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III zjazd konserwatorów zabytków archeologicznych
Żurowski, T.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
III zjazd konserwatorów zabytków archeologicznych
dr Kazimierz Malinowski
postulaty konserwatorów zabytków archeologicznych
konieczność inwentaryzacji stanowisk archeologicznych
Ochrona Zabytków; 1956, 3; 193-194
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między monografią a…?
Between monograph and...?
Wieczorkowska, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
koncepcje języka
znaczenie jako użycie
Bronisław Malinowski
Laboratorium Kultury
conceptions of language
meaning and use
Bronislaw Malinowski
W swojej recenzji książki Marty Rakoczy Słowo – działanie – kontekst. O etnograficznej koncepcji języka Bronisława Malinowskiego, autorka usiłuje pośrednio znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, jakie miejsce zajmuje ta pozycja wśród literatury poświęconej osobie i dziełu Bronisława Malinowskiego. Przedstawiona zostaje strategia badawczo-pisarska widoczna w publikacji: prezentacja etnograficznej koncepcji języka polskiego antropologa na tle innych, zarówno jemu współczesnych, jak i późniejszych, teorii.
In her review of Marta Rakoczy’s book, Słowo – działanie – kontekst. O etnograficznej koncepcji języka u Bronisława Malinowskiego, the author attempts to indirectly point on its placement on the circle of works concerning the life and work of Bronislaw Malinowski. A research-writing strategy of the publication is introduced: the ethnographic concept of the language by the Polish anthropologist is presented and compared to other theories, his contemporaries as well as the latter ones.
Laboratorium Kultury; 2013, 2; 256-263
Pojawia się w:
Laboratorium Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kolejnej rewolucji nie będzie
There will be no further revolution
Wężowicz-Ziółkowska, Dobrosława
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Bronisław Malinowski
Elsie Masson
rewolucje w antropologii kulturowej
Laboratorium Kultury
Bronislaw Malinowski
revolutions in cultural anthropology
Wydany w 1967 roku A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, czyli Dziennik w ścisłym znaczeniu tego wyrazu Bronisława Malinowskiego (wyd. pol. Kraków 2002) przyczynił się do istotnej zmiany w zastanym paradygmacie antropologicznym – w znacznym stopniu powołał do życia antropologię interpretacyjną Jamesa Clifforda i Clifforda Geertza. W 2012 r. na polski rynek wydawniczy trafiło kolejne, nie zamyślone pierwotnie do upublicznienia „dzieło” Malinowskiego – jego korespondencja z pierwszą żoną, Elsie Masson. Autorka recenzji prezentuje tę korespondencję rozważając, na ile i ona przyczyni się do rewolucji w naukach społecznych. Podkreślając wagę dokumentacyjną edycji, stawia tezę, iż tym razem rewolucji nie będzie, ponieważ hieratyczny wcześniej wizerunek mistrza antropologii już za sprawą Dziennika… uległ rewolucyjnej dekonstrukcji. Równocześnie rozważa w recenzji manifestacyjny charakter działań kobiet Malinowskiego – drugiej żony, Anny Valetty Hayman-Joyce, która zdecydowała o upublicznieniu A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term oraz Heleny Wayne, która z kolei opracowała i przygotowała do druku listy swych rodziców, Bronia i Elsie. Czy stanowią one wyraz akceptacji wielkiego uczonego i jego praktyk terenowych, czy też – przeciwnie – są sposobem „domalowania mu wąsów”, jak kiedyś uczynił to Duchamp Monie Lisie Leonarda da Vinci, otwierając drogę dla Awangardy? Oczywiście, odpowiedzi na razie znamy, ale recepcję Historii pewnego małżeństwa na pewno należy uważnie śledzić.
