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Władze Królestwa Polskiego wobec paulinów polskich (1815-1864) Zarys problematyki
The Authorities of the Kingdom of Poland and Their Relationship with the Polish Order of Pauline Fathers (1815-1864). General Overview
Szpak, Jacek Antoni
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
historia zakonu Paulinów
Królestwo Polskie
władze rosyjskie i Kościół katolicki
the history of the Pauline Fathers order
the Kingdom of Poland
Russian authorities and the Catholic Church
In 1815-1864, the majority of the monasteries of the Pauline Fathers were located in the Kingdom of Poland (only the monastery in Skałka in Kraków was located outside of the Kingdom). There was a degree of antipathy tinged with hostility among the authorities of the Kingdom of Poland with regard to contemplative orders, which were regarded by them as lacking any benefits for the rest of society. Moreover, a significant part of the Church hierarchy was opposed to this type of orders. However, the Pauline Fathers ran parishes in their monasteries, which mitigated somewhat the hostility of the elites of that time towards the order. In 1818, the Pauline Fathers lost their monastery in Wieluń, followed by seven other monasteries in 1819, which were closed down by the secular and Church authorities. In the following years, nonetheless, the order reclaimed their monastery in Wielgomłyny, and in 1869, after several years of concentrated efforts, the monastery in Brdów. The Pauline monasteries were carefully controlled by the administrative and diocesan authorities. There were numerous conflicts regarding admittance to the order, as well as several instances of seizure of monastery documentation. Economic matters were also subject to state control. The Pauline Fathers played active parts in the November Uprising, donating to the uprising authorities and financing soldiers fighting in the uprising. The situation of the order deteriorated following the fall of the uprising and the introduction of the martial law by Nicholas I, which impeded mobility between particular monasteries. In addition to that, the process of admittance as well as economic issues became subject to even stricter state control. The Pauline Fathers played an important active part in the events of the years 1861-1864. They organized numerous patriotic services and congresses of the Church hierarchy. A few members of the order, moreover, functioned as chaplains for the insurgents, while others were actively engaged in the conspiracy. There are also several documented instances of armed Pauline Fathers taking part in the fight. As retribution for their activities, in 1864 the Russian authorities closed down all of their monasteries, barring the monastery in Częstochowa.
Wieki Stare i Nowe; 2017, 12, 17; 108-127
Pojawia się w:
Wieki Stare i Nowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The 15th-century edition of the Pauline missal as a source for Gregorian chant history
Piętnastowieczna edycja Mszału Paulińskiego źródłem do dziejów Chorału Gregoriańskiego
Rozen, Fryderyk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
liturgia średniowieczna
Pauline Fathers
medieval liturgy
There exist only few medieval codices containing musical notation for the Mass in the Pauline rite. The significant source for further research of the Pauline liturgical music is Missale Eremitarum S. Pauli printed by Johannes Amerbach about 1490. The objective of this article is to discuss the blank spaces left especially for the addition of handwritten neumes. The space for musical notation was prepared by the printer for parts of the Ordinarium Missae, in ceremonies of the Palm Sunday and Good Friday. In six remaining copies of the missal the neumes were inscribed in various ways. The study of the provenance shows that these copies were used in the monasteries in several countries.
