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Эстэтычная праблематыка грамадзянскага, творчага, асабовага зместу ў лiрыцы Вацлава Ластоўскага
Estetyczna problematyka treści obywatelskich, twórczych i osobistych w liryce Wacława Łastowskiego
Aesthetic aspects of civil creative personal content in V. Lastovsky’s lyric poetry
Макарэвiч, Алесь
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
treść utworu
koncepcje poetyckie
sfera obywatelska, twórcza, osobista
lyric poetry
content of literary work
poetic concept
personal sphere
civil sphere
creative sphere
W artykule opisano środki wyrazu, problematykę i treści ideowe liryki Wacława Łastowskiego. Autor artykułu zwraca uwagę na specyfikę przedstawiania takich estetycznych zagadnień, jak ideał obywatela, treść utworu literackiego, stanowisko estetyczne poety, estetyczny wybór jednostki, itd. Udowadnia, że poetycka koncepcja poddanych analizie utworów Łastowskiego stanowi sumę poglądów i przekonań, które w każdym kolejnym utworze (zgodnie z porządkiem chronologicznym) są doprecyzowane i rozbudowane. Autor definiuje i opisuje składowe tej koncepcji, do których zalicza ojczyznę, jej obrońców i wrogów, przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość ojczyzny i jej synów, drogę do wolności, przedmiot i sposoby jego wyrażenia w utworze literackim.
The article presents the analysis of the figurative and expressive means, subject matter and conceptual content of V. Lastovsky’s lyric poetry where the author’s view of the civic consciousness, creativity and personal sphere are rendered. Special attention is drawn to the reflection of such aesthetic issues as the national ideal of a citizen, content of literary work, the poet’s aesthetic values, personal aesthetic choice, etc. The article proves that the poetic conception of the analyzed works is the manifestation of the opinions and beliefs which become more specific, more elaborated and extended in every subsequent works (their chronology is taken into consideration). The sense-shaping components of this conception are defined and described including motherland, its defenders and foes, past, present and future life of homeland and its sons, the way to the liberation of motherland, subject and its manifestation in literary work, prerequisites to construct convincing artistic images, the author’s civic attitude, his solitude, rejection; patterns of figurative topical stability of a literary work etc.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2016; 35-63
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Эстэтычная праблематыка грамадзянскага, творчага, асабовага зместу ў лiрыцы Вацлава Ластоўскага
Estetyczna problematyka treści obywatelskich, twórczych i osobistych w liryce Wacława Łastowskiego
Aesthetic aspects of civil creative personal content in V. Lastovsky’s lyric poetry
Макарэвiч, Алесь
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
lyric poetry
content of literary work
poetic concept
civil, creative, personal sphere
treść utworu
koncepcje poetyckie
sfera obywatelska
W artykule opisano środki wyrazu, problematykę i treści ideowe liryki Wacława Łastowskiego. Autor artykułu zwraca uwagę na specyfikę przedstawiania takich estetycznych zagadnień, jak ideał obywatela, treść utworu literackiego, stanowisko estetyczne poety, estetyczny wybór jednostki, itd. Udowadnia, że poetycka koncepcja poddanych analizie utworów Łastowskiego stanowi sumę poglądów i przekonań, które w każdym kolejnym utworze (zgodnie z porządkiem chronologicznym) są doprecyzowane i rozbudowane. Autor definiuje i opisuje składowe tej koncepcji, do których zalicza ojczyznę, jej obrońców i wrogów, przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość ojczyzny i jej synów, drogę do wolności, przedmiot i sposoby jego wyrażenia w utworze literackim.
