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Efekty rehabilitacji zaburzeń mowy z wykorzystaniem analizy akustycznej u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona
Results of speech rehabilitation with use of computer acoustic analysis in patients with Parkinsons disease
Słotwiński, K.
Budrewicz, S.
Koszewicz, M.
Podemski, R.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki. Katedra Inżynierii Biomedycznej
choroba Parkinsona
zaburzenia mowy
analiza akustyczna
Parkinson's disease
speech disturbances
acoustic analysis
Ocenia się, że dysartryczne zaburzenia mowy w chorobie Parkinsona występują u 70-90% chorych, a leczenie farmakologiczne przynosi niewielkie efekty. Celem pracy była analiza komputerowa wpływu postępowania logopedycznego na strukturę akustyczną dźwięków mowy w grupie chorych z rozpoznaniem choroby Parkinsona. Materiał stanowiło 10 chorych (6 kobiet, 4 mężczyzn, w wieku 59-75 lat, średnio - 68,2), z rozpoznaniem choroby Parkinsona i z zaburzeniami mowy o charakterze dysar-trycznym. Wszyscy byli leczeni preparatami L-dopy. Przeprowadzono u nich terapię z uwzględnieniem ćwiczeń fonacji, artykulacji; ukierunkowanych na zmniejszenie sztywności mięśni ust i twarzy oraz ćwiczeń oddechowych. W celu oceny skuteczności postępowania logopedycznego wykorzystano komputerową akustyczną analizę mowy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem następujących parametrów: selektywności poszczególnych elementów wypowiedzi, tempa oraz stabilności dźwięków mowy. W analizie akustycznej zastosowano programy komputerowe IRIS oraz Wavelab. Stwierdzono, że systematycznie stosowane postępowanie logopedyczne u pacjentów z rozpoznaniem choroby Parkinsona i towarzyszącymi zaburzeniami mowy o typie dysartrii wpływa na stabilizację wybranych parametrów akustycznych mowy oraz poprawę sprawności mowy, co znalazło potwierdzenie w akustycznej analizie komputerowej.
Dysarthria occurs in case of 70-90% of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Pharmacological treatment of this symptom is not effective enough. The aim of this work was the computer analysis of the influence of speech therapy on the acoustic structure of speech sounds in patients with Parkinson's disease. Material and methods: 10 patients (6 women and 4 men) aged from 59 to 75 years (mean age - 68.2) with PD and dysarthria were examined. All patients were treated by the L-Dopa and the logopedie examination was carried out. The administrated pronation and articulation exercises aimed to facial and oral muscle rigidity reduction. The breathing training was included in the therapeutic programme, as well. Computer speech analysis was applied for the evaluation of speech rehabilitation efficacy. Selectiveness of the individual parts of speech and stability of frequency estimation were analyzed using IRIS and Wavelab computer programs. Systematic logopedie therapy in PD patients with dysarthria influences the speech acoustic parameters and enables the speech efficiency improvement. Computer acoustic analysis allows to follow the therapy efficacy.
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna; 2009, 15, 2; 141-143
Pojawia się w:
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ systematycznych ćwiczeń ruchowych na czynność mięśni kończyn dolnych u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona - doniesienie wstępne
Effect of regular exercises on the function of lower extremity muscles in patients with Parkinson disease - a pilot study
Malicka, I.
Chamela-Bilińska, D.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki. Katedra Inżynierii Biomedycznej
choroba Parkinsona
ćwiczenia ruchowe
dynamometria czynnościowa
motor excercises
Parkinson's disease
functional dynamometry
Cel pracy: Ocena wpływu ćwiczeń ruchowych na czynność mięśni działających na stawy kolanowe u pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona. Grupa badana: 10 pacjentów (kobiet) z chorobą Parkinsona, średni wiek 72,9 lat (grupa badana), oraz 12 osób zdrowych (kobiety), słuchaczki Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku, średni wiek 65,0 lat (grupa kontrolna). Metoda badań: Wykonano badania czynnościowe mięśni zginaczy i prostowników stawu kolanowego na stanowisku do badań izokinetycznych Biodex System 3 Multi Joint. Badania przeprowadzono przed przystąpieniem do usprawniania pacjentów leczonych z powodu choroby Parkinsona oraz po okresie dwóch miesięcy regularnych ćwiczeń. Wyniki: W grupie pierwszej, w przypadku prędkości kątowej 60%, uzyskano istotną poprawę wszystkich analizowanych parametrów mięśni zginaczy i prostowników, zarówno w obrębie kończyny dolnej prawej, jak i lewej. Natomiast w przypadku prędkości kątowej 1807s istotnie wzrosły analizowane parametry dla mięśni prostowników i zginaczy stawu kolanowego prawego oraz dla mięśni prostowników stawu kolanowego lewego. W grupie 2. nie stwierdzono żadnych istotnych różnic. Wnioski: Ćwiczenia ruchowe prowadzone u osób z chorobą Parkinsona poprawiają czynność mięśni kończyn dolnych, w związku z powyższym mogą zmniejszyć ryzyko występowania upadków oraz powikłań z nimi związanych.
