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Obrazy unii między Wielkim Księstwem Litewskim a Królestwem Polskim w litewskiej pamięci zbiorowej (koniec XIX w. – 1940 r.)
Mačiulis, Dangiras
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Polish-Lithuanian union
collective memory
The images of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Union of the Kingdom of Poland in Lithuanian collective memory (end of the 19th c. – 1940)Since the end of the 19th century the Lithuanian national movement created several narrations about national history, which presented a negative evaluation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Union of the Kingdom of Poland. Polonization of Lithuania was highlighted as the most negative consequence of these Unions.All unions formed under the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Union of the Kingdom of Poland got negative evaluation in the discourse of Lithuanian nationalism. However, the Union of Lublin was considered to be the greatest harm – it was evaluated as a fatal moment in the Lithuanian history giving rise to the processes of dangerous Lithuanian national ethnic identity loss. The Lithuanian national movement proclaimed cultural and political independence, and declared that the revival of historical ideal of the Unions’ national identity was unacceptable for the Lithuanian nation.When discussing the Lithuanians’ rights to political independence with the Polish public figures and reacting to ambitions of the Polish political figures to restore Poland with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth national borders of 1772, in the Lithuanian press the image of two Unions (usually, the Union of Lublin) was presented as the symbol underlying the Lithuanian national political and cultural dependence. The image of the Union of Lublin was like an obligatory illustration of the Lithuanian nationalism discourse underlining the negative consequences of the union for the Lithuanian nation. It was the Union of Lublin that became the generalized image of all unions and the symbol of Lithuanian political, ethnic, cultural dependence, the memory location underlying the traumatic memory.The initiatives of the Polish public figures to actualize the memories about the unions caused the Lithuanians’ negative response and numerous discussions. A similar situation happened in 1913 when the Polish society mentioned the 500th anniversary of the Herald Union. The celebration of this anniversary was evaluated by Lithuanians as a Polish attempt to revive the political union ideal – as an attempt to make Lithuania a part of Poland. The debates of those times were used by the public figures of the Lithuanian national movement in order to emphasize the orientation of the Lithuanian national movement towards the cultural and political emancipation and underline that the Lithuanians do not accept any idea of state revival reasoned by historical unions.The image of unions in the interwar Lithuania of the 20th century was the most vivid in propagandist discourse during the fights for Lithuanian independence and when trying to restore the historical capital, Vilnius. This image was used as a rhetoric figure of propagandist discourse symbolizing the Lithuanian slavery and a threat of its dependence on Poland.  Obrazy unii między Wielkim Księstwem Litewskim a Królestwem Polskim w litewskiej pamięci zbiorowej (koniec XIX w. – 1940 r.)Od końca XIX w. litewski ruch narodowy tworzył narracje historyczne, w których unie między Wielkim Księstwem Litewskim (dalej WKL) a Królestwem Polskim oceniano negatywnie. Za największy negatywny skutek unii uznano polonizację Litwy.W litewskim dyskursie nacjonalistycznym negatywnie oceniono wszystkie unie zawarte między WKL a Królestwem Polskim, jednak jako największe zło traktowano unię lubelską – decydujący punkt w historii Litwy, od którego rozpoczął się groźny proces utraty tożsamości przez naród litewski. Litewski ruch narodowy głosił dążenie do wolności kulturowej i politycznej. Towarzyszyła temu deklaracja, że dla narodu litewskiego nie do przyjęcia jest odrodzenie historycznej unijnej idei państwowości.W toczącej się w prasie litewskiej dyskusji z polskimi działaczami społecznymi o prawach Litwinów do samodzielności politycznej oraz w reakcji na ambicje polskich działaczy społecznych przywrócenia państwowości Polski w granicach Rzeczpospolitej Obojga Narodów z 1772 r., obraz unii (najczęściej lubelskiej) pojawiał się jako symbol zależności politycznej i kulturowej narodu litewskiego. Wizja unii lubelskiej była obowiązkową ilustracją litewskiego dyskursu nacjonalistycznego, świadczącą o negatywnych skutkach unii dla Litwinów. To właśnie unia lubelska stała się uogólnionym obrazem wszystkich unii oraz symbolem niewoli politycznej, narodowej i kulturowej Litwinów, traumatycznym miejscem pamięci.Inicjatywy polskich działaczy, by przywrócić pamięć o uniach, wywoływały negatywną reakcję ze strony Litwinów i rodziły dyskusje. Tak się stało, na przykład, w 1913 r., gdy polskie społeczeństwo obchodziło jubileusz 500. rocznicy unii horodelskiej. Obchody te oceniono jako próbę Polaków ożywienia idei unii politycznej – dążenie do uczynienia z Litwy części Polski. Ówczesne dyskusje działacze litewskiego ruchu narodowego wykorzystali do tego, by podkreślić swoje dążenie do emancypacji kulturowej i politycznej oraz zaznaczenia, że Litwini nie akceptują żadnej idei odrodzenia państwowości, opartej na uniach historycznych.W okresie międzywojennym na Litwie obraz unii najbardziej był dostrzegalny w dyskursie propagandowym w okresie walk o niepodległość Litwy oraz w dążeniu do odzyskania historycznej stolicy Wilna. Obraz ten wykorzystano jako figurę retoryczną dyskursu propagandowego, symbolizującą niewolę Litwy i jej uzależnienie od Polski.
