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Studia nad rękopisami nowożytnymi Biblioteki Seminarium Duchownego w Lublinie
Wojtyska, Henryk Damian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
seminarium duchowne
the early modern period
divinity school
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 1972, 25; 209-228
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura zasobu archiwów diecezjalnych w okresie nowożytnym (XIX i XX w.)
Borcz, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
archiwum diecezjalne
okres staropolski
okres nowożytny
diocesan archive
Old Polish period
modern period
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 1998, 70; 25-44
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biblioteka przykolegiacka w Wiślicy (XV-XVIII w.)
Die Bibliothek der Kollegiatskirche in Wiślica (15.-18. Jahrhundert)
Kardyś, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
biblioteka kościelna
zbiory biblioteczne
Middle Ages
the early modern period
church library
library collection
Der Artikel präsentiert ausführlich die erhaltenen Verzeichnisse der sich im 15.-18. Jahrhundert in der Kollegiatskirche in Wiślica befindenden Bücher. Als Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchungen dienten Inventarverzeichnisse aus den Jahren 1480-1483, 1598-1606 und 1785. Der Katalog der Wislica-Bibliothek aus dem 15. Jahrhundert umfaßte 34 Posten mit insgesamt etwa 100 Büchern. In späterer Zeit (Ende des 16.-18. Jahrhunderts) zählte die Bibliothek von mehreren hundert bis zu tausend Bänden. Die Bücher wurden in der Kollegiatsschatzkammer sowie im Haus des Vikars aufbewahrt. Sie dienten sowohl den Priestern als auch den Schülern der Kollegiatsschule von Wiślica, Die Analyse der Titel der Werke und ihrer Autoren bezeugt, daß diese Bibliothek ausgesprochenen Predigtcharakter besaß. Autoren, deren Werke in allen Inventarverzeichnissen vom 15. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert vorkamen, waren Isidor von Sevilla und Thomas von Aquin. Was die Anzahl der Bände betrifft, so stammten (1598) die meisten (jeweils 9) vom hl. Hugo und vom hl. Hieronymus, 7 von Erasmus von Rotterdam, 6 von Dionysius dem Karthäuser, 5 von Pelbart von Temesvar sowie 4 von Bonaventura und Johannes Gerson. Die Bibliothek enthielt auch Werke griechischer und römischer Klassiker, Missale, Pönitentiale, Predigtsamrnlungen, Abrisse der Theologie und populäre Kompendien, die vom örtlichen Klerus zur Vervollständigung ihres pastoraltheologischen Wissens genutzt wurden. Die Inventarverzeichnisse der Bibliothek von Wiślica sind ein Zeugnis dafür, daß der örtliche Klerus die Empfehlung der Synoden verwirklicht hat, daß sich die Pfarrer vor Ort um den Besitz der Werke der meisten Kirchenväter, der wichtigsten Scholastiker und Theologen kümmern sollten. Für das 15. Jahrhundert besitzen wir die Gewißheit, daß die örtliche Sammlung denjenigen an anderen Kollegiatskirchen mit eigenen Schulen ähnelte. Auch im 16.-18. Jahrhundert unterschied sie sich nicht prinzipiell von den Büchersammlungen der Pfarrkirchen, selbstverständlich unter Berücksichtigung der individuellen Bedürfnisse und Interessen sowohl der Spender der Bücher als auch derer, die sie benutzen.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2004, 82; 85-102
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environmental changes in the central Baltic Sea during the past 1000 years: inferences from sedimentary records, hydrography and climate
Leipe, T.
Dippner, J.W.
Hille, S.
Voss, M.
Christiansen, C.
Bartholdy, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
bottom water anoxia
environment condition
little ice age
Baltic Sea
modern warm period
saline water
environment change
Gotland Basin
Short sediment cores from the eastern Gotland Basin were investigated using a multi-proxy approach in order to reconstruct the environmental conditions of the area during the past 1000 years. Sediment data and facies were discussed in relation to hydrographic features (salinity, oxygen) and climate change. During the medieval warm period (MWP), from about 900 to 1250 AD, the hydrographic and environmental conditions were similar to those of the present time (modern warm period, since about 1850): a temporally stable halocline, caused by regular saline water inflows from the North Sea, prevents vertical mixing and leads to bottom water anoxia and the deposition of laminated, organic-rich sapropels. During the period from about 1250 to 1850, referred to as the cold phase (including the Little Ice Age), the environmental conditions of the central Baltic Sea were distinctly different: the lower salinity, resulting from reduced North Sea water inflows, allowed vertical convection of the water column and long-term stable ventilation of the sea bed (oxic stage). Both the productivity of the planktonic ecosystem as well as the preservation of organic matter in the sediments improved during the warm periods. The anthropogenic impact can be identified within the recent laminated sequence by a temporal reconstruction of pollutant deposition. Our findings imply a climate-change driven shift in the environmental conditions and the ecosystem of the Baltic from the north to the south and back to the north.
