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Koncepcje przeciwdziałania alkoholizmowi i narkomanii w Polsce okresu międzywojennego
Ideas on counteracting alcohol and drug addiction in Poland between the two world wars
Nelken, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
drug addiction
The birth of the independent Poland in 1918 activated a social movement against alcoholism and drug addiction. In 1919, the Polish Society for Fighting Alcoholism ,,Trzeźwość'' ("Sobriety'') was established which operated nationwide and which in the period between the two wars became the main factor of fighting alcoholism. In the light of the Statute of "Trzeźwość" and resolutions of the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses, as well as the postulates of psychiatrists, the ideas of how to fight alcoholism included three spheres: a. anti-alcoholic legislation and its practical enforcement; b. anti-alcoholic propaganda and education; c. treatment of alcoholics.             In 1919, a draft was submitted to the Diet that proposed a total prohibition of production and sale of alcoholic beverages. It was referred to a Diet commission which subsequently changed its contents. Then. The Diet passed an Act of 23 April 1920 on restrictions in sale of alcoholic beverages. The Act, based on a concept of partial prohibition. Introduced considerable restrictions in sale of beverages containing over 2.5 per cent of pure alcohol, and a total prohibition of sale of beverages with over 45 per cent alcohol. Moreover, the sale of alcohol was prohibited to workers on paydays and holidays, as well as at markets, fairs, church fairs, pilgrimages, on trains and at railway stations. According to the Act, each rural or urban commune could introduce on its territory a total prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages by voting. The Act limited the number of places where alcohol could be sold or served to one per 2,500 of the population all over the country. A licence issued by administrative authorities was required to sell or serve alcohol. The statutory instrument to this Act created commissions for fighting alcoholism of the 1st and 2nd instances which were to supervise the compliance to the Act of 1920 and to impose penalties provided for the infringement of its provisions. The commissions consisted of representatives of the State administration and social organizations engaged in fighting alcoholism. Moreover, the Act of 2l January 1922 introduced a penalty of fine or arrest for being drunk in public. A person who brought another person to the state of intoxication was also liable to these penalties.             The complete execution of the anti-alcoholic Act met with obstacles: for instance, alcohol was secretly served on the days of prohibition (e.g. during fairs). The Act of 31 July 1924 established the Polish Spirit Monopoly (P.M.S.). The production of spirit and pure vodka thus became a State monopoly' Production and sale of the P.M.S. beverages increased gradually as it constituted an important source of the State revenue. For this reason. a new anti-alcoholic Act of 21 March 1931 was passed which greatly reduced the restrictions in the sale of alcohol as compared with former regulations. A further reduction in these restrictions resulted from Acts of 1932 and 1934. The P.M.S. Board of Directors argued that a growth in production was necessary to suppress illegal distilling of alcohol the products of which were imperfectly rectified and threatened the health of the population. Instead according to the conception of "Trzeźwość’’ and other social organizations engaged in fighting alcoholism. illegal distilling of alcohol should be detected and suppresed by the police while it was in the interest of the health and morals of the population to curtail greatly the sale of alcohol and for this reason it was necessary to reintroduce the anti-alcoholic Act of 1920 However, in consideration of the State's fiscal interests. the Act was not reintroduced and the other Acts that extended the production and sale of the P.M.S. products were only replaced after World War II.             According to the ideas of ,,Trzeźwość'' and other organizations fighting alcoholism, anti-alcoholic propaganda and education should be made by professionals and have a wide range, since it is impossible to fight alcoholism without informing the population of the harmful effects of alcohol. Guidelines for this activity were worked out at the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses of which there were seven in the period between the wars.             Besides, in 1937 the 21st International Anti-Alcoholic Congress took place in Warsaw during which the Polish draft of an international anti-alcoholic convention was Supported. The draft provided a considerable limitation of alcohol sale, a regulation of penal liability for offences and transgressions committed in the state of intoxication, and lectures on alcohology in schools. The states signatories to the convention would be called upon to pass acts consistent with the content of the convention. The work on this draft was stopped by the outbreak of the war.             