The influence of the regular exercises on the function of lower extremities muscles acting on the knee joints in patients with Parkinson's disease. Subjects: 10 women with Parkinson's disease at the average age of 72,9 and 12 healthy females at the average age of 65,0 (control group). Methods: Biodex dynamometer was used to measure strength - velocity parameters in the knee flexors and extensors muscles. The examination were performed before the period of patients rehabilitation and after two months of regular exercises. Results: In a group 1, in case of the angular velocity of 60°/s, a significant improvement of all analyzed parameters of flexor and extensor muscles was obtained, both in the right and the left lower extremity. In the case of the angular velocity of 1807s, a significant increase of analyzed parameters of flexor and extensor muscles was noted. No significant differences were found in a group 2. Conclusions: Exercises in case of patients with Parkin-son's disease increase the muscular function of lower extremities and therefore may decrease the risk of falls and complications resulting from injures.
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna; 2009, 15, 2; 108-111
Pojawia się w:
Acta Bio-Optica et Informatica Medica. Inżynieria Biomedyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of the 6-month Course of Nordic Walking on Patient with Parkinsons Disease - a Case Report
Musiał, Paula
Michalik, Monika
Nowak, Ewelina
Szefler-Derela, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Nordic Walking
Parkinson’s disease
A person with Parkinson's disease has bigger problems with maintaining the stability than the healthy person. Nordic Walking is a safe kind of physical activity for elderly people. The aim of this study is to present the influence of a 6-month therapy of the Nordic Walking on the imbalance and the risk of falls for 66-years-old patient with Parkinson's disease. On the basis of results of 4 tests, performed both at the beginning and at the end of the Nordic Walking therapy, we have made a comparison of patient’s changes before and after 6 months of rehabilitation. the DGI test, the PD patient received 18 points. After he got 22 points. In the Functional Reach Test ( FR), while attempting to reach forward, reached out for 23 cm before the therapy, and 31 cm after the therapy. In the test and go up the patient got a time of 63 seconds, after therapy the time was reduced to 45 s. Nordic Walking is a safe kind of physical activity for people with Parkinson's disease. It reduces muscle tension, and improves joint function.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2017, 20, 4; 31-38
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mowa pacjentki z chorobą Parkinsona w fazie zaawansowanej
Szurek, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Parkinson’s disease
speech disorder
The purpose of this article is to present speech disorders of 91 years old patient suffering from advanced Parkinson’s disease (it is the last stage of the disease when all symptoms are stronger) and to draw attention to the need of mentioning the impact of speech therapy while describing the disease. In the article an author is introducing the patient and her current condition. Mainly it is focused on the speech therapy diagnosis that was based on particular aspects of speech (such as: general condition of the patient, phonation, comprehension of speech and naming, repea- ting, dialogues and storytelling, reading, counting and writing). In the final part, the effectiveness of speech therapy is presented. This publication might become  a leading example for other speech therapist on how to manage the therapy for people suffering from these types of disorders in speaking and communication.
