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Poeta źle wychowany. Opinia Piotra Chmielowskiego o Mironie i jej konsekwencje
Ill-mannered poet. Piotr Chmielowski’s opinion on Miron and its consequences
Karpow, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Positivist criticism
“accursed poets”
debate on positivist poetry
Piotr Chmielowski, one of the most important literary critics and historians of the literature of the Positivist period, had an enormous role in shaping the opinion on the literary output of Aleksander Michaux (pen-name Miron). The critic contributed much to strengthen the negative image of the poet by discrediting his works using unfounded and groundless accusations of their non-original character, or by a selective choice of citations aimed to ridicule the author, among others. The accusations forwarded by Chmielowski, mainly those referring to the alleged anachronism or even Miron’s dislike of progress, were simplyichaux reflected well the universal resentment of Positivist critics towards contemporary poets and testified to a particular understanding of the goals of lyric poetry and the principles governing it. Any literary output that did not fulfill the requirements of utilitarianism was supposed to be shunned and removed beyond the mainstream of the Polish literature of the time. The conviction on low artistic merit of the poetic output of the Positivist period, formed as early as the latter half of the nineteenth century, has lingered among a sizeable number of modern readers of literature.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2012, 19; 97-108
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozytywizm kryminologiczny i jego krytyka
Positivist Criminology: A Critique
Krajewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
pozytywizm kryminologiczny
positivist criminology
The origins of criminology as a separate and independent field of scientific research are usually linked to the emergence of the so called positive school of criminology in the second half of the nineteenth century and with the name of its leading representative Cesare Lombroso. Undoubtedly since that time criminological thought went through a long and substantial evolution which produced a variety of new concepts and theories. As a result of this one could assume that contemporary criminology has very little in common with the ideas of its founders. Despite this, there is growing conviction in the literature that the  heritage of Lombroso and Italian positivism still influences significantly contemporary criminological theory. Of course, the essence of this influence lies not in the details of Lombroso’s anthropological ideas which were proven wrong long ago, but in certain quetions asked by him and his school and methods adopted to answer them. Those questions and methods were strictly connected with and resulted from the particular ideas about human society and social world, as well as with the ideas regarding the role, functions and methods of scientific research which prevailed in the social sciences in the second half of the previous century which are commonly referred to as positivism. It justifies the designation as positivist criminology of almost all criminological thought and research since the times of Lombroso up to the late 1950’s.             Positivist criminology is ditinguished first of all by its naturalism, e.g. an assumption that all methodological principles developed in sciences apply equally to social sciences which do not possess any substantial methodical peculiarities. It means also that the main task of scientific research is to discover and formulate causal laws and the assumption of objectivity and value neutrality of science and the scientist. The basic question of such criminology based on the deterministic concept of social world and human behaviour was an etiological one: why do certain people commit crimes while others don’t? It means that the main task of positivist criminology is the search for the causes of crime. Another important feature of positivist criminology is the consensual model of the social order it usually assumes. Such a model implies that the entire social order and the very existence of human society result from the sharing of certain values and norms by the large majority of the members of such society. According to this view, also, criminal law represents an example of such consensus and its norms are subject to widespread acceptance. Criminals represent some unique category of misfits or outsiders somehow different from all other „normal” people, a category which refuses to submit to social consensus. A final result of this way of thinking leads to the conclusion that the explanation of a crime and finding its causes requires concentration on the individual who behaves criminally. Because of this, positivist criminology is a science having as its subject the criminal and his behaviour. Pure accumulation of knowledge was never the sole purpose of criminological research. Positivist criminology tried always to be also an applied science, providing scientific grounds for lawmaking and law enforcement. Results of criminological research, data about the criminal and his behaviour should help to change him: rehabilitate, resocialize, correct or heal. In other words, the main purpose of positivist criminology was to provide scientific methods of bringing known misfits and outsiders back the social consensus they left. This feature of positivist criminology is usually referred to in literature as correctionalism. The above reconstruction of the main features of positivist criminology probably corresponds better to European criminology, which was in fact for many years dominated by the ,,lombrosian myth”. One can doubt however whether American criminology  may also be described in such terms.  