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Letnie Salony Warszawy, czyli o modzie spacerowej warszawiaków w II połowie XIX wieku
The Summer Salons of Warsaw: The Fashionable Walking Outfits in Warsaw during the second half of the 19 th century
Wiśniewska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
ladies wear,
walking outfits,
The Saxon Gardens,
The Swiss Valley,
The Royal Baths Park,
The Summer Theater,
The article presents an overview of a Warsaw walking outfit worn in the second half of 19th century that would have been seen in popular socializing places such as The Saxon Gardens, The Swiss Valley, and The Royal Baths Park. At the time Warsaw was known as “The Paris of the North”, and drew inspiration from many fashion magazines in the West. This allowed the magazines to dictate the contemporary fashion trends, which were instantly followed by the Varsovian elite. The press shaped people’s tastes; it showed the way they should dress as well as it encouraged them to pay a visit to the nearest tailor; meanwhile the press always paid attention to the latest popular fashion trends. Indeed, the clothing have always played the part of transmitting information about its wearer, for example revealing his or hers social status. Therefore the outfit itself, or rather its display required certain places, as well as publicity and favourable circumstances in order to make a good impression with one’s garments. Not only the carnival festivals but also the Varsovian balls were opportunities to present one’s outfit in the best way. Furthermore, the Varsovian elite liked to regularly show off their fashionable clothes during their everyday strolls. All of a sudden, public parks, gardens or plazas were becoming the capital’s summer salons, as the women were demonstrating their elaborate gowns adorned with precious jewellery and fancy chapeaux. The men weren’t left behind either in this trend. Men’s cuts and colours of clothing or elegant top hats were an object of admiration as well. From the second half of the 19 th century the Varsowian press provides the prime source for such research: “Tygodnik Ilustrowany”, “Bluszcz”, “Kłosy”, “Tygodnik Mód”, “Kurier Warszawski” or “Świt” and memoirs concerning Warsaw. The historical and cultural issues of Warsaw were dissussed on the grounds of works of a.o. Areksander Gieysztor, Janusz Durko, Karol Mórawski or Jan Bystroń. Any other information about social life in Warsaw was taken from the 19th century guide books of Warsaw.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2014, 21; 211-222
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Idee eines Bundeslandes in Osteuropa im Zeitalter des Friedens von Brest-Litovsk in der schweizer Presse
Bednarz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Swiss, press, federal state
Szwajcarzy, prasa, państwo federacyjne,
швейцарцы, прэса, федэратыўная дзяржава
The Peace Treaty of Brest on the Bug, signed on 3 March 1918, was an opportunity for the Helvetic press to discuss the political future of the nations of Eastern Europe.Particularly interesting was the issue of mutual relations between Poles, Lithuanians, Belarussians and Ukrainians. This subject was primarily discussed in the press of the French-speaking Switzerland, where the ideas of peaceful coexistence of nations were very popular.Due to the lack of a possibility of non-conflicting ethnic boundaries between the nations concerned, it was postulated the establishment of a federation state.Such a state would eliminate potential national tensions thanks to its system similar to the Swiss one. The discussion about this subject, initiated by Helvetian journalists, provoked the heated polemics of the Polish, Lithuanian and Ukrainian emigré circles and showed that the idea of such a state was impossible. Such an assessment was influenced above all by historical events between the concerned nations, as well as the prevailing national ideology that was incompatible with Swiss solutions.
Idea państwa federacyjnego we Wschodniej Europie w dobie pokoju brzeskiego w ujęciu prasy szwajcarskiejPodpisany 3 marca 1918 r. pokój w Brześciu nad Bugiem stał się dla helweckiej prasy okazją do rozpatrywania kwestii przyszłości politycznej narodów Europy Wschodniej. W szczególności interesujące wydawało się zagadnienie wzajemnych stosunków między Polakami, Litwinami, Białorusinami i Ukraińcami. Tematyka ta rozpatrywana była przede wszystkim w pismach Szwajcarii romańskiej, gdzie idee pokojowego współistnienia narodów cieszyły się popularnością.W związku z brakiem możliwości bezkonfliktowego wyznaczenia granic etnicznych między zainteresowanymi narodami postulowano ustanowienie państwa federacyjnego, które miałoby kanalizować potencjalne napięcia przez ustrój podobny do szwajcarskiego. Dyskusja wokół tej tematyki, zapoczątkowana przez helweckich dziennikarzy, pociągnęła za sobą ożywioną polemikę kręgów emigracyjnych polskich, litewskich i ukraińskich i wykazała, że realizacja idei takiego państwa jest niemożliwa. Wynikało to nade wszystko z zaszłości historycznych pomiędzy narodami, jak też dominującej wówczas ideologii narodowej, która nie dawała się pogodzić z postulowanymi przez Szwajcarów rozwiązaniami.
