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The role of enzalutamide in the treatment of prostate cancer from the perspective of Polish oncologists
Bal, Wiesław
Gajda, Maksymilian
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
prostate cancer
second-generation an-
For several years, prostate cancer has remained the most common malignancy in male patients in Poland. A large number of patients combined with rising costs of therapy translate into a significant socio-economic burden. In a clinical oncologist’s practice, we usually deal with patients with advanced prostate cancer. Taking into account the poorer prognosis in advanced disease, development of new therapeutic options as well we their adequate selection is of paramount importance. Enzalutamide is one of the second-generation androgen axis inhibitors, which has the ability to overcome resistance to androgen deprivation therapy by inhibiting the androgen-DNA signalling on several levels. Its efficacy and safety had been proven in numerous phase II and phase III clinical studies and it has been registered by regulatory authorities in the United States and European Union in the treatment of mCRPC, mCSPC and nmCRPC. In this article selected issues related to the treatment of prostate cancer are discussed, with particular emphasis on the role of enzalutamide (including its mechanism of action, indications, efficacy and safety).
OncoReview; 2022, 12, 2; 45-49
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
PSA ciągle najlepszy marker nowotworowy, modyfikacje testu i nowe markery raka stercza
PSA still the best cancer marker, PSA test modifications and new prostate cancer markers
Braczkowski, Michał
Białożyt, Michał
Braczkowski, Ryszard
Kondera-Anasz, Zdzisława
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
markery nowotworowe
rak stercza
łagodny przerost stercza
markery raka stercza
biologia molekularna
cancer markers
prostate cancer
benign prostatic hyperplasia
new prostate cancer markers
molecular biology
The prostate-specific antigen is considered to be the most eff ective, though far from ideal, tumor marker. The basic aim of its application is to diagnose and diff erentiate between cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The value of markers in case of prostate cancer is of particular importance, because of the long-term asymptomatic development. And recently, these values have become even more signifi cant, since there has been an increasing tendency to suff er from the disease. Our study presents advantages and imperfections of the PSA test, its modifi cations (e.g. dynamic tests) introduced in order to increase the specificity and sensitivity of the test, and thus its reliability. Subsequently proenzymes and PSA precursor forms as well as the opportunities for their use in the diagnostics are described. The rest of the article is devoted to the description of new potential prostate cancer markers, the implementation of which is closely associated with the development of molecular biology techniques. Among them the most important are: new kallikreins (PSA is also the member of kallikreins family), EPCA-2, PCA3, AMACR, products of gene fusion and rearrangements, GSTP1 hypermethlation, free non-cellular DNA and some antibodies.
Od wielu lat specyficzny antygen sterczowy (PSA) uważany jest za najlepszy, choć daleki od ideału marker nowotworowy. Podstawowy cel jego zastosowania to pomoc w rozpoznawaniu i różnicowaniu raka i łagodnego przerostu gruczołu krokowego. Wartość markerów nowotworowych w przypadku raka stercza jest szczególnie ważna wobec faktu wieloletniego bezobjawowego rozwoju tego nowotworu, a szczególnego znaczenia nabiera ona w ostatnich latach, gdy obserwujemy stale wzrastającą tendencję do zachorowań. W pracy przedstawiono zalety i wady testu PSA, jego modyfikacje (np. testy dynamiczne) wprowadzone w celu zwiększenia czułości i specyficzności oraz – co za tym idzie – wiarygodności testu. W dalszej kolejności opisano proenzymy oraz formy prekursorowe PSA i możliwości wykorzystania ich w diagnostyce. W drugiej części pracy opisano nowe, potencjalne markery raka stercza, których próby wprowadzenia wiążą się z rozwojem technik biologii molekularnej. Należy tu wymienić kolejne kalikreiny (PSA jest także przedstawicielem tej rodziny), EPCA-2, PCA3, AMACR, produkty rearanżacji i fuzji genów, hipermetylacja GSTP1, wolne DNA w surowicy krwi, przeciwciała i szereg innych o nieco mniejszym znaczeniu.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2011, 65, 1-2; 89-98
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie technik laserowej desorpcji/jonizacji w identyfikacji lipidów jako biomarkerów raka prostaty
Application of laser desorption/ionization techniques in the identification of lipids as prostate cancer biomarkers
Buszewska-Forajta, Magdalena
Pomastowski, Paweł Piotr
Maślak, Ewelina
Fijałkowski, Piotr
Buszewski, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne
laserowa desorpcja/jonizacja
rak prostaty
laser desorption/ionization
prostate cancer
Mass spectroscopy has grown enormously over the past century and its variations are used in many fields. One of the methods used to ionize particles is to irradiate the sample with laser radiation. This methods are called laser desorption/ionization techniques and they have great potential for diagnostic applications. Thanks to the so-called soft ionization, direct analysis of a wide variety of compound classes can be used for rapid profiling. Lipids are a diverse group of metabolites that share a common feature of having a hydrophobic fragment. They play an important role in various cellular processes. Changes in lipidome correlate with the symptoms of various diseases. The observation of abnormalities in lipid metabolism is especially important in cancers diagnosed in many patients - such as prostate cancer. Monitoring the level of key biomarkers in the development of a given disease will allow for an earlier correct diagnosis and the use of individual treatment. This short review presents the issues of prostate cancer and the applicability of laser desorption/ionization techniques to identify lipid biomarkers that can be used for rapid identification.
