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Publication Effectiveness of Academia Employees in Poland: A Case Study
Kącka, Katarzyna
Piechowiak-Lamparska, Joanna
Michalak, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
evaluation of scientific research
publication impact
social sciences and the humanities
Effectiveness in publishing is currently the most important criterion in the process of the evaluation of scientific and research units in Poland. In the national evaluations system for such units, this criterion has the largest relative impact on their final assessment and rating, on the basis of which, in turn, financial resources are allocated. The key question in this context was what factors are correlated with publication effectiveness of employees in the domain of science? The aim of the analysis was to determine correlations between selected factors such as an employee’s academic title and position in a scientific unit’s hierarchy or their teaching load and their scientific effectiveness as measured by publications. The study was conducted on the entire staff population of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. As a result, it was found that the selected factors only to a marginal degree were correlated with publication effectiveness in the group studied.
The New Educational Review; 2018, 54; 62-74
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polskie badania pamięcioznawcze: tradycje, koncepcje, (nie)ciągłości
Polish Memory Studies: Traditions, Concepts, (dis)Continuities
Kończal, Kornelia
Wawrzyniak, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
history of Polish social sciences and humanities
memory studies
historia polskich nauk społecznych i humanistycznych
studia pamięcioznawcze
The article critically examines the history and recent developments of the Polish memory studies. The authors trace the genealogies of this intellectual field, starting with categories formed by Stefan Czarnowski, Marceli Handelsman, Kazimierz Kelles-Krauss, Ludwik Krzywicki, Florian Znaniecki, and Nina Assorodbraj-Kula. Then, they describe reformulations and varied methodological application of memory concepts within Polish historical studies, cultural studies, as well as within qualitative and quantitative sociology. They also summarize main research themes and projects conducted up to date. Finally, they point out to some flaws within the field having to do with its institutional weakness and the selective reception of western intellectual traditions.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2011, 55, 4; 11-63
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Technology and change: the role of information technology in knowledge civilization
Wierzbicki, A. P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
knowledge civilization era
philosophy of technology
definition of technology
technology proper versus its system of social applications
hard sciences
relation between technology
soft social sciences and humanities
The paper presents a reflection on the role of technology and, in particular, information technology in the era of knowledge civilization. Diverse perceptions of this era, the concepts of three civilization eras versus three waves, of a cultural platform versus an episteme of a civilization era, of a big change at the end of industrial civilization era are outlined. The first principle of cultural anthropology and the concept of cultural imperialism are recalled. The contemporary philosophy of technology is shortly reviewed. An interpretation of Die Technik und die Kehre of M. Heidegger from a technological point of view is given. It is shown that we should distinguish technology proper from the system of its socio-economic applications, and that the relation of technology proper to hard science and to socio-economic applications of technology forms two positive feedback loops; the one of socio-economic applications might be more dan- gerous in cases of social infatuation with technological possibilities or other misapplications of technology. It is shown that the technology of knowledge civilization era will differ from that of industrial era in proposing boundless number of diversified technological possibilities; thus, the Heideggerian warning against social infatuation with technological possibilities must be not only repeated, but also modified and strengthened.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2006, 4; 3-14
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Shodný atribut v současných českých odborných textech
Atribut in contemporary Czech theoretical and scientifictexts
Schacherl, Martin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
the theoretical and scientific discourse
humanities and social sciences
One of the devices to enliven the stylisation of professional expression is the attributive adjective, which as a stylistically active means contains functional elements intentionally debilitating to the basic features of scientific style, namely an explicit endeavour to subjectivise the authorial assessment, or possibly to make the stylisation of professional discourse more distinct. The frequency analyses of the contemporary corpus of scientific communication written in Czech has evidenced an abundant occurrence of the attributive adjective, mainly in the humanities and social sciences. There the attributive adjective is a means of subjectivised authorial assessment, fulfilling the intention of indirect or even metaphorical appellation, most frequently through confrontation of twocomponents from different communicational spheres, or conveying vagueness, inaccuracy and relative values, itself being loaded with expressive marker. The fixedness of some profusely used collocations reduces the notionality of expression and, namely in monographs produced in humanities and social sciences where its occurrence is high, it may become a stereotype of cliché-ridden and trendy expression. Clichéd communication is typified by using hackneyed meaningless words, with the authorial scientific diction being permeated by clichés, hackneyed and empty phrases, and vogue expressions from various communicational spheres.
