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The Bishops of the Diocese of Vilnius and Lithuanian Domestic Politics in 1709–17: Attitudes, Problems, and Solutions
Šapoka, Mindaugas
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Augustus II
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Vilnius bishopric
Lithuanian Catholic Church
Kazimierz Konstanty Brzostowski
eighteenth century
Confederation of Tarnogród
Confederation of Vilnius
The article looks into the participation of the bishop ordinary of the diocese of Vilnius, Kazimierz Konstanty Brzostowski, and his suffragan, Maciej Józef Ancuta, in Lithuanian politics of the period between 1709 and 1717. The study has been based on the letters written by the bishops to the Lithuanian chancellor. It examines the bishops’ attitude towards Russian contributions, the taxation of Church estates, the arbitrary contributions raised by the Lithuanian army, the introduction of Saxon troops in 1713, the reaction to the king’s policies, and the attitude towards the nationwide uprising against the Saxon troops known as the confederations of Tarnogród and Vilnius. Finally, the bishops’ opinion on Russian mediation and the notorious Silent Sejm, where it was agreed that the liberum veto would be invalid. The bishops of the diocese of Vilnius were rather indifferent to the internal problems of Lithuania. They defended the immunity of the Church estates and disapproved of the introduction of Saxon troops. However, when the confederations were formed, they tried to manoeuvre between the noble and royal camps, not wanting to ruin their reputation on either side. The bishops often spoke on behalf of the diocesan clergy. Therefore, their adopted posture was often the expression of the opinion of the whole diocese’s clergy.
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2022, 125; 179-206
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół katolicki wobec reform szpitalnictwa u schyłku I. Rzeczypospolitej
Srogosz, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Catholic Church
end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
In individual cases of hospitals, we can see a far-reaching convergence of views, especially when this did not significantly affect the interests of groups or institutions. However, there were extremely fierce disputes over the proposals that undermined the monopolistic position of the Church and its income. During the Four-Year Sejm, anticlerical tendencies intensified. The Authorities of the Four-Year Sejm tried to solve the problem of hospital funds, repeatedly raised in the 18th century (and earlier), but – a.o., due to the resistance of some clergymen - they managed to gather only some information from hospital managers. The activities of the authorities with regard to the hospitals tentatively aimed at their medicalisation, whereas the Church, in its mainstream, adhered to inalterability of social care and opposed any interference or change.
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne; 2020, 27, 1; 190-204
Pojawia się w:
Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Primate Mikołaj Prażmowski and the Unwelcome Papal Legation in Poland-Lithuania (1668–69)
Gregorowicz, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Mikołaj Prażmowski
papal legation
seventeenth century
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Catholic Church
Clement IX
The article presents the reasons for refusing to receive the papal legation of Pope Clement IX in the matter of John Casimir Vasa’s abdication (1668) and, especially, the subsequent royal election (1669), by the Catholic Primate of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Mikołaj Prażmowski. Prażmowski’s refusal to receive the legation has been overlooked in the literature on the subject so far. The author, on the basis of the diplomatic dispatches of the apostolic nuncios and on their instructions, will analyse the problematic relations of Prażmowski with papal diplomats, and explain why the papal legation ended in fiasco. The researcher concludes that the fiasco of papal legation was another clear indication of the Papacy’s lack of sufficient leverage in the post-Westphalian world, as it was fundamentally weakened by the deep divisions between the Catholic powers of France and the Habsburgs, which Westphalia had signally failed to resolve. Nowhere was this more apparent than in Poland-Lithuania, where the battle between Catholic supporters of the Habsburgs and France over the succession had profoundly divided the republic.
