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Детерминанты электорального поведения граждан Украины
Шурко, Оксана
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
электоральное поведение
электоральный выбор
методологический подход
политическая культура
zachowanie wyborcze
wybór wyborczy
podejście metodologiczne
kultura polityczna
electoral behavior
electoral choice
methodological approach
political culture
Осуществлен анализ основных теоретико-методологических исследований электорального поведения и факторов, которые на него влияют. Рассмотрено влияние средств массовой коммуникации и информации на массовое сознание и электоральное поведение.
Dokonano analizy podstawowych badań teoretyczno-metodologicznych nad zachowaniami wyborczymi oraz przesłankami które je kształtują. Wskazano także wpływ mediów i informacji na świadomość społeczną i zachowania wyborcze.
The analysis of the main theoretical and methodological researches of electoral behavior and factors influencing it has been carried out. The influence of mass communication and information on mass consciousness and electoral behavior is considered.
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal; 2019, 1; 283-296
Pojawia się w:
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Соціально-психологічна гармонізація молоді у політичному часо-просторі
Socio-psychological harmonization of youth in political time-space
Федорков (Fedorkov), Олександр (Oleksandr)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
політична культура
екстремістські організації
political culture
extremist organizations
The article considers the description of the developed training program, which is aimed at optimizing the political behavior of young people and neutralizing the potential of their political conflict. It is determined that neutralizing the potential of political conflict among young people requires a number of measures, in particular, at the stage of providing educational services, which should include both educational and counseling activities aimed at optimizing the political behavior of young people. It is proved that an effective mechanism to counteract this and neutralize the destructive influences of extremist organizations is to increase the political culture and maturity of the political identity of the younger generation, namely the development of its political activity in line with democratic initiatives and political identity of the younger generation. stimulating youth participation. And the main forms of implementation of this are the involvement of young people in public administration, namely the internship of students in order to develop the necessary professional qualities and prepare for further work in local governments. It is also important to involve the most active youth representatives in community councils or advisory bodies, which will also help them to develop the professional skills needed to work in this field. It is determined that, given the multinational and multi-religious composition of modern Ukrainian society, it is especially important to hold mass events aimed at forming a tolerant attitude of young people to different cultures and traditions and non-acceptance of any manifestations of intolerance and discrimination. It was found that the most effective socio-psychological tool for harmonizing the political behavior of young people is to conduct appropriate training aimed at forming a mature political culture that will provide a tolerant attitude and constructive ways to overcome political contradictions and conflicts. The developed program of socio-psychological training, aimed at harmonizing the political behavior of young people and neutralizing conflicts in the political space, includes the following 5 sessions. The study concludes that the implementation of this training program will increase the maturity of political identity of young people and, as a result of optimizing their political behavior and developing skills of constructive interaction in society in situations of political contradictions and conflicts, significantly reduce their potential for political conflict.
У статті розглянута описати розроблена тренінгові програма, яка спрямована на оптимізацію політичної поведінки молодих людей та нейтралізацію потенціалу їх політичної конфліктності. Визначено, що нейтралізація потенціалу політичної конфліктності молоді потребує проведення цілої низки заходів, зокрема, на етапі надання освітніх послуг, які мають охоплювати як просвітницьку, так і консультативно-тренінгову діяльність, спрямовану на оптимізацію політичної поведінки молодих людей. Доведено, що дієвим механізмом протидії цьому та нейтралізації деструктивних впливів екстремістських організацій є підвищення політичної культури та зрілості політичної ідентичності молодого покоління, а саме розвиток його політичної активності у напрямку демократичних ініціатив та стимулювання участі молодих людей у суспільно-політичній діяльності держави. А основними формами реалізації цього є залучення молодих людей до роботи у сфері державного управління, а саме проведення стажувань для студентів з метою розвитку необхідних професійних якостей та підготовки до подальшої роботи в органах місцевого самоврядування. Важливим є також залучення найбільш активних представників молоді до роботи у громадських радах або консультативних органах, що також сприятиме розвитку в них необхідних для роботи у даній галузі професійних вмінь та навичок. Визначено, що враховуючи багатонаціональний та поліконфесійний склад сучасного українського суспільства особливої значущості набуває проведення масових заходів, спрямованих на формування у молодих людей толерантного ставлення до різноманітних культур і традицій та неприйняття будь-яких проявів нетерпимості та дискримінації. З’ясовано, що найбільш дієвим соціально-психологічним інструментом гармонізації політичної поведінки молоді є проведення відповідних тренінгів, спрямованих на формування зрілої політичної культури, яка відповідним чином передбачатиме толерантне ставлення та конструктивні шляхи подолання політичних суперечностей і конфліктів. Розроблена програма соціально-психологічного тренінгу, спрямованого на гармонізацію політичної поведінки молоді та нейтралізацію конфліктних провів у політичному просторі охоплює в собі наступні 5 занять. В процесі дослідження зроблені висновки, що реалізація зазначеної тренінгової програми сприятиме підвищенню зрілості політичної ідентичності молодих людей та, в результаті оптимізації їх політичної поведінки та формування навичок конструктивної взаємодії у соціумі в ситуаціях політичних суперечностей та конфліктів, суттєвим чином знизить потенціал їх політичної конфліктності.
