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Zanik powłok brzusznych po zabiegach operacyjnych
Abdominal integument atrophy after operative procedures
Smereczyński, Andrzej
Kołaczyk, Katarzyna
Lubiński, Jan
Bojko, Stefan
Gałdyńska, Maria
Bernatowicz, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
abdominal integument atrophy
badanie ultrasonograficzne
zanik powłok brzusznych
The aim of the study was to analyze clinical material concerning postoperative atrophy of abdominal integument. Material and methods: The evaluated group consisted of 29 patients with sonographically revealed atrophy of the abdominal wall. Those changes were observed after various surgical procedures: mainly after long, anterolateral laparotomies or several classical operations. Ultrasound examinations up to the year 2000 were performed with analog apparatus, in the latter years only with digital apparatus with linear transducers (7–12 MHz) and sometimes convex type conducers (3–5 MHz). The location, size and intestine stratified wall structure were evaluated. In each case the integument thickness was measured in millimeters in the site of the greatest atrophy and it was compared with the integument thickness from the side that had not been operated which enabled the calculation of the percentage reduction of integument in the area of the scar. Results: In 3 patients who underwent several laparotomies there was a total reduction of muscular mass in the operated area. In these cases we stated only skin and slightly echogenic subcutaneous strand; probably corresponding to fibrous tissue – the thickness of integument in this area was in the range from 3 to 8 mm. In the remaining 26 patients the integument atrophy on the scar level included muscles in a greater extent and covered an extensive area after classical urological procedures on the upper urinary tract: after nephrectomy and even ureter stone evacuation or kidney cyst excision by means of classical anterolateral approach with the integument incision on the length of almost 20 cm. Reduction in the integument thickness was observed on the smaller area after classical cholecystectomies, appendectomies and other surgical procedures with the incision across the integument. The integument atrophy in the operated sites expressed in absolute numbers was in the range of 7–20 mm (average 14 mm). These values are markedly lower than the comparative integument thickness on the not operated side: 17–52 mm (average 25.4 mm). The percentage value of the integument thickness reduction oscillated in the range of 32–67% (average 44.2%). In most cases the atrophy involved all layers of the abdominal wall, what demonstrated as regional prominence of the integument, mimicking the presence of hernia. Conclusions: Ultrasonography allows precise evaluation of the size and extent of atrophy as well as depiction of other lesions simulating that effect. Establishing the correct diagnosis should prevent the unnecessary reconstructions of the abdominal integument.
Celem pracy była analiza materiału klinicznego dotyczącego zaniku powłok brzusznych po zabiegach operacyjnych. Materiał i metoda: Zgromadzono grupę 29 chorych z wykazanym ultrasonograficznym zanikiem powłok brzusznych. Zmiany te obserwowano po różnych procedurach operacyjnych, najczęściej po długich nacięciach laparotomijnych przednio‑bocznych lub kilkukrotnych operacjach klasycznych. Badania ultrasonograficzne wykonano do 2000 roku na aparatach analogowych, a w następnych latach wyłącznie aparatami cyfrowymi, z głowicami linowymi (7–12 MHz) i niekiedy głowicami typu konweks (3–5 MHz). Określano lokalizację, rozległość, warstwową budowę ściany jelita. W każdym przypadku mierzono grubość powłok w milimetrach w miejscu największego zaniku i porównywano ją z grubością powłok po stronie nieoperowanej, co pozwalało na obliczenie procentowej redukcji powłok w okolicy blizny. Wyniki: U 3 pacjentów po kilku laparotomiach doszło do całkowitej redukcji masy mięśniowej w miejscu operacji. W tych przypadkach stwierdzano jedynie skórę i lekko echogeniczne pasmo podskórne, prawdopodobnie odpowiadające zwłókniałym tkankom – grubość powłok w tym miejscu wahała się od 3 do 8 mm. U pozostałych 26 pacjentów zanik powłok na poziomie blizny pooperacyjnej dotyczył w największym stopniu mięśni i obejmował rozległy obszar po klasycznych zabiegach urologicznych na górnych drogach moczowych: po usunięciu nerki, a nawet po ewakuacji złogu z moczowodu lub wycięciu torbieli nerki z dostępu klasycznego przednio‑bocznego z nacięciem powłok na długości prawie 20 cm. Na mniejszym obszarze obserwowano redukcję grubości powłok po klasycznych cholecystektomiach, appendektomiach i innych operacjach z nacięciem powłok na całej grubości. Zanik powłok w miejscach operacji wyrażał się w liczbach bezwzględnych w zakresie 7–20 mm (średnio 14 mm). Wartości te są wyraźnie mniejsze od porównawczej grubości powłok po stronie nieoperowanej: 17–52 mm (średnio 25,4 mm). Procentowa wielkość redukcji grubości powłok wahała się w granicach 32–67% (średnio 44,2%). W większości przypadków zanik obejmował wszystkie warstwy ściany brzucha, co manifestowało się uwypukleniem powłok w tym rejonie pozorującym istnienie przepukliny. Wnioski: Ultrasonografia pozwala z dużą precyzją określić stopień zaniku, jego rozległość oraz zmiany, które mogą pozorować taki efekt. Ustalenie właściwego rozpoznania powinno zapobiec zbędnej rekonstrukcji powłok brzusznych.
