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Словацьке питання в зовнішньополітичній візії владних кіл І Речі Посполитої (1938 – березень 1939 р.)
The Slovak question in foreign policy vision of the Second Rzeczpospolita authorities (1938 – march 1939)
Borovets, Ivan
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Institute of History of Ukraine
Second Rzeczpospolita
Czechoslovak Republic
Glinka Slovak People’s Party
foreign policy
diplomatic sondage
Тогочасна польська влада негативно ставилася до центрального уряду Чехословацької республіки. Тому вона активно контактувала з опозиційною Глінковою словацькою народною партією, з якою мала низку спільних ідеологічних цінностей: слов’янська взаємність, католицизм, антибільшовизм, позитивне ставлення до авторитаризму. Польські діячі запевняли, що Варшава підтримує державотворчі плани словацьких лідерів, урочисто вітали їх делегацію в Польщі у травні 1938 р. Під час та відразу після мюнхенської кризи польсько-словацькі взаємини відзначалися суперечністю. Словаки запропонували державне об’єднання і представили декларацію про польсько-словацьку унію. Проте, не отримавши відповіді, домовилися з празьким урядом про надання Словаччині автономії. Польська сторона очікувала від словаків більш вираженого сепаратизму. Аби підштовхнути нерішучих опозиціонерів Варшава висунула територіальні претензії на словацькі землі в районі Спіша та Орави. Ультимативний характер вимог та силові дії польської влади продемонстрували дійсний характер її політики щодо Словаччини. Це мало наслідком покращення чесько-словацьких відносин у рамках помюнхенської Чехо-Словаччини, а також зумовило звернення поглядів словацьких політиків до Німеччини. Взимку 1938-1939 рр. обидві сторони намагалися поліпшити атмосферу двосторонніх взаємин. Відбувалися зустрічі делегацій, на яких обговорювалися шляхи активізації позитивної співпраці. Головним чинником польсько-словацького зближення в цей час було усвідомлення небезпеки з боку Німеччини, яка збільшувала свій вплив у регіоні. На початку березня Берлін організував кампанію тиску на словацьких діячів, схиляючи їх до сецесії, водночас вони марно намагалися висунути цьому польську противагу. Проголошення незалежності Словаччини за німецьким сценарієм ознаменувало стратегічну невдачу польської зовнішньої політики, адже південний кордон держави ставав зоною потенційної небезпеки.
The Polish authorities had a negative attitude towards the central government of the Czechoslovak Republic at that time. Therefore, the Polish reprezentatives were in active contact with the opposition Glinka Slovak People’s Party. They had a number of common ideological values such as Slavic reciprocity, Catholicism, Anti-Bolshevism, and positive assessment of authoritarianism. The Polish politics assured that Warsaw supports state-building plans of the Slovak leaders and solemnly welcomed their delegation to Poland in May 1938. Polish-Slovak relations were marked by contradictions during and shortly after the Munich crisis. The Slovaks suggested state association and submitted a declaration on the Polish-Slovak union. But they did not receive an answer, so they agreed with the Prague government about granting Slovakia autonomy. The Polish authorities expected more pronounced separatism from the Slovaks. Warsaw made territorial claims for Slovak lands in the area of Spis and Orava because Poles wanted to push indecisive oppositionists. The ultimate form of the demands and the forceful nature of Polish actions demonstrated the real content of Warsaw’s policy towards Slovakia. These events resulted to the improvement of Czech-Slovak relations within the framework of Post Munich Czechoslovakia and also led to the appeal of Slovak politicians to Germany. Both sides tried to improve the atmosphere of bilateral relations during the winter of 1938-1939. Meetings of delegations were organized for discuss different ways to intensify positive cooperation. An influence of Nazi Germany was increasing in the region at that time. So, the realization of the danger, posed by Germans, was the main factor to Polish-Slovak rapprochement. In early March, Berlin organized a campaign to put pressure on Slovak politicians and persuaded them to secession. They tried in vain to put forward a Polish counterweight. The declaration of independence of Slovakia according to the German scenario marked the strategic failure of Polish foreign policy, because the southern border of the state became a zone of potential danger
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings; 2021, 30; 284-303
Pojawia się w:
The International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyobrażenia elektryczności na medalach
Images of electricity on medals
Surajewska, Dobrochna
Świsulski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki
W artykule przytoczono przykłady przedstawień wyobrażeń elektryczności, które powstały dla popularyzowania ważnych wydarzeń i uhonorowania osób zasłużonych dla elektryfikacji. Przetransponowanie ze świata zjawisk fizycznych do dziedziny estetyki najczęściej przybierało postać kobiety-bogini. Takie personifikacje występują na medalach z okresu francuskiej secesji a także polskich i niemieckich. Opisano nawiązujący do tej tradycji, wydany w 2019 roku, medal z okazji 100-lecia Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich.
