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Origin and age of Pleistocene ‘mixed gravels’ in the northern foreland of the Carpathians
Lindner, L.
Marks, L.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fluvial interglacial deposits
Carpathian and Scandinavian erratics
Early-Middle Pleistocene
northern fore land of Carpathians
Accumulations of pebbles in the northern foreland of the Carpathians in Ukraine and Poland, composed mostly of Carpathian sandstones, but with a small admixture of Scandinavian rocks, have been known for many years as the ‘mixed gravels’. The occurrence of these gravels in the San–Dnistr and Vistula–Odra interfluves proves that they are of fluvial origin and were deposited by rivers that flowed northwards during the Podlasian (Martonosha and Shirokino) and Ferdynandovian (Lubny) Interglacials. The Scandinavian material was derived from eroded glacial deposits of Nidanian (Turskian) and Sanian 1 (Vyzhivskian, equivalent to Donian) Glaciations.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2013, 83, 1; 29-36
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Turystyki i Języków Obcych. Wydawnictwo WSTiJO
Scandinavian erratics
The paper presents Scandinavian erratics as an example of abiotic resources that show evidence of geodiversity in a certain region. These mute witnesses of a glacial epoch play scientific, cognitive, educational, cultural, historical, aesthetic, conservative and, at last but not least, geotouristic role. Unfortunately, the proper authorities and also the inhabitants are unaware of the value of these resources. That is why they remain unused in the sustainable development of the district and/or town as well as in the creation of the district’s/town’s image. The paper suggests that some abiotic elements of nature should be adapted for tourist purposes in accordance with the principles of environmental protection.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Turystyka i Rekreacja; 2017, 2(20); 67-74
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Turystyka i Rekreacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Głazy narzutowe z okolic Przedborza jako obiekty geodziedzictwa oraz ich znaczenie w geologii czwartorzędu i geoturystyki
Erratic boulders from the Przedbórz Region as objects important for Quaternary geology and geoheritage
Górska-Zabielska, Maria
Wieczorek, Dariusz
Zabielski, Ryszard
Stoiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
głazy narzutowe
Skandynawskie regiony źródłowe
rozwój zrównoważony
erratic boulders
indicator erratics
Scandinavian source regions
sustainable development
Przedbórz region
The Przedbórz region in the Przedborska Upland (central Poland) is characterized by an above-average presence of erratic boulders. They have never been the subject of separate studies before. The aim of this article is to indicate their large population in central Poland and to characterize the traces of the impact of various morphogenetic processes on their current size and shape. The authors indicate the Scandinavian source areas of some of the studied erratic boulders. The article also highlights the scientific, educational, social and aesthetic function of erratic boulders, which should be used when planning the sustainable development of the region. In peripheral tourist areas, geotourism is an effective tool for economic growth. The erratic boulders discussed in the article, which are unique objects of natural heritage, have great potential to revive this branch of nature tourism.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 1; 34--49
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obszary macierzyste skandynawskich eratyków przewodnich osadów ostatniego zlodowacenia północno-zachodniej Polski i północno-wschodnich Niemiec
Source regions of the Scandinavian indicator erratics in Vistulian glacial deposits from NW Poland and NE Germany
Górska-Zabielska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
eratyki przewodnie
