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„Capellae maiores et minores” i różne sposoby ich kształtowania w architekturze sakralnej po Soborze Trydenckim
Krasny, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
nowożytna architektura sakralna
nowożytna teoria sztuki
sztuka sepulkralna
liturgia po Soborze Trydenckim
przestrzeń sakralna w epoce nowożytnej
early modern sacral architecture
early modern theory of art
sepulchral art
liturgy after the Council of Trent
sacred space in early modern period
Reformy liturgiczne po Soborze Trydenckim doprowadziły do zasadniczych zmian w funkcjonowaniu liturgicznym i w kształtowaniu różnych partii świątyni. W różnych środowiskach terminem kaplica określano więc bądź prezbiterium, bądź aneksy ściśle powiązane z korpusem, bądź też autonomiczne budowle służące kultowi relikwii i cudownych obrazów oraz grzebaniu dostojnych zmarłych. Ten zamęt terminologiczny nie został uporządkowany w tekstach teoretyczno-artystycznych, takich jak mediolańskie Instructiones fabricae et supellectilis ecclesiastice. Nie sposób zatem wypracować jednoznacznej definicji nowożytnej kaplicy przykościelnej na użytek historii sztuki.
In Instructiones fabricae et supellectilis ecclesiasticae published in Milan in 1577, in line with the tradition formed in the Middle Ages, the term capella was used to describe a part of the church interior, definitely designated as the place for altar. There, the term capella maior was referred to the church’s presbytery, and capelle minores – to the strings of identical chapels, adjacent to the sides of the nave, and sometimes also to the transept. Capella maior was already losing its spatial separateness as a result of liturgical reforms introduced after the Council of Trent. In Italy and in most European countries, it was then that great importance was attached to gathering the people at one solemn Holy Mass, at the same time striving to make its celebration as visible as possible to the gathered worshipers. Therefore, the choir partitions were removed, and the presbyteries were cleaned from elements emphasizing their spatial distinctiveness on the one hand (reliquaries, miraculous paintings, impressive tombstones), and on the other, distracting the attention of the worshipers from the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice. Such activities – strongly recommended in Instructiones – meant that the presbytery was very strongly (both spatially and ideologically) integrated with the body of the church, as a result of which in most languages it ceased to be called a chapel. On the other hand, in the documents of church factories such a term was applied to annexes connected very loosely with the space and body of the temple, to which the saints and tombstones from the presbytery were “transferred”. The construction of two such structures by the popes at the larger basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome became the confirmation of this practice by the highest authority in the Church. However, Instructiones and other Counter-Reformation texts on church shaping did not record the rapid spread of an “autonomous” chapel in sacral architecture. The Milanese work describes only the way of shaping the strings of capellae minores, so a solution present in the Italian architecturefrom the late Middle Ages. The reason for this choice was probably the fact that the chapels adjacent to the nave fulfilled a specific tradition in the liturgy in the church, and the role of autonomous chapels in this field remained insignificant. Due to the well-established local tradition in the South Netherlands, there was no integration of the spaces of presbyteries and churches in this area. In this area, Catholicism was restored after the period of violent Reformation, which meant that in the churches, first of all, elements destroyed by iconoclasts were reconstructed. Therefore, in the cathedrals and collegiate churches, with the consent of the Holy See, the partitions separating them from the corpus were reconstructed. Behind these partitions, imposing tombstones of bishops and canons were built, because only these spaces were supervised by higher clergy, while the corps were under the administration of municipalities. In Flemish, the presbytery was thus still described with the term (grote) kapel, while the side chapels, usually built between the buttresses of great Gothic churches, were called chapels (kapelletjes). Thus, in the modern era, the term “chapel” was associated with various spatial and functional solutions, both in construction practice and in texts on sacral architecture. Therefore, one should limit himself to noticing the complex presence of chapels in the history of modern architecture, and not try to formulate a precise and unambiguous definition of this type of building.
