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Adaptacyjne planowanie sprintu na podstawie informacji o ryzyku
Adaptational Sprint planning basing on risk information
Marchwicka, Ewa
Marchwicki, Tymon
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Scrum methodology
software projects
recommendation systems
risk management
metodyka scrum
projekty informatyczne
systemy rekomendacyjne
zarządzanie ryzykiem
Zarządzanie ryzykiem w (standardowym) modelu scrum realizowane jest tylko w sposób niejawny. Z przeglądu literatury przeprowadzonego przez autorów wynika, że brakuje podejść ilościowych do jawnego zarządzania ryzykiem w środowisku scrum. Prezentowane rozważania mają służyć ustaleniu, czy możliwe jest zarządzanie ryzykiem zgodnie z metodyką scrum w sposób ilościowy, na podstawie jawnej informacji o ryzyku podawanej w sposób lingwistyczny, a także przeanalizowanie zalet takiego podejścia. W artykule opracowana została także koncepcja umożliwiająca kwantyfikację określonych rodzajów ryzyka w sprincie. Prezentowane podejście ułatwia adaptację planu sprintu, w którym na wyjściu zwracany jest zbiór możliwych akcji naprawczych. Akcje te są skwantyfikowane pod kątem kryterium wartości biznesowej dla klienta, które określa się mianem wartości sprintu (ang. sprint value). Proponowane podejście zostało zaprezentowane wraz z przykładem ilustracyjnym. Z przeprowadzonych badań, wypełniających wspomnianą lukę badawczą, wynika, że w metodyce scrum można zastosować ilościowe zarządzanie ryzykiem, na podstawie jawnej informacji o ryzyku podawanej na wejściu w formie wyrażeń lingwistycznych.
Risk management in (standard) Scrum is handled only implicitly. The authors’ literature review shows that there is a lack of quantitative approaches to explicit risk management in Scrum. The aim of this work is to analyze whether it is possible to manage risk in Scrum in a quantitative way, based on explicit risk information provided in a linguistic form as well as analyzing the advantages of this approach. A concept enabling the quantification of risks in a Sprint has been developed. The approach presented in the article makes it easier to adapt a Sprint plan. In this approach, a set of possible corrective actions of the plan are returned as an output. These actions are quantified in terms of the criterion of business value for the Customer, which is called the Sprint Value. The approach is presented on an illustrative example. The research fills the research gap that was mentioned above. Based on the research conducted, it was found that quantitative risk management can be used in Scrum, based on explicit risk information provided in a form of linguistic expressions.
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów; 2023, 195; 53-72
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza ryzyka w procesie planowania NIK - zastosowanie matrycy oceny tematów kontroli
Risk Analysis in the NIK Planning Process – Application of Audit Topics Assessment Matrix
Będzieszak, Marcin
Goleński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
matryca oceny tematów kontroli
zarządzanie ryzykiem
badanie tematów kontroli
risk analysis
risk management
audit topics assessment matrix
audit planning process
Zarządzanie ryzykiem w sferze planowania aktywności naczelnego organu kontroli stanowi element ładu instytucjonalnego, wpływający na osiąganie celów i realizację zadań Najwyższej Izby Kontroli. Dzięki niemu modyfikuje się sposób działania ‒ a w przedstawianym zakresie planowania i podejmowania kontroli ‒ aby zwiększyć szanse na sukces i zmniejszyć ryzyko porażki. Chodzi tu o prawdopodobieństwo podejmowania kontroli, które w niewielkim stopniu będą odzwierciedlać podstawowe cele działalności NIK, sformułowane w Strategii działalności kontrolnej. Skupieniu się na tych najistotniejszych zagadnieniach służy matryca oceny tematów kontroli. Artykuł przybliża istotę tego narzędzia i prezentuje możliwości jego wykorzystania.