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe; 2022, 5(2); 33-40
Pojawia się w:
Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Роль державних нагород у процесі формування вітчизняної політичної свідомості та культури
The role of public awards in the process of formation of domestic political consciousness and culture
Пахолок, Василь
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
state awards,
political consciousness,
political culture,
hero of Ukraine,
awards policy,
political and cultural values
It was examined state awards as a resource of influence on the process of formation of political consciousness and culture. It was revealed the specificity of the use of state awards in the national political and cultural practice. The niche of state awards institutionally is in the structure of political symbols, and therefore entirely covers the functions of political symbols. Communication means, control and cognitive function is distinguished among the most significant general-symbolic functions. However, state awards have their inherent and own functions: political, stimulating, ideological, social, symbolic, diplomatic. It was found out that the modern domestic awards practice has traditional affinity with the period of Soviet statehood which left a significant political and cultural imprint, although work on the creation of the national awards system in Ukraine began immediately after proclamation of independence. State awards obtained their legal definition on March 16, 2000 with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On State Awards of Ukraine". By that time a rather holistic system of distinctions has already been formed which could mark the merits of almost all spheres of public life. This law distinguishes such types of awards: Hero of Ukraine title; order; medal; nominal firearms award; honorary title of Ukraine; state prize of Ukraine; presidential award. The title of the Hero of Ukraine is the highest degree of distinction, its assignment, depending on the grounds, includes the awarding of an order of the "Golden Star" - for doing a prominent heroic act, or an order of the state - for outstanding work achievements. Often, presenting of state awards is an artificial attempt to create a cause for strengthening the social image of the government among the public, and in particular the wide range of awardees. So, six medals out of ten in Ukraine are commemorative and jubilee. Typically, the number of people presented by them is measured by hundreds or even by thousands. They are presented not for a particular merit, but as a reminder that the authorities are aware of pre-committed heroic deeds or events and persons involved in them. At the same time such awards represent a form of historical memory, contribute to emphasizing certain events of the past. In general the use of state awards as a mechanism of ranking political and historical priorities is a widespread world practice. In this context the Polish "East Cross" award is a sign of gratitude, respect and memory for those people who helped the Poles who were persecuted because of their nationality in the East in the years 1937-1959. The initiators of the award introduction focused on the award Yad Vashem - "Righteous among the Nations". The political and cultural orientation of state awards is also seen in the nomination of state awards. There are four state awards: Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine, State Prize of Ukraine in the field of architecture, Oleksandr Dovzhenko State Prize of Ukraine, State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education are oriented at leaders who are capable by virtue of their profession to convey a certain ideology to the society. And only the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology allows nomination of representatives of other professions. Each system of state awards under the condition of well-balanced domestic policy is formed in accordance with the strategic directions of social development and coordinates the demands of the society with the state interests. The lack of such coordination can cause a crisis of legitimacy of awards and as a consequence - distrust of state institutions, doubt in correctness of public policy and social justice. The authority of state awards and accordingly their positive influence on the political consciousness of society greatly undermine misunderstandings that arise periodically around their awarding. So, despite significant cultural devaluation, state awards are not only a political symbol, an attribute of the country, stimulus for hard work and an effective resource of influence on formation of political consciousness. With proper information campaign, schooling and education, the positive effect of this resource can be strengthened in times. Qualitative visualization of award procedures should be ensured by using the potential of political rituals with broad involvement of the media. Presenting with high state awards must be the subject of television shows and be displayed in systematically adjusted social advertising.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2017, 7; 245-253
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Трансформация и электоральные ожидания белорусского общества 2017-2020 гг.