Wiadomości Chemiczne; 2021, 75, 7-8; 893-909
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Chemiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osteoporoza po stosowaniu hormonalnej terapii antyandrogenowej raka gruczołu krokowego
Osteoporosis after using the hormonal antiandrogen therapy of prostate cancer
Cegieła, Urszula
Korzeniowska, Hanna
Wilk, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
rak gruczołu krokowego
analogi i antagoniści gonadoliberyny
receptor androgenowy
prostate cancer
analogs and antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone
androgen receptor
Prostate cancer is a malicious tumor. Its development is determined by the lack of androgen equilibrium by the prostate. In pathogenesis of this disease, the androgen receptors also play an essential role. Androgen receptors activation in neoplastic cells leads to their diff erentiation and tumorous progression. Hormonal antiandrogenic therapy is the basic method of prostate cancer treatment, which induces decreased testosterone levels and/or inhibits the eff ect of androgen on androgen receptors. Orchidectomy or the administration of analogs or antagonists of gonadotropin- releasing hormone are used in order to decrease testosterone levels, whereas antiandrogens are administered in order to block androgen receptors. The decreased level of testosterone and the disorder in the function of androgen receptors lead to the impairment of bone cell function i.e. (osteoclasts, osteoblasts, osteocytes) and the development of osteoporosis in men. Androgens stimulate the proliferation, diff erentiation and activity of osteoblast. They stimulate the synthesis of bone matrix proteins and bone mineralization. They have proapoptotic eff ect on osteoclasts and antiapoptopic eff ect on osteoblasts and osteocytes. Androgens inhibit recruitment of osteoclasts and reduce bone resorption.
Rak gruczołu krokowego jest nowotworem złośliwym. Jego rozwój jest determinowany brakiem równowagi androgenowej prostaty. W patogenezie choroby istotną rolę odgrywają także receptory androgenowe, których aktywacja w komórkach nowotworowych prowadzi do wzrostu ich różnicowania i progresji nowotworu. Podstawową metodą jego leczenia jest hormonalna terapia antyandrogenowa, polegająca na obniżeniu poziomu testosteronu lub zahamowaniu oddziaływania androgenów na receptory androgenowe. W celu obniżenia poziomu testosteronu stosuje się orchidektomię oraz terapię analogami lub antagonistami gonadoliberyny, natomiast w celu hamowania oddziaływania androgenów na receptory androgenowe stosuje się antyandrogeny. Zmniejszenie poziomu testosteronu i zaburzenia w funkcjonowaniu receptorów androgenowych prowadzą do upośledzenia funkcji komórek kostnych (osteoklastów, osteoblastów, osteocytów) i rozwoju osteoporozy u mężczyzn. Androgeny stymulują proliferację, różnicowanie i funkcje osteoblastów. Pobudzają syntezę białek macierzy kostnej i stymulują mineralizację. Wykazują efekt proapoptyczny na osteoklasty i antyapoptyczny na osteoblasty i osteocyty. Hamują rekrutację osteoklastów i zmniejszają resorpcję kości.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2012, 66, 2; 49-54
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Propozycja strategii postępowania z planami leczenia dla akceleratorów liniowych o różnej konstrukcji kolimatora
Proposition treatment plan strategy for linear accelerators with different collimator construction
Charmacińska, Magdalena
Skrobała, Agnieszka
Styś, Sara
Pawałowski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Indygo Zahir Media
nowotwór stercza
rak prostaty
MLC Millenium 120 leaf
akcelerator liniowy
prostate cancer
linear accelerator
