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NAS-50 and NAS-40: New scales for the assessment of self-control
Nęcka, Edward
Wujcik, Radosław
Orzechowski, Jarosław
Gruszka, Aleksandra
Janik, Beata
Nowak, Michał
Wójcik, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
psychological assessment
In this paper, we present a new questionnaire for the assessment of self-control as an individual trait. We describe the process of construction of this assessment tool. We also report the results of relevant validation studies. The questionnaire has two independent versions, one based on self-reports (NAS-50) and another one based on other-reports (NAS-40). The first version consists of five subscales (10 items each), called Initiative and Persistence (IP), Proactive Control (PC), Switching and Flexibility (SF), Inhibition and Adjournment (IA), and Goal Maintenance (GM). Seven samples of participants (N = 934 altogether) took part in the validation study. The second version has not been split into subscales. Both versions obtained satisfactory indices of internal consistency, assessed with Cronbach’s alpha (for NAS- 50 total score a = .861, for the subscales a between .726 and .867; for NAS-40 a = .844). The NAS-50 and NAS-40 scores were highly correlated with other measures of self-control, including Tangney, Baumeister, and Boone’s (2004) self-control scale. They also proved to be entirely independent of general intelligence. In conclusion, both versions can be regarded reliable and valid enough, and therefore suitable for the assessment of trait self-control for research purposes.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2016, 47, 3; 346-355
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niepełnosprawny – taki sam czy inny? fotografia jako forma samoopisu osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie
Te disabled - the same or diferent? A photograph as the form of self-report of people sufering from intellectual disabilities
Masłowiecka, Agnieszka
Dmochowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Te disabled - the same or diferent? A photograph as the form of self-report of people sufering from intellectual disabilities Te subject of discussion are the results of research in the feld of visual anthropology of people with intellectual disabilities. A photograph taken as a form of self-report was used as a method. People from the research group were using cameras to present what seemed to be important in their life. Te results are grouped into several categories, including Family, Home, Nature, Pets, etc. Te results suggest a strong bond and intensity of the relationship with the environment as well as aesthetic sensitivity .
Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne; 2013, 22; 201-213
Pojawia się w:
Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Psychosocial risk factors for youth crime
Psychospołeczne czynniki ryzyka zachowań niezgodnych z prawem młodzieży
Więcek-Durańska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
czynniki ryzyka
badanie typu self-report
przestępczość młodzieży
youth crime
risk factors
self-report survey
Crime is a multidimensional social phenomenon, important for the whole society. For years, researchers have been conducting research to increase knowledge about the factors responsible for criminal behavior and to look for such factors that play a positive (protective) role. Depending on the leading research trend, such factors were sought in the individual’s characteristics or in the external environment (family, local environment). Many studies have also been devoted to verifying external signs and genetic deviations indicating predisposition to criminal behavior. Some scientists also point to neurobiological factors, in particular the prevalence of mental disorders in the population. Currently, the trends of research are taken from many fields of science. It is emphasized, however, that every human behavior is determined not only by his personality, but also by the environment in which he is located. The issue of crime is more im- portant when this phenomenon applies to children and young people. The analysis of available statistical data on criminal offenses committed by minors shows that this issue is a significant social problem. In 2015, in court statistics there were over 12 000 criminal offenses committed by juvenile offenders and over 14 000 court judgments on demoralization of minors. Furthermore it stresses that the age of young people commitng crimes significantly decreased. The aim of the study was the evaluation of prevalence and analysis of determinants of „risk fac- tors” in the etiology of criminal acts. Risk factors are defined as individual personal properties, environmental characteristics and mutual interactions between them. In the statistical sense, risk factors are properties that coexist with abnormal behavior or precede its formation. Based on knowledge about risk factors, we can try to estimate the occurrence of certain negative phe- nomena, including for example committing offenses by young people. It should be emphasized that the emergence of risk factors does not necessarily lead to negative consequences, but they increase the risk of their occurrence. The study used a self-report questionnaire, psychological tests and an interview. The obtained empirical material allowed to capture certain characteristics and differences between the youth who admitted committing the crime and those who did not have such experiences. The work consists of two parts. The first is a theoretical justification of the subject matter of research. The second is empirical and includes a description of the method and the results of research and their discussion and interpretation. The survey was conducted on a group of students aged 15-19 years, using three methods (survey research using psychological tests, self-study report and the interview). Thus obtained results allowed to show the current trend of youth crime related to gender and the prevalence of risk behaviors (drinking strong alcohol or drug use). Analyzes were also a number of environmental factors, and on the basis of indicators developed “the goodness of the local environment.” Analyses showed that there were features differentiating the family of the young people. The collected research material allowed to show the differences between the two groups of young people and to isolate psychosocial risk factors which youth crime.
Przestępczość jest złożonym zjawiskiem społecznym, istotnym dla całego społeczeństwa. Dlatego też od lat podejmuje się działania mające na celu poszerzenie wiedzy o czynnikach odpowiedzialnych za zachowania polegające na przekraczaniu norm przez uczestników życia społecznego oraz poszukiwaniu takich czynników, które odgrywają rolę pozytywną (chroniącą). W zależności od wiodącego nurtu badawczego, czynników takich poszukiwano w cechach indywidualnych jednostki lub też w środowisku zewnętrznym (rodzina, środowisko lokalne). Wiele badań poświęcono również weryfkowaniu zewnętrznych oznak czy genetycznych odchyleń wskazujących na predyspozycje do zachowań przestępczych. Nie bez znaczenia wydają się także czynniki neurobiologiczne, a w szczególności rozpowszechnienie zaburzeń psychicznych w populacji. Aktualnie trendy w prowadzonych badaniach czerpią z dorobku wielu dziedzin. Podkreśla się jednak, że każde zachowanie człowieka determinowane jest nie tylko przez jego osobowość, ale również przez środowisko, w jakim się znajduje.Problematyka przestępczości jest tym ważniejsza, gdy zjawisko to dotyczy dzieci i młodzieży. Analiza dostępnych danych statystycznych dotyczących czynów karalnych popełnianych przez nieletnich wskazuje, że kwestia ta stanowi istotny problem społeczny. W 2015 roku w statystyce sądowej odnotowano ponad 12 tys. czynów karalnych popełnianych przez nieletnich sprawców oraz ponad 14 tys. orzeczeń sądowych w sprawach nieletnich w związku z demoralizacją. Ponadto, nie bez znaczenia wydaje się obniżający się wiek młodzieży wchodzącej „na drogę przestępczą”.Celem badań była ocena rozpowszechnienia oraz analiza uwarunkowań tzw. „czynników ryzyka” w etiologii czynów przestępczych. Aby przeprowadzić analizę uwarunkowań przeprowadzono badania samoopisowe młodzieży, wywiady oraz testy psychologiczne, a uzyskany szeroki materiał empiryczny pozwolił na wychwycenie pewnych cech charakterystycznych oraz różnic pomiędzy młodzieżą, która przyznała się do popełnienia przestępstwa oraz tymi, którzy takich doświadczeń nie mieli. Opracowanie składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza stanowi teoretyczne uzasadnienie podjętej tematyki badań. Druga natomiast ma charakter empiryczny i obejmuje opis metody, a także uzyskane wyniki badań wraz z ich omówieniem i interpretacją. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało na grupie uczniów w wieku 15-19 lat, przy wykorzystaniu trzech metod badawczych (kwestionariusza samoopisowego, testów psychologicznych oraz wywiadu).
