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Changes to the coastline in the neighbourhood of the Medieval harbour in Puck, in the light of the research made by the Polish Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
Pomian, I.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
medieval period
changes of coastline
The site was discovered in 1977 by amateur scuba divers. During preliminary excavation in the Puck Lagoon, a massive system of timber structures, fascine, and stone as well as earthen embankments scattered over an area of over 12 hectares, were found. Looking at the chronological arrangement of the site, slowly reconstructed on the basis of dendrochronological analyses and supplemented with radiological research, it should be assumed that the northern strip of the construction is a continuation of the quay strengthening construction, the root of a harbour pier. It is probably the earliest stage of the Puck harbour development. Taking both the layout of the construction, working as defences of the swampy alluvial estuary of the Płutnica river, parallel to the present coastline, as well as chronological layout of the stand, which gets younger and younger the closer it gets to the present shore line, it may be assumed that the changes in the location of the port construction were influenced by quite quick deepening of the basin and movement to the south of the medieval shore line.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2004, 11; 31-36
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Holocene sea level rise in the Southern Baltic as reflected in coastal peat sequences
Lampe, R.
Janke, W.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
medieval period
changes of coastline
Coastal peatlands depend in respect to their vertical growth totally on the sea level, are witnesses of its variations and, furthermore, preserve remnants of organisms which permit conclusions about the nutrient content and salinity of the flood water and thus of the surrounding sea. Black layers which occur frequently in the peat profiles point to evolution phases whereas the sea level fell or the mire became desiccated. Around thirty radiocarbon data, data from pollen and diatom analyses as well as from geochemical investigations provide the base to reconstruct the sea level history. The placement of particular transgression/regression stages could be determined with a higher accuracy than before and demonstrate a strong correlation to climate oscillations such as to the Late Bronze Age dry period or the Little Ice Age climate deterioration. Uncertainties still remain in regard to the regression magnitudes and to the length of the hiatuses in the peat sequences.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2004, 11; 19-29
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słomniki. Charakterystyka budowy przestrzennej miasta średniowiecznego w oparciu o analizę wielkości działki lokacyjnej
Słomniki. Characteristics of a spatial layout of a medieval town based on the analysis of a settlement plot size
Malik, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
urban planning
Medieval period
Współczesne Słomniki to stosunkowo nieduży ośrodek usługowo-handlowy położony na północ od Krakowa, mniej więcej w odległości 25 kilometrów od niego, przy głównej drodze w kierunku Kielc. Założono go w okresie Średniowiecza, pomiędzy 1342 a 1358 rokiem. Pod budowę miasta wybrano wzniesienie nad rzeką Szreniawą. Plan miasta oparto na zgeometryzowanej, ortogonalnej konstrukcji, której centrum stanowił kwadratowy rynek. Otoczony był on ośmioma blokami zabudowy miejskiej. Uzyskane w trakcie badań wyniki wskazują, że w chwili lokacji w mieście rozmierzono 39 działek o wymiarach 50 × 150 stóp (stopa = 28,8 cm), z czego 9 w trzech blokach przekątniowych, czwarty zajmowała już działka kościelna i 30 działek w blokach przyrynkowych, po 8 w pierzejach północnej, wschodniej i południowej oraz 6 w skróconym – ze względu na lokalizację przedlokacyjnego kościoła – bloku zachodnim. Teoretycznie miasto było zamknięte w kwadracie o boku długości 7 sznurów. Sąsiadowała z nim od strony zachodniej curia regia – ufortyfikowana siedziba królewska, której obszar wraz z kościołem nosił znamiona zagospodarowania przedlokacyjnego.
Modern-day Słomniki is a relatively small service-andtrade centre, located approximately 25 kilometres to the North of Krakow, by the main road towards Kielce. It was founded during the Medieval period, sometime between 1342 and 1358. A hill overlooking the Szreniawa river was selected as the site on which the town was to be erected. The town layout was based on the geometricised orthogonal structure the centre of which was a square market place surrounded by eight blocks of town buildings. Results obtained during research indicate that at the moment of location 39 plots measuring 50 × 150 feet (a foot = 28.8 cm) were laid out in the town, out of which 9 were in three diagonal blocks as the fourth belonged to the church, and 30 plots in market blocks, 8 along each frontage: the North, the East and the South, and 6 in the shortened – because of the location of the pre-foundation church – Western block. Theoretically, the town was enclosed within a square whose side measured 7 ‘ropes’ (‘sznur’ – unit of length). On the West side it was adjacent to curia regia – a fortified royal seat the area of which, together with the church, bore evidence of pre-foundation settlement.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2013, 33; 47-53
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wokół lokacyjnego układu urbanistycznego miasta Słomnik
Around the layout of the city Slomniki
Skrężyna, K.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
urban planning
medieval period
R. Malik w artykule Słomniki. Charakterystyka budowy przestrzennej miasta średniowiecznego w oparciu o analizę wielkości działki lokacyjnej na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań i pomiarów działek dochodzi do wniosku, że fronty działek siedliskowych w Słomnikach w czasie lokacji miały szerokość 25 lub 50 stóp, z tym, że autor skłania się jednak ku 50 stopom. Inne tezy: o przedlokacyjności kościoła, dworze królewskim, obwarowaniach miasta w oparciu o materiał źródłowy zebrany przez autora i analizę wyników badan historyków wydają się mniej prawdopodobne.
