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Description of the subfossil head shield of Alona protzi Hartwig 1900 (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) and the environmental characteristics of its finding sites
Bjerring, Rikke
Nykänen, Mirva
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina
Sinev, Artem
Jensen, Karina
Nevalainen, Liisa
Szeroczyńska, Krystyna
Zawisza, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Subfossil Cladocera
Alona protzi
head shield
This pa per gives a de scrip tion of the head shield of Alona protzi, a rare spe cies of Cla do cera (wa ter fleas) whose separated head shield has not yet been de scribed in de tail. Sub fos sil head shields of A. protzi were found in sedi ment cores taken from lakes in Den mark, Swe den, Fin land, Es to nia and Po land. De spite the rar ity of the spe cies this sug gests a wide dis tri bu tion of A. protzi in north ern Europe. The ecol ogy of A. protzi is poorly known. The en vi ron mental spec -trum of the find ing sites was wide and ranged from rela tively nu tri ent poor clear wa ter lakes to eutrophic tur bid wa terlakes, in di cat ing that A. protzi is not nar rowly re stricted. Most of the lakes were, how ever, meso- eutrophic with neu tral to high pH, and with a rela tively low abun dance of sub merged mac ro phytes. How ever, we can not ex clude the pos si bility that A. protzi mainly lives in ground wa ter and is only oc ca sion ally trans ported into lakes.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 47-53
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Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unusual stable morphotype of Acroperus harpae (Baird, 1834) from Lake Mývatn, Iceland (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) revealed by palaeolimnological studies
Sinev, A.Y.
Zawisza, E.
Einarsson, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Subfossil Cladocera
Acroperus harpae
new macrophototype description
A new un usual morphotype of Acroperus harpae (Baird, 1834) was found in Lake Mývatn and its neigh bour ing Lake Budlungaflói in Ice land. This form, A. harpae f. multidentata is char ac ter ized by a very large head keel and by 5–9 denticles on the posterovental an gle of the valves in stead of 1–3 com mon for A. harpae. The new form did not dif fer from typ i cal A. harpae in the mor phol ogy of the postabdomen, head pores or any ap pend ages. A study of Lake Mývatn sed i ments rev eled that this form ex isted in the lake for at least two thou sand years.
Studia Quaternaria; 2012, 29; 3-7
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Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Distribution of Cladocera communities across a climate gradient in shallow lakes from Croatia to Hungary: a preliminary study
Kövér, Csilla
Korponai, János
Katalinic, Ana
Bereczki, Csaba
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Subfossil Cladocera
cli mate change
train ing set
Cladocera com mu ni ties in sur face sed i ments of seven lakes were sam pled from the Med i ter ra nean to north Hun gary. Con duc tiv ity, pH, pri mary ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl–, SO4 2–, HCO3 –, CO3 2–) and macrophyte cov er age were measured as con trib uted en vi ron men tal pa ram e ters for the dis tri bu tion of cladoceran com mu ni ties across the lakes. Thirtytwo cladoceran spe cies were found in the seven lakes. The re corded spe cies have wide tol er ance spec tra, and are able to col o nize very dif fer ent kind of hab i tats. The most com mon and abun dant spe cies were Chydorus sphaericus, Alona rectangula and Bosmina longirostris. Lake area, lat i tude, macrophyte cov er age, pH, con duc tiv ity and hard ness were found to be the most de ter mi nant en vi ron men tal vari ables in the dis tri bu tion of cladoceran spe cies. This study revealed that al though the lakes show a clear sep a ra tion in en vi ron men tal pa ram e ters the com po si tion and dis tri bu tion of Cladoceran com mu ni ties dif fer only slightly across the in ves ti gated geo graph ical gra di ent.
