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Un poeta rinascimentale polacco nella città d’Antenore. Jan Kochanowski tra Padova e Czarnolas
A Polish Renaissance Poet in the City of Antenor. Kochanowski between Padua and Czarnolas
Lenart, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Jan Kochanowski
Natio Polona
Poles in Padua
Polish Renaissance
L’importanza del triplice viaggio di Jan Kochanowski a Padova è un tema che è stato più volte affrontato nella letteratura scientifica. I risultati di queste ricerche godono soprattutto dell’interesse di quegli studiosi che si concentrano sull’analisi dei materiali documentari e sulla ricostruzione dell’atmosfera dominante nella città chiamata spesso la rocca di Antenore. Essa conobbe nel XVI secolo il suo massimo splendore, fatto sul quale influì la politica della Repubblica di Venezia, nell’ambito della quale si cercò tra l’altro di fare di questo centro universitario e allo stesso tempo cittadino una riconoscibile meta di viaggi educativi per i giovani provenienti da tutta Europa. Per questi ultimi il contatto con un ambiente dalle alte aspirazioni intellettuali e artistiche era spesso l’inizio di una brillante carriera, sviluppata dopo il ritorno in patria. Il ricordo delle esperienze vissute durante i soggiorni a Padova ha svolto un ruolo di primo piano anche nella formazione dell’ispirazione poetica di Jan Kochanowski, ciò di cui testimoniano molti suoi testi, come ad esempio Satyr albo dziki mąż, Odprawa Posłów greckich, e il ciclo degli epigrammi. In quest’ultimo un luogo particolare è quello del tiglio attorno al quale Kochanowski organizza lo spazio del mondo reale e poetico. L’Autore dell’articolo ricerca tra l’altro le fonti italiane di questo motivo e si sofferma su altre possibili ispirazioni, che attendono analisi più approfondite in ulteriori ricerche, aldilà delle riflessioni sull’italianismo del maestro di Czarnolas.
The significance of Jan Kochanowski’s three trips to Padua has been discussed more than once in the scholarly literature. The results of these findings are especially of interest to those researchers who focus on source material analysis and recognizing the cultural atmosphere prevailing in the city often referred to as “Antenor’s city.” Padua flourished in the 16th century, influenced by the policies of the Republic of Venice, which sought to make this academic and urban center a recognizable educational destination for young men coming from all over Europe. For the latter, entering an environment of high intellectual and artistic aspirations was often the beginning of brilliant careers, developed after returning to their home countries. The memory of the experiences accumulated during Jan Kochanowski’s stay in Padua also played a major role in shaping his poetic imagination, as evidenced by many of his works, such as Satyr albo dziki mąż [Satyr or the Wild Man], Odprawa Posłów greckich [The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys], and a cycle of epigrams. In the latter, the image of a linden tree gained a special place, around which Kochanowski organized the space of the real and the poetic worlds. The author’s aim include a search for any Italian sources for this motif, and ponders other possible inspirations, which might be awaiting deeper analysis in future research, going beyond consideration of Italianism in the works of the master of Czarnolas. 
Perspektywy Kultury; 2023, 41, 2/1; 129-146
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jan Kochanowski’s Psalter – a Source of Polish Poetry and Mirror of the Human Mind
Buszewicz, Elwira
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Jan Kochanowski
poetic psalm paraphrase
Polish Renaissance
Bible translation
The article deals with Jan Kochanowski’s Psałterz Dawidów [David’s Psalter], published in 1579. This paraphrase of the biblical Psalter, intensely lyrical in its spirit, was inspired by George Buchanan’s Latin poetic paraphrase of the Psalms, which is strongly Horatianising. Kochanowski’s work can be seen as a presentation of humanist piety. That is to say that the borders between secular and sacred spaces, or even between Judeo-Christian and Pagan traditions, may seem blurred. The Psalter is also interconfessional (or “doctrinally neutral”) and acts as a universal mirror reflecting the human mind. The author analyses three of Kochanowski’s Psalms to demonstrate the intellectual and emotional space of his Psalter and its polyphonic structure: 1 (Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum), 19 (Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei) and 91 (Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi), displaying some interplays of ideas and different approaches to paraphrasing applied by the poet.
The Biblical Annals; 2023, 13, 3; 419-437
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health in writings of Polish Renaissance: One more look
Zdrowie w pismach polskiego renesansu
Smoła, Marek
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Tarnowie
literatura polskiego renesansu
aktywność fizyczna
literature of Polish Renaissance
physical activity
Krótka analiza literatury naukowej, medycznej i traktatów pedagogicznych z epoki renesansu, pozwala na wskazanie licznych wątków związanych ze zdrowiem i sprawnością fizyczną, którym swoją uwagę poświęcali polscy autorzy. Nie wszystkie ich twierdzenia były oryginalne, wiele treści powtarzali za starożytnymi uczonymi. Z drugiej strony podejmowali samodzielne rozważania, formułując – także i naiwnie – różne błędne twierdzenia. Dorobek ten wart jest dostrzeżenia. Wspominani – nie wszyscy przecież – uczeni (teoretycy i praktycy) byli w wielu przypadkach prekursorami tez i pomysłodawcami pewnych działań, które w swoim czasie bez wątpienia staną się nowatorskie.