The article presents the analysis of the figurative and expressive means, subject matter and conceptual content of V. Lastovsky’s lyric poetry where the author’s view of the civic consciousness, creativity and personal sphere are rendered. Special attention is drawn to the reflection of such aesthetic issues as the national ideal of a citizen, content of literary work, the poet’s aesthetic values, personal aesthetic choice, etc. The article proves that the poetic conception of the analyzed works is the manifestation of the opinions and beliefs which become more specific, more elaborated and extended in every subsequent works (their chronology is taken into consideration). The sense-shaping components of this conception are defined and described including motherland, its defenders and foes, past, present and future life of homeland and its sons, the way to the liberation of motherland, subject and its manifestation in literary work, prerequisites to construct convincing artistic images, the author’s civic attitude, his solitude, rejection; patterns of figurative topical stability of a literary work etc.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2016, 8; 35-63
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Нацыянальна-культурны кампанент i мiжкультурная камунiкацыя
Komponent narodowo-kulturowy i komunikacja międzykulturowa
National-cultural component and intercultural communication
Сабуць, Алiна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
składnik narodowościowo-kulturowy
komunikacja międzykulturowa
przekład literacki
specyfika narodowościowa
literatura narodowa
national-cultural component
intercultural communication
literary translation
literary work
national idiosyncrasy
national literature
Przekład artystyczny jest najbardziej reprezentatywnym rodzajem kontaktów (dialog, polilog) między literaturami narodowymi. W artykule omówiono zagadnienie elementu narodowego w tłumaczeniach utworów literackich na język obcy. Wykorzystano przekłady Maksima Bagdanovicha, Rygora Baradulina, Alesya Razanava i Vladimira Karatkevicha. Zwrócono uwagę na funkcję komunikatywną przekładu artystycznego.
Artistic translation is one of the most productive types of relation (dialogue, polilogue) of national literatures. In the article the author analyzes the question of national element in the translation of literature into foreign languages. The translations of Maksim Bagdanovich, Rygor Baradulin, Ales Razanav i Vladimir Karatkevich have been taken into consideration. Special attention is devoted to communicative function of artistic translation.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2016; 473-482
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Нацыянальна-культурны кампанент i мiжкультурная камунiкацыя
Komponent narodowo-kulturowy i komunikacja międzykulturowa
National-cultural component and intercultural communication
Сабуць, Алiна
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
literatura narodowa
national-cultural component
intercultural communication
literary translation
literary work
national idiosyncrasy
national literature
składnik narodowościowo-kulturowy
komunikacja międzykulturowa
przekład literacki
specyfika narodowościowa
Przekład artystyczny jest najbardziej reprezentatywnym rodzajem kontaktów (dialog, polilog) między literaturami narodowymi. W artykule omówiono zagadnienie elementu narodowego w tłumaczeniach utworów literackich na język obcy. Wykorzystano przekłady Maksima Bagdanovicha, Rygora Baradulina, Alesya Razanava i Vladimira Karatkevicha. Zwrócono uwagę na funkcję komunikatywną przekładu artystycznego.
Artistic translation is one of the most productive types of relation (dialogue, polilogue) of national literatures. In the article the author analyzes the question of national element in the translation of literature into foreign languages. The translations of Maksim Bagdanovich, Rygor Baradulin, Ales Razanav i Vladimir Karatkevich have been taken into consideration. Special attention is devoted to communicative function of artistic translation.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2016, 8; 473-482
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Нiзка “Iскрынкi” Янкi Брыля як мастацкае адзiнства
„Iskierki” Janki Bryla jako jedność artystyczna
“Iskorki” by Yanka Bryl as an artistic unity
Nikifarawa, Wolga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
лiрычная мiнiяцюра
лiрычны герой
сюжэтна-кампазiцыйная арганiзацыя
назва лiтаратурнага твора
miniatura liryczna
bohater liryczny
organizacja treści i kompozycji
tytuł utworu literackiego
a book series
lyrical miniature
lyrical hero
organization of content
title of a literary work
Янка Брыль ахвотна вяртаўся да цыклiзацыi сваiх твораў, дасягаючы такiм чынам большай маштабнасцi выяўлення i iдэйнага зместу. У артыкуле разглядаецца яго цыкл з дзевяцi мiнiяцюр пад агульнай назвай “Iскрынкi” (1982–1994). Ён эвалюцыянiраваў з аднайменай групы чатырох лiрычных запiсаў (1989). Пры гэтым пiсьменнiк не абмежаваў сваю задуму ўзнаўленнем шэрагу эпiзодаў уласнага дзяцiнства. Чалавечым цэнтрам цыклу ён зрабiу лiрычнага героя – сына веку, носьбiта ўнiверсальных гуманiстычных iдаалаў. У якасцi цыклаўтваральных фактараў Я. Брыль выкарыстаў таксама адзiнства стылю, жанру i хранотопу, лiрычны сюжет, арганiзаваны як сiтуацыя ўспамiну, супастаўлення мiнулага i сапраўднага, сiстэму лейтматываў i скразных персанажаў.