The article presents examples of representations of electricity that were created to popularize important events and to honor people distinguished for electrification. When this elusive matter was transferred from the world of physical phenomena to the field of aesthetics, it most often took the form of a woman - goddess, but also a man. Such personifications appear on medals from the French Art Nouveau period, as well as on Polish and German ones. A medal referring to this tradition, released in 2019 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, is described.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej; 2020, 70; 11-16
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojna w Donbasie - przyczynek do rozważań nad niedopowiedzeniami teorii wojny sprawiedliwej
War in Donbas - considerations on the understatements of the just war theory
Война на Донбассе - размышления о недосказанном на тему теории справедливой войны
Neumann-Karpiński, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
War in Donbas
just war
just war theory
military interventions
война на Донбассе
справедливая война
теория справедливой
выход из состава государства
военное вмешательство
The following article covers the analysis of the War in Donbas from the perspective of the “traditional concept of a just war” (as interpreted by Michael Walzer). The main axis of the analysis is determined by the issue of the possibility of third countries intervening in armed conflicts concerning the specific case of the War in Donbas. The text indicates the key factors that make it impossible to develop a conflict in eastern Ukraine according to traditional just war theories, such as the pursuit of incomplete secession of pro-Russian separatists, the status of the Russian Federation as an unofficial participant in the conflict, and the problem of the “reality” of the separatist intention itself. Therefore, the main problem of this work is the interpretation of Russian actions from the perspective of the principle of non-intervention, and the attitude of other third countries and their right to (not) intervene in this conflict, and its conclusion - in the author’s opinion - indicates the need to update the theory of just war, in a way that would clearly indicate the proper conduct in the event of secession in favour of the existing state.
В данной статье проводится анализ войны в Донбассе с точки зрения «традиционной концепции справедливой войны» (по М. Вальцеру). Главной осью исследования является вопрос возможного вмешательства третьих сторон в вооруженные конфликты, в данном случае относительно войны в Донбассе. В тексте указаны ключевые факторы, которые не позволяют рассматривать конфликт на востоке Украины с помощью традиционных теорий «справедливой войны», в частности: стремление пророссийских сепаратистов к неполной сецессии, статус Российской Федерации как неофициального участника данного конфликта или проблема «реальности» самого сепаратистского намерения. В связи с вышесказанным главной проблемой статьи является интерпретация действий России с перспективы принципа «невмешательства», а также отношение других государств и их право на (не)интервенцию в этот конфликт, разрешение которого - по мнению автора - указывает на необходимость актуализации теории «справедливой войны», чтобы она ясно показывала, какими должны быть правильные действия в случае сецессии в пользу существующего государства.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2021, 2(29); 111-123
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedeńskie kontakty "Sztuki" - z zapisów w Księdze Protokołów Towarzystwa Artystów Polskich.
