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Międzynarodowa konwencja o ochronie dóbr kulturalnych weszła w życie
Nahlik, St.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Konwencja o ochronie dóbr kulturalnych w razie konfliktu zbrojnego
ratyfikacja konwencji UNESCO 1956
Ochrona Zabytków; 1956, 4; 261-263
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność UNESCO w dziedzinie ochrony dóbr kultury
Ptaśnik, Mieczysław
Sieroszewski, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Międzynarodowa konwencja o ochronie dóbr kultury w wypadku konfliktu zbrojnego
ochrona zabytków w czasie wojny
Konwencja Haga 1954
Protokół haski
Międzynarodowy Rejestr Dóbr Kultury objętych Ochroną Specjalną
roboty inwestycyjne zagrożeniem dla zabytków
„dobra kultury”
ratowanie zabytków w Nubii
L ’UNESCO ex e rc e son a c tiv ité dans le domaine de la p ro te c tio n des b ien s c u ltu re ls sous fo rm e d ’une n o rm a lis a tio n des p ro b lème s ju rid iq u e s su r l ’a rè n e in te r n a tio n a le , de l ’o rg an isa tio n de la s au v e g a rd e im m é d ia te des m o n um en ts h is to riq u e s menac és, d ’un e coo rd in a tio n des ré a lis a tio n s s c ie n tifiq u e s e t te ch n iq u e s de la co n s e rv a tio n e t de la re s ta u ra tio n . La „Conventio n in te rn a tio n a le su r la p ro te c tio n d e s b ie n s c u ltu re ls en cas d ’u n co n flit a rm é ” a d ap té e en 1954, c o n s titu e le d o cum en t fo n d am e n ta l ju r id iq u e d ans ce d omaine. Elle a p o u r b u t, en cas d ’u n co n flit armé, d e m e ttr e à l ’a b ri les m o n um e n ts de la c u ltu re de fa ço n q u ’ils ne p u is sen t s e rv ir d ’o b je c tifs d ’o p é ra tio n s de g u e rre . D’a u tr e s o rd o n n an c e s ju rid iq u e s p u b lié e s p a r l ’UlNESOO, non encore comp rises d ans la Conv e n tio n , so n t p u b lié e s sous fo rm e d e re com m an d a tio n s, e lle s c o n c e rn e n t l ’in te rd ic tio n de l ’e x p o rta tio n illic ite des o eu v re s d ’a r t de leu rs pays re sp e c tifs e t la po ssib ilité de le u r échange légal, a in si q u e la p ro te c tio n des m o n um en ts h is to riq u e s men a c é s p a r la cons tru c tio n de n o u v e a u x o b je c tifs in d u s trie ls ou p a r la ré u rb a n is a tio n . O u tre l ’a c tiv ité ju rid iq u e , l ’in té rê t q u e l ’UNESCO ■porte au x p ro b lèm e s de la p ro te c tio n des m o n um en ts h is to riq u e s se m a n ife s te dans l ’o rg an is a tio n d’une a id e p o u r les p ay s, d o n t les en sembles de m o n um en ts, p a r su ite de cata clysme, ont é té d é tru its . In s titu é sous le p a tro n ag e de l ’UNESCO à Rome, le C e n tre In te rn a tio n a l d ’E tu d e s p o u r la C o n se rv a tio n e t la R e s ta u ra tio n des Biens C u ltu re ls e s t ch a rg é de la d o c um en ta tio n des re ch e rch e s s u r les p ro b lèm e s sc ie n tifiq u e s e t te ch n iq u e s liés à la c o n se rv a tio n et la re c o n s tru c tio n . L e C e n tre v e ille à la co o rd in a tio n e t donne l ’essor a u x tr a v a u x de ce g en re , e t l ’ICOMQS, c réé en 1965, te n d au re n fo rc em e n t de la coopéra tio n e n tre les sp é c ia liste s de d iv e rs p ays. Bien que de n omb reu se s ré a lis a tio n s a ie n t é té accomp lie s dans le d omaine de la p ro te c tio n des m o n um en ts h is to riq u e s, il c o n v ie n d ra it, d ans u n e p lu s la rg e m e su re , de d év e lo p p e r la fo rm a tio n de sp é c ia liste s -c o n - s e rv a te u rs e t r e s ta u r a te u r s a in si qu e le u r co lla b o ra tio n in te rn a tio n a le en ce q u i concerne la p ra tiq u e d ire c te de la co n se rv a tio n .