Political transformation of the Belarusian society at the present stage of development in 2017-2020
Transformacja i oczekiwania wyborcze białoruskiego społeczeństwa w latach 2017-2020
Гавриков, Андрей
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
public opinion
direct actions
virtualization of political struggle
political culture
political conciousness
общественное мнение
политический раскол
виртуализация политической борьбы
политическая культура
политическое сознание
На основе вторичного анализа эмпирических данных информационно-аналитического центра при Администрации Президента Республики Беларусь и Института социологии НАН Беларуси, а также ЦИСПИ БГУ и Социологической лабораторией ГГТУ им. П.О. Сухого автором рассматриваются мониторинги и зондажи политического намерения участия населения в политике страны 2017-2020 гг., а также отношения населения к важнейшим политическими событиям 2017-2020 гг. Отмечен быстрый уровень политизации населения и роста политического сознания и культуры.
The actualization of this problem is due to the rapid socio-political changes in public opinion in 2017-2020. Based on secondary analysis of empirical data of the information analytical center at the presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus and the Institute of sociology of NAS of Belarus, BSU CISPI and the Sociological Laboratory of the University conducted monitoring and probing of the political intention of the population's participation in the political life of the country in 2017-2020, as well as the attitude of the population to the most important political events in 2017-2020. The rapid level of politicization of the population and the growth of political consciousness and culture is noted.
DOCTRINA. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne; 2022, 19, 19; 187-200
Pojawia się w:
DOCTRINA. Studia Społeczno-Polityczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Мімікрія як деструктивний чинник політичної культури українського суспільства
Mimikra jako destrukcyjny czynnik w kulturze politycznej ukraińskiego społeczeństwa
Бобрук, Алла
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
political mimicry,
political culture,
political consciousness
The article deals with important issues related with the sustainable existence of the Ukrainian society such negative phenomena as social and political mimicry. It considers that political mimicry is generally destructive,and facilitates the adaptation of political actors and their manipulation under citizens consciousness. It is shown that the nature of political mimicry is associated with the necessity of the struggle for power conservation status by political elite. The author defines political mimicry as a means of self-protection in crisis situations. This paper investigates the reasons for political mimicry existence in Ukrainian society, among them the author names „post soviet union „ attributes which are present in Ukrainian politics mental attitudes and behaviors at the level of elites. The author thinks that the main factors, both important components of Ukrainian society political culture which would provide immunity from political mimicry should be considered : the formation and development of public protest activities which demonstrate the appropriate level of political consciousness and culture and the activity of politically critical thinking citizens, specifically reflecting their political consciousness. Nowadays it should be an important feature of Ukrainian society political culture, especially in the context of mimicry politicians activity recognition. Besides it is important to establish real institution of political responsibility in Ukrainian society.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 174-182
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kulturowe źródła konfliktu politycznego w Polsce
Cultural roots of political conflict in Poland
Zybała, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
culture, cultural conflict, history, sociology, political science
kultura, konflikt kulturowy, historia, socjologia, nauka o polityce
The author describes the foundation of political conflict in Poland, which has become increasingly intensive in recent years. He argues that it has cultural roots. It is a cultural conflict in the sense that the competing political blocks strive to force their rivals to follow their values and lifestyle. These blocks compete to acquire ownership of the entire institutional system within the state and the values it is based on. They also strive to build an entirely different model of the state than that supported by their opponents. The author claims that two camps have been formed with relatively distinct characteristics and deeply rooted cultural biases: traditionalist-conservative and liberal (like Weber’s ideal type). However, a significant number of citizens do not belong to either of them, but they are not the ones who have caused the dynamics of political conflict during the last decade.
