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Specjacja wybranych składników rozpuszczonych w wodach gruntowych układu katenalnego na Pojezierzu Poznańskim
Chemical speciation of selected dissolved components of groundwater in the catena of the Poznań Lakeland
Kozłowski, M.
Komisarek, J
Wiatrowska, K
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
wody gruntowe
Pojezierze Poznańskie
The purpose of this research was to assess speciations of dissolved components of groundwater in a typical for the Poznan Lakeland catena of arable Albeluvisols and Chernozem. The researches were carried out in the cultivated catchment area of the Przybroda Experimental Station located in the north-central part of the Poznan Lakeland (west part of Poland) within the Szamotuly Plain. Every two or four weeks from 04.2005 to 03.2006 the groundwater samples, from six stationary points (wells) were collected. In groundwater samples the concentration of fallowing ions Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, HCO3-, CO32-, SO2-4, PO43-, and pH, EC were determined. Taking into consideration that dissolved components in groundwater can occur in many chemical forms, the computer programs Visual Mineq was used to assess their speciations. The observed values of groundwater pH were ranged from 6.3 to 8.3, therefore the simulations of speciation at 7.0, and 8.0 pH were done. The results of the researches indicate, that the quantity of dissolved components in groundwater was connected both with soil location in the relief and properties of soil parent materials. The groundwater of soil located higher in a catena were characterized by lower concentrations of the analyzed components, compared with water of lowest elements of the slope. It would seem that the chemistry of groundwater in P4 well should be characterized by concentrations of the analyzed components similar to those observed in P5 and P6 soils. However, studies show that the quantities of these components in groundwater of P4 well were similar to P1-P3. It could be related to water inflow from the higher parts of catena which are neutralized and less aggressive to components contained in the soil. Result obtained from simulation showed that calcium at pH 7.0 occurs mainly as a free ion (Ca2+), whose share ranged from 85% (P5) to 90% (P3). The second form of calcium was a aqua complex CaSO4(aq) (7-13%), and third-CaHCO3- (1-3%). The content of FCa2+, CaSO4(aq) and CaHCO3- significantly decreases when pH increases to the value 8. From geochemical point of view at a thermodynamic equilibrium state there were conditions suitable for precipitation of calcium in the form of calcite and dolomite. In groundwater of the Albeluvisols calcite is precipitated mainly calcite while in Chernozem dolomite. Magnesium also accrued mainly as a free ion Mg2+ (87-92%), aqua complex MgSO4(aq) and MgHCO3- at pH 7. The increase to pH 8caused the precipitation of magnesium in the form of dolomite. In Albeluvisols (P1-P3) groundwater, this form do not exceed 30% of the total amount of magnesium speciation, whereas in the groundwater of Chernozem (P4-P6) the participation of CaMg(CO3)2was much higher. Potassium and sodium, these two metals occurred mainly as a free ion at 7 and 8 pH. At pH 7.0 in the analyzed groundwater from carbonate speciations bicarbonate (HCO3-) occurred most frequently (75%). Aqua complex H2CO3(aq) was a second speciation of carbonates (from 21% to 22%). CaHCO3- and MgHCO3- accounted for about 1% of all carbonate speciations, but in the groundwater of Chernozem the participation of MgHCO3- was greater than CaHCO3-, while in the groundwater of Albeluvisols vice versa. Significant changes in speciations of carbonates occurred when the pH increased to value 8. At this pH, content of HCO3- decreased to about 60% in groundwater of Albeluvisols while in Chernozem to 67%. The share of H2CO3(aq) also decreased to 2%. This decrease of HCO3- and H3CO3 (aq) in the analyzed groundwater was due to the precipitation of calcite and dolomite. In the P1-P4 wells carbonates could be precipitated both in form of calcite and dolomite (predominantly calcite), while in the groundwater of the P5 and P6 wells in the form of dolomite. In the analyzed groundwater a free ion of SO42- was a dominant speciation of sulphates, whose participation increased from 75-80% (pH 7) to 83-91% (pH 8.0) with increasing pH. Other important forms of sulphates MgSO4 (aq) and CaSO4 (aq) but in the P1-P4 were more CaSO4(aq) then CaSO4(aq), while in groundwater of the P5 and P6 vice versa. At 7.0 pH among phosphate spetiations H2PO4- ion dominated (38-43%), followed by HPO42-(from 34% to 36%). Also, a large percentage of MgHPO4 (aq) and CaHPO4(aq) were observed. In groundwater of P1-P4 wells CaHPO4 (aq) dominated over MgHPO4(aq), when in P5 and P6 reverse. The increase of pH to value 8 resulted in the dominance of HPO42- ion. Result from simulation test showed that analysed elements occur mainly as a free ions and aqua-complexes at 7.0 pH. At a higher pH, from thermodynamic point of view, conditions for precipitation of calcium and calcium-magnesium carbonates occurred. Furthermore, quantity of dissolved elements in groundwater and their speciations are connected with soil (well) location in the catena and properties of soil parent material.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2012, Tom 14; 607-622
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czasowa zmienność zawartości wybranych składników rozpuszczonych w wodach gruntowych układu katenalnego na Pojezierzu Poznańskim
Temporal Variability of Selected Dissolved Components Content in Groundwater of the Catena System of Poznań Lakeland
Kozłowski, M.