Kudelska, Dorota Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Society of Polish Artists “Sztuka”
Vienna Secession
Polish art in Vienna
Towarzystwo Artystów Polskich „Sztuka”, Secesja Wiedeńska, Hagenbund, sztuka polska w Wiedniu
The Society of Polish Artists “Sztuka” was doubly elitist: it presented carefully selected works by the artists of choice that is almost exclusively by the members of the association. This important group, as far as the Polish culture is concerned, first revolutionized the artistic life at home (1897–1918) but then started to fade (until the 1950s). There exist no monographs regarding the association, therefore, the analysis of The Proceedings of the Society of Polish Artists “Sztuka” (Protokoły Posiedzeń TAP „Sztuka”, 1897–1912) provides insight into the less known aspects of the Society’s functioning. Of interest are undoubtedly the contacts with the Secession and Hagenbund regarding the organization of exhibitions (also with the Czech Mánes). The process of gaining funding for exhibitions shows the establishment of a model of state financing, which sometimes involved the loss of artists’ artistic freedom (it was part of the cultural policy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that balanced the national issues). The members of the Society of Polish Artists needed to face the following questions: who has the right to represent Polish artists from all partitions? What should the work of the jury look like so that the dominance of one artistic trend is avoided (especially the esthetic concepts of J. Stanisławski)? The article reconstructs differences in the rules governing the cooperation between the Society of Polish Artists and the Wiener Secession and Hagenbund (that housed the biggest Polish exhibition before 1918, completely forgotten today). An important aspect of the article is the discussion of the internal conflicts that threatened the existence of the Society of Polish Artists. In the conclusion, the article indicates the directions of cooperation of Polish artists with Kunstlerbund Hagen in the years 1918–1938.
Artykuł przedstawia relacje między Towarzystwem Artystów Polskich „Sztuka” a wiedeńskimi grupami artystycznymi: Wiener Secession i Hagenbundem na postawie odnalezionej Księgi Protokołów TAP „Sztuka”. Pozwala to na poszerzenie wiedzy szczegółowej dotyczącej organizacji, finansów i polityki wystawienniczej pierwszej polskiej grupy artystycznej, która zrewolucjonizowała zasady prezentacji polskiej sztuki w kraju i za granicą. Sposoby działania TAP, tak te wynikające z regulaminu, jak i nieformalne (związane z działaniami J. Stanisławskiego), budziły wiele kontrowersji w środowisku artystów. Wszystkie aspekty funkcjonowania najlepszych polskich twórców w ramach TAP znajdują uszczegółowienie w Księdze, która w interesujący sposób obrazuje kontakty wiedeńskie. Relacje te pokazują, że początkowo dobra współpraca z Secesją została zawieszona i ostatecznie przez Polaków zaniechana. Podjęto natomiast bardzo owocną współpracę z konkurentem Secesji – Hagenbundem. Tekst przedstawia szczegóły tych przedsięwzięć.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia; 2017, 35, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W brzuchu architekta Willa Leopolda Kindermanna
In the Belly of the Architect – Leopold Kindermann’s Villa „Created Following the Act of Creation Proper”
Sztwiertnia, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nowym Sączu
Willa Kindermanna
architektura Łodzi
Gustaw Landau-Gutenteger
Adolf Loos
Rudolf Steiner
Joseph Beuys
Zygmunt Freud
Kinermann’s Villa
architecture of Łódź
Sigmund Freud
Tekst inspirowany jest projektem badawczo-artystycznym pn. „Tatort” zrealizowanym w 2021 r. w Miejskiej Galerii Sztuki w Łodzi. To próba zbadania, opisania i zdiagnozowania – za pomocą interdyscyplinarnych narzędzi – fenomenu Willi Kindermanna na mapie polskiej i europejskiej architektury secesyjnej. Bazując na różnorodnych źródłach i poszukiwaniach, tropi związki architektury Łodzi i Wiednia z początku XX w. z burzliwymi przemianami historycznymi oraz snuje refleksję nad konsekwencjami radykalnych przemian w architekturze okresu międzywojnia. Poszukując różnych, nieoczywistych czasem punktów odniesienia i zestawienia, przywołuje nieco zapomniane dziś, jednak wpływowe dla rozwoju cywilizacyjnego XX w. zjawiska i prądy kulturowe, takie jak antropozofia czy architektura organiczna. Bada również konsekwencje rewolucji modernistycznej zainicjowanej przez Adolfa Loosa i jego manifest „Ornament i zbrodnia” nakazujący całkowite zerwanie z ornamentem w kulturze. Zestawia wybrane, acz kluczowe dla zrozumienia istoty przemian światopoglądowych europejskiego społeczeństwa początku XX w. fakty społeczno-intelektualno artystyczne w celu ukazania nieredukowalnego piętna uwikłania idei i projektów nowoczesności w tworzenie systemów opresji, przemocy i kontroli. Proponuje ujęcie historycznego obiektu architektonicznego – Willi Kindermanna – jako tekstu dającego różnorodne perspektywy odczytania i możliwość, warstwa po warstwie, odkrywania ukrytych narracji o współczesności.