Acta Baltico-Slavica; 2017, 41
Pojawia się w:
Acta Baltico-Slavica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja poglądów Jana Olbrachta i Aleksandra Jagiellończyka w kwestii kształtu unii polsko-litewskiej
Evolution of Jan Olbracht’s and Aleksander Jagiellończyk’s views on the shape of the Polish-Lithuanian Union
Godlewski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Polish-Lithuanian Union
Union and Articles of Mielnik
Jan Olbracht and Aleksander Jagiellończyk
In consequence of Kazimierz Jagiellonczyk’s death in 1492, the Polish and Lithuanian throne, after the 46-year-long personal union, again came under the rule of two different rulers – Jan Olbracht was on the throne in Cracow and Aleksander Jagiellończyk in Vilnius. My research pertaining to the evolution of Jan Olbracht’s and Aleksander Jagiellończyk’s views on the shape of the Polish-Lithuanian Union proves that in several respects, e.g.: political situation, external threats, interests of the Jagiellonian dynasty, their standpoint changed with time. Yet, undoubtedly, the major factor deciding about the change in the viewpoint on the shape of the Polish-Lithuanian Union was the casus of having a male heir. As long as the brothers believed they could count on offspring, the Jagiellonians restricted Polish-Lithuanian relations to the military-political alliance. Yet, when Jan Olbracht and Aleksander Jagiellończyk realized they would die childless, the interest of the Jagiellonian dynasty became their priority. The original reluctance to fulfill former union provisions, which provided for closer cooperation within the union, and even incorporation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into the Crown, evolved towards the establishment of a unitary and hereditary Jagiellonian monarchy consisting of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Białostockie Teki Historyczne; 2016, 14
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Teki Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mikołaj Rej a „sprawa litewska” – uwagi Pana z Nagłowic o unii (lubelskiej) i Litwinach
Dybek, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Mikolaj Rej
Polish–Lithuanian union
Mikołaj Rej
unia polsko-litewska
Mikolaj Rej was not only one of the most notable 16th century Polish writers, but also an active member of the parliament. Among others, he worked on the Polish-Lithuanian issues. Based on the governmental documentation, Rej was engaged in these issues from 1542 onwards. He also dedicated a few pieces of writing to the matter, the most important of which is a poem written around 1567 entitled ‘Union with Lithuania’. In the poem he condemned the sluggishness in debating the unification of the two countries, but emphasized that the Lithuanians should have taken a greater interest in the matter, since Poland could have helped their fights with the Eastern neighbours. As he did during the parliamentary sessions, the author also stressed the need for electing a common king.Despite hoping for a quick resolution and unification, Rej did not regard Lithuania as an equal parter for Poland. Based on a few poets, the author seems to think of the Lithuanians as of a backward  nation (e.g. their table manners during the feasts and the use of primitive language). It is worth noting that Rej treated the Lithuanian aristocracy differently. While describing the clans and noble families (e.g. the Radziwiłł family or the Chodkiewicz family), he emphasised their patriotism and bravery. Rej’s remarks on the Lithuanians and the union did not stand out from the common opinion at the time. They could represent the feelings of a typical member of the Polish gentry.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 144-157
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityczne, historyczne i kulturowe aspekty unii polsko-litewskiej w twórczości Józefa Weyssenhoffa
Demkowicz, Agata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Polish-Lithuanian Union
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Józef Weyssenhoff