The audit topics assessment matrix (MOTK, the matrix) is a modified standard audit assessment matrix used, among others, in auditing or risk management. It is a tool for objective and standardised assessment of audit topics proposals for NIK workplans or for ad hoc audits. The objective of using MOTK is also to verify the connection between audit topics and the current NIK strategy. At present, one of the priorities of the NIK strategy for the years 2022–2024 is “ensuring national security”, comprising objectives, namely “Finance and economy”, “People”, “Environment”. The said tool uses the standard risk assessment matrix with consideration to key factors from the perspective of a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), which should be taken into account when deciding to conduct a given audit. Thus it is an element of risk management in the area of audit planning. In their article, the authors present examples of risk management in audit planning of several SAIs, approaching them as a sort of introduction to presenting the matrix. The main objective of the article is to discuss the results of audit topics examination with the use of MOTK, and to present selected conclusions made after an analysis of the empirical material obtained. Such analysis is helpful in answering the question on possibilities to use this tool in the NIK planning process and in auditing.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2024, 69, 3 (416); 8-21
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Identifying critical success factors and risks in the academic course development process through the application of project management methodology
Bieńkowska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
critical success factors (CSF)
risk management
project-based learning (PBL)
project management methodology (PMM)
Deming cycle (PDCA)
Improving the educational process through evaluation requires adopting new concepts and approaches. In addition to the traditional methodologies applied in this field, such as observation or surveys, business methods are increasingly being implemented, including the Deming cycle or selected elements of project management methodologies. Their application allows for a holistic and unbiased view of the quality of teaching and learning. This article aims to illustrate and evaluate the usefulness of project management methodologies in identifying Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and risks in creating and evaluating academic courses. The subject of the research was the course “Creativity and Decision-making”, and the main method of the research, which was conducted in four cycles from 2020 to 2023, was the Deming cycle (PDCA). Data collection was based on data triangulation, including unstructured interviews with students and experts, as well as participant observation. Content analysis with a categorisation key was used to analyse the data, with the results presenting lists of extracted critical success and risk factors determining the quality of the course. The implemented procedure represents an innovative approach to the evaluation of academic courses, at the core of which is the creation and updating of two substantively opposing lists: the determinants of learning successes and failures constituting of a map of strategic control points, and a basis for the improvement of the educational process.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2024, 104, 2; 74-81
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogical and Education-Related Measures suggested by the Algerian and British governments for the higher education sector during the COVID-19 pandemic – a comparative study
Assassi, Tarek
Chenini, Abdelhak
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
Higher Education
Risk Management
Preventive Measures
Risk Assessment
The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects, not only on public health but also on the global economy, social interactions, and daily life. It has highlighted the importance of global cooperation and the need for more investment in public health and emergency preparedness. The pandemic also exposed weaknesses in many countries’ educational management systems; it has forced many higher education institutions to adopt new teaching and learning methods to minimize the risk of transmission. This resulted in the need for comparative studies to evaluate the effectiveness of different pedagogical responses and to find a common ground on the most effective practices and responses that would help higher education institutions better prepare for similar challenges in the future. The present study provides a comparative study and outcomes through a record of the pedagogical responses by higher education authorities in two completely different contexts (Algeria and the UK). The authors of the paper beforehand adopted a desktop analysis approach through valid and first-hand reliable sources like government and university official releases. This research methodology would involve a systematic and rigorous approach to data collection and analysis to ensure the reliability and validity of the research findings. Through coding and thematic analysis of the collected data, the researchers concluded that the efficiency of the responses and decisions adopted by higher education institutions varied depending on a range of factors such as the institution's resources, infrastructure, and student population. However, the pandemic highlighted the need for agile and serious responses to ensure the safety and well-being of students and the campus community.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2024, 15, 29; 62- 87
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postępowanie w chorobach sercowo-naczyniowych u pacjentów z cukrzycą na podstawie wytycznych Europejskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego (ESC), 2023
Management of cardiovascular diseases in patients with diabetes based on 2023 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines
Cichocka, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Medyk sp. z o.o.
ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe
karta Score2-Diabetes
samokontrola glikemii
rekomendowane leki przeciwhiperglikemiczne
leki przy dyslipidemii
cardiovascular risk
self-monitoring of blood glucose
recommendations for pharmacological glucose-lowering treatment and management of dyslipidaemia
Omówiono wybrane zagadnienia z dokumentu „Wytyczne Europejskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego (ESC) dotyczące leczenia chorób sercowo-naczyniowych u pacjentów z cukrzycą, 2023.” W Wytycznych wprowadzono nowo opracowaną specjalnie dla pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 2 kartę SCORE2-Diabetes. Modyfikacja stylu życia jest zalecana jako niefarmakologiczna metoda zapobiegania i leczenia cukrzycy typu 2. W celu redukcji ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego rekomendowane jest stosowanie diety śródziemnomorskiej, diety DASH lub diet opartych na produktach roślinnych z dużą zawartością tłuszczów nienasyconych. Przedstawiono znaczenie samokontroli glikemii oraz rekomendacje dotyczące zalecanych leków przeciwhiperglikemicznych i przy dyslipidemii w celu redukcji ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego.