Wprowadzenie W codziennej pracy ośrodka radioterapeutycznego nieuniknione są przerwy w działaniu aparatów spowodowane awariami lub przeglądami akceleratorów medycznych. W celu zachowania ciągłości leczenia pacjenci napromieniani są na innych dostępnych w ośrodku aparatach. Ze względu na to, że każdy z radioterapeutycznych planów leczenia dostosowany jest do aparatu, na którym plan ma być realizowany, koniecznym jest przygotowywanie zastępczych planów leczenia na pozostałe aparaty. Cel Celem pracy było zaproponowanie strategii postępowania z radioterapeutycznym planem leczenia w technice VMAT (ang. Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy), tzw. planem oryginalnym w przypadku niedostępności aparatu źródłowego na przykładzie pacjentów z nowotworem stercza. Materiał i metoda Do badań zostały włączone trzy akceleratory firmy Varian znajdujące się w jednym centrum onkologii: TrueBeam, Clinac 2300 CD-S oraz Unique, posiadające 120-listkowy kolimator wielolistkowy MLC Millenium. Do przeprowadzenia badania zebrano grupę 24 pacjentów z rakiem stercza. Porównano plany leczenia pod względem liczby jednostek monitorowych oraz dawek w objętości PTV i w narządach krytycznych. Plany zweryfikowano i przeanalizowano dozymetrycznie za pomocą metody gamma. Wyniki Różnice w liczbie jednostek monitorowych pomiędzy oryginalnymi i zastępczymi planami leczenia nie przekraczały akceptowalnej wartości 2%. Zaobserwowano brak różnic pomiędzy dawkami w objętości PTV. Różnica dawki w analizowanych narządach krytycznych nie przekraczała akceptowalnego progu 2%. Wszystkie plany leczenia uzyskały minimum 95% zgodności dla weryfikacji dozymetrycznych metodą współczynnika gamma. Wnioski Wykonane badanie potwierdza możliwość realizowania radioterapeutycznych planów leczenia wykonanych w technice VMAT zamiennie na trzech akceleratorach (TrueBeam, Clinac 2300 CD-S oraz Unique, Varian), posiadających 120-listkowy kolimator MLC Millenium, dla pacjentów z nowotworem stercza.
Introduction In the routine clinical work in the radiotherapeutic center, there are interruptions of the medical accelerators caused by failures or maintenance. In order to maintain the continuity of treatment, patients are irradiated with other devices available at the center. Due to the fact that each of the radiotherapeutic treatment plans is adapted to the particular accelerator on which the plan is to be implemented, it is necessary to prepare alternative treatment plans for the other accelerators. Aim The aim of the study was to propose a strategy for dealing with a radiotherapeutic treatment plan in the VMAT technique (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy), the so-called original plan in case of unavailability of the source accelerators on the example of patients with prostate cancer. Material and methods The study included three Varian accelerators located in one oncology center: TrueBeam, Clinac 2300 CD-S and Unique, equipped with a 120-leaf MLC Millenium multi-leaf collimator. A group of 24 patients with prostate cancer was collected for the study. Treatment plans were compared in terms of the number of monitor units and doses for PTV volume and critical organs. The plans were verified and dosimetrically analyzed using the gamma method. Results The differences in the number of monitor units between the original and two backup treatment plans did not exceed the acceptable value of 2%. No dose difference was observed for PTV. The dose difference in the analyzed critical organs did not exceed the acceptable threshold of 2%. All treatment plans achieved a minimum of 95% agreement for dosimetric verification using the gamma method. Conclusion The results of this study confirm the possibility of implementing radiotherapeutic treatment plans made in the VMAT technique, alternately on three accelerators (TrueBeam, Clinac 2300 CD-S and Unique, Varian), with a 120-leaf MLC Millenium collimator, for patients with prostate cancer.
