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History of development and terrestrialization of Lake Starowlany in the Eemian Interglacial on the basis of Cladocera analysis (Sokółka Hills, NE Poland)
Niska, Monika
Kołodziej, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Cladocera anal y sis
Eemian Inter gla cial
palaeolake de vel op ment
NE Po land
This pa per pres ents de vel op ment of the paleolake Starowlany ex ist ing in the Eemian Inter gla cial (MIS 5e) in north - east ern Po land. The lake his tory is based on Cladocera anal y sis. The paleolake Starowlany is lo cated in the cen tral part of the Sokó³ka Hills, ap prox i mately 9 km north of the town of Sokó³ka in the North Podlasie Low land. The sed i ments stud ied filled a south ern part of a tun nel val ley formed dur ing the Warta Gla ci ation. The cor ing was car ried out with a geo log i cal drill ing and con sti tuted a part of the frame work aimed at pre par ing the Sokó³ka sheet for the De tailed Geo - log i cal Map of Po land in scale 1:50 000. The core was 7 m long. Peaty silt, peats and or ganic silt were pres ent at the depth of 4.0–6.6 m, un der deluvial sands, tills and silt. Or ganic se ries was over lain by a clayey silt with no gla cial cover. Cladocera anal y sis was con ducted with 20 sam ples from a depth in ter val 6.6–4.1 m. Re mains of 17 spe cies of Cladocera were found, rep re sent ing the fam i lies: Chydoridae, Sididae and Bosminidae. A vast ma jor ity of them were the lit to ral spe cies. In the paleolake Starowlany four de vel op ment zones were dis tin guished that re flected changes as re gards tem per a ture, trophic lev els and changes of wa ter level in the lake. The paleolake ex isted from the early un til the mid dle Eemian. The high est wa ter level and the most fa vor able con di tions for zoo plank ton de vel op ment oc curred in zones SCZ I and II. The high est trophic level took place in SCZ III (mid dle Eemian). In the late Eemian the wa ter level dropped and the paleolake was trans formed into a wet land. At cer tain points, the higher wa ter level en abled ex is - tence of a few Cladocera spe cies. The rea sons for dis ap pear ance of the paleolake Starowlany in cluded a lo cal de crease in ground wa ter lev els as well as morphometric and geo log i cal char ac ter is tics of the lake.
Studia Quaternaria; 2015, 32; 43-52
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Non-pollen palynomorphs characteristic for the dystrophic stage of humic lakes in the Wigry National Park, NE Poland
Fiłoc, Magdalena
Kupryjanowicz, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
palaeo eco logi cal re con struc tion
humic lake
pol len anal y sis
NE Po land
The nu mer ous dystrophic (humic) lakes are a very im por tant fea ture of Wigry Na tional Park, NE Po land. As the most re cent palaeo eco logi cal data in di cate, at the be gin ning of its de vel op ment (in the Late Gla cial and Early and Mid dle Ho lo cene) these wa ter bod ies func tioned as har mo ni ous lakes, and their trans for ma tion into dystrophic lakes and the sta bi li za tion of the trophic state took place at the be gin ning of the Subboreal. Palynological anal y sis of sed i ments from two such lakes (Lake OElepe and Lake Suchar II), with spe cial em pha sis on non-pol len palynomorphs (NPPs), was aimed at a de tailed bi o log i cal char ac ter iza tion of dystrophic lakes dur ing their long-last ing ex is tence. The ob tained re - sults al lowed for the des ig na tion of or gan isms char ac ter is tic for dystrophic lakes, of which rep re sen ta tives ap peared with the de creas ing pH of the wa ter and the for ma tion of Sphag num peat around lakes. These or gan isms were di vided into four groups: al gae, fungi, tes tate amoe bas, and an i mals. Their rep re sen ta tives ap pear in var i ous de vel op men tal stages of dystrophic lakes.
Studia Quaternaria; 2015, 32; 31-41
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation changes in the WigryNational Park, NE Poland – new pollen data from three small dystrophic lakes
Fiłoc, Magdalena
Kupryjanowicz, Mirosława
Drzymulska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
postglacial succession of vegetation
palaeoecological recon struction
climate changes
Late Glacial
Ho lo cene
pol len anal y sis
Wigry Na tional Park
NE Po land
The main phases of the Late Gla cial and Ho lo cene de vel op ment of veg e ta tion in the Wigry Na tional Park were re con - structed based on the pol len anal y sis of sed i ments from three small dystrophic lakes (Lake Suchar Wielki, Lake Suchar II and Lake OElepe). At the cur rent stage of re search, the age of the stud ied de pos its was de ter mined by AMS radio car bon dat ing of few sam ples only. This meant that the chro nol ogy of the in ves ti gated pro files had to be es ti mated also in di rectly us ing their palynological cor re la tion with a ra dio met ri cally well-dated pro file from Lake Wigry. The ob tained pol len data con firmed the pic ture of the postglacial veg e ta tion changes of the Wigry Na tional Park, which was based on ear lier stud ies of Lake Wigry. Fur ther more, it doc u mented the ex is tence, mainly in the Preboreal and At - lan tic chronozones, of tem po rary changes in veg e ta tion, which might be a re ac tion to a short-lived cold fluc tu a tions of cli mate.
Studia Quaternaria; 2014, 31; 5-16
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Holocene changes in vegetation of the Mrągowo Lakeland (NE Poland) as registered in the pollen record from Lake Salęt
Szal, Marta
Kupryjanowicz, Mirosława
Wyczółkowski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
veg e ta tion trans for ma tions
Late Ho lo cene
pol len anal y sis
Mr¹gowo Lake Dis trict
NE Po land
Pol len anal y sis of sed i ments from the up per part of bot tom de pos its from Lake Salêt al lowed re con struc tion of main stages of the Late Ho lo cene veg e ta tion trans for ma tion in the Mr¹gowo Lake Dis trict (from ca. 3600 cal. years BC) and to cor re late some of these changes with im mi gra tion and eco nomic ac tiv ity of lo cal hu man groups. Sig nif i cant spread - ing of sec ond ary semi-nat u ral birch for est, de vel op ment of horn beam for est and in creas ing im por tance of anthropogenic open com mu ni ties were the most char ac ter is tic fea tures of veg e ta tion evo lu tion. A def i nite break down of elm took place be tween 2900 and 2500 cal. years BC, slightly af ter in creased con tri bu tion of birch in wood lands. Dis appear ance of ha zel around 1200 cal. years BC, ac com pa nied by ex pan sion of horn beam has been ob served and should be linked with ac tiv ity of the Z¹bie-Szestno type cul ture and the Lusatian cul ture tribes dur ing the Bronze Age, but not with a cli mate change. Con sid er able in ten si fi ca tion of set tle ment pro cesses re corded in the youn ger part of the Subatlantic chronozone was one of the im por tant rea sons that were re spon si ble for quick changes in for est struc ture. Strong and con tin ued de for es ta tion started as early as the end of the 10th cen tury AD and was sub stan tially in ten si fied in the first half of the 13th cen tury.
Studia Quaternaria; 2014, 31; 51-60
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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