The problem is that, because of its clear sociological orientation, American criminology is regarded rather as a heritage of A. Quetelet, A. Guerry or E. Durkheim and not  of Lombroso. Usually it perceived crime as a social phenomenon and not as an individual pathology. But it is equally true that such classical American theories of crime causation as the differential association theory or anomie theory focus their attention on the individual criminal as well. What distinguishes those theories from the European tradition is the conviction that the criminal and his special features are products of an environment. However, in both cases criminals are treated as somehow a different kind of people. All this has important practical implications. The individual approach to crime casuation implies that the proper aim of any correctional influences is the criminal himself. The sociological approach claims that there is also no sense in correcting or changing the criminal unless we do something about the environment which produced him. The natural consequence of such an approach is the preference for social reform and social policy over criminal law as instruments of fighting the crime problem. The former is assigned only a secondary role. This is probably one of the main reasons for  a certain uneasiness and mistrust towards the sociological approach which may be observed criminologists with a legal background; it is considered too abstract and detached from the everyday problems of the criminal justice system as well as too difficult and complicated to implement. Two new criminological currents emerged during last thirty years which remain in opposition towards positivism. The first one, called antinaturalistic criminology, was born during the sixties. It rejected the positivist concept of  social science, asked new and different questions and tried to answer them using different methods. The decisive role in launching this new approach was played by the labelling approach, Its main contribution constituted rejection of the old etiological question and its substitution with the „reactive” one, a question regarding origins and development of the societal reaction to criminal or dewiant behaviour. This meant also an abandonment of positivist methodology of searching for casual laws and a turn towards the methods of humanistic sociology, including understanding, empathy and other similar qualitative methods. According to this trend the main task of the criminological enterprise is to create a sociology law and other forms of social control. Antinaturalistic criminology also adopted an unequivocally pluralistic model of society. Crime and deviance ceased to be perceived as something necessarily pathological. Instead, an attempt was undertaken to treat those phenomena as the result of natural diversity of human beings. To support this stance the labelling approach provided a variety of research on deviant subcultures conducted from what may be called ,,ethnographic positions”, which also denounced the negative effects of punitive social control. The final result was growing scepticism towards the agencies of official social control and such ideas as for example radical nonintervention. The next development can be attributed to radical and critical criminology. These trends assume that social conflict is the main feature of social order and try to understand criminal law and the criminal justice system as the result and manifestation of such conflict. This means that criminalisation processes, e.g. lawmaking and law enforcement, should be explained primarily in terms of political and economic power. Certain groups, because of their access to power, are able to enforce their own values and norms against the will of other groups which may not share them. All this means an unequivocally negative evaluation of the mechanism of social control in contemporary societies which are considered oppressive and unjust. An alternative vision of the society is proposed, a society where facts of human diversity are not subject to the power to criminalize. The way such vision should be implemented are very different and may be placed on the broad continuum from the orthodox Marxism-Leninism and belief in ideal socialism to the humanistic utopias of contemporary abolitionists. Such visions are accompanied by very strong opposition to traditional, mainstream criminology which is accused of being totally and uncritically apologetic and subservient towards the state and institutions of power. According to this view, positivist criminology under the disguise of scientific neutrality and objectivity, in fact legitimizes the existing political and moral order and serves the interests of the privileged groups in society. As a result a new attitude of moral and political commitment is proposed. Science, according to these postulates should be definitely partisan. Such an attitude should break the monopoly of positivist criminology in creating social consciousness about crime and deviance and show the broad audience that alternative are possible. In sum, one can say that the main subject of interest for traditional, positivist criminology constituted always the criminal and that the main problem was to root out his criminal propensities. For antinaturalistic criminology the main problem is the system of social control which requires fundamental change. During the seventies another criminological current emerged, known as neoclassicism, which criticized traditional, positivist criminology from quite different angles. This current, which remains primarily an American phenomenon, constitutes, first of all, opposition against the traditional, in the United States, domination of the