Autor charakteryzuje podłoże konfliktu politycznego w Polsce, który rozgrywa się od kilkunastu lat, a w ostatnim czasie przybiera na sile. Konflikt ten jest silnie zakorzeniony kulturowo. Ma on charakter kulturowy w tym znaczeniu, że rywalizujące obozy starają się wymusić na drugiej stronie dostosowanie się do własnych wzorów życia i wartości. Walczą o własność całego systemu instytucjonalnego państwa i o wartości, na których jest on ufundowany, o jego zupełnie odmienny charakter niż ten, który proponują oponenci. Autor wskazuje na uformowanie się dwóch bloków o dość głęboko zakorzenionych cechach/skłonnościach kulturowych – tradycjonalistyczno- -konserwatywnego oraz liberalnego (rozumiane jako typy idealne). Znaczna część obywateli nie mieści się w tych podziałach, ale to nie oni nadają dynamikę konfliktowi politycznemu ostatniej dekady.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2019, 68, 3; 185-205
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rok 1933. Oprawa obchodów 400. rocznicy urodzin Stefana Batorego i 250-lecia Odsieczy Wiedeńskiej na Kresach Wschodnich
1933. The ceremonial setting of the 400th birthday of Stefan Batory and the 250th anniversary of the Relief of Vienna in the Borderlands
Zgliński, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
20th Century religious ceremonies
20th Century occasional decorations
state ceremony
political iconography
historical politics
20th Century Polish culture
The year 1933, which marked the 15th anniversary of Polish independence, also saw the celebrations of the 400th birthday of Stefan Batory and the 250th anniversary of the Relief of Vienna led by King Jan III Sobieski. Both events allowed for a wide campaign of pro- paganda for the Sanation movement’s updated political programme, clad in historical analogies, especially in the context of Eastern policy. For this reason, the ceremonies organized in the Borderlands, a particular lieux de mémoire associated with great kings, who were seen in official historical politics as natural harbingers of Józef Piłsudski, took on a special character. This provided an excellent opportunity for the propaganda of the Polish civilizing mission in the East and the promotion of the idea of Poland as a superpower. The main ceremonies com- memorating Stefan Batory were organized in Grodno, where the monarch died in the historic castle in 1586. These celebrations, broadcast by radio and widely reported by the press, were attended by President Ignacy Mościcki and many national and local dignitaries, ministers, senators, deputies, voivodes, bishops, generals etc. Lavish occasional decorations, saturated with specific symbolism, were set up as modern- ized late 16th-century architectural stylizations. The activities of the Grodno Castle reconstruction committee were officially inaugurated on the 350th anniversary of Batory’s death. Even more magnificent were the two-day festivities commemorating the Victory at Vienna organized in Olesko, which overshadowed the central celebrations in Kraków. The programme of the ceremony proclaimed that “a deed of European importance – by King Jan III and the then-superpower Poland – must be reflected by a programme of celebrations of its 250-year anniver- sary on a superpower scale”. An extensive open-air spectacle was organized with the participation of thousands of extras, including soldiers in historical costumes, several hundred fire brigades, scouts and aviation squadrons. Particularly spectacular was the especially arranged musical performance combined with night illuminations. These celebrations were enhanced by other accompanying events such as the Star Automobile and Motorcycle Rally and the sightseeing rally On the Trail of Sobieski. In other Borderland towns such as Tarnopol the jubilee was celebrated on a smaller scale, where a number of outdoor events were organized under the umbrella name Harvest Festival of King Jan III and the Arrival of the Austrian Emperor’s Legation with a Request for the Relief of Vienna.
Rocznik Historii Sztuki; 2020, 45; 171-183
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Sztuki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modus operandi komunikowania politycznego
Zdybel, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
politische Kommunikation
politische Kultur
political communication
political culture
mass media
komunikowanie polityczne
kultura polityczna
media masowe
Der Artikel setzt sich zum Ziel, die Eigenart (spezifische Merkmale) der politischen Kommunikation und ihre Bedeutung für das richtige Funktionieren der demoliberalen Politik zu zeigen. Im gegenwärtigen politischen Raum haben wir mit einer "kollektiven Hysterie" zu tun, die ihre Quelle im allgemeinen Unverständnis von grundsätzlichen politischen Ideen hat. Politische Kommunikation soll dem entgegenwirken, indem sie bestimmte positive ˗ informative, bildende, identifizierende, integrative und mobilisierende ˗ Funktionen erfüllt. So die Idee. Die Praxis ist jedoch anders. Die Medialisierung der Politik bewirkt eine Deformierung dieser Idee. Zu festen Bestandteilen der politischen Kommunikation gehören heutzutage Desinformation, Provokation, Lüge, Manipulation. Das führt zur Schlussfolgerung, dass die politische Kommunikation in jetziger Gestalt zur Erosion der politischen Kultur beiträgt, statt sie auf ein höheres Niveau zu heben.