Stylistyka; 2017, 26; 193-204
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selektywna analiza problemu publikacji humanistów i przedstawicieli nauk społecznych w języku angielskim
Analysis of the problem regarding publishing the scientific articles written in En¬glish in humanities and social sciences by scholars originated and educated in non- English speaking countries
Wagner, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
careers of scientists
publication process in humanities and social sciences
strategies for scientific publications
The article analyses the issue of publications written in English by a specialists in the humanities and social sciences who are educated and work in non-English speaking regions. Polish scientists constitute the basis for the study. The problem is considered from the perspective of the sociology of careers and reveals that the process of publishing a scientific paper is a complex sociological pro¬cess determined by criteria other than meritocratic ones. The selection process, leading to successful publication in a professional journal, is determined by several factors (not related to scientific skills), such as appurtenance to networks of scientific institutions, disciplinary culture and areas of refe¬rences, as well as the type of knowledge (not related to quality, but rather to scientific background, which the authors refer to). On the basis of ethnographical and auto-ethnographical research it is shown that the common spread approach, which supports the publication of all kinds of studies in English by humanities and social scientists, is the result of a misunderstanding of the sociological component of the scientific publication process. It is also due to a lack of knowledge about the mecha¬nisms governing scientific careers, inherent in regions where local languages are fundamental for studies (which is different to the specialties in sciences, which are developed in a technical language, e.g., in English).
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2012, 8, 1; 166-187
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tworzenie wiedzy na pograniczu nauki i praktyki w ujęciu systemowym. Przypadek polskich nauk humanistycznych i społecznych
Creation of Knowledge on the Border of Science and Practice in a Systemic Perspective. The Case of Polish Humanities and Social Sciences
Stawicki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
Social sciences and humanities
Mode 2 of knowledge production
autopoiesis of the science system
Social Systems Theory
cooperation between science and its environment
nauki społeczne i humanistyka
Tryb 2 tworzenia wiedzy
autopojeza systemu nauki
teoria systemów społecznych
współpraca nauki z jej otoczeniem
W artykule przedstawiono wnioski z badań dotyczących zmiany praktyk tworzenia wiedzy w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych, wynikającej ze współpracy badawczej z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym. W badaniach skupiono się przede wszystkim na wpływie takiej współpracy na rozwój wiedzy naukowej w tych dziedzinach. Ramą teoretyczną przyjętą w analizie jest koncepcja nauki jako autopojetycznego, systemu społecznego, wywodząca się z socjologicznej teorii Niklasa Luhmanna (przedstawionej w jego książce: Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. M. 1990). Wyniki badania wskazują, że współpraca systemu nauki z innymi subsystemami społecznymi w jej otoczeniu istotnie wpływa zarówno na praktyki tworzenia wiedzy, jaki i na jej ostateczny charakter. Wiedza taka, przy spełnieniu określonych warunków, może stać się elementem komunikacji naukowej, jednak istnieje szereg ograniczeń, które wynikają z odmiennych racjonalności współpracujących subsystemów. Poważną barierą jest podporządkowanie procesu badawczego wyłącznie potrzebom systemów zewnętrznych, co w połączeniu z wysoką selektywnością systemu nauki powoduje, że wiedza powstająca we współpracy, mająca głównie charakter operacyjny, nie jest akceptowana przez system nauki. Istnieje jednak duży potencjał tego typu praktyk, gdyż wiedza dzięki nim powstająca, po odpowiedniej translacji na kod systemowy nauki i osadzeniu w jej szerszym kontekście, może ją istotnie wzbogacić o niedostępne w inny sposób dane empiryczne oraz inne punkty widzenia, mogące stać się podstawą do dalszych dociekań naukowych. Badania pokazują, że w przypadku wielu przedstawicieli nauk społecznych i humanistycznych potencjał ten jest skutecznie wykorzystywany.