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej; 2016, 14; 137-157
Pojawia się w:
Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Optogenetic methods in the service of neuroscience and medicine
Metody optogenetyczne w służbie neuronauki i medycyny
Gralec, Katarzyna
Kuś, Natalia
Solecki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Badań nad Bólem
Parkinson’s disease
Optogenetics is a novel approach in neuroscience studies that enables to demonstrate a relation between an activity of particular neuronal circuits and a behavior. The discussed method is based on recent findings in genetic engineering and optical techniques allowing the introduction of light-sensitive membrane ion channels into neurons. A pulse of light opens the channel resulting in an ion flow, change of membrane potential and consequently, activation or inhibition of certain neuron. The main advantage of optogenetics is its application in vivo, which allows to control the activity of individual neurons in real-time, even in freely-moving animals during complex behavioral tasks. Our goal was to describe experimental protocols using optogenetic tools along with their advantages and review experimental studies which use optogenetics to examine neuronal bases of addiction, depression, anxiety and Parkinson’s disease. The selection of papers was made b y Pubmed search by keywords: optogenetics, channelrhodopsin and halorhodopsin. The synthesis of results allowed to wirupoint to the role of optogenetics in demonstrating causative relation between particular behavioral phenomena (e.g. reward) and (i) activity (e.g. phasic but not tonic) of defined neural population (e.g. dopaminergic neurons of the lateral ventral tegmental area), (ii) their projections (e.g. fibers projecting to the lateral shell of nucleus accumbens), and (iii) inputs (e.g. from the laterodorsal tegmentum). In summary, the results of optogenetic studies have revealed the role of specific neural systems and the dynamic of their activity in the modulation of the behavior that can be seen both in norma l conditions and in psychiatric disorders.
Optogenetyka jest młodą techniką badawczą, która znajduje obecnie szerokie zastosowanie w neuronaukach. Dzięki innowacyjnemu podejściu możliwe jest ukazanie związków pomiędzy aktywnością określonych układów neuronalnych a zachowaniem. Omawiana metoda badawcza wykorzystuje najnowsze osiągnięcia inżynierii genetycznej i technik optycznych. Polega na wprowadzeniu do komórki nerwowej egzogennych kanałów jonowych, które następnie ulegają wbudowaniu w błonę neuronu i reagują otwarciem na bodziec świetlny. Efektem tego jest przepływ jonów, a w konsekwencji aktywacja bądź inhibicja neuronu. Największą zaletą optogenetyki jest fakt, że można ją stosować in vivo, dzięki czemu uzyskano możliwość kontroli w czasie rzeczywistym aktywności zdefiniowanych populacji komórek nerwowych u zwierząt swobodnie poruszających się i wykonujących złożone testy behawioralne. Celem niniejszej pracy było (i) przybliżenie schematów eksperymentalnych wykorzystujących narzędzia optogenetyczne oraz (ii) przegląd prac badawczych z zakresu uzależnień, depresji, lęku oraz choroby Parkinsona, w których posłużono się optogenetyką. Wyboru prac dokonano na podstawie wyników wyszukiwania w bazie Pubmed haseł takich jak optogenetics, channelrhodopsin i halorhodopsin. Syntetyczne zestawienie wyników badań analizowanych prac wskazuje na rolę optogenetyki w odkrywaniu relacji przyczynowo skutkowych pomiędzy badanym zjawiskiem (np. efekt nagradzający) a (i) aktywnością (np. fazowa ale nie toniczna) poszczególnych populacji neuronów (np. neuronów dopaminergicznych w polu brzusznym nakrywki), (ii) ich specyficznych projekcji (np. do bocznej części skorupy jądra półleżącego), oraz (iii) włókien wstępujących tworzących z danymi neuronami funkcjonalne synapsy (np. z bocznogrzbietowej nakrywki). Podsumowując, wyniki badań z zastosowaniem optogenetyki wykazały rolę specyficznych systemów neuronalnych oraz dynamikę ich aktywności w modulowaniu zachowania charakterystycznego zarówno dla normy jak i zaburzeń psychiatrycznych.
Ból; 2014, 15, 1; 36-45
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparative analysis of computer typing of healthy people and people with Parkinson’s disease
Anchimowicz, Anna
Derlatka, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
Parkinson’s disease
keyboard typing
statistical analysis
Nowadays, methods are being searched in order to detect Parkinson’s disease at an early stage. This would aid faster diagnosis and a more objective assessment of the severity of the condition. This paper focuses on examining whether typing differs between healthy people and people with varying degrees of Parkinson’s disease. The analysis used publicly available data from the database [1], which contains results from 227 people over several experimental days. Data from only 108 subjects were used, with a maximum of 3 days of use of the Tappy application by one participant with at least 200 clicks considered. Computer keyboard typing parameters, such as button hold time, latency and flight time were taken into account. Statistical analysis of the data obtained using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis tests showed that there were no statistically significant differences (α < 0.05) between the study groups (healthy people and people with varying degrees of Parkinson’s disease). However, the reason for this may be the small study group and the lack of consideration of medications taken when matching to groups.