TECHNE. Seria Nowa; 2020, 5; 11-37
Pojawia się w:
TECHNE. Seria Nowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Chmura” dostępnej sztuki
“The cloud” of art accessible online
Więckowski, Robert
Data publikacji:
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
nowoczesne technologie
modern technologies
Dissemination of art online is nowadays a global practice adopted by many museums and galleries. While the reasons behind it may be diverse, one of them is to provide access to works of art and art spaces to people with disabilities. The article analyzes the legitimacy of using modern technologies in communication with people with disabilities, and presents examples of solutions implemented in Polish social and cultural reality in order to make art accessible to people with disabilities. It also identifies opportunities and threats that may arise in connection with such communication model between cultural institutions and people with disabilities.
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka; 2018, 102, 3; 146-157
Pojawia się w:
Kultura Współczesna. Teoria. Interpretacje. Praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Pejzaż górski nie odpowiadał mi malarsko”, Zakopiański epizod graficzny Jana Skotnickiego
Dragońska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Jan Skotnicki
sztuki graficzne
grafika nowoczesna
sucha igła
grafika barwna
Młoda Polska
Henryk Grohman
graphic arts
modern printing
colour printing
Young Poland
art collecting
W artykule omówiona została graficzna twórczość młodopolskiego malarza Jana Skotnickiego, przypadająca na lata 1909–1914. W 1908 r. artysta wraz z żoną Teodorą z Trenklerów wyjechali z Krakowa do Zakopanego. Pobyt artysty zbiegł się w czasie z intensywnym rozwojem kulturalnym kurortu. W miejscowe inicjatywy Skotnicki angażował się osobiście, przy finansowym wsparciu swego teścia, łódzkiego przemysłowca i kolekcjonera, Henryka Grohmana. Jednocześnie tutejszy krajobraz i popularna w owym czasie góralska sztuka ludowa, zupełnie artysty nie inspirowały, przez co niemal zarzucił malarstwo, a zainteresował się grafiką i kilimiarstwem. Polem nowych zainteresowań stała się otwarta staraniem Grohmana eksperymentalna pracownia wyposażona w prasy drukarskie. W kolejnych latach Skotnicki prezentował swoje ryciny na licznych wystawach, także tych towarzyszących organizowanym konkursom graficznym (1911, 1914), a po wyjeździe do Warszawy (1912) przyłączył się do Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Sztuk Graficznych. Skotnicki uprawiał techniki metalowe, bardzo szybko osiągając w nich wysoki poziom zauważony przez krytyków. Łączył akwafortę, akwatintę, suchą igłę i ruletkę, eksperymentował z drukiem barwnym i kolorował odbitki, mocno indywidualizował prace podczas ich odbijania, stosując tintę. Jego dorobek graficzny oszacowany zastał na ponad 50 kompozycji, przy czym w kolekcjach publicznych znajduje się ich obecnie przynajmniej 36. Są to pejzaże, widoki miasteczek i architektury, akty, studia postaci i zwierząt, w wielu przypadkach wzorowane na własnych szkicach i obrazach. Tematycznie i kompozycyjnie wykazują one wiele podobieństw do prac twórców młodopolskich, zarówno z grona profesorów (J. Stanisławski), jak i rówieśników podejmujących próby graficzne (W. Skoczylas). W sposobie budowania kompozycji, kadrowania, asymetrii i fragmentaryczności przedstawień widoczne są wpływy sztuki japońskiej, stanowiącej ważne źródło inspiracji za sprawą kolekcji i działalności Feliksa „Mangghi” Jasieńskiego. Znacząca była również kolekcja Grohmana, za pośrednictwem której Skotnicki mógł poznać twórczość XIX-wiecznych odnowicieli sztuk graficznych, jak i artystów kolejnych pokoleń (J.M. Whistler, F. Rops, E. Carrière), co znalazło odbicie w jego rycinach. Nieco zapomniana działalność Skotnickiego wpisuje się w ogólniejszą tendencję: zainteresowania młodopolskich artystów sztukami graficznymi i zaangażowania na rzecz ich popularyzacji na przełomie XIX i XX w. Jest przykładem poszukiwania własnego języka wypowiedzi w nowym medium, samodzielnie podejmowanego eksperymentu. Choć Skotnicki nie był pionierem sztuk graficznych na ziemiach polskich, to z pewnością stał się ich propagatorem.