Studia Quaternaria; 2012, 29; 45-52
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Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The significance of subfossil Cladocera in stratigraphy of Late Glacial and Holocene
Szeroczyńska, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
“ecostratigraphy” – biostratigraphy
lacustrine sediments
subfossil Cladocera
This pa per pres ents dis cus sion on the re sults of sub fos sil Cla do cera analy ses from five lakes in Po land (Przedni Staw Lake, Per es pilno Lake, Gooeci¹¿ Lake, Imio³ki- fossil lake and Os trow ite Lake). The Cla do cera are rep re sented in sediments by re mains of plank tonic (Bos mini dae, Daph ni dae) and lit to ral (Chy do ri dae) forms. Cla do ceran as sem blage phases (“ecos tra tigra phy”) were de ter mined on the ba sis of changes in domi nance of in di ca tor spe cies and past ecologi cal con di tions were re con structed. The re sults are be ing dis cussed from the view point of cli mate change and anthro po genic ac tiv ity and their role in the lake evo lu tion. Moreo ver, an at tempt to use the cla do ceran phases for stra tigraphic di vi sion of the Late Gla cial and Holo cene was made. Dur ing the Bøl ling/Al lerød in ter sta dial, dis tin guished on the ba sis of pol len analy sis, Cla do cera in di cated short phase of bad con di tion (dry or cold?), proba bly as the Old Dryas cli mate re sults. The be gin ning of Holo cene is char ac ter ized, in moun tain and low land lakes, by high in -crease in the number of spe cies and speci mens of Cla do cera. This de scribed clear warm ing and marked the bound ary Late Gla cial/Holo cene. It was in di cated that the “ecos tra tigra phy” based on Cla do cera can be use ful for cli ma to stratigra phy, if cli mate was the ma jor fac tor con trol ling the de vel op ment of fresh wa ter lakes.
Studia Quaternaria; 2006, 23; 37-45
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Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
500 years of ecological changes recorded in subfossil Cladocera in a high-altitude, tropical lake Lago de la Luna, central Mexico
Zawisza, E.
Caballero, M.
Ruiz-Fernandez, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
subfossil Cladocera
crater Nevado de Toluca
lake sed i ment
We pres ent the last 500 years of his tory of a high-al ti tude trop i cal lake Lago de la Luna lo cated at Nevado de Toluca crater, Cen tral Mex ico, based on subfossil Cladocera anal y sis. Through the stud ied sed i men tary se quence only five Cladocera spe cies were pres ent. Cladocera com mu nity was dom i nated by lit to ral spe cies (4) and among them one (Ilyocryptus nevadensis) is en demic. The de tailed anal y sis of the sed i ments (ev ery 1 cm) al lowed us to track con tem - po rary cli ma tic and anthropogenic changes. Our re sults showed that Lago de la Luna is a very sen si tive eco sys tem and has strong re sponse to cli ma tic changes. The most re mark able change in the Cladocera com mu nity was ob served between 1683–1780 yr, which was well cor re lated with the Lit tle Ice Age. PCA re sults im plied that mod ern state of the lake Lago de la Luna is very sim i lar to one 400–500 yr ago. Only one pe riod was iden ti fied when hu man im pact was of im por tance. This pe riod seemed to cor re late with changes in the lake eco sys tem due to fish in tro duc tion in the 1950s.
Studia Quaternaria; 2012, 29; 23-29
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Subfossil Chydorid taxa and assemblages from lake sediments in Poland and Finland with special reference to climate
Sarmaja-Korjonen, Kaarina
Szeroczyńska, Krystyna
Gąsiorowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
subfossil Cladocera
Finnish lakes
Polish lakes
redundancy analysis
In this study we compared chydorid cladoceran (Chydoridae) taxa and assemblages from sediments of 6 Polish and 6 sq Finnish lakes and investigated if the difference in climate of these two countries can be detected in the cladoceran data. The data were analysed in terms of I) average relative proportions of chydorid taxa during the history of each lake and by 2) redundancy analysis (RDA) to explain the present effect of environmental variables (altitude, area, maximum depth, mean annual temperature, mean summer temperature and length of the growing season) on species abundances. The redundancy analysis (RDA) enabled us to distinguish groups of taxa I) with a high thermal preference 2) associated with small, cold-water lakes and 3) associated with shallow lakes. There are clear differences in the dominant chydorid taxa and in the relative proportions of many other chydorid taxa between the two countries since the end of the last glaciation. Although these differences first of all appear to reflect the climatic difference, the influence of many other environmental factors, controlling the living conditions of particular chydorids have been raised and considered. Further studies with larger data are needed before the role of climate can be reliably separated from other elements of environment.
