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Modeling Pollution Index Using Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression Coupled with Genetic Algorithm
Abdulkareem, Iman Ali
Abbas, Abdulhussain A.
Dawood, Ammar Salman
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Shatt Al-Arab river
comprehensive pollution index
multiple linear regression
artificial neural network
genetic algorithm
Shatt Al-Arab River in Basrah province, Iraq, was assessed by applying comprehensive pollution index (CPI) at fifteen sampling locations from 2011 to 2020, taking into consideration twelve physicochemical parameters which included pH, Tur., TDS, EC, TH, Na+, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Alk., SO4-2, and Cl-. The effectiveness of multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) for predicting comprehensive pollution index was examined in this research. In order to determine the ideal values of the predictor parameters that lead to the lowest CPI value, the genetic algorithm coupled with multiple linear regression (GA-MLR) was used. A multi-layer feed-forward neural network with backpropagation algorithm was used in this study. The optimal ANN structure utilized in this research consisted of three layers: the input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. The predicted equation of the comprehensive pollution index was created using the regression technique and used as an objective function of the genetic algorithm. The minimum predicted comprehensive pollution index value recommended by the GA-MLR approach was 0.3777.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 3; 236--250
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Detection of Outliers in Univariate Circular Data by Means of the Outlier Local Factor (LOF)
Abuzaid, Ali H.
Data publikacji:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny
multiple outliers
spacing theory
The problem of outlier detection in univariate circular data was the object of increased interest over the last decade. New numerical and graphical methods were developed for samples from different circular probability distributions. The main drawback of the existing methods is, however, that they are distribution-based and ignore the problem of multiple outliers. The local outlier factor (LOF) is a density-based method for detecting outliers in multivariate data and it depends on the local density of every k nearest neighbours. The aim of this paper is to extend the application of the LOF to the detection of possible outliers in circular samples, where the angles of circular data are represented in two Cartesian coordinates and treated as bivariate data. The performance of the LOF is compared against other existing numerical methods by means of a simulation based on the power of a test and the proportion of correct detection. The LOF performance is compatible with the best existing discordancy tests, while outperforming other tests. The level of the LOF performance is directly related to the contamination and concentration parameters, while having an inverse relationship with the sample size. In order to illustrate the process, the LOF and other existing discordancy tests are applied to detect possible outliers in two common real circular datasets.
Statistics in Transition new series; 2020, 21, 3; 39-51
Pojawia się w:
Statistics in Transition new series
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of multiple-criteria decision-making methods - results of a simulation study
Porównanie wielokryterialnych metod wspomagających podejmowanie decyzji - wyniki badań symulacyjnych
Adamczak, M.
Domański, R.
Wagener, N.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
weighted sum model
analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
multiple criteria decision making
simulation study
metoda ważona
metoda AHP
wielokryterialne metody wspomagania decyzji
badania symulacyjne
Background: Today, both researchers and practitioners have many methods for supporting the decision making process. Due to the conditions in which supply chains function, the most interesting are multi-criteria methods. The use of sophisticated methods for supporting decisions requires the parameterization and execution of calculations that are often complex. So is it efficient to use sophisticated methods? Methods: The authors of the publication compared two popular multi-criteria decision-making methods: the Weighted Sum Model (WSM) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A simulation study reflects these two decision-making methods. Input data for this study was a set of criteria weights and the value of each in terms of each criterion. Results: The iGrafx Process for Six Sigma simulation software recreated how both multiple-criteria decision-making methods (WSM and AHP) function. The result of the simulation was a numerical value defining the preference of each of the alternatives according to the WSM and AHP methods. The alternative producing a result of higher numerical value was considered preferred, according to the selected method. In the analysis of the results, the relationship between the values of the parameters and the difference in the results presented by both methods was investigated. Statistical methods, including hypothesis testing, were used for this purpose. Conclusions: The simulation study findings prove that the results obtained with the use of two multiple-criteria decision making methods are very similar. Differences occurred more frequently in lower-value parameters from the "value of each alternative" group and higher-value parameters from the "weight of criteria" group.
