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An assessment of the association between antenatal care and child malnutrition in Bangladesh
Toma, Afrina
Talukder, Ashis
Shirin Khan, Shabnum
Razu, Shaharior Rahman
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2018, 4; 373-378
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fight against malnutrition (FAM): selected results of 2006-2012 nutrition day survey in Poland
Ostrowska, J.
Jeznach-Steinhagen, A.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
human disease
fight against malnutrition
human nutrition
Background. Prevalence of malnutrition among hospitalized patients is a common issue increasing the morbidity and mortality rate. In response to the aforementioned problem the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) stated an action plan to fight malnutrition and created in 2004 the global health project named NutritionDay (nD) - a single-day, population based, standardized, multinational cross-sectional audit which is performed worldwide in hospitals and nursing homes. Objectives. To present selected NutritionDay (nD) results from Poland describing the nutritional situation of hospitalized patients in 2006 – 2012 compared to other countries participating in nD study. Material and Methods. Data were collected in nD study through voluntary participation all over the world during seven years - from 2006 to 2012. Data collection was performed on ward level by staff members and patients using standardized questionnaires. The data were analyzed by the Vienna coordinating centre using the Structured Query Language (“my SQL”) - an open source relational database management system as well as the Statistical Analysis System version 9.2 (SAS). Results. In Poland 2,830 patients were included in the study during a 7-year survey, while 5,597 units recruited 103,920 patients in the world (nD reference). About 45% of the patients had a weight loss within the last 3 months prior to admission (same for nD references); 58.34% reported a decrease in eating during last week (54.85% in case of nD references). Food intake at nD illustrated that 60.55% of the patients ate half to nothing of the served meal (58.37% in the case of nD references). For both Poland and other countries participated in audit at the time of detection of malnutrition on the half of hospital wards wasn’t reported any action aimed at combating this phenomenon. Conclusions. Malnutrition of hospitalized patients in Poland was found comparable to the rest of the world. These results reflects the fact that malnutrition is a common issue among hospitalized patients all over the world and it would be recommended to continue the action plan to fight against malnutrition commenced by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) on international and national level.
Wprowadzenie. Występowanie niedożywienia wśród hospitalizowanych pacjentów jest zjawiskiem powszechnym, przyczyniającym się do zwiększenia stopnia powikłań i śmiertelności. W odpowiedzi na ten problem, Europejskie Towarzystwo Żywienia Klinicznego i Metabolizmu (ESPEN) w 2004 roku utworzyło ogólnoświatowy projekt zdrowotny NutritionDay (nD), będący jednodniowym, dobrowolnym i wystandaryzowanym badaniem przeprowadzanym na całym świecie. Cel. Celem pracy było zaprezentowanie wybranych wyników badania NutritionDay (nD) przeprowadzonego w Polsce w latach 2006 - 2012, obrazujących występowanie czynników ryzyka niedożywienia szpitalnego na tle innych krajów uczestniczących w projekcie. Materiał i metody. Dane do projektu nD zbierane były na całym świecie w okresie od 2006 do 2012 roku. Udział w tym badaniu był dobrowolny i polegał na wypełnieniu wystandaryzowanych kwestionariuszy przez pacjentów oraz personel medyczny oddziału uczestniczącego w badaniu. Wszystkie dane uzyskane podczas badania zostały przeanalizowane w biurze projektu nD znajdującym się w Wiedniu, przy pomocy systemu SAS wersja 9.2. Wyniki. W Polsce do badania nD przystąpiło 2.830 pacjentów z 5.597 jednostek medycznych, natomiast na świecie badaniem objęto 103.920 respondentów. Zarówno w Polsce jak i w innych krajach uczestniczących w badaniu ok. 45% pacjentów zgłaszało utratę masy ciała w ciągu ostatnich 3 miesięcy, a w przypadku ok. 60% respondentów z Polski oraz ok. 55% z całego świata odnotowano zmniejszoną podaż pożywienia w tygodniu poprzedzającym badanie. W dniu przeprowadzania badania nD odnotowano, że 60,55% pacjentów hospitalizowanych na polskich oddziałach szpitalnych spożyło mniej niż połowę podanego posiłku, z kolei w pozostałych krajach uczestniczących w projekcie odnotowano ten fakt w przypadku 58,37% respondentów. Zarówno w polskich oddziałach szpitalnych jak i w innych krajach, w momencie rozpoznania niedożywienia, na około połowie z nich nie zostały podjęte żadne kroki mające na celu przeciwdziałanie temu zjawisku. Wnioski. Skala niedożywienia pacjentów hospitalizowanych na polskich oddziałach szpitalnych jest porównywalna z innymi państwami uczestniczącymi w badaniu. Wynik ten zwraca uwagę na fakt, że niedożywienie jest zjawiskiem powszechnie występującym w środowisku szpitalnym na całym świecie. Dlatego też konieczna jest kontynuacja prowadzenia badań w ramach projektu nD powstałego z ramienia Europejskiego Towarzystwa Żywienia i Metabolizmu.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2016, 67, 3