Мірны дагавор, падпісаны 3 сакавіка 1918 г. у Брэсце над Бугам стаў для швейцарскай прэсы нагодай для разваг над палітычнай будучыняй народаў Усходняй Еўропы. Цікавасць выклікалі ўзаемныя адносіны паміж палякамі, літоўцамі, беларусамі і ўкраінцамі.Гэтая тэма была асабліва частая ў французскай Швейцарыі, дзе ідэі мірнага суіснавання народаў лічыліся вельмі папулярнымі.У сувязі з адсутнасцю магчымасці безканфліктнага вызначэння этнічных межаў паміж названымі народамі, прапаноўвалася федэратыўная дзяржава, якая б дазволіла ліквідаваць патэнцыяльнае напружанне праз свой дзяржаўны лад, на узор швейцарскага. Дыскусіі на гэтую тэму, якую пачалі швейцарскія журналісты, разгарнулі гарачую палеміку польскіх, літоўскіх і ўкраінскіх эміграцыйных слаёў і паказалі, што ідэя федэрацыі ва Усходняй Еўропе не рэальная. Такая ацэнка вынікала з гістарычнага вопыту асобных народаў, а таксама з нацыянальнай ідэалогіі, якая ў той час пераважала і якая не дазваляла пагадзіцца з прапанаванымі швейцарамі рашэннямі.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2017, 11
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prasa szwajcarska o Polakach w dobie I wojny światowej
Image of Poles in World War I-era Swiss Press
Bednarz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
prasa szwajcarska
niepodległość Polski
I wojna światowa
Swiss press
independence of Poland
World War I
Among the many subjects discussed in the Swiss press during World War I, one of the most interesting was that of foreigners. It was usually analysed in terms of the impact of their presence on Swiss domestic, foreign or even economic policies. Sometimes, however, these articles had a slightly different purpose; those devoted to Poles were such a case. They were consistent with a widespread propaganda campaign aimed at preparing the public opinion to accept and support idea of the independence of the Polish state. The articles devoted to the Polish issue can be divided into several groups. Chronologically, the first type to appear were reports of humanitarian actions conducted on Polish soil. As this theme was deeply embedded in Switzerland’s ethic, it managed to impress the local readers, thus quickly becoming a foundation of the pro-Polish campaign. Poland’s independence was supposed to prevent the recurrence of the tragic events of 1914–1918, when Poles were often forced to fight against each other, while their country was being ruined by a war conducted in someone else’s interests. Humanitarian issues were therefore raised particularly frequently. The second important group of articles were those devoted to Poland’s eminent cultural and scientific personalities, both living and deceased. They were meant to create a positive image of the Poles, as a nation that brought outstanding individuals to European culture and thus deserved independence and unrestricted development. The third group of articles familiarised the Swiss readers with the Polish political scene, both in Poland proper and in exile. The selective nature of the information provided, as well as the usually favourable narrative, created a relatively positive image of the Polish political class, which was to augur well for the political life of the reborn country. And finally, the fourth group consisted of articles describing the Polish province and the customs of its population, as well as its economic potential. These portrayals often covered important ethnicity-related issues. The coexistence of Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Germans, Belarusians and Russians in the same territory turned out to be an appealing topic for the inhabitants of a multicultural Switzerland, and served as evidence of the readiness of the Polish nation towards building a modern, multinational state. The articles devoted to Poles published during World War I should be perceived as a long-term informational campaign conveying a specific message. The Swiss public opinion strongly supported the idea of Polish statehood, which was most often seen as a crucial factor for the peaceful functioning of Europe in post-war conditions. Such propaganda was carried out by almost all significant Swiss periodicals, although to varying degrees.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2018, 31; 122-137
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Ukrainian Question in the Swiss Press 1914–1918
Kwestia ukraińska w prasie szwajcarskiej 1914–1918
Bednarz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
World War I
Swiss press
I wojna światowa
prasa szwajcarska
A significant area of interest of the Swiss press during the First World War was the issue of the right to self-determination of nations, in particular small or emerging ones. This subject became part of Switzerland’s image policy attaching great importance to liberation ideals. One of the nations that were in the field of interest of the Swiss in this context was the Ukrainians. Relatively scant knowledge on them, and frequent cases of confusing them with representatives of the neighboring nations required the introduction of the issue of Ukrainian identity to the readers, which was the main reason for press publications concerning the Ruthenians (Rusins) in the first months of the war. The changing geopolitical situation, the shifting front lines and the defining of their own political expectations by the Ukrainians over the next years accordingly changed the Swiss perspective. The most important stages in the presentation of the Ukrainian question in the Swiss press during the war were: the capture of Galicia by the Russians in September 1914, the Austro-German offensive in the summer of 1915, the conceptualization of Ukraine’s political future throughout 1916, as well as the Brest negotiations and involvement of Ukraine in the German plan of „Mitteleuropa”. The fall of the idea of Ukraine’s independence prevented the verification of Swiss opinions about this nation and its state-building capacities.
Istotną płaszczyzną zainteresowania szwajcarskiej prasy w dobie I wojny światowej była kwestia prawa do samostanowienia narodów, w szczególności małych lub dopiero kształtujących się. Tematyka ta wpisywała się w helwecką politykę wizerunkową, przykładającą dużą wagę do ideałów wolnościowych. Jednym z narodów znajdujących się w polu zainteresowania Szwajcarów w tym kontekście byli Ukraińcy. Stosunkowo niewielka wiedza na ich temat, częste mylenie ich z przedstawicielami sąsiednich narodów wymagało przybliżenia zagadnienia odrębności Ukraińców czytelnikom, co było główną płaszczyzną publikacji prasowych dotyczących Rusinów w pierwszych miesiącach wojny. Zmieniająca się sytuacja geopolityczna, przesuwający się front oraz definiowanie własnych oczekiwań politycznych przez Ukraińców na przestrzeni kolejnych lat zmieniało optykę Helwetów. Najważniejszymi etapami rozwoju kwestii ukraińskiej na łamach prasy szwajcarskiej w dobie wojny były: zajęcie Galicji przez Rosjan we wrześniu 1914 r., austro-niemiecka ofensywa z lata 1915 r., konceptualizacja przyszłości politycznej Ukrainy na przestrzeni 1916 r. oraz rokowania brzeskie i zaangażowanie Ukrainy do niemieckiego planu „Mitteleuropa”. Upadek idei niepodległości Ukrainy nie pozwolił na weryfikację helweckich sądów odnośnie tego narodu i jego zdolności państwowotwórczych.
Res Historica; 2022, 54; 307-336
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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