The article presents topics selected from “2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes”. For the purpose of individualizing treatment strategies, the current Guidelines introduce SCORE2-Diabetes, which is a novel, 10-year cardiovascular disease risk score specific to patients with type-2 diabetes. Lifestyle changes are recommended as the fundamental nonpharmacological intervention for preventing and managing type 2 diabetes. Adopting a Mediterranean diet, DASH diet or a plant-based diet with high unsaturated fat content, is recommended in order to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The article presents also the importance of self-monitoring of blood glucose, recommendations for pharmacological glucose-lowering treatment and management of dyslipidaemia to reduce
Gabinet Prywatny; 2024, 295, 3; 29-37
Pojawia się w:
Gabinet Prywatny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Propozycja uniwersalnego rejestru i listy ryzyk w projektach kulturalnych
Proposal of a universal risk register and list for cultural projects
Krawczyńska, Alicja
Kuchta, Dorota
Klaus-Rosińska, Agata
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
cultural projects
risk register
risk management in projects
cultural project management
projekty kulturalne
rejestr ryzyka
zarządzanie projektami kulturalnymi
zarządzanie ryzykiem w projektach
Projekty realizowane przez publiczne instytucje kultury to najczęściej wydarzenia, których celem jest edukacja kulturowa odbiorców. Charakteryzują się one określonym terminem i budżetem oraz udziałem artystów i partnerów. Dlatego wymagają zastosowania adekwatnych metod zarządzania, w tym zarządzania ryzykiem, jako jednego z czynników ich pomyślnej realizacji. Analiza literatury pokazuje, że istnieje niewiele badań na ten temat. Dopasowana do projektów kulturalnych metoda zarządzania ryzykiem z wykorzystaniem podejścia scrum była przedmiotem badań jednej z autorek tekstu. Polegały one na wdrożeniu autorskiego modelu zarządzania w pięciu instytucjach kultury, a następnie zastosowaniu go w wybranych projektach. Podczas realizacji projektów członkowie zespołów identyfikowali ryzyka związane z zadaniami w tych projektach. Na podstawie wyników badań, najnowszej literatury dotyczącej zarządzania ryzykiem oraz dokumentów wewnętrznych autorki opracowały zarówno adekwatną dla instytucji kultury strukturę rejestru ryzyka, opartą na metodzie ATOM, jak i uniwersalną listę ryzyk towarzyszących projektom kulturalnym.
Projects conducted by public cultural institutions are mostly events whose aim is cultural education of their recipients. The characteristic features of such projects include defined date and budget, participation of artists and partners. Thus, they require adequate management methods, among others, risk management as one of the factors contributing to project success. The subject literature shows that there is little research in this area. One of the authors of this article conducted a study whose subject was the risk management method using Scrum, tailor-made to cultural projects. The original method was implemented in five cultural institutions and later applied in selected projects. While executing the projects, project team members identified risk connected with the project tasks. Analysing the study results, the latest literature on risk management as well as internal documents, the authors proposed, on the one hand, a risk register adequate to cultural institutions and based on the ATOM methodology, and on the other hand, a universal risk list for cultural projects.
