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Skok pokwitaniowy i budowa ciała dziewcząt z Meridy (Jukatan, Meksyk) jako sposób przystosowania do warunków życia
Pubertal spurt and body build of schoolgirls from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Zielińska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
skok pokwitaniowy
budowa ciała dziewcząt
ekologia człowieka
Pubertal spurt
body build of schoolgirls
human ecology
The patterns of physical growth (stature, BMI, subscapular and arm fat-fold thickness, upper and lower extremity length, chest circumference, arm, and hip breadth, and age at menarche) were studied in 857 of Maya and Mestizo girls and 1314 of Creole girls aged 6-18 years. Data were collected between 1998-2001 in primary, secondary, and high schools of Merida, Capital City of the Yucatan State, Mexico. The ethnicity of girls was defined using their two surnames (from the father and mother side). The results show that Creoles are taller, have more abundant fat tissue, and greater BMI, especially at the age of 11 years, which means that they are better prepared to start pubertal spurt. Maya girls have relatively longer upper extremities to lower ones, greater biacromial breadth, and chest circumference to stature than Creoles, which shows their more stocky body build. The adolescent (pubertal) spurt in height starts earlier in Creoles (9-10 years) and its rate is greater (max. = 7.48 cm/ year) than in Maya and Mestizos girls (10-11 years; max. = 6.25 cm/year). In Mayas and Mestizos, there is only a slight difference between the rate of changes before and during the pubertal spurt. There are no significant differences in age at menarche between girls from both ethnic groups (11.96 in Mayas and Mestizos and 12.04 in Creoles), but there are statistically significant differences between age at menarche of studied girls and their mothers (12.4 for both groups) in each ethnic group. There is evidence that the onset of pubertal spurt in height and its rate may depend on ethnicity. Creoles may lead to a more “westernized” style of life than the Maya and Mestizos girls.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2003, 1, 1; 141-158
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Każde dziecko i każda jego cecha ma swoiste tempo rozwoju, modyfikowane przez warunki życia w danym okresie. (Raport 2 z dwuletnich comiesięcznych badań na Jukatanie w Meksyku)
Each child and each of its features has a specific pace of development, modified by the living conditions in a given period. (Report 2 of a Biennial Monthly Survey in Yucatan, Mexico)
Wolański, Napoleon
Rojas, Armando
Valentin, Graciela
Siniarska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
ekologia człowieka
human ecology
In the first report, the specific monthly rate of changes of body build measures, typical for a studied group of youths and /or seasonal changes according to climatic conditions were not observed (Siniarska et al., 2005). The preliminary results suggested that observed changes rather depend on an adjustment to conditions and mode of life than to changes in nature. In the present report changes in particularly studied individuals were analyzed to verify the previous hypothesis suggesting that the rate of development has an immediate (causal) sense. The problem of whether the pubertal spurt is a single developmental effort or series of changes with dominance of intensified increments was considered. To explain the phenomenon of difference in onset of the pubertal spurt and its intensity in various populations, monthly measurements were conducted in individuals being at the age of puberty. The results show that each individual and its variable show a different rate of changes. It suggests that the rate of development and changes in body mass and fat mass are occasional. It rather depends on living conditions, mostly on nutrition and mode of life (physical activity and leisure). The only regularity shows that rather short (1-3 months) periods of rapid growth (saltations) are divided by slower growth periods (stasis), but their duration and time of occurrence have a very individual character. The rate and rhythm of each body build variables are also different. These phenomena depend rather on condition s in which the development of each individual occurs, as well as on its genetic predispositions and eco-sensitivity. It is probable, that differences in onset and intensity of pubertal spurt depend on alternations between periods of saltations and stasis of growth processes and on changes in body mass. These studies need to be repeated during a longer period of time (at least within a 5-year period ), in different climatic conditions and social groups.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 47-74