Journal of Ultrasonography; 2012, 12, 50; 262-268
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ultrasonography
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish Consensus on Treatment of Gastric Cancer; update 2017
Kulig, Jan
Wallner, Grzegorz
Drews, Michał
Frączek, Mariusz
Jeziorski, Arkadiusz
Kielan, Wojciech
Kołodziejczyk, Piotr
Nasierowska-Guttmejer, Anna
Starzyńska, Teresa
Zinkiewicz, Krzysztof
Wojtukiewicz, Marek
Skoczylas, W. Tomasz
Richter, Piotr
Krawczyk, Marek
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Gastric Cancer
Helicobacter pylori
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Surgical treatment
The “Polish Research on Gastric Cancer” project has been continued since 1986. The main aim of this project, which is a multicenter and interdisciplinary research, is enhancing the treatment results of gastric cancer patients by developing and promoting the use of optimal methods for diagnosis and treatment, both surgical as well as combined. One of the more important achievements of the project is the development and publication of a document named “Polish Consensus on Treatment of Patients with Gastric Cancer”, whose first version was published in 1998. Following versions were updated adequately to changing trends in the proceedings in patients with gastric cancer. A scientific symposium on “Polish Consensus on Treatment of Gastric Cancer – update 2016” was held in 3-4 June 2016 in Cracow. During the symposium a panel session was held during which all authors publicly presented the Consensus assumptions to be discussed further. Moreover, the already mentioned session was preceded by a correspondence as well as a working meeting in order to consolidate the position. It has to be underlined that the directions and guidelines included in the Consensus are not the arbitrarily assumed rules of conduct in a legal aspect and as such every doctor/team of doctors is entitled to make different decisions as long as they are beneficial to a patient with gastric cancer. The Consensus discusses as follows: a) recommended qualifications (stage of advancement, pathological, lymph node topography and the extent of lymphadenectomy, division of cancer of the gastroesophageal junction), b) rules for diagnostics including recommendations regarding endoscopic examination and clinical evaluation of the advancement stage, c) recommendations regarding surgical treatment (extent of resection, extent of lymphadenectomy, tactics of proceedings in cancer of the gastroesophageal junction), d) recommendations regarding combined treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, e) place of endoscopic and less invasive surgery in the treatment of gastric cancer. This publication is a summary of the arrangements made in the panel session during the abovementioned scientific symposium in Cracow in 2016.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2017, 89, 5; 59-73
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Guzy jajnika w ciąży
Ovarian tumors in pregnancy
Markowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
guzy jajnika
rak jajnika
ovarian tumors
ovarian carcinoma
Ovarian tumors develop in 2.3–8.8% of pregnant women. Most of them are benign cysts which vanish spontaneously after the 9th or 10th week of gestation. Ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging are helpful diagnostic tools. Computed tomography, however, is contraindicated. The most common benign lesions are teratomas and cystadenomas. Malignant tumors account for 2.15–13% of all ovarian tumors in pregnant patients. Germ cell tumors, followed by borderline tumors and ovarian carcinomas constitute the most common ones. The management in the case of germ cell and borderline tumors involves unilateral adnexectomy and in invasive ovarian carcinomas, the treatment is individualized. In stage 1A G1, the management is similar to the one in borderline tumors and restaging after the delivery may be performed. Additionally, in early stages of carcinoma (stage IA G2 and G3, IB, IC as well as IIA), lymphadenectomy and platinum-based chemotherapy are recommended. In advanced stages, there are numerous possibilities of treatment including radical surgery with termination of pregnancy before the 20th–24th weeks of gestation and adjuvant therapy. Another option is the implementation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy during pregnancy and performance of cytoreduction following the delivery. At the mother’s request, delaying the treatment until after the delivery may be considered. Chemical treatment during pregnancy does not exert negative effects on the fetus provided that it is applied in the second or third trimesters. One of its rare complications is intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). The survival of patients with ovarian carcinomas diagnosed during pregnancy is not different than in the case of women diagnosed without being pregnant.