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Method of Nutrition of Patients After Major Oral and Craniofacial Surgery and its Effects on BMI Changes During a Half-Year Period of Observation
Jaworska, Edyta
Lewandowski, Zbigniew
Samolczyk-Wanyura, Danuta
Ławiński, Michał
Pertkiewicz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
maxillofacial surgery
nutritional state
Injuries, deformations and tumours of the facial part of skull, oral cavity or neck often hamper or prevent normal food consumption. After surgery of these structures food intake may be decreased due to postoperative wounds, pain, swelling and trismus. The aim of the study was to evaluate nutritional state of patients treated surgically in the craniomaxillo- facial surgery department and determination of factors affecting body weight changes after surgery. Material and methods. The study included 83 patients operated between 2008 and 2010 in the department of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery, due to: maxillo-facial defects (30 individuals), malignant tumours (23 individuals), injuries (19 individuals), benign tumours (11 individuals). The study was prospective. A method of nutrition during the observation period and BMI (Body Mass Index) value on the first day of hospitalization and after 10, 60, 180 days after hospital admission were considered. For statistical analysis of results a general regression analysis was used. Results. Significant reduction of BMI was observed in all patients after 10 and 60 days from the start of hospitalization. A significant increase of this parameter was observed between Day 60 and Day 180 of observation, however the BMI values after 180 days were still significantly lower than the baseline. A dependency between these changes and a cause of hospitalization as well as nutrition during and after the stay at hospital has been shown. Conclusions. There is a distinct relationship between the worsening of nutritional state after craniofacial surgery and nutrition during and after hospitalization, and therefore special attention should be paid to the issue of nutrition during this period
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 7; 305-311
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of megestrol acetate on nutrition and inflammation in dialysis patients - preliminary results
Gołębiewska, Justyna
Lichodziejewska-Niemierko, Monika
Aleksandrowicz, Ewa
Majkowicz, Mikołaj
Łysiak-Szydłowska, Wiesława
Rutkowski, Bolesław
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
megestrol acetate
proinflammatory cytokines
Malnutrition is a common clinical problem in dialysis patients. So far the management of malnutrition in this population has not been fully successful. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of use of megestrol acetate suspension in malnourished dialysis patients. Twenty-six hypoalbuminemic (albumin ≤ 3.8 g/dl) dialysis patients took 160 mg of megestrol acetate daily for a period of two months. Anthropometry (dry weight, body mass index) and biochemical measurements of nutrition (serum albumin, triglycerides, total cholesterol) and inflammation (hsCRP, IL-1β, IL-6) were performed on a monthly basis. The treatment led to a statistically significant increase (P < 0.05) in anthropometry and albumin concentration, with no statistically significant changes in total cholesterol, triglycerides and indices of inflammation. Side effects included overhydration, diarrhoea and hyperglycaemia. Thus, megestrol acetate may be an effective therapeutic agent in improving the nutritional status of carefully selected dialysis patients, while it might not mitigate inflammation. Because of the prevalent side effects it must be monitored closely.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2009, 56, 4; 733-737
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Complex nursing care for the elderly with eating disorders
Gulášová, Ivica
Cetlová, Lada
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