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współzależność cech budowy ciała i dynamiki ich zmian w okresie pokwitania (raport 3 z dwuletnich comiesięcznych badań na Jukatanie w Meksyku)
Interrelation between body build variables and their velocity during puberty. (The third report of monthly-two-year investigations in Yucatan, Mexico)
Wolański, Napoleon
Rojas, Armando
Uc, Ligia
Siniarska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
ekologia człowieka
human ecology
In the present, the third publication included in this volume, the main topic considers the explanation of the existence of any relations between studied variables of body builds during the period of 22 months, e.g. from the beginning till the end of investigations. At that time the considerable changes related to the pubertal period took place. The results of the correlation matrix between studied variables and factor analysis for the whole material and for each gender separately are presented. It is seen that there are differences between boys and girls in the interrelation concerning studied variables and in separated latent factors. It is rather related to differences in the phase of puberty (more advanced girls than boys in this process), although the same calendar age. Girls who mature earlier are characterized by greater initial stature and greater body weight, BM I fat mass (including subcutaneous fat tissue), and fat-free mass at the beginning and end of the study than girls who mature later. However, later matured girls show, in the whole investigated period, greater increments in stature and weight than earlier matured ones (of the same calendar age). At the earlier stage of puberty (boys under study) the factor one (F I) representing body mass and its increments, is associated with final body height (at the end of study), whereas F3 is associated with initial height (at the beginning of the study). This association is reverse at the latter phase of puberty (girls under study), while F I (also representing body mass but not its increments) is associated with the initial height, whereas final height represents the separate factor (F3).
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 75-88
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Panorama demograficzna meksykańskiej części Półwyspu Jukatan w latach 1990-2010
Demographic panorama of the Mexican part of the Yucatan Peninsula in 1990-2010
Winiarczyk-Raźniak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Półwysep Jukatan
przemiany demograficzne
przyrost naturalny
struktura płci i wieku
birth rate
demographic changes
gender and age structures
Maya people
Yucatan Peninsula
Półwysep Jukatan, w granicach Meksyku podzielony administracyjnie na trzy stany: Campeche, Quintana Roo oraz Yucatán, charakteryzuje się specyficznymi cechami przemian demograficznych. Zamieszkany jest przez wieloetniczne, wielokulturowe oraz wielojęzyczne społeczeństwo. Przeszłość historyczna tego obszaru, od czasów prekolumbijskich do współczesności, w dużym stopniu zaważyła na procesach i tendencjach, jakie kształtowały obraz demograficzny tego regionu. Celem opracowania jest analiza demograficznych i społecznych przemian, jakie zachodzą na terenie badanych trzech meksykańskich stanów, na przełomie XX i XXI w. Badanie dotyczy zmian liczby ludności, poziomu urbanizacji, przyrostu naturalnego, migracji oraz struktur płci i wieku w latach 1990 – 2010. Analizy statystyczne oparto o dane zaczerpnięte z kolejnych trzech spisów ludności Meksyku: w 1990, 2000 i 2010 r. Na badanym obszarze zaobserwowano wzrost gęstości zaludnienia, szczególnie w gminach na terenie których zlokalizowane są duże miasta. W badaniu zwraca uwagę również wzrost poziomu urbanizacji, przy jednoczesnym występowaniu gmin pozostających bez ośrodków miejskich. Najbardziej zauważalne kontrasty demograficzne na półwyspie można zaobserwować między regionami wiejskimi a miejskimi. W badanym okresie zauważono z kolei wyraźny spadek przyrostu naturalnego, w szczególności w obszarach wysoko zurbanizowanych. Zmiany modelu prokreacji oraz rodziny widoczne są również na przykładzie piramid płci i wieku. Wskazują one na zmiany w liczbie urodzeń oraz na odejście od cech charakterystycznych dla społeczeństwa słabo rozwiniętego. Bardzo ważnym bodźcem, wpływającym na przemiany demograficzne na badanym terenie są migracje, skupiające ludność przede wszystkim na obszarach dużych miast, oraz w gminach je otaczających.
