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On the Subject of Testamentary Burden against the Background of German Law
Trzewik, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
testamentary burden
Polish law
German law
The making of a last will and testament by a testator is an act in law. The testator is entitled to make specific dispositions to execute their last will, such as identifying an heir, making ordinary or vindication legacies, or appointing an executor of the will. At the same time, the number of potential aims intended to be achieved by the testator corresponds to the number of possible life situations that cannot be resolved through the testator’s dispositions regarding their estate. It is therefore necessary to equip the testator with such legal means that will allow them to achieve both material and non-material objectives. This is the role of the institution of testamentary burden. It has been regulated in the Polish legal system only superficially; therefore, the author refers to the legacy of German legislation to offer a better understanding of the solution.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2021, 47, 4; 83-105
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish Women Experiencing Infertility in the face of Legal and Ethical Dilemmas – A Research Report
Polskie kobiety doświadczające niepłodności w obliczu prawnych i etycznych dylematów – doniesienie z badań
Dembińska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
polish law
ethical dilemmas
The aim of the conducted studies was to learn about the opinions of women suffering from infertility regarding the most controversial issues connected with assisted reproduction, which are still being publicly discussed in Poland, despite the Act from 2015 regulating these issues. The studies compared opinions of women in different stages of experiencing infertility. The studied group comprised of 884 women: undergoing treatment, raising a child (born as a result of treatment or adopted), undergoing adoption procedures and those who decided to remain childless. The Attitudes Towards Bioethical Problems of Infertility Scale was an original tool used in the studies. Polish women have liberal views on most ethically controversial issues. The tested subjects had conservative views on the issue of IVF availability for homosexual couples (over 60% of subjects had conservative views) and IVF availability for unmarried couples (over 40% of subjects had conservative views). A comparison of opinions regarding the bioethical dilemmas of women on different stages of infertility revealed some interesting and statistically significant results (p < .001). Techniques where the partner’s cells are used were widely accepted (over 80%), contrary to techniques where a donor’s cells are used (accepted by approx. 40% of the subjects). Significant information concerning bioethical dilemmas on infertility treatment can be used to predict decisions concerning the course of infertility treatment. The gathered opinions constitute an important voice in the public debate on legal regulations in the area of bioethical issues connected with assisted reproduction.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było poznanie opinii kobiet cierpiących na niepłodność wodniesieniu do najbardziej kontrowersyjnych zagadnień związanych z reprodukcją wspomaganą, która nadal jest przedmiotem publicznej dyskusji w Polsce pomimo ustawy z 2015 r.regulującej te kwestie.Badania porównują opinie kobiet na różnych etapach przeżywania niepłodności. Badana grupa składała się z 884 kobiet: poddawanych leczeniu, wychowujących dziecko (urodzone dzięki leczeniu lub adopcyjne), przechodzących przez procedury adopcyjne i tych, które postanowiły pozostać bezdzietne. Postawy wobec bioetycznych problemów wniepłodności badano przy użyciu autorskiej skali. Polskie kobiety mają zróżnicowane poglądy na temat najbardziej kontrowersyjnych etycznie kwestii. Osoby badane przejawiały najbardziej konserwatywne poglądy wobec dostępności IVF dla par homoseksualnych (ponad 60% badanych miało poglądy konserwatywne) oraz dostępności IVF dla osób niezamężnych (ponad 40% badanych miało poglądy konserwatywne). Porównanie opinii na temat dylematów bioetycznych kobiet wróżnych fazach niepłodności ujawnia interesujące istatystyczne istotne wyniki (p < ,001). Techniki wspomaganego rozrodu zwykorzystywania komórek partnera były bardzo szeroko akceptowane (ponad 80%), wprzeciwieństwie do technik, w których wykorzystuje się komórki dawcy (zaakceptowane przez ok. 40% badanych). Istotne informacje dotyczące dylematów bioetycznych w kwestii leczenia bez-płodności mogą być wykorzystywane do przewidywania decyzji co do przebiegu leczenia niepłodności. Zebrane opinie stanowią ważny głos wpublicznej debacie na temat przepisów prawnych w zakresie bioetyki związanych z reprodukcją wspomaganą.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica; 2017, 10; 61-68
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The scope of standardization of the protection of national colors in the Polish law, the Italian law and the Community legislation
Zakres standaryzacji ochrony barw narodowych w prawie polskim, prawie włoskim i prawodawstwie wspólnotowym
Zych, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
European law
Italian law
Polish law
national colors
In the face of the European integration, the legal protection of national symbols enjoys momentous significance. The present turbulent times and numerous conflicts, the etiology of which is – e.g. social or political in nature – require an attempt to make a scientific overview of the situation. In this article I will examine the scope of standardization of the protection of national colors in the Polish law, the Italian law and the Community legislation. The study takes into account the historical and contemporary judicial decisions. I will try to answer the question whether the scope of protection of the Community colors in the Polish law is sufficient? The analysis of the examined normative acts has led me to the conclusion that the Polish legislator, after the restoration of independent statehood, attached a great importance to the normative grounds ensuring protection of colors of the national symbols. The Italian constitutional adjustment, compared to the Polish one in the scope of the national colors, is very sparse. Aside from the Community rules, each member state – as a result of historical development – has developed its own model of protection. The colors of the European Union are not expressly protected under the Polish normative regulations. However, de lege ferenda, I reckon that for the interests of legal certainty, the legal status in this field should be amended and relevant norms should be laid down.