sociological approach to the crime problem. Representatives of neoclassical criminology are troubled first of all by the above mentioned unclear practical implications of these theories for the criminal justice system. They are, namely, very difficult to translate into the language of policy actions. Moreover, proposed remedies against crime usually remain beyond the reach of traditional measures which the criminal justice system has at its disposal. As a result the turn towards the tradition of the European classical school of criminal law is proposed and enriched by recent achievements of behavioristic psychology and the economic theory of bohaviour. The essence of this approach constitutes the concept of free will and the assumption that criminals are quite normal human individuals making only false decisions. The fact that human behaviour is always guided by the desire to maximize gains and minimize loses makes this behaviour susceptible to external manipulation. The easiest way to influence human decisions is to create a high enough barrier of costs which should eliminate undesired decisions. Criminal law should play a key role in creating such a barrier and preventing criminal behaviour. Moreover, the barrier of costs provided by criminal law constitutes practically the only factor easily accessible to manipulation by any democratic and liberal government. Other ways of influencing crime rates are usually too costly or too difficult to implement. The basic task of criminology is to provide the necessary empirical data on the functioning of criminal law and the criminal justice system, which should be than used to formulate the most effective policies. All three criminological currents discussed above were usually treated as mutually exclusive and competitive paradigms. Today, when the heat of the discussions of the sixties and seventies diminished, there is a good chance to have a less emotional analysis of recent developments in criminology. Probably it will be possible now to come to the conclusion that the emergence during last 150 years of the three distinct paradigms in theoretical criminology may be comprehended not only in terms of consecutive scientific revolutions. Probably it may be also interpreted as the evolutionary process of the cumulation of knowledge about crime. During this process points of view and focuses’ changed as every paradigm considered different aspects of criminal phenomena as being most important and worth of researching. But all three may be considered, at least to a certain extent, complementary ones.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1992, XVIII; 7-50
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Antoni Nowacki – romantyk czy pozytywista? (w 145 rocznicę powstania styczniowego)
Antoni Nowacki – romantic or positivist? (on 145 anniversary of the January Uprising)
Stefańska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Antoni Nowacki
Antoni Nowacki was born in 1842 in Głębokie near Kalisz. In 1862 he finished Agricultural School in Radomsko and began studies in the Main School in Warsaw. It was also the beginning of his conspiratorial activity. During the uprising in 1863 he took part in armed fighting under the command of Edmund Taczanowski. Wounded in a battle with Russians, he was arrested and imprisoned in Warsaw Citadel, to be subsequently sent into exile to a penal colony in Russia on 31 March 1864. He worked in Irkuck and next near the Chinese border. Reprieved by the tsar in 1874 Nowacki returned to Poland and worked as forester in the village of Przewóz, and next, from 1897, in Kromolin near Szadek, in Sieradz district. He undertook secret educational work with children from neighbouring villages, sustaining their hope for regaining independence by Poland. During the First World War he declined cooperation with the Germans. He did not live to see independent Poland, for which he strove all his live – died in Kromolin on 7 May 1915. His grave is at St Ide’s cemetery in Szadek.
Biuletyn Szadkowski; 2008, 08; 161-178
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Szadkowski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Norwid a pozytywistyczna koncepcja dziejów (Henry Thomas Buckle)
Norwid and the Positivist Conception of History (Henry Thomas Buckle)
van Nieukerken, Arent
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
philosophy of history
The worldview of Cyprian Norwid developed in conscious opposition towards European Positivism (Scientism). However, his critical stance did not exclude the possibility of a dialogue. Norwid, due to his being an exile and longtime resident of Paris, the nineteenth century capital of European civilization, acquired a broad knowledge of this new intellectual current. He closely watched the development of Positivist science (particularly in the field of history), and he took account of its discoveries. This is borne out by a letter of Norwid with a (possibly distorted) quotation from the first volume of History of Civilization in England. This monumental work had been written by Henry Thomas Buckle, one of the main representatives (together with Hyppolite Taine and Ernest Renan) of the Positivist philosophy of history. More profound analysis shows that a critical reception of Buckle's philosophy of history left its mark on several later texts of Norwid (e.g. the short stories Stigma and The Secret of Lord Singelworth). Norwid's reception of the Positivist philosophy of history seems to be quite original, because he actually adopted some of its tenets and attempted to incorporate them into a context that revealed their roots in the evangelic Salvation History. Thus, Norwid admitted the epistemological relevance of some Positivist ideas about the nature and structure of history.