Janka Bryl chętnie pisał swoje utwory w cyklach tworząc w ten sposób liczne treści ideowe i portrety. W artykule omówiono cykl złożony z dziewięciu miniatur pod wspólnym tytułem „Iskierki” (1982–1994), który rozwinął się ze zbioru stanowiącego cztery liryczne zapiski (1989). Pisarz nie ograniczył swego pomysłu do przedstawienia kilku epizodów z własnego dzieciństwa. W centrum cyklu znajduje się bohater liryczny – syn wieku wyznający uniwersalne idee humanistyczne. J. Bryl zastosował takie środki cyklotwórcze, jak jedność stylu, gatunku i chronotypu, liryczna treść w formie wspomnień, porównanie przeszłości z teraźniejszością, system lejtmotywów i przejrzystych bohaterów.
Yanka Bryl wrote many book series which made it possible to present an immense scale of images and ideas. The author of the article discusses a book series consisting of nine miniatures entitled “Iskorki” (1982–1994), which evolved from one collection of four lyrical notes (1989). The writer did not limit his ideas to just a few episodes of his childhood. A lyrical hero – a son of a century, a carrier of universal humanistic ideals was in the centre of the book series. Y. Bryl introduces a series forming means such as integrity of styke, genre and chronotope, lyrical plot based on memories and comparison of the past and the present, a system of leitmotifs and transparent characters.
Białorutenistyka Białostocka; 2020; 155-168
Pojawia się w:
Białorutenistyka Białostocka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Author’s Word in Russian Epistolary Tradition of the Second Half of the 17th Century (on the Materials of the Family Correspondence of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich)
Шунков, Александр
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
genre’s problem,
literary work of Alexei Mikhailovich, the tsar
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the author’s style of the tsar Alexei Mikhailovich’s letters, belonging to the genre of “friendly message”. It touches the problem of genre originality of the monarch’s works and the interaction of Byzantine tradition with the tradition of the new period in author’s epistolary work.
Acta Neophilologica; 2010, XII; 181-191
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zwodnicza szczerość(?) Jana Jakuba Rousseau czyli narracja jako kreacja i doświadczanie świata
Deceptive frankness(?) of Jean-Jacques Rousseau or narration as creating and experiencing the world
Dagiel, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
autobiographical work
literary creation
J.J. Rousseau
Literature remains somehow suspended between fiction and the truth, between pretending and authenticity. Each type of narration is, at the same time, a story and a creation, constructing the world portrayed on the experience of the speaker, taking into account the addressee, requirements of the genre selected and a set of ready-made schemas. The article analyses selected autobiographical works by J.J. Rousseau as a form of literary creation, as texts of culture that are rich in meaning, as the meeting place for the speaker, the text and the reader. It presents the attitude of the author/narrator towards the presented reality and the interesting process of its subjectivization, interpretation and evaluation.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji; 2015, 30, 3; 75-86
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z problematyki tłumaczeń anglojęzycznych tytułów filmowych na język polski
About the Problems of Translating Film Titles from English into Polish
Galilej, Cecylia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
tytuł filmu
tytuł dzieła literackiego
funkcje tytułów
przekład literacki
przekład wolny
film title
the title of literary work
functions of titles