The article discusses the graphic output of Jan Skotnicki, a painter of Young Poland, which he created in the years 1909–1914. In 1908, the artist and his wife, Teodora née Trenkler, left Cracow for Zakopane. The artist’s stay there coincided with the intensive cultural development of the resort. Skotnicki was personally involved in local initiatives, with the financial support of his father-in-law, an industrialist and art collector from Łódź, Henryk Grohman. However, the local landscape and the highland folk art popular at that time did not suit him at all. As a result, he nearly gave up painting and became interested in prints and kilims. An experimental studio, opened thanks to Grohman’s efforts, became Skotnicki’s new field of interests. It was equipped with, among other things, printing presses. In the following years, Skotnicki presented his prints at numerous exhibitions, including those accompanying print competitions (in 1911 and 1914), and after moving to Warsaw (in 1912), he joined the Society of Friends of Graphic Arts. Skotnicki used metal techniques and quickly achieved a master level, which was noticed by critics. He combined etching, aquatints, drypoints and roulette, experimented with colour printing and coloured prints. He strongly individualised his works while creating prints by using tint. His graphic output was estimated at more than 50 compositions, with at least 36 currently in public collections. They include landscapes, views of towns and architecture, nudes, studies of figures and animals, which in many cases were modelled on his own sketches and paintings. In terms of themes and composition, they show many similarities to the works of Young Poland artists from the group of professors (J. Stanisławski) as well as peers undertaking graphic attempts (W. Skoczylas). The way of building the composition, framing, asymmetry and fragmentation of the representations reveal the influence of Japanese art, which was an important source of inspiration thanks to the collection and activity of Feliks "Manggha" Jasieński. Grohman’s collection was also significant, as Skotnicki could learn from it about the works of 19th-century restorers of graphic arts, as well as about the artists of subsequent generations (J. M. Whistler, F. Rops, E. Carrière), which was reflected in his prints. The somewhat forgotten activity of Skotnicki was part of a more general trend: the interest of Young Poland artists in graphic arts and their involvement in their popularisation at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. His output is an example of searching for one’s own language of expression in a new medium, and an experiment he performed independently. Although Skotnicki was not a pioneer of graphic arts in Poland, he certainly became their promoter.
Artifex Novus; 2021, 5; 118-135
Pojawia się w:
Artifex Novus
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Szaman nigdy nie umiera”. Sztuka naskalna jako wyraz tożsamości w twórczości Jane Ash Poitras
„Shaman never dies”. Rock art as the expression of the identity in the art of Jane Ash Poitras
Rozwadowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
rock art
modern art
Indigenous art
Jane Ash Poitras
This article discusses the phenomenon of reusing of ancient rock art iconography in modern art on the example of the artworks of Canadian Cree visual artist Jane Ash Poitras. To understand the role the rock art plays in the collages of J.A. Poitras, the first part of the paper is focused on the Indigenous perspective, which provides the clue to reading complexity of history and contemporary art of the First Nations in Canada. Then the painting Shaman never die V is thoroughly analyzed. It is showed that rock art motifs used in this artwork had been very carefully selected and the meanings they evoke significantly go in pair with wider ideas related to traumatic history of Indigenous Canadians as well as ideas related to persistence of Indigenous spirituality symbolized by the image of shaman.
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia; 2019, 24; 207-233
Pojawia się w:
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Книга художника” как интермедиальный дискурс
“Artist’s book” as intermedia discourse
Bobilewicz, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Artist’s book
modern Russian art
The article is devoted to an analysis of various representations of the “Artist’s book” genre in modern Russian and world art. These representationsfunction within the framework of the paradigm of art that refers to issues such as inter- and multimedia, the model of a broadly talented artist, the concept of a multi-material work of art and the interactive act of perception.  The analysis  of  the  issues  connected  with  verbal  and  visual representations  of  the “Artist’s  book”  has  been  based  on  the  superordinate ‘word  and  picture’  formula  and  the interpretative  indicators  determined  by  generic  diversification  and  the  dialogue  with  other kinds of art: the relationship with painting and sculpture, the book as an object, ready made, mail-art, an artistic project (audiovisual book, photo- and body-art book, book-performance), as  well  as  by  the  act  of  reception.  In  intermedia  discourse,  the  “Artist’s  book”  functions within the cultural, artistic and aesthetic perspective, between art and communication.