R. Malik in the article: Słomniki. Charakteristics of spatial layout of a medieval town based on the analysis of a set- tlement plot size on the examinations and measurements of plots comes to the conclusion that fronts habitat in Słomniki during the site were 25 or 50 feet, the fact that the author is inclined, however, to 50 feet. Other ideas: the construction of the church before the location, the royal court, fortification of the town based on source material collected by the author and analyze the results of the research of historians seem less likely.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2014, 40; 35-40
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grybów. Charakterystyka rozplanowania miasta lokacyjnego w oparciu o wyniki badań nad wielkością i kształtem działki siedliskowej
Grybow. Characteristics of spatial planning of a chartered town based on studies of the size and shape of a settlement plot
Malik, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
urban planning
medieval period
Grybów – jedno z najstarszych miast królewskich lokowanych na pograniczu Beskidu Niskiego i Pogórza Rożnowskiego – ujawnia w swej strukturze przestrzennej, mimo oczywistych przekształceń związanych z wielowiekowym funkcjonowaniem miasta, wiele niemal klasycznych cech średniowiecznych, zdefiniowanych planów rozwiązywanych w terenie w oparciu o zasadę ortogonu. Potwierdzają to prowadzone przez autora badania układu przestrzennego Grybowa w oparciu o wielkość i kształt parceli mieszczańskiej. Już sam wybór miejsca pod założenie miasta jest niemal typowy dla lokacji tego okresu. Również wielkość założonego tu miasta mieści się w zbiorze średnich wielkości powierzchni, jaką zajmowała niemal większość ówczesnych miast małopolskich. W stosowane wówczas kanony wpisuje się także operowanie globalnym bilansem terenu przewidywanego pod nadania siedliskowe, wielkość rynku oraz przestrzeń zajęta przez wewnętrzny układ komunikacyjny. Przytoczone tu cechy nie wyczerpują jednak całości zagadnienia. Możemy dodać do nich zasadę kształtowania przestrzeni miejskiej w oparciu o z góry przyjęty moduł i stypizowaną pod względem swoich wymiarów działkę siedliskową.
Grybów – one of the oldest royal towns founded on the borderline of the Beskid Niski mountain range and Pogórze Rożnowskie, despite obvious transformations resulting from centuries-long functioning of the town, reveals in its spatial structure many almost classical medieval features, defined plans solved using the orthogon principle. It has been confirmed by the research of the spatial layout of Grybow on the basis of the size and shape of a burgher’s plot, carried out by the author. The selection of the site for establishing the town is almost typical for foundations of that time. Also the size of the town founded here fits into the set of average areas covered by the majority of towns in Lesser Poland at that period. Using a global balance of land intended for settlement grants, the size of the market square and the area covered by the internal communications layout also fit the canons applied at the times. However, the features quoted here do not exhaust the whole issue. We can add to them the principle of shaping the urban space on the basis of a module approved in advance and a settlement plot of standardized dimensions.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2017, 50; 64-73
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mszana Dolna. Charakterystyka rozplanowania układu przestrzennego miasta lokacyjnego oparciu o wyniki badań nad wielkością i kształtem działki siedliskowej
Mszana Dolna. Planning characteristics of the chartered town spatial layout based on the research on the size and shape of a settlement plot
Malik, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Mszana Dolna
urban planning
medieval period
O średniowiecznym rodowodzie Mszany Dolnej świadczą nie tylko znane nam źródła pisane, ale co istotne, także niemal klasyczny dla miast tego okresu dobór miejsca jej lokalizacji. Ze względu na skąpy materiał historyczny, także ten materialny, miasto posiada bardzo skromny zasób opracowań charakteryzujących budowę jego planu w przeszłości. Artykuł ten jest próbą uzupełnienia tej luki z wykorzystaniem pomiarowej metody badania planów miast średniowiecznych w oparciu o zagadnienie działki.