The aim of this article is to reveal the intricacy (characteristic traits) of the political communication and its significance for the proper functioning of demo - liberal politics. On the modern political scene we constantly encounter a “mass hysteria”. Its source is a common misunderstanding attached to the basic political ideas. The phenomenon of political communication is obviously supposed to counter and solve such problems.  Moreover, it contains certain specific, positive functions: informational, educational, and those of identifying, integrating, mobilizing which stand as the core of the idea, in theory. In practice, the constant elements of contemporary political communications are: misinformation, provocation, lie and manipulation. The conclusion is the following: political communication in politics, instead of raising it to a higher cultural level, unfortunately contributes to the decay of the political culture.
Celem artykułu jest ujawnienie specyfiki (charakterystycznych cech) komunikowania politycznego oraz jego znaczenia dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania demoliberalnej polityki. We współczesnej przestrzeni politycznej mamy bowiem do czynienia ze „zbiorową histerią”. Jej źródłem jest powszechne nierozumienie podstawowych idei politycznych. Komunikowanie polityczne, z założenia, ma temu przeciwdziałać. Przypisano mu bowiem określone, pozytywne funkcje: informacyjną, edukacyjną, identyfikacyjną, integracyjną, mobilizacyjną. Taka jest jego idea. Praktyka jest inna. Medializacja polityki skutkuje wypaczeniem tej idei. Stałymi elementami komunikowanie politycznego są teraz: dezinformacja, prowokacja, kłamstwo, manipulacja. Wniosek jest taki, że komunikowanie polityczne, tym kształcie, zamiast podnosić kulturę polityczną na wyższy poziom, przyczynia się do jej erozji.
Kultura i Wartości; 2018, 26
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Wartości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie muzyki rozrywkowej w pierwszym i trzecim obiegu w polskiej kulturze muzycznej lat 80.
The functioning of popular music in the first and third circulation in the 80s Polish musical culture
Wyżga, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Koło Naukowe Studentów Muzykologii UJ
Polish rock music
political opposition
alternative culture
Rock is a kind of popular music, which is destined to the young and is played by the young, and intended for mass media publishing. It's a characteristic phenomenon for youth culture of the second half of 20th century. With the help of developing new technology, rock gained global popularity also in Poland, especially in 1980's, which is called the ‘boom of Polish rock music’. That unexpected growth of rock popularity was caused by cultural, social and economic factors. A very special role was played by the circulations of culture. In Poland of 1980's, we had three circulations: the first one (official culture), the second one (political opposition) and the third one (alternative culture). Famous rock bands, which composed in the West, earned a lot of money by promoting their singles, playing concerts and selling albums, so they could not only live comfortably, but also record better albums in good studios, with the best instruments. In Poland, the bands which played in Polish People's Republic didn't have such an opportunity – their popularity depended on the government, and the salaries were given according to the results of the exam of theoretical knowledge and general musical skills. The media tried to break the monopoly of the government (e.g. Program 3 of Polish Radio or ‘Non Stop’ magazine). The third circulation, equated especially with punk culture, developed in underground and on independent stages. It was characterized by raising issues which were ‘banned’ in the official culture. It was manifested in the message of the words of songs, but also in magazines created by fans or musicians (fanzin). A very interesting phenomenon were also music festivals, which, despite the political situation, gave a lot of freedom to musicians and the audience. This publication is a compilation of information collected by other researchers and also an extract of the BA thesis of the author of this text.
Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ; 2014, 3(22); 4-21
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od PRON-u do Europarlamentu. Polscy sportowcy w polityce
Woźniak, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Polish politics, former athletes, political careers, Polish members of parliament, celebrity culture and politics
The subject raised in the article concerns two sociological subdisciplines: sociology of sport and sociology of politics and political science. The author focuses on the topic which was absent in Polish academic literature, i.e. political careers of former athletes, coaches and sport officials. The sample of eighteen cases was collected and analysed for the purpose of this article. The data was extracted from the multitude of resources: archives of mass-media, official archives of Polish parliament, public statements of politicians, their biographies and/or autobiographies. Several non-mutually exclusive interpretations of the phenomenon of political careers of ex athletes are discussed in reference to the collected empirical data.
Artykuł lokuje się na pograniczu dwóch socjologicznych subdyscyplin: socjologii sportu i socjologi polityki oraz nauk o polityce. Podejmuje temat nieobecny dotąd w polskiej literaturze przedmiotu, tj. kwestię karier politycznych ludzi sportu: byłych sportowców i sportsmenek oraz trenerów i działaczy sportowych. W wyselekcjonowanej na potrzeby artykułu próbie znalazło się dziewiętnaścioro polityków. Materiał źródłowy objęty analizą został pozyskany z różnych źródeł: z archiwów mass mediów, z oficjalnych serwisów z zasobami archiwalnymi polskiego parlamentu, z publicznych wypowiedzi sportowców-polityków oraz ich biografii i autobiografii. Kilka –niewykluczających się – interpretacji zjawiska politycznych karier ekssportowców zaprezentowano i rozważono w odniesieniu do zgromadzonego materiału empirycznego.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2020, 27, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola organizacji społecznych na polu mobilizacji politycznej polskiego wychodźstwa powojennego na przykładzie udziału emigracyjnego Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego w organizacji obchodów rocznic i świąt państwowych
The Role of Social Organisations in Political Mobilization of the Polish Post-War Emigration on the Example of the Participation of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association in Exile in Organising Celebrations of Anniversaries and State Holidays
Wierzbicki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
political mobilization
Polish political emigration
Polish Scouting and Guiding Association outside the Country
celebration of national anniversaries and state holidays
political rituals
political culture
mobilizacja polityczna
polska emigracja polityczna
Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego działający poza granicami Kraju
świętowanie rocznic i świąt państwowych
rytuały polityczne
kultura polityczna
Artykuł ukazuje rolę organizacji społecznych powstałych na emigracji politycznej Polaków po II wojnie światowej w dziedzinie mobilizacji politycznej polskiego wychodźstwa powojennego. Problematyka mobilizowania do działalności w życiu politycznym w tym środowisku została przedstawiona na przykładzie udziału Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego poza Polską w organizacji obchodów rocznic i świąt państwowych, w tym wpływu jego działalności na zaangażowanie oraz kulturę polityczną polskich emigrantów.
The article shows the role of social organisations formed within the communities of Polish political emigrants after World War II in the field of political mobilization of Polish post-war emigration. The problem of mobilising for activity in political life in this community was presented on the example of the participation of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association outside Poland in organising the celebration of anniversaries of important historical events and national holidays, including the impact of these activities on the involvement and political culture of Polish emigrants.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2019, 51, 2; 135-152
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz kultury chłopskiej w myśli politycznej wybranych partii ludowych działających w II Rzeczypospolitej
The image of peasant culture in the political thought of selected people’s parties of the Second Polish Republic
Крестьянская культура в политической мысли избранных народных (крестьянских) партий, действующих во Второй Речи Посполитой
Wichmanowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
political thought
peasant’s creativity
people’s movement
Second Polish Republic
политическая мысль
крестьянское творчество
народное (крестьянское) движение
Вторая Речь Посполитая
Culture formed a significant element of political thought of every major political movement, both during the final years of partition of Poland, and after it regained its independence. The scope of interest of people’s parties covered almost everything that had a rural context, relating to the many millions of peasants. The present article analyzes the program assumptions of the Polish People’s Party “Piast” [Pol. Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe “Piast”], Polish People’s Party “Wyzwolenie” [Pol. Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe “Wyzwolenie”], Peasant’s Party [Pol. Stronnictwo Chłopskie] and the People’s Party [Pol. Stronnictwo Ludowe] relating to the aforesaid category of political sciences. These parties played a significant role in the history of people’s movement, influencing the shape of the recreated Polish state during the interwar bi-decade. The political thought of people’s parties aimed at bestowing the peasant’s culture with both autonomous, and nationwide value. These ideological assumptions were included in the political programs of people’s parties.