Bronislaw Malinowski’s A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, Published in 1967 or Dziennik w ścisłym znaczeniu tego wyrazu (Polish edition: Kraków 2002) was the cause for an important change in the already existing paradigm – it considerably inspired James Clifford’s and Clifford Geertz’s interpretative anthropology. In 2012, a polish edition of another Malinowski’s “work” has been published – a correspondence with his first wife, Elsie Masson. The author of a review presents the correspondence with a reflection upon if it will cause a revolution in social sciences. While putting an emphasis on the documentary importance of the edition, the author states, that this time, there will be no revolution, because the hieratic portrait of the master of anthropology was already deconstructed in a revolutionary way through A Diary… Simultaneously, the author ponders upon the demonstrative nature of Malinowki’s women actions – Anna Valetta Hayman-Joyce, who decided on making known to the public A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, and Helena Wayne, who complied and prepared for printing the letters of her parents, Bronio and Elsie. Are they an expression of acceptance of the great scholar and his field work practices, or, on the contrary, are they a way of painting a moustache, like Duchamps did once to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, and initiated the Avant-garde movement? We do not know the answer to this question, although the reception of the The story of a marriage should be observed closely.
Laboratorium Kultury; 2013, 2; 274-282
Pojawia się w:
Laboratorium Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od Ośrodka Dokumentacji Zabytków do Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa
From the Centre for Documentation of Monuments to the National Heritage Board of Poland
Wendlandt, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Ośrodek Dokumentacji Zabytków
Kazimierz Malinowski
służby konserwatorskie
standardy ewidencji
Ośrodek Ochrony Zabytkowego Krajobrazu
Ośrodek Ochrony Dziedzictwa Archeologicznego
By the Order no. 166 of the Minister of Culture and Art of 22 December 1961, the Centre for Documentation of Monuments was established “for the purpose of improvement of the stock-taking of monuments for the rational planning of their reconstruction and conservation”. Its tasks included the preparation of the central register, record and supplementary documentation of non-movable and movable monuments. CDM’s substantive activity was based on record cards of non-movable (ca 40,000) and movable monuments, record files of cities, historic complexes and parks, historical and technical documentation of historic objects of architecture and historic buildings as well as archival and photographic materials acquired from the then existing Administration of Museums and Monument Protection. Tasks were performed by the Centre in three research departments: the Department of Architecture and Town Planning, the Department of Movable Monuments and the Department of Archaeology and in supplementary departments: the Department of Museology, which collected and documented knowledge about Polish museums, the Department of Archives and Scientific Collections, which collected, among others, materials relating to the historical issues and conservation of monuments, and the Phototeque with a unique collection of negatives, positives and diapositives, including historic aerial photographs of historic urban complexes and spatial development layouts. This collection is particularly important, because it often concerns the objects that no longer exist. Among achievements of the Department of Publications, which existed in the Centre from the beginning, it is particularly worth noting one hundred volumes of the Library of Muse ology and Monument Protection (LMMP) devoted to a variety of topics: from legal protection of monuments, materials from conservation conferences, specialistic issues of the conservation technology, to glossaries. For many years CDM was the publisher of a number of magazines devoted to popular science: Spotkania z Zabytkami, Muzealnictwo and Ochrona Zabytków. What also existed in CDM from the beginning, was the library – one of the few libraries in Poland that had not only a collection of books on the history of art and museums, but also a collection of books on issues of stock-taking and documentation of monuments and conservation issues – both with regard to theory and practice. Within the limits of its statutory activity, the Centre kept a central record of cultural properties, determined models and established standards of record-keeping. It organised training courses for employees of Conservation Offices and Offices for Documentation of Monuments, directed priorities in the preparation of records of monuments and supervised periodically the financing of the entire record-keeping programme in Poland. For the purpose of closer co-operation with conservation services and local administration bodies, twelve Centres for Studies and Protection of the Cultural Environment were established as local centres of CDM in 1991 and 1992. In 2000, part of CDM’s competences relating to the initiation and financing of records was transferred to conservation services and the Centre became responsible only for archives and information. Until then, during 40 years of its activity, CDM had collected and co-created an imposing record documentation, which constituted a unique collection encompassing around: • 130,000 record cards of historic objects of architecture and historic buildings, • 640,000 address index cards of historic objects of architecture and historic buildings, • 600 historical & urban planning studies of cities, • 320,000 record cards of movable monuments, • 6,600 files of the Archaeological Photograph of Poland (68% of the surface of the country; 375,000 archaeological sites), • 70,000 decisions on entry into the register of monuments (all categories of monuments), • 130,000 negatives and 1,000 binders of positives in the phototeque, • 35,000 negatives, diapositives and photographs of the aerial documentation of cities and the cultural landscape, • 