Oceanologia; 2008, 50, 1; 23-41
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowatorstwo i tradycjonalizm w architekturze mieszkalnej Krakowa późnego średniowiecza i wczesnej nowożytności. Zarys problematyki
Innovation and traditionalism in residential architecture in Krakow during the late medieval and early modern period – an outline
Komorowski, W.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
architektura mieszkalna
residential architecture
Middle Ages
modern period
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane zjawiska w architekturze i budownictwie mieszkalnym od chwili założenia miasta lokacyjnego do połowy XVII w., czyli w okresie dla Krakowa czasów staropolskich (XIII-XVIII w.) najświetniejszym. Ówczesne dokonania w zakresie kultury materialnej i duchowej sytuowały miasto wśród czołowych metropolii przynajmniej Europy północno-wschodniej. O ile do okresu wczesnej nowożytności Kraków stał w dziedzinie kształtowania architektury w awangardzie ośrodków urbanistycznych, to w czasie późniejszym jego średniowieczny potencjał stał się zasadniczym czynnikiem opóźniającym ewolucję substancji materialnej, zwłaszcza w zakresie architektury przeciętnej, która poprzez swą masę przesądza o charakterze miasta. W artykule zostały omówione charakterystyczne dla Krakowa tematy architektoniczne – pierwsze domy mieszczan (z których część miała formę wieżową), kamienice (ich układ, ustalony w drugiej połowie XIV w., upowszechnił się w następnych stuleciach), domy kanonicze, zbliżone do nich dwory rycerskie i szlacheckie oraz pałace bogatej szlachty, magnatów i patrycjuszy, wywodzące się okazalszych kamienic.
The article presents selected phenomena in the architecture and housing industry since the time of the city foundation till the mid-17th century, i.e. during the golden era of Old Polish Krakow (the 13th – 18th century). At the time, achievements in the field of material and spiritual culture placed it among the foremost metropolises, at least in the north – eastern Europe. Although until the era of early modernity Krakow was in the avant-garde of urban centres in the field of architecture development, in later times its medieval potential became an essential factor hindering the evolution of material substance, particularly with reference to mediocre architecture defining the city character because of its mass.The article discusses the architectonic issues characteristic for Krakow: the first houses of burgesses (some of which were tower houses), tenement houses (their layout established in the second half of the 14th c. became common in the next centuries), canons’ houses, knights’ and noblemen’s manors resembling the former type, and palaces of affluent nobility, magnates and patricians originating from the more magnificent tenementhouses.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2009, 25; 19-27
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Beton – materiał budowlany znany od wieków
Concrete - a construction material known for centuries
Raczkiewicz, W.
Data publikacji:
Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa
historia wykorzystania
okres starożytny
Cesarstwo Rzymskie
czasy nowożytne
beton zbrojony
beton sprężony
usage history
ancient period
Roman Empire
modern times
reinforced concrete
prestressed concrete
post-tensioned prestressed concrete
Beton to mieszanina kruszywa (drobno- i gruboziarnistego), piasku i cementu, która w wyniku hydratacji cementu ulega wiązaniu, a następnie twardnieniu stając się materiałem o właściwościach bliskich właściwościom skał naturalnych. Najstarsze ślady stosowania betonu datuje się na 7000 r. p.n.e. Z tego okresu pochodzą budowle w miejscowości Yiftah El (południowa Galilea, Izrael), w których podłogi i fragmenty ścian wykonane były z betonu ze spoiwem wapiennym i kruszywem z rozdrobnionego wapienia. Podobny rodzaj betonu występował w podłogach chat rybackich odkrytych w osadzie w Lepenskim Virze (Serbia), a której powstanie datowane jest na 5600 r. p.n.e. Jednak wynalezienie i rozpowszechnienie betonu jako materiału budowlanego przypisuje się starożytnym Rzymianom.