Advances in biomedical engineering; 99-107
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ahmadou, Taher Moussa
Salim, EL-Mossati Mohamed
Moussa, Toudou Daouda
Ghita, Aboulem
Faouzi, Belahsen Mohammed
Touhami Ahami, Ahmed Omar
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Edukacji Medycznej, Promocji Zdrowia, Sztuki i Kultury Ars Medica
Unilateral Spatial Negligence
Parkinson's Disease
Bell's test
In Africa, few studies are interested in unilateral spatial neglect (NSU) in Parkinson's disease. However, this syndrome is a deficit to detect, respond to or orientate towards meaningful stimuli (Heil- man, KM 1973), observable after an injury affecting the non-dominant hemisphere for language. The significant handicap it entails justifies the need for early diagnosis and care. The NSU study is mo- tivated by its link with neurocognitive phenomena that are important on the theoretical level (attention, visuospatial and perceptual awareness). The objective is to study USN in Parkinson's pa tients, followed and hospitalized at the Neurology Department of Hassan II University Hospital in Fez. The visual-graphic test that has been used to detect this pathology is that of Bell's test. The test focuses on the detection of targets placed among several stimuli on a sheet of A4 paper. The material included 120 people: 60 Parkinsonian patients: 34 men (56,7%), and 26 women (43,3%) and 60 control subjects: 34 men (56,7%), and 26 women (43,3%). The groups were matched by age and sex. Different aspects of neglect have been observed throughout the Bell's test. It was found that total omission of bell figures was significantly influenced by age, being less frequent in the 35-49 age group in both groups, and higher in the elderly (50-80 years), as well the level of education. It have been reduced considerably with the increase in education. The hand used and the laterality had no effect; t = 3.76 degrees of freedom (df) = 108.27 and p = 0.000. Unilateral spatial neglect has a negative effect in subjects with Parkin- son's disease. It deserves to be systematically sought for a better clinical evaluation and therapeutic management of the patients.
Acta Neuropsychologica; 2021, 19(2); 219-229
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neuropsychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Altered oxidative stress levels in Indian Parkinsons disease patients with PARK2 mutations
Vinish, Monika
Anand, Akshay
Prabhakar, Sudesh
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
oxidative stress
Parkinson's disease
The aim of this pilot study was to determine the baseline state of oxidative stress indices in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Peripheral blood samples of 15 PD subjects were analyzed and compared with ten age matched healthy controls. Patients with PARK2 mutations were also compared with PD patients without mutations. There was significant increase in malondialdehyde content and superoxide-dismutase (SOD) activity in peripheral blood parameters in PD patients (p < 0.05) in comparison to controls. These findings suggest an important role of oxidative stress in Parkinson's disease evolution and progress. No changes were observed in glutathione peroxidase and nitric oxide levels. We found significant correlation between SOD activity and lipid peroxidation when the biochemical data was further analyzed. In addition, significant increase in the levels of SOD among the PD patients with PARK2 mutations was observed, which can be ascribed to chronic oxidative stress induced by PARK2 mutations.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2011, 58, 2; 165-169
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Security of Electronic Patient Record using Imperceptible DCT-SVD based Audio Watermarking Technique
Kanhe, Aniruddha
Gnanasekaran, Aghila
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Parkinson’s Disease
A robust and highly imperceptible audio watermarking technique is presented to secure the electronic patient record of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affected patient. The proposed DCT-SVD based watermarking technique introduces minimal changes in speech such that the accuracy in classification of PD affected person’s speech and healthy person’s speech is retained. To achieve high imperceptibility the voiced part of the speech is considered for embedding the watermark. It is shown that the proposed watermarking technique is robust to common signal processing attacks. The practicability of the proposed technique is tested: by creating an android application to record & watermark the speech signal. The classification of PD affected speech is done using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier in cloud server.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2019, 65, 1; 19-24
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lizoń, Krzysztof
Cholewa, Joanna
Uher, Ivan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Opolska. Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego i Fizjoterapii
Parkinson's disease
social networks
quality of life
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. Symptoms relate to the movement and cognitive sphere; they have a negative impact on the quality of life of people suffering from PD. Pharmacotherapy and rehabilitation slow the progression of the disease. The aim of the work was to determine the impact of physical rehabilitation on the level of social relations in the context of the quality of life of people with PD. 47 people with idiopathic PD were involved in the study, all were in the second stage of the disease according to the Hoehn & Yahr scale. The Courage Social Network Index (CSNI) was used to assess social relations. The scales: Quality of Life in Parkinson’s Disease 39 (PDQ-39), Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Heath Survey (SF-36) and Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQL) were applied in order to evaluate the quality of life of patients The subjects were divided into two groups: research and control. The research group took part in a rehabilitation program two times a week for 45 minutes for three months. The control group did not participate in any form of physical rehabilitation. The results of the research showed a significantly higher level of social bonds as well as quality of life of people with PD participating in physical rehabilitation. At the same time, a higher level of correlation between the level of social bonds and the level of quality of life was found in the research group. Therefore, the positive impact of physical rehabilitation on the level of social bonds and the quality of life of people with PD constituted the conclusion of the work.