The above short analysis of scientific and medical, medicine and didactic treaties of the age of Renaissance allows us to present numerous motifs linked to health and physical fitness, which were in the realm of interest of Polish authors. Not all their statements were original, many notions  were taken from ancient scholars. Nevertheless, Polish Renaissance writers undertook the challenge of independent deliberations over the matter of health, formulating- also in a naive way- many faulty theories. These achievements are worth acknowledging. The scholars mentioned in the above article were in many cases forerunners and originators of certain proceedings which undoubtedly in their times were innovative and ground-breaking.
Health Promotion & Physical Activity; 2022, 18, 1; 9-17
Pojawia się w:
Health Promotion & Physical Activity
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nie-obecny Nowy Testament. Do dyskusji o kształcie wyznaniowym poezji religijnej Jana Kochanowskiego
A non-existent New Testament. On the confessional aspects of Jan Kochanowski’s religious poetry
Rusnak, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Jan Kochanowski
religious poetry
the New Testament
Polish Renaissance literature
poezja religijna
Nowy Testament
literatura polskiego renesansu
The article lists all references to the New Testament characters, like Jesus Christ, Saint Peter, and Lazarus, in Jan Kochanowski’s works. To some of them additional commentaries are given, e.g. to Elegy I 10 (from the collection Elegiarum libri duo) where the scene of the betrayal of Judas is used as a warning to the bellicose pope Paul IV who intended to regain Naples. The article also points to the fragments where the presence of Christ may be seen as desirable or even necessary and yet he is conspicuous by his absence. This particularly applies to Laments, as the collection completely ignores the Christian perspective on the redemptive power of suffering. Given the scarcity of references to the New Testament in Jan Kochanowski’s works, which is even more striking when compared to the multiple references that they make to David’s psalms, the article speculates on the reasons for Kochanowski’s preferences as well as opens a broader discussion on the confessional aspects of Kochanowski’s poetry.
Prace Polonistyczne; 2021, 76; 133-154
Pojawia się w:
Prace Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contrasto tra città e campagna nella Polonia rinascimentale sullo sfondo delle aspirazioni culturali degli ex‑studenti e dei viaggiatori polacchi a Padova
A contrast between city and village in Renaissance Poland against the background of cultural aspirations of former students and Polish travellers in Padua
Lenart, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Polish Renaissance
Venetian villas
extra‑urban villas in Poland
Jan Kochanowski
renesans w Polsce
wille weneckie
wille podmiejskie w Polsce
Głębokie rozumienie istoty opozycji pomiędzy światem kultury, reprezentowanym przez miasto, oraz natury, związanej z życiem na wsi, uchwycone zostało na fresku Tycjana z 1511 roku, przedstawiającym cud Świętego Antoniego,  a rozgrywającym się na styku tych dwóch przestrzeni. Tak wyrafinowane postrzeganie tego kontrastu, charakterystyczne dla renesansu włoskiego, nie miało swojego odzwierciedlenia w Polsce, gdzie miasta oraz związane z nimi funkcjonowanie kultury dworskiej nie miały równie bogatej reprezentacji. Masowy kontakt studentów polskich, przybywających w okresie renesansu zwłaszcza do Padwy, z kulturą willi weneckich miał jednak ogromny wpływ zwłaszcza na ideowe próby odzwierciedlenia humanistycznych modeli obecnych w literaturze, sztuce oraz stylu życia, rozwijających się na terenie Italii. Artykuł przedstawia liczne przykłady takich inspiracji oraz wskazuje na ich wyjątkowość polegającą na dostosowaniu włoskich wzorców do realiów odmiennego świata wyobraźni i wrażliwości.
A deep understanding of the contradiction between the world of culture, represented by the city, and nature, connected with village life, was captured in Titian’s fresco from 1511, illustrating the miracle of Saint Anthony, which takes place on the border of these two spaces. Such a sophisticated perception of this contrast, which is typical of Italian Renaissance, did not find its equivalent in Poland, where cities and court culture were less representative. Mass contact of Polish students, who arrived especially in Padua, with the culture of Venetian villas, during the Renaissance period, had an enormous impact on ideological attempts at reflecting humanistic models in literature, art and life, which developed in Italy. The paper presents numerous examples of such inspirations and points to their uniqueness, which consists in adapting Italian models to the reality in a different world of imagination and sensitivity.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria; 2020, 20; 43-58
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiederbelebte Geschichte. Die Orgel im Dorf Saar/Szár (Ungarn)
Revived History. The Organ of Szár
Homolya, David
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Diecezjalny Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej. Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Historisierender Orgelbau
Alte Musik
Polnischer Renaissance-Orgelstil
Geschichte von Ungarn und der Slowakei
Historic-style organs
Early Music
Polish renaissance organ-style
history of Hungary and Slovakia
The Szár-organ-project aimed to approach the question “constructing organs in a historical style” from a new aspect. In the case of such instruments, it’s commonly the standard repertory that indicates the choice: the often played middle- or northern-German literature requires stereotypically something like Silbermann, Hilldebrandt or Schnitger, The French literature requires a French instrument, Italian or southern-German music sounds convincing on an Italian-type organ. It’s pretty seldom to choose an exotic model instrument with regard to its regional and historical relevance rather than to some desired repertory. The story of the late 17th-century organ in the Lutheran church in Levoča/Slovakia and that of its twin in Szár has a lot of enlightening aspects that reveal the spirit of a lost world in the heart of Europe.