50 linear metres of archival materials, • 60,000 volumes of books and magazines in the library. Moreover, CDM had at its disposal materials of the State Enterprise Monument Conservation Workshops from years 1948-1988 (750 linear metres of conservation documentation, 250,000 negatives, 1,881 photogrammetries, 8 linear metres of photographs in boxes). These materials were not only used by the personnel of conservation services, but also made widely available for scientific and educational research. In 2002, two cultural institutions: the Centre for Documentation for Monuments and the Centre for the Protection of Historic Landscape were merged and the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments was established. The Centre for the Protection of Historic Landscape was created on the basis of the Administration of the Protection and Conservation of Palace & Garden Complexes, which functioned from 1977 within the structures of the National Museum in Warsaw. Originally it engaged in the maintenance of historic parks in the divisions of the National Museum –in Łazienki Park, Wilanów, Nieborów and Królikarnia. The methods that were used there in broadly understood conservation activities, from historical research to the revitalisation of these parks, were employed to work out theoretical and practical rules relating to the maintenance of historic green layouts in the scale going beyond museum objects. In those years, there were no specialistic institutions taking care of historic parks; these shortages were particularly severe for local conservation offices, which employed mainly historians of art, architects, ethnographers and archaeologists in their structures. Only a small group of landscape architects or foresters took care of historic greens. Because of the need to support voivodeship conservators of monuments, the Administration of the Protection of Palace & Garden Complexes was separated from the National Museum and started nationwide activity as an independent entity. As far as records and documentation are concerned, the Administration’s activity was similar to that of CDM, but was carried on with regard to historic green layouts – parks, gardens and cemeteries, including former Polish cemeteries situated outside the country. Apart from that, the Administration was authorised by the General Conservator of Monuments to exercise the broadly understood heritage conservator supervision of works being performed in historic parks in Poland. The co-operation concerned both design and performance. For instance, a programme of clearing works in neglected parks was commenced, under which conservators and users received an instruction concerning the performance of basic maintenance works before proper revitalisation activities. The Administration elaborated also the rules of preparation of conservation documentation, paying particular attention to the need to carry out historical & scientific research before design works. It was also the originator of pre-design research that was called “park archaeology”. From the beginning of its activity, the Administration ran a large-scale training programme for conservation services. A design studio was also created to carry out park revitalisation projects within the scope of statutory activity. At the same time, a scientific base was created by establishing a specialised library and collecting all materials concerning the history of gardening. Research on park plants and their selection in the historical development process was also initiated. Grounds were even created for the establishment of a specialised nursery which was to prevent the spreading fashion for introduction of foreign species of trees and shrubs to historic parks through selection of native plants occurring in historic gardens. The large-scale research and record-keeping programme resulted in a series of publications, including the list Parks and historic gardens in Poland, catalogues of historic cemeteries in various provinces, a catalogue of Galician cemeteries from World War I and catalogues of Polish cemeteries in Belarus and the Ukraine. Special attention in the activity of the Administration was paid to the role of historic parks in the local environment and their importance for the cultural landscape. In this context, research on particularly endangered large-area layouts and composed landscape was commenced. As a result of the extended research zone and environment protection activities, the Administration of the Protection of Palace & Garden Complexes was transformed into the Centre for the Protection of Historic Landscape on 1 January 1994. Special achievements of CPHL include activities for the benefit of the Muskau Park in Łęknica, a park & landscape work of primary importance for the history of the world art of gardening. For the purpose of ensuring proper progress of revitalisation works, CPHL took over the administration of this facility and restored the original grandeur and importance of the park after a few years of intense work, as a result of which the park was entered into the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list. CPHL carried on very intense training & conference activities, and materials acquired by means of them were systematically published in a few dozen volumes of the Studia i Materiały publication, which was divided into several thematic series. The National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments basically continued the tasks of both merged institutions, but focused rather on documentation works and the elaboration of methods of protection and maintenance of monuments, and direct design and field works were gradually limited. Higher importance was attached to giving opinions on various projects, including conservation projects. NCRDM became the main provider of opinions for the General Conservator of Monuments. In addition, NCRDM engaged in the preparation of materials connected with the establishment of a monument of history (including the elaboration of a draft of criteria for the application and the carrying-out of the procedure), giving of opinions on and verification of applications. It also prepared a proposal for monitoring