Authors of the contribution is concerned with feeding the elderly, which is frequently discussed a serious problem. Increasing age is a risk factor for the development of nutritional disorders, and therefore the old connection with the frequent occurrence of these disorders, especially with malnutrition. Nutritional disorders in old age lead to serious health problems, prolonging illness and mortality, not least, degradation the quality of life. By reason to demographic changes in terms of life expectancy increasing and the increasing number of elderly people, this issue is highly topical. In case of illness in old age there is a higher risk of malnutrition. The old and the chronically ill in this respect are vulnerable group. Between nutritional status and disease severity, there is a close relationship. It is true that the mere malnutrition is associated with higher mortality and morbidity. Also, every chronic disease leads to malnutrition and malnutrition every clinically latent disease. The most frequent type of malnutri- tion in the elderly is a protein-energy malnutrition with simple starvation, which leads to weight loss. In practice usually carried combinations more examination methods. The basic methods used in the diagnosis of eating disorders in the elderly include: nutritional history, anthropometric and physical examination, laboratory tests and nutritional standardized questionnaires.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2016, 1(20); 95-100
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niedożywienie szpitalne i jego nastepstwa
Hospital malnutrition and its consequences
Szlenk-Czyczerska, Elzbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
następstwa niedożywienia
ocena stanu odżywienia
the consequences of malnutrition assessment of nutritional status
Odżywianie jest jedną z podstawowych funkcji organizmu. Brak pokarmu doprowadza do śmierci tak samo jak brak tlenu lub wody, lecz trwa znacznie wolniej. Przedłużające się głodzenie lub nadmierne nasilenie procesów metabolicznych może doprowadzić do stanu niedożywienia. Charakteryzuje się ono obniżeniem odporności oraz zwiększoną podatnością na choroby, powoduje także wzrost umieralności. Niedożywienie jest obecnie problemem zdrowia publicznego w krajach rozwiniętych i rozwijających się. Niedożywienie szpitalne jest zjawiskiem powszechnym, sprzyja występowaniu powikłań, wydłuża hospitalizację i zwiększa koszty leczenia. Następstwa niedożywienia dotyczą wszystkich narządów i układów, także sfery psychomotorycznej człowieka. Głównym celem przesiewowej oceny stanu odżywienia jest wczesna identyfikacja chorych niedożywionych lub tych, u których istnieje ryzyko wystąpienia niedożywienia. Jej zadaniem jest również identyfikacja pacjentów mających wskazania do leczenia żywieniowego.
Nutrition is one of the basic functions of the human body. The shortage of food, as well as lack of oxygen or water, leads to death, however, it takes longer to cause death. Prolonged hunger or excessive intensity of metabolic processes may lead to the state known as malnutrition. It is characterized by the decrease of immunity and increased susceptibility to diseases which consequently may also cause the increase of mortality. Malnutrition is now a public health problem in both developed and developing countries. Hospital malnutrition is a widespread phenomenon which encourages the development of complications as well as results in prolonged hospitalization and the increase of the treatment costs. The consequences of malnutrition affect all the organs and systems, including human psychomotor abilities. The main purpose of screening the nutritional conditions is to assess the nutritional status of patients who appear to be at risk of malnutrition at the early stadium. It, secondarily, also aims at identifying patients with specific indications for nutritional therapy.
Puls Uczelni; 2015, 2; 32-35
Pojawia się w:
Puls Uczelni
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changing lifestyle and prevalence of malnutrition among settled pastoral Fulani children in Southwest Nigeria
Ekpo, U F
Omotayo, A.M.
Dipeolu, M.A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
malnutrition prevalence
life style
food habit
Fulani population
Fulani child
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2008, 15, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ubóstwo dzieci
Child Poverty in Poland
Wójcik, Szymon
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
ubóstwo, zaniedbanie, niedożywienie
child poverty, neglect, malnutrition
Artykuł przedstawia dane dotyczące skali i specyfiki ubóstwa dzieci w Polsce. Na wstępie podano podstawowe definicje i wskaźniki służące do pomiaru ubóstwa. Następnie przedstawiono zasięg ubóstwa wśród dzieci w Polsce, z uwzględnieniem zmian w czasie i porównania z innymi krajami Unii Europejskiej. Zaprezentowano też dane dotyczące zasiłków rodzinnych, świadczeń z Funduszu Alimentacyjnego oraz prognozy dotyczące wpływu programu Rodzina 500+ na sytuację finansową rodzin z dziećmi. Obok ubóstwa monetarnego skupiono się także na kwestiach deprywacji materialnej – dostępu dzieci do zasobów niezbędnych do ich prawidłowego funkcjonowania biologicznego i społecznego. W szczególności omówiono kwestie niedożywienia i niedostatecznych warunków mieszkaniowych. Na koniec poruszono także zagadnienia społecznego postrzegania ubóstwa oraz konsekwencji ubóstwa dla dzieci.