Studia Norwidiana; 2011, 29; 33-55
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A call for a multifaced approach to language learning motivation research:Combining complexity, humanistic, and critical perspectives
Pigott, Julian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
positivist research
reductionist research
complex systems
humanistic perspective
In this paper I give an overview of recent developments in the L2 motivation field, in particular the movement away from quantitative, questionnaire-based methodologies toward smaller-scale qualitative studies incorporating concepts from complexity theory. While complexity theory provides useful concepts for exploring motivation in new ways, it has nothing to say about ethics, morality, ideology, politics, power or educational purpose. Furthermore, calls for its use come primarily from researchers from the quantitative tradition whose aim in importing this paradigm from the physical sciences appears to be to conceptualize and model motivation more accurately. The endeavor therefore remains a fundamentally positivist one. Rather than being embraced as a self-contained methodology, I argue that complexity theory should be used cautiously and prudently alongside methods grounded in other philosophical traditions. Possibilities abound, but here I suggest one possible multifaceted approach combining complexity theory, a humanisticconception of motivation, and a critical perspective.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching; 2012, 2, 3; 349-366
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Czasy ginącego piękna”. Pozytywistycznej historii literatury kłopoty z barokiem
“The Period of Disappearing Beauty”. A Problem with Baroque of Positivistic History of Literature
Szewczyk-Haake, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Positivist history of literature
valuation in literary studies
The article deals with the ways in which Baroque works and their authors were presented in the positivist history of literature. The source material for the analysis was provided by the texts written by Piotr Chmielowski, Stanisław Tarnowski, Adam Bełcikowski, Henryk Sienkiewicz and Felicjan Faleński. The article discusses the sources for a rather distinct dislike of the literary output of Baroque authors in general, which was in line with the then well-established opinions deeply rooted in European research, but also derived from a valuation based on national and patriotic criteria. A certain differentiation in research methods is also indicated, mostly of those stemming from the spirit of Taine, but, occasionally, approaching Baroque works with the help of a stylistic analysis and thus making it possible to show more appreciation to the literature created in the period that, as understood from the positivist perspective, was believed to be of inferior quality.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2012, 19; 31-45
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa razy Lombroso, czyli o skutkach różnic w podejściu kryminologii pozytywistycznej i kryminologii feministycznej
Twice Lombroso: The Consequences of the Differences in Approach Between Positivist and Feminist Criminology
Płatek, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
teorie kryminologiczne
kryminologia feministyczna
kryminologia radykalna
positivist criminology
feminist criminology
Dwa razy Lombroso [Twice Lombroso] considers differences in the diagnoses and conclusions pivotal to criminal law and to criminal and social policy by way of a specific example. It would seem that so long as we rely on an accepted research paradigm, we are equipped to verify not only the validity of a theory, but also the social consequences of explaining pathological behaviour and criminality in a particular way. The story of Saartjie “Sarah” Baartman illustrates how positivist and feminist methodologies in criminality result in very different views of reality. The latter forces us to consider issues that have so far been ignored in the criminological literature. The genesis and evolution of criminology has clearly contributed to the development and modernisation of criminal law theory. Discarding the theory of free will has forced theoreticians to confront social realities when considering the creation and application of the law. What has gone unnoticed, however, is that criminology has also helped justify the creation and application of special criminal law institutions from the outset. Racism, racist practices, and the exclusion of certain groups in order to show authority and justify curtailing liberties under the pretext of having to ensure safety and social order have all been vindicated and cloaked in academic respectability with the assistance of criminology. Nowadays, it is often tempting to think that there is such a thing as safety from birth or through osmosis. On the one hand, this sometimes justifies creating separate institutions with the word “criminology” in the name. On the other hand, under the pretext of treatment, therapy or eliminating threats, it can justify maintaining institutions that greatly contribute to the arbitrary exclusion of individuals who are instrumentally exploited or deemed troublesome in order to show strength or demonstrate political efficiency. The text does not attempt to create a dichotomy of good and bad criminology. It is not about demonstrating that positive criminology is archaic and feminist criminology up-to-the-minute. It is rather a scholarly reflection on knowledge standards and on the consequences and hazards that flow from recognising a given claim as scholarly. The text, then, is merely a reflection on what characterises the feminist approach to criminology and what this approach contributes to the discipline. It also attempts to look at the beginnings of the evolution of criminology from a feminist criminological perspective. By illustrating how the work of Lombroso can be examined, described and appraised in terms of positivist and feminist criminology, I try to show how different descriptions of the reality (pathology) of criminality can be arrived at depending on whether we study it on the basis of positivist criminology or whether we also approach the problem from a feminist perspective appropriate for criminology.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2014, XXXVI; 31-73