of historic objects regarded as monuments of history and entered into the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list. The computerisation of collections became one of the most important tasks of NCRDM. NCRDM had already commenced work on that subject in the past, but these were not complex activities aimed at creating a unified programme for all kinds of documentation. NCRDM also started to make 3D scans of historic objects for the needs of conservation services and activities. It is worth mentioning that from 2002 till 2006 NCRDM did not engage in recording of archaeological monuments, because this function was fulfilled by the Centre for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage. Its predecessor was the Centre for Rescue Archaeological Research (CRAR) established in 1995, whose primary goal was to supervise and examine areas laid out for large-area investments being designed. These activities were particularly necessary in areas through which national fast traffic roads were to run. Within the scope of CRAR’s research, a huge number of archaeological sites was examined within a relatively short time and many important scientific discoveries were made. Irrespective of the specific nature of archaeological research, which was different from research on other kinds of monuments, scientific and record documentation was being prepared, the meaning and significance of which was identical to that of documentation of monuments in general. Thus, the activities of the Centre for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage turned out to coincide in many respects with work of the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments. As a result, both of these cultural institutions were merged in 2006. Until 31 December 2010, they functioned as the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Monuments, which changed its name to the National Heritage Board of Poland by virtue of the order of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage on 1 January 2011. This change involves also the adoption of new statutes, according to which the Institute is obliged to pursue tasks relating to the sustainable protection of the cultural heritage of Poland in order to preserve it for future generations through: 1. the collection and dissemination of knowledge about heritage; 2. the determination and dissemination of standards of protection and maintenance of monuments, 3. the formation of social awareness regarding the values and maintenance of cultural heritage. This shows that, apart from activities being performed so far, e.g. with regard to the collection of record documentation, the goal of the Institute is to undertake tasks on a broader social scale, especially those relating to the dissemination of knowledge on cultural heritage. This goal should be supported by activities such as the monitoring of the state of preservation and the evaluation of the heritage resource, the building and development of the nationwide geospatial database about monuments and the improvement of access to collections through their digitalisation. The Institute continues to issue opinions and expertises concerning monument-related activities to public administration bodies, but it is also obliged to carry out, upon the Minister’s order, a part of tasks of the ministry of culture resulting from the accession of Poland to the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention and, in particular, carry out works to ensure standards of protection, conservation and presentation of World Heritage sites, monitor and evaluate their condition, co-ordinate work on the preparation of management plans and supervise their implementation as well as participate in international co-operation with a view to the protection of cultural heritage. In order to implement these tasks, the Institute has the properly qualified staff and supplements its technical equipment within the limits of its financial possibilities. Some difficulty is caused by the lack of adequate place both for the expanding documentation resources and for arrangement of research workshops. The Centre for Documentation of Monuments has actually grappled with the lack of appropriate premises since the beginning of its existence; currently, after a series of organisational changes and mergers, the National Heritage Board of Poland with its rich archives and specialistic workshops is located in four separate facilities in and outside Warsaw, in accidental rooms that are completely inadequate to the kind of its activity. This means that, after 50 years of its activity, the institution is entering the new stage as the National Heritage Board of Poland without a seat that would be adequate to its name and role. Such a situation hinders the current activity of the institution and, in the first place, does not contribute to the improvement of mutual relations between employees and the building of an integrated team and causes a serious problem to a very large number of clients making use of the dispersed collections.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2012, 1-2; 35-47
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uczta z Malinowskim i Witkacym. Niedopowiedzenie i namiętność w antropologii
Symposium with Malinowski and Witkacy. Understatement and passion in anthropology
Wełyczko, Paula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
biografia naukowa
Bronisław Malinowski
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
antropologia kulturowa
Artykuł Uczta z Malinowskim i Witkacym. Niedopowiedzenie i namiętność w antropologii to rozważania nad wielowymiarową relacją łączącą Bronisława Malinowskiego i Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza. Przy pomocy mów filozofów zawartych w Uczcie Platona autorka dąży do wyjaśnienia uwag i komentarzy wskazanych przez biografów antropologa na temat jego przyjaźni z artystą – Witkacym. Odwołując się do fragmentów tekstów autobiograficznych takich jak Dziennik w ścisłym znaczeniu tego wyrazu, 622 Upadki Bunga czyli Demoniczna Kobieta, a także Listów - Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza stara się poznać naturę towarzyszącego im Erosa.