This paper is inspired by the “Tatort” artistic-research project realized in 2021 in Municipal Art Gallery in Łódź. It is an attempt at researching and diagnosing Kindermann’s Villa on the map of Polish and European architecture through using cross-disciplinary tools. On the basis of various sources and research the author traces the relations between the architecture of Łódź and Vienna and the tumultuous historical transformations and weaves a reflection on consequences of radical changes in the architecture of the interwar period. Searching for various and unobvious points of reference and compilation the author invokes the cultural phenomena and trends which are now somewhat forgotten but which were influential for the civilizational development of the XX century such as anthroposophia and organic architecture. The author also researches consequences of the modernist revolution initiated by various artists including Adolf Loos and his manifest “Ornament and Crime” which dictates complete departure from ornamentation in culture. The author compiles selected social-intellectual-artistic facts crucial for understanding of the essence of changes in the outlook of the early XX century European society with the goal of demonstrating irreducible stigma of intertwining ideals and designs of modernity with establishing systems of oppression, violence and control. The author proposes approaching a historical architectural object – Kindermann’s Villa – as a text which presents various contexts for reading and discovering hidden narratives of modernity layer by layer.
Eruditio et Ars; 2022, 4, 1; 9-21
Pojawia się w:
Eruditio et Ars
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The State between Fact and Law: The Role of Recognition and the Conditions under Which It Is Granted in the Creation of New States
Finck, François
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
constitutive effect
non-recognized entities
This article explores the role of recognition in State creation. Basing on an analysis of relations between effectiveness and legality in the process of State creation, it claims that recognition is constitutive of statehood as a subject of international law. The research revolves around the following themes: the role of effectiveness criteria and the conditions of recognition set by international law, the existence of “statehood without effectiveness” in cases of limited effectiveness but general recognition, the study of acquisition of statehood as a process and the notion of collective recognition based on the cases of Kosovo and Palestine. The argumentation is also supported by the analysis of de facto entities and aspiring States in international practice. It draws on the distinction between legal non-recognition and political non-recognition as able to shed some light on the complexity of international practice in this area. The article concludes that recognition is a pre-requisite of statehood, an essential criterion that may overcome weak effectiveness in certain legal contexts, though not a lack of independence. Conversely, effectiveness of government authority over population and territory does not lead to statehood in the meaning of international law in the absence of international recognition.
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2016, 36; 51-81
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The significance of geographic location for the success of territorial secession. African example
Trzciński, Krzysztof
Kwiatkowska, Joanna M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
secession of territory
geographic location
Political and economic factors always play the main role in the secession of territory. Various aspects of geographic location may however facilitate or hinder secession, as well as the effective functioning of the newly emerged state. For Africa, geographic location in secession may be of greater importance than in the case of other continents. This is caused for the most part by the fact that African states are some of the poorest in the world and are often unable to effectively counteract secession through military means. The lack of well-formed democratic state institutions in turn impedes the peaceful resolution of problems constituting the basis of secessionist tendencies. These are precisely the conditions under which geographic location plays a more critical role.