Inżynier i Fizyk Medyczny; 2020, 9, 5; 375--381
Pojawia się w:
Inżynier i Fizyk Medyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apalutamide as a new option for postponing metastatic disease in hormone -resistant patients with biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer
Dąbek, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer is a radically new option for cancer patients. Novel anti-hormonal therapy not only improves metastasis free survival but overall survival times and positively impacts quality of life. This case shows how apalutamide lowered tPSA level and postponed metastatic disease.
OncoReview; 2023, 13, 1; 24-26
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Survival outcome and prognostic factors in patients with chemotherapy-naive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with abiraterone acetate – real-world experience in Vietnam
Do, Tu Anh
Nguyen, Thai Hoa Thi
Nguyen, Hau Xuan
Nguyen, Loi Dinh
Nguyen, Chu Van
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
abiraterone acetate
metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
overall survival
real-world evidence
Introduction and aim. In real life, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients (mCRPC) had more complex clinical presentation than patients in the COU-AA-302 trial. This study primarily aimed to describe the overall survival of chemotherapy-naive mCRPC treated with abiraterone acetate plus prednisone (AAP). Other relevant outcomes and baseline characteristics of these patients were also evaluated. Material and methods. This retrospective, observational study collected data from chemotherapy-naive mCRPC patients treated with AAP in Vietnam. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to estimate time to treatment failure (TTF), and overall survival (OS). The impact of baseline characteristics on OS was explored using univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard models. Results. Data from 65 eligible patients were analyzed. The rate of PSA response was 73.8%, median PSA PFS was 10.5 months (95% CI: 7.4–13.6), median TTF was 15 months (95% CI: 11.1–18.9), and median OS was 24.9 months (95% CI: 18.9–30.9). Shorter OS was significantly associated with a higher Gleason score (≥8), shorter time from ADT start to mCRPC (<12 months), visceral metastases, and <50% PSA decline (p<0.05). Conclusion. Abiraterone acetate plus prednisone is well tolerated and effective for chemotherapy-naive mCRPC patients in clinical practice. Moreover, Gleason score, visceral metastasis, time from ADT start to mCRPC, and PSA response are the independent indicators for predicting the OS of mCRPC patients in both univariate and multivariate analyses.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2024, 22, 2; 262-269
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie lokalnego układu renina-angiotensyna w patologii gruczołu krokowego
The importance of the local renin-angiotensin system in the pathology of prostate
Domińska, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
gruczoł krokowy
układ renina-angiotensyna
łagodny rozrost gruczołu krokowego
rak gruczołu krokowego
renin-angiotensin system
benign prostatic hyperplasia
prostate cancer
Results of in vivo and in vitro experiments have demonstrated the presence of a local renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the prostate. However, the role of this system in the physiology and pathology of the prostate is still unclear. Recent reports have indicated that RAS is also involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, migration as well as angiogenesis, inflammation and apoptosis, which suggests its important role in carcinogenesis. Reorganization of individual elements of the renin-angiotensin system has been reported in both benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. These changes concerned the expression of AT1 receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and local concentration of angiotensin II or angiotensinogen. This review focuses on the role of RAS in the induction and progression of prostate cancer as well as on the analysis of potential benefits of RAS modulation in anticancer therapy.
Wyniki badań in vivo oraz in vitro ujawniły obecność lokalnego układu renina-angiotensyna (RAS) w gruczole krokowym, niemniej jednak rola tego układu zarówno w fizjologii jak i patologii stercza nadal nie jest dobrze znana. Najnowsze doniesienia wskazują, że RAS obok swojej klasycznej roli jest zaangażowany w proliferację, różnicowanie i migrację komórek, angiogenezę, procesy zapalne oraz apoptozę, co sugeruje jego istotny udział w procesie kancerogenezy. Reorganizacja poszczególnych elementów RAS została odnotowana zarówno w łagodnym rozroście jak i nowotworach złośliwych gruczołu krokowego. Powyższe zmiany dotyczyły między innymi, poziomu receptora AT1, ekspresji enzymu konwertującego angiotensynę I jak również lokalnego stężenia angiotensyny II i angiotensynogenu. Niniejsza praca ma na celu podsumowanie dotychczasowej wiedzy odnośnie udziału RAS w zapoczątkowaniu i późniejszym rozwoju raka stercza, jak również przeanalizowanie potencjalnych korzyści wynikających z modulacji RAS w kontekście terapii antynowotworowej.