W obliczu integracji europejskiej, doniosłego znaczenia nabiera prawna ochrona symboli narodowych. Współczesne czasy nie są spokojne. Liczne konflikty, których etiologia ma charakter społeczny, polityczny, nakazują próbę dokonania scjentystycznego oglądu sytuacji. W niniejszym artykule zbadam zakres normowania ochrony barw narodowych w prawie polskim i włoskim oraz wspólnotowym. W badaniach uwzględnię historyczne i współczesne orzecznictwo sądowe. Spróbuję udzielić odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, czy na gruncie prawa polskiego zakres ochrony barw wspólnotowych jest wystarczający? Analiza zbadanych aktów normatywnych doprowadziła mnie do wniosku o tym, że polski prawodawca po odzyskaniu niepodległego bytu państwowego przywiązywał dużą wagę do normatywnych podstaw mających zapewnić ochronę barwom jako symbolom narodowym. Włoska regulacja konstytucyjna, w porównaniu do polskiej, w zakresie barw narodowych jest bardzo skąpa. Pomimo regulacji wspólnotowej, każde z państw członkowskich – na skutek rozwoju historycznego – wykształciło własny model tej ochrony. Barwy Unii Europejskiej nie są expressis verbis chronione na gruncie polskich regulacji normatywnych. Moim zdaniem, de lege ferenda, dla pewności obrotu prawnego, należałoby stan prawny w tym zakresie zmienić i stosowne normy subrogować.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2018, 1 (41); 127-152
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Władza rodzicielska w prawie polskim
The parental authority in Polish law
Żołno, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
parental authority in polish law
family law
This text attempts to present the legal structure of parental authority. It is a historical description. Describes all elements of parental responsibility. Both substantive and procedural issues. First and foremost, in the text, parental authority was introduced in Polish law. The analysis has been subjected to the following terms: parental control, the content of power, deprivation, suspension, restriction and cessation of parental authority. The boundaries of that power are outlined. The problem of the Polish law concerning the family. The most important issues related to mutual rights and family responsibilities and relationships between parents and children who are not dependent on parental responsibility are discussed. The basic features of proper parental responsibility are shown. The issue of parental responsibility has been approximated.
Studia Ełckie; 2018, 20, 2; 233-248
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowoczesne standardy wymiaru sprawiedliwości
Modern standards of justice
Kluz, Piotr
Lech, Marta
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
standards of justice
international law
Polish law
In the European legal culture evolved into a model of justice. Th is model refl ects a legal tradition derived from Roman law and Canon law. It was based on the so-called principles, which include: openness of procedures, impartiality, discretion, professionalism and openness of procedures and the same proceedings. Th ereby, it aspire to objectifi cation procedural steps, while judges detach from judgments or decisions. Th ese standards have been saved in a number of acts of international law and in the constitutions of the various states, including the Constitution of Polish Republic. Modern judicial system provides advanced and equal access for all people not only to courts and tribunals but also to a just and public assessment of the case by a proper, independent and impartial court. In other words, it is one of the most fundamental human rights.
W europejskiej kulturze prawnej wykształcił się pewien model wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Jest on odzwierciedleniem tradycji prawnej, wyrosłej na gruncie prawa rzymskiego i prawa kanonicznego. Został oparty na tak zwanych zasadach, do których zalicza się: jawność postepowania, bezstronność, dyskrecja, profesjonalizm oraz jawność procedur i samych postępowań. Przestrzeganie tych zasad ma na celu dążność do obiektywizacji czynności procesowych i oderwanie sędziów od subiektywnych ocen czy decyzji. Standardy te zostały zapisane w wielu aktach prawa międzynarodowego, a także w konstytucjach poszczególnych państw, w tym w Konstytucji RP. Nowoczesny wymiar sprawiedliwości zapewnia na wyższym poziomie równy dostęp wszystkich ludzi do sądów i trybunałów oraz do sprawiedliwego i publicznego rozpatrzenia sprawy przez właściwy, niezależny i bezstronny sąd. Jest to jednocześnie jedno z najbardziej fundamentalnych praw człowieka.