Культура являлась важным элементом политической мысли каждого из крупных политических движений периода конца Разделов и затем в независимой Польше. Интерес народных партий к культуре охватывал все, что имело деревенский, крестьянский контекст и относилось к многомиллионным крестьянским массам. Предметом анализа в данной статье являются программные положения Польской крестьянской партии «Пяст», Польской крестьянской партии «Освобождение» („Wyzwolenie”), Крестьянской партии и Народной партии (Stronnictwo Ludowe) относительно рассматриваемой политологической категории. В межвоенное двадцатилетие эти партии сыграли существенную роль в истории народного (крестьянского) движения и оказали влияние на строй возрожденной Польши. Политическая мысль народных (крестьянских) партий стремилась придать кре¬стьянской культуре ее автономные и, одновременно, общенародные ценности. Такие идеологические положения вошли в политические программы народных (крестьянских) партий.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2020, 2(25); 177-203
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawosławie jako element kultury politycznej na współczesnej Ukrainie
Православ’я як елемент політичної культури в сучасній Україні
Wawrzonek, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
Orthodox Church,
political culture,
Kenneth Jowitt,
system of nomenclature,
The aim of the article is to analyse the place and importance of the Orthodox Church in the political culture of Ukraine after 1991. The term “political culture” is understood in accordance with the approach suggested by Kenneth Jowitt. It allows for a fairly good understanding of the reasons for which institutions and symbols associated with the Orthodox religion are so heavily involved in the political life of Ukraine. The article briefly characterizes the most important factors that make up the specificity of Ukrainian post-Soviet political culture. These are: the system of nomenclature (at the level of the elites), neopatrimonialism (at the level of the regime) and the consequences of Sovietization (at the level of the community). The way that Orthodoxy is present in behaviour and social practice which make up political culture at each of these levels is analysed in the subsequent part of the article. It seems that its effect on the political culture of Ukraine is ambivalent. This means that in some areas Orthodoxy is conducive to maintaining fixed patterns and mechanisms characteristic of post-Soviet reality, while in others it is a catalyst for change, which means implementing practices and social elements of the Western European model of political culture.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2015, 5; 208-219
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Pomimo wszystko, rodzinna Europa”? Polska wobec Zachodu w eseistyce Czesława Miłosza
A ‘Family Europe’ in Spite of Everything? - Poland and the West in Miłosz’s Essays
Wawak, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Czesław Miłosz
Polish political culture
Poland and the West
kultura polityczna Polaków
Polska a Zachód
This article is a description of the relation between Polish culture and the West in Czeslaw Milosz’s thought, and an attempt to answer the question of its relevance to the current social situation and the mentality of Poles. Milosz noted that Polish culture is characterized by gentleness. He pointed out the difference between the twentieth century social and political experiences of Poles and of citizens of the West, and for this reason distanced himself from nihilism in post-war France and materialism in the United States in the sixties. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the penetration of Western cultural patterns is visible in Poland. However, despite the change of the political system, the same traits that characterized Poles in the mid-twentieth century are also observable. Poles, being unable to find their identity in the new social and political conditions, are still looking for a model for their culture.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2013, 57, 2; 197-209
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kultura polityczna pogranicza w okresie przemian
Political culture of the border region in the time of transition
Wasilewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
kultura polityczna
transformacja systemowa
pogranicze, polityka
political culture
system transformation
local politics
Political culture is a broad and capacious term. For the purposes of this article I have acknowledged that it is a set of views, attitudes and beliefs prevalent in a given community. Analyzing from this angle the behavior of the inhabitants of the land of Brandenburgia and the former Gorzowskie Voyvodship, I have tried to demonstrate common features, as well as differences between the communities of the border region. Both communities had to cope with a difficult period of system transformation, which in addition to benefits, posed a lot of problems.
Język. Religia. Tożsamość; 2016, 1(13); 255-266
Pojawia się w:
Język. Religia. Tożsamość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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