The resolutions of the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses demanded lectures on alcohology in all types of schools, at teachers courses and at specialist courses for employees of various departments, the Ministry in of Communication particular. The range of alcohology taught at schools should be conformed to the type of school and the general knowledge or students. The postulate of teaching alcohology in schools was partly realized and courses were organized for railway employees by the Abstainer Railwaymen League. At the State School of  Hygiene in Warsaw a several days course in alcohology was organized every year in which 200--300 persons participated, mainly teachers, physicians and clergymen of various denominations. Besides, ,,Trzeźwość'' organized travelling exhibitions that made tours of towns to show the harmful effects of alcoholism. The Abstainer Railwaymen League organized, an exhibition in a railway carriage which was visited by many thousands of persons at railway stations in different parts of the country. A lecturer on alcohology was employed to have talks during the exhibition. In early February every year a nationwide Sobriety Propagation Week was organized. Various publications were also brought out which demonstrated the harmful effects of alcohol and the ways of fighting alcoholism, both scientific and those for general use. Treatment  of alcoholics was postulated; it was carried out in closed hospital wards or in out-patient clinics. The former was more effective; however it was less frequently applied as compared with the out-patient treatment since there were no provisions which would  legalize compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts and it was easier to obtain the patient's consent to treatment in a clinic than in a hospital. Compulsory treatment was only possible if the court applied medical security measures in cases of offences connected with abuse of alcohol or drugs. (Art. 82 of the Penal code of 1932). The mental hygiene, movement, initiated in Poland in the early thirties, resulted in a growth in the number of clinics engaged in prevention and treatment, that is in a development of treatment of alcoholics in specialized anti-alcoholic clinics. The necessity of taking the children of alcoholics under educational and medical indicated. An important part is this field fell to social nurses attached to the clinics whose task was among other things to bring the alcoholics children to the clinic and see to their medical treatment if necessary. The organization of special schools for mentally deficient and morally neglected children, whose parents were frequently alcoholics, was also initiated.             Psychiatrists demanded an elaboration and introduction of an act on compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts, organization of special wards for notorious alcoholics in mental hospitals, prolongation of treatment from 6 to 12 months (which was considered particularly necessary in the case of chronic alcoholism), a joint alcoholism and psychiatric treatment if required, in the case of alcohol psychosis in particular, and check-up of the cured alcoholics and drug addicts.             In Poland drug addiction has never reached the proportions of alcoholism. Its most frequent forms were morphinism and cocainism. Its fighting was facilitated by the passing of an Act of June 23, 1923 which prohibited production, processing, export. import. storage of and any trade in all drugs. For infringement of the Act, penalties of fine and up to 5 years deprivation of liberty were provided. However, there was no act to legalize compulsory treatment of drug addicts. They could only be treated in closed hospital wards since in the case of drug addiction, out-patient treatment was considered to be ineffective. In 1931, the Polish Committee for Drugs and Prevention of Drug Addiction was set up as, an advisory body attached to the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, which consisted mainly of physicians and chemists. In order to fight drug addiction effectively, increased detection of export and sale of drugs was postulated as well as supervision of prescriptions and of obtaining drugs on prescription at chemist's. Chemists were compelled to keep a special book of in- and out-goings of drugs which could only be sold on prescription for therapeutical purposes. Attenton was drawn to the necessity of an instruction, to be passed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, according to which the production of doctors seals and forms would only be possible on presentation of the identity card, since drug addicts used to order seals and forms bearing names of famous practitioners. Medical check-up of released prisoners who had been cured of drug addiction when serving their sentences was also postulated.             In consequence of the spread of ether drinking in the Upper Silesia in 1936, a wide-range operation was carried out which consisted in a vigorous fight against smuggling and sale of ether (which was mainly smuggled from Germany) and in informing the population as to the harmful effects of ether drinking.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 201-225
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość i polityka karna sądów w Węgierskiej Republice Ludowej
Crime and the penal policy of courts in the Hungarian peoples republic
Kubiak, Jacek R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka karna
republika ludowa
prawo karne
pozbawienie wolności
people's republic
criminal law
deprivation of liberty
criminal policy
criminal Policy