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Methodological Review of Exploring Turner’s Three-Process Theory of Power and the Social Identity Approach
Ye, Michelle
Ollington, Nadia
de Salas, Kristy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Social Identity
Ecological Validity
Case Study
Turner’s Three-Process Theory of Power together with Social Identity Theory (SIT) and Self-Categorization Theory (SCT) have been influential in social psychology to examine power-related behaviors. While positivist experimental and survey methods are common in social psychological studies, these approaches may not adequately consider Turner’s constructs due to a comparative lack of ecological validity. Drawing on a methodology-focused review of the existing research of applying aspects of Turner’s theory of power and SIT/SCT, the interpretivist case study approach by using interviews and other data collections is highlighted as an alternative and useful method to the application of Turner’s framework. The applicability of the interpretive case study approach is further emphasized in comparison with the positivist experiments and surveys. This paper also discusses how this new way of exploration may allow us to understand Turner’s work better.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2016, 12, 4; 120-137
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teoria poetyki Konstantego Troczyńskiego
Konstanty Troczyński’s Theory of Poetics
Panek, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Konstanty Troczyński
anti-Positivist turning-point
przełom antypozytywistyczny
Artykuł jest omówieniem Teorii poetyki Konstantego Troczyńskiego – niewydanej za życia poznańskiego badacza debiutu książkowego, będącego podstawą jego doktoratu. Autorka, przedstawiając kompletną propozycję Troczyńskiego jako nauki, pokazuje ją jako oryginalną odpowiedź na wyzwania przełomu antypozytywistycznego, polemiczną zarówno wobec tainizmu, jak i reakcji na pozytywizm formułowanych w ramach „humanistyki rozumiejącej” (szkoła badeńska i Dilthey).
The article discusses Konstanty Troczyński’s Teoria poetyki (Theory of Poetics) – the Poznań scholar’s first book, with which he earned his doctorate, not published in his lifetime. In presenting Troczyński’s overall scholarly project, Panek presents it as an original response to the challenge of the anti-Positivist turning-point, a polemic both with Tainism and with the reaction to Positivism formulated in terms of the “understanding humanities” of the Baden School and Dilthey.
Forum Poetyki; 2016, 3; 84-95
Pojawia się w:
Forum Poetyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sen o Syjonie. Projekt państwa żydowskiego w noweli Bolesława Prusa Sen Jakuba. Sześć uwag
A Dream about Zion. A Plan of a Jewish State in Bolesław Prus’s Short Story Jacob’s Dream. Six Remarks
Malik, Jakub A.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Bolesław Prus
nowelistyka pozytywizmu
asymilacja Żydów
positivist short story
assimilation of Jews
The article is devoted to Boles"aw Prus’s nowel Jacob’s Dream (1875) – to the way it is received in a context different from the original one. Published for a second time in Evening stories (1895) it is a debate the author of The Doll holds with the positivist program of assimilation of the Jews. At the same time the author indicates the new possibilities Zionism gives. Prus tries to see the threats the Jewish nation will face when it will build its state. In many points Prus’s views remind of Theodor Herzl’s opinions. The article is also an attempt at showing the evolution of Boles"aw Prus’s attitude towards the so-called Jewish issue in the 19th century, which is to a large degree typical of his generation.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2007, 55, 1; 299-311
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja etyki naukowej i wizje postępu moralnego w ujęciu liderów polskiej myśli pozytywistycznej
The Concept of Scientific Ethics and Visions of Moral Progress by Main Representatives of Polish Positivist Thought
Tyburski, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
positivist movement
scientific ethics
theoretic ethics
practical ethics
idea of progress
moral progress
The article presents one of the components of the intellectual legacy of Polish positivism, a philosophical position which proposed a new attitude towards ethical issues. Its representatives put forward the notion of scientific ethics, reducing moral philosophy to it. They strongly emphasized their critical attitude towards traditional ethics, for which there was no place in the positivist model of science, and proposed a distinction between theoretical and practical ethics. Their project was motivated by an ambition to make ethics into jurisprudence, a discipline whose accuracy would make it similar to other sciences. Their efforts were consistently motivated by the idea of making ethics into an empirical and applied science. This scientific ethics would fulfill the important task of forming a set of moral requirements, which, by referring to moral knowledge (“ethology”), would have a chance of influencing the conduct of individuals and society. The new ethics was expected to contribute to the change in social morality and thus greatly support moral progress, an issue which was hotly debated. All positivists subscribed to the idea of progress, including that of morality; however, some differences can be discerned in how they defined progress. Some defined it in realistic categories, while others focused on optimistic visions of the future. Among the first advocates of scientific ethics and of the idea of moral progress, differences notwithstanding, were Aleksander Świętochowski, Julian Ochorowicz, Feliks Bogacki, Władysław Kozłowski, and Bolesław Prus. The article gives an overview of some of their views.