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów; 2023, 195; 87-106
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The political budget cycle in local government finance: a balance sheet approach on the example of cities with poviat rights
Budzeń, Daniel
Wiśniewski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
political budget cycle
investment expenditures
political risk
local government units
asset and liability management
The aim of this paper is to carry out an empirical verification of the occurrence of the political cycle in cities with poviat rights in Poland. Current challenges of local financial management, previous results of national and international research, and threats associated with various types of risks, including political risks, are the motivation for addressing this topic in the paper. The research was conducted using panel data analysis, and its results indicate the existence of a political budget cycle, the effects of which are reflected in the asset and financial situation of cities. The study used balance sheet data, which significantly distinguishes it from previous studies, both domestic and foreign. The results allow us to conclude that balance sheet information should find wider application in monitoring the security and stability of local government finances in Poland.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; 2023, 50; 179-194
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Utilization Schemes of the Pre-Settlement Risk Limits
Schematy wykorzystania limitów ryzyka przedrozliczeniowego
Wybieralski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
ryzyko kredytowe kontrahenta
zarządzanie ryzykiem finansowym
limity przedrozliczeniowe
rynek pozagiełdowych instrumentów pochodnych
counterparty credit risk
financial risk management
pre-settlement risk limits
credit limits
VaR limits
OTC derivatives market
The purpose of the article is to investigate the selected method employed to manage the counterparty credit risk, namely the application of various risk limits. The aim is to recognize utilization schemes of the pre-settlement risk limits in the Polish OTC derivatives market in the relationship between a financial institution and a non-financial counterparty. They are used not only to cover the credit exposure but also to support and enhance the entire market risk management process and day-to-day operations in the financial institutions. Methodology. The research method comprises the analysis of recommendations of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority as well as reports, documents and market risk management principles of selected financial institutions (WSE listed banks). Results of the research. The study indicates two utilization schemes of the pre-settlement limit setup applicable both for daily and credit-related transactions. The first one assumes that the risk requirements remain unchanged during the contract lifetime, the second one considers variable risk requirements over time. Practical implications are discussed (in relation to a notional trade size, risk exposure and margining policy).
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie schematów wykorzystania limitów przedrozliczeniowych służących do zarządzania ryzykiem kredytowym kontrahenta na polskim rynku pozagiełdowych instrumentów pochodnych w relacji instytucja finansowa i przedsiębiorstwo niefinansowe. Zastosowanie przedrozliczeniowych limitów skarbowych wynikające z obowiązujących w Polsce regulacji prawnych ma również na celu usprawnienie i wsparcie codziennych działań operacyjnych w ramach procesu zarządzania ryzykiem rynkowym w instytucji finansowej. Metodyka uwzględnia analizę wybranych regulacji oraz obowiązujących przepisów prawnych, nadzorcy rynkowego oraz zasad zarządzania ryzykiem kredytowym kontrahenta instytucji finansowych. W szczególności analizie poddano zapisy Rekomendacji A Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego dotyczące zarządzania przez banki ryzykiem związanym z działalnością na instrumentach pochodnych oraz politykę ryzyka kredytowego kontrahenta wybranych banków notowanych na GPW. Rezultatem badania jest identyfikacja schematów utylizacji przedrozliczeniowych limitów skarbowych, zakładających w zakresie wielkości komponentu dotyczącego szacowania ryzyka rynkowego stały oraz zmienny jego poziom w trakcie funkcjonowania transakcji. Zastosowanie danego schematu w praktyce może mieć wpływ na wielkość nominalnej pozycji w kontrakcie, ekspozycji ryzyka oraz w konsekwencji na politykę w zakresie ustanawiania zabezpieczenia wymaganego kontraktu.
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe; 2024, 2, 42; 57-69
Pojawia się w:
Finanse i Prawo Finansowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Analysis of Major Construction Disasters in Poland
Rychlik, Aleksandra
Tomaszewska, Agnieszka
Baryłka, Adam
Data publikacji:
Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego Sp. z o.o.
construction catastrophes
construction disasters
risk management
katastrofy budowlane
zarządzanie ryzykiem
Exploring the Spectrum of Construction Catastrophes: A Comprehensive Study of Diverse Incidents Across Varied Projects in Poland Since the Post-World War II Era. Construction catastrophes, encompassing a wide array of incidents spanning diverse construction projects regardless of their intended function, scale, technological intricacies, or phases of development, warrant meticulous investigation. These occurrences, occurring during both construction and operational phases, underscore the significance of identifying underlying causes to enhance safety and risk management practices. In this pursuit, this scientific endeavor delves into the intricate realm of construction disasters that have transpired within the geographical boundaries of Poland subsequent to the Second World War. By meticulously examining these instances, this paper endeavors to shed light on the multifaceted factors that contributed to their unfolding. Through rigorous analysis, it seeks to unravel the underlying elements, encompassing engineering flaws, material limitations, regulatory oversights, and human errors, which collectively or in isolation, led to these prominent mishaps. Through an amalgamation of empirical data, historical context, and contemporary discourse, this study seeks to not only comprehend the individual incidents but also to extract overarching patterns and lessons learned. By synthesizing these findings, the research aspires to contribute to the broader discourse on construction safety, resilience, and preventive strategies. Ultimately, this investigation strives to equip stakeholders, including engineers, policy makers, and construction professionals, with a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that can precipitate catastrophic events in construction projects, thus paving the way for a safer and more secure built environment in Poland and beyond.