Folia Medica Lodziensia; 2009, 36, 2; 73-86
Pojawia się w:
Folia Medica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of xenobiotics and environmental selection upon carcinogenic changes in human male reproductive system
Dróżdż, J. M.
Kamiński, P
Bombolewska, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
environmental factors
prostate cancer
reproduction system
testicular cancer
czynniki środowiskowe
rak jąder
rak prostaty
układ rozrodczy
This review is a compilation of the recent reports on a role of environmental factors on a cancer development in male reproductive system. We have analyzed studies of environmental pollution and disorders of mechanisms responsible for defense against impact of xenobiotics upon the prostate cancer and testicular cancer occurrence. Moreover, we have focused on the polymorphisms of selected genes, which in excessive exposure to environmental stress factors might exacerbate disorders of an organism defense against impact of xenobiotics. It is well known that environmental factors such as toxic heavy metals pollution, impact of xenobiotics or environmental stress have an influence on the human reproductive system. There were many studies suggesting an association between these factors and the prostate or testicular cancer development, but still there are no unambiguous conclusive results. Studies of specific changes in markers, which occur in response to various environmental stressors are also very interesting. They focus on the influence of chemical elements (Cd, Zn, Ca) destabilization and heavy metals pollution over an organism and the environment. Antioxidant enzymatic mechanisms in conditions of anthropogenic impact and the influence of polymorphisms in genes involved in genetic material damage repair under stress conditions have also been studied. The aim of this review was to combine essential important data suggesting possible role of environmental factors in the initiation and development of carcinogenic processes in male reproductive system based on prostate cancer and testicular cancer cases. On this basis the current needs and research directions could be delineated.
Environmental Biotechnology; 2012, 8, 2; 77-80
Pojawia się w:
Environmental Biotechnology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apalutamide in the treatment of a patient with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Dziura, Robert
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
prostate cancer
androgen receptor inhibitor
The treatment of patients with prostate cancer, who do not qualify for the radical therapy is based on the use of surgical or pharmacological castration methods. The effectiveness of the so-called androgen deprivation tends to decrease over time. Even in the absence of distant metastases on imaging studies, the resistance for the hormonal castration may be developed. At this moment, the use of new generation androgen receptor inhibitors may reduce the risk of metastases or death. The paper presents a case report of a patient with prostate cancer without distant metastases who started therapy with apalutamide at the moment of developing re-sistance to the pharmacological castration.
OncoReview; 2023, 13, 1; 20-23
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leakage test evaluation used for qualification of iodine-125 seeds sealing
Feher, A.
Rostelato, M. E. C. M.
Zeituni, C. A.
Calvo, W. A. P.
Somessari, S. L.
Moura, J. A.
Moura, E. S.
Souza, C. D.
Rela, P. R.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
leakage test
iodine-125 seeds
prostate cancer
titanium tube
standard ISO-9978
Brachytherapy is one of the possible treatments with ionizing radiation available for prostate cancer, in which small seeds containing iodine-125 radioisotope are implanted directly into the prostate. The seed consists of a sealed titanium tube containing a central silver wire with adsorbed iodine-125. The tube sealing is made with titanium at the ends, using plasma arc-welding (PAW) or laser process. This sealing must be leakage-resistant and free of cracks, therefore avoiding iodine-125 to deposit in the silver wire to escape and spread into the human body. To ensure that this problem is not occurring, rigorous leakage tests in accordance with the standard ISO-9978 should be applied. The aim of this study is to determine, implement and evaluate the leakage test to be used in the iodine-125 seeds production, in order to qualify the sealing procedure. The standard ISO-9978 presents a list of tests to be carried out according to the type of source. The preferential methods for brachytherapy sources are soaking and helium. To assess the seeds leakage, the method of immersion test at room temperature was applied. The seeds are considered leakage-free if the detected activity does not exceed 185 Bq (5 nCi). An iodine standard was prepared and its value determined in a sodium iodide detector. A liquid scintillation counter was calibrated with the standard for seed leakage tests. Forty-eight seeds were plasma arc-welded for these tests.