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies; 2018, 2
Pojawia się w:
Legatio: The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wspólnota jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Między tradycją a zmianą
Jesuit Community in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Between Tradition and Change
Mariani, Andrea
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Roman Catholic Church
Society of Jesus
religious province
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
When discussing the composition of the Polish and Lithuanian provinces of the Society of Jesus, this article is part of the trend of prosopographic and socio-historical research devoted to the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. The aim of the research is to grasp both permanent elements and changes that took place in the structure of the Jesuit community in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The author not only presents similarities and differences in the development of the Polish and Lithuanian provinces, but also discusses the trends occurring in their area in a wide pan-European context, comparing the situation of Polish and Lithuanian Jesuits with other administrative units of the order. The chronological scope of the work covers the years 1608–1773, i.e. from the creation of the Lithuanian province as a result of the division of the Polish administrative unit of the order to the dissolution of the Society. The base of primary sources consists of annual and three-year catalogues kept in the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus, which were analyzed in the form of survey using statistical methods. Against the background of the development of the institution’s network and its financial situation, the author focuses on four issues: the number of Jesuits, their religious vows, their geographical distribution and regions of origin. The conducted research above all shows the influence of the political and military situation of the state on the size of the Jesuit community: the wars of the mid-17th century and, albeit to a lesser extent, the first decade of the 18th century brought serious consequences. The structure of the community in terms of religious vows evolved in a similar way to other European provinces of the Society, as indicated by the increase in the number of professes of four religious vows, who constituted the elite of the order. This phenomenon testifies to the fact that, despite the crises that affected the Commonwealth, the order provided its members with better and better education. The geographical distribution and regions of origin of the Jesuits are closely related, since the recruitment of candidates for the order took place mostly among graduates of Jesuit schools. The most important change in this respect was the increase in the significance of the eastern territories of the Commonwealth both in terms of the number of friars residing there and the participation of representatives of local society in the Jesuit community. As a result of this tendency, in the 18th century the role of the inhabitants of the ethnically Polish territories of the Commonwealth weakened; in the previous century they had constituted, due to their geographical mobility, a substantial part of the Jesuit community in the eastern regions of the Polish-Lithuanian state. This phenomenon clearly indicates the process of cultural integration that took place in the eastern lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and changes in the social mechanism of recruiting friars, manifested in the increase in the number of Jesuits of noble origin.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 4; 123-178
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Роля літоўскага фактару ў фарміраваньні беларускага каталіцкага сьвятарства ў першай чвэрці ХХ стагодзьдзя
Wpływ czynnika litewskiego w formowaniu białoruskiego duchowieństwa katolickiego w pierwszej ćwierci XX wieku
Garbiński, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Lithuanian Catholic priests
Belarusian Catholic clergy
Catholic Church in Belarus
litewscy księża katoliccy
białoruskie duchowieństwo katolickie
Kościół katolicki na Białorusi
літоўскія каталіцкія святары
беларускае каталіцкае сьвятарства
Каталіцкі Касьцёл на Беларусі
У артыкуле аналізуецца ўплыў літоўскага фактару на фарміраваньне нацыянальна-сьведамага беларускага сьвятарства ў Каталіцкім Касьцёле на Беларусі. Разгледжаны мэты, накірункі, характар, а таксама маштаб і эфекты такога ўздзеяньня.
The article attempts to analyze the influence of the Lithuanian factor on the formation of Belarusian clergy aware of their nationality in the Catholic Church. The goals, directions, nature, as well as the scale and effects of such impact are shown.
W artykule podjęto próby analizy wpływu czynnika litewskiego na stanowienie świadomego swej narodowości duchowieństwa białoruskiego w Kościele katolickim. Pokazano zarówno cele, kierunki, charakter, jak również skalę oraz skutki takiego oddziaływania.
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne; 2023, 9, 1; 161-173
Pojawia się w:
Wschód Europy. Studia humanistyczno-społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiadomości o polsko-litewsko-ruskiej hierarchii kościelnej. Z diariuszy Karola Stanisława i Michała Kazimierza Radziwiłłów oraz Józefa Juliana Sapiehy i Antoniego Sebastiana Dembowskiego
Information about the Polish-Lithuanian Church Hierarchy. Excerpts from the Diaries of Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł, Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł, Józef Julian Sapieha and Antoni Sebastian Dembowski
Prokop, Krzysztof R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Biblioteka Jagiellońska
diariusze staropolskie (XVIII w.)
katolicka hierarchia kościelna w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (prozopografia)
Old-Polish diaries (18th cent.)
the Catholic Church hierarchy in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (prosopography)
Prozopografia kościelnych elit nowożytnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów pozostaje wciąż obszarem eksplorowanym badawczo w stopniu zbyt znikomym względem wagi owej problematyki. Hierarchowie Kościoła katolickiego (w mniejszym stopniu dotyczy to hierarchów Kościoła prawosławnego) wywierali doniosły wpływ na życie nie tylko religijne (co zrozumiałe), ale również polityczne, kulturalne i gospodarcze społeczeństwa staropolskiego, tym samym należąc do szczególnie eksponowanych postaci tamtej epoki. Mimo to niewielu spośród nich doczekało się monografii życia i działalności, podobnie jak stosunkowo nieliczne źródła do ich biografii zostały wydane drukiem. Wiele z tych źródeł w ogólności pozostaje niedostrzeżonych, a zawarta w nich faktografia jest nieznana autorom kolejnych publikacji z odnośnej problematyki. Niniejsza edycja, jakkolwiek o charakterze przyczynkarskim, wprowadza do obiegu naukowego cenny zasób informacji do biografii reprezentantów katolickiej hierarchii kościelnej (przede wszystkim obrządku łacińskiego, w mniejszej mierze obrządków unickich) z ziem polsko-litewsko-ruskich schyłku XVII oraz dwóch pierwszych tercji XVIII wieku. Zostały one zaczerpnięte z diariuszy Karola Stanisława Radziwiłła (1669–1719), jego syna Michała Kazimierza Radziwiłła (1702–1762), dalej Józefa Juliana Sapiehy (1708–1754) oraz Antoniego Sebastiana Dembowskiego (1682–1763), z których dwaj ostatni sami należeli do grona episkopatu. Ze względu na pozycję tychże autorów zapisek w życiu społeczno-politycznym tudzież religijnym i kulturalnym ówczesnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów, pozostawione przez nich z myślą o potomności świadectwa zasługują na baczniejszą uwagę ze strony badaczy epoki i winny doczekać się krytycznego wydania w całości. Obecna natomiast publikacja stanowi wyłącznie ukierunkowany tematycznie wybór owych zapisek, opatrzony naukowym komentarzem, mającym umożliwić czytelnikowi orientację w aktualnym stanie badań. Dodać należy, iż większość publikowanych świadectw zapisana w oryginale została po polsku, natomiast pozostałe po łacinie.