Komisarek, J.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
składniki rozpuszczone
układ katenalny
Pojezierze Poznańskie
This paper presents results of temporal variability of groundwater chemical composition in catena of arable Albeluvisols and Gleysols/Chernozem. The purpose of this study was to assess temporal variability of dissolved components in groundwater with particular reference to soil toposequence. The researches were carried out in the cultivated catchment area of the Przybroda Experimental Station located in the north-central part of the Poznań Lakeland (west part of Poland) within the Szamotuly Plain. Every two or four weeks from 2004 to 2006 the groundwater samples from six stationary points (wells) were collected. In groundwater samples the Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, HCO3-, SO2-4, PO43-, pH and EC were determined. Temporal variability of dissolved components in groundwater of catena was determined using the geostatistical analysis in which the semivariance is the basic function. Relations between values of semivariance and time correlation ranges were determined using the Variovin and the Surfer programmes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temporal variability of concentrations of the selected components dissolved in groundwater using geostatistical methods. The results of the researches indicate, that the quantity of dissolved components in groundwater was connected with a soil location in a relief and properties of soil parent materials. The groundwater of soil located higher in a catena ware characterized by smaller concentrations of the analyzed components, compared with water of lowest elements of the slope. The results show that temporal changes in the content of the analyzed components were characterized by large values of systematic variability and small values of random variability (nugget effect). Low nugget effects indicate that the temporal changes in concentration of the analyzed components were temporary correlated. Systematic variability was characterized by two temporary structures. The first concerns the systematic changes in shorter periods of time, which could be the result of groundwater inflow of compounds dissolved in percolating water and lateral inflow and outflow. The second was characterized by changes for longer periods, which can be related to the dynamic balance established between the weathering processes and translocation of weathering products, as well as their solubility and precipitation. Depending on a relief, the systematic variability has shown shorter temporal range for concentrations of analyzed dissolved components in groundwater (in both the first and in the second structure of semivariograms). This relationship should be associated with a shorter duration of migration of rainwater to groundwater table by decreasing the thickness of the unsaturated zone with decreasing soil position on the slope. Values of the time correlation range obtained in this study indicate that on the one hand it is possible to monitor the concentrations of the components dissolved in the groundwater in longer time intervals but on the other hand the temporal intervals depend on well location in a catena.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2013, Tom 15, cz. 2; 1965-1981
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena zmian jakości wody w wybranych jeziorach Pojezierza Poznańskiego w latach 2004-2009
Assessment of water quality changes in selected lakes of Poznań Lakeland in 2004-2009
Przybyła, C.
Zbierska, A.
Dwornikowska, Ż.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
jakość wody
Pojezierze Poznańskie
water quality
Lakeland Poznań
Po przystąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej Polska zobowiązana jest do wdrożenia Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej (2000/60/WE), której głównym celem jest osiągnięcie do roku 2015 dobrego stanu ekologicznego i chemicznego wód powierzchniowych. Niestety, jak wykazują wyniki monitoringu podstawowego i regionalnego wykonanego w latach 1999-2006 przez WIOŚ w Poznaniu spośród zbadanych 84 jezior (o powierzchni powyżej 100 ha lub mniejszych, ważnych dla regionu ze względu na walory gospodarcze, przyrodnicze i rekreacyjne), jedynie trzy charakteryzowały się bardzo dobrym stanem wód zaliczanym do I klasy czystości. Wody klasy II oznaczono w 28 jeziorach o łącznej powierzchni 4783,5 ha, tj. 27,7% powierzchni przebadanej w okresie ośmiu lat, natomiast wody III klasy czystości wyznaczono dla 55 zbiorników o łącznej powierzchni 7216,4 ha, tj. 41,9% powierzchni zbadanych jezior. W 38 zbadanych jeziorach jakość wód nie odpowiadała żadnej z klas czystości, dlatego zostały one uznane za pozaklasowe, silnie zanieczyszczone (Stan środowiska w Wielkopolsce, WIOŚ 2007). Większość zbiorników w tym okresie w ramach monitoringu badana była tylko raz, dlatego badania te nie są wystarczające do analizowania zmian jakości wody w ujęciu średniookresowym. Wymaga to bardziej szczegółowych obserwacji. Celem badań przedstawionych w niniejszej pracy była ocena zmian jakości wody w wybranych jeziorach Pojezierza Poznańskiego w latach 2004-2009.