Wstęp: Obecnie teoretycy i praktycy dysponują wieloma metodami wspomagającymi proces podejmowania decyzji. Z uwagi na warunki, w jakich funkcjonują współczesne łańcuchy dostaw najbardziej interesujące wydają się metody wielokryterialne. Wykorzystanie skomplikowanych metod wymaga jednak wieloetapowej parametryzacji i przeprowadzenia rozbudowanych obliczeń. Czy zatem efektywne jest stosowanie skomplikowanych metod? Metody: Autorzy publikacji porównali dwie popularne wielokryterialne metody wspomagające proces podejmowani decyzji: metodę punktową ważoną (WSM) oraz metodę hierarchiczną (AHP). W modelu symulacyjnym odzwierciedlono funkcjonowanie obu tych metod. Dane wejściowe do symulacji stanowiły wartości parametrów: ocena alternatywy oraz waga kryterium. Wyniki: Model symulacyjny opracowano w oprogramowaniu iGrafx Process for Six Sigma. Odzwierciedlono w nim funkcjonowanie dwóch wielokryterialnych metod wspomagania procesu decyzyjnego: WSM oraz AHP. Wynikami symulacji były wartości liczbowe odzwierciedlające preferencję każdej z alternatyw według każdej z metod. Za wybraną przez daną metodę alternatywę uznawano tą, której wartość wskaźnika preferencji była wyższa. W analizie wyników poszukiwano zależności pomiędzy wartościami parametrów oraz różnicą wyników przedstawioną przez obie metody. Wykorzystano w tym celu metody statystyczne w tym testowanie hipotez. Wnioski: Przedstawione rezultaty badań symulacyjnych wskazują, że wyniki uzyskane dwiema wielokryterialnymi metodami wspomagania decyzji są do siebie bardzo zbliżone. Różnice wyników pomiędzy nimi miały miejsce częściej w warunkach niższych wartości parametru ocena alternatywy oraz w wyższych wartości parametru waga kryterium.
LogForum; 2016, 12, 4; 237-246
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multiple resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS)- and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides in black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) populations from Poland
Adamczewski, K.
Kierzek, R.
Matysiak, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
multiple resistance
acetolactate synthase
acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase zob.acetyl-CoA carboxylase
acetyl-CoA carboxylase
Alopecurus myosuroides
annual grass
cultivated field
waste land
slender meadow foxtail
twitch grass
black twitch
Alopecurus myosuroides seeds were sampled from 32 winter wheat fields from 2010 to 2014. Resistance to herbicides was detected in 17 A. myosuroides populations. In addition to single resistance to herbicides, cross-resistance and multiple resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS)- and acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides were found. Application of sulfometuron and imazapyr was unable to control some of the resistant biotypes in this study. This result implies that resistance in these populations is due to a target site mechanism. The A. myosuroides biotypes resistant to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides varied in their responses to derivatives of aryloxy-phenoxy-propionic acid (FOPs), cyclohexanediones (DIMs) and phenylpyrazolines (DENs). Resistant biotypes of A. myosuroides that could not be controlled with fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (FOP) and pinoxaden (DEN) were controlled with clethodim (DIM).
Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2016, 56, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie egzoszkieletów w rehabilitacji ruchowej u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym
Application of exoskeletons in motor rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis
Adamczyk, Dominika
Jankowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Robotyki Medycznej
rehabilitacja ruchowa
stwardnienie rozsiane
motor rehabilitation
multiple sclerosis
Stwardnienie rozsiane (SM) jest schorzeniem neurologicznym prowadzącym często do inwalidztwa, dlatego w jego leczeniu dużą rolę odgrywa rehabilitacja. Zarówno neurolodzy jak i fizjoterapeuci szukają najlepszych metod, by poprawić stan neurologiczny chorych na SM. Naprzeciw tym potrzebom wychodzą nowoczesne technologie, oferując innowacyjne rozwiązanie – egzoszkielety. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd wybranych egzoszkieletów stosowanych w neurorehabilitacji wraz z najnowszymi doniesieniami naukowymi o efektach przeprowadzanej z ich użyciem terapii u pacjentów z diagnozą stwardnienia rozsianego.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease that often leads to disability, therefore rehabilitation plays a significant role in its treatment. Both neurologists and physical therapists are searching for the best methods to improve the neurological condition of people with MS. Modern technologies meet these needs, offering an innovative solution – exoskeletons. The article presents an overview of selected exoskeletons used in neurorehabilitation together with the latest scientific reports on the effects of therapy performed using exoskeletons in patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
Medical Robotics Reports; 2020, 8/9; 41--46
Pojawia się w:
Medical Robotics Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Predicting the properties of corrugated base papers using multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks
Adamopoulos, S
Karageorgos, A.
Rapti, E.
Birbilis, D.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
paper property
multiple linear regression
artificial neural network
recovered fibre
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2016, 59, 198
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The strategy of fusion genes construction determines efficient expression of introduced transcription factors
Adamus, Tomasz
Konieczny, Paweł
Sekuła, Małgorzata
Sułkowski, Maciej
Majka, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
multiple gene expression
self-cleavage motif
transcription factors introduction
The main goal in gene therapy and biomedical research is an efficient transcription factors (TFs) delivery system. SNAIL, a zinc finger transcription factor, is strongly involved in tumor, what makes its signaling pathways an interesting research subject. The necessity of tracking activation of intracellular pathways has prompted fluorescent proteins usage as localization markers. Advanced molecular cloning techniques allow to generate fusion proteins from fluorescent markers and transcription factors. Depending on fusion strategy, the protein expression levels and nuclear transport ability are significantly different. The P2A self-cleavage motif through its cleavage ability allows two single proteins to be simultaneously expressed. The aim of this study was to compare two strategies for introducing a pair of genes using expression vector system. We have examined GFP and SNAI1 gene fusions by comprising common nucleotide polylinker (multiple cloning site) or P2A motif in between them, resulting in one fusion or two independent protein expressions respectively. In each case transgene expression levels and translation efficiency as well as nuclear localization of expressed protein have been analyzed. Our data showed that usage of P2A motif provides more effective nuclear transport of SNAIL transcription factor than conventional genes linker. At the same time the fluorescent marker spreads evenly in subcellular space.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 2014, 61, 4; 773-778
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wspomaganie procesu podejmowania decyzji w praktyce public relations
Supporting decision making process in public relations
Adamus-Matuszyńska, Anna
Michnik, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Metody systemowe
Public relations
Relacje inwestorskie
Wielokryterialne metody decyzyjne
Investor relations
Multiple criteria decision-making
Systemic methods
Weighted Influence Non-linear Gauge System (WINGS)
Autorzy kontynuują rozważania dotyczące narzędzi wspomagania procesu podejmowania decyzji w public relations. Po pierwszych studiach nad procesem podejmowania decyzji w sytuacji kryzysowej, tym razem analizują podejmowanie decyzji w realizacji jednego ze strategicznych działań, jakim są relacje inwestorskie. Autorzy, biorąc pod uwagę wielość umiejętności niezbędnych w praktyce PR, analizują je pod kątem ustrukturyzowania problemu oraz wykorzystania narzędzi wspomagania decyzji zaczerpniętych z podejścia systemowego oraz metod wielokryterialnych. Punktem wyjścia rozważań jest teza o złożoności procesu podejmowania decyzji w PR, wynikająca z wielości czynników determinujących ten proces oraz wymagających rozpatrzenia. Dlatego autorzy poszukują metod wspomagających, które ułatwią wybór odpowiedniego podejścia do rozwiązania problemu.
