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Andreas Fülberth, „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt”. Ciekawy przewodnik nie tylko po Rydze, ale także po historii Łotwy
Otocki, Tomasz Kamil
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
history of Latvia
history of Riga
Poles in Riga
German Riga
At the beginning of 2014, the book „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt” (Riga. A short history of the town) was issued. The author is Andreas Fülberth, a young historian from Germany, who is a lecturer of the history of Eastern Europe in the University of Kiel. He has already published several works about the Baltic states (in German: “Baltikum”), the most important of them being „Tallinn – Riga – Kaunas. Ihr Ausbau zu modernen Hauptstädten 1920-1940". Köln u. a. 2005 (Das Baltikum in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Bd. 2), which is dedicated to the plans of architectural rebuilding of the Baltic capitals (Kaunas – Riga – Tallinn) during the time of the first independence (1918-1940). The history of Riga by Andreas Fülberth begins – very traditionally – with the establishing of the town by Bishop Albert of Riga in 1201. Actually we can learn not only about the history of the town. The book by Andreas Fülberth provides a quite long trip through the history of Livonia (now a part of Latvia). For Polish readers very important and interesting piece of Riga’s history could be so called “Polish times” (to be more precise: “Polish-Lithuanian”) in Livonia – which used to be seen quite critical by Latvian historians before the war. We can learn also about Ignacy Mościcki who studied in Riga, the treaty of Riga from March 1921, as well as the Polish academic fraternities in Livonia (Arcadia and Welecja). Maybe the most important part of the book begins in 1918 – when Latvia gained independence for the first time in her history. We can learn not only about Kārlis Ulmanis and the Soviet-Latvian government of Pēteris Stučka, but also about the activities of Andrievs Niedra, a pro-German prime minister of Latvia. Andreas Fülberth, as a passionate lover of architecture, provides an interesting piece of information about the architectural rebuilding of Riga during the time of Ulmanis – we can learn the history of the Freedom Monument (1935), old town, which gained a new shape during the thirties. The Latvinization of the town during the first independence and Sovietization during the occupation (1940-1990) is also an interesting fact. The book can be recommended for all readers who do not have broad knowledge of the history of Latvia, but it is still a very interesting journey also for those interested in the Baltic states who want to learn about some curiosities from the history of the town. Do you know why the Freedom Monument was not destroyed during the Soviet time? Do you know the history of Riga’s tube that has been never built? Do you know the mathematician Ilja Rips? If not, you should read the book of Andreas Fülberth.
Na początku 2014 roku do rąk czytelnika niemieckiego trafiła książka autorstwa Andreasa Fülbertha „Riga. Kleine Geschichte der Stadt”. Jest to już kolejna niemiecka publikacja o stolicy Łotwy, jednak warto podkreślić, że ostatnią znaczącą pracę ujmującą historię Rygi całościowo wydano w 1897 roku, jeszcze wtedy kiedy Inflanty stanowiły obszar niemieckiego osadnictwa. Niemcy, podobnie jak Polacy, mają problem z holistycznymi opracowaniami na temat Łotwy. Przynależność kraju do Związku Sowieckiego po 1940 roku również i Niemcom utrudniała badania historyczne, w związku z czym byli oni skazani – podobnie jak Polacy na Manteuffla – na opracowania pochodzące jeszcze z przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Książka Andreasa Fülbertha ukazała się w prestiżowym wydawnictwie Böhlau Verlag, które od lat interesuje się historią miast europejskich mających w historii związki z niemczyzną. Od strony warsztatu historycznego autorowi nie można niczego zarzucić. Jest świetnym znawcą historii nie tylko Rygi, ale także regionu, który Niemcy określają jako Baltikum. Napisana językiem naukowym (choć przystępnym dla czytelnika) praca może być uzupełnieniem do polskiej wiedzy na temat miasta Rygi, a dla niektórych – z tej racji, że ani Łotwa ani Ryga nie doczekały się w języku polskim swojej całościowej historii – pracą „pierwszego kontaktu”.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2014, 38; 323-332
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ryga wobec rozpadu średniowiecznych władztw terytorialnych w Inflantach
Riga towards collapse of medieval local governments in Livonia
Ziemlewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
