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„Gorączka rzymska” – udział Wiktora Czermaka w kampaniach naukowych Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie
„Roman Fever” – Wiktor Czermak’s Participation in the Scientific Campaigns of the Academy of Learning in Krakow
Hoszowska, Mariola
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Wiktor Czermak
Academy of Learning in Krakow
Roman Expedition
Jagiellonian University
Akademia Umiejętności w Krakowie
Ekspedycja Rzymska
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Artykuł jest przyczynkiem do dziejów jednej z ważniejszych inicjatyw Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie, to znaczy Ekspedycji Rzymskiej. Pomysł organizowania naukowych wypraw do wiecznego miasta wiązał się z otwarciem przez papieża Leona XIII Archiwum Watykańskiego (1881). Pomysłodawcą i pierwszym kierownikiem Ekspedycji był wybitny mediewista Stanisław Smolka (1854–1924). Wśród jego podopiecznych znalazł się Wiktor Czermak (1863–1913), uczestnik kampanii ekspedycyjnych z lat 1887–1888 i 1890–1891. Temu zdolnemu uczniowi Ksawerego Liskego (1838–1891), który uzyskał doktorat na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim (1887), stworzono w podwawelskim grodzie korzystne warunki dla dalszego rozwoju naukowej kariery. Dzięki podejmowanym nad Tybrem pracom archiwalnym i bibliotecznym przysporzył polskiej nauce ważnych dokumentów do czasów panowania Władysława IV i Jana Kazimierza. Aktywność na rzecz Akademii łączył z gromadzeniem materiałów do własnych studiów naukowych. Zagraniczne dokumenty w sposób istotny wpływały na krytyczny obraz panowania ostatniego z Wazów. Pobyt w Rzymie i innych włoskich miastach przyczynił się do późniejszych sukcesów krakowskiego historyka.
This article is a contribution to the history of one of the most important initiatives of the Academy of Learning in Krakow, i.e. the Roman Expedition. The idea of organizing scientific trips to the eternal city was related to the opening of the Vatican Archive by Pope Leo XIII (1881). It was Stanisław Smolka (1854–1924), an outstanding medievalist, who was the originator and the first manager of the Expedition. Among his charges there was, Wiktor Czermak (1863–1913), a participant of the expeditionary campaigns of 1887–1888 and 1890–1891. This talented student of Ksawery Liske (1838–1891), who obtained his doctor’s degree at the Jagiellonian University (1887), had favorable conditions for further development of his scientific career in the town near Wawel. Thanks to the archival and library work undertaken on the River Tiber, he provided Polish science with important documents until the reign of Władysław IV and Jan Kazimierz. He combined his activity for the Academy with collecting materials for his own scientific studies. Foreign documents significantly influenced the critical image of the reign of the last Vasa. His stay in Rome and in other Italian cities contributed to the later successes of the Krakow historian.
Res Historica; 2022, 54; 275-306
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Zabawy mędrców" Antoniego Wysockiego – powieść z życia akademików krakowskich XVI wieku
"Zabawy mędrców" by Antoni Wysocki – a novel about the life of academics from Krakow in the 16th century
Samborska-Kukuć, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Antoni Godziemba Wysocki
Zabawy mędrców
the Krakow Academy
Middle Ages
Akademia Krakowska
Zabawy mędrców – a novel by Antoni Godziemba Wysocki, a forgotten writer, an eccentric and intellectual from Lviv, was published in the interwar period and became a literary event. Reviewers unanimously emphasized his innovative approach to history. It was not the historical novel that readers were used to, both in terms of idea and form. Placing the action inside the Krakow Academy in the 16th century, at the turn of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, was supposed to demonstrate the pathology of education that was dominated by dogma and scholasticism against the background of the daily life of those days. In order to achieve that, the author allegedly worked on his book for over twenty years, thoroughly studying the sources: rare papers, manuscripts and numerous dissertations about the history of the Jagiellonian University. Consequently, a vivid (but strongly biased and clearly depreciating the Middle Ages) study of a few teachers came into life. The professors and bachelors, who had authentic prototypes, were shown through psychoanalytical examination in search of their complexes and personality disorders that limited their mental and didactic work. Wysocki’s work: cool, intellectual, and allusive, it was a unique but one‑sided presentation of Polish culture during the times of the last Jagiellon, but above all, it was a type of warning that concerned the condition and future of Polish education after gaining independence.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria; 2023, 23; 109-123