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development; 2004, 11; 207-216
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Royal Commission for Old Laws and Ordinances of Belgium at the Service of Legal Historians
Waelkens, Laurent
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
legal-historical source,
the Netherlands,
Commission for Old Laws and Ordinances of Belgium,
the secession of Belgium,
Belgian law,
customary law
Belgium became independent in 1830. In this constitutional monarchy, legal norms would find their place in a hierarchy of norms of which the constitution formed the pinnacle. In practice, the country renewed only a part of its legal norms. Many sources predating 1830 remained in force. Which ones? Which measures did they include? With the aim of putting these anciennes lois et ordonnances in order, a Royal Decree of 18 April 1846 established a royal Commission for Old Laws and Ordinances of Belgium (Commission royale des anciennes lois et ordonnances de Belgique), which was composed of politicians and professors of law faculties. Initially, the Commission was at the service of judicial practice. Its activities were considerably diminished by the First World War and it was only in 1950 that it took up its full range of activities again. At that time, the Commission was invested in exclusively by legal historians, who reoriented it to serve the science of legal history. Since 1846, the Commission has decided to divide the publication of legal texts into three collections: the ordinances, the customaries, and the treaties. In each division, it distinguished between acts regarding the old Netherlands and those regarding the Principalities of Liège, Stavelot, and Bouillon. The volumes concerning Liège, Stavelot, and Bouillon were finished in 1878. The publication of the ordinances of the other territories were organised into three series: (1) the Burgundian period (1381–1506), (2) the Habsburg and Spanish period (1506–1700), and (3) the Austrian period (1700–1794). The series concerning the Austrian period was completed in 1942. For the second series, the ordinances of Philip II are still being dealt with. Work on the first series was only begun in the twentieth century and the editors have reached the period of Philip the Good (who died in 1467). The publication of customaries was divided into thirteen series according to the old principalities of the Southern Netherlands which were situated in the current territory of Belgium. The jurisprudence of the courts of justice that were submitted to the homologation of the Great Council of Malines between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was edited first. Currently, eighty quarto volumes have been published. Two volumes of homologated customaries remain to be published. In the meantime, the Commission has added older documents to its field of action, which allow the following of the evolution of customary law at the end of the Middle Ages. There are, for example, volumes dedicated to appeals to the Parliament of Paris against the Council of Flanders, published starting from Parisian files. The third series has never been started, as the Commission provisionally abandoned the publication of the treaties of the old principalities. The Commission also edits the Bulletin of the Royal Commission for Old Laws and Ordinances of Belgium (Bulletin de la Commission royale des anciennes lois et ordonnances de Belgique), which appears sporadically. In this Bulletin, one finds preparatory studies concerning the editing of legal sources and the editions of texts which are too short to merit an entire volume. Without the Bulletin, the entire set of the Commission’s publication consists of about two hundred and fifty quarto volumes and about twenty octavo volumes.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2014, 7, 3; 455-462
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of the tenement housing development in the urban structure of Western and Central Ukraine during the Secession era
Orlenko, Mykola
Ivashko, Yuliia
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Wydział Architektury. Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego
tenement housing development
Western Ukraine
Central Ukraine
"House with Chimaeras"
osiedle mieszkaniowe
zachodnia Ukraina
środkowa Ukraina
"Dom z chimerami"
The principles of the formation of the urban planning space of cities of Western and Central Ukraine during the period of Secession, the role of profitable residential development in the city structure are analyzed. The differences between the Secession development of Lviv, Chernivtsi, Stanislaviv and Kiev are identified, examples of the main ensembles and individual buildings are given. Using the example of the house of architect Władysław Horodecki (the so-called House with Chimaeras), we have highlighted the specific features of restoration of buildings of the era of Secession.
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe; 2019, 27; 52-60
Pojawia się w:
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Right to Self-Determination of Peoples through Examples of Åland Islands and Quebec: Recommendations for a Peaceful International Legal Order
Ljubović, Mirza
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
contemporary public international law
right to self-determination
In contemporary public international law, it is increasingly common that in many countries of the world and Europe, political representatives of the peoples are calling for an inalienable right to the external self-determination of the peoples involving secession to try to achieve their independence and autonomy, forming their national states to the detriment of already existing countries in which they are currently living. However, this may cause destabilization and wars in many complex multiethnic states and the European Union. Therefore, the Aland Islands and Quebec cases are extremely important for today’s understanding of the exercise of the right to self-determination of the people in contemporary public international law, in particular as the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the domestic courts invoke them as precedents to address all future cases of reference to the right of the people to external self-determination involving secession. Based on those cases, it has developed that the issue of secession is the question of the internal legal order of each sovereign country, which should deal with this issue through its constitutional legal order, and contemporary public international law should deal with its consequences. In connection with this, it is necessary to investigate and offer answers that will highlight possible abuses of the right to self-determination of all peoples as a collective human right in contemporary public international law. Such unlawful conduct may result in adverse legal consequences, in particular, the violation of basic principles of public international law, including the principles of territoriality and sovereignty of the states, the distortion of world peace and order, economic progress, the rule of law and the pursuit of basic human rights and freedoms, as well as other collective human rights, which may ultimately be the cause of provocation and lead to international and civil wars.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2023, 53, 2; 189-207
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Control of the Activity of the Authorities of the Autonomous Communities in the Spanish Constitution
Kontrola działalności władz wspólnot autonomicznych w Konstytucji Hiszpanii
Dankowski, Michał Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Autonomous Comunities
Wspólnota Autonomiczna
he dramatic events taking place in 2017 resulted in an unprecedented intervention of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain in the duties of the authorities of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. The procedure for the fulfillment of constitutional obligations of the authorities of one of the seventeen Autonomous Communities, that make up Spain, was introduced for the first time in history. The sources of this situation should be sought in the conflict between Barcelona and Madrid, which has been growing for a decade, and reached its peak with the Spanish Government’s failure to recognize the independence referendum and the attempt to secede by the Catalan authorities. The situation showed the need to reform the Spanish constitutional system, in particular as regards the rights and obligations of Autonomous Communities.