Studia Quaternaria; 2003; 25-34
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late-Glacial cladoceran succession in three lakes of the Chełm Hills Region ( Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Group, SE Poland)
Suchora, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Late-Gla cial
subfossil Cladocera
Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Group
Chełm hills
High res o lu tion stud ies on subfossil Cladocera from three closely lo cated lakes of the Che³m Hills Re gion – Lake S³one, Syczyñskie, and Pniówno, ev i denced a strong zoo plank ton re sponse to the well-known cli ma tic changes of the Late-Gla cial and early-Ho lo cene. The gen eral changes in the cladoceran com mu nity struc ture re sem ble those de - scribed from other Pol ish and Eu ro pean lakes. Cer tain im por tant dif fer ences were iden ti fied, how ever, which can be at trib uted to the pe cu liar ity of the en vi ron men tal con di tions of the re gion, re gard ing: the deep char ac ter of the lakes stud ied al ready in the ini tial phase of their de vel op ment (Older Dryas), an in ten sive eutrophication pro cess in duced by the Alleröd cli mate warm ing with a pe ri od i cal low er ing of the trophic sta tus, and the char ac ter of the Youn ger Dryas cool ing less se vere than in some other re gions. The chro nol ogy of the palaeoenvironmental changes iden ti fied by means of subfossil Cladocera anal y sis was based on the re sults of palaeobotanical anal y sis, and con firmed by ra diocar bon dat ing avail able for two pro files. Tak ing ad van tage of the close lo ca tion of the study sites, their morphometric and geo log i cal sim i lar i ties, and the high res o lu tion of sam pling, an at tempt was made to use cladoceran suc ces sion in or der to es tab lish the strati graphic di vi sion for Lake Pniówno, lack ing palynological and ra dio car bon data.
Studia Quaternaria; 2012, 29; 9-21
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Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sexual reproduction of chydorids (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) as indicator of climate in recent sediments of Lake Aitajärvi, northern Finnish Lapland
Sarmaja- Korjonen, Kaarina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
chydorid ephippia
Subfossil Cladocera
length of open-water season
Finnish Lapland
The pres ent work is a part of the de vel op ment of a method which uses the rela tive pro por tions of asexu ally and sexually re pro duc ing chy do rid fe males to re con struct the length of the open- water sea son. Sur face sedi ments (5 cm) of Lake Ai tajärvi, north ern Fin nish Lap land, were ex am ined for mod ern and re cent pro por tions of chy do rid cla do ceran ephip pia in sub arc tic cli mate near the pine limit. The to tal chy do rid ephip pium pro por tions (TCE) were stead ily 9.5–9.7% in the Ai tajärvi sedi ment but de clined to 8.4% in the up per most sam ple. The re sult was com pared with the sur face sedi ment TCE from four lakes in south ern Fin land where it var ied be tween 3–6%. It was also com pared with the TCE from two lakes in north ern most Fin nish Lap land above the treeline in very se vere cli mate, where it was 26–30%. These very high val ues sug gest that there might be a thresh old in cli mate con di tions be tween Ai tajärvi and the two north ern most lakes that al ters the re pro duc tion of chy do rids to wards an even more im por tant role of sex ual repro duc tion.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 69-72
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Algal and invertebrate microfossil assemblages from lake sediments in the reconstruction of past community dynamics - preliminary information
Antipushina, Z.
Szeroczyńska, K.