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘The Sarmatian In Languages Trained’. Staniskaw Grzepski (1524-1570) As A Researcher Of The Hebrew Bible And The Septuagint
Linke, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Stanisław Grzepski
Guillaume Budé
Academy of Kraków
biblical archeology
Hebrew Bible
Stanisław Grzepski (1524-1570) an outstanding classic and biblical philologist, the first Greek permanent lecturer of this language at the Krakow Academy. He combined philological interests with the passion of numismatist-collector and researcher of biblical antiquities. The fruit of his erudite knowledge in this area was published in the printing house of Krzysztof Plantin in Antwerp in 1568, the work of De multiplici siclo et talento hebraico. The Cracow scholar in the subtitle referred to Guillaume’s Budé earlier work De asse et partibus eius. Despite the fact that Grzepski presents himself to the reader as the author of a summary of the extensive work of a French scholar and diplomat, he created a work independent and in many places polemic with the findings of the famous predecessor. The article shows the character and significance of the work of Stanisław Grzepski, which has become a part of European science for over 200 years as a textbook of numismatics and biblical archeology.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019, 57, 1; 53-71
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akademia Umiejętności (1872–1918) i jej czescy członkowie
The Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow (1872–1918) and its Czech members
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Akademia Umiejętności
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
czescy uczeni
Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie
Królewskie Czeskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Czeska Akademia Umiejętności
Academy of Arts and Sciences
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Czech humanists
Czech scientists
Krakow Learned Society
Royal Czech Society of Sciences
Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wpływu, jaki słowianofilstwo czeskie wywierało na kształtowanie się składu osobowego Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie. Obejmuje on okres, kiedy odrodzony naród czeski poszukiwał wspólnoty z innymi narodami słowiańskimim i to przede wszystkim było czynnikiem sprawczym wzmożonego zainteresowania czeskich uczonych filologiami słowiańskimi, własną historią oraz historią Europy Środkowo- wschodniej, naukami społecznymi, prawnymi itd. Z analizy sprawozdań z działalności Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie od początku jej funkcjonowania (1872) aż do przekształcenia w Polską Akademię Umiejętności (1919) wynika, że ten rozkwit ukierunkowanej wspólnotowo czeskiej humanistyki spotkał się z pozytywnym oddźwiękiem ze strony krakowskiego środowiska naukowego. Jednym z dowodów na to jest fakt, iż czescy humaniści tworzyli najliczniejszą grupę wśrod wszystkich cudzoziemskich członków Akademii w Krakowie. Pismo cesarza Franciszka Jozefa I z dnia 2 maja 1871 roku, adresowane do ministra wyznań i oświaty Josefa Jirečka, było formalnym początkiem organizowania w Krakowie Akademii Umiejętności. Na jej protektora cesarz wyznaczył arcyksięcia Karola Ludwika. Członkami Akademii byli uczeni ze wszystkich ziem polskich i Polacy na emigracji. Fundusze pochodziły z dotacji państwowej oraz od prywatnych sponsorow. Akademia prowadziła dużą działalność wydawniczą. Akademia miała trzy wydziały: I. Filologiczny, II. Historyczno‑Filozoficzny, III. Matematyczno‑Przyrodniczy. W ich skład wchodzili członkowie krajowi i zagraniczni. Wśród tych drugich liczną grupę stanowili czescy uczeni. Członkami Wydziału I byli: Josef Jireček – filolog, etnograf, historyk; Vaclav Štulc – ksiądz katolicki, pisarz, poeta, tłumacz; Jan Gebauer – twórca nowej gramatyki czeskiej; Zikmund Winter – historyk; Jan Kvičala – filolog klasyczny, pedagog i polityk; Vaclav Vondrak – slawista. Do Wydziału II należeli: František Palacky – historyk, polityk; Antonin Randa – historyk; Vaclav Vladivoj Tomek – historyk, pedagog, polityk; Jaroslav Goll – historyk, poeta; Karel Kadlec – prawnik, historyk prawa, tłumacz; Emil Ott – prawnik; Jaromir Čelakovsky – prawnik, polityk. W skład Wydziału III wchodzili: Karl von Rokitansky – anatomopatolog; Bohuslav Brauner – chemik; František Vejdovsky – zoolog.