Dramatyczne wydarzenia mające miejsce 2017 r. spowodowały bezprecedensową interwencję rządu Królestwa Hiszpanii w działalność władz wspólnoty autonomicznej Katalonii. Procedura bezpośredniej kontroli działalności władz jednej z siedemnastu wspólnot autonomicznych, z których składa się Hiszpania została uruchomiona po raz pierwszy w historii. Źródła tego stanu należy szukać w konflikcie na linii Barcelona-Madryt narastającym od dekady, którego apogeum zostało osiągnięte wraz z nieuznaniem przez rząd hiszpański referendum niepodległościowego i próby dokonania secesji ze strony władz autonomii katalońskiej. Sytuacja wykazała konieczność reformy ustroju Hiszpanii, w szczególności w zakresie praw i obowiązków wspólnot terytorialnych.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2019, 6 (52); 459-471
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America, 1861
Stolicki, Dariusz M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Confederate States; Confederate Constitution; Montgomery Convention; secession crisis of 1860–1861; American constitutional tradition.
The Confederate Constitution of 1861 has been an important development in American constitutional law. The Montgomery Convention that drafted the constitution chose not to create an entirely new document, but instead to copy and revise the United States Constitution of 1787. Nearly verbatim identity of most provisions of the two texts highlights the differences arising from deliberate alterations introduced by the Confederates. This article analyzes those changes in light of their political and legal background and classifies them into three broad categories: first, amendments designed to “restore” the balance of federal and state powers to the states’ rights ideal envisioned by Southern political leaders and to check further growth of federal authority; second, provisions designed to augment or clarify constitutional protections of slavery and thereby address- ing the direct causes of secession; and third, governmental innovations mostly related to separation of powers and fiscal affairs (such as line-item veto, executive budget, or the single subject rule) that were not directly related to the major sectional controver- sies of the antebellum era, but instead addressed what the framers of the Confederate Constitution believed to be practical deficiencies of the 1787 Constitution. While the first two categories are of interest mainly to historians of the antebellum period, as embodying to a large extent the Southern view of the Constitution (though falling short of endorsing Calhounian ideas of nullification and concurrent majority), the last one also influenced many state constitutions adopted during and after the Civil War, thereby permanently contributing to development of American constitutional tradition.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2013, 12; 145-190
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Suwerenne państwo pod nadzorem. Rzeczywistość polityczna Bośni i Hercegowiny 17 lat po Dayton
Pomykalska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
international protectorate
territorial integrity
ethnic parity
independence referendum
political crisis
constitutional nation
The article presents the political, social, ethnical and economic situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina 15 years after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The agreement officially finished the war in this country. The goal of this article is to describe the complexity of the internal situation and the problems of the construction of a stable and independent state. The article discusses an extremely complicated political system, that was imposed in the peace agreement, which alongside with different political businesses of three constitutional nations is leading to the decision-making paralysis and makes stable ruling is making impossible. The role of the High Representative UN/EU was also described. The role is to coordinate the activity of international community and is indeed exercising the sovereign power in the state contributing to therecognition that Bosnia, although is an independent and sovereign state, actually became an international protectorate. Various opinions about the effectiveness of the High Representative and the legitimacy of taken actions were presented. The fact that (between 1992–2004) NATO forces (executing military missions) and (from 2004) European forces (executing civil-military missions) stationed in Bosnia-Herzegovina is not without meaning. The author is also paying attention to the fact that a complicated and strained ethnic situation is a source of stagnation in BiH and individual constitutional nations have completely different expectations and political businesses which is making impossible to form a civil nation (national) and is still jeopardizing the state’s territorial integrity.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2011, 4; 135-154
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stylistic specifics of the historical development of the secession era (the experience of Poltava)
Specyfika stylistyczna zabudowy historycznej okresu secesji (na przykładzie Połtawy)
Dyomin, Mykola
Ivashko, Yuliia
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
historical development
peculiar features
conservation and restoration
secession style
zabudowa historyczna
cechy stylowe
Style is a combination of signs, traits, peculiarities of a specific art form. The philosophy of style, which usually arises based on protest moods in society, precedes the appearance of formal methods of its image-bearing embodiment. The emergence of a new style in art (architecture) can occur and occurs unnoticed by society, and the roots of the new, which is always the result of the interaction of traditions and innovations, should be sought in the past. In the process of the movement of the style from the center of its occurrence in space and time, the „influence zone” expands, which is inevitably accompanied by the loss of its primary attributes and saturation with elements of local influences, due to the specifics of local mentality, building materials, architectural and design methods, local skills and qualifications masters. This article deals with the development of the Secession style on the example of the architecture of the city of Poltava.