The article is devoted to an analysis of various representations of the “Artist’s book” genre in modern Russian and world art. These representationsfunction within the framework of the paradigm of art that refers to issues such as inter- and multimedia, the model of a broadly talented artist, the concept of a multi-material work of art and the interactive act of perception.  The analysis  of  the  issues  connected  with  verbal  and  visual representations  of  the “Artist’s  book”  has  been  based  on  the  superordinate ‘word  and  picture’  formula  and  the interpretative  indicators  determined  by  generic  diversification  and  the  dialogue  with  other kinds of art: the relationship with painting and sculpture, the book as an object, ready made, mail-art, an artistic project (audiovisual book, photo- and body-art book, book performance), as  well  as  by  the  act  of  reception.  In  intermedia  discourse,  the  “Artist’s  book”  functions within the cultural, artistic and aesthetic perspective, between art and communication. 
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2012, 2
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aleś Puszkin — czołowa postać białoruskiej awangardy?
Kuleszewicz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Ales Pushkin
Belarusian modern art
Avant-garde, a rebellious band of new trends and tendencies in art that appeared in the early 20th century, lasted for years being transformed, yielding the new forms of expression. It is also a trend of art most often associated with contemporaryBelarusian art (partially due to “school of Vitebsk”, Marc Chagall and Kazimir Malevich), still enjoying popularity in the country. One of the most recognizable Belarusian artistsis Ales Pushkin, born in 1965 in Bobr, associated with the Achremczuk’s National Schoolof Music and the Arts in Minsk and Vitebsk artistic environment. Pushkin is known for his indomitable, rebellious attitude towards the state regime. For many observers, art amateurs and even art critics, the character of his work immediately resembles avant-garde. However, as some researchers noted, Pushkins’ art enters a new dimension,paving the way towards new horizons of contemporary (avant-garde?) art of Belarus.
Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog; 2017, 7; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie – Oblicza i Dialog
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alternatywne teraz, zaraz i przedtem
Shanken, Edward A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu
kanon sztuki
sztuka i nauka
sztuka i technologia
sztuka i ideologia
główne nurty sztuki współczesnej sztuka mediów
artistic canons
art and science
art and technology
art and ideology
main trends in modern art
media art
Edward A. Shanken Alternatywne teraz, zaraz i przedtem Temat „alternative now” odnosi się nie tylko do teraźniejszości; uważam, że ściśle dotyczy on samego sedna filozofii historii. Nawet bez kwestionowania faktów historia potrafi wykazać ogromną plastyczność. Sposób, w jaki kanon historii sztuki jest ujmowany i kształtowany, zależy od perspektywy wiecznie zmieniającego się teraz. Ten mechanizm działa w obie strony: tak jak każde „teraz” zakłada konstrukcję alternatywnego „wtedy”, tak każde „wtedy” konstruuje alternatywne „teraz”. Co więcej, wszystkie alternatywne „teraz” i „wtedy” stają się szczególną podstawą wyobrażenia przyszłości. Te oddziaływania „byłego” i „teraźniejszego” są nieuchronne zarówno teraz, jak i w przyszłości. Przedmiotem moich studiów jest opisywanie lub pisanie na nowo historii sztuki. W naukach humanistycznych pisanie opiera się na prostych zasadach: 1) rozpoznanie problemu; 2) omówienie tego, co inni napisali na jego temat; 3) wyłożenie swojego punktu widzenia wraz z uzasadnieniem. Wystąpienie z oryginalnym ujęciem, frapującym – choćby tylko dla autora – jest jak dar bogów. Jednak nawet ktoś tak obdarowany, przekonując innych do swego stanowiska, musi wziąć pod uwagę, jak dalece odbiega ono od obowiązującego status quo. I to jest dokładnie to, czego potrzeba, by wpłynąć na ludzi, a w konsekwencji także by odmienić historię. Czym się więc przejmować? Idee innych poszerzają moje rozumienie świata, czynią moje życie sensowniejszym, głębszym. Tworząc i dzieląc się ideami mam nadzieję oddziaływać w ten sam sposób na innych. Mój idealizm idzie nawet dalej – wierzę, że ten proces służy naprawie świata. Jeśli więcej wiemy, otwieramy się na odmienne poglądy i próbujemy rozumieć inne stanowiska, być może stajemy się bardziej wrażliwi, bardziej tolerancyjni wobec innych. Im bardziej jesteśmy gotowi przyjmować inność, odmienne kultury, tym większą mamy motywację do łagodzenia różnic. Moja wiara w to została umocniona, gdy w 2007 roku okazało się, że podobny pogląd wyznaje były dyrektor Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philippe de Montebello. W swoim artykule przedstawiam plan, według którego podejmuję próbę skorygowania historii. Wyjściowy temat moich obecnych badań – budowanie pomostu między sztuką głównego nurtu a sztuką nowych mediów – traktuję w kontekście ich wzajemnych wpływów. Na końcu wprowadzam nieco prowokacji na temat potencjalnego znaczenia konkretnej historii lokalnej dla alternatywnych opisów przeszłości i teraźniejszości. Jedna z moich strategii historycznej rewizji kwestionuje kategoryczne podziały, które nie pozwalają dostrzec podobieństw i kontynuacji. Jakkolwiek zaznaczanie odrębności jest ważne, inaczej wszystko stałoby się jednolitą magmą, różnice, granice, definicje muszą być badane z uwzględnieniem miejsca, w jakim powstają, ideologii, jakiej są poddane, i presji, jaką stwarzają. Socjolog Thomas F. Gieryn pisał: Tworzenie podziałów jest strategicznym działaniem […]. Granice i terytoria […] są wyznaczane dla osiągania doraźnych celów i interesów […] żeby zabezpieczyć potrzeby i interesy grupy bezpośrednio zainteresowanej1. Cytując Pierre’a Bourdieu, Gieryn zauważa dalej, że takie granice ustanawiają „ideologiczne strategie i epistemologiczne stanowiska, według których ich wyznawcy […] usprawiedliwiają swoje stanowisko i strategie używane do utrzymywania albo ulepszania go, dyskredytują przy tym wyznawców przeciwnych stanowisk i strategii”1. Artykuł po raz pierwszy został opublikowany w katalogu WRO 2011, Wro Art Center.
Edward A. Shanken Alternative «nows» and «thens» to be The article was first published [in:] WRO 2011 catalogue, Wro Art Center. I take the theme “alternative now” as being concerned not just with the present but as cutting right to the core of the philosophy of history. Without denying the facticity of actual events, the malleability of history is demonstrated by the many ways the canon of art history has been written and rewritten from the perspectives of ever-changing present. But this is also a two-way street. Just as every “now” arguably constructs an alternative “then”, so every “then” constructs an alternative “now”. Moreover, every alternative “now” and “then” establishes a particular foundation for imagining the future. This inevitably impacts the “nows” and “thens” to be; those that are yet to come. My scholarship has been deeply concerned with writing and rewriting the history of art. Academic writing in the humanities is predicated on a simple formula: 1) identify a problem; 2) discuss what other people have said about that problem; 3) articulate your own original perspective and argue in support of it. Coming up with an original perspective that is compelling – even just to oneself – can seem like a gift from the gods. Even if so blessed, convincing others that one’s position is worth considering can be an extraordinary challenge, one that is proportional to how far it diverges from the status quo. But this is precisely what is required to influence people; in effect, to alter history. So why bother? Others’ ideas expand my understanding of the world, making my life more meaningful and, well, awesome, in the most literal sense. By creating and sharing ideas I hope to have the same effect on others. My idealism goes even further, for I believe this process helps cultivate a more peaceful world. If we know more, are open to alternative world views, and can understand others’ perspectives, then perhaps we can be more sensitive, tolerant and embracing of others. The more we can 5 4 E d w a r d A . S h a n k e n embrace other individuals and cultures, the more difficult it becomes to destroy them and the greater our motivation becomes to reconcile our differences in a mutually beneficial way. Although I can find little tangible evidence to support this belief, my commitment to it was reinforced when I heard a very similar position expressed by the former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Philippe