literal translation
free translation
The film – the product of popular culture, work of art and the mass medium – is nowadays one of the most intensively developing cultural fields. This article aims at presenting the basic grammatical, lexical, stylistic and semantic mechanisms used during the translation of the English film titles into the Polish ones and describing the functions of these language operations. The material analyzed, which covers the years 1990 – 2012,  reveals certain changes that occur in the process of translation. Polish titles coming from the 90ies of the 20th century are – in comparison with the newer ones - more or less literal translations of the original titles. Recently there has been an upsurge of the numbers of more free translations. More syntactic and lexical modifications may be noticed. The number of colloquialisms  is growing, as is the amount of expressive words and puns. The style of statements is also changing, quite often the elements of dramatization (monologue or dialogue) are appearing. These operations make a title look linguistically more attractive, intriguing, drawing attention; so it fulfills its basic advertising function. La problématique de la traduction des titres de films anglophones en polonaisLe film – production de la culture populaire, œuvre d’art et également média – est actuellement l’un des domaines de la culture qui se développent le plus intensivement. Ledit article constitue une étude mettant en exergue les mécanismes principaux de la grammaire, du lexique, de la stylistique et de la sémantique employés lors de la traduction des titres de films anglophones en polonais ainsi que la détermination de la fonctionnalité desdits moyens langagiers. Le corpus d’étude couvre la période 1990-2012 et démontre certains changements pertinents dans le processus de la traduction. Les titres en version polonaise venant des années 90 du XXe siècle, sont – par rapport aux titres récents – une traduction littérale ou une traduction proche de l’orignal. Ultérieurement, il est à noter une croissance du nombre des traductions libres. Il convient de remarquer plus de modifications syntaxiques et lexicales. Le nombre de mots du langage courant, à caractère expressif et de jeux du langage augmente. Il y a des changements de style de parole et des éléments de la dramaturgie présents sous la forme du dialogue ou du monologue. Ces démarches font que le titre devient linguistiquement plus attractif (ce qui ne va pas toujours de pair avec la qualité du film), intriguant et attirant un spectateur, et satisfait alors à sa fonction primordiale – de publicité et de marketing.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 8; 15-29
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W świecie brzmień, Sienkiewiczowskich postaci i wartości (arcydzieł): z Profesorem Andrzejem Stoffem rozmawia Beata Garlej
In the World of Sounds, Sienkiewicz’s Characters and Values (of Masterpieces): Beata Garlej Talks With Professor Andrzej Stoff
Garlej, Beata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
ontology of a literary work
literary axiology
sound layer
Roman Witold Ingarden
Henryk Sienkiewicz
character quality
situational values
This is a transcript of a conversation with Andrzej Stoff, for whom Roman Witold Ingarden’s philosophical thought on art and literature is a source of inspiration for his research. The interview presents a few issues representative of the analyses of the Toruń-based scholar, arising from Ingarden’s theory of literary work, which for the interlocutor turns out to be an “open” theory, also encouraging today’s literary scholars and literary theorists to continue and deepen the assumptions adopted by Stoff when considering the problems of the ontology and axiology of a literary work.