Concrete is a mixture of aggregate (fine- and coarse-grained), sand and cement, which as a result of hydration of the cement undergoes binding followed by hardening, turning into a material with properties similar to those of natural rocks. The oldest evidence of the use of cement is dated to 7000 BC . Buildings from that period have been found at Yiftah El in southern Galilee, Israel, with floors and fragments of walls made of concrete with a calciferous binder and aggregate made of crushed limestone. A similar type of concrete was used in the floors of fishermen’s huts discovered in a settlement at Lepenski Vir, Serbia, dated to 5600 BC . Nonetheless the invention and popularization of concrete as a construction material is attributed to the ancient Romans.
Przegląd Budowlany; 2012, R. 83, nr 10, 10; 13-18
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Budowlany
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Elementy uzbrojenia na kaflach renesansowych z założeń dworskich w Kozłowie
Armour elements portrayed on the stove tiles from Renaissance manor complexes in Kozłów
Zdaniewicz, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
kafle płytowe
stove tiles
arms and armour
Early Modern Period
During archaeological excavations conducted on the site of the relics of manor houses in Kozłów, Silesia province, an impressive set of stove tiles has been discovered. Some of the tiles’ facings were decorated with representations that are interesting iconographic sources for the study of early medieval arms. The first tile was discovered in the remains of the manor from the late 15th and 16th c. Facing of this tile is decorated with a side profile of the rider’s head in a closed helmet with a crest. Visual presentation is not so detailed and not all the details of surface texture are sharp. The portrayed helmet is probably a tournament example called the frog face helm. Its bell is crowned with an extensive crest, which is an oval with short and long feathers modeled in different directions. At the back of the bell there are ribbon like mantlings visible. Due to the lack of large part of the tile it is difficult to determine whether the visible crested helm was a part of a heraldic motif or whether it was connected with representations of knightly culture such as tournament scenes for example. The first possibility seems more likely. The second tile was found in layers associated with the manor which functioned in the 16th century. The presentation on the facing of tile refers to a series of woodcuttings created by the German renaissance painter Georg Pencz, gathered under one title of Twelve Heroes of the Old Testament. These works were inspired by the text of the poem by Hans Sachs from 1531. The author was glorifying the heroic exploits of the twelve heroes from the Old Testament: Joshua, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Jonathan, David, Abia, Azah, Josaphat, Amazia, Hezekiah and Judas Maccabeus, portraying them as symbols of the defenders of Christianity. Facing of the tile from Kozłów is ornamented with the image of Juda’s king Amazia. Similar to a Pencz’s graphic, he has been presented in an armour with his head and torso slightly turned to the left. The whole scene was made with high attention to the details, which allows us to make some valuable observations on the components of the armour. The helm is a close helmet with bevor and gorget, depicted with a lifted visor. The torso is protected with a bulging breastplate with fauld attached below. The arm is covered with a massive overlapping breastplate pauldrons and bulging rerebrace. In the lower part, at the height of faulds, there is a visible fragment of a sword hilt, one and a half or two-handed, topped with an oval pommel. A similar suit of armour, often called Maximilian armour, was used in Europe since the 1630s. Armour of this type was popular at that time in Silesia as well, what is indicated by the numerous tombstone representations.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2013, 29