Istnieje jedynie kilka średniowiecznych kodeksów zawierających notację muzyczną Mszy w rycie paulińskim. Istotnym źródłem do badań nad paulińską muzyką liturgiczną jest Missale Eremitarum S. Pauli wydrukowany przez Johannesa Amerbacha ok. 1490 r. Celem artykułu jest omówienie miejsc pozostawionych przez drukarza pod odręczne wpisanie neum. Miejsce pod notację muzyczną zostało przygotowane we fragmentach Ordinarium Missae, obrzędach Niedzieli Palmowej i Wielkiego Piątku. W sześciu zachowanych egzemplarzach neumy zostały wpisane w odmiennym zakresie. Opracowanie proweniencyjne wykazało, iż egzemplarze były używane w klasztorach kilku krajów.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2023, 30, 2; 89-101
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sytuacja ekonomiczna klasztoru paulinów w Leśnej (na tle gospodarki innych placówek paulińskich działających we wschodnich województwach Rzeczpospolitej)
Szpak, Jacek Antoni
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Pauline fathers
order of monks
monastic economy
Catholic church
zakon męski
gospodarka klasztorna
Kościół katolicki
Jedną z najważniejszych placówek polskiej prowincji paulinów w XVIII-XIX wieku był klasztor w Leśnej na Podlasiu. Został on ufundowany w 1726 r. przez właściciela wsi Władysława Jana Michałowskiego. Po III rozbiorze w 1795 r. Leśna znalazła się w Galicji Zachodniej, od 1809 r. miejscowość leżała w Księstwie Warszawskim, w latach 1815-1918 w Królestwie Polskim, znajdującym się pod władzą carów Rosji. Klasztor został skasowany w 1864 r. Klasztor otrzymał bardzo duże uposażenie. W jego posiadaniu do 1795 r. znajdowało się 16 wsi, jednak w wyniku III rozbioru paulini utracili na rzecz skarbu rosyjskiego większość swoich dóbr. Do końca istnienia posiadał jedynie 4 wsie. Areał ziemi klasztornej w XVIII wieku wynosił 4907 mórg, a po 1795 r. jedynie 842,50 morgi (o 82,83% mniej niż wcześniej). Tak duże uposażenie, powodowało, że klasztor leśniański był drugim najlepiej zabezpieczonym po Jasnej Górze konwentem w polskiej prowincji paulinów. Paulini w Leśnej w największych ilościach siali żyto, pszenicę, jęczmień, owies, uprawiali także tatarkę, groch, proso, grykę i len. Na poziom produkcji roślinnej duży wpływ miały działania zbrojne, które toczyły się w rejonie klasztoru. Występowało wówczas zagrożenie życia i zdrowia oraz liczne grabieże dokonywane przez maszerujące armie, np. w latach 1812-1813 i 1831. Najwięcej plonów wydatkowano na zasiewy i spożycie w klasztorze, natomiast w XIX wieku część zbiorów sprzedawano na rynku lokalnym. Wydaje się, że w XIX wieku nastąpiła również poprawa kultury rolnej, co przyniosło wzrost wydajności. W dobrach klasztornych hodowano woły i konie jako siłę roboczą oraz bydło mleczne, owce, świnie, drób i pszczoły. Hodowla była przeznaczona przede wszystkim na zaspokojenie własnych potrzeb. Dużą rolę w działalności ekonomicznej klasztoru odgrywała gospodarka pozarolnicza, czyli młynarstwo, propinacja oraz produkcja cegieł. Na podstawie zachowanych, niekompletnych materiałów archiwalnych ustalono, że największe dochody uzyskiwano z czynszów dzierżawnych, z odsetek wyderkafowych oraz z depozytów bankowych i spłaty listów zastawnych. Najwięcej wydawano na prace budowlane i remontowe, podatki, pensje dla czeladzi oraz na utrzymanie zakonników. Sytuacja finansowa klasztoru była niestabilna, jednak klasztor w Leśnej utrzymywał się samodzielnie, korzystając z pomocy władz prowincji tylko raz w latach 30. XIX wieku.
One of the most important institutions of the Polish Pauline Province in the 18th and 19th centuries was the monastery in Leśna in Podlasie (Podlachia). It was founded in 1726 by the village owner, Władysław Jan Michałowski. After the Third Partition in 1795, Leśna became part of Western Galicia, from 1809 it was part of the Duchy of Warsaw, and from 1815 to 1918 part of the Kingdom of Poland under the rule of Russian Tsars. The monastery was dissolved in 1864. The monastery received a very large endowment. Until 1795 it owned 16 villages, but as a result of the Third Partition, the Pauline Fathers lost most of their property to the Russian treasury. Until the end of its existence, it owned only 4 villages. The acreage of the monastic land in the 18th century amounted to 4907 morgens, and after 1795 it was only 842.50 morgen (82.83% less than before). Such a large endowment meant that the monastery in Leśna was financially the best secured convent in the Polish Pauline Province, second only to Jasna Góra. The Paulines in Leśna sowed the greatest quantities of rye, wheat, barley, oats, and they also grew Tartary buckwheat, peas, millet, buckwheat, and flax. The level of crop production was heavily influenced by military operations that took place in the area of the monastery. At that time, there occurred threats to life and health, as well as numerous lootings carried out by marching armies, e.g., over the years 1812 to 1813 and 1831. Most of the crops were expended on sowing and consumption in the monastery, while in the 19th century part of the harvest was sold on the local market. The 19th century also seems to have witnessed an improvement in the farming culture, resulting in increased productivity. The monastic estates bred oxen and horses as beasts of burden, as well as dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, and bees. Animal husbandry was primarily intended for satisfying their own