Folia Philosophica; 2022, 48; 1-25
Pojawia się w:
Folia Philosophica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marii Konopnickiej marzenia o wolności na podstawie listów do stryja Ignacego Wasiłowskiego
Maria Konopnicka’s dreams of freedom based on letters to her uncle Ignacy Wasiłowski
Nowak, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
wiek XIX
literatura pozytywizmu
niepodległość Polski
19th century
positivist literature
Poland's independence
W II poł. XIX wieku, ogromną rolę w kształtowaniu i podtrzymywaniu ducha narodu cierpiącego pod jarzmem zaborów odgrywali pisarze i poeci. Literatura stała na straży „narodowego pamiątek kościoła”, była skarbnicą wolnej myśli, podtrzymywała ducha narodu i zagrzewała do walki o utrzymanie polskości. Przestrzenią była literatura piękna i osobiste zaangażowanie twórców w wydarzenia społeczne. W ten nurt aktywnie włączyła się Maria Konopnicka. Wychowana w patriotycznej atmosferze była wyczulona na wszelkie przejawy ograniczenia wolności kraju. Jej wzrastaniu towarzyszyło wspomnienie i kult bohaterskiej przeszłości ojca i stryja Ignacego Wasiłowskiego, z którym korespondowała przez niemal dwadzieścia lat. Miłość do Polski i wrażliwość na sprawy jej wolności przewijają się przez listy, jakie z czułością i szczerością pisała do swojego krewnego. Są one kopalnią wiadomości o życiu społeczno-polityczno-kulturalnym postyczniowej epoki i przynoszą nieocenione informacje na temat politycznego zaangażowania Konopnickiej i jej zaangażowania w trud walki o zmartwychwstanie narodu.
In the second half of the nineteenth century, writers and poets played a huge role in shaping and sustaining the spirit of a nation suffering under the yoke of partition. Literature was a treasury of free thought, sustaining the spirit of the nation and encouraging the struggle to maintain Polishness. The space was provided by literary fiction and the personal involvement of its creators in social events. Maria Konopnicka was actively involved in this trend. Raised in a patriotic atmosphere, she was sensitive to any restriction of the country’s freedom. Her upbringing was accompanied by memories and worship of the heroic past of her father and uncle Ignacy Wasiłowski, with whom she corresponded for almost twenty years. Her love for Poland and sensitivity to the cause of her freedom run through the letters she wrote to her relative with tenderness and sincerity. They are a mine of information about the sociopolitical and cultural life of the post-Civil War era and bring invaluable information about Konopnicka’s political involvement and her commitment to the struggle for the resurrection of the nation.
Studia Elbląskie; 2022, 23; 101-122
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aleksander Świętochowski’s Damian Capenko. The Struggle with the Legend
O „Damianie Capenece” Aleksandra Świętochowskiego. Zmagania z legendą
Obsulewicz, Beata K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Aleksander Świętochowski
„O życie”
„Damian Capenko”
„Dumania pesymisty”
Positivist literature
19th century
literatura pozytywizmu
XIX wiek
The objective of this paper is to analyse Aleksander Świętochowski’s debut novella series O życie [Oh Life], with particular emphasis on the opening novella. The reflections focus on Damian Capenko, a novella showcasing its relationship with the worldview of the second half of the 19th century and tendentious literature. The author proposes an interpretation of the work in the light of Dumania pesymisty [Musings of a Pessimist], an earlier series of texts by Świętochowski, one of the most outstanding creators of Positivist literature in Poland. As a result of the analyses, the relationship between the texts and the initial ideas of the Polish Positivism programme is explained, along with the apparent artistic inconsistency of the series. 
