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World Energy Resources and New Technologies
Szmyd, Janusz S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
The development of civilisation is linked inextricably with growing demand for electricity. Thus, the still-rapid increase in the level of utilisation of natural resources, including fossil fuels, leaves it more and more urgent that conventional energy technologies and the potential of the renewable energy sources be made subject to re-evaluation. It is estimated that last 200 years have seen use made of more than 50% of the available natural resources. Equally, if economic forecasts prove accurate, for at least several more decades, oil, natural gas and coal will go on being the basic primary energy sources. The alternative solution represented by nuclear energy remains a cause of considerable public concern, while the potential for use to be made of renewable energy sources is seen to be very much dependent on local environmental conditions. For this reason, it is necessary to emphasise the impact of research that focuses on the further sharpening-up of energy effi ciency, as well as actions aimed at increasing society’s awareness of the relevant issues. The history of recent centuries has shown that rapid economic and social transformation followed on from the industrial and technological revolutions, which is to say revolutions made possible by the development of power-supply technologies. While the 19th century was “the age of steam” or of coal, and the 20th century the era of oil and gas, the question now concerns the name that will at some point come to be associated with the 21st century. In this paper, the subjects of discussion are primary energy consumption and energy resources, though three international projects on the global scale are also presented, i.e. ITER, Hydrates and DESERTEC. These projects demonstrate new scientifi c and technical possibilities, though it is unlikely that commercialisation would prove feasible before 2050. Research should thus be focused on raising energy effi ciency. The development of high-effi ciency technologies that reinforce energy security is presented, with it being assumed that these new high-efficiency technologies are capable of being applied globally in the near future.
Papers on Global Change; 2016, 23; 21-35
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
Weather Typing-Based Flood Frequency Analysis Verified for Exceptional Historical Events of Past 500 Years Along the Meuse River [in:] Water Resources Research, J. De Niel, G. Demarée, P. Willems, 2017, Belgium, AGU Publication, 16pp.
Gutry-Korycka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
Papers on Global Change; 2018, 25; 135-136
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
Walthère Victor Spring – A Forerunner in the Study of the Greenhouse Effect
Demarée, Gaston R.
Verheyden, Rosiane
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
: In 1886, an article by Walthère Spring and Léon Roland, two scientists from the University of Liège, dealing with the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere in Liège appeared in the “Mẻmoires” of the Royal Academy of Belgium. In order to explain the difference between temperatures in the city of Liège and those observed in that city’s environs, the authors invoked the high level of atmospheric CO2. Although the climatological argument was rather weak and the article concerned only a local impact, it is obvious that Spring can be viewed as a precursor of Svante Arrhenius who foresaw global warming in 1895–1896.
Papers on Global Change; 2016, 23; 153-158
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
Views of Biotic Nature and the Idea of Sustainable Development
Łepko, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
The search for balance between humankind’s civilisational aspirations and the durable protection of nature is conditioned by contemporaneous views of biotic nature. Of particular importance in this regard are physiocentric and physiological views that may be set against one another. The fi rst of these was presented by Hans Jonas, the second by Lothar Schäfer. This paper does not confi ne itself to setting one view against the other, but rather sets minimum conditions for cooperation between their promoters in the interests of balance between the aspirations of the present generation and those of future generations. Both views of nature are in their own way conducive to a break with the illusion present in some areas of the modern natural sciences – that nature is a boundless area of are inexhaustible resources.