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół Wizytek w Lublinie w świetle ratowniczych badań archeologicznych w 2010 roku. Część II
The church of the Visitationists in Lublin in the light of archaeological rescue excavations in 2010. Part II
Hadamik, C.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
okres nowożytny
klasztor Wizytek
modern period the Visitationists' monastery
W części I artykułu omówiono wyniki badań archeologicznych w obrębie kościoła Wizytek. Celem części II jest próba opisowego odtworzenia pierwotnej formy architektonicznej świątyni, znalezienia inspiracji takiej, a nie innej formy, wreszcie próba wytypowania najbardziej prawdopodobnego architekta kościoła i całego zespołu, na podstawie dostępnych materiałów źródłowych oraz wyników badań wykopaliskowych. Zaledwie trzy przekazy pisane oraz dwa ikonograficzne można wykorzystać jako źródła informacji do ogólnej rekonstrukcji wyglądu kościoła i klasztoru od połowy XVIII do lat 30. XIX stulecia, to znaczy w okresie, kiedy nie zmienił on jeszcze w sposób zasadniczy pierwotnej swojej formy. Ich analiza oraz wyniki badań terenowych pozwoliły na ogólne określenie kształtu architektonicznego kościoła. Była to świątynia jednonawowa, z krótką kruchtą, trójprzęsłową nawą z ciągami bocznych płytkich kaplic po stronie wschodniej i zachodniej (które powielone są przez obecnie istniejącą artykulację ścian) oraz jednoprzęsłowym, prawie kwadratowym prezbiterium. Dyspozycja wnętrza zbliżona była zarówno do nieco wcześniej wzniesionego kościoła Kapucynów w Lublinie, jak i do starszego o pół stulecia kościoła Wizytek w Krakowie. Wydaje się, że podobna do środkowej części fasady pobliskiej świątyni Kapucynów była również artykulacja fasady głównej kościoła Wizytek, z parami pilastrów po bokach portalu wejściowego, na których ślady natrafiono podczas badań archeologicznych, oraz zwieńczeniem w postaci trójkątnego przyczółka. Przestrzeń ścisłego sacrum, na którą składają się sama świątynia oraz chóry zakonne bo bokach prezbiterium, ma w planie kształt litery "T", absolutnie wyjątkowy wśród polskich kościołów zakonnych. Obydwa chóry dzielą wnętrze klaustrum na trzy wirydarze, a narożne zaokrąglone ryzality czynią z zespołu wizytkowskiego wyjątkowo zwarte, kubiczne założenie, któremu został podporządkowany również kształt kościoła. Jak słusznie stwierdził K. Majewski, zespół jako całość, choć wznoszono go przez ponad dwie dekady, powstał jako efekt jednej koncepcji przestrzennej, konsekwentnie realizowanej przez cały ten okres. Bryła klasztoru harmonijnie i w sposób zbliżony do doskonałości godziła surowe zalecenia budowlane reguły zakonnej z obowiązującymi wymogami późnobarokowej architektury sakralnej. Wydaje się, że nie ma potrzeby szukania odległych przestrzennie i czasowo nawiązań dla architektonicznego kształtu kościoła i klasztoru Wizytek. Są one doskonale wpisane w ówczesne tendencje lubelskiej architektury, animowane przez niewielkie, ale wpływowe grono wybitnych twórców, a przede wszystkim dwóch architektów warszawskich działających wówczas (tj. około 1730 roku) również na terenie Lubelszczyzny: Pawła Antoniego Fontanę i Karola Baya. Przy okazji rozpatrywania możliwych twórców projektu klasztoru wymieniane są słusznie te dwa nazwiska, jako że byli to najwybitniejsi architekci związani w tym czasie z terenem lubelskim. Ponieważ jednak klasztor odarty jest z wszelkiego detalu stylowego (z wyjątkiem tzw. lamusa), można tylko hipotetycznie wskazywać na jednego z nich. Istotne przesłanki zdają się przemawiać za Karolem Bayem jako autorem projektu klasztoru wizytkowskiego, ale jest jasne, że nie uzyskamy już w tym zakresie pewności.