needs. Non-agricultural economy, namely milling industry, propination (exercising local alcohol monopoly), and brick production played an important role in the economic operations of the monastery. On the basis of the preserved, incomplete archival materials, it has been established that the biggest income was obtained from lease rents, interest on special contracts for the purchase of profits from lease rents, as well as from bank deposits, and the repayment of mortgage bonds. The most substantial amounts were spent on construction and renovation works, taxes, salaries for servants and on the upkeep of monks. The financial situation of the monastery was unstable, but the monastery in Leśna supported itself without any external help, with a single exception being an assistance of the provincial authorities which happened only once, in the 1930s.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2021, 116; 397-436
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura, zmiany organizacyjne i poziom nauczania Publicznej Szkoły Powszechnej w Brdowie w latach 1919–1939
Structure, organisational changes and level of education at the General Public School in Brdów from 1919 to 1939
Racinowski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
interwar period
school reorganisation
education system
education reform
interwar school
level of education
working conditions
school in Brdów
teaching results
taught subjects
school structure
Pauline fathers
The school in Brdów dates back to the mid–15th century. It was founded and managed by Pauline fathers. In the following centuries, the school functioned with varying degrees of success. The realdevelopment of the Brdów school occurred in the interwar period. In the following years, the structure of the school changed, due to the growing number of students. Before the outbreak of World War II, there was a general public school of 3rd level, i.e. one with seven grades, in Brdów.The teachers worked under very difficult conditions. The school building was too small to accommodate all the classes. The classrooms were overcrowded. However, the educators tried to achieve the best results possible. This was confirmed by subsequent inspections conducted by educational authorities. Just before the outbreak of World War II, a new school building was opened in Brdów which greatly improved working and learning conditions there.
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania; 2017, 37; 133-150
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Historii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starania Władysława Reymonta o przyjęcie do Paulinów w świetle jego korespodencji
Zbudniewek, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Jasna Góra
Pauline Fathers
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 1969, 19; 233-239
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Solus cum Deo solo. Rehoľa pavlínov v stredovekom Uhorsku
Solus cum Deo solo. Pauline Fathers in Medieval Hungary
Hlavačková, Miriam
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Królestwo Węgier
Maciej Korwin
Pauline Fathers
The Kingdom of Hungary
Matthias Corvinus
The purpose of this paper is to present the short history of the Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit which was following the spiritual lifestyle of the „first hermit”, Saint Paul of T hebes († 342). The paper starts with the description of a foundation of the order in the first half of the 13th century, when hermits started to live in hermitages in the Patach Mountains in the Diocese of Pécs and in the Pilis Mountains in the south-east of Esztergom, and in its major part it focuses on the later development of the Pauline monasteries in the territory of the medieval Hungarian Kingdom. The Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit (Ordo Fratrum Eremitarum Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae) was following the spiritual lifestyle of the „first hermit”, Saint Paul of Thebes († 342). The formation of this order started in the first half of the 13th century, when hermits started to live in hermitages in the Patach Mountains in the Diocese of Pécs and in the Pilis Mountains in the south-east of Esztergom, following the example of the Old-Christian hermits in the deserts of Egypt. Blessed Eusebius of Esztergom († 1270) united the hermits who were scattered in caves and around 1250 they built the Holy Cross Monastery close to what is today Kesztölc-Klastrompuszta. Approvals granted by a legate of the Pope, Cardinal Gentilis of Montefiore, were an important step in the process of the formation of this new Order of Pauline Fathers, allowing them to follow the rule of Saint Augustine and create their own constitution. The centre of this monastic society and the seat of the General Priory was the monastery connected to the St. Lawrence Church in Buda. The contemplative nature of the order was clearly implied by their motto Solus cum Deo solo, and the religious practices of the monks included meditation near the relics of saints, the recitation of numerous prayers for the dead and the intensive worship of Mary. The order thrived in the 14th century: while 22 Pauline monasteries were built during the 40 year reign of Louis the Great (1342–1382), 16 monasteries were founded in 70 years plus that followed (1382–1458). The defeat of Hungarian troops at Mohács (1526) did great damage to the order. However, Turkish ravages were not the only cause of the dissolution of the monasteries at that time. The rapidly-spreading ideas of reformation also drew the attention of important Hungarian noblemen; even though they were the descendants of the founders of the monasteries, they converted to Protestantism and appropriated the possessions of the church in their territories.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2017, 4 (15); 36-55