There is in Hungary a many years tradition. of gathering and publishing criminal statistics and its theoretical analysis. This tradition dates back to the early 19th century. In the modern days, it was discontinued in the years 1944-1956 only. However, in 1957, the publication of the basic data of criminal statistics in Statistical Yearbooks published by the central statistical Office was started anew. As shown by an analysis of the trends of the number of convictions of adults in the years 1944-1984 based on official sources, there is a high substantial changes in these trends with changes in the provisions of the penal law and to some extent in the socio-political climate. The following can thus be noticed: A very big number of convictions in the late fourties and early fifties (with the culminating point in 1952), accompanied by rapid drops in the years when amnesty laws were passed or new provisions of the penal law were introduced. A great drop in the number of convictions in 1956 and, 1957 which was related directly first of all to the course of events before and after October 23, 1956, and to the fact that a part of the jurisdiction of common courts of law was taken over by special courts of law was taken over by special courts the activity of which is not reflected in the analysed statistical data. A relative stabilization of the number of convictions in the years of gradual socio-political consolidation ( 1958-1962). A gradual increase in the number of convictions after the entering into force of the Penal Code of 1961 and its amendment of 1971. Accompanied by intermittent drops in the amnesty years and in the years when provisions that modified the Penal Code entered into force. An increase in the number of convictions after the entering into force of the Penal Code of 1978. The rate of convictions per 100,000 of the population in 1984 was 2'5 times higher than in 1952, but not much lower than the 1961 rate. The rise in crime in the recent years is also evident in the available data from the police and public prosecutor's statistics. The number of reported offences went up by one-third in the period 1965-1985 and has a constant upward trend. Among the offences reported most numerous are offences against property (about 60 per cent of all reported offences), traffic offences (about 12-13 per cent), offences against public order (hooliganism and parasitism in particular), and offences against person (about 7-8 per cent).  As compared with 1965, the number of burglaries was 3.5 times as big in the eighties, and the number of robberies - 7 . times. The number of traffic offences increased by over one-third as well. Also offences against person reveal a small upward trend, with the number of homicides being stable. However, the number of homicides in Hungary has for many years been considerably larger than the mean European figure (mean homicide rate per 100,000 of the population amounting to 3.8 in the years 1979--1983). The rise in crime concerned financial offences also (offences against the foreign currency exchange regulations, against customs regulations, tax offences) which are included in ,the group of offences against the national economy. The penal policy of the Hungarian courts has rather frequently been subject to spectacular transformations. In the early seventies, stabilization was achieved in this policy which manifested itself by a limited application of unconditional deprivation of liberty and by a broad use of fine and other measures not involving deprivation of liberty. However, the rise in crime in the eighties influenced a more frequent application of unconditional deprivation of liberty, which resulted in the growth of prison population. In 1979, the number of persons deprived of liberty amounted to 16,764 (157 per 100,000 of the population), while in 1984 the respective number was 21,884 (205 per 100.000 of the population). In Hungary, conditional suspension of the execution of the penalty of deprivation- of liberty is not as popular as in other European socialist countries. For every fifth convicted person, the execution of penalty is suspended. In 1973, the courts for the- first time passed a greater number of fines (48.8 per cent) than prison sentences (43.9 per cent). In the-following years, the share of fines in the structure of penalties even exceeded 50 per cent. However, after entering into force of the new Penal code, an unexpected drop in the number of fines took place things to the which was due among other fact that some of the  petty offences were removed from the Penal Code , and that a new penal measure without deprivation of liberty, i.e. probation, was introduced. In 1983, the share of fines dropped to 40 per cent of all sentences. The Hungarian courts were most reluctant to apply the penalty of corrective and educational work as soon as the penalty was introduced in 1950. For a dozen-odd years the share of this penalty in all penalties imposed never exceeded 10 per cent. After the 1961 Penal Code was introduced the penalty of corrective and educational work  showed an upward trend (up to 15,8 per cent in 1964), but later on started to fall up, to 4 per cent in 1983. In the years 1962 -1983. common courts sentenced 105 persons to death penalty, for qualified homicide in the vast majority of cases. Since 1968, this penalty has been applied exlusively towards the perpetrators of homicide. In 1984, the extent of reported crime in Hungary was similar to that found in Poland (1, 470 per 100,000 o0f the population); however, in Hungary the response to the rise in crime has been in general much more balanced and quiet.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1987, XIV; 43-95
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Laboratory vector models in regard to animal protection legislation
Lonc, E
Mizgajska, H.