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny; 2018, 25; 84-138
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Kryminologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachowania dewiacyjne młodzieży w Warszawie w 1993 r. (badania typu self-report)
Deviant Behavior n Warsaw Youth in 1993
Kossowska, Anna
Krawczyk, Jacek
Rzeplińska, Irena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
zachowania dewiacyjne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
badania typu self-report
deviant behavior
social maladjustment
self-report study
1. The findings discussed in the paper have been obtained within an international research project aimed at comparing the extent of self-reported deviant behavior of youth 11 West-European countries (Finland, England, Nord Ireland the Netherland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, portugal, Greece, Spain and Italy), the United States and New Zealand. The questionnaire ultimately used in all countries participating in the project resulted from long negotiations and was in fact a compromise. It contained questions about both the respondents’ deviant behavior and their social situation with consideration to variables of importance from the viewpoint of the theory of social control. Deviant behavior was divided into the following six groups: l) behavior manifesting social maladjustment (as.e.g. truancy or stealing rides); 2) destruction of objects (vandalism); 3) appropriation of another person’s property; 4) aggressive behavior; 5) alcohol consumption; and 6) drug taking and selling.  Examined were young people from Warsaw, born in the years 197l‒1978; the sample consisted of 701 persons aged 14‒21 at the time of the survey. At the moment of the interview, 80.5 % of respondents either had a job or went to school.  Most respondents (65.9%) stated they were on good terms with their father. Even a greater proportion of 88.5% were on good terms with their mother. Ten percent of the sample had no contacts whatever with their father, and a much smaller proportion (2.3%) ‒ with their mother.  Apart from 42 persons, respondents stated they had real friends; over a half had one to three such friends. The rest mentioned larger groups as their friends. Forty-seven percent had a girl- or boyfriend; two-thirds would like the relationship to last. Of the examined 363 boys, 84.8% had played truant from school at least once for one day. The proportion tended to grow bigger with respondents’ age. It showed a regular upward trend from 50% among the14-year-olds to 100% among boys of 23. Of the examined 383 girls, played truant, with the proportion reaching its peak value of l00% among the 2l-year-olds, and showing an upward trend from 33.3% among the 14-year-olds to  97.4% among girls of 19. Another widespread phenomenon was stealing rides on city buses, trolley buses, or trams. Those who had stolen a ride at least once constituted 95.9% of the boys and 89.3% of the girls. Stealing rides on trains or intercity buses was much less widespread. It was admitted by 35.8% of the boys and 22% of the girls. Driving a car or motorcycle without a license or a motorbike without a bicycle permit was admitted by 52.6% of the boys and 29.9% of the girls. A further act we inquired about was painting or spraying walls, buses, bus seats and stops, etc. Such acts were admitted by 22.9% of the boys and 12.7% of the girls. Still another group of acts qualified as vandalism includes acts that result in destruction of or damage to property. The largest group of both boyg and girls tend to vandalise school furniture (22.3% of the boys and 13% of the girls), as well as trees, bushes and flowers in parks and squares (18.2 and 10.1% respectively). Asked whether they had ever carried any weapon, such as a knife, club, knuckle-duster, or gas pistol, 43.3% of the boys and 26.6% of the girls answered in the affirmative.             Relatively large were the proportions of boys (25.9%) and girls (10.7%) who had ever participated in brawls or group disturbances in a public place.             A proportion of 7.2% of the boys and 1.8% of the girls admitted having beaten a stranger. Cases of beating a family member were occasional: they were admitted by 1.4% of the boys and 0.6% of the girls. Also a small proportion of 3.3% of the boys and 1.3% of the girls admitted having wounded another person with a knife, club or another weapon. Intentional arson was admitted by 5.5% of the boys and 1.2% of the girls. Offenses against property or acts consisting in appropriation of property without the knowledge or consent of its owner were related frequent in the sample.             Of the 702 young persons, 55.1% had committed at least one of the listed fourteen categories of acts. This proportion is rather big the fact considered that average young people were examined. Of the 14 categories of acts against property consisting in its appropriation, the youth most often admitted shoplifting, purchasing stolen property, breaking and entering, and thefts at school. Questions relating to drugs concerned two points: the taking of drugs and their selling by respondents. The drugs inquired about were divided into two categories, each of them asked about separately: marihuana and hashish (the first category); and home-made poppy straw brew, heroin, cocaine and LSD (the second category). A proportion of 16.5% admitted having ever taken marihuana or hashish. Boys admitted this behawior more often than girls (with proportions of boys and girls balanced in the sample): every fifth boy and every eighth girl had experiences with this category of drugs. A much smaller proportion of 2% admitted having ever taken the second category of drugs. Answers stating that the respondent had ever taken marihuana or hashish were evenly distributed in the sample and tended to become more frequent with age. The declared use of the second category of drugs was very rare and evenly distributed in age groups from 16 to 21. Ten persons,  among them 9 boys, admitted having sold marihuana or hashish. Most were aged 16‒18, that is still went to school. They stated that the police had never learned about their doings. Four persons admitted having sold the second category of drugs. They had sold amphetamine, cocaine, or psychedelic drugs in their neighborhood. None had been caught at the act. Asked, “Have you ever drunk beer, wine, vodka or another alcoholic beverage?”, nearly the entire sample (95.9% of the boys and 94.7% of the girls) answered in the affirmative. Asked about the age of their first contact with alcohol, 3.7% mentioned the age of under ten; 19.8% ‒10‒14; 48.3% ‒ 14‒16; and 17.l% ‒ 17‒21. The proportion of respondents who had happened to get drunk at least once was 56.3%. Asked about drinking during the year preceding the survey, 93.6% said they had drunk in that period; 50.3% admitted having drunk on up to 10 occasions, 18.1%  ‒  on ll‒24 occasions, 10.6% ‒ on 25‒50 occasions, and 20.9% ‒ on over 50 occasions. The last time before the survey, the respondents drank: beer (43.8%), vodka (35.6%), wine (27.6%), and long drinks (10%). A majority of 86.5% drank in the company of others; under 10% had one companion, two-thirds of the rest drank in a group of 2‒10 persons, and the remaining ‒ in a larger company. In the international survey, national samples were examined in four countries (Switzerland, England and Wales, Portugal, and the Netherlands). In Spain, the survey concerned a large national urban sample. Examined in further two countries (Germany and North Ireland) were random samples from specific cities (Mannheim and Belfast respectively). Four other countries decided to examine a random sample of school youth from a specific city (Helsinki; three ltalian cities: Genova, Messina and Siena; Liege). The United States and New Zealand were left out from comparisons. Thus in principle the findings to be compared were not necessarily comparable. Yet it seems advisable to discuss the general trends shown in national surveys. What, therefore, are the similarities and dissimilarities between Poland and Western Europe? As regards the incidence of delinquency, considerable similarities can be noticed between findings of all national surveys but the English one. In surveys of city samples (those of school youth included), significant similarity can be noticed in the extent of delinquent acts “ever committed” by the young of Warsaw, Helsinki, and Athens. As regards the extent of acts committed “during last year”, the findings obtained in Warsaw are highly similar to those for Helsinki. In Athens, instead, the greatest extent of juvenile delinquency of all examined cities was found. A comparison of acts committed “during last year” indicates a similar intensity of offenses against property among the youth of Warsaw, Belfast, and Liege; as compared to Warsaw, a much greater extent of there offences is found in Helsinki and of Swiss youth, and a decidedly smaller one - in the English and Italian sample. Submitting offenses against property to a closer analysis, one notices that the Polish youth relatively more often commit acts consisting in “breaking and entering” as compared c.g. to young people in England, the Netherlands, or Finland: this type of act was committed at least once by 20.7% of the Polish sample, by 14.9% of the youth of Helsinki, by 3.4% of the English youth, and by 6.9% of the young Dutch. The extent of acts related to drugs (taking and trafficking), among Warsaw youth is similar to that among the young of Portugal and Helsinki, somewhat lower than among the Dutch and Spanish youth, much lower than among the English, Swiss, and Belfast young people, but higher than among the youth of Mannheim, Liege, Athens and the three Italian cities.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1995, XXI; 81-103
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD3) in the Research Areas of the Białystok School of Criminology
International Self-Report Delinquency Study 3 (ISRD3) w badaniach Białostockiej Szkoły Kryminologii
Guzik-Makaruk, Ewa
Dąbrowska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
juvenile delinquency; juvenile victimization; self-report survey; victimization survey.
przestępczość nieletnich; wiktymizacja dzieci i młodzieży; badanie typu self-report; survey wiktymizacyjny.
On March 24, 2017, the Faculty of Law of the University of Białystok entered into a collaboration agreement with the Central Coordinating Team of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD). Te Białystok School of Criminology is currently the only Polish representative participating in ISRD3. Te ISRD study addresses a wide range of issues examined by the Białystok School of Criminology, which launched its research work in 1994. The Białystok School of Criminology conducted its contribution to the ISRD3 research project in June 2017, in Białystok and Rzeszów, two Polish cities, regional capitals of their respective voivodeships. Each of these cities has a population of approximately half a million. The survey was conducted among pupils in their sixth year at a Polish primary (elementary) school (i.e. aged 12+) and in their first or second year at a Polish middle school (the 14+-16+ age group). In addition to the standard content prepared by the ISRD3 CCT, respondents filled in a questionnaire with questions intended to identify local levels of risks such as grooming or sexting. The results of the Polish ISRD3 study will help to diagnose various risks and will be compared to the results obtained in other countries participating in the project. The project’s added value will be the opportunity to develop appropriate preventive and educational programs for the schools in Białystok and Rzeszów which took part in the survey
24 marca 2017 r. podpisana została umowa o współpracy pomiędzy Wydziałem Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku a Centralnym Zespołem Koordynacyjnym projektu badawczego International Self-Report Delinquency (ISRD). Białostocka Szkoła Kryminologii jest obecnie jedynym polskim przedstawicielem uczestniczącym w ISRD3. Badanie mieści się w szerokim zakresie badań przeprowadzonych przez Białostocką Szkołę Kryminologii, która rozpoczęła tworzenie swojego dorobku 1994 r. Badanie ISRD-3 zostało przeprowadzone przez Białostocką Szkołę Kryminologii w czerwcu 2017 r. w dwóch miastach wojewódzkich: Białymstoku i Rzeszowie wśród uczniów klasy szóstej szkoły podstawowej oraz klas 1 i 2 gimnazjum (odpowiednik klas 7, 8 i 9 w większości krajów), stąd przedział wiekowy respondentów wynosi od 12 do 16 lat. Kwestionariusz wypełniony przez uczniów, oprócz standardowych treści przygotowanych przez ISRD-3 CCT, zawierał również pytania mające na celu lokalną identyfikację zagrożeń, takich jak grooming lub sexting. Wyniki badania ISRD-3 przyczynią się do zdiagnozowania różnych zagrożeń i zostaną porównane z wynikami innych krajów uczestniczących w projekcie. Wartością dodaną projektu będzie możliwość opracowania odpowiednich programów profilaktycznych i pedagogicznych w szkołach w Białymstoku i Rzeszowie objętych badaniem.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2020, 20, 2; 349-369
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physiological and self-report measures in emotion studies: Methodological considerations
Korpal, Paweł
Jankowiak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
galvanic skin response
self-report measure
emotional responding
methodology triangulation
Investigating human emotions empirically is still considered to be challenging, mostly due to the questionable validity of the results obtained when employing individual types of measures. Among the most frequently used methods to study emotional reactions are self-report, autonomic, neurophysiological, and behavioral measures. Importantly, previous studies on emotional responding have rarely triangulated the aforementioned research methods. In this paper we discuss main methodological considerations related to the use of physiological and self-report measures in emotion studies, based on our previous research on the processing of emotionally-laden narratives in the native and non-native language, where we employed the SUPIN S30 questionnaire as a self-report tool, and galvanic skin response (GSR) as a physiological measure (Jankowiak & Korpal, 2018). The findings revealed a more pronounced reaction to stimuli presented in the native relative to the non-native language, which was however reflected only in GSR patterns. The lack of correlation between GSR and SUPIN scores might have resulted from a number of methodological considerations, such as social desirability bias, sensitive questions, lack of emotional self-awareness, compromised ecological validity, and laboratory anxiety, all of which are thoroughly discussed in the article.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2018, 49, 4; 475-481
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cognitive Failures, Driving Errors and Driving Accidents
Allahyari, T.
Saraji, G. N.
Adl, J.
Hosseini, M.