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music; 2021, 4; 122-142
Pojawia się w:
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Język rozważań Sebastiana Petrycego z Pilzna o wychowaniu i edukacji bez kobiet i nie dla kobiet
The language of reflections of Sebastian Petrycy of Pilsen on upbringing and education without women, and not for women
Michalkiewicz-Gorol, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Sebastian Petrycy z Pilzna
wychowanie kobiet
edukacja kobiet
polski renesans
język koncepcji pedagogicznej
Sebastian Petrycy of Pilsen
upbringing of women
education of women
Polish Renaissance
language of pedagogical concept
This monograph is an attempt to evoke the figure of Sebastian Petrycy of Pilsen, a Polish Renaissance physician, philosopher, Aristotelik, poet and, above all, the creator of the autonomous pedagogical and philosophical concept, in the context of analysing source texts in which the author addresses issues related to the upbringing and education of women. Petrycy’s pedagogical judgments contained in the “Przydatki” to Aristotle’s writings regarding mental, moral and physical education of women should definitely be regarded as a direct continuation of the views on this issue by Aristotle and Konrad of Byczyna. The outstanding representative of the Polish Renaissance should, as it seems, know, even briefly, fragments of the texts of Quintilian, Saint. Jerome or Erasmus of Rotterdam dedicated to the education of women. Nowhere, however, in any part of Przydatki, one can point to even a hint of Petrycy’s inspiration with “Education of the speaker”, “Letter to Let” or “Conversation of the Abbot with Magdala”. Plato did not find his place at the reception of the ancient thought of upbringing women in the pedagogical concept of Sebastian Petrycy of Pilsen, either. It is Aristotle who, also in the language layer, delineates the shape and quality of the women’s world, presented by the Renaissance author of the first pedagogical and philosophical concept created for the Polish recipient.
Szkic jest próbą przywołania sylwetki Sebastiana Petrycego z Pilzna, polskiego renesansowego lekarza, filozofa, arystotelika, poety i przede wszystkim twórcy autonomicznej koncepcji pedagogiczno-filozoficznej, w kontekście analizy tekstów źródłowych, w których autor podejmuje zagadnienia związane z wychowaniem i edukacją kobiet. Rozstrzygnięcia pedagogiczne Petrycego zawarte w Przydatkach do pism Arystotelesa dotyczące kształcenia umysłowego, moralnego i fizycznego kobiet w sposób zdecydowany należy uznać za bezpośrednią kontynuację poglądów w tej kwestii Arystotelesa i Konrada z Byczyny. Wybitny przedstawiciel polskiego renesansu powinien był, jak się wydaje, znać, chociażby pobieżnie, fragmenty tekstów Kwintyliana, św. Hieronima czy Erazma z Rotterdamu poświęcone wychowaniu kobiet. Nigdzie jednak, w żadnym fragmencie Przydatków, nie można wskazać choćby cienia inspiracji Petrycego „Kształceniem mówcy”, „Listem do Lety” czy „Rozmową opata z Magdalą”. W recepcji antycznej myśli o wychowaniu kobiet w koncepcji pedagogicznej Sebastiana Petrycego z Pilzna nie znalazł również swojego miejsca Platon. To Arystoteles, także w warstwie języka, wytycza kształt i jakość świata kobiet, przedstawiony przez renesansowego autora pierwszej koncepcji pedagogiczno-filozoficznej stworzonej dla polskiego odbiorcy.
Podstawy Edukacji; 2019, 12; 95-107
Pojawia się w:
Podstawy Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Królewiec i Prusy Królewskie w życiu i twórczości Jana Kochanowskiego
Awianowicz, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Jan Kochanowski, Georg Sabinus, Königsberg, Ducal Prussia, Royal Prussia, Neo-Latin Poetry, Renaissance Polish Poetry
Königsberg and Prussia in Life and Works of Jan KochanowskiResearchers interested in Jan Kochanowski have paid little attention to the impact of German Humanism – as represented in Königsberg – on both the writing and the life of the poet. The aim of this article is: first, to present literary sources testifying to the poet’s stay in the capital of the Duchy of Prussia and his contacts with Prince Albert von Hohenzollern and humanists from the Albertina University; and second, to discuss Kochanowski’s view of Prussia (both Royal Prussia and the Duchy of Prussia) in his poems, and the possible influences of Georg Sabinus upon the Polish poet’s works. So far the connections of the Polish poet with Königsberg University (Albertina) and the court of the Prussian prince (actually duke) Albert Hohenzollern have been researched in the majority by Stanisław Kot, to whom we owe the publication of Kochanowski’s letter to the prince and his reply, and Janusz Małłek, who has verified Kot’s intuitional remarks using sources from the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin, but only from an historian’s biographical perspective.   Kochanowski went to Königsberg for the first time in summer or autumn 1551 and stayed until the following spring. He returned for a second visit in spring 1555 and remained at least until mid-1556. The Polish poet’s second stay in the Prussian capital, especially, has been well documented thanks to Kochanowski’s autographed letter written to Prince Albert on April the 6th, 1556, and the prince’s reply dated April the 15th. Moreover, important information is recorded in the Prussian court’s expenditure accounts (Ausgabe-Bücher) from 1555 and 1556. These documents give explicit evidence of the Polish poet’s links with the ducal court. They also give implicit proof of his relations with humanists from the university (Georg Sabinus, the first rector of the Albertina) and the court. Of all Kochanowski’s works, the most important source for his feelings towards Prussia is his Proporzec albo Hołd pruski. He celebrates there the homage paid in 1569 to Sigismund Augustus by Albert Frederic (1553–1618), the son of Prince Albert, whom Kochanowski introduces as the very model of a good monarch: a virtuous, faithful and wise prince (v. 25–36). Whereas it is Royal Prussia itself that is praised by the poet in his Satyr albo dziki mąż (v. 85-90). Less known is the fact that Kochanowski’s poetry was influenced not only by Italian but also by German humanists: by the authors of handbooks of poetics and rhetoric such as Philipp Melanchthon or Joachim Camerarius, and especially by the poetry and theoretical treatises (e.g. Fabularum Ovidii interpretatio) of Georg Sabinus (1508–1560). The paper’s author concludes that the period (in total two years) which the young poet spent in the Duchy of Prussia was important for at least three reasons: the experiences gained at the court of Prince Albert definitely helped the poet in his further career as a courtier of Sigismund Augustus; ducal patronage helped Kochanowski in at least one trip to Italy; and the ducal library and acquaintance with Georg Sabinus obviously influenced the poetry (especially Latin poetry) of Jan of Czarnolas.