All parties involved in the conflict in Livonia in the mid-sixteenth century, wanted to profit from trade with the East, and strived to control the important strategic and commercial point - Riga. Proposals to surrender and guarantees to keep existing rights were made by envoys of Moscow Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Danish prince Magnus, the Swedish King Erik XIV and the Polish King Sigismund Augustus. Despite the formal subordination of the Teutonic Order and the Archbishop, Riga led independent and even contrary to the actions of its feudal lords policy. In 1561, Riga did not follow them and did not make a tribute to the king on which Sigismund Augustus and Lithuanians counted. Control of the Daugava was in the vital interest of the Lithuanian nobles, who expected creation of navigable channel of corresponding importance to the Vistula River in the Crown and the increase in exports of raw materials from the northern part of principality. Riga made the submission to the new ruler conditional on a number of stipulations. In addition to the approval of the old privileges and religious freedom for the Lutheran confessions the city of Riga demanded a guarantee of protection against restrictions of the emperor and princes of the Reich, and the subordination of Livonia to Poland, not to Lithuania that was too weak in Riga’s opinion. The necessary guarantees were granted by so called "Cautio Radziviliana prior", issued by the governor of Vilna Mikołaj "The Black" Radziwiłł on September 8th , 1561. These promises were not fulfilled, so the delegation of the city of Riga had not make a tribute to Sigismund Augustus on November 28th, 1561, opposed to its superiors: Gotthard Kettler, and Archbishop Wilhelm and Livonian states. In this situation Radziwill tried to surrender Riga directly Sigismund Augustus. After lengthy negotiations, the city agreed to a "conditional" surrender and an oath of fidelity, which would have been in force only when the promises had been fulfilled. Promises were included in "Cautio Radziviliana posteriori", issued by Radziwiłł on March 17th, 1562. The reluctance of the Crown to engage in the affairs of Livonian, defeat of Lithuanian army and hollow promises caused that the city considered itself to be exempt from the oath to the king. The middle-class opposition was against subjection the city of Riga to Sigismund Augustus. They blocked submission to Lithuania and the King for fear of strengthening the position of the city council, the expansion of the nobility and loss of privileges. They were not so much against King’s sovereignty, as against any strong public authority. As long did the council need support of the guild in adopting contribution taxes for war, the army and the development of the fortifications, as long Riga ran a consistent, separatist politics. It was possible to 1581.
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2013, 20; 11-18
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coherent current oscillations and water exchange in the straits of the Gulf of Riga
Talpsepp, L.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
water exchange
coherent current
Riga Gulf
Gulf of Riga Project
Baltic Sea
The water exchange processes through the Irbe and Virtsu (Suur) Straits were investigated in 1993–1997 within the framework of a five-year study programme – the Gulf of Riga Project. Simultaneous current measurement data from autonomous mooring stations in both straits were available for the analysis in two periods. In addition to the dominant signals – inertial oscillations in the Virtsu Strait and diurnal oscillations in the Irbe Strait – low-frequency oscillations were found in both straits. During the experiment in July–August 1994, 12–14-day oscillations were observed in both straits: the maximum phase lag in the Virtsu Strait was 1 day. The other important low-frequency periodic component in both straits was 88 hours. In this case, the phase lag in the Virtsu Strait was about 20 hours. In the 1995 experiment in the Irbe Strait, 42-hour oscillations were observed with a phase lag of 10–12 hours. The amplitude was about 30 cm s−1 in both straits. As in Lilover et al. (1998), where the flow regime in the Irbe Strait was observed, we can interpret these oscillations as being wind-generated. The present work shows the existence of these disturbances also in the Virtsu Strait. The 88-hour oscillations observed in July–August 1994 can be interpreted as the first mode of the basin’s eigenoscillations according to the concept of Otsmann et al. (1997) of a basin with two separate outlets. The lowest frequency oscillation with the period of 12–14 days seemed to propagate to the Gulf of Riga from the Baltic Proper, but the generating force could not be established because there was no noticeable variability between depressions and anticyclones during that period. Based on the current measurements, two types of water exchange through the Irbe strait were established: the outflow over the whole cross-section of the strait, and a bidirectional flow with an inflow near the southern shore and increasing inflow in the near-bottom layers and an outflow in the northern part of the strait.
Oceanologia; 2005, 47, 2
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Streamlined topographical features in and around the Gulf of Riga as evidence of Late Weichselian glacial dynamics
Tsyrulnikov, A.
Tuuling, I.