osad glacjalny
skandynawskie obszary macierzyste
północno-zachodnia Polska
północno-wschodnie Niemcy
indicator erratics
glacial deposits
Scandinavian source regions
north-western Poland
northeastern Germany
Wychodnie skalne środkowego Bałtyku, wysp szwedzkich oraz południowo-wschodniej Szwecji były obszarem dominującej egzaracji tej części lądolodu, która podczas fazy pomorskiej późnego plenivistulianu dotarła po NW Polskę i NE Niemcy. W zespole wszystkich skandynawskich narzutniaków najmłodszych osadów depozycji glacjalnej z NW Polski i NE Niemiec około 30-40% stanowią skały krystaliczne. Ich obszarem macierzystym jest tarcza bałtycka, uformowana w proterozoiku. Do najważniejszych narzutniaków pochodzących z tarczy bałtyckiej należą: granity Uppsala i Stockholm, granit rapakivi Aland, eratyki z Dalarny (granity Garberg, Jima, Siljan oraz porfir Dalama). Są to także eratyki egzarowane w transskandynawskim paśmie magmowym: granity Smáland, Vánevik, Vörlebo, Filipstad, Kristinehamn, czerwone i szare granity Vöxjö, porfiry Páscallavik; dalej są to eratyki z regionu Blekinge-Bornholn (granity Karlshamn, Spinkamála, Halen, Vánga, Hammer, Vang, Svaneke) oraz eratyki z regionu gnejsowego SW Szwecji (sjenity Glimákra i Vaggeryd, gnejs Járna i czarnokit Varberg). W grupie skał narzutowych są także skały uformowane podczas młodszych zdarzeń geologicznych (np. permski porfir rombowy z Oslo czy jurajski bazalt ze Skanii). Skały macierzyste są zlokalizowane również w obrębie pokrywy osadowej dna Bałtyku centralnego i południowego, której powstanie wiąże się ze zdarzeniami geologicznymi w neoproterozoiku, wczesnym paleozoiku i kredzie. Z dna Bałtyku, wysp Gotlandii i Olandii oraz państw nadbałtyckich pochodzi około 60-70% wszystkich eratyków osadowych późnoplenivistuliańskiej depozycji glacjalnej. Są to: piaskowce jotnickie, wapienie ordowiku i syluru, dewońskie piaskowce i dolomity. Z południowo-zachodniego Bałtyku pochodzą górnokredowe wapienie oraz górnokredowe i paleogeńskie krzemienie.
The hardrock substratum of the middle Baltic Sea, Swedish islands and south-eastern Sweden are the main areas eroded by the late Pleniweichselian ice sheet. The erratics that the ice transported away from these areas are now found in the youngest glacial deposits of NW Poland and NE Germany. The Scandinavian erratics sampled from the youngest glacial deposits in NW Poland and NE Germany consist for 30-40% of crystalline rocks derived from the Proterozoic of the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield. They include Svecofennian rocks (Uppsala granite, Stockholm granite, Áland rapakivi granite), granites and porphyries from Dalama (Garberg granite, Jima granite, Siljan granite, Dalama porhyry), as well as materiał from the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (Smáland granite, Vánevik granite, Vörlebo granite, red and grey Vöxjö granites, Páscallavik porphyry, Filipstad granite and Kristinehamn granite), from the Blekinge-Bornholn region (Karlshamn granite, Spinkamála granite, Halen granite, Vánga granite, Hammer granite, Vang granite, Svaneke granite), and the gneissic region of SW Sweden (Glimákra syenite, Vaggeryd syenite, Járna gneiss, Varberg chamockit). Other erratics come from younger volcanic rocks, dating back to the Late Palaeozoic and Jurassic/Cretaceous (e.g., the romb porphyry from the Oslo graben and Scanian basalt). The sedimentary cover of the Neoproterozoic, the Lower Palaeozoic and the Cretaceous (from the Baltic Sea, Aland Islands, Gotland, Öland and the Baltic states) are also source rocks. Glacial sediments deposited directly south of the Baltic Sea consist for 60-70% of Fennoscandian sedimentary erratics. They include: Jotnian sandstones, Ordovician and Silurian limestones, Devonian sandstones (Old Red) and dolomites. Other source areas of indicator erratics are located along the Sorgenfrei-Teisseyre-Tornquist zone and further to the south-west (e.g. Late Cretaceous limestones, Late Cretaceous and Paleogene flints).