Hildebrand, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne
laboratory vector model
International Committee for Laboratory Animals
animal protection
Annals of Parasitology; 1999, 45, 4
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Parasitology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doskonalenie prawa zywnosciowego Unii Europejskiej w zakresie bezpieczenstwa i ochrony zdrowia konsumentow
Tyszkiewicz, S
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności
Unia Europejska
bezpieczenstwo zywnosciowe
przepisy prawne
ochrona zdrowia
higiena zywnosci
prawo zywnosciowe
wdrozenia do praktyki
stan obecny
European Union
food safety
law regulation
health protection
food hygiene
food legislation
practical implementation
present state
Trwa proces doskonalenia światowego i regionalnie stosowanego prawa żywnościowego. Działa Komisja Kodeksu Żywnościowego FAO/WHO i większość jej roboczych Komitetów. Trwają działania mające na celu udoskonalenie przepisów prawa żywnościowego Unii Europejskiej, do członkostwa w której kraj nasz pretenduje. Mając na względzie konieczność zharmonizowania przepisów naszego prawa żywnościowego z prawem Unii, musimy analizować i wprowadzać do naszego prawa poszczególne akty uwzględniając nie tylko ich aktualną treść, ale i dające się przewidzieć zmiany. Unia Europejska przeprowadziła w ostatnich latach szeroko zakrojoną dyskusję nad stanem swojego prawa żywnościowego zapoczątkowaną Zieloną Księgą Komisji z 1997 r. „Zasady Ogólne Prawa Żywnościowego Unii Europejskiej” i ją podsumowała w części dotyczącej ochrony zdrowia konsumentów Białą Księgą Komisji z 2000 r. dotyczącą bezpieczeństwa żywności (White Paper on food safety). Na treść postanowień dotyczących zmian w przepisach niewątpliwie miały wpływ silnie nagłośnione afery z mięsem wołowym w kontekście choroby wściekłych krów w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz mięsem drobiu skażonym dioksynami w Belgii. W artykule przedstawiono i skomentowano podstawowe zapisy Białej Księgi oraz omówiono stan aktualny wdrażania unijnych przepisów dotyczących ochrony zdrowia konsumentów do przepisów prawa polskiego.
The process of improving the international and local food law is found under the continuation. The Commission of FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius and most of its Committees are conducting their activity. The measures, aimed at the improvement of the EU food rules are undertaken. As the necessity of harmonizing the regulations of our food law with the European law arises, we have to analyse and introduce the particular acts to our legislation with consideration not only of their current contents but also of the foreseeable changes. During the recent years, the European Union has conducted a wide-scale debate on the status of its food law, being initiated by Green Paper of the Commission, dated 1997 and entitled: „General Principles of Food Law of the European Union”. Summing up of the discussion in a part concerning consumer health protection has been found in the White Paper 2000 on food safety. The contents of provisions concerning amendments in the regulations were undoubtedly affected by famous scandals with beef contamination and BSE disease in Great Britain and poultry meat contamination with dioxins in Belgium. In the article, the major provisions of the White Paper have been presented and furnished with the comments. The current state of practical introduction of the EU regulations concerning consumer health protection into the rules of Polish law, has been discussed.
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość; 2000, 07, 3; 5-19
Pojawia się w:
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krajowe i miedzynarodowe uwarunkowania stosowania dodatkow funkcjonalnych i konserwantow w przetworstwie miesa
Duda, Z
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności
dodatki funkcjonalne
bezpieczenstwo zywnosciowe
technologia zywnosci
prawo zywnosciowe
dodatki do zywnosci
nowe produkty
przetworstwo miesa
functional additive
nutrition safety
food technology
food legislation
food additive
new product
meat processing
W artykule przedstawiono niektóre rodzaje i właściwości wybranego asortymentu dodatków funkcjonalnych i konserwantów używanych w Polsce i w wielu krajach Europy w procesie produkcji przetworów mięsnych oraz technologiczną rolę jaką one spełniają. Omówiono również regulacje prawne odnoszące się do ich stosowania w kraju i w kilku państwach w Europie. Wskazano na ogólne i powszechnie obowiązujące zasady postępowania w przemyśle żywnościowym w odniesieniu do użycia dodatków funkcjonalnych i konserwantów w przetwórstwie żywności.
Use of most common assortments of additives and preservatives in processed meat products manufacturing by domestic and foreign meat industry and their functional properties are described. Local and European law regulations applied regarding their use are briefly presented and discussed. General policy of additives and preservatives use in food products processing is emphasised.
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość; 2000, 07, 4; 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems with rendering the information accessible and presenting the information in publicly accessible databases
Wichorowski, M.
Węsławski, J. M.