Lithuanian novel
unia polsko-litewska
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
powieść litewska
Józef  Weyssenhoff was a highly popular and widely read author at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th century. He was active as a writer, literary critic, and journalist during the time of the Young Poland movement and in the interwar period. He wrote his works at the turn of the two centuries and in the first decades of the new century. Throughout the later stage of his literary activity, i.e. from 1905 until his death, Weyssenhoff was greatly interested in politics. His contacts, reads, own observations and experiences in this matter gave rise to his tendentious political novels. The subjects he raised and reflected upon include the issue of the Polish-Lithuanian conflict, which caused a huge controversy in the first decades of the 20th century. Weyssenhoff demonstrated his own stance on the matter in his novel Union, published in 1910, which he wrote during the period of intensification of the national movement in Lithuania, particularly in Vilnius. The author regarded the movement to be politically dangerous, propagating hatred towards Poland, and able to cause the common cultural, historical, and political heritage of Poland and Lithuania to be destroyed. Young Lithuanian activists were acting to the detriment of the Polish language, depreciating the value of anything Polish. The conflict between Poland and Lithuania increased the risk of russification. The author suggested that what should be done in those circumstances was seek to restore the Polish-Lithuanian alliance. He showed the readers of his book how that process should be initiated. The marriage between the protagonists of Union: Kazimierz Rokszycki, a Pole, and Krystyna Sołomerecka, a Lithuanian, who loved their common motherland, serves as a symbol of a new, revived relationship between Poland and Lithuania.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 327-347
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanowisko posłów podlaskich w sprawie unii polsko-litewskiej na sejmie brzeskim w 1566 r.
The Statement of the Envoys of Podlasie Concerning the Case of Polish-Lithuanian Union at the Sejm of Brześć in 1566
Kalinowski, Emil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
nobility of Podlasie
sejm envoys
Lithuanian sejm
Polish-Lithuanian union
land sejmiks
szlachta podlaska
posłowie sejmowi
sejm litewski
unia polsko-litewska
sejmiki ziemskie
Artykuł zawiera edycję mało dotąd znanego w historiografii źródła historycznego z 1566 r., związanego ze staropolskim parlamentaryzmem wraz z obszernym omówieniem tła historycznego i jego treści. Zawiera ono wspólne stanowisko sześciu posłów wybranych na podlaskich sejmikach na litewski sejm w Brześciu nad Bugiem w 1566 r. wyrażone w imieniu pozostałej w domach szlachty, dotyczące kwestii unii Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego z Królestwem Polskim. Badania zostały oparte na możliwie szerokiej bazie źródłowej, na którą składały się zarówno materiały wydane drukiem w XIX, XX i XXI w., jak również archiwalne, w tym zachowane akta urzędów grodzkich z terenu Podlasia: w Drohiczynie, Mielniku i Brańsku oraz wypisy z nich autorstwa Ignacego Kapicy. Przybliżono również biografie autorów pisma: Adama Kosińskiego i Jana Buyno z ziemi drohickiej, Kaspra Irzykowicza i Piotra Padkowskiego z ziemi mielnickiej, Tomasza Owsianego i Wojciecha Wyszkowskiego z ziemi bielskiej. Byli to prominentni przedstawiciele lokalnej elity szlacheckiej, niemal wszyscy w chwili wyboru na posła związani z sądownictwem, które na Podlasiu opierało się na prawie polskim. Prezentowane tu źródło to ciekawy pod wieloma względami przekaz ukazujący nastroje i dążenia szlachty podlaskiej na kilka lat przed wiekopomnymi wydarzeniami 1569 r.: inkorporacją jej województwa do Polski oraz zawarciem unii realnej polsko-litewskiej. Umieszczenie go w kontekście dotychczasowej wiedzy, jak i nowych ustaleń o ówczesnej sytuacji politycznej na Podlasiu dopełnia ten obraz.