Journal of Modern Science; 2015, 25, 2; 289-296
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Europeanisation of Polish Law Following Poland’s Accession to the European Union
Robert, Grzeszczak,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
European Union
Polish law
European law
multicentric law
The article concerns primarily the effects of the membership of the European Union on national (Polish) law and, to a limited extent, on the political system of a state. The conclusions presented in the article are of universal value. Although the article deals with Polish affairs, the principles, tendencies and consequences identified are typical of the relationship state – the EU, both before and after accession, regardless of the state concerned. It should be, however, noted that the path to membership and the membership itself are different in each case. The practice of the Polish membership of the European Union, its systemic dimension and the changes in the national legal system (Europeanisation) do not differ significantly than in the case of other Member States. Europeanisation of Polish law, politics, economy, culture and society has been in progress since the 1990s. One can differentiate between two stages of Europeanisation: before and after Poland’s EU accession, each characterised by different conditions. Over time, this process, on the whole, has been undergoing numerous changes but it has never weakened in importance. Poland faces issues such as poor legitimation of integration processes, supremacy of the government over the parliament, passivity of parliamentary committees in controlling the government and EU institutions in the decision making process, as well as dilution of responsibility for decisions taken within the EU. The process of Europeanisation relies mostly on direct application of the standards of EU law in the national legal system, implementation of directives into national law and harmonisation or standardisation of national legal solutions so that they comply with the EU framework. It is also reception of a common, European (Union) axiology.
Studia Iuridica; 2017, 71; 61-71
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Who owns art? - The problem of trade in cultural objects
Piaskowska, Martyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
cultural property
international law system
Polish law system
The aim of the study is to evaluate the issue of trade in the scope of cultural objects. Presenting the selected topic the author focuses on the notion of cultural property, international instruments for protecting cultural goods and the Polish law system.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2014, 4; 79-85
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
When a State Is a Party to a Dispute – (Court-)Administrative Mediation in Poland and in Ukraine (A Comparative Perspective)
Kalisz, Anna
Serhieieva, Alina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
administrative and court-administrative mediation
Polish law
Ukrainian law
Ukraine’s status as a candidate country for the European Union membership reinforces the need for comparative analysis between Ukrainian regulations and the laws of other EU Member States, as well as European regulations. One of the fields of comparative law is the development of mediation as a legal institution, also in cases when the state is involved – for disputes covered by administrative law. This has already been a subject of interest and promotion of both the EU and the Council of Europe, as European standards of democracy provide for the state’s cooperation with citizens/individuals. The aim of this article is – firstly – to compare the current development of mediation in administrative and court-administrative cases in Poland and in Ukraine, the similarities in successes and challenges, and – secondly – to determine to what extent both countries follow the latest CEPEJ guidelines. Although the state of research and literature on this subject is advanced in Poland and slightly less satisfactory in Ukraine, a comparative overview of this type of mediation regulations can be considered a novum. As for methodology, the paper is dominated by the logical-linguistic method, although some conclusions were drawn on the basis of both statistics and participant observation, i.e. the authors’ own mediation practice. So far – although both legal systems are quite compatible with the CEPEJ guidelines examined and provide for inter-branch solutions – in both countries in question, the development of administrative and court-administrative mediation is not a “success story.” A contrario: it can be classified as developing in the least resilient manner. To some extent, Poland and Ukraine show similarities and correlations in terms of successes and challenges, as well as social and mental barriers to mediation development.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2023, 53, 2; 129-148
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miarkowanie kary umownej w Kodeksie cywilnym i wybranych aktach modelowego prawa umów
Reduction the Specified Sum to Reasonable Amount in “Contractual Penalties Clauses” in Polish Civil Code and Selected Model Acts of Contract Law
Juranek, Alexander Martin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
contractual penalties
Polish law
model law
European law
This article aims synthetically to refer to discussion between Polish academiclawyers about the controversies regarding to reduction of a specified sum in “agreed or stipulated payment for non-performance” in art. 484 § 2 of Polish Civil Code. These conclusions, resulting from the analysis of Polish private law - will be referring to the same reduction-clause in three selected acts of contracts model law: UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, the Principles of European Contract Law and the Draft Common Frame of Reference. The last part of this article contains the conclusions de lege ferenda from comparative analysis.
Forum Prawnicze; 2020, 3(59); 47-63
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Normatywna koncepcja usług ukształtowana w dorobku Unii Europejskiej
The EU Legal Concept of Services and Legal Efforts to Implement the Freedom to Provide Services
Etel, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
legal concept
freedom to provide services
EU law
Polish law
The study concerns the EU legal concept of services and freedom to provide ser- vices, as the key and the most liberal one among all the freedoms of the internal market. The basic characteristics of services developed by the EU Court of Justice and the EU and European Union Member States legal efforts are aimed at the implementation and effectiveness of the freedom to provide services. The study tends to answer the questions – how are the services in EU law understood and for what reason (or where) the adopted legal concept is difficult to put into practice? In addition, it contains comments and evaluations evaluation of efforts and de lege lata and de lege ferenda postulates. The study is based on analysis of EU law and Polish law, judgements of the EU Court of Justice and the doctrine of law on services and the freedom to provide services.
Forum Prawnicze; 2020, 1 (57); 22-35
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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