de Montebello in 2007. In my article, I shall outline some rhetorical strategies which I have employed in my own attempts at rewriting history. A key example from my current research on bridging the gap between mainstream contemporary art and new media art will be elaborated and analyzed in terms of its implications. Finally, I shall raise some provocations regarding the potential significance of particular local histories for informing alternative accounts of the past and present. One of my strategies for historical revision concerns questioning categorical divisions that obscure parallels and continuities. Although it is important to make distinctions, lest everything all be an undifferentiated muddle, distinctions, boundaries, definitions and the like must be scrutinized with respect to their ideology and the violence they do to the people, places and ideas involved. As sociologist Thomas F. Gieryn has written, “Boundary-work is strategic practical action […] Borders and territories […] will be drawn to pursue immediate goals and interests […] and to appeal to the goals and interests of audiences and stakeholders”. Quoting Pierre Bourdieu, Gieryn further notes that such boundaries constitute “ideological strategies and epistemological positions whereby agents […] aim to justify their own position and the strategies they use to maintain or improve it, while at the same time discrediting the holders of the opposing position and strategies.”1
DYSKURS: Pismo Naukowo-Artystyczne ASP we Wrocławiu; 2016, 22; 40-54
Pojawia się w:
DYSKURS: Pismo Naukowo-Artystyczne ASP we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
American stupidity ascendant: 1945-2016
Welles, James F.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Bay of Pigs
Cold War
George Bush
Iraq 9/11
modern art
From the Cold War to the Google mobile, the history of American stupidity conforms to and confirms the behavioral model that stupidity is the learned inability to learn. Specifically, stupidity is a normal, dysfunctional learning process which occurs when a schema formed by linguistic biases and social norms acts via the neurotic paradox to establish a positive feedback system which becomes first self-sustaining and then renders behavior irrelevant to the environment by carrying detached actions to maladaptive excesses.
World Scientific News; 2019, 122; 145-182
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Applying the Avant-Garde: Display Experience in the Exhibition of Modern Art (1948)
Doroszuk, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Exhibition of Modern Art
Recovered Territories Exhibition
history of exhibitions
curatorial strategies
surrealist exhibitions
environmental design
postwar art
propaganda exhibitions
Polish exhibitions
The Exhibition of Modern Art (Wystawa Sztuki Nowoczesnej) organized in 1948 in the Palace of Art (Pałac Sztuki) in Cracow was one of the most prominent art events in Poland during the last century. It is considered one of the unprecedented moments in shaping the modernity. The exhibition was thought to be designed as a whole venture, integrating the modern art demonstration with the will to make it accessible to all the social groups. The desire of the authors was to endear the authorities, since the Stalinist repressions were approaching, and present the modern art as accessible to the society and needed in the “new socialist order”. Simultaneously, the primal context for the exhibition, underlined by its authors as well as the critics in subsequent years, were the surrealist exhibitions in Paris. This new avant-garde mode of displaying, so attractive for the Polish artists, put in the foreground not the traditional reception of art, implied by the traditional museology, but mostly focused on the spectator’s experience and used all possible kinds of tools to enhance it. These two approaches were usually presented as antagonistic and impossible to reconcile. The article attempts to analyze the tools which the display’s authors used to merge the avant-garde display with didacticism. While looking at the Recovered Territories Exhibition which took place a couple of months earlier, one might notice that the Exhibition of Modern Art was not the first display that accommodated the avant-garde solutions to the didactic and propagandistic venture.