Terminus; 2014, 16, 1(30)
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fraszka w bułgarskim literaturoznawstwie i literaturze pięknej elementem współczesnego dialogu międzykulturowego
Trifle in Bulgarian Literary Theory and Literary Works – an Element of Contemporary Intercultural Dialogue
Rikew, Kamen
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Polish-Bulgarian cultural dialogue renaissance literature influences Boyan Biolchev
Panayot Karagyozov
Jan Kochanowski
The paper discusses the historical reception of Polish trifles (fraszki) in Bulgaria, as well as the specific status of that genre in Bulgarian literary studies. Bulgarian translators of trifles have been constantly experiencing two major challenges: to successfully adapt old¬ Polish reality to their national cultural context and to express the uniqueness of trifles as a separate literary genre. The beginning of the 21st century brings new translations of classic trifles in Bulgaria, but most importantly marks the appearance of original writings that have undoubtedly been influenced by their authors’ scholarly research and translations of trifles. The best examples are some fiction and poetry works by Boyan Biolchev and Panayot Karagyozov.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne; 2013, 2(12); 241-249
Pojawia się w:
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jana ze Stobnicy (1470–1519) wykład o Grecji. Inspiracje Eneasza Sylwiusza Piccolominiego (1405–1464)
The lecture of Jan of Stobnica (1470–1519) on Greece. Inspirations of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (1405–1464)
Zawadzki, Robert K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Renaissance literature
Polish culture
The article offers insights on the reception and cultural transmission of one of the most important Renaissance texts entitled De Europa written by Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, an Italian scholar (he became Pope Pius II in 1458). His work was adopted and adapted by the Polish scholar Jan of Stobnica. In his dissertation Introductio in Ptolemaei cosmographiam cum longitudinibus et latitudinibus regionum et civitatum celebriorum, he took up all issues of Piccolomini`s treatise, including geographical and historical aspects of Greece. His attitude to this material was very positive. The article considers the motifs of Greek districts, such as Macedonia, Thessaly, Boeotia, Attica, the Peloponnese, the Isthmus, Achaea, Acarnania, Epirus, and the significance of Greece for Polish Renaissance culture.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2018, 28, 1; 103-119
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geografia i poezja. Owidiusz na warsztacie Wawrzyńca Korwina (1465–1527)
Geography and Poetry. Wawrzyniec Korwin’s Take on Ovid
Zawadzki, Robert K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Renaissance literature
Polish culture
The article offers a survey of the reception of Ovid in the Wawrzyniec Korwin’s astronomical dissertation Cosmographia dans manuductionem in tabulas Ptolemaei (ed. 1496) by applying literary perspectives of such Ovid`s poems as Metamorphoses, Fasti, Epistulae ex Ponto, Amores and Heroides. The title Korwin’s take on Ovid hints at the actual and real potential of his heritage that is both a fixed, poetic base shared by Korwin since his study at the Cracow Academy as well as a body of references constantly being reinterpreted in response to astronomical and geographical challenges of the work of the Polish writer. The reader is given an insight into the processes shaping Korwin’s borrowings from Ovid and the importance of Cosmographia to the Polish Renaissance culture.
Collectanea Philologica; 2019, 22; 101-116
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Recenzja edycji: Jan Kochanowski, Carmina latina, cz. 3: Komentarz, oprac. Z. Głombiowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2013, ss. 983
Edition Review: Jan Kochanowski, Carmina Latina, cz. 3: Komentarz, oprac. Z. Głombiowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2013, pp. 983
Płachcińska, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Old Polish Literature
The third part of the critical edition of Jan Kochanowski’s corpus in Latin, published by Zofia Głombiowska in 2013, contains an editorial commentary. This volume is the last part of a large and impressive work which was necessary for the academic knowledge of Polish Renaissance literature.
Collectanea Philologica; 2014, 17
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Maciej Rybiński à la recherche du sermo humilis: le Psautier Marot-Bèze en polonais (1605)
Marczuk, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Renaissance, Psalm’s translations, calvinist poetry, polish protestants
The Book of Psalms – translated in Polish by Maciej Rybiński, preacher of the Bohemian Brothers (Hussites linked with Polish Calvinists) – was the fourth Psalter of the Reformed Church in Poland. These psalms were sung with the melody of the French psalms by Marot and Bèze, and were used in liturgy until the end of 18th century. The article tracks a method which the translator adopted while adapting the French texts for the Polish language as well as Rybiński’s reliance on an earlier Catholic paraphrase of the Psalter completed by Jan Kochanowski (1579). The intention of the Polish translator was to work out his own poetics in accordance with the Calvinist principles sermo humilis.