Przestrzenie Teorii; 2022, 37; 251-271
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzenie Teorii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o języku esejów Andrzeja Gronczewskiego
Some Remarks on the Language of Andrzej Gronczewskis Essays
Kupiszewski, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
język dzieła literackiego
środki artystyczne
the language of a literary work
artistic means
The subject-matter of the paper is the language of Andrzej Gronczewski's essays, that is a description of their properties and functions of those artistic means which the author used in the collection Bardzo straszny dwór (A Very Haunted Mansion). On the basis of some selected texts the following stylistic means have been analyzed and their function described: repetitions, accumulation, ordering synonyms, epithets, metaphors, and the use of archaisms. This has allowed to point to the essence of the style of essays.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 49-50, 6; 239-245
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tytuły utworów w cyklu „Na Skalnym Podhalu” Kazimierza Tetmajera – struktura syntaktyczno-semantyczna, uwarunkowania stylistyczne i tekstowe, funkcje
The Titles of Stories in the “Na Skalnym Podhalu” Collection by Kazimierz Tetmajer – Syntactic and Semantic Structure, Stylistic and Textual Conditions, Functions
Sicińska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
onomastyka literacka
tytuł utworu literackiego
Kazimierz Tetmajer
literary onomastics
title of a literary work
The theme of the description and analysis are the titles of stories in the collection „Na Skalnym Podhalu” by Kazimierz Tetmajer, as well as the title of the whole book itself. The aim of this description is to indicate the formal (syntactic) and semantic differentiation of titles, to present their stylistic and textual conditions and determine the function which they have in the structure of individual stories and in the whole collection. As far as the form is concerned, one can distinguish between double (3) and simple (36) titles. A considerable number of simple titles are in the form of a sentence (10), one title represents announcements (nominal sentences), the remaining ones (25) are the titles in the form of notification. The most common and the most characteristic titles for that collection are the titles-sentences with a structure of Jak umarł Jakub Zych and determining announcements with a structure of O Wojtku cudaku. In terms of semantics, the titles of stories represent the basic type which is informative and descriptive one because they provide information on the content of stories: most often about main characters or plot themes, less frequently about the place of the action, theme or type of the text. One of the titles has an interpretative value. The titles occurring in “Na Skalnym Podhalu” strongly correlate with the style of texts in the collection, where the dominant principle is folklore. This principle is visible in the stylisation of the Podhale dialect and in the stylisation of a tale as the form of oral folk tale. Thus, the presence of dialect forms and dialect lexis as well as many proper names which were authentic lexically and often also denotatively, being connected with geographical and cultural space of the Podhale region and Tatra mountains. Furthermore, the pattern “O + miejscownik” (About + locative) referring to metatextual and pragmatic frame of oral folk tales also occurs very often. The titles of stories in the collection “Na Skalnym Podhalu” not only perform the typical delimitative, distinctive and identifying functions but also descriptive and — as in the case of the title of the whole book — integrative ones.
Onomastica; 2019, 63; 181-207
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tytuł w twórczości poetyckiej Bolesława Leśmiana
The Role of Titles in the Poetic Works by Bolesław Leśmian
Galilej, Cecylia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
tytuł w dziele literackim
funkcje tytułu
delimitacja tekstu
nazwa własna
title in a literary work
functions of the title
text delimitation
proper name
The structural and semantic analysis concerning a selection of titles given to his poems by Bolesław Leśmian shows that the title constitutes as crucial an element of the text (often marginalized and ignored, though) as all the other exponents of this texts, whether relating to its content or structure. The title functions as the delimiter of the text’s beginning and as a metatext to the text itself. This is because it semantically represents the particular aspects of the text’s content and its genre. At the same time, the title also functions as a proper name, since it is unalterably linked with one and only one, concrete text. Syntactically speaking, Leśmian tends to build his titles in the form of nominative expressions as well as post-modified nominal phrases. He infrequently relies on sentences or verbless clauses. Semantically speaking, Leśmian’s titles perform the following functions: informative, descriptive, poetic, connotative and interpretative. Leśmian's titles are formally simple. This simplicity grants his poems both formal and semantic transparency, but, first of all, it gives depth to the poetic content and its interpretation. On the one hand, Leśmian’s titles are relatively grammatically uncomplicated. On the other, their content is relatively general and metaphorical. This is why his titles help the reader navigate though Leśmian’s poems, but at the same time they prevent the distortion of the original philosophical message of his works.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2011, 59, 6; 109-136
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Travelling to the described present: mago-space in the Strugatskys’ Monday starts on Saturday
Путешествие в описываемое настоящее: магопространство в повести Понедельник начинается в субботу А. и Б. Стругацких
Тулякова, Наталья
Никитина, Наталья
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Strugatskys
Monday starts on Saturday
science fiction
spatial organization of a literary work
Fantasy and science fiction genres extensively use imaginary settings and locations different from realistic ones but striving to look real. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, pioneers of the science fiction genre in Russia, actively exploited the potential of both genres in their early tale, Monday starts on Saturday (1964), which combines features of the two space types. The present paper analyses the principles of creating ‘mago-space’ in the book. To do so, we look at the spatial organization of the events involved in the plot and the personages’ ideas regarding space. The research will enable us to clarify the role of space in conveying the authors’ message, which in this tale is quite explicit. We argue that the space changes significantly within the book, accompanying genre transformations and the development of the protagonist. Since the tale uses ‘mental sublocations’ as the main units of spatial organization, each part is determined by a certain type of cultural heritage. In the first part, it is the mental space of folklore and classical literature, in the second – that of mythology and science fiction, and in the final – philosophy and science. Mental spaces that coexist and follow various laws form a narrative which turns out to be a journey to the described present in the variety of its forms.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2021, 46, 2; 93-104
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tradycja liberacka: o potrzebie pisania teorii liberatury
Bazarnik, K.