Ikonotheka; 2019, 29; 229-248
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Around Art Reception. A Model of Empirical Cognition of Early School Education Teachers’Attitudes to Modern Art - A Project Study
Mazepa-Domagała, Beata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
modern art
reception of modern art
early school education teacher
The paper results from considerations on art reception and reflection on the current position of art recipients, their dispositions, and behaviours towards modern artistic activity, including the emotional, cognitive and behavioural orientation of early school education teachers in modern art. It begins with reflections on modern art understood as artistic activity created based on various means of expression and avant-garde and neo-avant-garde artistic solutions, which reacts to the huge potential, possibilities, threats of the surrounding world, and the situation of the recipient of modern artistic activity. The study’s further part presents the basic findings on the theoretical and conceptual framework of the phenomenon and a model of empirical cognition of early school education teachers’attitudes towards modern art. The study is addressed to researchers of the subject area and pedagogues. Even though it can hardly be regarded as a handy compendium, it provides a theoretical base and a research perspective. Therefore, it can serve as a guideline for future research explorations.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 67; 117-131
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Art and Revelation - Artist’s essay
Sztuka i objawienie
Lidén, Anders
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
mountain climbing expedition
modern art.
wyprawy w góry
sztuka nowoczesna
The paper reflects on attempts to achieve revelation, epiphany, or enlightenment in the modern world. Sometimes the hope of reaching this state accompanies dangerous mountain trekking expeditions. However, it is believed that revelation can be achieved more quickly through drug use, practiced by artists from the nineteenth century onwards. Seeking visions in this way is part of the cultural tradition of the North and South American Indians. In the twentieth century, such artists as Pollock, Rothko, Motherwell and others alluded to these practices. The Russian tradition had a different way of achieving illumination. Avant-garde artists (such as Malevich or Kandinsky) drew inspiration from it, seeking sudden revelation combined with surprise. The paper concludes with the author’s reflections on the possibility of personal experience today that would exceed the cognitive limits through contact with certain works of art, ancient and modern.
Tekst stanowi refleksję nad próbami osiągnięcia objawienia, epifanii lub oświecenia występu-jącymi we współczesnym świecie. Niekiedy nadzieja na uzyskanie tego stanu towarzyszy nie-bezpiecznym wyprawom w góry. Za szybszą drogę uzyskania objawienia uważa się jednak za-żywanie narkotyków, uprawiane przez artystów od XIX wieku. Poszukiwanie w ten sposób wizji należy do tradycji kulturowych Indian północno- i południowoamerykańskich. W XX wieku nawiązywali do nich Pollock, Rothko, Motherwell i inni malarze. Odmienny sposób osiągania iluminacji właściwy był dla tradycji rosyjskiej. Artyści awangardowi (np. Malewicz, Kandnsky) inspirowali się nią poszukując nagłego objawienia połączonego z zaskoczeniem. Tekst kończą refleksje autora dotyczące możliwości doznania dziś indywidualnego odczucia przekroczenia granic poznawczych poprzez kontakt z niektórymi dziełami sztuki dawnej i no-woczesnej.
Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts; 2014, 16; 313-317
Pojawia się w:
Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Art-clusters as a new type of buildings: the specificity of the spatial solution and the features of restoration during the redevelopment process (the experience of Poland)
Orlenko, M.
Ivashko, O.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Wydział Architektury. Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego
new modern space
klastry kultury
współczesna przestrzeń
The article is devoted to the specific character of the formation of art-clusters as a new type of buildings. Today, the theme of redevelopment of unprofitable industrial enterprises for art objects is extremely relevant for Ukraine and Poland (where a powerful experience of such complexes is accumulated). A feature of such modern establishments is that this is a space of a fundamentally new type, based on fundamentally new principles, where the preserved in its original form, facade and the modern functional content are combined. Since such industrial buildings are often architectural monuments, a complex of the restoration and renovation measures becomes important.