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis; 2012, 7, 2
Pojawia się w:
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ideologia unitariańska a strategie translatorskie i styl przekładu Nowego Testamentu Marcina Czechowica (1577)
Unitarian ideology and translation strategies in context of the style of Marcin Czechowic’s New Testament (1577)
Winiarska-Górska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The Renaissance
religious discourse
Polish arianism
religious formative books
The paper discusses the strategy of translation of Marcin Czechowic’s New Testament translation (1577). The authoress applies the theoretical categories of so called global translation strategy such as scopos, the potential reader, religious attitude as Czechowic’s New Testament was devoted to the unitarian communities. It was arranged as a multifunctional book for religious formation which contained institutionalized transmission of God’s Word. Denominational assumptions are manifested in the selection of translation strategy, style, and method of organizing the text in the book. Both the choice of the specific method of translation and the linguistic form of translations such as Iōannēs Baptistēs – Jan Ponurzyciel were marked by denominational optics of interpretation. The development of humanism broadened the general cognitive horizon. Czechowic’s translation was based on humanistic Greek editions of the time. It is not without reason that we find translators’ assurances as to the method of translation on title pages and in introductions, which were expressed by the concept of “diligence” (Lat. diligentia, Pol. pilność), as well as assurances with regard to the translator’s relationship with the source text – faithfulness to the Greek and Hebrew (veritas graeca, hebraica), or following of an “approved” text (Lat. textus probatus, Old Pol. doświadszony) or “contribution” by confronting different records. Marcin Czechowic, like most Protestant translators, declared faithfulness to the Greek source, however his translation of the Holy Scripture ware also in line with the postulate of veritas confessionis, which was interpreted in various ways depending on doctrinal foundations.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2018, 25, 2; 277-313
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Origins of Polish Language Policy: De linguarum in genere tum Polonicae seorsim praestantia et utilitate oratio and Other Writing by Jan Rybiński (Ioannis Rybinii)
U źródeł polskiej polityki językowej: De linguarum in genere tum Polonicae seorsim praestantia et utilitate oratio oraz inne pisma Jana Rybińskiego (1560-1621)
Pawłowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Jan Rybiński
Ioannis Rybinii
language policy
Polish language
language apology
The article addresses the contribution of Jan Rybiński (Ioannis Rybinii, 1560–1621), a humanist of Czech origin, affiliated with the cities of Toruń (Thorn) and Gdańsk (Danzig), to the development of Polish language policy during the Renaissance. It examines Rybiński’s ideas regarding the promotion of Polish found in his writings and in particular in the address De linguarum in genere..., pronounced in 1589 in Gdańsk. Rybiński’s views are analysed here in the light of the educational tradition of Protestantism, founded upon the doctrines of Wycliffe, Hus, Chelčicky, Luther and Calvin. The author posits Rybiński’s apology of Polish as an important milestone in the emancipation of the vernacular and shows it to be consistent with other European language apologies produced at the time by Dante Alighieri, Jean Du Bellay, Henri Estienne, Martin Opitz or Sperone Speroni. In conclusion, the author asserts the dependence of the prestige of a language and of its position on the international scene on the cultural attractiveness and economic strength of the country where it is spoken.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2014, 11; 211-229
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Delimitacyjno-semantyczne wykładniki graficzne renesansowej krytyki tekstu w Nowym Testamencie (1551, 1552) w przekładzie Stanisława Murzynowskiego
Lisowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish Biblical translations
Renaissance sacred philology
graphic expressions of the intertextuality
Nowy Testament (The New Testament) translated by Stanisław Murzynowski was published in Königsberg (Królewiec) in East Prussia in 1551 (part one) and in 1552 (part two). It was the first Polish translation of the New Testament (and the Bible in general) delivered in line with the Protestant sola Scriptura doctrine from Greek, the source language. In his endeavour to faithfully (precisely) reflect the sense of the original in the Polish language, the translator subjected the text to a philological review. The effects of his considerations are made available to the readers and introduced to the translation of the Bible by means of a system of graphic devices which delimit the text and add an intellectual aspect to it. In most general terms, the devices indicate when the Polish translation departs from the Greek original as a result of the system and semantic differences between the two languages; they pinpoint the semantic and lexical polarization of the Polish translation of the biblical message as a result of the translator- cum-philologist’s critical approach to the original text. As a printed text, Nowy Testament translated by Stanisław Murzynowski represents a closed work with precisely selected wording. Its core part containing the New Testament message in Polish consists of the primary text i.e. the translation of the New Testament into the Polish language and an intermittent subordinate part dedicated to the marginalia. The delimitation and semantic devices introduce visual order to the printed text, fostering the reader’s perception; they are also non-verbal expressions of the inter-textual relations and references to external texts which contributed to the then universe of knowledge. Therefore, the devices provide an intellectual aspect to the Polish language offered by Stanisław Murzynowski.