The authors continue discussion about tools supporting decision-making process in public relations. After the first studies on the process of decision-making in a crisis situation, this time authors analyse decision-making process in investor relations. The authors take into account the multiplicity of skills needed in the practice of PR and analyse them in terms of structuring the problem and the use of decision support tools taken from systemic methods and decision analysis. Authors are looking for methods, which will facilitate the selection of a suitable approach to solving a given problem.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2017, 313; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Suitable Spreading Sequences for Asynchronous MC-CDMA Systems
Addad, M.
Djebbari, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
crest factor
multiple access interference
peak-to-average power ratio
zero correlation zone
In order to meet the demand of high data rate transmission with good quality maintained, the multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) technology is considered for the next generation wireless communication systems. However, their high crest factor (CF) is one of the major drawbacks of multi-carrier transmission systems. Thus, CF reduction is one of the most important research areas in MC-CDMA systems. In addition, asynchronous MC-CDMA suffers from the effect of multiple access interference (MAI), caused by all users active in the system. Degradation of the system’s bit error rate (BER) caused by MAI must be taken into consideration as well. The aim of this paper is to provide a comparative study on the enhancement of performance of an MC-CDMA system. The spreading sequences used in CDMA play an important role in CF and interference reduction. Hence, spreading sequences should be selected to simultaneously ensure low CF and low BER values. Therefore, the effect that correlation properties of sequences exert on CF values is investigated in this study. Furthermore, a numerical BER evaluation, as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the number of users, is provided. The results obtained indicate that a trade-off between the two criteria is necessary to ensure good performance. It was concluded that zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences are the most suitable spreading sequences as far as the satisfaction of the above criteria is concerned.
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology; 2018, 3; 9-13
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Using Diversity for Classifier Ensemble Pruning : an Empirical Investigation
Ahmed, M. A. O.
Didaci, L.
Lavi, B.
Fumera, G.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
multiple classifier systems
ensemble pruning
diversity measures
The concept of `diversity' has been one of the main open issues in the field of multiple classifier systems. In this paper we address a facet of diversity related to its effectiveness for ensemble construction, namely, explicitly using diversity measures for ensemble construction techniques based on the kind of overproduce and choose strategy known as ensemble pruning. Such a strategy consists of selecting the (hopefully) more accurate subset of classifiers out of an original, larger ensemble. Whereas several existing pruning methods use some combination of individual classifiers' accuracy and diversity, it is still unclear whether such an evaluation function is better than the bare estimate of ensemble accuracy. We empirically investigate this issue by comparing two evaluation functions in the context of ensemble pruning: the estimate of ensemble accuracy, and its linear combination with several well-known diversity measures. This can also be viewed as using diversity as a regularizer, as suggested by some authors. To this aim we use a pruning method based on forward selection, since it allows a direct comparison between different evaluation functions. Experiments on thirty-seven benchmark data sets, four diversity measures and three base classifiers provide evidence that using diversity measures for ensemble pruning can be advantageous over using only ensemble accuracy, and that diversity measures can act as regularizers in this context
Theoretical and Applied Informatics; 2017, 29, 1-2; 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Theoretical and Applied Informatics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leadership and project success in development sector
Ahmed, Saghir
Abdullahi, Abdullahi M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Development sector
Multiple linear regression
Project success
Aim/purpose – The study aims to investigate the relationship among the leadership, operational efficiency and project success in general and the impact of transformational leadership and operational efficiency on project success in particular. Design/methodology/approach – Mean comparison from descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression from inferential statistics was used to determine the association between variables and further impact of the transformational leadership and operational efficiency on project success in the development sector. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among 200 employees from the top, middle & lower management levels of various national & international development organizations working in Pakistan like Microfinance Banks and other Rural Support Programs. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to process data. Findings – The result shows positive association among transformational leadership, operational efficiency and project success. In addition, it was found that transformational leadership and operational efficiency have a positive and statistically significant impact on the project success. It is concluded that both transformational leadership and operational efficiency are vital to achieving the optimum level of success in any project, especially in the development sector. Research implications/limitations – The integral limitation of the study was the respondents because most of the development organizations have their operations in rural areas where access was difficult because of limited time and resources. In addition, such organizations are always reluctant to provide survey feedback. Originality/value/contribution – The paper contribution is in the theoretical and practical knowledge of the project success factors in the development sector which is still a somehow unexplored area. Regulators of the development sector may be benefited from this study.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2017, 30; 5-19
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modulation-Mode Assignment for SVD-assisted Downlink Multiuser MIMO Transmission Schemes with Iterative Detection
Ahrens, A.