Papers on Global Change; 2017, 24; 25-36
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
Variability of cation-exchange capacity (cec) of fenpeats in vertical profiles from eastern and central poland in relation to function of peat lands as natural geological barriers
Rydelek, Paweł
Bąkowska, Anna
Zawrzykraj, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
natural geological barrier
cation-exchange capacity
Nauki o Ziemi
An anal y sis of cat ion-ex change ca pac ity (CEC) vari abil ity of peats is pre sented in ver ti cal pro files from east ern and cen tral Po land. CEC val ues were com pared with ash con tent (Ac), pH and CaCO3 con tent. Eight peatlands were selected for re search in the fol low ing ar eas: War saw Pla teau (2 ob jects), Siedlce Pla teau (2 ob jects), Lubartów Pla teau (2 ob jects), Na³êczów Ta ble land (1 ob ject) and Dobrohusk De pres sion (1 ob ject). The peatlands rep re sented a fen peat type of sim i lar bo tanic com po si tions of sed i ments, but they dif fered in the area, peat thick ness and drain age con ditions. Char ac ter is tic reg u lar i ties in CEC vari abil ity were noted in the peatlands and there were three types of CEC vari abil ity in ver ti cal pro files. Car bon ate peats (types 1 and 2) had the high est pH and def i nitely the high est val ues of CEC. In ver ti cal pro files, there was also a zonation, but the reg u lar i ties sim i lar to non-car bon ate peats were not observed. Dif fer ent dis tri bu tion of phys i cal and chem i cal pa ram e ters were es tab lished in ver ti cal pro files in partly drained peatlands (with a muck layer on top) with non-car bon ate peats (type 3) and there were three dis tinct zones in ver tical pro files, with dif fer ent Ac and CEC. De ter mi na tion of the ver ti cal CEC vari abil ity and other phys i cal and chem i calpa ram e ters in peatlands made it pos si ble to dis tin guish zones with po ten tially most ben e fi cial iso la tion con di tions.
Studia Quaternaria; 2016, 33; 111-116
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Studia Quaternaria
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Biblioteka Nauki
Theory and Practice in Nature Conservation ‒ Where to seek Sustainability?
Mirek, Zbigniew
Witkowski, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
Contemporary nature conservation is the subject of serious disputes, with biocentrists emphasising the superiority of the good of nature, while anthropocentrists believe that conservation space should also take account of the good of humankind. The dispute concerns two very important values perceived differently, and not resolvable within any scientifi c framework. The authors postulate a return to the Christian roots of our civilisation. It was God who gave human beings the goods He had created, expecting them to be used in line with His plan. The man who lost God’s plan, destroys the life of nature as well as his own. The postulated solution is the proper shaping of conscience, to condition biodiversity conservation in line with the idea of sustainable development.
Papers on Global Change; 2017, 24; 67-82
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
The risk of catastrophes for civilisational development of environmental origin
Prandecki, Konrad
Michałowski, Artur
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
catastrophic risk
civilisational development
future studies
global threat
Nauki o Ziemi
The purpose of this article is to identify and assess environmental risks that may have the greatest impact on the future of humanity. They were divided into two basic groups, i.e. for natural processes and resources. In addition, climate change is described as different group. The authors decided, that a holistic approach to this issue is more desirable than dividing it into two above-mentioned groups. The comparison of various threats was possible due to the application of identical assessment criteria, such as: the harmfulness, rate of spread, scope and moment of occurrence of a given group of threats. Each of the listed criteria has been evaluated on a fi ve-point scale, where 1 has the smallest and 5 the largest impact force. The obtained results show the leading importance of natural processes in maintaining the existing Earth system. In addition, the authors point to a greater risk of problems related to renewable resources than non-renewable one. As a result, it can be assumed that the current degradation of natural processes and excessive use of resources is likely to lead to the risk of global disasters.
Papers on Global Change; 2018, 25; 57-74
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
The Potential of Religion in the Promotion and Implementationof the Concept of Sustainable Development
Sadowski, Ryszard F.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
This article presents religion’s potential where the promotion and implementation of the concept of sustainable development are concerned. First inspired by Lynn White in the 1960s, discussion on religion’s role in the ecological crisis now allows for an honest assessment of the ecological potential of various religious traditions and their contribution to the building of a sustainable world. This article on the one hand points to the religious inspirations behind the concept of sustainable development, and on the other highlights the joint action of representatives of religion and science in the name of sustainable development, as well as the involvement of religions in the concept’s implementation.