Modern Engineering; 2023, 1; 6--23
Pojawia się w:
Modern Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Application of Value at Risk Method to Assess Timber Selling Price Risk
Adamowicz, Krzysztof
Michalski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
value at risk method
risk management
timber selling price risk
As organisations and economic markets continually evolve, it becomes essential to improve risk management skills on an ongoing basis. In this respect, it is particularly important to make practical use of all the tools available to identify and quantify risks. As with most entities, the most important tool for forest management is the timber selling price risk (TSPR). Economic practice shows that global markets experience very high volatility in this respect. The awareness of some popular techniques to understand the nature of individual risks by properly identifying their impact on the functioning of the organisation is currently increasing in importance. One of these techniques is the Value at Risk (VaR) method, which was used in this study to measure TSPR in 38 timber-selling economic entities. The aim of this article is to examine the concept of TSPR estimation using the VaR method adopted in the methodology by implementing the main VaR assumptions in the Polish forest economy in order to improve the methods of quantification of market risk in forestry, taking into account the impact of the sales volume and trade pattern of wood species on TSPR. The article demonstrates that the application of the VaR method can be an auxiliary tool in the TSPR management process. It is noted that this method can be a basic tool to ascertain the degree of exposure to risk and that the structure of commercial classes of timber is important. Using VaR, the relationship between the level of generated revenue and TSPR as well as between the assortment structure and TSPR was identified and discussed. It is also shown that the class of timber had an impact on TSPR.
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2023, 66, 212; Art. no. 177423
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the impact of working risks in the exploitation of raw materials
Seňová, Andrea
Pavolová, Henrieta
Škvareková, Erika
Data publikacji:
occupational safety
risk management
occupational injury
FTA model
mining company
risk matrix
The presented article deals with the use and evaluation of individual risks of work in the environment of Slovak mining company. The mining company is also a manufacturing company. The company mines the raw material and the final product (clinker). The main goal of the article is to monitor the incidence of accidents over the last 10 years, to analyse the group of risks that have a significant impact on accidents in mining companies and to evaluate them. The Risk Matrix, shows the relationship between estimated consequences and probability of risks formation. The next step is to use the workplace Risk Assessment Method to define acceptable risks and minimize the impact on workers. Another method we used is the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) model. The output of the FTA model is the creation of a faulty tree, which resulted in the individual traumatized accidents that resulted in the definition of the resulting risk - namely a load injury.
Management Systems in Production Engineering; 2023, 1 (31); 86--94
Pojawia się w:
Management Systems in Production Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
CERP: a maritime cyber risk decision making tool
Erstad, E.
Hopcraft, R.
Palbar, J. D.
Tam, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
maritime cyber resilience
maritime cyber security
cyber risk management
safety and security
emergency response procedures
cyber incident response
risk mitigation
maritime cyber threats
An increase in the complexity of systems onboard ships in the last decade has seen a rise in the number of reported maritime cyber-attacks. To tackle this rising risk the International Maritime Organization published high-level requirements for cyber risk management in 2017. These requirements obligate organisations to establish procedures, like incident response plans, to manage cyber-incidents. However, there is currently no standardised framework for this implementation. This paper proposes a Cyber Emergency Response Procedure (CERP), that provides a framework for organisations to better facilitate their crew’s response to a cyber-incident that is considerate of their operational environment. Based on an operations flowchart, the CERP provides a step-by-step procedure that guides a crew’s decision-making process in the face of a cyber-incident. This high-level framework provides a blueprint for organisations to develop their own cyber-incident response procedures that are considerate of operational constraints, existing incident procedures and the complexity of modern maritime systems.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2023, 17, 2; 269--279
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Classification of Financial Risks in Polish Modern Forestry
Michalski, Krzysztof
Wieruszewski, Marek
Starosta-Grala, Monika
Adamowicz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
modern forestry
risk classification
risk management
forest management
Modern forest management requires a well-founded knowledge and understanding of all the risks involved in forest management. It requires a wealth of information not only on natural hazards, but also related to the financial aspect of running a business. The most important activity in the risk management phase is to identify all the known risk areas, and on this basis, to determine the appropriate classification of risks accompanying the activities of the entity in question, taking into account the various categories of risk division. In forest management, the global risk of activities should be considered in terms of two main risks: operational risk (including natural and anthropogenic factors), and financial risk, which, in simple terms, is the consequence of decisions and economic processes in an entity's area of activity. Considering the impact of the production factors that affect the results of the activities carried out, it should be emphasized that forest management has a specific distribution of standard production factors. The forest stand plays the role of both a production resource and an object of production, and in the final analysis, represents a production effect. Any consideration of financial risk management in forest management should be carried out based on long-term analytical data series. Another factor for forests under state management is the various functions that forest management performs. Taking into account the ownership criterion cited earlier, it needs to be emphasized that the weighting of individual financial risks may vary depending on the ownership structure of forests in a given country and taking into account the ownership share of forests in the timber sales market. In conclusion, it was pointed out that, unlike other industries, financial risk management in forest holdings can be disrupted by the function of forests, as well as the strong influence in the long term of natural phenomena that have a significant impact on determining the types and ordering the degree of significance of individual risks in the process of identifying them.