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective; 2017, 6, 10; 35-42
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Caffeine and neurodegenerative disorders
BOGATKO, Karolina
SZOPA, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Ośrodek Umea Shinoda-Kuracejo
Alzheimer’s disease
Parkinson’s disease
Neurodegenerative disorders are amongst the most dangerous diseases in modern society. At the end of 1990, adenosine receptor antagonists were used to block the adenosine A1 and A2A receptors causing less physical, cellular and molecular damage caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In recent years, an increase in death rate caused by these diseases has been observed among people under 74. Caffeine, as NMDA receptor antagonist, prevents an uncontrolled influx of calcium ions into the interior of the cells exerting a neuroprotective effect and beneficial procognitive effects. There is much evidence that caffeine intake is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
Medicina Internacia Revuo; 2014, 26, 103; 89-93
Pojawia się w:
Medicina Internacia Revuo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motor assessment in Parkinson`s disease
Opara, Józef A.
Małecki, Andrzej
Małecka, Elżbieta
Socha, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
parkinson`s disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of most disabling disorders of the central nervous system. The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease: shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, postural instability and difficulty with walking and gait, are difficult to measure. When disease symptoms become more pronounced, the patient experiences difficulties with hand function and walking, and is prone to falls. Baseline motor impairment and cognitive impairment are probable predictors of more rapid motor decline and disability. An additional difficulty is the variability of the symptoms caused by adverse effects of drugs, especially levodopa. Motor assessment of Parkinson`s Disease can be divided into clinimetrics, assessment of balance and posture, arm and hand function, and gait/walking. These are many clinimetric scales used in Parkinson`s Disease, the most popular being the Hoehn and Yahr stages of progression of the disease and Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale. Balance and posture can be assessed by clinimetric scales like the Berg BS, Tinetti, Brunel BA, and Timed Up and Go Test, or measured by posturometric platforms. Among skill tests, the best known are: the Purdue Pegboard Test, Nine-Hole Peg Test, Jebsen and Taylor test, Pig- Tail Test, Frenchay Arm Test, Action Research Arm Test, Wolf FMT and Finger-Tapping Test. Among motricity scales, the most popular are: the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment Scale and Södring Motor Evaluation. Gait and walking can also be assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. Recently, the most popular is three-dimensional analysis of movement. This review article presents the current possibilities of motor assessment in Parkinson`s disease.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2017, 24, 3
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prevention of falls in Parkinson Disease
Zapobieganie upadkom w chorobie Parkinsona
Opara, Józef
Błaszczyk, Janusz
Dyszkiewicz, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie
Parkinson Disease
choroba Parkinsona
Some people suffering from Parkinson Disease experience problems with gait and keeping stable posture. Sometimes they fall down, which can be dangerous. Statistics show that more than 50% of PD patients happen to fall. The rehabilitation of those patients is difficult and complicated and its most important elements are coordination and balance exercises. The factors predicting falls are the following: age, cognitive disturbances, troubles with eyesight, bowel and bladder incontinence, intake of drugs. According to Hoehn and Yahr, in stages III, IV and V a loss of balance or/and a loss of body stability control can be observed. In this review the common rules of comprehensive rehabilitation of the patients suffering from Parkinson Disease and the prevention of falls have been described. The paper also presents the use of stabilometry, posturometry and gait analysis for early diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention of falls.