The Yucatan Peninsula, within the Mexican borders administratively divided into three states: Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatán, is characterized by specific features of demographic change. This region is inhabited by a multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual society. The historical past of this area, from pre-Columbian times to the present day, largely influenced the processes and tendencies that shaped the demographic picture of the region. The aim of the study is to analyze the demographic and social changes that are taking place in the three Mexican states studied at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The study concerns population changes, urbanization level, birth rate, migration as well as gender and age structures in the years 1990 - 2010. Statistical analyzes were based on data taken from the next three censuses of Mexico: in 1990, 2000 and 2010. An increase in the population density was observed in the studied area, especially in communes in which large cities are located. The study also notes the increase in the level of urbanization, with the simultaneous occurrence of municipalities without urban centers. The most noticeable demographic contrasts on the peninsula can be observed between rural and urban regions. In the examined period a clear decrease in the birth rate was noted, especially in highly urbanized areas. Changes in the procreation model and the family are also visible on the example of sex and age pyramids. They point to changes in the number of births and a departure from the characteristics of an underdeveloped society. A very important stimulus affecting demographic changes in the studied area are migrations, focusing the population primarily on the areas of large cities and in the surrounding municipalities.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica; 2020, 15; 103-117
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Geographica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy istnieje sezonowy rytm rozwoju w warunkach tropikalnych? (Raport 1 z dwuletnich comiesięcznych badań na Jukatanie w Meksyku)
Does a seasonal developmental rhythm in tropical conditions exist? (The first report from the monthly-two-year studies in Yucatan, Mexico)
Siniarska, Anna
Rojas, Armando
Valentin, Graciela
Wolański, Napoleon
Dickinson, Federico
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
ekologia człowieka
human ecology
The main aim of this work concerns the answer to the question of whether the general regularity of seasonal differences in changes of height, weight, and body components during ontogeny in tropics exists. If so, whether this phenomenon depends on cyclic changes in nature or this rather is an adjustment to local conditions and mode of life.  To answer this question the studies took place in the tropical climate of Yucatan and included 49 boys and 47 girls aged 11-12 years and being of Maya, Mestizo, and Creole origin. The youths were attending two schools that were located in rather poor districts of Merida (the capital city of the Yucatan State, Mexico). The investigations started in February 2002 and ended in November 2003 and were continued monthly. The standard anthropometric methodology was applied to measure body height, weight, arm, waist, hip, and calf circumferences, and five subcutaneous fat folds (biceps and triceps brachii, subscapular, suprailiac and calf). Bioimpedance techniques were used to estimate fat mass (FM ), fat-free mass (FFM ), and total body water (TBW). The results show that general regularities in monthly or longer rates of stature increments and increments or declines of body mass do not exist. There are not similar regularities of changes even in groups of coevals of the same gender and within the youths coming from the same district. Each variable shows a quite specific rate of change.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2004, 2, 1; 9-46
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Construction of the nest of Amazilia rutila De Lattre (Trochillidae) and its anti-predatory defensive strategy in a medium deciduous forest in Campeche, Mexico
López-Castilla, Héctor M.J.
Ríos-Oviedo, Ángel
Cetzal-Ix, William
Basu, Saikat Kumar
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Asclepias curassavica
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
Mangifera indica
Yucatan peninsula
Półwysep Jukatan
The Yucatan peninsula (YP) is part of a biogeographical area characterised by its diversity of flora and fauna, among which are the birds, mainly hummingbirds, which are indicators of the state of conservation of the ecosystems. In birds, the site establishment and construction of nest plays a fundamental role for reproduction and survival rate, the selection of materials occurs opportunistically, but birds tend to use fresh leaves of plants with antimicrobial properties or that allow the depletion of ectoparasites in their nests. In this sense, for the first time we recorded for the cinnamon hummingbird (Amazilia rutila De Lattre), the materials used for the construction of its nest and the site of establishment of the nest in the host plants in two sites of a medium sub-deciduous forest in, Mexico. We recorded the construction of nests of A. rutila in two locations in Campeche; in the first site the nest was found in a chaya bush Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) I.M. Johnst. (Euphorbiaceae); most possibly as an anti-predatory strategy for trichomes in the form of sharp hairs and spines that the plants possess in their stems and leaves. In the second site, the nest was found in a mango tree Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae). The main vegetative material identified for the construction of the nests in both locations, were made from pappus (thin and cottony filament that possess the seeds for the dispersion) from Asclepias curassavica L. (Apocynaceae).