The article presents conclusions from research on changes in the practice of creating knowledge in the social sciences and humanities, resulting from research cooperation with the socio-economic environment. The research focused primarily on the impact of such collaboration on the advancement of scientific knowledge in these fields. The theoretical framework adopted in the analysis is the concept of science as an autopoietic, social system, derived from the sociological theory of Niklas Luhmann (presented in his Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. M. 1990). According to the results of the study, the cooperation of the science system with other social subsystems in its environment significantly affects both the practices of creating knowledge and its ultimate character. Such knowledge, under certain conditions, can become an element of scientific communication, but there are some limitations that are associated with differentthat rationalities of cooperating subsystems. An important barrier is the subordination of the research process to the needs of external systems, which, combined with the high selectivity of the science system, means that knowledge generated in cooperation, mainly of an operational nature, is not accepted by the science system. However, there is a great potential for this type of practice because the knowledge thus generated, after an appropriate translation into the system code of science and embedding it in its wider context, can significantly enrich it, among others, with otherwise inaccessible empirical data and different points of view that may become a basis for further scientific research. Research shows that for many representatives of the social sciences and humanities this potential is effectively used.
Filozofia i Nauka; 2021, 9; 83-107
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia i Nauka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role and significance of the University in the face of trend towards the commodification of knowledge
Augustyn, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
corporate university
knowledge factory
commercialisation of research results
commodification of knowledge
humanities and social sciences
The article is an answer to questions concerning values, goals and functions of the University in the era of globalization changes that enforce changes in the area of higher education. The author emphasizes the need for balanced development of science, humanities and social sciences as a condition for preserving research independence, as well as the importance of cooperation, both in research and in the „shaping of autonomous institutionalism” of the University (Roggero). The article provides an analysis of the commercialization process of research results, based on data from Polish and foreign studies, and indicates its various forms and social costs. This is a study of the University's condition in the face of the growing importance of transnational corporations, regulating not only the flow of capital, but also the distribution of scientific prestige and appropriating in a different way the effects of academic work. The metaphor of the university as a enterprise/knowledge factory visualizes the errors in perceiving the role that it should play. It proves that research and teaching is not the production and transmission of knowledge, but the creation and sharing of knowledge. In this dialogical process, the idea of a university understood as a community of educators and taught in pursuit of truth is achieved most fully, not for glory, for making profit or for gaining a competitive advantage.
Nauka; 2019, 2
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedsiębiorczość akademicka w naukach humanistycznych i społecznych na przykładzie badań przeprowadzonych wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Academic Entrepreneurship in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Research Conducted among Students of Wroclaw University
Kwieciński, Leszek
Młodzińska-Granek, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
przedsiębiorczość akademicka
nauki humanistyczne i społeczne
edukacja przedsiębiorcza
edukacja w zakresie przedsiębiorczości
academic entrepreneurship
humanities and social sciences
W artykule zostało przedstawione zagadnienie przedsiębiorczych postaw i zachowań w obszarze przedsiębiorczości akademickiej, który dotychczas nie został szeroko zbadany. Celem artykułu jest analiza stanu przedsiębiorczości akademickiej w naukach humanistycznych i społecznych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na podstawie Teorii Planowanego Zachowania (I. Ajzen, 1991) oraz Modelu Zdarzenia Przedsiębiorczego (A. Shapero, I. Sokol, 1982). Do przeprowadzenia badań zastosowano ankietę składającą się z trzech części. Część pierwsza dotyczyła postaw przedsiębiorczych studentów, druga objęła zagadnienia dotyczące planów zawodowych, w tym motywacji do podjęcia własnej działalności gospodarczej, w części trzeciej respondenci dokonali oceny ośrodków innowacji i przedsiębiorczości. Rezultaty badań wskazały, iż postawy i zachowania przedsiębiorcze kształtują się już na etapie edukacji. Istnieje zatem potrzeba tworzenia strategicznych programów edukacyjnych zapewniających odpowiednie narzędzia wspierające studentów w rozwoju ich przedsiębiorczych umiejętności, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem studentów nauk humanistycznych i społecznych.
The article explores the notion of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors in the sphere of academic entrepreneurship that had not been hitherto thoroughly researched. The goal of the article is to analyse the academic entrepreneurship in the humanities and social sciences. The research conducted among students of Wroclaw University was based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (I. Ajzen, 1991) and the Model of Entrepreneurial Event (A. Shapero, I. Sokol, 1982). For research purposes, the authors conducted questionnaires consisting of three parts. Part one comprised questions regarding entrepreneurial attitudes. Part two concerned future professional plans of students, including motivation to start a company. In part three, the respondents evaluated innovation and entrepreneurship centers. The results of the research support the conclusions that entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors are already being formed at the stage of education. The findings show that there is a need to form strategic educational programs that would provide proper incentives supporting students in developing their entrepreneurial abilities. In particular, this should include the humanities and social sciences.