Nukleonika; 2011, 56, 4; 375-379
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Local involvement of the lower urinary tract in primary colorectal cancer – outcome after en-blocresection
F.Hartwig, Morten
Bulut, Orhan
Niebuhr, Malene
Thind, Peter
Steven, Kenneth
Bülow, Steffen
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
en-bloc resection
colorectal cancer
Invasion of urinary organs due to advanced colorectal cancer can comprise a surgical challenge in achieving negative resection margins. The aim of the study was to asses the outcome of patients with colorectal cancer invading the lower urinary organs. Material and methods. This is a cohort study that retrospectively evaluated the surgical and pathological findings after the resection of colorectal cancer with adjacent urological organs due to advanced colorectal cancer. Patients with primary colorectal cancer invading urological organs where primary resection was attempted were included. Results. The study included 31 patients who underwent surgery in our department between 1997 and 2012. Median age was 65 years (range 44‑77 years). Seventeen patients underwent partial cystectomy, one had partial prostatectomy performed, eight patients underwent cystoprostatectomy, two had cystectomy performed and three had prostatectomy performed. Overall morbidity rate was 71% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 55‑84%, n=22). The 30-day mortality rate was 10% (95% CI: 0‑23%, n=3). Twentyseven of 31 patients had free resection margins. Four of 28 patients developed distant metastasis (14%, 95% CI: 4‑29%), 11% developed local recurrence (95% CI: 0‑25%, n=3). Median follow-up was 41 months (range 0‑150 months). Histopathological examination revealed tumour invasion in 52% (95% CI: 35‑69%, n=15) of the resected urological organs. The overall five-year survival rate was 70%. The five-year survival rate in the radical resection group was 74%. Conclusions. En-bloc resection of colorectal cancer with adjacent urological organs has a high morbidity rate. However it is still possible to achieve negative resection margins in most cases.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2016, 88, 2; 99-105
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ wybranych cytokin prozapalnych oraz stresu oksydacyjnego na kancerogenezę i progresję gruczolakoraków jelita i prostaty
Impact of selected pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress on carcinogenesis and progression of prostate and colorectal adenocarcinomas
Fryczkowski, Michał
Hejmo, Tomasz
Bułdak, Magdalena
Stachowska, Marta
Rokicka, Joanna
Żwirska-Korczala, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
rak jelita grubego
rak prostaty
stres oksydacyjny
stan zapalny
colorectal cancer
prostate cancer
oxidative stress
Colorectal and prostate cancers have one of highest occurrence rate in Poland and the incidence is constantly increasing. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are known factors that promotes the development of cancer. Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α are produced in normal cells and are responsible for controlling key processes. However overproduction associated with chronic inflammation may induce tumor transformation and support tumor growth by expression of cytokines by tumor microenvironment cells. The concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the serum and expression in tumor tissue may be a diagnostic and prognostic factor for patients with colorectal or prostate cancer, and anti-cytokine therapy may increase patients survival.
Nowotwory jelita grubego i prostaty są jednymi z najczęściej występujących nowotworów w Polsce, a zapadalność na nie stale rośnie. Przewlekły stan zapalny i stres oksydacyjny są znanymi czynnikami promującymi rozwój nowotworów. Cytokiny prozapalne, takie jak IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 oraz TNF-α, są wytwarzane w prawidłowych komórkach i odpowiadają za kontrolę kluczowych procesów. Związana z występowaniem przewlekłego stanu zapalnego nadprodukcja może jednak indukować transformację nowotworową, a następnie wspomagać rozwój nowotworu przez ekspresję cytokin przez komórki mikrośrodowiska guza. Stężenie cytokin prozapalnych w surowicy krwi oraz ekspresja w tkance guza mogą być czynnikami diagnostycznymi i prognostycznymi u pacjentów chorych na raka jelita grubego lub prostaty, a terapia antycytokinowa może wydłużyć czas ich przeżycia.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2019, 73; 182-193
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Survival in men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Poland in the years 2000 - 2014 compared to European Countries based on Concord-3
Gliniewicz, A.