The article shows that the Czech humanists formed the largest group among the foreign members of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow. It is mainly based on the reports of the activities of the Academy. The Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow was established by transforming the Krakow Learned Society. The Statute of the newly founded Academy was approved by a decision of the Emperor Franz Joseph I on February 16, 1872. The Emperor nominated his brother Archduke Karl Ludwig as the Academy’s Protector. The Academy was assigned to take charge of research matters related to different fields of science: philology (mainly Polish and other Slavic languages); history of literature; history of art; philosophical; political and legal sciences; history and archaeology; mathematical sciences, life sciences, Earth sciences and medical sciences. In order to make it possible for the Academy to manage so many research topics, it was divided into three classes: a philological class, a historico‑philosophical class, and a class for mathematics and natural sciences. Each class was allowed to establish its own commissions dealing with different branches of science. The first members of the Academy were chosen from among the members of the Krakow Learned Society. It was a 12‑person group including only local members, approved by the Emperor. It was also them who elected the first President of the Academy, Jozef Majer, and the Secretary General, Jozef Szujski, from this group. By the end of 1872, the organization of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow was completed. It had its administration, management and three classes that were managed by the respective directors and secretaries. It also had three commissions, taken over from the Krakow Learned Society, namely: the Physiographic Commission, the Bibliographic Commission and the Linguistic Commission. At that time, the Academy had only a total of 24 active members who had the right to elect non‑ resident and foreign members. Each election had to be approved by the Emperor. The first public plenary session of the Academy was held in May 1873. After the speeches had been delivered, a list of candidates for new members of the Academy was read out. There were five people on the list, three of which were Czech: Josef Jireček, František Palacky and Karl Rokitansky. The second on the list was – since February 18, 1860 – a correspondent member of the Krakow Learned Society, already dissolved at the time. They were approved by the Emperor Franz Joseph in his rescript of July 7, 1873. Josef Jireček (1825–1888) became a member of the Philological Class. He was an expert on Czech literature, an ethnographer and a historian. František Palacky (1798–1876) became a member of the Historico‑Philosophical Class. The third person from this group, Karl Rokitansky (1804–1878), became a member of the Class for Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The mere fact that the first foreigners were elected as members of the Academy was a perfect example of the criteria according to which the Academy selected its active members. From among the humanists, it accepted those researchers whose research had been linked to Polish matters and issues. That is why until the end of World War I, the Czech representatives of social sciences were the biggest group among the foreign members of the Academy. As for the members of the Class for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Academy invited scientists enjoying exceptional recognition in the world. These criteria were binding throughout the following years. The Academy elected two other humanists as its members during the session held on October 31, 1877 and these were Vaclav Svatopluk Štulc (1814–1887) and Antonin Randa (1834–1914). Vaclav Svatopluk Štulc became a member of the Philological Class and Antonin Randa became a member of the Historico‑Philosophical Class. The next Czech scholar who became a member of the Academy of Arts and Scientists in Krakow was Vaclav Vladivoj Tomek (1818–1905). It was the Historico‑Philosophical Class that elected him, which happened on May 2, 1881. On May 14, 1888, the Krakow Academy again elected a Czech scholar as its active member. This time it was Jan Gebauer (1838–1907), who was to replace Vaclav Štulc, who had died a few months earlier. Further Czech members of the Krakow Academy were elected at the session on December 4, 1899. This time it was again humanists who became the new members: Zikmund Winter (1846–1912), Emil Ott (1845–1924) and Jaroslav Goll (1846–1929). Two years later, on November 29, 1901, Jan Kvičala (1834–1908) and Jaromir Čelakovsky (1846–1914) were elected as members of the Krakow Academy. Kvičala became a member of the Philological Class and Čelakovsky – a corresponding member of the Historical‑Philosophical Class. The next member of the Krakow Academy was František Vejdovsky (1849–1939) elected by the Class for Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Six years later, a chemist, Bohuslav Brauner (1855–1935), became a member of the same Class. The last Czech scientists who had been elected as members of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow before the end of the World War I were two humanists: Karel Kadlec (1865–1928) and Vaclav Vondrak (1859–1925). The founding of the Czech Royal Academy of Sciences in Prague in 1890 strengthened the cooperation between Czech and Polish scientists and humanists.