Guzy jajnika w ciąży występują u 2,3–8,8% ciężarnych. Większość z nich to torbiele łagodne, które samoistnie zanikają po 9.–10. tygodniu ciąży. W diagnozowaniu pomocne jest badanie ultrasonograficzne oraz rezonans magnetyczny. Przeciwwskazana jest tomografia komputerowa. Najczęstszymi zmianami łagodnymi są potworniaki i torbielakogruczolaki. Wśród wszystkich guzów jajnika w ciąży 2,15–13% stanowią guzy złośliwe. Najczęstsze są guzy germinalne, a następnie typu borderline i raki jajnika. W guzach germinalnych i borderline postępowanie obejmuje adneksektomię jednostronną. W inwazyjnych rakach jajnika leczenie jest zindywidualizowane. W stopniu IA G1 postępowanie jest podobne jak w guzach granicznych, a po porodzie może być dokonana ponowna ocena zaawansowania. W stopniach wczesnych raka (IA G2 i G3, IB, IC i IIA) zaleca się dodatkowo wykonanie limfadenektomii i zastosowanie chemioterapii opartej na platynie. W stopniach zaawansowanych istnieją różne możliwości, włącznie z operacją radykalną, połączoną z terminacją ciąży przed 20.–24. tygodniem ciąży i leczeniem adiuwantowym. Inną opcją jest stosowanie chemioterapii neoadiuwantowej w ciąży i przeprowadzenie cytoredukcji po porodzie. Na życzenie matki można rozważyć opóźnienie leczenia do czasu urodzenia dziecka. Leczenie chemiczne w czasie ciąży nie wywiera szkodliwego wpływu na płód, jeśli jest zastosowane w II i III trymestrze ciąży; jednym z rzadkich powikłań jest opóźnienie wewnątrzmacicznego wzrastania płodu (IUGR). Przeżycia kobiet z rakiem jajnika rozpoznanym w ciąży nie różnią się od stwierdzanych w raku jajnika bez ciąży.
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2013, 11, 2; 159-165
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efficacy of Possum Score in Predicting the Outcome in Patients Undergoing Emergency Laparotomy
Sreeharsha, Harinatha
Sp, Rai
Sreekar, Harinatha
Reddy, Ravi
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
POSSUM scoring
emergency laparotomy
risk stratification
Monitoring of surgical outcome is increasingly important part of governance of surgical activity. The aim of the study. POSSUM scoring system was applied prospectively to determine how it performed in predicting morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy in our hospital, a group known to be at high risk of complications and death. Material and methods. A total of 100 cases of emergency laparotomies were studied in patients admitted in general surgery department during the period of May 2008 to August 2010. The study group consisted of the following cases. Duodenal perforation (37 cases), intestinal obstruction (27 cases), gastric perforation (8 cases), ileal perforation (8 cases), appendicular perforation (7 cases), blunt trauma (4 cases) and others (9 cases). They were scored using POSSUM scoring system. Physiological scoring was done at the time of admission and operative scoring was done intraoperatively. They were followed up for the first 30 day post operative period for any complications and the outcome was noted. The observed morbidity and mortality rates were compared with the POSSUM predicted morbidity and mortality rates. Results. 15 patients died (mortality rate of 15%). The POSSUM predicted mortality was 20 deaths. O:E ratio of 0.71 was obtained. There was no statistically significant difference between the observed and predicted mortality rates (χ2=1.72, p=0.974). 71 patients experienced complications. The POSSUM predicted morbidity was 61 patients. O:E ratio of 1.19 was obtained. There was no statistically significant difference between the observed and predicted morbidity rates (χ2=1.594, p=0.991). Conclusions. POSSUM scoring is an accurate predictor of mortality and morbidity following emergency laparotomy and is a valid means of assessing adequacy of care provided to the patient. POSSUM can be used for surgical audit to assess and improve the quality of surgical care and helps in better outcome to the patient
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 4; 159-165
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of N-acetyl-cysteine nanoparticles on intra-abdominal adhesion after laparotomy in rats
Shahzamani, Sh.