The article contains an edition of the historical source from 1566 connected with old Polish parliamentarism, so far barely known in historiography, with comprehensive periphrasis of its historical background and its content. It contains a joint position of six envoys elected at the sejmiks of Podlasie to the Sejm of Brześć-on-the-Bug in 1566, expressed on behalf of the nobility remaining in their homes, on the issue of the union of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Kingdom of Poland. The research was based on the broadest possible source base, which included both materials published in print in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, as well as archival ones, including the preserved files of castle offices from Podlasie: in Drohiczyn, Mielnik and Brańsk and excerpts from them by Ignacy Kapica. The biographies of the authors of the writing are also presented: Adam Kosiński and Jan Buyno from Drohiczyn Land, Kasper Irzykowicz and Piotr Padkowski from Mielnik Land, Tomasz Owsiany and Wojciech Wyszkowski from Bielsk Land. They were prominent representatives of the local noble elite, almost all of them associated with the judiciary, which in Podlasie was based on Polish law. The source presented here is an interesting draft in many respects, showing the moods and aspirations of the Podlasian nobility several years before the memorable events of 1569: the incorporation of its voivodeship into Poland and the conclusion of the Polish-Lithuanian real union. Placing it in the context of existing knowledge and new findings about the then political situation in Podlasie completes this picture.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2022, 21, 1; 21-49
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ku „jednej nieróżnej Rzeczypospolitej”. Król Zygmunt August wobec idei unii polsko-litewskiej
Towards “One Not-Different Republic” King Augustus’ Attitude to the Idea of the Polish-Lithuanian Union
Januszek-Sieradzka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
unia polsko-litewska
unia lubelska (1569)
Zygmunt II August (1520-1572)
Polish-Lithuanian Union
Union of Lublin (1569)
Sigismund II Augustus (1520-1572)
the Radziwiłłs
The issue of the Polish-Lithuanian Union that became one of the main executionist postulates put forward by the nobility at the sessions of the Sejm from the beginning of King Sigismund II Augustus' reign in Poland (1548-1572); it was also one of the main subjects of the monarch's correspondence with his most important Lithuanian political partners – Mikołaj Radziwiłł “Rudy” (the Red) (about 1515-1584) and Mikołaj Radziwiłł “Czarny” (the Black) (1515-1565). In the King's letters it is easy to observe the tactic that for nearly 20 years allowed to efficiently stop the plan of forming a Polish-Lithuanian real union that threatened the dynastic interests of the Jagiellons – a prohibition of pro-union propaganda and forming an anti-union Lithuanian party around the Radziwiłłs, obstruction, apparent concessions, winning deputies and senators against other ones, skilful temporization. Letters unambiguously show that the change in the attitude towards the question of the Union that took place at the beginning of the 1560s was for Sigismund II Augustus a derivative of the accepted solution to the issue of Livonia; the King took the position that it is only by way of forming a union of Poland and Lithuania that military security and territorial integrity of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania can be ensured. However, passing from a radically anti-union position to one of its main advocate and animator Sigismund Augustus did not change his basic postulate, namely, that Poland and Lithuania should remain separate countries and the union between them should be based on the principle of equality of both partners. It was exactly the last of the Jagiellons who decided about federation as the form of the union of the Crown (Poland) and Lithuania.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2011, 59, 2; 81-98
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaangażowanie społeczeństwa II Rzeczypospolitej w obchody rocznic historycznych (na wybranych przykładach)
Załęczny, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
anniversary celebration
the Second Polish Republic
the Polish-Lithuanian Union
Napoleonic period
rocznice historyczne
obchody rocznicowe
II Rzeczpospolita
unia polsko-litewska
epoka napoleońska
Anniversaries celebrations during the Second Polish Republic helped to build historical consciousness of the society united after years of occupation. Celebrations connected with historical calendar commemorated Polish achievements, they made the society proud and conveyed patriotic values. This work describes anniversaries from the period of the Kingdom of Poland and Napoleonic era. They commemorated victories of Polish army and inspired the society to build the power of the state.