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU; 2015, 14; 37-62
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akta wizytacji podkrakowskiej parafii Zielonki z XVIII wieku w zasobie w Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie
The visitation records of the Zielonki parish (near Krakow) of the 18th century in the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Krakow
Bulak, Jan
Makarczyk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Akademia Krakowska
parafia Zielonki
kapituła św. Anny
krakowska kapituła katedralna
canonical visitation
the Academy of Krakow
St Ann Chapter
Krakow Cathedral Chapter
The following publication presents the 18th-century visitation records of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Zielonki near Krakow. The historic church of the 14th century was dependent for years on the Krakow Cathedral Chapter, then the Academy of  Krakow (now The Jagiellonian University) and St Ann Collegiate Church. The article presents, as source editions, the three last visitation records of Zielonki before the fall of the Republic of Poland: of 1727 (AVCap 61 and AV 23), of 1748 (AV 29 and Załuski’s Tables 7) and of 1783  (AV 55). These visitation books are held in the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Krakow (3 Franciszkańska Street). These visitations are manuscripts written in Latin and Polish with numerous Latin phrases. Only Bishop Załuski’s Tables are a printed form completed with hand written information. The authors aimed to edit sources and to make them available to a wider audience. The methodology of the work focused on full forms of the abbreviated words used by the writers, spelling modernization with a view to making the text more legible, and the adding of the diacritic marks and punctuation where necessary. The authors provided the text with footnotes (source and explanatory notes) and endnotes (terminology).  These editing activities comply with the rules of the historical source edition for modern texts. As a result, the authors present three full texts of the visitations along with inventories, introduction footnotes, endnotes and bibliography.
W niniejszej publikacji autorzy prezentują osiemnastowieczne akta wizytacji podkrakowskiej parafii pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Zielonkach. Zabytkowy kościół z XIV wieku (większa część obecnego kościoła pochodzi z XVI wieku) przez lata był zależny od krakowskiej kapituły katedralnej, potem Akademii Krakowskiej (obecnie Uniwersytet Jagielloński) oraz kolegiaty św. Anny. Przybliżone zostały tutaj w formie edycji tekstu źródłowego trzy ostatnie wizytacje parafii Zielonki sprzed upadku Rzeczypospolitej: z 1727 roku (AVCap 61 oraz AV 23), z 1748 roku (AV 29 oraz Tabele Załuskiego 7) i z 1783 roku (AV 55). Księgi tych wizytacji są przechowywane w Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej w Krakowie (AKMKr), mieszczącym się przy ul. Franciszkańskiej 3. Wizytacje te to rękopisy w języku łacińskim oraz polskim z dużą liczbą zwrotów pochodzących z łaciny. Wyłącznie Tabele biskupa Załuskiego mają format drukowanego formularza, w którego rubryki odręcznie zostały naniesione stosowne informacje. Celem autorów było dokonanie możliwie wiernej edycji tych źródeł, aby udostępnić je szerszemu gronu odbiorców. Metodologia pracy skupiła się na rozwinięciu skrótów zastosowanych przez pisarzy, uwspółcześnieniu pisowni dla większej czytelności tekstu, a także dodaniu znaków diakrytycznych i znaków interpunkcyjnych w wymagających tego miejscach. Autorzy wzbogacili tekst przypisami tekstowymi, bibliograficznymi i terminologicznymi. Podjęte czynności edytorskie są zgodne z zasadami naukowej edycji źródeł historycznych dla tekstów nowożytnych. W rezultacie autorzy prezentują trzy pełne teksty wizytacji, wraz z inwentarzami, opatrzone wstępem, przypisami oraz bibliografią.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2019, 111; 15-55
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biography of Józef Siemiradzki
Głowniak, E.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Siemiradzki Józef
Komisja Fizjograficzna
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie
history of natural sciences
Physiographic Commission
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov
In this work, the biography of Józef Siemiradzki (1858-1933) has been documented by various archival materials, and accompanied by the list of his most important publications. Józef Siemiradzki was a Professor of Palaeontology at Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov, Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Honorary Member of the Polish Geological Institute, Commander of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Defender of Lvov, awarded the Cross of Valour. He co-operated with the Museum of the Physiographic Commission in Kraków and the Dzieduszycki Museum in Lvov. He was a representative of the National Department of the Galician Sejm in the expedition to Brazil in aim to support Polish emigrants. He wrote over 60 treatises, e.g. "Explanations to the Geological Map" - the first synthetic presentation of the geological structure of Polish lands, "Geology of Polish Lands" - the first monograph on the geological structure of Poland written in 20th century, and "Palaeozoology" - the first Polish textbook on palaeontology for academic use. In the field of palaeontology and stratigraphy he has been known as an author of the monograph on the Upper Jurassic ammonites from the Kraków Upland and the monograph on the genus Perisphinctes of Western Europe.
Volumina Jurassica; 2007, 5, 1; 3-26
Pojawia się w:
Volumina Jurassica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Calibration of soil probe for in situ permeability measurement
Kalibracja sondy glebowej do pomiarów przepuszczalności gruntu in situ
Janik, M.