The article presents data on the scale and characteristics of child poverty in Poland. As an introduction common definitions and indicators measuring poverty are explained. The paper then presents the scope and scale of poverty among children in Poland, taking into account changes in time and comparison with other countries of the European Union. The article also presents data on family allowances, benefits from the Alimony Fund and forecasts of the impact of the programme Family 500+ on the financial situation of families with children. In addition to monetary poverty, the article also focuses on the issues of material deprivation – children’s access to the resources necessary for the proper functioning on the biological and social level. In particular, issues of malnutrition and inadequate housing conditions are discussed. As a conclusion the topics of social perception of poverty and the consequences of poverty for children were raised.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2017, 16, 1; 10-31
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of nutritional status of patients with cancer who are qualified for home enteral nutrition – a retrospective analysis
Kaźmierczak-Siedlecka, Karolina
Folwarski, Marcin
Jankowska, Barbara
Spychalski, Piotr
Szafrański, Waldemar
Baran, Mariusz
Makarewicz, Wojciech
Bryl, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
nutritional status
home enteral nutrition
Background: Patients with cancer are at risk of malnutrition. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status of patients with cancer who are qualified for home enteral nutrition. Secondary aim is to compare the nutritional status of patients with gastric cancer and with esophageal cancer. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of medical documentation of 84 participants with cancer who were qualified for home enteral nutrition in Nutritional Counselling Center Copernicus in Gdansk in 2009-2015 was performed. Assessment of nutritional status included body mass index, the level of total protein and albumin in blood serum, total lymphocyte count, and Nutritional Risk Score 2002 method. Results: Patients with gastric cancer most often presented albumin deficiency in comparison with patients with esophageal cancer (p=0.02). The low level of total lymphocyte count in 1mm3 of peripheral blood was observed in 47.6% participants. All the patients qualified for home enteral nutrition received at least 3 points in NRS 2002 method and most often 5 points (40.4%). Conclusions: All patients required nutritional treatment. Notwithstanding, the nutritional status of patients varied. Hypoalbuminemia was observed more often in patients with gastric cancer in comparison with patients with esophageal cancer.
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine; 2020, 3, 1; 16-23
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of protein deficient diet, vitamin B2 supplementation and physical training on serum composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in rats
Lewicka, Aneta
Lewicki, Sławomir
Kłos, Anna
Dębski, Bogdan
Kurył, Tomasz
Bertrandt, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
protein malnutrition
vitamin b2
Introduction. Prolonged shortages of protein in the diet significantly alter the composition and content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in tissues and body fluids. One of nutritional factors which may reduce negative effects of protein malnutrition might be vitamin B2 due to its influence on lipids metabolism. Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of low protein (LP) diet enriched with vitamin B2 on the content and composition of PUFA in the blood serum of rats treated with dosed physical exercise. Materials and method. The experiment was carried out for 3 months on 72 growing male Wistar rats divided into 5 groups. Animals were fed ad libitum on a diet with an energy value of 350 kcal/100 g, in which 4.5% of the energy was provided by protein. In the control diet, 20% of the energy was provided by protein. Two groups were fed the diet enriched with vitamin B2. The two groups of tested animals were trained for 5 days a week. Results. LP diet caused a decrease in α-linolenic acid (ALA) after 30 days, and a decrease in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) after 60 days of experiment, compared with rats fed the control diet. After 60 and 90 days of the experiment, a significant decrease was noted in arachidonic acid (AA) in serum of trained rats, compared with sedentary rats fed the LP diet. Physical activity increased LA (mainly on day 30), EPA (on day 90) and reduced AA content (on day 90) in serum of rats fed the LP diet. B2 supplementation in the trained LP group did not change the EPA and AA dependence; however, there was a decrease in LA content in comparison to the non-supplemented trained group. Conclusions. Results of this study suggest that all investigated factors (protein deficiency, physical exercise and supplementation of vitamin B2) have significant impact on PUFA composition of serum in rats.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2017, 24, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Applications of Arthrospira platensis as an Alternative Source of Food, Maintaining Nutritional Security and Awareness Creation; there by Reducing Problems of Malnutrition in the Society
Degnechew, Genene Demisu
Buzayehu, Desisa Benti
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Arthrospira platensis
Single cell protein
An increase in population has led to explorations of alternative sources of food, nutrition and energy. This search and the maintenance of nutritional security are essential dimensions of sustainable communal growth and development. This study revises evidences for alternative food production from Arthrospira platensis. The use of Arthrospira platensis for food is increasingly relevant as its components (proteins, lipids, minerals and vitamins) have substantial potential to be competitive with the same components from other food sources, and Arthrospira platensis-based food production is relatively low in price and holds medicinal properties.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2018, 19; 1-8
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zásady realimentace pacientů po operaci
Gulášová, Ivica
Görnerová, Lenka
Babečka, Jozef
Czarnecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
clinical nutrition
surgical operation
nutritional intervention
Clinical nutrition has a very significant role in surgery. There is a two-way relationship between the patient‘s performance and the nutritional status of the patient, and they are in interaction. Dietary intake can be affected not only immediately but, more importantly, over the long period of time. In this article is described the issue of GIT interventions that require specific approaches to nutritional intervention. In relation to surgery, we distinguish the preoperative, perioperative and postoperative periods, and it is necessary to distinguish the period immediately after surgery and the convalescence period, which is often associated with realimentation. In those stages, nutritional intervention has specific objectives with respect to the patient‘s health and nutritional status. In recent years is used the so-called „immunonutrition“, which is the use of specific nutritional components for therapeutic purposes. However, the main objective remains to prevent or optimally resolve eventual malnutrition.