Jahandideh, AR.
Abedi, GhR.
Akbarzadeh, A.
Hesaraki, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
N-acetyl-cysteine nanoparticles
intra-abdominal adhesion
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2019, 3; 581-588
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chirurgiczna korekcja skrętu macicy poprzez laparotomię na koniu stojącym. Pięć przypadków klinicznych
Standing flank laparotomy for uterine torsion in a mare. Five cases report
Samsel, Jan
Data publikacji:
Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna
klacze [zool.]
leczenie chirurgiczne
opis przypadku
skręt macicy
laparotomia na koniu stojącym
uterine torsion
standing flank laparotomy
The aim of this paper is to present the technique, complications and the outcome of standing flank laparotomy for uterine torsion in five pure Arabians mares, between 267–300 days of gestation. Each mare was diagnosed with a 180° uterine torsion: 2 cases clockwise and 3 cases counterclockwise. No additional abdominal problems were found on admission; the clinical exam results of the mares and heart rate of fetuses were within normal limits (one mare had tachycardia), and patients were cooperative. Mares were put in the stocks, both paralumbar fossae were prepared for surgery and local infiltrative analgesia was administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly on one side (right for clockwise torsion, left for counterclockwise torsion). Sharp incision of the skin and superficial fascia was followed with muscles layers moderate preparation with fingers, using the grid technique. After initial evaluation of the uterus position and confirmation of the diagnosis, the torsion was corrected with gentle manual manipulation. The abdominal wall closure was a routine process. An intradermal suture was used to improve the cosmetic result. A perforated drain was left between muscles and superficial fascia to prevent seroma formation. The air was removed from the peritoneal cavity with active suction. Correction of the uterine torsion was done successfully in all five cases. No reoccurrence or major complications occurred: only in one mare there was some bleeding from the muscles of the abdominal wall and prolonged wound healing due to seroma. All mares had foaled on term, without complications. The foals remain healthy. The cosmetic results were excellent. In selected cases standing flank laparotomy is a safe, cost effective and relatively straightforward method of correction of uterine torsion in a mare.
Życie Weterynaryjne; 2020, 95, 08; 489-493
Pojawia się w:
Życie Weterynaryjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Abdominal cavity eventration treated by means of the „open abdomen” technique using the negative pressure therapy system – case report and literature review
Trzeciak, Piotr
Porzeżyńska, Joanna
Ptasińska, Karolina
Walczak, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
wound dehiscence
negative pressure wound therapy
open abdomen
Wound dehiscence is a surgical complication in which the wound ruptures along the surgical suture with abdominal cavity bowel displacement. It is observed in 0.2‑6% of operated patients. The extensive wound is a gateway for infection. Moreover, increased secretion of serous fluid induces a hygienic problem and may lead to secondary skin infections or bedsores. The negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) system is an innovative therapeutic method. It perfectly executes the TIME strategy, receiving more and more recognition. The study presented a case of a 62-year old male patient after several consecutive wound dehiscence episodes who was primarily treated for rectal cancer by means of low anterior resection of the rectum. Due to acute respiratory insufficiency after several operations, wound necrosis with dehiscence was observed. Considering the high risk of perioperative death we abandoned surgical treatment and introduced conservative management using negative pressure wound therapy until the patient’s health improved. Literature regarding the above-mentioned issue was also reviewed.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 11; 592-597
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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