Styl jest połączeniem cech formalnych charakterystycznych dla określonej formy sztuki. Filozofia stylu, która zwykle zostaje oparta na określonych postawach społecznych, poprzedza powstanie formalnych metod stylu. Pojawienie się nowego stylu w sztuce (architekturze) jest zazwyczaj niezauważone przez społeczeństwo, a jego korzeni, które zawsze wynikają z interakcji tradycji i innowacji, należy szukać w przeszłości. W procesie przemieszczania się stylu z centrum występowania w przestrzeni i czasie jego „strefa wpływów” rozszerza się, czemu nieuchronnie towarzyszą utrata pierwotnych atrybutów i nasycenie elementami wpływów lokalnych, ze względu na specyfikę lokalnej mentalności, materiałów budowlanych, metod architektonicznych i projektowych, lokalnych mistrzów, umiejętności i kwalifikacji. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy rozwoju stylu secesji na przykładzie architektury miasta Połtawa.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2020, 62; 79-84
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sovereignty issues in the Caucasus: contested ethnic and national identities in Chechnya, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia
Rukhadze, Vasili
Duerr, Glen
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
South Ossetia
Sovereignty issues in the Caucasus: contested ethnic and national identities in Chechnya, Abkhazia, and South OssetiaThe issue of sovereignty has been at the forefront of regional politics in the Caucasus since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. In particular, the Russian government has approached various-seemingly similar cases-in very different ways. Although each specific region examined-Chechnya, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia-is unique, the nature of ethnic and national identity has been framed differently by the Russian government. In Chechnya, the Putin administration has framed any outstanding separatist claims in conjunction with terrorism and national security issues. In Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the Putin administration has instead noted the need for “liberation.” The outcome has been to stifle secessionist desires in Chechnya, while supporting those same secessionist desires outside of Russia’s borders, in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Kwestia suwerenności na Kaukazie: kontestowane tożsamości etniczne i narodowe w Czeczenii, Abchazji i Osetii PołudniowejKwestia suwerenności wysunęła się na czołowe miejsce w polityce regionalnej na Kaukazie z chwilą rozpadu Związku Sowieckiego w 1991 roku. W istocie rząd rosyjski do poszczególnych, pozornie podobnych, przypadków podszedł w odmienny sposób. Aczkolwiek każdy z interesujących nas tutaj regionów – Czeczenia, Abchazja i Osetia Południowa – jest unikatowy, to charakter tożsamości etnicznej i narodowej został ujęty przez rząd rosyjski w inne ramy. W Czeczenii administracja Putina wiązała wysuwane tam roszczenia separatystyczne z terroryzmem i kwestiami bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Z kolei w Abchazji i Osetii Południowej Rosja dostrzegła potrzebę „wyzwolenia”. W efekcie nastąpiło stłumienie aspiracji do secesji w Czeczenii, podczas gdy poza granicami Rosji, w Abchazji i Osetii Południowej, te same dążenia secesjonistyczne zyskały sobie poparcie.
Sprawy Narodowościowe; 2016, 48
Pojawia się w:
Sprawy Narodowościowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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