Wyrwiński, J
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
data acquisition
data collections
data storage
oceanographic data
Based on the experience acquired from working on the Regional Oceanographic Database (ROD) at the IOPAS in Sopot and from cooperation with similar scientific facilities, a general review of problems with the security of data ownership, copyrights, rendering the scientific information accessible, propagating it and differences in the access to data in European Union and Poland was presented. A system for accessing processed data, educational data and source information was proposed.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2000, 4, 1; 121-126
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasady analizy ryzyka i zasady ostroznosci w prawie zywnosciowym
Tyszkiewicz, S
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Technologów Żywności
system HACCP
ochrona srodowiska
zagrozenia zdrowia
bezpieczenstwo zywnosciowe
ochrona zdrowia
prawo zywnosciowe
ochrona konsumenta
analiza ryzyka
zywienie czlowieka
HACCP system
environment protection
health hazard
food safety
health protection
food legislation
consumer protection
risk analysis
human nutrition
Podstawowym celem prawa żywnościowego jest ochrona konsumentów przed różnego rodzaju zagrożeniami dla zdrowia związanymi ze spożywaniem żywności. Legislator może ustanawiać różnego rodzaju nakazy i zakazy będące instrumentami zarządzania ryzykiem wystąpienia poszczególnych zagrożeń. Dobór tych instrumentów nie powinien mieć charakteru uznaniowego, powinien wynikać z oceny ryzyka dokonanej metodami naukowymi. O wybranych sposobach zarządzania ryzykiem oraz argumentach przemawiających za dokonanym wyborem powinni być powiadomieni zainteresowani konsumenci oraz producenci i dostawcy żywności. Nazywa się to komunikacja ryzyka i wraz z oceną ryzyka i zarządzaniem ryzykiem stanowi elementy analizy ryzyka, na której opiera się nowoczesne międzynarodowe prawo żywnościowe obowiązujące zarówno w krajach Unii Europejskiej jak i w coraz większym stopniu u nas w Polsce. Poważny legislacyjny problem pojawia się w przypadku zagrożeń, dla których brak naukowych danych uniemożliwiających wykonanie prawidłowej analizy ryzyka. Proponuje się by w takich przypadkach w prawie żywnościowym stosować zasadę ostrożności i działania zapobiegawczego wcześniej wprowadzoną w prawie międzynarodowym dla potrzeb ochrony środowiska. W artykule zostały podane podstawowe pojęcia i definicje analizy ryzyka i zasady ostrożności oraz podane przykłady ich praktycznego stosowania.
The basic target of the food law is the protection of customers against various types of hazards to customer health related to consumption of food. The legislator may establish various orders and interdictions being the instruments of risk management. Choice of such instruments should not depend on recognition and should result from the risk assessment performed using scientific methods. The interested consumers, as well as producers and suppliers of food, should be notified about the chosen methods of risk management and about the arguments for such choice. This is called risk communication and, together with risk assessment and risk management, they constitute the elements of risk analysis, which is the foundation of the modem food law effective in countries of the European Union and, to a growing extent, also in Poland. The serious legislative problem emerges in case of hazards for which there is no scientific data allowing to conduct the correct risk analysis. In such cases it is suggested to apply, in the food law, the precautionery and preventive action principles, which were introduced earlier in the international law for the purposes of environmental protection. The article presents the fundamental concepts and defines risk analysis and the principle of precautionery, and also includes examples of practical application.