The first part of the article dealt with the results of archaeological excavations within the Visitationists' church. The aim of part II is an attempt at descriptive re-creation of the original architectonic form of the church, discovering the inspiration of such a form, and finally an attempt to name the most likely architect who designed the church and the whole complex, on the basis of available source materials and results of excavation research. Only three written and two iconographic records can be used as sources of information for the general reconstruction of the appearance of the church and convent between the mid-18th century and the 1830s, i.e. in the period when it did not radically change its original form. Record analysis and the results of field research allowed for defining generally the architectonic shape of the church. It was a one-nave church, with a short porch, the three-bay nave lined by several shallow side chapels on the east and west side (which are imitated by the currently existing articulation of walls) and a one-bay almost square presbytery. Interior arrangement resembled both the slightly earlier erected Capuchin Church in Lublin, and the half-a-century older Church of the Visitationists in Krakow. It seems, that the articulation of the main facade of the church of the Visitationists, with its pairs of pilasters on the sides of the entrance portal, the traces of which were discovered during archaeological research, and a finial in the shape of a triangular pediment also resembled the middle section of the facade of the nearby Capuchin church. The space of the inner sacrum, which comprises the church itself and monastic choirs on the sides of the presbytery, was laid on the plan in the shape of a letter 'T', absolutely unique among Polish monastic churches. Both choirs divide the interior of the claustrum into three garths, and the corner rounded risalits turn the Visitationist complex into an exceptionally compact cubic layout, to which the shape of the church was also subordinated. As K. Majewski has rightly pointed out, the complex as a whole, although it was constructed for over two decades, was built as a result of one spatial concept which was consequently realized throughout that period. Harmoniously and in a way close to perfection the bulk of the monastery combined strict building guidelines of the monastic rule with the binding requirements of the late Baroque sacred architecture. There seems to be no need to look for remote in space and time allusions to the architectonic shape of the church and convent of the Visitationists. They were perfectly well inscribed into the then tendencies in Lublin architecture, animated by a small but influential circle of outstanding artists, and primarily two architects from Warszawa then (i.e. around 1730) operating also in the Lublin region: Paweł Antoni Fontana and Karol Bay. While considering possible designers of the project of the monastery, those two names are most aptly mentioned, since they were the most eminent architects associated with the Lublin region at that time. However, because all the stylistic details in the monastery have been stripped off (with the exception of the so called lamus), one can only hypothetically indicate one designer. Significant clues seem to weigh in favour of Karol Bay as the author of the project of the Visitationist monastery, though it is clear that can never be certain.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2012, 31; 27-35
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mosty w traktatach architektonicznych na początku epoki nowożytnej
Bridges in architectural treatises from the beginning of the modern period
Mistewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
epoka nowożytna
traktaty architektoniczne
modern period
architectural treaties
W artykule omówiono pięć traktatów napisanych przez wielkich architektów i wynalazców włoskiego renesansu, szczególną uwagę poświęcając problematyce konstrukcji mostów. Twórcy renesansu wykorzystywali dorobek starożytności przywołując kanony budownictwa tego okresu. Oprócz nowej myśli w zakresie architektury, przestrzeni miejskiej, ogrodów, wojskowości zawartej w nowożytnych traktatach powstawały projekty studialne mostów, które znajdziemy w szkicach Leonarda da Vinci, traktatach Fausto Veranzio, innych twórców doby renesansu. Koncepcje te wykraczały ponad możliwości techniczne epoki, stąd mogły być realizowane dopiero po wielu, wielu latach.
The article discusses five treatises written by great Italian Renaissance architects and inventors with a focus on bridge structures. Renaissance creators made use of the achievements of antiquity by restoring the canons of building of that period. At the same time Leonardo da Vinci or Fausto Veranzio produced bridge designs that were beyond the technical capabilities of their age. Centuries had to pass before those ideas were put into practice.
Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki; 2012, 57, 2; 92-116
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na tropie spektakularnej omyłki. Nowe spojrzenie na toporek z „napisem” z Ostrowa Tumskiego w Poznaniu
On the trail of a spectacular mistake. A new look at an “inscribed” axehead from Ostrów Tumski in Poznań
Kotowicz, Piotr N
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
toporek miniaturowy
wczesne średniowiecze
miniature axe
Early Middle Ages
Early Modern Period
During excavations conducted by Witold Hensel and Jan Żak in 1951 in the capitular garden on Ostrów Tumski in Poznań the researchers discovered a small (8,1 cm long) axehead (ryc. 1), whose surface bore a set of cuts forming an „inscription”. This discovery was named as an archaeological sensation. Despite the fact that it was found in a layer dated to the modern period, it was identified,based on some analogies, as belonging to the 10th–11th c. A group of palaeographers was asked to partake in the studies of the artifact to help reveal the mystery behind this „caption”. Even though their opinions varied, it was generaly accepted that – most probably – these marks were latin STLA letters, interpreted as an abbreviation of the word stella („arrow”). Based on all these findings an entire pyramid of further ideas concerning the artefact’s function and symbolic connotations was built. It was emphasized that this is one of the oldest examples of native epigraphy, that it proved the local population to be able to write (and read) as early as in the 11th c. Additionaly, the axe was expected to hold an unspecified role assiociated with magical rites, etc. Nowadays, owing to a much more extensive knowledge on artefacts of this type, a critical typological-chronological analysis of the given specimen leads to quite different conclusions. Analogies invoked by J. Żak (1956) either bear serious disparities in details or are much younger than he suggested. The described axehead is a typical representative of M. Głosek’s (1996) late medieval/modern type IX. This identification is further reinforced by the chronology of this find’s context – the layer in which it