Obchody rocznic służyły w II Rzeczypospolitej budowaniu świadomości społeczeństwa jednoczonego po latach niewoli. Uroczystości związane z kalendarzem historycznym przypominały o dokonaniach Polaków, budziły poczucie dumy narodowej i kształtowały postawy patriotyczne. Omówione w artykule rocznice odnoszą się do czasów Polski królewskiej i okresu napoleońskiego. Przypominały one o sukcesach oręża polskiego i miały inspirować do udziału w budowie potęgi państwa.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio F – Historia; 2016, 71
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio F – Historia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unia Lubelska aktem założycielskim Rzeczypospolitej
The Union of Lublin as a founding act of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Krochmal, Jacek
Rachuba, Andrzej
Choińska-Mika, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
unia lubelska
unie polsko-litewskie
Union of Lublin
Polish-Lithuanian unions
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Central Archive of Historical Records
Unia Lubelska 1569 roku i unie w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej; 13-64
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From the Union of Lublin to the Mutual Guarantee of the Two Nations
Malec, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Union of Lublin
Mutual Guarantee of the Two Nations
union of Poland and Lithuania
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The purpose of this study is to show changes in the legal and political nature of the alliance between the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania over the centuries, from the Union concluded in Lublin in 1569, through the so-called ‘coequatio iuris’ of 1697, until the regulations adopted in the Constitution of May 3, and the “Reciprocal Guarantee of Both Nations” crowning the process and passed at the Four-Year Sejm on October 20, 1791. The study uses a wide range of archival manuscript sources, old prints, parliamentary legislation, and also numerous studies using both old and current literature. The main research goal of the study was to show to what extent the changes in the legal nature of the union of the two countries led to their full unification, which was in the past (and sometimes still is) the interpretation of this process in many studies, and to what extent the federalist character of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was preserved, which is nowadays the dominant view and which the author of this study is a strong supporter of.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 455-484
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ukraine 2014 – the End of the Second European Belle Époque
Żurawski vel Grajewski, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Maidan revolution
European Union
This article is devoted to the roots of the developments that have taken place in Ukraine since Autumn 2013 and up to the Russian invasion. It stresses the historical differences between Ukraine and Russia, presents the international milieu of Ukrainian independence in the years 1991–2013, and ends with a description of the nature of the Maidan revolution and the pan-European challenge created by the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The main thesis is that the struggle for Ukraine ends the post-Cold War epoch marked with an illusion of eternal peace in Europe and with the groundless hope for Russian imperialism to expire.
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal; 2016, 18, 2
Pojawia się w:
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between the Union of Lublin and the Mutual Pledge of the Two Nations: From the Union of Two States to the Commonwealth of Three Provinces
Zakrzewski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish Crown
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Union of Lublin
political system
changes of the political system
The aim of the article is to present changes in the position of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania towards the Polish Crown within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the years 1569–1791. The analysis was based on the transformation of both common (monarch, Sejm) and separate (central and local offices, judicial system and law) institutions in the context of economic, social and cultural changes of the era. Gradually, the Commonwealth was transforming into a state in which Lithuania was not so much one of its two parts – along with the Crown, but one of its three provinces – along with Lesser Poland and Greater Poland. It was, however, a special province since it had its own ministers, offices, courts, treasury and fiscal courts along with its own codification of political and private law. The rule introduced in 1673 that every third Sejm was to be held in Grodno, however, was rarely observed. The reasons for this change were: the smaller population of the Grand Duchy, its lower fiscal income along with the war damage and territorial losses suffered in the mid-17th century. This transformation was also facilitated by the fact that the Lithuanian political system and laws became increasingly similar to the Polish ones. Another factor was the slow creation of a sense of political community among nobles of both the Crown and Lithuania. This feeling was born not only out of the same rights and privileges, but also owing to the immigration of the Crown noblemen to the lands of the Grand Duchy and joining – by marriage – Lithuanian noble families, which was especially the case among magnate families. During this period, the common culture of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth based on the Polish language – lingua franca of the whole state – was also created. Other languages also functioned in the Polish- -Lithuanian state, but Polish, enriched by Lithuanian, Ruthenian, Latin, German and Oriental elements, began to dominate. The Government Act of 3 May 1791 did not mention the Grand Duchy at all, but created a common government for the whole of Commonwealth – the Guard of Laws and Great Commissions. Mutual Pledge of the Two Nations, unanimously adopted on 20 October 1791, constituted an attempt to return to the dualism from the era of the Union of Lublin. This act granted Lithuanians half of the commissioners in the military and fiscal commissions and – in the future – in the police commission. Lithuania also retained separate ministers, offices, a separate treasury and tax judiciary. Thus, the gradual unification of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was still visible, while maintaining some separate aspects, which were important for Lithuanians, albeit secondary in the scale of the entire state. Nevertheless, this process was interrupted by the upcoming partitions.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 4; 5-40