Iravani, M.
Younesian, M.
Kass, S. J.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
cognitive failure
driving error
driving accident
taxi drivers
self-report data
Introduction. The impact of a driver’s cognitive capability on traffic safety has not been adequately studied. This study examined the relationship between cognitive failures, driving errors and accident data. Method. Professional drivers from Iran (160 males, ages 18–65) participated in this study. The cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ) and the driver error questionnaire were administered. The participants were also asked other questions about personal driving information. A principal component analysis with varimax rotation was performed to determine the factor structure of the CFQ. Poisson regression models were developed to predict driving errors and accidents from total CFQ scores and the extracted factors. Results. Total CFQ scores were associated with driving error rates, but not with accidents. However, the 2 extracted factors suggested an increased effect on accidents and were strongly associated with driving errors. Discussion. Although the CFQ was not able to predict driving accidents, it could be used to identify drivers susceptible to driving errors. Further development of a driving-oriented cognitive failure scale is recommended to help identify error prone drivers. Such a scale may be beneficial to licensing authorities or for developing driver selection and training procedures for organizations.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2008, 14, 2; 149-158
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical activity of future health care professionals: adherence to current recommendations
Lipert, Anna
Matusiak-Wieczorek, Ewelina
Kochan, Ewa
Szymczyk, Piotr
Wrzesińska, Magdalena
Jegier, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
physical activity level
health promotion
health care professionals
BackgroundWhen assessing physical activity (PA), particular attention should be paid to medical university students who are taught to be health care professionals (HCPs) responsible for maintaining health in humans. However, different studies have shown that HCPs exhibit the same unhealthy behaviors as the general population. This study analyzed PA among medical university students of different faculties and their adherence to current PA recommendations.Material and MethodsData from 216 medical university students of physiotherapy, dietetics and pharmacy, including males (N = 44) and females (N = 172), the mean age of 22.3±1.8 years, were collected. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire in its long form (IPAQ-LF) was used to assess and classify PA behaviors. The results were analyzed in accordance with World Health Organization recommendations regarding PA.ResultsOver 60% of all the students were classified as active during all-day activity. However, while analyzing PA in different domains, the same shares of all the students were still insufficiently active during leisure time, and so they did not meet the recommendation of >75 min/week of vigorous PA, >150 min/week of moderate PA or an equivalent combination. All the students self-reported PA mainly in the work and transport domains. Generally, physiotherapy students were the most active and performed PA with higher intensity.ConclusionsThis study revealed a low level of leisure time PA among the students, and no habit of regular PA. Some changes in medical education should be suggested to include physical education as a long-term subject in medical school curricula. Future research is needed to investigate the exercise barriers that students perceive, which can guide future interventions aimed at improving their PA, and thereby impact on the quality of health care which they will provide.
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 5; 539-549
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The need for emotional awareness and a quantitative measure based on empirical research
Avramova-Todorova, G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
emotional awareness
self-report questionnaire
individual difference
social relationship
young people
Background: The scope of emotional competence and the definition of individual differences therein is still a matter of scientific debate. So, too, is the inclusion of emotional awareness as an important feature of emotional competence. Aim of the study: To explore levels of emotional awareness in relation to a predefined six factors model. This study will also examine the ability to measure emotional competence with empirical research. Material and methods: For this study, a self–report questionnaire (EA Q30) is used to s assesses emotional awareness in children. Here, emotional awareness is described as the “ability of people to differentiate, express, analyze and pay attention to their own emotions and those of others” emotions and those of others”. Participants were recruited as a representative group of N = 27 11-year-old children. Results: We found that scores in two dimensions –‘acting out emotions’ and ‘bodily awareness’, were lower in comparison to the other four dimensions from the emotional awareness measure. Conclusions: Individual differences in emotional awareness have shown to have a significant impact on important life outcomes for children and adolescents, including mental and physical health, successful academic behavior and achievement, and social relationships. It is important to proceed with attempts to measure emotional awareness in young people with valid empirical investigations, and to develop new models for emotional training that are capable of enhancing emotional functioning.
Medical Science Pulse; 2018, 12, 2
Pojawia się w:
Medical Science Pulse
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Congruence and discrepancy between observation and teachers’ self-report of inquiry-based instruction
Kotuľáková, Katarína
Orolínová, Mária
Priškinová, Natália
Schubertová, Romana
Tóthová, Renáta
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
reflection skills
inquiry-based instruction
odpowiadanie na zapytania
Opportunities for self-reflection and collaborative reflection support inquiry-based teaching. The presented study focuses on retrospective self-reports of 14 science teachers about teaching inquiry lessons in their regular science classes. Their self-reports were compared with observation reports of researchers. Data from semi-structured interviews were added. The results indicate that teachers overestimated their performance in the class in all observed areas of inquiry instruction. The most misinterpreted and overestimated area by teachers seems to be formulating research questions, analysing data and drawing conclusions, which are the most effective processes in student learning. Based on the results of the study, several implications are suggested in order to focus on the self-reflective skills of teachers.
Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology; 2022, 27, 1-2; 123--134
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Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza występowania dolegliwości i objawów ze strony układu oddechowego u osób zatrudnionych w przemyśle na stanowiskach pracy generujących aerozol wodny. Badania pilotażowe jakości mikrobiologicznej powietrza i wody technologicznej
Respiratory symptoms among industrial workers exposed to water aerosol. A pilot study of process water and air microbial quality
Krogulska, Bożena
Matuszewska, Renata
Bartosik, Marta
Krogulski, Adam
Szczotko, Maciej
Maziarka, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
stanowisko pracy
układ oddechowy
badania ankietowe
respiratory system
self report
Wstęp: Przedmiotem badań była ocena częstości występowania dolegliwości ze strony układu oddechowego osób narażonych na aerozol wodny w zakładach przemysłowych oraz wstępna ocena skażenia mikrobiologicznego powietrza i wody technologicznej. Materiał i metody: Opracowano ankietę, która zawierała pytania ukierunkowane na warunki pracy oraz występowanie objawów zmian w układzie oddechowym, które mogą sugerować zapalenie płuc, w tym legionelozę. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono w 9 zakładach mechanicznej obróbki szkła, wzięło w nich udział 131 osób. Badania mikrobiologiczne powietrza i wody wykonano w 1 wybranym zakładzie. W próbkach wody oznaczano obecność bakterii z rodzaju Legionella według PN-EN ISO 11731-2:2008 oraz ogólną liczbę mikroorganizmów według PN-EN ISO 6222:2004. Badania ogólnej liczby pleśni i grzybów w powietrzu prowadzono metodą zderzeniową. Wyniki: Występowanie ostrych dolegliwości ze strony układu oddechowego odnotowano u 28,2% osób, a dolegliwości przewlekłe u 29% osób. Najczęściej występującą dolegliwością był długotrwały kaszel, który zgłaszało 16% badanych. Rzadziej zgłaszana była duszność wysiłkowa (12,9%), świszczący oddech (12,2%) oraz ból w klatce piersiowej (10,7%). Stwierdzono zwiększone ryzyko kaszlu oraz zespołu ostrych objawów, które mogą sugerować zapalenie płuc w grupie osób wykonujących pracę w odległości do 20 m od źródła aerozolu wodno-powietrznego, w porównaniu z pozostałymi pracownikami. Badania mikrobiologiczne wody technologicznej wykazały obecność bakterii Legionella pneumophila w liczbie przekraczającej 1000 jtk/100 ml. Jednocześnie odnotowano wysoką liczbę bakterii i grzybów w powietrzu (> 1000 jtk/m³), których źródłem prawdopodobnie była woda technologiczna. Wnioski: Uzyskane dane ankietowe oraz badania pilotażowe skażenia mikrobiologicznego wody i powietrza na stanowiskach pracy wskazują na istnienie realnego zagrożenia zdrowia pracowników narażonych na wdychanie skażonego aerozolu wodnego. Med. Pr. 2013;64(1):47–55
Background: The frequency of respiratory symptoms in workers exposed to water aerosol was evaluated along with the preliminary assessment of microbiological contamination of air and water used in glass processing plants. Material and Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in 131 workers from 9 glass processing plants. Questions focused on working conditions, respiratory symptoms and smoking habits. A pilot study of air and water microbiological contamination in one glass processing plant was performed. Water samples were tested for Legionella in accordance with EN ISO 11731-2:2008 and for total colony count according to PN-EN ISO 6222:2004. Air samples were tested for total numbers of molds and mildews. Results: During the year preceding the survey acute respiratory symptoms occurred in 28.2% of participants, while chronic symptoms were reported by 29% of respondents. Increased risks of cough and acute symptoms suggestive of pneumonia were found among the respondents working at a distance up to 20 m from the source of water aerosol compared to other workers (OR = 2.7), with no difference in the frequency of other symptoms. A microbiological analysis of water samples from selected glass plant revealed the presence of L. pneumophila, exceeding 1000 cfu/100 ml. The number of bacteria and fungi detected in air samples (above 1000 cfu/m³) suggested that water aerosol at workplaces can be one of the sources of the air microbial contamination. Conclusions: The questionnaire survey revealed an increased risk of cough and acute symptoms suggestive of pneumonia in the group working at a shortest distance form the source of water aerosol. Med Pr 2013;64(1):47–55
Medycyna Pracy; 2013, 64, 1; 47-55
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozpoznawanie depresji u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona za pomocą różnorodnych narzędzi diagnostycznych
Depression diagnosis in patients with Parkinson’s disease using various diagnostic tools
Pękala, Krzysztof
Ponichtera-Kasprzykowska, Monika
Sobów, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
Parkinson’s disease
choroba Parkinsona
clinical scale
diagnostic criteria
kryterium diagnostyczne
kwestionariusz samoopisowy
self-report questionnaire
skala kliniczna
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. Its main symptoms are those from the scope of motor and non-motor functions. Both groups of those symptoms considerably influence the patient’s health-related quality of life. Non-motor symptoms are frequently overlooked, and, as a consequence, poorly treated. It leads to complications in therapy and a decreased level of quality of life of both patients and their caretakers. One of the co-occurring disorders is depression. Many of the symptoms overlap with those of Parkinson’s disease. This presents additional requirements for the clinician/researcher and their psychometric tools. There are many clinical scales and self-report questionnaires successfully used for screening, diagnosis, or checking the progress in the treatment of depression. These include: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Self-Rated (IDS-SR), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-Part I), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), Cornell Scale for the Assessment of Depression in Dementia (CSDD), Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Clinician (IDS-C), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (Ham-D), Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). The most efficient tools in recognizing depression in Parkinson’s disease are clinical scales, especially Hamilton and Montgomery–Åsberg scales. Their usefulness and effectiveness is high for both the screening process and for measuring the severity of depressive symptoms. Beck Depression Inventory shows similar outcomes. Slightly less research in this area has been carried out on the Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Clinician, yet this is a promising tool. Questionnaire version of this tool – Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Self-Rated – does not live up to the expectations in the diagnosis of depression at an appropriate level in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Similar conclusions can be drawn with respect to Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale – Part I, and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Rating Scale. For screening purposes, Geriatric Depression Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire and Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale are valid in depression in Parkinson’s disease. Cornell Scale for the Assessment of Depression in Dementia seems a promising tool for screening once it has been tested more.
Choroba Parkinsona to zaburzenie neurodegeneratywne, którego głównymi objawami są te z zakresu motoryki i tzw. pozamotoryczne. Obie grupy symptomów w znaczący sposób wpływają na poczucie jakości życia chorego. Zaburzenia pozamotoryczne często bywają pomijane, niewłaściwie diagnozowane i źle leczone, co prowadzi do komplikacji w leczeniu, gorszego funkcjonowania pacjentów i ich opiekunów. Jednym ze współwystępujących zaburzeń jest depresja. Dużo jej objawów pojawia się również w chorobie Parkinsona, co stawia przed klinicystą czy badaczem i używanymi przez nich narzędziami dodatkowe wymagania. Istnieje wiele skal klinicznych i kwestionariuszy samoopisowych z powodzeniem wykorzystywanych w przesiewie, rozpoznaniu czy sprawdzaniu postępów terapii depresji. Należą do nich: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Self-Rated (IDS-SR), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-Part I), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), Cornell Scale for the Assessment of Depression in Dementia (CSDD), Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Clinician (IDS-C), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). Z rozpoznawaniem depresji towarzyszącej chorobie Parkinsona najlepiej radzą sobie skale kliniczne, szczególnie skala Hamiltona oraz Montgomery–Åsberg. Ich przydatność i skuteczność jest duża zarówno w badaniach przesiewowych czy badaniu nasilenia objawów, jak i w stawianiu diagnozy. Podobne cechy ma kwestionariusz Becka. Nieco mniej badań w tym zakresie przeprowadzono na Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Clinician, choć jest to narzędzie obiecujące. Wersja kwestionariuszowa tego narzędzia, Inventory of Depressive Symptoms – Self-Rated, nie spełnia oczekiwań w rozpoznawaniu depresji na odpowiednim poziomie w grupie osób z chorobą Parkinsona. Podobne wnioski należy wyciągnąć odnośnie do Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale – Part I oraz Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Rating Scale. Do celów przesiewowych dobrze nadają się zaś Geriatric Depression Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire i Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Cornell Scale for the Assessment of Depression in Dementia może być obiecującym narzędziem do celów przesiewowych po przejściu większej liczby testów.