Kozak, K.
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
skażenie radonem
sonda glebowa
Instytut Techniki Jądrowej PAN w Krakowie
radon contamination
soil probe
Institut of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków
Prace Naukowe GIG. Górnictwo i Środowisko / Główny Instytut Górnictwa; 2004, 1; 58-59
Pojawia się w:
Prace Naukowe GIG. Górnictwo i Środowisko / Główny Instytut Górnictwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fellows of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków and the Jagiellonian University in Georg-August Univeristy in Göttingen in the period 1891–1914. Mathematics
Ciesielska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Georg-August University in Göttingen, Felix Klein, scholarship funds, Jagiellonian University, Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków, history of mathematics in 19th and 20th centuries, history of Polish mathematicians
Uniwersytet Georga-Augusta w Getyndze, Felix Klein, fundacje stypendialne, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Akademia Umiejętności w Krakowie, historia matematyki w XIX i XX wieku, historia polskich matematyków.
The main goal of the research project is an evaluation of the impact of studies and scientific visits of Polish scientists in the world mathematical centre, which was Georg-August Univeristy in Göttingen, on their careers.The results presented in this report focuses on the scholarship holders of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków and the Jagiellonian University. A time-frame for the article are the dates of visit of the first and the last scholarship holders in Göttingen. A brief history of the Osławski’s Fund, Dr. Władysław Kretkowski’s and Kazimierz Klimowski’s Fund and the fellows – mathematicians: Leon Chwistek, Antoni Hoborski, Stanisław Kępiński, Stanisław Ruziewicz, Włodzimierz Stożek, Władysław Ślebodziński and Franciszek Włodarski are presented in the article. The archival documents cited in the article are presented in print for the first time.An analysis of the reasons that urged young Polish scholars to choose Göttingen for their foreign studies is given. An evaluation of the impact of their studies in Göttingen on their future research areas was done.An introduction to the article is a very brief history of mathematicians, mathematics and mathematical education in Georg-August University in Göttingen in the period 1885–1914.
Podstawowym celem projektu badawczego jest ocena wpływu studiów i pobytów naukowych polskich uczonych w światowym centrum matematyki, jakim był Uniwersytet w Getyndze, na rozwój ich akademickich karier.W tym artykule skupiono się tylko na matematykach, którzy byli stypendystami Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie i Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Ramy czasowe artykułu wyznaczyły daty pobytów pierwszego i ostatniego stypendysty w Getyndze. Przedstawiono krótko informacje o Fundacji im. Osławskiego, Funduszu im. Dra Władysława Kretkowskiego oraz Funduszu im. Kazimierza Klimowskiego oraz o losach stypendystów: Leona Chwistka, Antoniego Hoborskiego, Stanisława Kępińskiego, Stanisława Ruziewicza, Włodzimierza Stożka, Władysława Ślebodzińskiego i Franciszka Włodarskiego. Przywołane w artykule dokumenty pochodzące z archiwów tych fundacji i korespondencji nie były wcześniej publikowane.Podjęto probę oceny pobudek, które skłoniły młodych polskich uczonych do wyboru Getyngi jako miejsca zagranicznych studiów. Oceniono wpływ odbytych w Getyndze studiów na tematyką prowadzonych przez nich badań naukowych.Przed główną częścią artykułu krótko naszkicowano historię matematyków, matematyki i kształcenia matematycznego w Getyndze w okresie 1885–1914.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2020, 19
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From the Faculty of Theology of the Kraków Academy to the John Paul II Pontifical University in Kraków 1397–2009
Piech, Stanisław Ludwik
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Faculty of Theology in Kraków
Kraków Academy
Jagiellonian University
Pontifical Academy of Theology in Kraków
John Paul II Pontifical University
In 1397 Pope Boniface IX, at the request of King Władysław Jagiełło and his wife Saint Jadwiga (Hedvig), Queen of Poland, called into being a Faculty of Theology in Studium Generale in Kraków. Scientific talents and hard work together with universal support of the state and Church authorities set the young faculty on its feet immediately. The period of the first hundred years was a golden age in the development of the Faculty. It rapidly won fame not only in Poland but also in all Europe, mainly because of the speeches of its theologians at the Councils of Constance and Basle. The fame of Kraków theologians spread throughout Europe during the period of the Council of Basle. During the period of the Reformation, professors of the university, then called the Kraków Academy, were involved in defence of the Catholic Church. During the Council of Trent (1545–1563) in the university circles there appeared splendid works impugning the Protestant and neo-Arian views. The codification of dogmas at the Council of Trent facilitated the teaching methods and acceptance of Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas as the best interpretation of the Christian outlook.In 1795, Poland was completely erased from the map of Europe, torn and divided between Prussia, Russia and Austria. Kraków came under the sway of the Austrians, beginning a difficult period for the Faculty of Theology and the whole University. The Austrian system concerning politics and the Church, called Josephinism, was damaging to the theological studies there. The re-organisation of the Faculty in 1880 was very crucial. It restored full academic rights, and the increasing number