Hang, T.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Gulf of Riga
Baltic Sea
Late Weichselian glaciation
Riga ice stream
glacial topography
bottom relief
Based on various cartographic sources, a digital terrain model and acoustic profiling data, linear relief features of glacial origin have been distin guished and analysed in the Gulf of Riga and adjacent mainland areas in order to reconstruct the dynamics and pathways of former ice streams. North-east–south-west oriented features in the till topography prevail in the central part of the gulf and along the southern coast of the island of Saaremaa, which corroborate the previously known south/south-east di rection of the main Riga ice stream. North-east to south-west directed features dominate in the Pärnu Bay and around the Irbe Strait. Similar deviations from the Riga ice stream are most likely due to ice divide zones, namely the Sakala Upland in Southern Estonia and Kurzeme in north western Latvia, which locally changed the course of the main ice flow. The influence of the Kurzeme ice divide is traceable at the bottom of the gulf up to the southern coast of Saaremaa. There is no evidence of an ice-marginal zone cross ing the central part of the Gulf of Riga as was supposed earlier. The Pandivere-Neva and Palivere ice-marginal zones, which merge on the Sorve Peninsula, probably continue offshore into the Irbe Strait. As the age of the glacier relieffeatures is poorly contained, the chronologi reconstruction of the ice dynamics is tentative.
Geological Quarterly; 2008, 52, 1; 81-81
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Johann Daniel Felsko (1813-1902) Architekt i urbanista - twórca nowoczesnej Rygi
Johann Daniel Felsko (1813-1902) An architect and urban planner - the creator of modern Riga
Tołłoczko, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Felsko Johann Daniel
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie urbanistycznej i architektonicznej twórczości Johanna Daniela Felsko, budowniczego nowoczesnej Rygi. Absolwent Królewskiej Akademii Sztuki w Kopenhadze, związany był głównie z berlińskim i monachijskim środowiskiem architektonicznym. Budował przede wszystkim obiekty użyteczności publicznej, utrzymane w różnych neostylach historycznych. Do historii urbanistyki łotewskiej przeszedł za sprawą swego planu zniesienia (wyburzenia) twierdzy i fortyfikacji w Rydze i stworzenia w ich miejsce systemu plantów, ale i bulwarów, wytyczających nowoczesną sieć miasta. Plan ten realizował Felsko przez trzydzieści lat i dzięki temu już z końcem XIX wieku przyszła stolica Łotwy należała do najpiękniejszych miast nad Bałtykiem.
The aim of this article is to present the urban planning and architectonic works of Johann Daniel Felsko, the builder of modern Riga. This graduale of the Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen was mostly connected with the Berlin and Munich architectural circles. He was mainly the author of public buildings representing various historical neostyles. Felsko went down in history of Latvian urban planning because of his plan of demolishing the fortress and fortifications in Riga, and replacing them with a system of parks and boulevards outlining the modern layout of the city. It took Felsko thirty years to realise that plan, but thanks to it the future capital of Latvia could already be numbered among the most beautiful cities on the Baltic towards the end of the 19th century.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2008, 24; 7-16
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term concept for a city in changing conditions of the modern economy
Długookresowa koncepcja miasta w zmiennych warunkach współczesnej gospodarki
Rynio, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Riga Declaration
Pact of Amsterdam
Cities implement the path of adjustments to the changing global economy which does not destabilize their economy, but expands opportunities for development. Changes in the concept of a city concern all zones of its functioning: internal structure, sources of income, development model, competitiveness and contact with the environment. Selecting the concept for development is not easy and it depends on numerous conditions. However, some priorities and development assumptions are common to all approaches. Cities in a long-term perspective are supposed to aim at: efficient and multilevel management, smart city, compactness, openness, responsiveness to the needs and ensuring high quality of life to all groups of users. Under conditions of significant changeability of the modern economy the determination of a long-term concept for a city should be related to the maintenance of flexibility and process operations, and not only a point response to a given situation.
Biblioteka Regionalisty; 2016, 16; 87-94
Pojawia się w:
Biblioteka Regionalisty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gugnowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
Johann Valentin Meder
The aim of the paper is to present a biography of relatively unknown composer – Johann Valentin Meder. The title of this article indicates the composer’s penchant for changing places of living, which makes him unique among other baroque composers. He spent most of his life in three European cities: Reval (currently Tallinn), Gdańsk, and Riga. Born in Wasungen (Germany), he visited: Leipzig, Jena, Gotha, Copenhagen, Rotenburg, Kassel, Brema, Hamburg, Lübeck, Mitau, Kaliningrad (Königsberg), and Braunsberg. The lack of any sources in Polish deems this project worthy of scholarly investigation.