Aktualności Neurologiczne; 2015, 15, 4; 210-216
Pojawia się w:
Aktualności Neurologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drivers tendencies to engage in aberrant driving behaviors that violate traffic regulations in Kuwait
Shehab, Mahdi
Alkandari, Dawood
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
driver behavior
aberrant drivers
traffic flow
self-report questionnaires
traffic simulation model
zachowanie kierowcy
anormalni kierowcy
ruch uliczny
kwestionariusze samooceny
model symulacji ruchu
Several abnormal driving behaviors in violation of traffic rules can be observed on the road network in Kuwait. These behaviors would likely hinder traffic flow and can worsen traffic congestion. These behaviors may also cause simulation model outputs to deviate from actual traffic conditions. Such aberrant behaviors have not been addressed in the literature, either in terms of the rate of occurrence or in terms of the factors influencing drivers’ engagement in these behaviors. This study sheds light on drivers' tendencies to engage in five maneuvers that fall into the category of behaviors that violate traffic rules and could have detrimental effects on traffic conditions in Kuwait. The tendencies of drivers to engage in such behaviors were elicited through self- report questionnaires. The study found that a significant number of drivers in Kuwait display these driving behaviors. The effects of driver gender, driver age, and annual driving distance on the tendency of drivers to engage in such behaviors were investigated.
Transport Problems; 2021, 16, 1; 19--28
Pojawia się w:
Transport Problems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metodologiczne problemy badań typu self-report
Self-report study: methodological problems
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
raport własny
problemy metodologiczne
młodzi ludzie
methodological problems
young persons
Self-report studies are gradually becoming the predominating current of empirical research in criminology. This is particularly the case with etiological studies of deviant behaviour in young persons. However, the present popularity of self-report studies is not accompanied by improvement of their methodological aspect. No important development of the methodology of these studies has occured since the pioneer works of Short and Nye. It is the fundamental aim of the present paper to point to these of the methodological questions on which the further development of self-report studies will depend most. In Chapter I, the first works have been discussed in which the self-report methods were applied. The works anaiyzed are those of Murphy at al. Porterfield, as well as Wallerstein and Wy1e. Particular attention has been given to the methodological and substantive aspects of the series of studies carried out by Short and Nye.             Chapter II contains the presentation of findings of the Polish self-report studies.             The first attempt at a self-report study was made in the early 1960s by Malewska and Muszyński. A national random sample of pupils of the sixth grade of primary school n =2,222) was examined by means of an anonymous questionnaire. The basic aim of the study was to define the children's attitude towards the ownership rights and the situations in which violation of these rights is admissible. Besides, the authors were interested in how children perceived given situations to be thefts. Thus the question whether the respondents ever happened to take another person’s property was but a fragment of the questionnaire which served another purpose in its essence. To the question: "How often do you happen to take another person's property?", 0.8 per cent of the children answered ,,very often," 4.2 pet cent - "often," 26.6 per cent - "sometimes," and. 34.5 per cent-,,seldom’’             Like Malewska and Muszyński, also Szemińska and Gołąb aimed at defining the moral sense of young persons: pupils of primary schools (n=61) and inmates of educational institutions (n= 64), asking also about the extent and structure of deviant behaviour. The respondents answered anonymously in writing.             The two compared groups of boys differed from each other considerably as far as both the frequency and the seriousness of thefts commited was concerned. While the majority of "delinquents" admitted a large number of thefts, the "nondelinquents" 'in their vast majority owned up to 1-2 thefts at most, mostly of small objects they stole from their classmates or next of kin with the intention to use these objects themselves." The study of Szemińska and Gołąb raises doubts, both as regards its merits and methodology. Among other things, in spite of the fact that various offences were committed by both of the discussed groups, the authors use a dichotomic pair of notions: delinquent and non-delinquent, failing to put these words in quotation marks which are necessary in this situation.             In the years 1976-1977, Ostrihanska and Wójcik conducted a large self-report study of a random sample of pupils of grades 3-8 of Warsaw primary schools. 50 schools were selected at random, in which the study was carried out by means of a questionnaire in 120 classes, also randomly selected (n=3,177, of which there were 1,631 boys and 1,546 girls). The self-report study was part of a broader research programme aimed at estimating the extent of social maladjustment in the youth and defining its causes.             Among other things, the questions concerned the following phenomena: school failures, truancy, running away from home, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, free riding, destroying another person’s property, other acts against property (including thefts, frauds, robbery-,,taking something from a younger child by constraint"). The possible answers were as follows: ,,never", ,,once'’, ,,2-3 times’’, ,,4-10 times’’, ,,more frequently’’ .             As expected, both the extent and intensity (frequency of perpetration) of deviant behaviour were higher in the group of boys as compared with girls. For instance, as few as 15.3 per cent of the eldest boys (aged 15) stated that they never took another person's property while the percentage of non-stealing girls among the eldest group was over two times higher (38.0 per cent) In this age group 16.3 per cent of boys stole a dozen or more times, while percentage of girls who committed multiple thefts amounted to as few as 1.4 Instead, no greater differences were found between boys and girls who admitted having stolen once.             In boys, the most frequent were thefts from allotments and gardens (35.2 per cent), thefts from parents (22.8 per cent) and thefts in self-service shops 18.1 per cent). On the other hand the most seldom were thefts from cellars (5.8 per cent), and thefts of wine in shops (9.7 per cent).            Taking another person’s property ranked fourth among the types of deviant acts included IN the study The first position was taken by lies (88.8 per cent of answers in the affirmative). Near1y 90 per cent of boys admitted having chribbed anothe child’s exercise, 25.2 per cent- having destroyed property 2.8 per cent ran away from home, and 2.4 per cent tock drugs. There was an upward tendency with age: elder boys admitted a greater number of deviant acts, and actuallv commited these acts more frequently.             The next self-report study was conducted by Ostrowska and Siemaszko in 1979. It included 2,991 pupils of Warsaw secondary schools (1,197 boys and 1,795 girls). Non-random selection was applied. Young persons of the first and last grades were examined by means of anonymous questionnaire. Among other variables, it contained a list of 42 questions about various types of deviant behaviour, acts of infringement of disciplinary regulations, transgressions and offences, from most trivial (like stealing a ride or failing to return change from shopping) to comparatively serious like house-breaking or robbery. All questions had the same set of possible answers: "never," "once of twice," several times," "a dozen or more-times," ,,more frequently." The examined young persons were characterized by rather a high level of deviance. In the group of boys for instance,539 persons (30.9 per cent) admitted having perpetrated a half of the 42 acts included in the questionnaire at least once, 2.8 per cent of them having committed 27 to 31 acts, and 2.3 per cent-32 to 42 acts. Thus together, 6 per cent of the examined boys were highly deviant. Since the study also revealed a close relationship between the number of acts committed and the frequency of their perpetration, the abovementioned 6 per cent of the examined persons (about 300 boys) are "multiple recidivists" in the interpretation used in self-report studies. Considerable differences in the level of deviant behaviour were found in respect of age and sex. For instance,  the level of deviance in the group of elder boys was four times higher on average as compared with younger girls.             