Co najmniej połowa pacjentów z chorobą Parkinsona ma doświadczenie związane z upadkiem, zaś w późniejszych stadiach choroby dotyka to dwóch spośród trzech chorych. Rehabilitacja chorych z chorobą Parkinsona, zwłaszcza w rozwiniętej postaci choroby, jest trudna i skomplikowana. Ważnym jej elementem są ćwiczenia koordynacyjno-równoważne i zapobieganie upadkom. W pracy poglądowej przedstawiono zasady kompleksowej rehabilitacji osób z chorobą Parkinsona, omówiono zasady profilaktyki upadków, zaprezentowano wykorzystanie stabilometrii, posturometrii i analizy chodu dla wczesnej diagnostyki, rehabilitacji i profilaktyki upadków.
Medical Rehabilitation; 2005, 9(1); 25-28
Pojawia się w:
Medical Rehabilitation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nordic Walking w rehabilitacji choroby Parkinsona
Nordic Walking in Parkinson Disease rehabilitation
Szefler-Derela, Justyna
Suszyński, Krzysztof
Doroniewicz, Iwona
Kowalczyk, Anna
Opala, Grzegorz
Kwiek, Stanisław J.
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
choroba parkinsona
nordic walking
parkinson's disease
INTRODUCTION Parkinson's disease is neurodegenerative disease of the elderly, for which to this day an effective cure has not been found. Besides pharmacotherapy and Deep Brain Stimulation in PD, an increasingly supplementary treatment is exercise therapy like Nordic Walking (NW). MATERIAL AND METHODS 40 patients with PD taking part in the survey were divided into two equal groups in terms of gender and stage of the disease (II and III stage of the Hoehn and Yahr scale); the study group was subjected to 6 weeks of Nordic Walking training. The control group consists of persons without physical activity for 6 weeks. RESULTS In the NW group there was a statistically significant better improvement of the test parameters. CONCLUSIONS After the 6 week rehabilitation period, major improvement in terms of patient mobility functionality and gait parameters is visible.
WSTĘP Choroba Parkinsona ( Parkinson’s disease – PD) jest neurozwyrodnieniową chorobą wieku podeszłego, na którą do dziś nie wynaleziono skutecznego lekarstwa. Oprócz stosowanej farmakoterapii coraz częściej uzupełnieniem leczenia jest terapia ruchowa, w tym trening metodą Nordic Walking (NW). MATERIAŁ I METODY Badaniem objeto 40 pacjentów z PD, których podzielono na dwie równe grupy pod względem płci oraz stopnia zaawansowania choroby (II i III stopień skali Hoehn&Yahr). Grupę badawczą poddano 6-tygodniowemu treningowi metodą NW . Grupę kontrolną stanowiły osoby bez aktywności fizycznej przez 6 tygodni. W Y N I K I W grupie NW stwierdzono znamiennie statystycznie lepszą poprawę badanych parametrów. W N I O S K I Po 6-tygodniowym okresie usprawniania widoczna jest znaczna poprawa w zakresie funkcjonalności ruchowej pacjentów oraz parametrów chodu.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2014, 68, 5; 361-367
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the quality of life in Moroccan Parkinson’s patients
Ahmadou, Taher Moussa
Hanae, Benjebara
Ghita, Aboulem
Moussa, Toudou Daouda
Camara, Diankanagbe
Mariam, Jilla
Naima, Chtaou
Faouzi, Belahsen Mohammed
Touhami Ahami, Ahmed Omar
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Edukacji Medycznej, Promocji Zdrowia, Sztuki i Kultury Ars Medica
Parkinson’s disease
Neurocognitive disorder
Quality of life
Parkinson’s disease can lead to disability and reduce the quality of life of its patients. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of life of a group of people with Parkinson’s disease. The clinical and progressive characteristics of the disease, its motor and neuropsychological impact were evaluated in each Parkinsonian subject included in the study. A quality of life assessment was performed and collected from 60 Parkinsonian patients followed and hospitalized at Hassan II University Hospital in Fez. Different instruments were used, the Hoenh and Yahr scale and the Parkinson’s disease questionnaire (PDQ-39) UPDRS engine, MMS, clinical fact sheet. According to our results, through the different tests and scale of evaluation, we observed an impaired quality of life in the areas of physical discomfort, cognitive disorder, activity of daily living, mobility, and emotional well-being, especially in patients with duration of evolution more than 5 years. There was no significant difference between the two sexes. In addition, the severity of the disease tended to give the impression of an impaired quality of life with respect to the dimensions of activities of daily living and cognition, which is relevant to improving the quality of life patient life and clinical interventions.
Acta Neuropsychologica; 2020, 18(1); 67-76
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neuropsychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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