The medieval origins of Mszana Dolna is confirmed not only by the known written records but also, what is significant, by the choice of its location site almost classical for the towns from this period. Because of scarce historical evidence, also the material one, the town can boast limited studies characterizing its building plan in the past. The article is an attempt to fill in this gap by using the measurement method of analysing medieval town plans on the basis of the plot issue.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2016, 45; 33-42
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osadnictwo wczesnośredniowieczne i z okresu nowożytnego na stanowisku nr 4 w Zambrzycach Starych, gm. Rutki, woj. podlaskie
Early medieval and post-medieval settlement at site no. 4 in Zambrzyce Stare, Rutki Commune, Podlaskie Voivodeship
Trzeciecki, Maciej
Affelski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Early Middle Ages
post-medieval period
The article presents the analysis of two settlement phases discovered at a site in Zambrzyce Stare in relation to the construction of the S-8 road. The authors present settlement relics from the early Middle Ages (12th century) and the post-medieval period (15th-17th centuries).
Raport; 2017, 12; 169-197
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grzybowo pod Wrześnią : potężny gród wczesnopiastowski
Kurnatowska, Z.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
Early Medieval period
stronghold settlement
Central Great Poland
History of archaeological studies of the Early Medieval stronghold in Grzybowo, near Września in Central Great Poland has been presented and its role in the process of early Polish state formation has been discussed. The great size of the stronghold, its location in the settlement network of the Piast monarchy, the lack of open settlements in its vicinity, may suggest its special role, mainly as a military center.
Landform Analysis; 2011, 16; 56-58
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielkopolska krainą grodów : krajobraz kulturowy kolebki państwa polskiego w świetle nowych ustaleń chronologicznych
Kara, M.
Makohonienko, M.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
Early Medieval period
cultural landscape
stronghold settlements
Development of the Early Medieval stronghold settlements in Wielkopolska (Great Poland) connected with the process of Polish state formation has been outlined. The new established chronology of the strongholds based on dendrodates, showed their younger age than it was previously deduced from archaeological chronology. The stronghold architecture was the main feature of the medieval cultural landscape of the region. In the light of historical records, archaeological data and palaeobotanical reconstructions, the Early Medieval Great Poland was a land of strongholds and arable fields.
Landform Analysis; 2011, 16; 20-25
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Is Nicolaus Copernicus still mysterious? Images from the life of the astronomer on the eve of the 550th anniversary of his birth
Mikołaj Kopernik wciąż tajemniczy? Obrazki z życia astronoma w przededniu 550. rocznicy urodzin
Mikulski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Nicolaus Copernicus
Late Medieval Period
social history
historical anniversary
This article is a summary of the author's research into the background, social environment and other elements of Nicolaus Copernicus' biography. The author draws attention to the genesis of the dispute over the astronomer's “nationality” and emphasises his nineteenth-century origins. The author points to the influ- ence of the partitions of Poland on the one hand, and the rise of German nationa- lism on the other, as the main reasons for its emergence. He emphasises the fact of Copernicus' loyalty to the Polish king and, consequently, Copernicus' histo- rically understood “Polishness”. The author discusses the history of the astrono- mer's home town - Toruń, its economic and political role in the 13–16th centuries and, in particular, the commercial confederation linking the city and its merchants with Western and Northern Europe, the lands of the Polish Kingdom, Upper Hungary (today's Slovakia) and Silesia. These links indicate the causes and directions of merchant migration that led to the appearance of the Copernicus family in Toruń. The author put forward a thesis on the Westphalian origin of the family of Nicolaus Copernicus' mother, Watzenrode. The family came from the village of Wazerath (in the 15th century Watzenrode), situated near the German- Belgian border. The Watzenrode family arrived in Toruń in the first half of the Mikołaj Kopernik wciąż tajemniczy? 