Among the most widespread acts there were free riding (94,6 per cent of girls and 96. 1 per cent of boys), failure to return change from shopping (79.6 and 84.1 per cent respectively), petty frauds in shops (67.6 and 84.0 per cent respectively), and failure to return a found object to its owner (69.9 per cent of girls and 83.8 per cent of boys). Aggressive acts were relatively frequent, particularly among boys. Battery "without an explicit causes” was comitted by 20.2 per cent of boys and 6.5 per cent of girls.11.6 per cent of boys and 2.8 per cent of girls participated in affrays in which dangerous weapons were used. Among thefts, comparatively less serious acts predominated. 16.9 per cent of girls and 31.6 per cent of boys admitted having perpetrated petty thefts. 8.2 per cent of girls and 14.6 per cent of boys stole change from call-boxes. Serious thefts were committed by 1.6 per cent of girls and 4.6 per cent of boys.             Ostrowska and Siemaszko repeated their study in 1981 on a random sample of students of secondary schools in five typically agricultural provinces. 2,144 persons (1,702 boys and 420 girls) aged 14-19, students of 29 schools, were examined. They young persons who participated in the study went to :89 classes that were selected at random. The extent and structure of deviant behaviour were examined by means of a questionnaire identical to the one applied in the previous study Also the way in which the study was carried out in the classes was the same.             In the group of acts termed insubordination, the most widespread one was smoking at under: 14:78,2 per cent of boys and 44,8 per cent of girls admitted it. Somewhat less than 10per cent of the examined persons admitted having run away from home, 2 per cent of them having run away several times. Over 20 per cent of the respondents admitted having had their identity papers checked by the police (30 per cent of boys) and somewhat less than 7 per cent took drugs.             Among various types of dishonest behaviour the most widespread one was free riding- over 80 per cent. Nearly a half of the examined persons admitted having failed to return a borrowed object; 7 per cent of them did it repeatedly Also nearly 50 per cent of the respondents stole money from their parents:15 per cent of them did it several times, and 5.6 per cent-more frequently.             In the group of offences, thefts predominated. 24.9 per cent of girls and 32.4 per cent of boys admitted having stolen an object or money to the value of under 100 złotys (the percentage amounting to 38.6 in the  group of eldest boys); nearly 20 per cent of them repeatedly stole money from their parents.             About 25 per cent of the examined persons committed shop- lifting, the percentage of shop-lifters in the group of eldest boys exceeding 40. The acts of breaking into cellars, recesses, attics etc., were committed by 15 per cent of the respondents 6.1 per cent of girls and 17.2 per cent of boys. The most seldom offences against property were: robbery (2.4 per cent of girls, 10.1 per cent of boys), stealing from call-boxes (6.6 per cent of girls, 7.8 per cent of boys), thefts of money to the amount of 500-1000 złotys (6 .2 per cent of girls, 7.0  per cent of boys), failure to pay the bill in a restaurant (3.3 per cent of girls, 5.6 per cent of boys) and thefts of over 1 000 zlotys (2.8 per cent of girls and 5.6 per cent of boys). Among aggressive behavior, brawls and beatings prevailed (25 per cent of girls and 50 per cent of' boys). In Chapter III the most important methodological problems related to self-report studies are discussed. In self-report studies, both direct (e. g. ,,have you stolen), and indirect and euphemistic questions (e, g. ,,have you ever happened to take and not to give back. ") can be found. The indirect questions undoubtedly less  threatening. Yet on the other hand, those asked directly are probably  easier to interpret explicitly. There is no proof as to the superiority of any of these ways of asking. However indirect and euphemistic questions prevail in self-report studies.             The degree of abstractness of questions varies. The good point of clearcut questions (e.g. ''have you ever taken and failed to give back some article in a supermarket") is that the highly detailed formulation may help the respondent to recall an event which the researcher is interested in. On the other hand, their weak point is that the respondent cannot be relied upon to admit having acted in another, very similar yet not identical way. Unfortunately, the majority of self-report questionnaires contain questions about inseparate classes of phenomena. Hence the danger of one and the same act being counted several times.             In self-report studies, the number of questions about deviant behavior is an important problem. One should bean it in mind that the deviant acts taken into account by the researcher are always nothing but a certain sample of the totality of such acts, the parameters of which are usually unknown (e.g. Christie et al.). The greater the number of acts taken into account, the more standard the "sample of acts" seems to be with respect to the "totality of acts." There are great differences as regards the number of acts included: from several (e.g.  Hirschi, Dentler and Monroe) up to several dozen (e.g. Gibson).             Today time limits are usually introducted as regards the period between the act and the moment of examination one year as a rule), though Short and Nye introducted no limits as regards the period during which the respondents committed the admitted acts. Shorter periods can also be found. (e.g. Simone et al, - 2 months, Lipton and Smith - 18 months). The limits are among the most important problems in self-report studies, since it is on them that the estimation depends on the level of deviance of the entire examined group, as well as the precise estimation of the separate respondents levels of  deviance. The views on the optimum time limits are not uniform. Different sets of possible answers to the questions about deviant behaviour can be found: from most precise (e.g. "once," "twice," etc.) to most general and ambigous (e.g. "seldom," ,,frequently"). A strictly enumerative set of answers may be methodologically correct only in the case of a short period (one year or less). In the remaining cases, this set may be misleading as one hardly expects the examined persons to remember past events with such accuracy.             The questions about deviant behaviour may constitute a separate block (nay a separate questionnaire), or they may be put among other questions. There are no studies showing the good and weak points of each of these two solutions. It seems more proper however, to "mask" the aim of the study by interlarding the questions about deviant behaviour with those neutral or concerning "acts of kindness."             When the level or "depth" of the examined person's deviant involvement is defined, an important problem emerges: acts with different "charges of deviance are taken into account here. Therefore, one can either try and attach different weights to them, or treat all of them as equally serious. Christie et al. ranked acts according to the judges opinion. Morash weighted them with the use of Selling and Wolfgang's scale of seriousness of offences. In Hindelang's study, the weight of acts was defined by specialists by means of a fivepoint scale. Hepburn weighted deviant acts basing on appraisals done by the examined persons themselves. However in the vast majority of self-report studies, no weigh ting procedure is applled. As shown by Farrington, weighting procedures fail to contribute substantially to the increase in accuracy of measurement.             An anonymous questionnaire, though most frequentlv applied, is not the only method of gathering information about unrecorded deviant behaviour. E, g. Gold (and other researchers who applied Gold’s scale) employed a questionnaire interview In Belson's study a card sorting procedure was applied. This method of gathering information is particularly popular in England (see also Gibson, Farrington, West, Morash, Shapland). Hirschi examined his respondents with a signed questionnaire. Should the differences in veracity of answeers of a signed and anonymous questionnaire prove to be inessential (and there is much to be said for it, e.g. Krohn, Waldo and Chiracos), it would be advisable to use the signed version (because of the possibility of comparing the separate sociometric choices or comparing the findings with external sources of information).             