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Deputies of Vitebsk District to the Sejm of Lublin in 1569: The Social Biography of Piotr Kisiel and Tymofiej Hurko
Padalinski, Uladzimir A.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Union of Lublin
social activity
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Vitebsk district
The aim of the article is to examine the most important forms of social activity of the petty and middle nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the second half of the 16th century on the example of the unique life stories of two Vitebsk noblemen. The article discusses biographies of Piotr Kisiel and Tymofiej Hurka, who represented the Vitebsk district at the Sejm in 1569 and directly participated in the conclusion of the Union of Lublin. For a long time, the historiography discussed only the most influential participants of the sessions of this Sejm. However, ‘ordinary’ representatives of the wide group of nobles from the districts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania also played their part in negotiations regarding the conclusion of the union. The aims, ideas, worldview, and values along with the personal experiences of those people directly affected their social and political position, and thus, to some extent, shaped the entire state. The author shows the influence of military and political events of the 1560s on the political activities of Piotr Kisiel and Tymofiej Hurka. The experience gained from the Livonian War influenced their attitude towards the union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish Crown in 1569. The investigations presented by the author show that significant transformations of the 1560s (reforms of the political system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) gave the Kisiel and Hurka families the opportunity to actively participate in public life and allowed them to occupy a permanent place among the political elites of the Vitebsk district. The research results are based on various types of documentary sources, both published ones and manuscripts. The methodological basis of the analysis is the biographical method. The article emphasizes that detailed investigations of the biographies of ‘ordinary’ nobles opened new research perspectives in regard to the history of the noblemen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the entire Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 4; 73-96
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unia Lubelska we współczesnej ukraińskiej historiografii i dydaktyce
The Union of Lublin in contemporary Ukrainian historiography and didactics
Biłous, Natalia
Rachuba, Andrzej
Choińska-Mika, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych
Unia Lubelska
historiografia ukraińska
nauczanie historii
Union of Lublin
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
history textbooks
In Ukrainian historiography, treatment of the significance and aftermath of the Union of Lublin depended on ideological priorities of the time. In the 19 th and 20 th century historians were united by a sustained anti-Polish attitude. As early as in the 19th century, the scholars built an image of Poland as the main “stranger” in Ukrainian history. This negative image survived throughout the 20th century and passed into the 21st century. The purpose of the article is to examine various historiographic problems and stereotypes related to the Union of Lublin in the last 25 years and evolution, i.e. transformation, of the views of Ukrainian historians and textbook authors regarding this landmark event. Soviet historiography borrowed the negative assessment of the Union of Lublin and its consequences for Ukraine from the “national” concept of Mykhailo Hrushevsky and, going further, added new stereotypes to it. In the mid-1990s we observe a departure from the model introduced by Hrushevsky and the Soviet model of writing about history. As a result of the new political realities, some emphases in historiography have shifted, the evaluations of events have changed slightly, and historians have outlined new, neutral evaluations of the union. Over the past ten years, a number of modern works by Ukrainian researchers have emerged, appreciating the common heritage of Poland and Ukraine, especially from the history of parliamentarianism, ideology, identity and culture, the history of the nobility, the bourgeoisie and the Cossacks, which have their roots in the Union of Lublin, when the Ukrainian lands became part of the former Commonwealth. In 2019, in connection with the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin, interest in this event among the Ukrainian public has increased. A scholarly conference was held with the support of the Polish Institute in Kiev. Unfortunately, new views of historians have not affected the content of most textbooks for secondary and tertiary schools. They still describe the Union of Lublin along the lines of the “best” Soviet models. In recent years, state policy in Ukraine has been aimed primarily at overcoming myths about the 20th century. Therefore, much attention is paid to the content of the recent history books, while the events of the 16th–17th century remain in its “shadow”. Although ideological formulas and stereotypes of national and Soviet historiography have been partly incorporated into contemporary textbooks, some positive changes in the assessment of the consequences of the Union of Lublin are already visible. The topic of the Union of Lublin is well suited for developing critical thinking among pupils and students. It allows them to form their own assessment, based on facts, sources and the latest research by historians.