Geologos; 2008, 14, 2; 177-194
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Petrographic analyses and indicator erratics of gravels of the Odra lobe
Górska-Zabielska, Maria
Zabielski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
petrography of glacial gravels
Scandinavian erratics
Pomeranian phase
Odra lobe
north-eastern Germany
north-western Poland
Fennoscandinavian er rat ics found in the gla cial de pos its till and in the glaciofluvial sed i ments within the main limit of the Odra gla cier lobe (NW Po land and NE Ger many), have been ex am ined in two frac tions: of 4–10 mm and 20–60 mm. The most nu mer ous in the frac tion of 4–10 mm are: crys tal line rocks (Cr; 35–40%) orig i nat ing in the Pro terozoic Bal tic Shield as well as Lower Palaeozoic lime stones (LPL; 35–40%) – from the sed i men tary sheet cov er ing the Pro tero zoic Bal tic Shield in the area of cen tral Bal tic Sea. Per cent age of sand stones (S) amounts to 10–15%. The remain ing rock types (sev eral per cent each) are: Palaeozoic shales (PS), the out crops of which are lo cal ized in Scania (Sk¯ne) and on Born holm, Cre ta ceous lime stones (CL) and flintstones (F) orig i nat ing from the west ern part of the south ern Bal tic Sea as well as quartz (Q), milk quartz (MQ) and iso lated grains of De vo nian dolomites (DD). From the anal y sis of in di ca tor er rat ics, which was car ried out in the 20–60 mm frac tion, it ap pears that mainly the out -crops lo cal ized in Sm¯land (e.g. red and grey Växjö gran ites, P¯skallavik por phy ries or Tessini and Kalmarsund sand - stones) as well as in Scania (Höör and Hardeberga sand stones) and Re gion Blekinge–Born holm (e.g. Karlshamn and Halen gran ites as well as NexÝ and Bavnodde sand stones) had been sub jected to the gla cial pluck ing. The o ret i cal boul der cen tres (TBC, Ger man: TGZ das Theoretische Geschiebezentrum, Lüttig 1958), which were cal cu lated for 23 sam ples, are lo cal ized mostly in a small area in Sm¯land, be tween 15°E–16°E and 56.5°N–58.5°N. Apart from in di ca - tor er rat ics the sta tis ti cal ones are nu mer ous, that are first of all grey and red Lower Palaeozoic lime stones with their out crops lo cal ized at the bot tom of the cen tral Bal tic Sea. Tak ing into ac count the TBC val ues of in di ca tor er rat ics as well as high per cent age of sta tis ti cal er rat ics it can be pro nounced that the sec tion of cen tral and west ern Bal tic Sea as well as the one of south-east ern Swe den had been sub jected to the heavi est gla cial pluck ing by that part of the Pleis to - cene ice-sheet which reached the stud ied area dur ing the Pom er a nian Phase.
Studia Quaternaria; 2010, 27; 17-25
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zróżnicowanie petrograficzne plejstoceńskich osadów Pojezierza Myśliborskiego na przykładzie żwirów z Chełma Górnego i Cedyni
Petrographical differentiation of Pleistocene deposits of Myoelibórz Lakeland (Western Pomerania) based on gravels from Chełm Górny and Cedynia
Górska-Zabielska, M.
Pisarska-Jamroży, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
żwiry petrograficzne
fennoskandzkie wychodnie
Pomorze Zachodnie
gravel petrography
indicator erratics
Scandinavian recharge area
Western Pomerania
Petrographical content of Pleistocene gravels (4–10 mm) derived from till and glaciofluvial deposits of Western Pomerania was studied. The coarse-grained gravels (20–60 mm) have been additionally investigated for indicator erratics. There are three dominant petrographical groups within the gravels regardless of genetic type of sediments: crystalline rocks, Lower Paleozoic limestones and sandstones. Indicator erratics indicate the most effective glacial erosion in south-eastern Sweden. Theoretical stone center is located at 57.7°N and 16°E, that is in Smĺland. Other regions where the ice sheet could have been nourished were located in Dalarna and Ĺland Islands. The most numerous erratics found in the glacial sediments are: Smĺland granites and quartz porphyries, Ĺland rapakivi granites and quartz porphyries, Bredvad porphyries, Venjan and Grönklitt porphyrites.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2008, 56, 4; 317-321
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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