89 14th century together with a wave of migrants from Westphalian towns with Soest and Dortmund at the head. Of the 8 great-grandmothers of Copernicus, 6 came from families directly descended from Westphalia, one from Ruthenia, and one from Livonia. The Watzenrode family belonged to the elite of Toruń's patri- cians - three of its members were local councillors and three jurors, and five of its representatives went on to study at university. There was a tradition in the fa- mily of striving to achieve high social prestige through a clerical career for its members, taken from John Abezier, and continued by the astronomer's uncle, Łukasz Watzenrode, both bishops of Warmia. The astronomer's father's family came from Silesia, not from the village of Koperniki, but from the town of Nysa. The surname “Copernicus” had a professional character, being connected with the mining or processing of copper. In Nysa the Koperniks were recorded in the bench book under the name “Kopersmed”, which was a translation of their Slavic surname into the official language of the books – German. Considered in earlier literature to be the astronomer's grandfather, John Copernicus was probably his father Andrew's cousin. However, he played a significant role in the life of the astronomer's family. It was probably thanks to Jan Nicolaus Copernicus that his father went from Nysa to Cracow for a merchant apprenticeship to Jan Sweid- niczer, and later, thanks to the relationship with this merchant, he went to Prussia and settled in Toruń. Nicolaus Copernicus was not the youngest child in his family. This misconception was caused by the order in which the children of Nicolaus and Barbara Copernicus were listed in a genealogical table prepared by the Gdańsk writer Stanisław Bornbach. Earlier biographers of Copernicus con- sidered this order to be chronological, whereas it was alphabetical. In contem- porary sources Nicolaus appears twice before his brother Andrew (never in re- verse order), which is sufficient evidence for the recognition of his seniority in relation to his brother. The astronomer was born in Toruń, but not in the tene- ment house at 15 Kopernik Street, where today there is a part of the museum devoted to him. This house belonged to the astronomer's family in the years 1458–1480, but probably already in 1468 they moved to the tenement house at 36 Rynek Staromiejski, half of which belonged to the Watzenrode family already at the end of the 14th century, and the other half was bought by the astronomer's father in 1468. Anna Schilling, hailed in literature as the “lady of the heart” of the astronomer approaching the end of his days, was most probably his cousin from Gdańsk. She was the daughter of Nicolaus Copernicus' cousin. She lived in From- bork as a widow, rather as a carer of her elderly and probably already ailing cou- sin. The question of Copernicus' place of rest in Frombork Cathedral is still open. The identification of his remains still raises some doubts among researchers, especially anthropologists and geneticists. Despite these reservations, the author concludes that our knowledge of Nicolaus Copernicus' background, youth and private life on the eve of his 550th birthday is much greater than it was even several decades after his death and only a few years ago
Nauka; 2022, 1; 73-92
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Weryfikacja śladów użytkowania kościanych szydeł i stilusów – studium eksperymentalne
Stelmasiak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
bone awls
bone stiluses
functional analysis
Early Medieval period
Awls have been used for perforating various types of materials from the Paleolithic to the early medieval period, until they were replaced by their metal equivalents. Though the technology of the manufacture has changed, the form remained virtually the same, containing of a handle and a shaft. Stiluses are the component of the stationery set, which also consists of the wax tablets. The latter however, very rarely preserve to our times. Bone awls and stiluses are as well the common type of relics found on the early medieval sites. Recent studies were mainly oriented on their chronological and typological classification and on determining the place of their manufacture and the place of their use. Yet, there were no attempts of conducting a use wear analysis, which leads to the appropriate characteristic of these tools, previously obtained in a very generic way, mostly basing on their morphological features which is quite misleading, due to their overall similarity. That was an impulse to undertake research on that field. Conducted experiments and use-wear analysis resulted in obtaining an accessible way to distinguish bone awls from bone stiluses, which enabled authoress to apply this method on genuine artifacts from early medieval sites.
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia; 2017, 22; 287-303
Pojawia się w:
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skała. Uwagi na temat budowy miasta średniowiecznego w świetle najnowszych badań nad wielkością i kształtem działki lokacyjnej
Skała. Observations concerning structure of a medieval town in the light of the latest research on size and shape of a settlement plot
Malik, R.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
Płaskowyż Ojcowski
urban planning
medieval period
Współczesna Skala to niewielki ośrodek handlowo-usługowy położony około 21 km na północ od Krakowa w ramach tzw. Płaskowyżu Ojcowskiego. Założono go staraniem klasztoru klarysek z Zawichostu w roku 1267. Jego plan oparty został na prostej, ortogonalnej konstrukcji składającej się z 39 działek o wymiarach 36 × 72 łokcie zgrupowanych wokół prostokątnego rynku wielkości 210 × 354 stopy. 27 działek przypadało w sumie na wszystkie bloki przyrynkowe, zaś 12 na 3 bloki przekątniowe, czwarty zajmowała działka kościelna. Tak zagospodarowany teren obejmował około 3 hektarów powierzchni z 8, jakimi dysponowało miasto w chwili opasania go linią umocnień obronnych. O tym, że takowe Skala posiadać mogła, przekonuje nas schemat układu komunikacyjnego miasta, który niewątpliwie pochodzi z okresu jego lokacji, a który w prawie niezmienionej formie zachował się po dzień dzisiejszy.