Ars inter Culturas; 2014, 3; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Ars inter Culturas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Electromagnetic and radiative Casson fluid flow over a permeable vertical Riga-plate
Loganathan, Parasuraman
Deepa, Krishnamurthy
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Mechaniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej
Casson fluid
Riga plate
wall parallel Lorentz force
The convective Casson fluid flow past a Riga plate is investigated theoretically. The flow properties are elucidated through the analytical solutions of transport equations which are acquired by adopting the Laplace transform technique. This study mainly focuses on nonlinear flow characteristics under radiation, permeability and the wall parallel Lorentz force. The positive modified Hartmann number refers to the aiding flow which enhances the flow speed. The comparison between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flow subject to the wall parallel Lorentz force has also been done graphically. Further, the results of this Casson fluid flow model correlated with the vertical flow under buoyancy effect.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 2019, 57, 4; 987-998
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola i miejsce religii i Kościoła katolickiego w życiu studentów polskich w Dorpacie i Rydze
Role and place of religion and the Catholic Church in the life of Polish students in Dorpat and Riga
Janicki, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Kościół katolicki w Rosji,
Uniwersytet w Dorpacie,
Politechnika w Rydze
Catholic Church in Russia,
Dorpat University,
Riga Technical University
The paper attempts to determine the role and place of Catholic Church in the life of Polish students of Dorpat University and Riga Technical University in 19th century and at the beginning of 20th. Large numbers of Polish students at both schools (a total of approximately 5 thousand Polish students before World War I) gives rise to questions about religious life of Polish students during their education. It is particularly important when taking into consideration the fact, that Polish youth living in Riga and Dorpat found themselves in an ethnically and religiously different environment, as in both cities local population (Latvians, Estonians and Germans) was predominantly Protestant. The paper presents relations between the students and Catholic priests, efforts of Polish communities to build Catholic churches in Dorpat and Riga, as well as information about Catholic priests providing religious services to local Catholics. Based on preserved sources, it can be assumed, that the Catholic Church did not play a particularly important role in the lives of Polish youth while at University. Although besides satisfying the spiritual needs Catholic priests tried to encourage the parishioners to be active in the area of social and national efforts, results were usually not major.
Artykuł stanowi próbę określenia miejsca i roli Kościoła katolickiego w życiu młodzieży polskiej studiującej na Uniwersytecie w Dorpacie i na Politechnice w Rydze w XIX i na początku XX w. Duża liczba Polaków studiujących w obu uczelniach (łącznie około 5 tys. studentów polskich przed I wojną światową) skłania do postawienia pytania, jak wyglądało życie religijne studentów polskich w czasie studiów. Jest to szczególnie ważne jeśli uwzględni się fakt, iż młodzież polska przebywała w Rydze i Dorpacie w środowisku odmiennym etnicznie i religijnie, gdyż w obu tych miastach przeważała ludność miejscowa (Łotysze, Estończycy, Niemcy) przynależąca głównie do wyznania protestanckiego. W artykule przedstawiono relacje między studentami a duchownymi katolickimi, ukazano starania ludności polskiej o wybudowanie kościołów katolickich w Dorpacie i Rydze, a także przytoczono informacje o duchownych katolickich zapewniających posługę religijną dla miejscowych katolików. Na podstawie zachowanych źródeł przyjąć można, że Kościół katolicki nie odgrywał w życiu młodzieży polskiej szczególnie istotnej roli w okresie studiów. Wprawdzie oprócz zaspokojenia potrzeb duchowych księża katoliccy starali się aktywizować wiernych do działalności na niwie społecznej i narodowej, jednak skutki tych działań przynosiły na ogół niewielkie efekty.
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2017, 24; 45-60
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Śladami Gustawa Manteuffla. Archiwum powiatu piltyńskiego w Rydze
Walking in Gustaw Manteuffel’s footsteps. The Piltene District Archives in Riga
Dybaś, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Gustaw Manteuffel
powiat piltyński
The Piltene District
The 450th anniversary of the union of Livonia with Poland and Lithuania, which was celebrated in 2011, was a good opportunity to recall that the Livonian territories being a part of Poland, were not an adminitrative unity; these were different units of different status. This is pictured in created at that territory source material and preserved archives. This text is devoted the archives of Piltene district (Districtus Regii Piltensis), that of the late 16th c. to 1795, was in connection with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but which history is relatively unknown. History of the Piltene district is an interesting picture of internal relations within the Polish-Lithuanian state. Similarly, history of the archive, which was the first time in Polish historical literature described by Gustav Manteuffel in 1884, is an interesting example of the fate of archival collections in the Central Europe over the past two centuries. Than it turned out in the 80s of 20th century that this archive is largely preserved in the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga. The considerations in this article refer to the query performed in the archives of the Piltene district in connection with the preparation of monograph of the Piltene dietine (sejmik) from the years 1617-1717 that was published in 2004.
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica; 2013, 20; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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