Unia Lubelska 1569 roku i unie w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej; 273-291
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy naprawdę unia została wykreślona z projektów Litwy nowoczesnej w końcu XIX – na początku XX wieku?
Was the Union Really Erased from the Modern Lithuanian Statehood Projects in the Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries
Miknys, Rimantas
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
idea of the (Lublin) Union
Lithuanian national movement
Lithuanian statehood projects
“Lithuanian federalism”
Lithuanian and Polish historiography
idea unii polsko-litewskiej (lubelskiej)
litewski ruch narodowy
projekty państwowości Litwy
„federalizm litewski”
historiografia litewska a polska
W artykule podjęto próbę krytycznej oceny tezy funkcjonującej w historiografii litewskiej, a częściowo także polskiej, że idea unii obu państw została wyeliminowana z projektów litewskiego ruchu narodowego ukształtowanych w końcu XIX i na początku XX w. Wyniki analizy ukazują potrzebę badań koncepcji federalizmu litewskiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kwestii wpływu na nią unii polsko-litewskiej.
The article offers a critical assessment of the deeply entrenched view in Lithuanian and Polish historiography that the idea of the (Lublin) Union was erased from the Lithuanian statehood projects created within the Lithuanian national movement in the late nineteenth–early twentieth centuries. Summarising the critical assessments made against this idea, several theses were formulated based on which further research could be conducted that could explain the effects of the Union on the formation and development of “Lithuanian federalism”.
Rocznik Lituanistyczny; 2020, 6; 221-234
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ivan Ivanovich Lappo’s Views on the Circumstances of Establishing the Union of Lublin in the Context of Pre-Revolutionary Russian Historiography
Ambroziak, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Union of Lublin
Ivan Ivanovich Lappo
Russian historiography
history of historiography
The aim of the article is to analyze the views of Ivan Ivanovich Lappo regarding the circumstances of the conclusion of the Union of Lublin. The opinions of this historian were presented in the context of the views of Russian pre-revolutionary historiography, especially of such authors as Nikolay Gerasimovich Ustryalov, Mikhail Osipovich Koyalovich, Nikolay Alexeyevich Maksimieyko, Matvey Kuzmich Lyubavskiy and Fedor Ivanovich Leontovich. The article belongs to the vast area of studies on the history of historiography, the undertaking of which allows the assessment of the current scholarly achievements and research methodology, and thus making new research postulates. It should be noted that, despite some evolution, the fundamental assessment of the Union of Lublin in Russian pre-revolutionary historiography remained negative. However, the circumstances and reasons for its conclusion were perceived differently. Although the description of the conclusion of the Union of Lublin was not the main research goal for I. Lappo, he carried out a fairly detailed reconstruction of the Sejm of Lublin and the circumstances of the conclusion of the Polish-Lithuanian union in 1569. It seems that the aim of such a procedure was not only to explain the attitude of Lithuanians towards Poles and the legal relationship between the Grand Duchy and the Crown, but first of all to support of the historian’s fundamental thesis that, as a result of the Union of Lublin, the Grand Duchy did not lose its independence and distinctiveness. This historian not only reported the course of the Sejm of Lublin and the decision of the Act of the Union of July 1, but also confronted the views of Poles and Lithuanians concerning the conditions of the Union and the way it was concluded. According to him, the historical reality and the political system of the Grand Duchy until 1569 corresponded to the project of a union presented by Lithuanians. In his opinion, the aim of Poles was not to bring about real unification based on the principles of equality and fraternity, but to force Lithuanians to enter into a union through the implementation of old rights and privileges. In some parts of his research, however, the scholar differentiated between the radical attitude of the Chamber of Deputies of the Crown and the more conciliatory position of the Senate. The description of King Sigismund Augustus’s activities presented by I. Lappo turned out to be quite paradoxical and partly incoherent. On the one hand, the historian claimed that the monarch was under the influence of Poles and betrayed the Grand Duchy. On the other hand, he quoted a number of cases in which the king’s attitude contradicted this general opinion. Lappo’s general attitude towards the Union of Lublin remained negative. The historian clearly sympathized with Lithuanians, seeing Poles as merely caring for their own interests to the detriment of the Grand Duchy. The analysis of Lappo’s views made in this article shows that there are elements in his concepts that testify to the connection with the traditional narrative of Russian historiography, as well as new and original ideas.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 4; 97-122
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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