of chairs initiated a period of intense re-building of the University’s role in Polish culture, which it had enjoyed in the 15th–16th centuries. In 1880–1939, the Faculty experienced something similar to a second spring, comparable with its golden 15th century. The successful development of the Faculty was dramatically interrupted by the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 and the following gehenna of the Nazi occupation.After the war, the struggle with the Church, atheistic policy and laicisation planned by the communist government prevented a normal development of the Faculty outright. The faculty’s existence was in jeopardy. The threat of liquidation appeared unavoidable and then it became fact. The Council of Ministers of the Polish People’s Republic by its unilateral decision of 1954, without any agreement with the Church, connected the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University to the Faculty of Catholic Theology of Warsaw University to form the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, which had just been created by the government. The Faculty of Theology in Kraków survived as an independent faculty due to the uncompromising attitude of the Apostolic See and the Kraków bishops. In 1974 the Faculty, functioning within the Metropolitan Seminary, was bestowed the title ‘pontifical.’ A turning point in the history of the Faculty was its re-structuring as an academy with three faculties. In 1981, Pope John Paul II established the Pontifical Academy of Theology. In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI elevated it to the John Paul II Pontifical University.
In 1397 Pope Boniface IX, at the request of King Władysław Jagiełło and his wife Saint Jadwiga (Hedvig), Queen of Poland, called into being a Faculty of Theology in Studium Generale in Kraków. Scientific talents and hard work together with universal support of the state and Church authorities set the young faculty on its feet immediately. The period of the first hundred years was a golden age in the development of the Faculty. It rapidly won fame not only in Poland but also in all Europe, mainly because of the speeches of its theologians at the Councils of Constance and Basle. The fame of Kraków theologians spread throughout Europe during the period of the Council of Basle. During the period of the Reformation, professors of the university, then called the Kraków Academy, were involved in defence of the Catholic Church. During the Council of Trent (1545–1563) in the university circles there appeared splendid works impugning the Protestant and neo-Arian views. The codification of dogmas at the Council of Trent facilitated the teaching methods and acceptance of Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas as the best interpretation of the Christian outlook.In 1795, Poland was completely erased from the map of Europe, torn and divided between Prussia, Russia and Austria. Kraków came under the sway of the Austrians, beginning a difficult period for the Faculty of Theology and the whole University. The Austrian system concerning politics and the Church, called Josephinism, was damaging to the theological studies there. The re-organisation of the Faculty in 1880 was very crucial. It restored full academic rights, and the increasing number of chairs initiated a period of intense re-building of the University’s role in Polish culture, which it had enjoyed in the 15th–16th centuries. In 1880–1939, the Faculty experienced something similar to a second spring, comparable with its golden 15th century. The successful development of the Faculty was dramatically interrupted by the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 and the following gehenna of the Nazi occupation.After the war, the struggle with the Church, atheistic policy and laicisation planned by the communist government prevented a normal development of the Faculty outright. The faculty’s existence was in jeopardy. The threat of liquidation appeared unavoidable and then it became fact. The Council of Ministers of the Polish People’s Republic by its unilateral decision of 1954, without any agreement with the Church, connected the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University to the Faculty of Catholic Theology of Warsaw University to form the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, which had just been created by the government. The Faculty of Theology in Kraków survived as an independent faculty due to the uncompromising attitude of the Apostolic See and the Kraków bishops. In 1974 the Faculty, functioning within the Metropolitan Seminary, was bestowed the title ‘pontifical.’ A turning point in the history of the Faculty was its re-structuring as an academy with three faculties. In 1981, Pope John Paul II established the Pontifical Academy of Theology. In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI elevated it to the John Paul II Pontifical University.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2013, 3, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jerzy Nowosielski – „Maestro od marzenia”
Jerzy Nowosielski: Maestro of Dreaming
Stark, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Jerzy Nowosielski
Maestro of dream
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
The paper presents Jerzy Nowosielski – the outstanding Polish painter and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. It was the artist who called himself ”Maestro of dreams”. Nowosielski is still present in the memories of his disciples as a charismatic teacher. In his didactic work he was not only a master of painting but first of all the spiritual pattern impressing the students with his versatile interdisciplinary knowledge. This knowledge determined the unique character of his creative activity shared with the students.