was found was dated to the years 1500–1700 based on a large quantity of modern (glazed) pottery, fragments of stove tiles, roof tiles, bricks and iron objects. The small size of Poznań’s axehead is also not suprising. Beside the massive specimens of late medieval and modern axes, miniature forms are known as well (ryc. 2). Their function is not clearly specified in the literature, although they are usually identified as carpentry and fine woodworking tools or children’s toys. To sum up the elaboration so far, it is clear that the artefact from Ostrów Tumski in Poznań represents a typical late medieval, or – taken the chronology of the find’s context – modern form. Both the shape and dimensions are typical for many axeheads from Central Europe at that time. There is no reason whatsoever to continue to claim that this specimen is of early medieval dating and that it bore some special symbolic meaning. The revaluation of its dating allows a different approach to the set of marks, „inscription” if someone wills, found on the blade’s surface. If this set of cuts indeed forms a caption, in the context of widespread practice of labeling such items by their manufacturers and knowing a great handful of heavily ornamented axeheads from the time, the presence of these „letters” is not especially striking. Another thing is whether the newly outlined chronological context allows their proper interpretation, if any. This problem, however, should be left for specialists in the field of palaeography.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2013, 29
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
J. Łosowski, Dokumentacja w życiu chłopów w okresie staropolskim: Studium z dziejów kultury, Wydawnictwo Olech, Lublin 2013, 400 s.
Janusz Łosowski, Documentation in the Lifes of Peasants in Old-Polish Period. Culture History Study, Olech Publishing House, Lublin 2013, 400 p.
Fokt, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
legal culture
The Crown of the Kingdom of Poland
early modern period
The reviewed book of Janusz Łosowski attempts to investigate the importance of written documentation in the life of peasants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th–18th centuries, especially in the lands of the Polish Crown, basing mostly on the sources concerning Lesser Poland (Małopolska). The study of Łosowski has been based upon extensive and thorough archive query, including very interesting groups of sources (some of them excerpted in the annexes). It attempts to deepen the knowledge of early modern legal culture and mentality of peasant societies.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2014, 7, 3; 541-544
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monografia procesu kryminalnego w miastach małopolskich doby nowożytnej (M. Mikołajczyk, Proces kryminalny w miastach Małopolski XVI-XVIII wieku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2013, 620 s.; Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach nr 2979)
The Monograph of Criminal Trial as Conducted in the Towns of Małopolska Region of the Early Modern Era (M. Mikołajczyk, A Criminal Trial in Towns of Małopolska Region between the 16th and 18th Centuries, Silesia University Press, Katowice 2013, 620 p.; Monographs of University of Silesia in Katowice no. 2979)
Mikuła, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
criminal proceedings
municipal law
early modern period
The reviewed book is an extensive study devoted to criminal trial as conducted in the towns of Southern Poland of early modern period. The author relied on particularly rich source material composed of norm-setting acts, writings of lawyers engaged in theoretical analysis and a large number of court books referring to penal cases, both those presented in the form of manuscripts as well as those that appeared in print. The significance of the study consists in the exploitation by its author of the sources illustrative of legal practice. The author investigated, with a particular precision, the factual course that the municipal criminal trial used to take in more serious penal cases. He laid a particular emphasis on the fairly well source-supported evidentiary proceedings. Worthy of note is his analysis devoted to the substantial law basis according to which the judgements were passed. The analysis showed that in the 16th through 18th centuries, in the municipal courts the local customary law played significant role, apart from that played by the Saxon and Magdeburg legal systems. On the basis of the research that he made the author suggests a conclusion that, despite the differences detectable in the practice of the respective towns, there functioned a uniform municipal penal procedure. The latter was characterized by certain features. These were: 1) the absence – in general – of individualized inquiry that would precede the judicial part of proceedings; 2) the instituting and conducting the judicial proceedings through ex officio method being regarded as something absolutely exceptional; 3) the proceedings were – as a rule – instituted due to the proposal of the plaintiff although sometimes they were instituted through the handing one of the accused to the court; 4) the varying role of the parties engaged in the trial, this being dependant on the specific court; 5) a significant role played by the defence counsels; 6) the lack of limitations that might be imposed on evidentiary proceedings with respect to the specific stage of the trial; 7) the evaluation of evidence based on common sense and not on rigid rules; 8) a slight significance of the appeal proceedings, this might be due to the influence of inquisitional type of procedure. While highly appreciating the practice of criminal courts, the author arrived at a conclusion that remarkably large number of elements of accusatorial and adversary nature that are found in the discussed proceedings locates the criminal trial conducted in the Polish towns of the modern era on the position of the accusatorial and adversary model, the modern elements of inquisitional origin being also detectable in it.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2014, 7, 4; 653-658
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań archeologicznych na stanowisku nr 14 w Dąbrówce, gm. Kowal, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie
The results of archaeological field surveys on site no. 14 in Dąbrówka, commune Kowal, the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship
Nierychlewska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Late Middle Ages
production settlement
pottery workshop
pottery kiln
late medieval pottery
Modern period pottery
Site 14 in Dąbrówka, on the motorway A-1 (Kowal interchange). Field survey covered a total area of 113.6 ares with 140 archaeological features discovered – such as a pottery workshop, pottery kiln, hearths, utility buildings, granaries, storage pits, dated back to late Middle Ages. Also 14 306 artifacts were obtained (pottery, metal, animal bones). The set was dominated by late medieval materials from the 14th – 1 half 15th century.