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2019, 2 (33); 73-81
Pojawia się w:
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relationship of socio-economic status with nutritional status among the elderly in a rural community of Bangladesh
Chandra Debnath, Sumon
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
nutritional status
Socio-Economic Status (SES).
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2017, 2; 104-109
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nutritional status of frail elderly
Jaroch, A.
Kędziora-Kornatowska, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Frail elderly
nutritional status
vitamin D
Introduction: Growing population of elderly requires effective medical diagnostics and help. Criteria developed by Fried et al. are most often used for the diagnosis of the frailty syndrome. An inherent element of frailty syndrome is malnu-trition. Malnutrition results from inadequate food supply, coexistence of acute and chronic diseases. Effective nutritional interventions conducted on frail older persons can prevent them from developing the frailty syndrome. Review: The prevalence of frailty in elders is 17% moreover 42.3% are prefrail. There are many scales designed to identify frailty syndrome, but the most common is the classification of Fried et al. Malnutrition is a common state in frail elderly. Basic questionnaire, which is used to diagnose malnutrition, is MNA (Mini-Nutritional Assessment). Mini-Nutritional Assessment Short-Form (MNA-SF) and Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) also can be used. Sarcopenia, which is defined as reduced muscle mass and strength and impaired muscle performance, significantly contribute to the development of frailty. Many studies have shown that an effective method in the preventing of sarcopenia is protein supplementation. Other beneficial lifestyle and diet changes, which can help prevent the development of frailty syndrome, are adherence to the Mediterranean diet, appro-priate intake of carotenoids, vitamin E, selenium and zinc. Another important protective factor is vitamin D levels. Low serum 25(OH)D is strongly associated with frailty. Conclusions: From a nutritional point of view adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet, sufficient intake of protein, micronutrients and vitamin D, as well as regular moderate physical activity, can be crucial in the preventing of the frailty syndrome.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2014, 4, 2; 144-149
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An evaluation of the nutritional status of elderly with the use of the MNA questionnaire and determination of factors contributing to malnutrition. A pilot study
Kostecka, M.
Bojanowska, M.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
unintentional weight loss
elderly people
Background. In the elderly, nutrition significantly influences biological aging and physiological and pathological changes in the body. A balanced diet and physical activity are the key to good physical and mental health. Objective. The aim of this study was: (1) to perform nutritional screening tests in senior citizens residing in eastern Poland and (2) to evaluate the risk of malnutrition in elderly people who live with their families, seniors who live independently, and residents of nursing homes. Material and method. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) screening tool comprising a questionnaire with 22 questions and an abbreviated and survey-adapted version of the questionnaire (KomPAN) were used to investigate eating habits and self-perception of health and nutrition. A total of 398 correctly filled out questionnaires were selected and the resulting data were subjected to statistical analyses in the Statistica 10 program. Results. The BMI values of most respondents were indicative or malnutrition or risk of malnutrition, regardless of gender (mean BMI 23.88 kg/m2 ±5.08). Most overweight and obese respondents were female (p=0.0001). The observed decreased BMI values was significantly (p=0.0012, rs= 0.6714) correlated with lower food intake. Unintentional weight loss greater than 3 kg was most frequently noted in respondents living in nursing homes and living independently (p=0.0021). Eating difficulties also considerably influenced the respondents’ nutritional status. The respondents’ BMI values were significantly correlated (p<0.0001) with their MNA scores, the average MNA score was 21.0±4.4, (rs = 0.7293). Overweight and obese respondents were more likely to consume at least three meals daily (OR=1.87; 95% CI: 1.32-2.06; p<0.001). Conclusions. The BMI values and MNA scores of the tested subjects indicate that the majority of the surveyed respondents were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, regardless of gender. In the present study, the residential environment significantly influenced the patients’ nutritional status, in particular in respondents with impaired motor abilities and eating difficulties.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2021, 72, 2; 175-183
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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