Półwysep Jukatan (YP) jest częścią obszaru biogeograficznego charakteryzującego się różnorodnością flory i fauny. Wśród fauny licznie występują ptaki, głównie kolibry, będące wskaźnikami stanu zachowania ekosystemów. Dla ptaków zakładanie i budowa gniazda odgrywa podstawową rolę w rozmnażaniu i przeżywalności. Wybór materiałów na gniazda odbywa się oportunistycznie, ale ptaki zwykle używają świeżych liści, o właściwościach rzeciwdrobnoustrojowych lub pozwalających na odstraszenie pasożytów zewnętrznych z ich gniazd. W tym kontekście, dla kolibra cynamonowego (Amazilia rutila De Lattre) po raz pierwszy opisaliśmy materiały użyte do budowy gniazda oraz miejsce założenia gniazda w roślinach żywicielskich, w dwóch lokalizacjach lasu liściastego w Meksyku. Obserwowaliśmy budowę gniazd A. rutila w dwóch lokalizacjach w Campeche. W pierwszym miejscu gniazdo znaleziono w zaroślach Chaya Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Mill.) I.M. Johnst. (Euphorbiaceae); ostre włoski i kolce, które mają rośliny z tego rodzaju na swoich łodygach i liściach, najprawdopodobniej występują tu jako anty-drapieżna strategia dla włosieni. W drugim miejscu gniazdo znaleziono na drzewie mango Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae). Główny materiał roślinny zidentyfikowany do budowy gniazd w obu lokalizacjach został wykonany z puchu – pappus (cienkiego i bawełnianego filamentu służącego do dyspersji nasion) z Asclepias curassavica L. (Apocynaceae).
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae; 2019, 4; 67-77
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawność fizyczna dzieci wiejskich i miejskich z niskiej grupy społeczno-ekonomicznej na Jukatanie (Meksyk)
Physical fitness of urban and rural schoolchildren from low social strata in Yucatan, Mexico
Aftanasiuk, Maryla
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
ekologia człowieka
sprawność fizyczna
obszary wiejskie
human ecology
Physical fitness
rural schoolchildren
urban schoolchildren
Body build and physical fitness of schoolchildren of low socioeconomic strata from urban and rural areas of Yucatan were studied. The material consisted of 552 children from Merida (the capital city of Yucatan State, Mexico) and of 526 children from the Yaxcaba horticultural community, 7 through 14 years of age. These are cross-sectional samples studied in 1996-97 in Merida and in 1999 and 2000 in Yaxcaba. The ethnic origin was evaluated using two surnames of children (from the father and mother side). The studied variables included stature, BMI, arm circumference, grip strength, agility run, Sargent vertical jump index (explosive strength), spine flexibility index, and reaction time. Urban children are significantly taller than rural ones, and BMI and arm circumference show also a tendency to be greater in urban areas. Physical fitness tests are better performed (better results) in rural areas than in urban ones. If the whole material is divided according to two ethnic groups (Mayas and Mestizos, and Creoles)  the differences in body build are still observed but those in physical fitness disappeared. Creole children are taller than Mayas and Mestizos and they show a tendency to have more weight for height and greater arm circumference. Generally, the differences in physical fitness are only observed between rural and urban children what may be caused by a more active way of life in villages than in towns resulting from agricultural activity. However, differences in stature are observed between ethnic as well as between rural and urban groups. This may have the genetic origin (Creoles and Mayas), and in the case of different localities, it may also be caused by more various nutrition in towns than in villages.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2003, 1, 1; 127-140
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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