Slavia Occidentalis; 2015, 72/1; 111-120
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Occidentalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marcin Kromer (1512–1589) w walce o reformę Kościoła w Polsce. „Sermo de tuenda dignitate sacerdotii”
Martinus Cromerus in the fight for the Church in Poland. Sermo de tuenda dignitate sacerdotii
Dziuba, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish Catholic Church
Martinus Cromerus
Council of Trent
The author of this article discusses the circumstances of delivering a speech Sermo de tuenda dignitate sacerdotii by Martinus Cromerus, analyzes its content and style. Proves that iuvenilis sermo is worth attention because of the author’s great rhetorical workshop, excellent biblical and patrological preparation as well as general erudition. The speech was composed according to the priciples of classical rhetoric and it is inspired by the speeches of Cicero.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2022, 32, 1; 135-150
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
I tre soggiorni a Padova di Stanisław Niegoszewski (1565-post 1600)
Stanisław Niegoszewski’s three sojourns in Padua (1565–post-1600)
Malinowski, Gościwit
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Late Renaissance
Polish prosopography
Polish-Italian relations
Polish literature
Neo-Latin studies
prosopografia polacca
relazioni Italia-Polonia
letteratura polacca
Stanisław Niegoszewski (1565-post-1600) was a prime example of a Renaissance man: he was a student at the universities of Krakow and Padua; a poet-improviser; an alchemist; a courtier of King Sigismund Vasa III; a diplomat; a devout follower of the Counter-Reformation; and a businessman. He divided his life between Poland and Italy, and his biography is known to us so fragmentarily that some scholars reconstruct his life based on instinct, assumptions, personal preference, or unfounded hypotheses. Henryk Barycz, the eminent scholar and author of entries in the Polish Biographical Dictionary, had divided the deeds and works of one Stanisław Niegoszewski into two different persons: “Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), coat of arms of Jastrzębiec (circa 1560-5 - circa 1588-90),” a student at the universities of Krakow and Padua and a poet-improviser, and “Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), coat of arms of Jastrzębiec (circa 1565-70 - after 1607),” an alchemist, courtier of King Sigismund Vasa III, diplomat, devout follower of the CounterReformation, and poet as well. Although Władysław Magnuszewski proved wrong Barycz’s theory about the existence of two Niegoszewskis nearly a half-century ago, the outdated theory is repeated by new generations of scholars again and again. This paper attempts to prove that all three sojourns in Padua of a certain Niegoszewski—as a student in 1582-1583, as an alchemist in 1585, and as a royal diplomat in 1594—belong to the same person. Based on new sources found in Italian archives and libraries in 2013, the biography of a single Stanisław Niegoszewski could be reconstructed with much more detail than before.
Stanisław Niegoszewski (1565-post 1600), studente dell’Università di Cracovia e di quella di Padova, poeta-improvvisatore, alchimista, cortigiano di re Sigismondo III Vasa, diplomatico, fervente sostenitore della Controriforma ed uomo d’affari, fu uno dei primi esempi di uomo del Rinascimento. Egli trascorse la sua vita fra la Polonia e l’Italia. La sua biografia ci è nota in modo tanto frammentario che alcuni studiosi ricostruiscono la sua vita basandosi sull’istinto, presupposizioni, preferenze personali ed ipotesi infondate. Henryk Barycz, eminente ricercatore ed autore di varie voci del Dizionario Biografico Polacco, ha scisso le vicende e l’opera di Stanisław Niegoszewski in due persone differenti: ”Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), dello stemma di Jastrzębiec (1560-5 ca. - 1588-90 ca.)”, studente delle università di Cracovia e di Padova nonché poeta improvvisatore, e ”Stanisław Niegoszewski (Niegoszowski), dello stemma di Jastrzębiec (1565-70 ca. - post 1607)”, alchimista, cortigiano di re Sigismondo III Vasa, diplomatico, fervente sostenitore della Controriforma nonché poeta. Sebbene Władysław Magnuszewski abbia confutato la teoria di Barycz sull’esistenza di due Niegoszewski circa mezzo secolo fa, essa viene ribadita da sempre nuove generazioni di studiosi. In questo articolo mi sforzo di dimostrare che tutti e tre i soggiorni di Niegoszewski a Padova, come studente negli anni 1582-1583, come alchimista nel 1585 e in qualità di diplomatico reale nel 1594, riguardano la stessa persona. Sulla base delle nuove fonti da me rinvenute negli archivi e nelle biblioteche italiane nel 2013, la biografia di Stanisław Niegoszewski, lo stesso, è stata ricostruita con molti più dettagli di prima.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.2; 47-68
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Verily, This Is the Sheepfold of that Good Shepherd”: The Idea of the “True” Church in Sixteenth-Century Polish Catechisms
Kowalski, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
religious education
Council of Trent
reform at Trent
The article discusses how the authors of sixteenth-century Polish Catholic and Evangelical catechisms perceived and analysed the notion of “the Church”. Following the Tridentine programme, the Catholic authors present their Church as unified under the Pope’s authority and the only inheritor of the works of the Apostles. The veracity of its teaching is testified to with God’s unnatural interventions – miracles. Protestant theologians teach about “the visible and outward Church”, which exists whenever the pure Word of God is preached and where sacraments are administered in accordance with the Holy Writ. Alongside the Visible Church, there exists “the invisible and inward Church” that unites all those following Christ, who is the one and only head of the Church.
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce; 2016, 60
Pojawia się w:
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Złe niewiasty w bajkach Biernata z Lublina
Wiśniewska, Halina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Biernat of Lublin
old Polish literature
Biernat z Lublina
literatura staropolska
The author shows how Biernat of Lublin (1465–1529) describes women from the 16th and 17th century. He wrote only 27 times about women, but always negatively. The writer criticised whoresfor the first time in Polish literature for being greedy and untrue. He created a feminine image which today is an element of stereotype.