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe; 2017, 21; 109-115
Pojawia się w:
Środowisko Mieszkaniowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Artystyczne kompozycje egzystencjalne. Teorie estetyczne w 622 upadkach Bunga Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza
Aneta, Jabłońska,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Mystery of Existence
aesthetic existence
modern aestheticism
unity in multiplicity
destablilization of existence
modern fragmented life
falsified existence
pure art
metaphysical necessity
metaphysical novel
aesthetic pragmatism
In the article, Aneta Jabłońska analyzes a way Witkacy defined art and creative process. Jabłońska discerns a parallel between Witkacy’s terms and interpretations of these categories which were named in modernism. The author of the article shows the conceptions of art which were described in The 622 Downfalls of Bungo. She also presents how these conceptions influence the acts of the novel’s main characters (among others of Bungo, Duke of Nevermore and Baron Brummel). Jabłońska distinguishes the following theories: aestheticism of the modern period, aesthetic pragmatism, and modern aestheticism. The article casts doubt on Bożena Danek-Wojnowska’s thesis because Jabłońska proves that in his novel, Witkacy did not opt for any of the theories which he showed in The 622 Downfalls of Bungo as each of them was either destroying the artist or denying the existence of pure art and its creation.
Przegląd Humanistyczny; 2019, 63(4 (467)); 29-40
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Humanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jadzińska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Authenticity is one of the most prominent factors determining the value of an art work as well as conservation theory and praxis. It exerts prime impact on defining decision strategies, and the significance, preservation, exposition and conservation-restoration of a given work. It also determines the form in which it will be passed on to future generations. In the past, criteria applied for assessing authenticity underwent a number of changes, and by the twentieth century they assumed a form defined in assorted codes of conservation ethics and procedure. Authenticity, however, is not an absolute and constant value, but succumbs to perennial transformations and reflects new truths and criteria. The article attempts to answer these questions within the domain of select problems and upon the basis of most recent international accomplishments. Philosophical premises act as a point of departure for a discussion on the conditions of the preservation of the authenticity of a contemporary art work, with the authoress considering the authenticity of matter, conception and context as well as differentiated approaches to the protection of old art according to the principles of technological correctness. Other questions involve the specificity, techniques and technology of present-day art and its impact on preservation and permanence. The presented reflections pertain to the uniqueness of the conception of a work of art, which can be detected by studying not only its structure but predominantly the artist's intentions. Just as important is the establishment of the context of space, place, culture or history. Attention is drawn to the necessity of distinguishing the complexity of particular, haptic-optic elements of the work of art and their mutual relations, which leads to the preservation of inner unity. The assorted problems are illustrated with examples of Polish and world art in whose cases the comprehension of authenticity was neither obvious nor unambiguous, and frequently resulted in falsifying the original message. Finally, the article examines the newest world tendencies and paths of conservation and protection, which designate the tasks, methods, forms and purposes of ventures intent on preserving the modern work of art together with 'in the full richness of their authenticity'.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2006, 4; 33-48
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between Temporal and Spiritual Powers: Colonial Diplomacy Associated with the Painting France Bringing Faith to the Huron-Wendats of New France (c. 1666)
Ouellet, Pierre-Olivier
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Early modern Quebec
New France
Canadian art history
Preserved in Quebec City, the French canvas entitled France Bringing Faith to the Huron-Wendats of New France, executed around 1666, constitutes a central piece of Canadian art history painted during the French colonial period. Espousing an iconography adapted to the New World, this painting presents an Indigenous figure in its foreground. The man, with a tanned complexion and black hair, whose naked body is dissimulated by a single blue and gold piece of clothing, faces a female character having European features, adorned with noble fabrics and precious jewellery. The scene, set in nature, evokes the grandeur and wilderness of North America. A two-masted French merchant ship floating on the majestic expanse of water reinforces this impression. This painting, obviously, illustrates the Europeans’ arrival on this territory in the seventeenth century, and the encounters between the French and Indigenous peoples. However, the representation is also rich in motifs that are likely to attract attention and curiosity: the mise en abyme (the painting within the painting), the celestial figures, and the coat of arms at the bow of the vessel constitute such examples. In this regard, the research studies of our Canadian art history predecessors – to which we are indebted – have enabled us to, first, retrace the painting’s history and, second, clarify its interpretive elements in relation to the spiritual and contextual dimensions specific to New France, in order to shed light on some of its well-kept secrets.
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies; 2020, 4; 209-235
Pojawia się w:
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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