Papers on Global Change; 2017, 24; 37-52
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
The outwash plain of the rospuda river valley –a record of depositional environments
Pochocka-Szwarc, Katarzyna
Krzyszkowski, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Rospuda River
subglacial channel
valley outwash plain
lithofacies analysis
ice-sheet limits
Nauki o Ziemi
The Rospuda subglacial chan nel hosts not only deep rib bon lakes and the Rospuda River it self, but also an outwash plain. The pa per deals with a lithofacies anal y sis of de pos its from ex po sures within the Rospuda outwash plain. With the sup port of geomorphological and geo log i cal anal y ses, it has been found that the outwash plain formed along the Rospuda subglacial chan nel that was be ing ex posed from un der the ice cover. The lithological re cord of the Rospuda outwash plain shows a dis tinct di vi sion into a prox i mal and a dis tal zone. The de pos its un der study re veal a re cord of a break in basial sed i men ta tion, when ice-wedge casts de vel oped un der con ditions of periglacial cli mate. The de vel op ment of the Rospuda outwash plain is linked with the ice-mar ginal zone of the Pom er a nian phase, sim i larly to the Olecko-Rajgród outwash plain that is lo cated to the west.
Studia Quaternaria; 2015, 32; 63-78
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Studia Quaternaria
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Biblioteka Nauki
The Management of the Globe’s Resources in the Light of Recent Papal Encyclicals
Gutry-Korycka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
This paper focuses mainly on human ecology and social-geography related aspects of the Encyclicals issued and published in the course of the three last Pontifi cates – i.e. those of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, as addressed to both the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church and all people of good will. In his Encyclicals, the late Pope John Paul II is seen to refer to contemporary problems pervading and perplexing the world, drawing particular attention to the further development of civilisation and to social (i.e. social inequality) aspects and changes ongoing. Holy Father John Paul II refers inter alia to a perceived boundary between wellbeing and poverty running within the same societies, be these highly developed or only just embarking on the path of development, and also offers very profound justifi cation for the idea that the fundamental unit of human ecology is the family, as the foundation of both life and development. Consideration is then given to a 6-part Encyclical issued by Pope Benedict XVI, it being noted how His Holiness’s point of view, and way of looking at the sustainable development of the environment and the Earth is presented in a concrete, synthetic and very concise manner. For his part, Pope Francis in his Laudato Si Encyclical – is shown to detail profound cause-effect linkage between the present economic situation globally and the huge disparities within and between societies. Also highlighted is His Holiness’s proposal that a so-called integral ecology be introduced. The paper’s author concludes by recalling other recent (July 2016) events that are also of exceptional relevance to the subject, i.e. the World Youth Days held in Kraków with the participation of Pope Francis. Here, special reference is made to content in which His Holiness addresses current challenges to the several million young people present, and puts forward views regarding a new social and human revolution.
Papers on Global Change; 2016, 23; 103-110
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
The evolution of the sustainable development concept in Poland, as exemplified by climate policy
Karaczun, Zbigniew M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
climate policy
sustainable development
greenhouse gases
emission reductions
Nauki o Ziemi
It is contended that, in essence, climate policy is sustainable development policy, given that it postulates the use of renewable resources, and an increase in the effectiveness of use of non-renewable ones. Furthermore, it serves the security of future generations more than present ones; for while unfavourable impacts of climate change are already making their presence felt, truly negative consequences of considerable signifi cance are likely to be more of a matter for the second half of the present century. This is why, in analysing the evolution of the approach to climate policy through the late 20th century and into the 21st, it is also possible to appraise changes in the approach to the sustainable-development concept. This article has therefore sought to offer the author’s analysis of how the approach to sustainable development has evolved, by reference to Poland’s climate policy from 1988 through to 2016. As this is done, an attempt is also made to identify the conditioning that has decided upon and will go on determining the shape of national policy in this domain. Climate policy in Poland has been developing since the early 1990s. At the outset, it was not a source of controversy, with the consequence that the country rather rapidly signed up to and then ratifi ed the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, as early as in the late 1990s, reservations began to be expressed, to the effect that actions to protect the climate might pose a threat to Poland’s economy. A key turning point as regards the approach came with the growing dispute over the EU 2020 Climate and Energy Package. It was also at this time that a thesis began to take shape, holding that the goals of climate policy where at best unfavourable and at worst dangerous for Poland. This approach in fact held sway in successive years, leaving this country’s cooperation with the EU over this matter severely hindered. The main reason for this change of approach to climate policy can be considered to lie in the politicisation thereof, and hence the increasing dominance of the short-term interests of the Polish political elite over either the public interest or the security of future generations. began to take shape, holding that the goals of climate policy where at best unfavourable and at worst dangerous for Poland. This approach in fact held sway in successive years, leaving this country’s cooperation with the EU over this matter severely hindered. The main reason for this change of approach to climate policy can be considered to lie in the politicisation thereof, and hence the increasing dominance of the short-term interests of the Polish political elite over either the public interest or the security of future generations.