Zamierzamy przedstawić, jak Biernat z Lublina (1465–1529) pisze w bajkach (210) o kobietach. Stwierdzamy, że pisze rzadko (27 haseł) i ocenia je negatywnie. Panna to pochodnia ognista, mężatki krytykuje za złości, gadulstwo, zdrady małżeńskie i miłość do męża tylko do pogrzebu. Po raz pierwszy w polszczyźnie krytykuje miłośnice / kurwy za chciwość finansową i fałszywe, słodkiesłowa do młodzieńców, paniców, gamratów.W bajkach ezopowych Biernata mamy więc kontynuację prześmiewczego, złośliwego, krytycznego obrazu niewiasty, co jako stereotyp trwa do dzisiaj.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia; 2013, 31
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między medycyną a literaturą. Parateksty łacińskich traktatów o kołtunie jako przejaw renesansowej erudycji
Between medicine and literature: Paratexts of Latin treatises on the Polish plait as a sign of Renaissance erudition
Milewska-Waźbińska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów
historia medycyny
kołtun polski
kultura renesansowa
history of medicine
Polish plait
Renaissance culture
The article deals with issues related to the cultural phenomenon of an ailment called a Polish plait (plica Polonica). The article is devoted to the first stage of interest in this disease in Europe in the 17th century. The main subject of interest is the extensive treatise “De plica quam Poloni gwozdziec, Roxolani kołtunum vocant liber”, whose author was a well-known professor of medicine from Padua, Ercole Sassonia (Hercules Saxonia). Literary texts written in Latin also indicate that medical treatises were addressed to recipients who represented similar interests and education.
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki; 2020, 29, 2; 115-126
Pojawia się w:
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wątki hiszpańskie w twórczości Wawrzyńca Korwina (1465–1527)
Spanish Themes in the Astronomical Treatise of Wawrzyniec Korwin (1465–1527)
Zawadzki, Robert K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
literatura renesansowa
kultura polska
autorzy starożytni
Renaissance literature
Polish culture
ancient authors
In the article Robert K. Zawadzki relates how Wawrzyniec Korwin, a little – known Old – Polish writer described the Iberian peninsula in his astronomical treatise Cosmographia dans manuductionem in tabulas Ptolemaei. This author produced a specific picture of Spain that shared affinity with the Roman and Greek writers’ literary manner of writing about this country. The ancient literature had tended to see Spain as a land of prosperity and a district in which gold could be found as a mineral in the rivers. Korwin adopted this view of Spain. A separate section of Spanish threads in his dissertation are the Roman writers from the Iberian peninsula. The Polish author evokes the figure of Seneca and Lucan to quote fragments of the most important works of these writers. Bringing together Korwin’s remarks and ancient texts which he uses, RKZ demonstrates that the Korwin’s description of Spain although seen by some as an anachronism achieved its aim, it persuaded audiences of the magnificence of Spain.
Collectanea Philologica; 2022, 25; 35-50
Pojawia się w:
Collectanea Philologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka żydowska w Biblii księdza Jakuba Wujka z 1599 roku
The Jewish Issues in Wujek’s Bible 1599
Pietkiewicz, Rajmund
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
biblia wujka
przekłady biblii na język polski
wujek’s bible
bible translations into polish
Autor na podstawie studium tekstów komentarzy i wstępów do Biblii Wujka z 1599 roku wydobywa zawartą w nich wiedzę na temat Żydów i ich języka oraz kreśli obecny w tych tekstach obraz Żydów i ich zwyczajów. Wskazuje na źródła przekazywanych w Biblii Wujka informacji, ocenia je w kontekście sytuacji religijnej w renesansowej Rzeczypospolitej oraz podejmuje próbę określenia zakresu i siły ich oddziaływania na czytelników.
The author, on the basis of the study of the commentaries and prefaces to Wujek’s Bible of 1599, depicts the image of the Jews, their language and their customs as it was presented by Jakub Wujek and his contemporaneous fellow Jesuits. The author refers to the sources of the information contained in Wujek’s Bible, evaluates it in the context of the religious situation in the Renaissance Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and attempts at establishing the realm and power of the influence it had on readers.
The Biblical Annals; 2020, 10, 2; 279-302
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem leksykalnej relacji filiacyjnej między biblijnymi przekładami renesansowymi. Casus Nowego Testamentu Biblii Jakuba Wujka (1599) i Nowego Testamentu Biblii brzeskiej (1563)
The Problem of Lexical Filiational Relations between Renaissance Biblical Translations. The Case of the New Testament of the Bible by Jakub Wujek (1599) and the New Testament of Brześć Bible (1563)
Lisowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
lexis of the Middle-Polish period
filiational relation of Renaissance Biblical translations
quantitative-distributional analysis of the Bible translation
The purpose of the analysis is to try to provide an answer to the question whether it is possible to determine the degree of filiational dependence of the New Testament of the Bible translated by Jakub Wujek from 1599 (abbreviation: W) from the New Testament of the Brześć Bible from 1563 (abbreviation: B) with regard to lexis. The study is accompanied by the assumption that the translation of the Brześć Bible may have partially inspired Jakub Wujek in his translation work. The data which enabled scholars to establish the scope of a possible filiational relation between the New Testament of the Bible by Wujek and the New Testament of the Brześć Bible with reference to lexis have been obtained owing to a quantitative-distributional analysis of both texts. Moreover, a comparative context has been considered, that is that between the New Testament of Gdańsk (1606) and the New Testament of the Gdańsk Bible (1632) as texts remaining in closer filiational relation with B, forming a Calvinist-Lutheran translational continuum with this translation. During the study, the number of identical lexical substitutions in place of parallel lexemes common for B and W were treated as an exponent of the degree of hypothetical lexical dependence of W from B. In the subsequent translations of the comparative context under consideration (W and B) they were replaced by alternative equivalents. The result of the analysis with the criteria thus defined is the contention that lexical dependence of W from B is hardly noticeable, which can be proved by the following numerical data: W contains 65 lexemes in total which evidence the studied dependence (they belong to the vocabulary with a frequency f = 1, exceptionally f = 2 or f = 3). They constitute barely 1.2% of the entire lexicon of W, and their total number of occurrences in the text amounts to 74, which is only 0.06% of the entire text of W.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza; 2015, 22, 1; 119-138
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ fundacji papieskich na polską architekturę początku XVI wieku. Watykański kontekst mauzoleum prymasa Jana Łaskiego
Influence of Papal Foundations on Polish Architecture in Early 16th Century. The Vatican Context of the Mausoleum of Primate Jan Łaski
Gryglewski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
historia architektury
sztuka polska
architektura sakralna XVI w.