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2023, 66, 212; Art. no. 17742
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinanty ryzyka finansowego w systemie gmin w Polsce
Financial Risk Determinants in the System of Communes in Poland
Burzyńska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
ryzyko finansowe
zarządzanie ryzykiem
financial risk
risk management
Celem opracowania jest weryfikacja czynników ryzyka finansowego w systemie gmin w Polsce. Zagadnienia zawarte w artykule są podstawą do uświadomienia sobie potrzeby i możliwości zarządzania ryzykiem finansowym w gminie. Problem nabiera istotnego znaczenia w aspekcie zarządzania ryzykiem w jednostkach samorządowych w okresie kryzysu gospodarczego. W artykule poddano analizie piśmiennictwo z danego zakresu oraz wykorzystano technikę wywiadu kwestionariuszowego dla potwierdzenia istniejących w praktyce czynników ryzyka finansowego. Badanie potwierdza występowanie w praktyce najistotniejszych czynników ryzyka finansowego w gminach w Polsce, a także konieczność zarządzania ryzykiem finansowym.
The aim of the study is to show the essence and type of risk occurring in the system of communes, with particular emphasis on financial risk and the catalog of risk factors. The issues contained in the article are the basis for realizing the need and possibilities of financial risk management in the commune. The problem gains significant importance in the aspect of risk management in local government units during the economic crisis. The article analyzes the literature in a given field and uses the interview technique to confirm the existing financial risk factors. The study confirms the practical occurrence of the most important financial risk factors in municipalities in Poland, and also confirms the need to manage financial risk.
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu; 2023, 67, 2; 30-39
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Energy supply chain management and security in public-private partnership
Krupnik, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
supply chain
security system
energy management
direct lines
The aim of the article is to identify and analyze how to manage the energy supply chain as part of public-private partnership and to try to answer the question in what direction should the Polish industry go to compete on global markets in the face of many challenges of decarbonisation? Maybe by using green energy produced close to its recipients and supplied bypassing the transmission grid? Maybe through the diversification of installations processing energy from various sources (RES), which would constitute an additional regulatory value for the power system? Could solutions, e.g. based on a direct line system, help in such a difficult technological and regulatory time for the energy market? As a research problem, an attempt was made to answer the question to what extent, for example, a systemic approach based on the model of direct lines can help strategic industry organizations in managing the energy supply chain, especially in situations of energy crisis? What actions can be taken to keep a secure energy supply chain management system operational or how to deal with threats affecting the functioning of the energy supply chain? The essence is to emphasize the role of the energy supply chain management system, based on specific requirements or innovative solutions, e.g. a sharing system or direct lines, in maintaining an appropriate level of energy supply security, especially during an energy crisis. To what extent can the requirements of reference documents focusing on operational control and process control ensure the security of the energy supply chain? With regard to the research problems defined in this way, the working hypothesis was formulated as follows: Searching for innovative solutions in the energy sector, and in particular the implementation of direct systems, can effectively counteract or at least reduce the effects of the recent electricity crisis and increase economic attractiveness for the industry. The article uses theoretical and empirical research methods adapted to the problems posed and the purpose of the article. These include: analysis of the literature, normative and legal documents and internal system documentation of sample organizations, the audit method using direct interview and observation of processes and activities.
Wiedza Obronna; 2023, 2
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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