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość; 2000, 07, 1; 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Żywność Nauka Technologia Jakość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nierozerwalność małżeństwa w doktrynie i ustawodawstwie Kościoła
L’indissolubilité du mariage dans la doctrine et la législation de l’Eglise
Krajczyński, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
doktryna Kościoła
ustawodawstwo Kościoła
nierozerwalność małżeństwa
indissolubility of marriage
ecclesiastical doctrine
ecclesiastical legislation
L'auteur montre la splendeur du marriage comme l’union indissoluble. Il présent la doctrine et la législation de l’Eglise sur l’indissolubilité du mariage à l’aspect historique. De nombreux témoignages des Pères de l’Eglise, décisions et instructions des papes et décrets des conciles et des synodes, ils confirme la doctrine notoire et immuable de l’Eglise sur le lien conjugal.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2004, 15, 9; 47-86
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Landslide damage recovery: creation of the landslide management system
Olbrych, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zagrożenia naturalne
zniszczenia poosuwiskowe
decyzje administracyjne
natural hazards
landslides damages
administrative decisions
changes in legislation
government’s program of landslide protection management
Pilna potrzeba zbudowania systemu zabezpieczenia i ograniczenia zagrożeń wywoływanymi zjawiskami naturalnymi (osuwiska) wynikła ze szczególnie niekorzystnych warunków atmosferycznych w ostatnich latach. Powodzie spowodowały nasilenie się tych zjawisk na terenach południowej Polski, w skali dotąd nienotowanej. Rada Ministrów, uznając konieczność systemowego rozwiązania problematyki zabezpieczenia przeciwosuwiskowego, przyjęła uchwałę o potrzebie rozwiązań organizacyjno-prawnych i finansowych dla przeciwdziałania i ograniczenia zagrożeń wynikających z ruchów osuwiskowych ziemi. Wprowadzono również szereg zmian w ustawodawstwie. Równocześnie, korzystając z wcześniejszych doświadczeń przy realizacji projektów z dziedziny odbudowy i zabezpieczenia przeciwpowodziowego, Rząd RP rozpoczął realizację kolejnego programu. Rządowy program w dziedzinie usuwania skutków osuwisk i utworzenia osłony przeciwosuwiskowej został utworzony na podstawie zawartej umowy kredytowej między Rzeczpospolitą Polską a Europejskim Bankiem Inwestycyjnym na współfinansowanie Projektu "Osłona Przeciwosuwiskowa (finansowanie likwidacji skutków osuwisk i zapobiegania ich występowaniu)". Całkowity koszt realizacji projektu wyniesie 67 mln euro i przebiegać będzie w latach 2004-2008. W realizacji projektu osuwiskowego uczestniczyć będzie około 80 jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, dla których pomoc wyniesie około 238 mln zł. Sprawą o pierwszoplanowym znaczeniu dla gmin i powiatów z terenów południowej Polski jest przede wszystkim wyznaczenie katalogu miejsc potencjalnie zagrożonych pojawieniem się osuwisk i wprowadzenie ich na stałe do planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego jednostek samorządu terytorialnego oraz odbudowy zniszczonej infrastruktury.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2004, 15; 9-12
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The legal aspects of marine scientific research in Polish maritime areas
Zasady prawne prowadzenia morskich badań naukowych w polskich obszarach morskich
Gorski, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
legal aspect
sea scientific research
scientific research
sea area
international law
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
The article presents the legal rules concerning the conduct of marine scientific research in Polish maritime areas by either Polish or the foreign researchers in the light of the international law and the relevant Polish national legislation. According to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea the foreign researchers have to apply for an express consent of the respective Polish administrative board in order to conduct marine scientific research in Polish marine territory. In Polish exclusive economic zone the consent may be either express or implied. Poland is entitled to withhold, cease or suspend the consent only under certain circumstances determined in accordance with international law. Concerning Polish nationals no consent is required. The compare of Polish national legislation and appropriate regulations of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea indicates a high degree of compatibility.
Artykuł przedstawia zasady prowadzenia morskich badań naukowych w polskich obszarach morskich, zarówno przez podmioty zagraniczne, jak i polskie, na gruncie prawa międzynarodowego oraz odpowiednich polskich przepisów krajowych. Zgodnie z Konwencją Narodów Zjednoczonych o prawie morza z 1982 r. podmioty zagraniczne prowadzące morskie badania naukowe na polskim terytorium morskim muszą uzyskać wyraźną zgodę, wydaną przez właściwy organ polskiej administracji, natomiast w polskiej wyłącznej strefie ekonomicznej zgoda może mieć charakter wyraźny lub dorozumiany. Polska jest uprawniona do wstrzymania, cofnięcia lub do zawieszenia wydanej zgody jedynie w okolicznościach ścisłe określonych w Konwencji. Uzyskanie zgody nie jest wymagane w stosunku do podmiotów o polskiej przynależności. Porównanie postanowień polskiego prawa wewnętrznego z odpowiednimi regulacjami Konwencji Narodów Zjednoczonych o prawie morza wykazuje wysoki stopień ich wzajemnej zgodności.