Modern-day Skala is a small commercial and service centre located approximately 21 km north of Krakow, on the so called Ojcow Plateau. It was founded thanks to the efforts of the Poor Clares convent from Zawichost in 1267. Its plan was based on the simple, orthogonal construction consisting of 39 plots measuring 36 × 72 ells grouped round a rectangular market place measuring 210 × 354 feet. Altogether 27 plots made up all the market blocks, while 12 plots made up 3 diagonal blocks, the fourth being occupied by the church plot. The so developed area covered around 3 hectares out of 8 the town had at its disposal when it was surrounded with a line of defensive fortifications. The fact that Skala might have possessed the latter is confirmed by the scheme of the communications layout of the town, which undoubtedly comes from the time of its foundation and which has been preserved in almost unaltered form until today.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2013, 36; 46-53
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Preliminary Report on a Search for Artefacts and Verification Excavations Conducted within the Limits of the Old Village of Trójca in 2020 and 2021
Florek, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
early medieval period
Zawichost ford
searching for artefacts
In 2020–2021, within the limits of Trójca – a medieval village located near a ford on the Vistula River that is today part of Zawichost – artefacts were sought with the use of metal detectors. Next, a survey excavation was conducted, resulting in the discovery of e.g. two silver hoards from the 11th and 12th c., single coins from the 11th–12th c. (over 140 specimens) and from later times, merchant’s weights, adornments, minor devotional articles and military accessories (especially from the 11th–13th c.) and many other artefacts. Their discovery makes us suspect that Trójca was one of the most important supralocal trade centres of Lesser Poland in the early Middle Ages. The conducted excavations and research are only the first stage for future archaeological prospections to be conducted in Trójca and will be continued in the years to come.
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia; 2022, 17; 37-49
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowing Without Digging? Non-invasive Research of the Krzczonów Earthwork and its Surroundings
Wroniecki, Piotr
Brejcha, Roman
Sikora, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
non-destructive archaeology
motte-type castle
Late Medieval Period,
Early Modern Period
The topic of this paper is a non-invasive research case study of a protected monument mound in Krzczonów, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in Lesser Poland. It explores the possibilities of noninvasive methodological approaches in the recognition of archaeological sources by asking whether it is possible to procure relevant information without conducting excavations. A new interpretation of the mound’s function and chronology is based on data derived from multimethod field surveys including remote sensing (satellite imagery, UAV, light aircraft, ALS), geophysical (magnetic gradiometry, earth resistance), total station measurements and analytical field walking prospection along with comparison of archival field-walking data. We would like to hypothesize that, contrary to the protected monument list, the Krzczonów earthwork is not a prehistoric feature but could be related to the end of 14th up to the beginning of the 16th century. In this case it could be understood as a remnant of a motte-type castle
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia; 2017, 12; 177-198
Pojawia się w:
Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New Types of the Oldest Polish Coins
Nowe typy najstarszych monet polskich
Bogucki, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
early medieval period
Polish coinage
wczesne średniowiecze
mennictwo polskie
This article presents discoveries of new types of coins that can be assigned to the oldest Polish coinage. In case of the PRINCES POLONIE die-chain, it was possible to identify one new die, in an extremely barbaric style, which once again shows that there is no uniform style to the oldest Polish coins and that there was chaos in Bolesław I the Brave’s coinage. In the case of the second – .VIDV die-chain as many as seven new dies have been revealed. Detailed analysis shows that the coins produced with these dies were not necessarily produced at the same time, and that production could have lasted up to several years. The newly revealed dies do not solve the problem of the attribution of denarii with the .VIDV inscription, but their ascription to the coinage of Bolesław I the Brave or Mieszko II is very likely.
Artykuł prezentuje odkrycia monet nowych typów, które można przypisać do najstarszego mennictwa polskiego. W przypadku łańcucha połączeń stempli PRINCES POLONIE udało się zidentyfikować jeden nowy stempel, w niezwykle zbarbaryzowanym stylu, co po raz kolejny ukazuje, że nie istnieje jednolity styl najdawniejszych monet polskich oraz, że w mennictwie Bolesława Chrobrego panował chaos. W przypadku drugiego łańcucha połączeń stempli – .VIDV ujawniono aż siedem nowych tłoków. Ich szczegółowa analiza wskazuje, że monety wybijane tymi stemplami nie musiały być produkowane w jednym czasie, lecz nawet przez kilkanaście lat. Nowo ujawnione stemple nie rozwiązały problemu atrybucji denarów z legendą .VIDV, lecz ich przynależność do mennictwa Bolesława Chrobrego lub Mieszka II jest bardzo prawdopodobna.
Wiadomości Numizmatyczne; 2022, 66; 181-197
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Numizmatyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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