Horyzonty Wychowania; 2014, 13, 26; 33-49
Pojawia się w:
Horyzonty Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Международная научная конференция «Искусствоведение в контексте других наук в современном мире: Параллели и взаимодействия» 21–26 апреля 2019 года
International Academic Conference “Art Criticism in the Context of Other Sciences in the Modern World: Parallels and Interactions” April 21–26, 2019
Консон, Григорий
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
International Academic Conference
Art Criticism
humanities and social sciences
an interdisciplinary perspective of Research
education and science prospects activities of Universities
Modern Art and Science
The article shows the history of an original Project –International Academic Conference that for almost eleven years has met with great resonance in academic circles: the Project highlights the most interesting issues in art in the context of the integration of interdisciplinary research in the humanities as well as the social sciences. This year the Conference has acquired an unprecedented scope. More than 100 people from twelve countries took part in it (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, USA). But the most striking were the topics “The New Trends in Academic Work and Education in the Humanities: Russia vs Foreign Countries”, “The Image of Art in Classical and Modern Art – an Interdisciplinary Angle of Research”, “Art History, Philology and Linguistics – Points of Intersection in the Context of Perspectives of Creating the Single Scientific Expanse”, “Psychological Methods in the Science of Art – Perspective Research Models”, “Concept vs Context in Art and Other Humanities”, “Source Studies and Textology in Modern Art Research in the Context of Other Humanities”, “Mass Media and Cinema in a Philosophical and Cultural Context: Methods of Creating a New Reality in Modern Society”, “Opera Theater and Jazz: Expanding the Space of Artistic Phenomena”, “Scientometrics in Art Criticism and other Areas of Humanitarian Knowledge: Perception of the Newest Data by Traditional Academic Consciousness in the Context of Systemic Improvement Research”, “Art and Culture in the Context of Legal Regulation in Different Spheres of Public Life”, etc. In general, the Project has become one of the most promising scientific events integrating the humanities and social disciplines. This provides the comprehensive study of the art in the life of society in the context of improving the conscience of humankind.
Ars inter Culturas; 2019, 8; 319-334
Pojawia się w:
Ars inter Culturas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Statement: Evaluating the Social Sciences and Humanities in Context – a Discussion Paper
Kontekstowa ewaluacja badań w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych – dyskusja
Beiner, Theresa
van den Besselaar, Peter
Jacquemin, Johan
Pedersen, David Budtz
Rafols, Ismael
Sivertsen, Gunnar
Zrałek, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
research; knowledge production; research evaluation; impact assessment; social
sciences and humanities
The text presents the course and conclusions of the discussion on evaluation of research in social sciences and humanities. The results of social sciences and humanities research can, on the one hand, be of significant local importance, and, on the other, require an appropriate international context. These conflicting trends are difficult to balance. A further difficulty is the attempt to reduce the evaluation of research results in social sciences and humanities to the effects of publication in ranking journals. This trend gives rise to many pathological phenomena (related, for example, to the increase in the cost of publication in journals and other ranked publications). The dominance of the ranking system of journals within the framework of financing scientific disciplines has negative impacts on aspects of academic activity beyond the publication of research results. Teaching activities and university relations with the wider world may suffer. In the course of the discussion an attempt is made to respond to these threats.
W tekście przedstawiono przebieg oraz wnioski z dyskusji dotyczącej sposobów ewaluacji badań naukowych w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych. Wyniki badań w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych z jednej strony mogą mieć istotne znaczenie lokalne, a z drugiej wymagają odpowiedniego kontekstu międzynarodowego. Te kolidujące tendencje trudne są do pogodzenia. Kolejna trudność polega na próbie sprowadzenia oceny wyników badań naukowych w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych do efektów publikacji w czasopismach punktowanych. Trend ten powoduje powstanie wielu zjawisk patologicznych (związanych przykładowo ze wzrostem kosztów publikacji w czasopismach punktowanych). Dominacja systemu oceny punktowej czasopism w ramach finansowania nauki wpływa z kolei negatywnie na inne aspekty działalności akademickiej niż publikacja wyników badań. Ucierpieć może działalność dydaktyczna oraz kontakty uczelni ze światem zewnętrznym. W toku dyskusji próbowano odpowiedzieć na powyższe zagrożenia.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2020, 3 (55); 153-175
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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