An article Symposium with Malinowski and Witkacy. Understatement and passion in anthropology considers the multidimensional relations between Bronisław Malinowski and Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz. With the help from the philosophers speeches of Plato’s Symposium, writer is striving to explain observationes and comments pointed by the Malinowski’s biographers, about his friendship with an artist – Witkacy. Using fragments of autobiographical books like Dziennik w ścisłym znaczeniu tego wyrazu, 622 Upadki Bunga czyli Demoniczna Kobieta, and Letters of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz author is trying to recognise nature of the Eros involved.
Tematy z Szewskiej; 2015, Errotyzm 2(16)/2015; 52-65
Pojawia się w:
Tematy z Szewskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural anthropology of Bronisław Malinowski and reflections on the economic crisis
Szulczewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
cultural anthropology
Bronisław Malinowski
economic crisis
The paper revisits two theories from the cultural anthropology. The first theory is by Bronisław Malinowski, and the second one by Karl Homann. Malinowski criticizes economism and moralism. I present further stages of this criticism, with special importance placed on the concept of homo oeconomicus. Malinowski demonstrates how moral norms are implemented in primitive cultures by means of magic, cults, customs and rituals and rites. Malinowski also argues for the significance of cultural institutions in stabilizing the functioning of primitive communities. These institutions sheltered the communities from the kind of crises that are also experienced in the present times, thus, giving the older schools of thought in cultural anthropology their deserving place within the contemporary thought.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2017, 20, 6; 53-67
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie recepcji dorobku Bronisława Malinowskiego dla rozważań etyki gospodarczej nad kryzysem finansowo-gospodarczym
Cultural Anthropology of Bronisław Malinowski and Reflection on the Economic Crisis
Szulczewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
cultural anthropology
Bronisław Malinowski
economic crisis
The paper presents two theories from the area of cultural anthropology. The first is B. Malinowski, who criticized economism and moralism. I present further stages of this criticism, with special importance placed on the concept of homo oeconomicus. Malinowski also showed how moral norms are implemented in primitive cultures by means of magic, cults, customs and rituals and rites. Another important section is devoted to Malinowski’s analysis of how cultural institutions were important for stable functioning of primitive communities. They sheltered those communities form crisis of the kind that we experience today. The second theory is economical ethics of K. Hofman, one of the newest achievements of German business ethics. So works of cultural anthropology are worth being read again.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2011, 14, 1; 101-113
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na kłopoty Malinowski : polski inżynier nie tylko zbudował kolej transandyjską, lecz także uratował peruwiański port Callao podczas ataku floty hiszpańskiej
Szopa, Maciej.
Polska Zbrojna 2012, nr 6, s. 94-97
Data publikacji:
Malinowski, Ernest (1818-1899)
Konflikty zbrojne Ameryka Południowa 19 w.
Porty obrona udział Polaków Peru 19 w.
Dot. wojny między Chile i Peru a Hiszpanią w 19 w.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
II Batalion Szturmowy "Odwet" Armii Krajowej : suplement
Sułowska-Dmochowska, Maria.
Data publikacji:
Warszawa : Środowisko II Batalionu Szturmowego "Odwet" ŚZŻAK
Malinowski Stefan (1922- ) biografia
Malinowski, Stefan
Armia Krajowa. Okręg Warszawa. 2 Batalion Szturmowy "Odwet" biografie
Od wiosny 1943 r. w sekcji "S" batalionu "Odwet". W Powstaniu Warszawskim uczestniczył w ataku na wille przy ul. Sędziowskiej. Ranny. Zatrzymany przez Niemców na Polu Mokotowskim, wywieziony do obozu w Pruszkowie, skąd uciekł.
S. 86, Stefan Malinowski -- ur. 1922, "Lubicz".
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW

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