchniach na zamkach krzyżackich, czerpiemy ze źródeł zawierających opisy tychże, czyli ze starych krzyżackich ksiąg kucharskich. Wiele w nich jest zapisów, które znacznie zmieniają nasze wyobrażenie o przygotowaniu, sporządzaniu potraw, a także o składnikach, użytych do ich wytworzenia. Wielokrotnie odbiegają one od dzisiejszych potraw, ich składu lub też produktów użytych do ich sporządzenia. Istnieją też różnice w wykorzystywaniu niektórych produktów spożywczych, spotykanych zarówno w analizowanych czasach, na zamkach krzyżackich, a ich współczesnym wykorzystaniu, np. dotyczy to przede wszystkim tłuszczy, w tym wszechobecnego smalcu. Niektóre z dodatków, np. płatki kwiatowe były i są wykorzystywane cały czas, ale tylko niektóre z nich miały powszechne zastosowanie w ówczesnej kuchni krzyżackiej, jak np. płatki kwiatów fiołka. Niektóre kompozycje kulinarne wydają się niekiedy bardzo śmiałe i unikalne, lub wręcz niejadalne, nieprzyrządzane współcześnie. Musimy jednak pamiętać o ograniczonych możliwościach kuchni krzyżackiej, a przede wszystkim możliwościach jej zaopatrzenia. Do tego trzeba dołączyć inne odmienne często gusty kulinarne Krzyżaków oraz smak, który niekoniecznie jest tożsamy z naszym współczesnym.
The present analysis of dishes and cooking ingredients, used in kitchens of Teutonic castles, is based old Teutonic cookery books. The books include numerous records which change our ideas concerning preparing and making dishes, and the ingredients that were used to make them. They are often different from contemporary dishes, their content and products used in kitchens. There are also differences between the way in which some products were used in Teutonic castles and the way they are used now, especially grease, including ever-present lard. Some additives, for example, flower petals were and are still used, but only some of them were commonly used in Teutonic Knights’ cuisine, for instance violet petals. Some culinary compositions may seem bold and unique, or even inedible, not prepared in contemporary times. We have to remember, however, about the limited possibilities of the Teutonic cuisine, and their sources. We also have to consider different culinary tastes of the Teutonic Knights, and general taste which is not similar to that of our contemporary times.
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego; 2016, Zeszyt, XXX; 328-335
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kultura materialna na wybranych zamkach krzyżackich w świetle inwentarzy zawartych w Ostpreussische Folianten i Ordens Brief Archiv zachowanych w Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem
Material culture in selected teutonic castles in the light of inventories included in Ostpreussische Folianten and Orders Brief Archiv preserved in Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preissischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlen
Gancewski, Jan
Śliczyńska, Joanna Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Ostrołęckie Towarzystwo Naukowe
zakon krzyżacki
zamki krzyżackie
sprzęt kuchenny
sprzęty do gotowania
nakrycia stołu
Teutonic Order
Teutonic castles
trypical kitchen utensils
Kultura materialna rozpatrywana w niniejszym opracowaniu dotyczy przede wszystkim wyposażenia pomieszczeń gospodarczych związanych z przechowywanymi na zamkach krzyżackich różnego rodzaju utensyliami kuchennymi – sprzętem kuchennym, naczyniami użytku codziennego, a także zastawą stołową przeznaczoną na uczty komturów i wielkich mistrzów. Nie bez znaczenia jest również przedział czasowy poddany analizie, bowiem przełom XIV i XV wieku jest to okres, w którym źródła zawierają najwięcej informacji na temat zapasów zgromadzonych w spiżarniach zamków krzyżackich. Ponadto, silnie rozwijająca się wówczas organizacja gospodarcza i handlowa zakonu krzyżackiego sprzyjała powstawaniu takich zapasów. Państwo krzyżackie w Prusach miało wówczas silną pozycję na rynkach europejskich.
Material culture in this aspect relates primarily to the equipment of utility rooms connected with kitchen utensils of different kind kept in castles – kitchen equipment, dishes of everyday use as well as tableware to be used during the grand masters’ ceremonial feasts. It is significant to mention the period analysed since the turn of the 14th and the 15th centuries is the time in which the largest food supplies noted in the sources were gathered in the larders of Teutonic castles. Moreover, the trade and economic organization of the Order of Teutonic Knights was strongly developing. State of the Teutonic Order had a strong position in the European trade market at that time.
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego; 2015, Zeszyt, XXIX; 171-182
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamek w Bezławkach rzekomą bazą militarną Zakonu niemieckiego podczas letniej wyprawy litewskiej 1402 roku
Bäslack Castle as an alleged military base of the Teutonic Order during the summer Lithuanian expedition in 1402
Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
późne średniowiecze
Prusy późnośredniowieczne
zakon niemiecki
wojskowość późnego średniowiecza
Late Middle Ages
Late Medieval Prussia
Teutonic Order
Military Matters
in the Late Middle Ages
This article supplements the information on the military functions of the castle of the Teutonic Order in Bezławki published in 2016 in “Zapiski Historyczne”. It refers directly to the perspectives presented in the monograph published in 2013 devoted to the late-medieval settlement complex in Bälsack (Pol. Bezławki), whose authors attributed to this fortified structure the strategic importance and role of a “mustering point”, “exit base” and “military camp” for the troops of the Teutonic Order during their campaigns against Lithuania (and Rus). This hypothesis has already been critiqued in the “Zapiski Historyczne”, where in this text a detailed analysis of the summer Lithuanian campaign of 1402, during which time the castle was supposed to play the aforementioned role, which was to be assigned by the Teutonic Order for the campaign associated with Prince Bolesław Świdrygiełło (lit. Švitrigaila). Meanwhile, this analysis indicated that none of the Order’s troops during the aforementioned campaign from Bezławki gathered the re, nor did they leave from there, nor did they pass through, and the decision to transfer the lease of the fortification to the Lithuanian prince was taken after the expedition, with the arrival of the prince taking place no earlier than in the second half of October 1402.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 292, 2; 203-211
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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