Ochrona Zabytków; 1969, 4; 249-256
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Monumentum", T. I, 1967; T. II, 1968; T. III, 1969 : [recenzja]
Lenard, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
„Monumentum” 1967-1969
historyczny ośrodek Budy
zabezpieczenie zabytków na wypadek Wojny
Konwencja Haska
niszczenie kamieni
prawodawstwo Stanów Zjednoczonych w zakresie ochrony zabytków
rekonstrukcja ruin w Seibalu
Ochrona Zabytków; 1970, 2; 148-153
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konwencja Haska z 1954 r. a konflikt na Bliskim Wschodzie
Sieroszewski, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Konwencja Haska
ratyfikowanie Konwencji Haskiej
„wojna sześciodniowa”
ochrona zespołu Starego Miasta Jerozolimy
zwoje papirusowe znad Morza Martwego
ołtarz z Banyas
The first practical application of the Hague Convention of 1954 during hostilities in the Middle East is analysed by the author who at the same time reminds that there were no possibilities for intervention by UNESCO for the sake of cultural property protection during the earlier armed conflicts as the Vietnam War or the Suez conflict of 1958. At the end of 1967 and in the beginnings of 1968 on initiative of Director General of UNESCO and in agreement with the parties interested the Commissioner Generals have been appointed to the Government of Israel and to Governments of the four Arab countries, i.e. Egypt, the Kingdom of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. At the same time during six years of hostilities the Executive Council and the Conference General of UNESCO were several times dealing with claims submitted by Jordan and the other countries with respect to behaviour of authorities of Israel with regard to cultural property in territories under occupation. The above claims concerned the illegal demolitions, archaeological excavations, transfers of historic monuments and the like Both Executive Council and Conference General during these years took several resolution’s disapproving the measures taken by Israel and demanding the cease of such practice which unfortunately have proved unsuccessful. More successful proved to be activities of Commissioner Generals in their respective places of action. Due to their e ffective work and authority they gained as a result of their activities it was possible to settle or at least to clear a number of disputable cases and to incline the occupational authorities to resign of some measures intended for changing the character and townscape of Jerusalem. From among such cases should, above all, be mentioned here that of the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls which originally were transferred from the Rockefeller Museum to the Museum of Israel and later, after conservation, have been almost completely returned. In quite similar way was settled the case of an altar taken from Banyas, Syria that after some time has been sent back to its proper place. Much effort was devoted to clear the matter of a fire of a widely known Al-Aksa mosque which, as has been later stated, was burnt out not as a result of intended setting on fire but as a result of failure of electrical installation. The above mosque is now rebuilt by WAKF, a Moslem Religious Foundation acting in agreement with the Corporation of Jerusalem. Less successful proved the endeavours aimed at inclining the Israel archaeologists to resign of excavations in the area of Jerusalem’s Old Town and of demolition of some objects in the same area which might lead to disturbances in the traditional landscape of the Old Town Quarter. Summing up his considerations the author comes to a conclusion that the Hague Convention, though not entirely free of certain lacks and obscurities and unable to ensure the full protection to cultural property during the hostilities, can palliate some their results that as a final result may be of importance both for cultural heritage of countries involved in a war conflict and the whole mankind as well.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 3; 170-175
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego
Jaworski, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Konwencja w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa 1972
dziedzictwo kulturalne
dziedzictwo naturalne
Komitet Dziedzictwa Światowego
Fundusz Dziedzictwa Światowego
dziedzictwo o światowym znaczeniu