Fajfer, Z.
Matuszyk, Ł.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
teoria literatury
literatura i sztuka
przestrzeń dzieła literackiego
Zenon Fajfer
tradycja literacka
literary theory
literature and the arts
the space of a liberary work
literary tradition
Artykuł stanowi swoisty teoretyczny wstęp do zjawiska artystycznego zwanego liberaturą. Zostaje w nim podjęta jedna z pierwszych prób usytuowania liberatury w ramach tradycji literackiej, jednak bez szczegółowego badania konkretnych odniesień intertekstualnych. Na początku pokrótce przedstawiono zakres znaczeniowy terminu „liberatura”, przyrównując ową formę do innych form artystycznego wyrazu. Następnie zadano kilka kluczowych pytań dotyczących liberatury i wskazano możliwe odpowiedzi. Szkic ma na celu – poprzez postawienie szeregu problemów badawczych – zwrócenie uwagi na konieczność prowadzenia badań teoretycznych nad liberaturą.
The article is aimed to be a theoretical introduction into the artistic phenomenon called liberature. One of the fi rst att empts to locate liberature within literary tradition is made, although without a detailed analysis of specifi c intertextual references. In the beginning, the scope of the notion of “liberature” is presented and compared to other forms of artistic expression. Subsequently, several key questions concerning liberature are asked and possible answers are indicated. The purpose of the essay is – through pointing to some of the research problems – to draw academics’ att ention to the need for a theoretical research on liberature.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2014, 4; 524-531
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Theory of Relativity of the Literary Translation: Literary Criticism Projections
Lanovik, Mar’âna Bogdanìvna (Mar’âna Lanovik)
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
writing work
literary criticism paradigm methodology
literary translation
foreign literature
literary theory
theory of literary translation comparative studies
European literature
Ukrainian research school
dzieło literackie
paradygmat literaturoznawstwa metodologia
przekład literacki
literatura piękna
teoria literatury
teoria przekładu literackiego studia porównawcze
literatura europejska
ukraińska szkoła badawcza
The research of Mariana Lanovyk deals with the Literary Criticism problems of translation. In the situation when the plurality of approaches in the Contemporary Literary Criticism can be overwhelming Ukrainian scholars have to work on the adaptation of foreign paradigms in the Ukrainian Criticism space to create solid foundation for the future studies in the fields of the Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. This research is the first attempt in Ukraine to present the integral outlook upon the problems of Literary Translation from the perspectives of the concepts and ideas of different Literary Paradigms of the 19-20th centuries beginning with the Romanticism epoch. Romanticism was chosen as the starting point because in the aesthetic concept of Romanticism there new theoretical approach to the problems of literary translation in the author – language – epoch – nation contexts was outworked. Philosophic, artistic and literary concepts of that time were developed in all modern literary paradigms. The first chapter of the book deals with the psychological and cultural approaches to the problems of the Literary Translation. The author gives short outlook of the genesis of new theoretical background in the aesthetic concept of Romanticism as the source of contemporary theories of translation and the continuation of the ideas in psycholinguistic studies of the Western Europe and in Ukraine, especially in the Potebnja’s literary criticism works. The main attention is concerned on the problem of correlation between thinking process and language, thought and image. The influence of the ideas of 19th century upon the psychoanalysis and their transformation in this paradigm is considered. The author studies the phenomena of consciousness, self consciousness and sub consciousness in the process of reading, understanding and translation as well as the peculiarities of different gender reading, interpretation and translation different elements of the writing works. The differences of literature translation in the realms of biological, linguistic, psychoanalytic and cultural paradigms are considered. The author examines the role of individual and national, historical, cultural memory in literary texts and the possible ways of their transfer. Contemporary approach to the national problem in translation studies development is connected with the key points of