The main objection raised to self-report studies concerns the doubtful veracity of the data gathered this way (Dentler, Liska).             A relatively small number of studies concerned the reliability of self-report studies, e.g. the stability of findings in time. This is the most difficult problem in the case of a strictly anonymous questionnaire as the separate respondents cannot be retest. Only global distributions are compared then (e.g the scores of respondents in a given class) Siemaszko finds no valid differences between the distributions answers about deviant acts between a test and a retest which took place there months later. Dentler and Monroe found that 92 per cent of answers to a test and a retest two weeks 1ater were consistent, yet the respondents could still have remembered their previous answers in this case. Belson conducted a retest after a shorter period still: one week. The percentage of consistent answers amounted to 88. Also Farrington’s study revealed rarther a high degree of consistency in spite of the two year's interval. The percentage of mistakes in the test or retest was 3.2 The tendency to inconsistent answers was less explicit if the general scores of the examined persons on the deviance scales were analyzed and not the proportion of their affirmative and negative answers to the separate questions (11.5 per cent of the, examined persons found themselves in another quartile than Before). The results obtained by Shapland were parallel. The results seem to point to a high stability of self-report questionnaires in time.             Hardt and Peterson-Hardt distinguish the following methods of defining the validity of self-report questionnaires: comparing with external sources of information, comparing with a known group, lie scales, and defining face validity.             The most frequent method of defining the validity of questionnaires used in examination of unrecorded deviant behaviour is the comparison of the respondents' answers with other reliable sources of information. Erickson and Empey found that none of their respondents concealed their contact with the police or an offence with which they were charged. According to Gold, the probability of contacts with the police diminishes monotonically together with decrease of frequency of offences admitted during the examination. Gibson, Morrison and West found a high consistency between  offences revealed by means of the self-report method and the contents of the police files. Hindelang found a distinct positive interdependence between high scores in the deviance scale and having a record in the police files. Farrington, as well as Farrington and West, examined the so-called predictive validity of self-report questionnaires. It appeared that those of the examined persons who score highest in deviance scales at the moment. A, have records in the police files much more frequently at the moment B. Gould compared the scores in the Short,/Nye scale with those in the recorded crime scale, finding a high, positive and valid interdependence.             Results of self-report tests were also compared with other sources of information (teachers, colleagues, social workers, etc.). As shown by Jessor, Graves, Hanson and Jessor, results of the self-report tests tally with appraisals of the degree of deviant involvement made by teachers and colleagues of the examined persons. Also Gould compared the respondents' statements with appraisals of their behaviour made by their colleagues and teachers. The interdependence proved to be as expected. Hardt and Peterson-Hardt compared statements in which the examined persons admitted having robbed parkometers with the official data concerning the extent of these thefts. The respondents appeared to have answered truthfully.             In many studies scores of school children and of institutionalized youth were  compared. As demonstrated already by Short and Nye, although the inmates of reformatories scored somewhat higher than students of normal schools, nevertheless the profiles of distributions and their structure were analogous. Voss found the correlates of deviance in groups of school children and institutionalized youth to be parallel. This finding was confirmed in many other studies. The only exception here is the parents socio-economic status. Uniformity of views could not have been reached as yet as to whether the positive interdependence between the socio-economic status and deviant behaviour found in the majority of self-report studies is artificial or real (see i.a. Tribble, Axenroth, Hindelang Hirschi and Waise).             Much can be said about the validity of a self-report questionnaire only on the grounds of the distributions of answers to the separate questions, Siemaszko found the percentage of affirmative answers to decrease monotonically with the increase of seriousness of the act and its scarcity in the general population. In the same study the percentage of affirmative  answers to the question about being checked by the police was found to be higher than that concerning detention: also the level of deviance of elder as compared with younger and boys as compared with girls proved higher, These results agree with theoretical expectations, Hardt and Peterson-Hardt found the percentage of affirmative answers to the questions about acts commited during  the last year to be generally lower than it is the case with questions that concerned also acts commited longer before. Not all of self-report questionnaires contain lie scales. Moreover, the researchers are not in agreeement as to the usefulness of such scales this type of studies (i.a. Farrington, Smart, Hardt, Peterson- Hardt). I seems that lie scales should be employed Questions should however be avoided  which  might be correlated with deviant behaviour, as in such case there is the danger of the lie scale becoming the reverse of that of deviance.             The popularity of self-report studies was determined by the effectiveness of this method (relatively low cost 1ittle time consuming, promptitude and the possibility of examining large samples) Today, self-report studies have become popular in spite of the fact that many important methodological problems have not been solved yet.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 33-93
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania z udziałem osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie. Problemy metodologiczne i etyczne
Research with Persons with Intellectual Disability. Methodological and Ethical Questions
Parchomiuk, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
osoby niepełnosprawne intelektualnie
narzędzia badań samoopisowych
zgoda na udział w badaniach
persons with intellectual disability
self-report instruments
research consent
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza wybranych problemów natury metodologicznej oraz etycznej, jakie mogą pojawiać się w toku realizacji badań z udziałem osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Praca ma charakter przeglądowy. Omówiono w niej takie zagadnienia, jak błędy pojawiające się w badaniach typu self-report oraz związane z nimi trudności, których mogą doświadczać osoby niepełnosprawne intelektualnie; ogólne sposoby przeciwdziałania im. Wskazano na niektóre kwestie etyczne w zakresie eksploracji z udziałem przedstawicieli tej grupy, wyrażanie świadomej zgody, sposób rekrutacji respondentów.
The article analyzes selected methodological and ethical problems that may accompany research with persons with intellectual disabilities. The article has a review form. Issues such as errors appearing in self-report research and related difficulties that may be experienced by people with intellectual disabilities are discussed. The general methods of counteracting them are also presented. Some ethical issues in the field of research with the participation of representatives of this group were indicated, among others expressing informed consent, the way of recruiting respondents.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2019, 11(47), 3; 73-95
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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