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna; 2017, 3(12); 120-134
Pojawia się w:
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jonasz Stern (1904-1988). Powrót do Lwowa. Krajobraz milczenia (Katalog wystawy). Państwowa Galeria Sztuki w Sopocie, Sopot 2008
Zieliński, Konrad
Data publikacji:
Akademia Zamojska
Jonasz Stern
Awangarda Krakowska
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
ASP w Krakowie
Latem 2005 r. Państwowa Galeria Sztuki w Sopocie zorganizowała pierwszą od wielu lat indywidualną ekspozycję prac Jonasza Sterna, jednego z najlepszych polskich artystów żydowskiego pochodzenia, współtwórcę I Grupy Krakowskiej, wykładowcę i rektora ASP w Krakowie. Wystawie towarzyszył katalog pt. Stulecie Sterna. Prace Jonasza Sterna (1904-1988) z lat 30.-80., który został opatrzony wstępem autorstwa Włodzimierza Nowaczyka. Ze względu na duże zainteresowanie ekspozycją środowiska artystycznego w Polsce oraz na Ukrainie organizator wystawy postanowił kontynuować projekt, przenosząc wystawę do Muzeum Narodowego im. Andrzeja Szeptyckiego we Lwowie, którą można było tam oglądać na przełomie lipca i sierpnia 2008 r. Prezentacja prac stanowiła swego rodzaju „powrót do korzeni” artysty, bowiem właśnie w tym mieście Stern stawiał swe pierwsze kroki malarskie w pracowni u prof. Gajewskiego. Wystawie towarzyszył katalog pt. Jonasz Stern (1904-1988). Krajobraz milczenia. Powrót do Lwowa. W artykule omówiono wspomnianą publikację, przytaczając nieco faktów z życia i twórczości Sterna.
In the summer of 2005, the State Art Gallery in Sopot organized the first in many years an individual exhibition of works by Jonasz Stern, one of the best Polish artists of Jewish origin, co-founder of the Krakow Group I, lecturer and rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. The exhibition was accompanied by a catalog entitled Stern's centenary. Works by Jonasz Stern (1904-1988) from the 1930s and 1980s, with an introduction by Włodzimierz Nowaczyk. Due to the great interest in the exhibition of the artistic community in Poland and Ukraine, the organizer of the exhibition decided to continue the project by moving the exhibition to the National Museum. Andrzej Szeptycki in Lviv, which could be seen there at the turn of July and August 2008. The presentation of the works was a kind of "return to the roots" of the artist, because it was in this city that Stern took his first painting steps in the studio of prof. Gajewski. The exhibition was accompanied by a catalog entitled Jonasz Stern (1904-1988). A landscape of silence. Return to Lviv. The article discusses the aforementioned publication, citing some facts from the life and work of Stern.
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach; 2011, 1, 1; 197-199
Pojawia się w:
Studia Żydowskie. Almanach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konferencja naukowa z okazji 200. rocznicy powstania Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego
Scientific conference on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Kraków Learned Society
Pudłocki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
historia nauki
Kraków Learned Society
history of science
Autor przedstawił sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej, która została zorganizowana z okazji 200. rocznicy powstania Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego. Sesja odbyła się w dniach 9–10 grudnia 2015 r. przy współpracy Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz Archiwum Nauki Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności. Zgromadziła międzynarodowe grono prelegentów, którzy w swoich wystąpieniach przedstawili różne aspekty działalności TNK. Pokłosiem obrad jest publikacja Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie w 200-lecie założenia (1815–2015). Materiały konferencji naukowej 9–10 grudnia 2015, pod redakcją Wandy Lohman (Kraków 2016).
The author submittedto print the report of the scientific conference which had been organized on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Kraków Learned Society. The session was held in December 9–10, 2015 as a result of cooperation between the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Jagiellonian University as well as the Scientific Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków. It brought an international group of speakers together to discuss in their deliberations the various aspects of the Cracow Learned Society. The outcome of the meeting is the publication Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie w 200-lecie założenia (1815–2015). Materiały konferencji naukowej 9–10 grudnia 2015, edited by Wanda Lohman (Kraków, 2016).