history of architecture
Polish art
church architecture 16th century
Przedmiotem omówienia jest kaplica św. Stanisława, wzniesiona w pobliżu katedry gnieźnieńskiej z inicjatywy prymasa Jana Łaskiego między 1518 a 1523 r. (rozebrana w końcu XVIII w.). Fundacja tego centralnego, wolnostojącego mauzoleum zajmuje ważne miejsce w historii początków sztuki renesansowej w Polsce. Jej realizacja przebiegała równolegle z budową kaplicy – mauzoleum króla Zygmunta Starego na Wawelu. Arcybiskup Jan Łaski był zaangażowany w sprowadzenie do Polski Bartłomieja Berrecciego – projektanta królewskiej kaplicy, być może zaangażowanego również w projekcie gnieźnieńskim. Niewątpliwie wpływ na fundację Łaskiego miał jego pobyt w Rzymie w latach 1513-1515. Arcybiskup otrzymał wtedy zgodę na zebranie ziemi z rzymskiej nekropolii Campo Santo i prawo uświęcenia nią cmentarza przy katedrze w Gnieźnie. Z koncepcją mauzoleum wiązała się też zamówiona na Węgrzech w pracowni Jana Florentczyka płyta nagrobna. Na podstawie zachowanej linii fundamentów można wyróżnić wiele istotnych cech tej budowli. Dysponowała ona układem centralnym. Trzon miał formę cylindra, najprawdopodobniej przesklepionego kopułą. Trzy półkoliste apsydy tworzyły czytelny trichonchos. Od południa znajdowało się wejście do kaplicy. Nie mniej istotna był lokalizacja mauzoleum, usytuowanego między katedrą a kolegiatą św. Jerzego. Na tej samej osi znajdowała się pierwotna lokalizacja grobu św. Wojciecha. Podjęte w Gnieźnie rozwiązania mogły mieć źródła w rzymskim ośrodku artystycznym. Tkwią one w szeregu projektów i koncepcji pojawiających się wokół fundacji Juliusza II, renowacji bazyliki św. Piotra i koncepcji mauzoleum papieskiego. Miały one związek z twórczością Donato Bramantego i Giuliana da Sangallo. Watykańskie projekty architektoniczne były formułowane w kontekście wyjątkowego, historycznego znaczenia miejsca pochówku św. Piotra. Podobny, starożytny kontekst pojawiał się w Gnieźnie, miejscu związanym z początkami chrześcijaństwa w Polsce.
The analysis is devoted to the St. Stanislaus chapel erected near Gniezno Cathedral on the initiative of Primate Jan Łaski between 1518 and 1523 (pulled down in the late 18th century). Foundation of this central, free-standing mausoleum plays an important role in the history of the beginnings of Renaissance art in Poland. Its realisation took place simultaneously with construction of the chapel: the mausoleum of King Sigismund I the Old at Wawel. Archbishop Jan Łaski was involved in bringing to Poland Bartolommeo Berrecci, a designer of the royal chapel, who perhaps also participated in preparing the Gniezno design. Undoubtedly, the Łaski foundation was influenced by his stay in Rome in 1513-1515, when the Archbishop was permitted to take some soil from the Roman necropolis of Campo Samo and use it to sanctify the cemetery at Gniezno Cathedral. The concept of the mausoleum was also connected with the tombstones ordered in Hungary in Giovanni Fiorentino studio. On the basis of the preserved line of foundations, we can distinguish a number of important features of the building. It had a central layout. The core part took the form of a cylinder, most probably vaulted by the dome. Three semi-circular apses formed a elear triconch. From the south there was an entrance to the chapel. No less important was location of the mausoleum, situated between the cathedral and St George’s a collegiate church. On the same axis was the original location of the tomb of St. Adalbert. The solutions applied in Gniezno may have had their sources in a Roman art centre. They were used in a sedes of projects and concepts appearing around the Julius II foundation, renovation of St. Peter’s Basilica and the concept of the papai mausoleum. They were related to the work of Donato Bramante and Giuliano da Sangallo. The Vatican architectural designs were formulated in the context of unique historical signifi of St. Peter’s burial place. A similar, ancient context appeared in Gniezno, a place associated with the beginnings of Christianity in Poland.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2020, 68, 4 Special Issue; 109-138
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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