national images in literature texts. This idea is rooted in the spectrum of the East-West background as well as national values in the literature systems. The outlook of the multiculturalism and intercultural communication in literature is offered through the review of the artistic nature of the mythological thinking. The wide spectrum of different points of view upon the problem (E.Cassirer, K.G.Jung, E.Noimann, N.Frye) is given. The second chapter of the research deals with the translation criticism ideas in the light of the main concepts of formalism and structuralism. The possible ways of translation analysis as the dissolving problems of form transformation and constructing the literary text by means of the foreign language in foreign literature system are suggested. The concepts of R.Jakobson, J.Tynianov, J.Mukarzevsky, especially the concepts of hierarchy and dominants in literary work, inner structuring and organization of the meaning, functioning of text and its components as the whole are outlined. As the foundation of the research logic of the semiotic analyses was chosen Lotman’s dynamic model of semiotic system, that was proved with adjoining studies of the foreign scholars such as K.Levi-Strauss, J.Mukharzovsky, J.Derrida. Among the narratological questions of fiction translation are discussed such questions as voice authority and correlation of the voices in translated texts; the possibilities of study of different narrative instances of interpreter. In the third chapter the problems of the text reading, realization, interpretation are discussed. The main paradigms involved here are hermeneutics, phenomenology, receptive aesthetics, intuitivism and other irrational approaches to the text interpretation (such as game theory, metaphorology, imagology, relativism theory, discourse analyses). Among the problems of translation from the point of view of hermeneutic approach the main attention is concerned upon the stages of reception, understanding and interpretation as well as the different horizons of reading. The phenomenon of movement of horizons and connected difficulties of fusions of horizons in acts of reception, interpretation and translation are analyzed. The author tries to answer the questions about different points of view and the problem of partial reception and reproducibility; as well as the question of subjectivity in the process of translation. She gives the consideration of the ideas of Ukrainian (A.Potebnja, O.Biletsky) and foreign (F.D.Shleiermaher, V.Dilthey, M.Husserl, H.-G.Gadamer) scholars and examines the possible ways of their application to the translation studies. The thoughts of the phenomenology paradigm are based upon the ideas of E.Husserl, R.Ingarden, P.Ricouer. The main attention is drawn to the spectrum of potential of possible readings and translations of every text from the different time and space perspectives such as different epochs, individual and national experience; historical, cultural and artistic systems. In this way phenomenology of translation reveals new ideas about the text existence and its possible measures. They are connected with the problems of modeling and reflection of the world as the specific author’s vision. New tendencies of resolving of subjectivity of literary texts interpretation coursed with the post structuralism and deconstructivism tendencies are outlined in the key of the hermeneutic concept where the author’s position is dominant in the process of translation. Modern realization of the author’s perspective concept in the works of E.D.Hirsh, J.P.Sartre, U.Eco, N.Frye and others opens rational approach to the problem of resolving of ‘conflict of interpretations’ not only in the dimension of interpretative schemes of literary studies but in the system of translation studies too. On the basis of Relativism theory foundation the author tries to find both the way of synchronizing coordinate systems of original texts and its interpretations and the possible way of synchronizing the systems of interpretative paradigms in contemporary literary studies. In the conclusion the author underlines that shifts of the literary theories paradigms of the 19-20th centuries course the shifts in translation studies thinking; and together they create the common space of semiotic sphere of translation and interpretation. The question of the main importance is to consider the differences of methods of the paradigms as well as their mutual relation, influence and interaction.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 4(4); 219-224
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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