The results described in this paper contain a fragment of longterm studies on water quality changes conducted since 1999 in selected lakes on the area of Poznań Lakeland. The research realized in 2004÷2009 covered three lakes: Niepruszewskie Lake, Pamiątkowskie Lake and Strykowskie Lake. These lakes are exposed to significant pollution because of agricultural character of the catchment areas and large number of residential and recreational buildings which are not connected to the sewage system. Water quality assessment was performed on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of Environment in 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 32, item. 284), which had been in force in water monitoring until 2008. Average annual values of the studied physical and chemical parameters of water quality were found among the "very good" and "good" classes in most cases. Poor and bad water quality in lakes was mainly determined by the adverse oxygen conditions and high values of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5). It indicated a strong eutrophication level. The study showed a decrease in phosphates, nitrates and ammonia concentrations in the waters, however an increased trend was found in reference to the concentrations of sulphates and calcium. Other components showed an irregular variation in the individual years.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2011, Tom 13; 723-745
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mikrostrukturalne i mikroteksturalne cechy glin lodowcowych jako wskaźnik warunków subglacjalnych na przykładzie stanowiska Lusowo (Pojezierze Poznańskie)
Microstructural and microtextural features of glacial tills as an indicator of subglacial conditions on the example of Lusowo (Poznan Lakeland)
Morawska, M.
Morawski, M.
Woronko, B.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
wielokierunkowe analizy sedymentologiczne
analiza mikrostrukturalna płytek cienkich
gliny lodowcowe
warunki subglacjalne
Pojezierze Poznańskie
multiproxy sedimentological analyses
analysis of thin section
basal til
subglacial conditions
Poznań Lakeland
Wielokierunkowym badaniom sedymentologicznym poddano gliny lodowcowe budujące wysoczyznę morenową rozciągającą się na południe od moren czołowych fazy poznańskiej zlodowacenia wisły. Teren badań zlokalizowano około 10 km na NW od Poznania. W jego obrębie zaznacza się obecność wielkoskalowych lineacji glacjalnych, będących efektem funkcjonowania w czasie zlodowacenia wisły szybkiego paleostrumienia lodowego. Przeprowadzono analizy: litofacjalną osadów, uziarnienia, charakteru powierzchni ziarn kwarcu frakcji piaszczystej według Cailleux (1942) i w SEM oraz analizę mikrostrukturalną na podstawie płytek cienkich. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły wnioskować o prawdopodobnym źródle osadów. Ponadto uwidoczniła się duża jednorodność osadów pod względem uziarnienia, jak również charakteru obtoczenia i zmatowienia powierzchni ziarn kwarcu frakcji 0,8-1,0 mm oraz znikomy wpływ transportu w środowisku glacjalnym na charakter mikrorzeźby powierzchni ziarn kwarcu. Natomiast wyniki analizy mikrostrukturalnej płytek cienkich pokazały zróżnicowanie glin lodowcowych w profilu pionowym, odpowiadające zmiennym warunkom towarzyszącym akumulacji osadów. Zapis mikrostrukturalny uwidocznił obecność ciągłej, ale o zmiennej miąższości warstwy deformacyjnej. Czynnikiem modelującym zmiany była zawartość i ciśnienie wody porowej.
Multiproxy sedimentological analyses were carried out on glacial till building morainic plateau which extends south from the terminal moraines of the Pomorska phase, Vistulian Glaciation. The study area was located about 10 km to the north-west from Poznań. Mega-scale glacial lineations occur among the plateau. They are the effect of a fast flowing paleo- ice stream existing during the Vistulian Glaciation. Following analysis were performed: lithofacial analysis of sediments, the granulometric composition of deposit, the frosting and rounding analyses of sand quartz grains (1.0–0.8 mm) according to Cailleux (1942) and in SEM and analysis of thin sections. The results suggest probable source of the deposits and show homogeneity in terms of granulometry and rounding and frosting of quartz grains in fraction of 0.8-1.0 mm. Glacial transport appears to have limited influence on the microstructure of quartz grains surface. Analysis of thin sections show the vertical differentiation of glacial till according to variable conditions accompanying its deposition. Microstructures recorded continuous deformation layer which varied in thickness. The volume and pressure of pore water were the factors responsible for the changes.
Landform Analysis; 2010, 13; 61-76
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura zbiorowisk fitoplanktonu Jeziora Chrzypskiego (Sierakowski Park Krajobrazowy, Wielkopolska)
The phytoplankton community structure in Chrzypskie Lake (Sierakowski Landscape Park, Wielkopolska region)
Celewicz, S.
Kluza-Wieloch, M.
Pertek, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
wykaz gatunkow
zbiorowiska wodne
Jezioro Chrzypskie
gmina Chrzypsko Wielkie
Pojezierze Poznanskie
struktura zbiorowisk
Sierakowski Park Krajobrazowy
Steciana; 2021, 25, 4; 31-43
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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