The Polish People’s Republic ratified, in 1976, the Convention Concerning the Protection o f the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, November 16, 1972. The first step which initiated UNESCO activities in the that sphere — says the author — was the international campaign started a dozen or so years ago and aimed at saving the rock-cut temples in Abu Simbel in Nubia. That campaign, and and the following ones of similar nature, made the foundation for the setting up o f a system o f international cooperation and assistance striving for protection of the cultural heritage of outstanding and universal value. Proceeding with his deliberations the author quotes the assumptions of the Convention formulated in its preamble and points out to their significance from the viewpoint of interpretation o f the provisions o f that act. Now one of the most important tasks in the sphere of national protection o f the cultural and natural heritage is the state’s task o f including the programme for that protection into general planning. The author is aware o f the complexity of that task and the difficulties involved in its implementation because of the ditferent assumptions and values employed by the staff of monument protection service and by planners and making premises for the preparation of plans. Moreover, in some cases the planners’ failure to take into account all the elements o f environment results in the undesirable fact of certain goods o f the heritage discussed being an obstacle to implementation of plans. ' Another group o f the tasks examined by the author are those ensuing from ratification o f the Convention by Poland. The most essential there is, in his opinion, that o f drawing up an index of the goods of the nation’s cultural and natural heritage which should be proposed for being entered into the ’’list o f the world heritage”. As regards the heritage o f culture, such an index should be drawn up, together with relevant scientific documentation, by the Centre for Documentation o f Historical Monuments, Warsaw, in association with scientific institutions, major museums, and the branch offices of the Centre. In consonance with the stress laid by the Convention on the growing role of science, the author takes up the problem of the need for enchancement of the number o f high-skilled personnel to work in the respective lines of the service for the protection of the cultural and natural heritage, for improvement and development o f the scientific and research potential actively engaged in the protection o f the heritage discussed. Reference is also made of the contribution paid by Polish conservators and scientists, especially those versed in Mediterranean archeology, to the work on saving a number of monuments abroad. The following part of the paper comprises an attempt at an evaluation of the Convention. Its significance is seen by the author to lie in the grounding of a realistic system of cooperation o f the international community in protecting the goods of the said heritage which are recognized as those o f universal importance. What is meant by him as the reality o f that system is, on the one hand, the fact o f a subsidiary character having been imparted to international assistance and, on the other, that of prividong for the Convention being put into effect due to the indispensable material means of the World Heritage Fund. The author is highly appreciative o f the fact of the problems o f the cultural heritage, and those of the natural one, having been combined in the Convention. This solution is recognized as a correct one on account o f common elements appearing in the protection o f both o f them, to mention but similar tasks involved, and methods employed, in that protection and the legal institutions which serve it. In view o f the ever growing and negative role of the threats of various kinds, the author postulates preparation of a comprehensive inter-ministerial (horizontal) programme for cooperation which would take into consideration not only the problems of the protection o f the cultural and natural heritage, but also those of environmental protection in the full sense of the word. The author concludes his paper in determining the Convention as an act, internationalist in its essence which, like the whole of UNESCO activities, is far from a cosmopolitan approach to the cultural and natural heritage of the respective nations.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1977, 3-4; 108-112
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sukces paryskiej konferencji w sprawie broni "C"
Olechowski, Tadeusz.
Trybuna Ludu 1989, nr 11, s. 7
Bielecki, Tadeusz. Opracowanie
Data publikacji:
ONZ rozbrojenie polityka 1989 r.
Konferencja Rozbrojeniowa ONZ obrady udział Polski Paryż 1989 r.
Broń chemiczna produkcja stosowanie umowy międzynarodowe negocjacje 1989 r.
Konwencja o Zakazie Broni Chemicznej negocjacje 1993 r.
Przedr.: "Życie Warszawy". --- 1989, nr 11, s. 4.
"Żołnierz Wolności". --- 1989, nr 11, s. 2.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW

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