Zawisza, E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
lake sed i ments
subfossil Cladocera
subfossil phyto- and zoo-or gan isms
Late Ho lo cene
This pa per fo cuses on the use ful ness of a palaeolimnological method called the joint algological and zoo log i cal anal ysis. The joint algo-zoo log i cal anal y sis in volves count ing all iden ti fi able re mains of the main al gae groups (Bacillariophyta, Cyanophyta, Desmidiales, other Chlorophyta, Trachelomonas sp.) and in ver te brate groups (Cladocera, Ostracoda, Chironomidae, Chaoborus sp., and other in sects, Turbellaria, Bryozoa, Spongia and Testacida) in vol u met ric sam ples. We pres ent re sults from re cent sed i ments of Lake Glubokoe (Mos cow re gion, Rus sia) as an ex am ple of the ap pli ca tion of this method. We re con struct the struc ture of phytoplankton, zoo plank ton and zoobenthos com mu ni ties and their dy nam ics over the last 25 years. Our re sults sup port the va lid ity of this method in the re con struc tion of the struc ture of phyto- and zoo plank ton com mu ni ties and their dy nam ics, in for ma tion that may be lost when car ry ing out sep a rate anal y ses for in di vid ual groups. Sim plic ity is an other ad van tage of this meth od ol ogy.
Studia Quaternaria; 2012, 29; 53-58
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warunki ekologiczne rozwoju późnovistuliańskiego zbiornika Koźmin Las w świetle analizy Cladocera
Ecological conditions of the small Late Vistulian pond of Koźmin Las site in the light of Cladocera analysis
Pawłowski, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
dolina Warty
subfosylne szczątki Cladocera
młodszy dryas
aktywność fluwialna
Warta River valley
subfossil Cladocera
Younger Dryas
fluvial activity
Rezultaty analizy subfosylnych szczątków wioślarek (Cladocera) z profilu osadów organicznych stanowiska Koźmin Las (dolina Warty, Polska Środkowa) pozwoliły przedstawić rekonstrukcję rozwoju opisywanego zbiornika i odnieść je do ak-tywności fluwialnej Warty, szczególnie w okresie młodszego dryasu, pomiędzy 12 900 i 11 600 cal BP. Wyróżniono dwie fazy rozwoju zbiornika. Stwierdzono, że był to płytki zbiornik, o niestabilnych warunkach hydrologicznych. Prawdopodobną przyczyną fluktuacji był zmienny poziom wód gruntowych, powierzchniowych i rzecznych w dolinie Warty. Zmiany we frekwencji Cladocera skorelowano z aktywnością fluwialną rzeki oraz, w szerszym ujęciu, z warunkami klimatycznymi panującymi w młodszym dryasie.
The sediments from small pond infillings located in the Warta River valley in central Poland was studied by Cladocera analysis in order to examine the response of aquatic ecosystems to environmental changes in the Younger Dryas. Lithological and geochemical records were also used to reconstruct fluvial activity of the Warta River. In the Koźmin Las site development, between ca. 12.900 and 11.600 cal BP, prevailed variable hydrological conditions. Cladocera analysis indicates the presence of shallow pool and partly telmatic conditions. The local processes, such as the influence of the Warta River, habitat modification, macrophyte presence, and eutrophication, were important, but these forces were not only major factors that affect the biota diversity in the Younger Dryas. The observation of changes in the composition and concentration of aquatic communities in the studied pool indicates that the changes also occurred in response to climate changes.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2014, 102; 65-70
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Description of subfossil post-abdomen and post-abdominal claw of Ceriodaphnia (Cladocera, Daphniidae)
Nevalainen, Liisa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
subfossil remains
Cladoceran remains preserve selectively in lake sediments. Possibly all Cladocera species leave at least some identifiable remains in lake sediments. Exosceletal body parts of families Chydoridae and Bosminidae preserve best but other families are only variably represented in sediments by their outer body parts. Identification of all possible remains helps to achieve more precise palaeolimnological reconstruction of past ecosystems by Cladocera analysis. This article describes, together with photograph and line drawing the subfossil post-abdomen and post-abdominal claw of Ceriodaphnia, previously not widely identified.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 65-67
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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