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2016, 15; 387-392
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kraków Academy: The Crown Main School from 1773 to 1794
Akademia Krakowska. Szkoła Główna Koronna w latach 1773–1794
Ryś, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów
Commission of National Education
Kraków Academy
Crown Main School
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej
Akademia Krakowska
Szkoła Główna Koronna
kształcenie nauczycieli
The establishment of the Commission of National Education initiated a process of profound changes in Polish education, including both organisational structures and teaching programmes. One of the first tasks faced by the new educational authority was the creation of a school system covering the successive stages of education from primary schools to universities. The new structures were to be headed by universities, exercising control over lower-level education. The existing universities in Kraków and Vilnius differed significantly from their modern European counterparts, so the Commission initially wanted to establish new ones. In the course of discussions and at the request of representatives of the Kraków Academy, decisions were made to reform both universities. The reform of the Kraków Academy was undertaken by her student, Hugo Kołłątaj, who learned the current trends in the development of European universities during his studies abroad. The reformed university, which was now called the Crown Main School, consisted of the College of Morality, with schools of theology, law and literature, and the College of Physics, with schools of mathematics, physics and medicine. The Seminary for Candidates for the Academic Estate was launched at the university, in which future teachers were educated. In departure from the medieval rules, the method of hiring and promoting lecturers was also changed. The university was to be a research and teaching institution with a comprehensive range of education opportunities. While modern knowledge, especially in the field of natural sciences, was to be applied in everyday life in order to contribute to raising the economic level of the country, the development of the social sciences and the humanities was aimed at shaping a new model of the Pole, a patriot and citizen.
Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty; 2018, 55; 77-107
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mistyka hiszpańska na gruncie malarstwa Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie przełomu XX i XXI wieku
The Spanish mysticism in paintings by artists from the Fine Arts Academy in Krakow at the turn of the 21st century
Organisty, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
malarstwo współczesne
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie mistyka karmelitańska
contemporary painting
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
Carmelite mysticism
W ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad w twórczości pedagogów Wydziału Malarstwa Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie – Grzegorza Bednarskiego, Katarzyny Makieły-Organisty, Janusza Matuszewskiego, Mirosława Sikorskiego, Edyty Sobieraj, Zbigniewa Sprychy czy Wojciecha Szybista – widoczne są inspiracje hiszpańskim malarstwem Złotego Wieku. Obrazy krakowskich malarzy wyróżniają się na tle współczesnej sztuki zarówno na gruncie polskim, jak i światowym. Ich płótna omawiać należy w kontekście nowożytnego meditatio mortis oraz tenebrystycznego „barokizmu”, do czego chętnie przyznają się sami artyści. Punktem wyjścia są (niejednokrotnie tytułowane jako homagium) wizje mistyczne, konterfekty pędzla El Greca, bodegony Francisco de Zurbarána czy eschatologiczne „hieroglify śmierci” Juana de Valdés Léala. Odwołaniom do dzieł mistrzów Półwyspu Iberyjskiego towarzyszą odniesienia do pism karmelitańskich czy jezuickich mistyków. Analiza nie tylko od strony formalnej, ale także ideowej pozwala zadać pytanie o możliwość obrazowania we współczesnym malarstwie o charakterze religijnym „teologii mistycznej”, opisanej przez św. Teresę od Jezusa, św. Jana od Krzyża czy św. Ignacego Loyoli.
During the last two decades the works of teachers from the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow: Grzegorz Bednarski, Katarzyna Makieła-Organisty, Janusz Matuszewski, Mirosław Sikorski, Edyta Sobieraj, Zbigniew Sprycha or Wojciech Szybist reveal traces of inspiration by the Spanish Golden Age. In this respect, paintings by Krakow artists stand out against other works of contemporary art both in Poland and globally. Their art should be discussed in the context of early modern meditatio mortis and tenebristic „baroqueism”, to which the artists themselves readily admit. The point of departure (frequently referred to as homage) are mystic visions, portraits by El Greco, Francisco de Zurbarán’s bodegóns or eschatological „death hieroglyphics” by Juan de Valdés Léal. References to works by the Iberian masters are accompanied by links to Carmelite writings or Jesuit mystics. Formal and ideological analysis also allows us to ask a question of the possibility of presenting the „mystic theology” described by St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus, St. John of the Cross or St. Ignatius of Loyola in contemporary religious paintings.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2016, 22; 303-328
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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