Celem artykułu jest analiza debiutanckiego cyklu nowelistycznego O życie Aleksandra Świętochowskiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem utworu otwierającego tom. Rozważania koncentrują się na opowiadaniu Damian Capenko, ukazując jego związek ze światopoglądem drugiej połowy XIX wieku, literaturą tendencyjną. Autor proponuje interpretację utworu w świetle Dumań pesymisty, wcześniejszego cyklu wypowiedzi publicystycznych Świętochowskiego, jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców literatury pozytywizmu w Polsce. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz wyjaśniony zostaje związek tekstów z początkowymi ideami programu polskiego pozytywizmu, a także pozorna niespójność artystyczna cyklu.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia; 2020, 38, 1; 57-68
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe wyzwanie dla pozytywizmu prawniczego
New Challenge to Legal Positivism
Hart, Herbert L.A.
Grabowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej – Sekcja Polska IVR
pozytywizm prawnicz
„herkulesowska” metoda orzekania
trzy tezy pozytywistyczne
legal positivism
herculean method of adjudication
three central positivist theses
In his lecture, delivered at the Department of the Philosophy of Law of the Autonomous University of Madrid on 29 October 1979, H.L.A. Hart directly responds to Ronald Dworkin’s attack on Legal Positivism, launched in Taking Rights Seriously. In the Sections I–II, Hart explicates his version of Legal Positivism by means of three central positivist theses: the Thesis of the Conceptual Separation of Law and Morals, the Thesis of the Social Sources of Law, and the Thesis of Judicial Discretion. Next, in Section III, he discusses Dworkin’s fundamental objections against the positivist theory of judicial discretion and claims that none of them seem convincing. Finally, in Sections IV–V, Hart analyses a new, herculean theory of adjudication, proposed by Dworkin as a „middle way theory” between the classic theories of Natural Law and Legal Positivism. In his answer to the criticism of the positivist Rule of Recognition, Hart claims that there is no reason why this rule, in certain jurisdictions, would not predict the use of the herculean procedure among the criteria that it provides for the identification of the law. He also states that the use of the herculean method of adjudication is unacceptable for the lawyers and that an impracticable character of this method is easy to demonstrate by referring to the case of the wicked legal systems, in which the principles underlying the law are morally bad. Thus, Hart concludes that instead of a sound vía media between Natural Law and Legal Positivism, the theory of Dworkin seems to offer the confusion of them.
Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej; 2014, 2(9); 5-20
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo naturalne jako pojęcie zbiorcze niepozytywistycznych teorii prawa
Natural Law as a Collective Notion of Non-Positivist Theories of Law
Utz, Artur F.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prawo naturalne
niepozytywistyczna teoria prawa
pozytywizm prawny
prawa człowieka
natural law
non-positivist theory of law
legal positivism
human rights
The author of the article emphasizes that if a distinction between legal positivism and natural law is to be made, the definition of law must be such that it could be employed for both concepts of law. Law, in contrast to moral norms, can be defined as a social norm which it is possible to impose under compulsion. The notion ‘compulsion’, however, should be construed in a way that would permit it to be used in both the positivist theory of law and that based on natural law. Natural law is not an array of ultimate legal norms, but it manifests itself in practical reasoning which recognizes rules that substantiate existential goals in a given society with regard to all of its economic and social conditions. Natural law grows as culture and social bonds develop, especially social awareness of the members, yet it is not equal to these social factors. It provides an opportunity for a critical evaluation of the existing economic relations as well as social relations in general. In terms of natural law, this means that practical reason is tuned to the content which is ultimately related to the existential goals of man. The timeless character of natural law does not hinge upon an ultimate formulation of fundamental legal norms but rather on the dynamic power of practical reason so that it should be possible to formulate legal norms anew which would permit a realization of existential goals of man, using both external and internal (i.e. experience of values) types of experience.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2010, 20, 1; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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