The prosopography of the Church élites of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth still remains hardly explored, in spite of the importance of this subject. The members of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church (and, to a lesser extent, of the Orthodox one) not only shaped the religious life of the old Polish society, but also strongly influenced its politics, culture, and economics. Therefore, they were among the most prominent figures of that age. Nevertheless, the lives and deeds of only a few of these people have yet been covered in monographs. Likewise, relatively few sources for their biographies have been published in print. Many of these sources have not been discovered so far, and their factual contents remain unknown to the authors of subsequent publications in this field. This edition, despite being but a contribution, enriches the present state of knowledge with valuable information concerning the biographies of the representatives of the Catholic Church hierarchy (above all of the Roman rite and, to a lesser extent, of the Uniate one) in the territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the last decade of the seventeenth century and of the first six decades of the eighteenth. These materials are excerpts from the diaries of Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł (1669–1719), his son Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł (1702–1762), Józef Julian Sapieha (1708–1754), and Antoni Sebastian Dembowski (1682–1763), the last two of which were bishops themselves. It is because of the social position of the authors of these diaries in the socio-political, religious and cultural life of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that the written testimonies which they left to posterity deserve to be carefully studied by specialists in that period and covered in a complete critical edition. The present publication, instead, is no more than a thematically oriented selection of excerpts from these diaries, edited with a scholarly commentary whose aim is to give the reader an overview of the present state of knowledge. It also should be added that most of the testimonies included in this publication were originally written in Polish, whereas only some of them, in Latin.
Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej; 2014, 64; 7-46
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka religijna cesarzy Pawła I i Aleksandra I w sprawie Kościoła grecko-unickiego w południowo-zachodnim terytorium Imperium Rosyjskiego
The religious policy of the emperors Paul I and Alexander I regarding the Greco-Uniate Church in the Southwestern Territory of the Russian Empire
Bilyk, Viktoria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Griechisch-Unierte Kirche
Römisch-Katholische Kirche
Polnisch-Litauisches Commonwealth
Russisches Reich
„Konversion zur Orthodoxie“
Greek-Uniate Church
Roman Catholic Church
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Russian Empire
“conversion to Orthodoxy”
Kościoł grecko-unicki
Kościół Rzymskokatolicki
Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów
Imperium Rosyjskie
„konwersja na prawosławie”
Artykuł analizuje politykę religijną rosyjskich cesarzy Pawła I i Aleksandra I w sprawie Kościoła grecko-unickiego na Wołyniu, w Kijowie i na Podolu. Stwierdzono, że za panowania tych cesarzy presja na unitów została złagodzona, co przyczyniło się do przywrócenia parafii grecko-unickich i wzrostu liczby parafian tego Kościoła. Pokazano także działania rządu mające na celu usunięcie Kościoła grecko-unickiego z wpływów Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego.
Der Artikel analysiert die Religionspolitik der russischen Kaiser Paul I. und Alexander I. bezüglich der Griechisch-Unierten Kirche in Wolhynien, Kiew und Podolien. Es stellte sich heraus, dass während der Regierungszeit dieser Kaiser der Druck auf die Unierten gelindert wurde, was zur Wiederherstellung der griechischen unierten Pfarreien und einer Zunahme der Gemeindemitglieder dieser Kirche beitrug. Die Maßnahmen der Regierung, die darauf abzielen, die Griechisch-Unierte Kirche aus dem Einfluss der römisch-katholischen Kirche zu entfernen, werden ebenfalls gezeigt.
The article analyzes the religious policy of the Russian emperors Paul I and Alexander I regarding the Greco-Uniate Church in Volyn, Kyiv and Podil provinces. It was clarified that during the reign of these emperors, the pressure on the Uniates was eased, and it helped to restore the Greco-Uniate parishes and increase the number of parishioners of this Church. Also shown the government measures aimed at removing the Greek-Uniate Church from the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie; 2021, 28; 383-397
Pojawia się w:
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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