Benavente-Peces, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
multiple-input multiple-output system
singular value decomposition
bit allocation
power allocation
wireless transmission
multiuser transmission
Since the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems increases linearly with the minimum number of antennas at both, the transmitter as well as the receiver side, MIMO systems have attracted a lot of attention for both frequency and non-frequency selective channels and reached a state of maturity. By contrast, MIMO-aided multiple-user systems require substantial further research. In comparison to zero-forcing (ZF) multiuser transmission techniques, where all users are treated jointly, the investigated singular value decomposition (SVD) assisted DL multiuser MIMO solution takes the individual user's channel characteristics into account. In analogy to bit-interleaved coded irregular modulation, we introduce a MIMO-BICM scheme, where different user-specific signal constellations and mapping arrangement were used within a single codeword. Extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used for analyzing and optimizing the convergence behaviour of the iterative demapping and decoding. Our results show that in order to achieve the best bit-error rate, not necessarily all user-specific MIMO layers have to be activated.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2011, 57, 1; 127-134
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Electrical resistivity tomography for geo-engineering investigation of subsurface defects: a case study of Etioro-Akoko highway, Ondo State, southwestern Nigeria
Akingboye, Adedibu Sunny
Osazuwa, Isaac Babatunde
Mohammed, Muraina Zaid
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)
deep weathered troughs
multiple fractures
pavement failure
The durability of roads is dependent on the proper screening of the variations in subsurface geological characteristics and conditions through geo-engineering investigations and good construction practices. In this study, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique was used to investigate the subsurface defects and potential failures along the substrate of Etioro-Akoko highway, Ondo State, southwestern Nigeria. Results of the inverse model resistivity sections generated for the two investigated traverses showed four distinct subsurface layers. The shallow clayey topsoil, weathered layer, and partially weathered/fractured bedrock have resistivity values ranging from 4–150 ohm-m, 10–325 ohm-m, and 205–800 ohm-m, with thickness values of 0–2 m, 0.5–12.5 m, and less than few meters to > 24 m, respectively. The fresh bedrock is characterised by resistivity generally in excess of 1000 ohm-m. The bedrock mirrored gently to rapidly oscillating bedrock troughs and relatively inclined deep penetrating multiple fractures: F1–F’1, F2–F’2 and F3–F’3, with floater in-between the first two fractures. These delineated subsurface characteristic features were envisaged as potential threats to the pavement of the highway. Pavement failures in the area could be attributed to the incompetent clayey sub-base/substrate materials and the imposed stresses on the low load-bearing fractured bedrock and deep weathered troughs by heavy traffics. Anticipatory construction designs that included the use of competent sub-base materials and bridges for the failed segments and fractured zones along the highway, respectively, were recommended.