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 2006, 10
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki rakotwórcze i mutagenne w świetle ustawodawstwa polskiego i Unii Europejskiej
Carcinogenic and mutagenic agents in Polish and UE legal regulations
Skowroń, J.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
czynniki rakotwórcze i mutagenne
normatywy higieniczne
carcinogenic and mutagenic agents
hygienic standards
Omówiono uregulowania prawne dotyczące czynników rakotwórczych i mutagennych przyjęte w Polsce, a także zasady oceny narażenia i ryzyka związanego z występowaniem substancji rakotwórczych na stanowiskach pracy oraz ochrony zdrowia pracowników narażonych na ich działanie. Przedstawiono również aktualne dane o zawodowych chorobach nowotworowych, ocenie narażenia na substancje ropopochodne i węglopochodne oraz dane statystyczne na ten temat. Omówiono także uregulowania prawne dotyczące czynników rakotwórczych i mutagennych w państwach Unii Europejskiej. Carcinogenic and mutagenic agents in Polish and UE legal regulations.
The article presents Polish regulations for carcinogenic and mutagenic agents, the evaluation of carcinogenic/ mutagenic risks and prevention of workers’ health occupationally exposed to them. Information about occupational cancer, data collected on the exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic hydrocarbons or substances derived from coal and statistical data is also presented. Moreover, some information about UE regulations in this area is given.
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy; 2007, 4 (54); 5-43
Pojawia się w:
Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O projektach regulacji rynku przewozów pasażerskich
About projects of regulation the passenger services
Dyr, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy TTS
przewozy pasażerskie
transport publiczny
public transport
Na łamach czasopisma Transport Miejski i Regionalny opublikowano projekt ustawy o organizowaniu i wspieraniu transportu publicznego (wersja z 6 marca 2007 r.) [1]. Dwa miesiące później, 10 maja 2007 r. Parlament Europejski przyjął rezolucję legislacyjną i stanowisko, zmierzające do przyjęcia rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady dotyczącego usług publicznych w zakresie kolejowego i drogowego transportu pasażerskiego oraz uchylającego rozporządzenia Rady (EWG) nr 1191/69 i 1107/70 [2]. Po wejściu w życie, rozporządzenie to będzie wiążące i bezpośrednio stosowane we wszystkich państwach członkowskich.
TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego; 2007, 10; 60-64
Pojawia się w:
TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka polskiego systemu prawnego dotycząca gospodarki odpadami w świetle uregulowań prawnych Unii Europejskiej
Concepts of Polish waste management policy with respect to EU legislation
Jarosz, E.
Helios-Rybicka, E.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
gospodarka odpadami
Unia Europejska
polskie akty prawne
waste management
European Union
Polish legislation acts
Przystąpienie nowych państw członkowskich do Unii Europejskiej wiąże się z potrzebą implementacji prawa wspólnotowego do krajowego systemu prawnego. W okresie przedakcesyjnym do Unii Europejskiej polskie ustawodawstwo dotyczące gospodarki odpadami było zupełnie nieprzygotowane do wytycznych Wspólnoty w zakresie tej problematyki. Pierwsze próby unifikacji prawa odpadowego z unijnym okazały się zupełnym niepowodzeniem. Dopiero rok 2001 zaowocował całym wachlarzem ustaw środowiskowych podejmujących tematykę gospodarowania odpadami. Obecnie ustawodawstwo polskie dotyczące gospodarki odpadami śmiało można uznać za zbieżne z unijnym. Niniejsza praca wprowadza w tematykę ustawodawczą zarówno polską, jak i unijną w kwestii gospodarki odpadami. Przeprowadzono w niej analizę Strategii oraz licznych aktów prawa unijnego oraz analogicznych odpowiedników ustawowych prawa polskiego. Jest to próba przeprowadzenia czytelnika przez gąszcz aktów prawnych oraz stworzenia swoistego vademecum wiedzy o obowiązującym prawie dotyczącym gospodarki odpadami.
The accession of new members to the European Union carries with it the need by the joining member to implement and unify its legislation with that of the EU's. Prior to Poland's accession to the EU, Polish regulations regarding waste management were completely divergent with EU directives. The first attempts to unify Polish waste legislation with EU directives completely failed. It was not until the year 2001 that success was had, yielding a plethora of environmental acts dealing with waste management aspects. At present, Polish waste management regulations can generally be considered in congruence with their EU equivalents. The main aim of this paper, through careful analysis of both strategy and the numerous EU directives as well as their Polish counterparts, to introduce and acquaint the reader with both Polish and European Union Waste Management legislation. Our intention was to create a manual, of sorts, on waste management legislation, in order to help the reader tread through the often seemingly convoluted subject matter.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2007, 33, 1; 109-130
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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