Dudek-Godeau, D.
Bielska-Lasota, M.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
prostate cancer
mortality trend
cancer care
Background. Wealthy countries have observed in recent decades a fast-growing number of prostate patients, who require treatment and long-term cancer care. This trend seems to be connected with some demographic changes such as aging societies, better access to diagnostic methods with high sensitivity as well as large-scale secondary prevention (prostate cancer screening at early stage before clinical manifestation). Secondary prevention is becoming more accessible and widely applied. The expected effect of prevention is to improve overall survival while the mortality trend is decreasing. The prevention success requires highly effective healthcare system that must manage additional burden which is a consequence of the need to provide optimal treatment and healthcare in a big group of cancer patients diagnosed in effective prevention programms. According to the National Cancer Registry (NCR) the number of incidence from year 1980 – 1731 cases rose in year 2013 to 12 162 cases. Apart from incidence and mortality rates, the 5-year survival is a significant factor for the assessment of a population healthcare and healthcare system efficiency. The prognosis related to prostate incidence is 22 344 men in year 2025 in comparison to 12 162 in year 2013 – that would be a double rise in incidence. CONCORD-2 results (years 1995-2009) showed, among the others, that cancer curability for some cancers, including prostate cancer improved. In year 2018 the results of CONCORD-3 were published (years 2000-2014) showing a rising trend in improvement in prostate cancer curability in Poland Objective. The objective was to analyse the 5-year survival in prostate cancer patients in Poland, and in each of 16 voivodships, with the focus on changes in years 2000 – 2014 in comparison to European trends. Material and Methods. The analysis was based on the 5-year net survival (estimated in CONCORD-3) in prostate cancer patients diagnosed in Poland (NCR national data) and in all Polish voivodships. The 5-year survival of prostate cancer patients and its changes in years 2000 – 2014 compared between 16 voivodships, Poland in total and 28 European countries. Results. In Poland in years 2010 – 2014 the 5-year survival in prostate cancer patients was 78.1%, and compared to years 2000 – 2004 rose by 9.3 percentage points. Despite a systematic improvement in survival the differences between individual voivodships in Poland remained. In 6 voivodships the survival was higher than average for Poland and ranged from 80 to 82%. The lowest survival was in Opolskie voivodship – 72.3%. On a European scale, the curability of prostate cancer at that time was over 90% (9 countries), while Poland was among 5 countries whose total survival rate was less than 80% (from 72.3% - Opolskie voivodship to 83.6% –- Pomeranian voivodship). Conclusions. The 5-year survival in prostate cancer patients in years 2010 – 2014 in Poland was significantly lower in comparison to Western Europe countries, and favourable trends on a regional level in Poland were too slow to overcome high differentiation in Europe. It is expected that changing the structure and organisation of cancer care in Poland into a modern National Oncology Network Comprehensive Cancer Care Network, together with the use of the experiences from European projects, including iPAAC and better financing will contribute to improvement in prostate cancer treatment in Poland.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2020, 71, 4; 445-453
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cardiovascular complications during the treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer with the use of modern antiandrogens: abiraterone acetate and enzalutamide
Grabysa, Radosław
Chmielewska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
abiraterone acetate
castration resistant prostate cancer
Modern antiandrogens: abiraterone acetate (inhibitor of CYP17 cytochrome) and enzalutamide (irreversible inhibitor of androgen receptor) are the drugs that are increasingly often administered in treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Despite their clinical efficacy, especially in terms of prolonged survival and improved quality of life of patients, they pose of problem for a practicing oncologist such as possible cardiovascular complications (particularly arterial hypertension), which may lead to the cessation of this form of therapy. This article provides a brief overview of the mechanisms responsible for the above complications, including practical recommendations in the event such complications arise. A simple scheme of action for control of cardiovascular risk factors has been presented, which can improve the prognosis in this population of patients.
OncoReview; 2021, 11, 3; 61-67
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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