Papers on Global Change; 2018, 25; 11-21
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
The Demographic Crisis and Global Migration – Selected Issues
Frątczak, Ewa Zofia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
Currently the world is undergoing a serious demographic shift, characterised by slowing population growth in developed countries. However, the population in certain less-developed regions of the world is still increasing. According to UN data, as of 2015, (World… 2015), 244 million people (or 3.3% of the global population) lived outside their country of birth. While most of these migrants travel abroad looking for better economic and social conditions, there are also those forced to move by political crises, revolutions and war. Such migration is being experienced currently in Europe, a continent which is thus going through both a demographic crisis related to the low fertility rate and population ageing, and a migration crisis. Global migrations link up inseparably with demographic transformation processes taking place globally and resulting in the changing tempo of population growth. Attracting and discouraging migration factors are changing at the same time, as is the scale and range of global migration, and with these also the global consequences. The focus of work addressed in this paper is on global population, the demographic transformation and the role of global migrations, as well as the range and scale of international migration, and selected aspects of global migrations including participation in the global labour market, the scale of monetary transfers (remittances) and the place of global migration in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Transforming… 2015) and the Europe of two crises (Domeny 2016).
Papers on Global Change; 2016, 23; 71-87
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
The Cosmic Habitat for Earth-Life and the Issue of Sustainable Development
Piątek, Zdzisława
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
: The subjects under consideration here are the philosophical consequences arising as the cosmic dimension to ecology is taken into account. If the habitat for Earthlife is a part of the cosmic environment, then cosmology and astrophysics become a part of ecology. The human species is furthermore a participant in a vast process of cosmic evolution, with sustainable-development strategy thus defi ning the conditions for – and time needed to achieve – a technological civilisation allowing Earth-life to be evacuated to another part of the galaxy as and when the further existence of life on this planet becomes (or threatens to become) an impossibility. In the context of such a cosmic perspective, the value ascribable to our scientifi c and technological civilisation (and future versions thereof) changes, given that only this kind of civilisation offers a chance for Earth-life to persist in an extra-terrestrial environment.
Papers on Global Change; 2017, 24; 13-23
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Papers on Global Change
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Biblioteka Nauki
Symptoms and Driving Factors of Contemporary Earth Warming and Projections for the Future
Wibig, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nauki o Ziemi
This paper outlines the symptoms of contemporary global warming, reviews its possible driving factors and presents some projections for future. Key among the symptoms are those related to temperature, with the increase in average global temperature since 1880 now reaching a value of 0.85°C. While warming has encompassed almost the whole world, the high latitudes have warmed more than the low, and maximum temperature has increased more than average temperature. Warming has been causing sea level rise, thanks to both the thermal expansion of warming water and the melting of ice on land. The other consequence of warming is a change in precipitation pattern, manifesting itself in higher precipitation in certain parts of the world (generally at low and high latitudes), but also lower precipitation in other parts (mainly the Tropics); as well as in changes in the intraannual course characterising precipitation (with more falling in winter and less in summer), and in the frequency and intensity of rainfall (more intense heavy-precipitation events and higher variability where the frequency of precipitation is concerned). Among the possible driving factors, the most important are those related to the increase of CO2 and mixing ratios of other greenhouse gases in the troposphere. Land-use changes and emissions of aerosols to the atmosphere also exert a major impact on temperature. These are mainly anthropogenic factors. While natural drivers also modulate the climate markedly, they tend to warm and cool the globe alternately, stepping up warming when they are in a warming phase, but slowing down or even offsetting warming during a cooling phase. Projections for the future are entirely dependent on socio-economic scenarios of future development. All the (economically) realistic scenarios point to a continuation of the warming trend, with a further intense sea-level rise and precipitation changes, albeit with the rate of change varying in line with the rate of increase in concentrations of the greenhouse gases. The realistic range of values for average rise in global temperature is between 2 and even 6 degrees Celsius.
Papers on Global Change; 2016, 23; 37-57
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Papers on Global Change
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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