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Medieval church and monastery of the Pauline Fathers “Na Skałce” in Kraków-Kazimierz in the light of archaeological investigations in 2007–2008
Poleski, Jacek
Niemiec, Dariusz
Woźniak, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Instytut Archeologii
Pauline Fathers church and monastery
excavations 2007-2008
iconographic records
The excavations conducted in 2007 and 2008 in the western part of the Pauline Fathers monastery in Kraków-Skałka did not result in the discovery of any medieval church or monastery relics preserved in situ. This is caused first of all by far-going transformations of buildings and their vicinity in the modern period, starting from the 17th century. One of the most interesting results of the research project turned out to be the possibility of making a revised reconstruction of the shape of the limestone rock on which Archangel Michael and St. Stanislaus’ church was built. It allows to reconsider the oldest iconographic record that represents Skałka and its architecture at the close of the Middle Ages. It is also worthwhile emphasizing that the archaeological investigations yielded a very large collection of portable artefacts, a significant part of which are finds of great scientific value. Extremely important is the discovery of a collection of coins, found mainly in bank layers of trench I, being the largest such collection acquired through archaeological excavations in Kraków. The series of coins, including 136 pieces from a broad chronological spectrum (the 14th to the 19th century), contains some unique specimens. A splendid assemblage of several late-Gothic, decorated bronze book fittings and clasps was also discovered. Another extraordinary find is a personal gilded seal matrix. A large series of stove tiles was also acquired, including particularly beautiful early Renaissance tiles. Finally – a particularly interesting series of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque glazed colour roof tiles (of the “gąsiorówka” type) was found. Their presence leaves no doubts that, at the turn of the 15th century at the latest, the roof of St. Michael Archangel and St. Stanislaus’ church attracted popular attention by its original covering in the form of glazed tiles. Concluding, it can be stated that the discovered assemblage of artefacts is a distinct manifestation of the power and significance of the Kraków Pauline Fathers, who cultivated the tradition of St. Stanislaus’ place of martyrdom and who played an active role in the life of Kraków’s citizens and all Poles already since the Middle Ages.
Recherches Archéologiques Nouvelle Serie; 2010, 2; 291-318
Pojawia się w:
Recherches Archéologiques Nouvelle Serie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Archivum Ordinis Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae – rozprawy i źródła do dziejów zakonu paulinów
Archivum Ordinis Sancti Pauli Primi Eremitae – Treatises and sources for the history of the the Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit
Dębowska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Pauline Fathers
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2016, 106; 401-404
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apostola Apostolorum : Maria Magdalena w nauczaniu Ojców Kościoła
Apostola Apostolorum : Mary Magdalene in the teaching of the Church Fathers
Krawczyk, Michał
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
Maria Magdalena
apostołka Apostołów
ojcowie Kościoła
Grzegorz Wielki
Grzegorz z Tours
Hipolit Rzymski
Hilary z Poitiers
Paulin z Noli
Jan Chryzostom
Klemens Aleksandryjski
Mary Magdalene
apostle of the Apostles
fathers of the Church
Gregory the Great
Gregory of Tours
Hilary of Poitiers
Pauline of Nola
John Chrysostom
of Alexandria
Roman Hippolytus
Pope Francis, announcing his decision to raise the rank of liturgical celebrations dedicated to Mary Magdalene, wanted to recall this exceptional figure in the history of the Church, whose example of life emanates also on the present community. It is also an opportunity to clear up the misunderstandings surrounding her life. It is possible after getting acquainted with the teaching of the Fathers of the Western Church on St. Mary Magdalene and her unique mission as “apostle of the Apostles”.
Papież Franciszek, ogłaszając swoją decyzję o podniesieniu do rangi święta obchodów liturgicznych dedykowanych Marii Magdalenie, chciał przypomnieć o tej wyjątkowej postaci w historii Kościoła, której przykład życia emanuje także na obecną wspólnotę. Jest to również okazja do wyjaśnienia nieporozumień związanych z jej życiem. Jest to możliwe po zapoznaniu się z nauczaniem ojców Kościoła Zachodniego odnoszącym się do św. Marii Magdaleny i jej wyjątkowej misji jako „apostołki Apostołów”.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2020, 27; 151-160
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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