Studia Quaternaria; 2020, 37; 101-107
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An investigation of the effects of moderator variables on the lower heating value estimation of lignite deposits in Turkey
Badanie wpływu zmiennych moderatora na szacowanie wartości opałowej złóż węgla brunatnego w Turcji
Aksoy, Mehmet
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
lignite deposit
lower heating value
multiple linear regression
moderator analysis
proximate analysis
węgiel brunatny
wartość opałowa
wielokrotna regresja liniowa
analiza moderatora
analiza techniczna
Turkey has 19.3 billion tons of lignite reserves and the vast majority of these Neogene lignite deposits are preferred for use in thermal power plants due to their low calorific value. The calorific value of lignite used in thermal power plants for electricity generation must be kept under constant control. In the control of calorific value, the estimation of the lower and higher heating values (LHV and HHV) of lignite is of great importance. In the literature, there are many studies that establish a relationship between the heating values of coal and proximate and ultimate analysis variables. In the studies dealing with proximate analysis data, it is observed that although the coefficients of the obtained multiple linear regression models (MRM) are statistically insignificant, these models are used to predict heating values because of the meaningful correlation coefficient. In this study, it is investigated whether moderator variables are effective on LHV estimation with proximate analysis data collected from forty-one lignite basins in different regions of Turkey, and a moderator variable analysis (MVA) model is developed to be used for the prediction of LHV. As a result of the study, it is found that the proposed MVA model is in accordance with observation values (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.951), and absolute and standard errors are also small. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of MVA to estimate the LHV of Turkey’s lignite is found to be more statistically meaningful.
Turcja posiada 19,3 mld ton zasobów węgla brunatnego, a zdecydowana większość tych neogeńskich złóż węgla brunatnego jest preferowana do wykorzystania w elektrowniach cieplnych ze względu na ich niską wartość opałową. Wartość opałowa węgla brunatnego wykorzystywanego w elektrowniach ciepłowniczych do produkcji energii elektrycznej musi być stale kontrolowana. W procesie kontroli wartości opałowej bardzo ważne jest oszacowanie wartości opałowej i ciepła spalania węgla brunatnego. W literaturze istnieje wiele badań, które ustalają związek między wartościami opałowymi węgla a zmiennymi analizy przybliżonej (technicznej) i końcowej. W badaniach dotyczących danych analizy technicznej zaobserwowano, że chociaż współczynniki uzyskanych modeli wielokrotnej regresji liniowej (MRM) są statystycznie nieistotne, modele te są wykorzystywane do przewidywania wartości opałowych ze względu na znaczący współczynnik korelacji. W niniejszym artykule zbadano, czy zmienne moderatora są skuteczne w szacowaniu wartości opałowej (LHV) na podstawie danych z analizy technicznej zebranych z czterdziestu jeden zagłębi węgla brunatnego w różnych regionach Turcji, a także opracowano model analizy zmiennych moderatora (MVA), który ma być wykorzystywany do przewidywania LHV. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że proponowany model MVA jest zgodny z wartościami obserwacji (współczynnik determinacji R2 = 0,951), a błędy bezwzględne i standardowe są również niewielkie. W związku z tym stwierdzono, że wykorzystanie MVA do oszacowania LHV tureckiego węgla brunatnego jest statystycznie uzasadnione.
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi; 2023, 39, 3; 199--216
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coexisting of self-excited and hidden attractors in a new 4D hyperchaotic Sprott-S system with a single equilibrium point
Al-Azzawi, Saad Fawzi
Al-Hayali, Maryam A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
3D Sprott S system
New 4D Sprott S system
multiple attractors
Coexisting self-excited and hidden attractors for the same set of parameters in dissipative dynamical systems are more interesting, important, and difficult compared to other classes of hidden attractors. By utilizing of nonlinear state feedback controller on the popular Sprott-S system to construct a new, unusual 4D system with only one nontrivial equilibrium point and two control parameters. These parameters affect system behavior and transformation from hidden attractors to self-excited attractors or vice versa. As compared to traditional similar kinds of systems with hidden attractors, this system is distinguished considering it has (-2) positive Lyapunov exponents with maximal Lyapunov exponent. In addition, the coexistence of multi-attractors and chaotic with 2-torus are found in the system through analytical results and experimental simulations which include equilibrium points, stability, phase portraits, and Lyapunov spectrum. Furthermore, the anti-synchronization realization of two identical new systems is done relying on Lyapunov stability theory and nonlinear controllers strategy. lastly, the numerical simulation confirmed the validity of the theoretical results.
Archives of Control Sciences; 2022, 32, 1; 37--56
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Control Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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