Raport; 2014, 9; 345-382
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych w 2013 r. na wielokulturowej osadzie na stanowisku 20 w Bninie, gm. Kórnik, woj. wielkopolskie
Results of archeological field survey conducted in 2013 in a multicultural settlement on site 20 in Bnin, commune Kórnik, the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship
Pawlak, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
the Neolithic period
the Lusatian culture
the Przeworsk culture
early Middle Ages
the Modern period
The article presents the results of archaeological field survey carried out by the Archaeological – Conservator’s Studio Alina Jaszewska on site 20 in Bnin in 2013. In the area with the width of 65 m, length: 75 m 60 features were uncovered related to population settlement of the Lusatian Culture (45), the Przeworsk culture (5) and from the early Middle Ages (10) and the modern times (2). The oldest phase of inhabiting this land alls in the Neolithic period, which links only single pieces of ceramics. The next, dated to the 5th EB and HaC, contains most numerous features forming a compact utility zone of the settlement and a set of 342 fragments of dishes. Late Roman period is the period of the residential feature and several utility buildings open in dispersion and 104 pieces of dishes. With regard to the early Middle Ages two phases are distinguished: older, connecting at least 5 features in a period from the 2nd half of the 7th –1 half of the 8th century, earlier to the 2nd half of the 8th century and 1st half of the 9th century. Dating an early medieval settlement uses the 14C analysis.
Raport; 2014, 9; 241-291
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Biblioteka Nauki
Figlus, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
gmina Uniejów
morfogeneza wsi
wsie średniowieczne
wsie nowożytne
jednostki osadnicze z XIX w.
analiza materiałów kartograficznych
community of Uniejów
morphogenesis of the villages
medieval villages
villages from the modern period
settlement units from the XIX century
cartographic documents analysis
This article presents the results of research relating to the morphogenesis of the villages in the community of Uniejów. This work is an attempt to apply retrogressive methods to clarify the process of formation and development of layouts of villages and identify the historical relics of rural forms in contemporary cultural landscape of analyzed area. The study included irregular early medieval villages, regular villages that have passed the regulations associated with the location under the German law in the Middle Ages, the villages from the period of development of the manorial economy, villages from the modern period connected with Dutch settlement, and the villages formed as a result of the process of spatial reorganization in the nineteenth century. Development of rural forms in the community of Uniejów was the result of natural, legal, ownership and socio-agrarian influences. In the early Middle Ages one can identify the irregular layouts in the form of a road villages, an oval and multi-road villages. The process of location under the German law brought the development of settlement forms in the shape of large, regular street and oval villages. In the modern period one can identify the manorial forms as morphological elements closely connected with villages of older origin or the manorial forms as an autonomous settlement units. It is also characteristic that one can recognize many hamlets formed on the basis of division of property. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century in the studied area one can identify a couple of row villages inhabited by German population. Significant changes in the settlement network of community of Uniejów took place in the nineteenth century. The processes of regulation and parceling-out implicated the formation of new settlement units in the form of row villages with stripes fields and scattered villages with block layout of the fields.
Biuletyn Uniejowski; 2014, 3; 85-110
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Uniejowski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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