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Usi indotti dal motore di ricerca: l’“iper-pianificazione” nella scrittura in rete
Uses Induced by the Search Engine: “Hyper-Planning” in Web Writing
Rainone, Michele
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
history of the Italian language
Italian linguistics
web writing
storia della lingua italiana
linguistica italiana
scritture digitali
On a daily basis, Google’s algorithm plays a decisive role in determining the success or failure of web content. Authors must not only consider linguistic norms and conventions, which have been thoroughly explored in the literature on the subject, but also adhere to Google’s guidelines and the suggestions of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) experts in order to optimise their content for a high position in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). This process is highly complex, as it depends on the continuous updates of the search engine and requires consideration of all the services provided by Google—such as YouTube, Images, and Discover, among others—to meet the diverse needs of its users. Moreover, if necessary, the significant impact of social media, which is in some way connected with search engines, cannot be underestimated. It is evident that the search engine induces certain linguistic usages and trends, and its important role must be acknowledged in providing a clear and impartial view of such phenomena. In the context of web writing, the practice of “hyper-planning” is a fundamental aspect that is largely dependent on Google’s guidelines, as well as authors’ adherence to official guidelines, SEO manuals, and case studies. This approach embodies a markedly distinct attitude from the nonchalant approach often associated with web writing. This work is based on a corpus of 40 online guides and aims to illustrate the influence of the search engine on editorial choices concerning the lexicon (as part of “surface” planning), textuality, syntax, and content structure (as part of a more “deep” planning).
Con il proprio algoritmo Google decreta quotidianamente il successo o l’insuccesso dei contenuti pubblicati nel web. Gli autori devono tener conto tanto della norma linguistica e più in generale della forma, già attentamente studiate dalla letteratura scientifica sull’argomento, quanto delle linee guida di Google e dei suggerimenti degli esperti SEO (Search Engine Optimization) sull’ottimizzazione dei contenuti per il posizionamento vincente nella SERP. Si tratta di un’attività molto complessa che dipende anche dagli aggiornamenti continui del motore di ricerca e che non può escludere né i molti servizi messi a disposizione da Google per soddisfare i bisogni dell’utenza (YouTube, Immagini, Discover ecc.) né, là dove necessario, il peso dei social media. Alcuni usi e alcune tendenze sono quindi evidentemente indotti dal motore di ricerca, il cui il ruolo non può essere affatto sottovalutato per restituire una visione chiara e non parziale dei fenomeni linguistici. L’“iper-pianificazione” è senza dubbio uno degli aspetti fondamentali della scrittura in rete che dipendono in buona parte da Google e soprattutto dall’idea che l’autore ha maturato su questo tipo di scrittura seguendo le linee guida ufficiali, la manualistica SEO, i case study ecc. Essa è frutto di un atteggiamento quasi opposto alla disinvoltura in genere attribuita a tali scritture. Questo lavoro, basato su un corpus di quaranta guide online, mira a illustrare con gli esempi più rilevanti quanto il motore di ricerca abbia influenzato le scelte editoriali sul lessico, che rientrano in una pianificazione “di superficie”, e quelle sulla testualità, sulla sintassi e sulla presentazione dei contenuti, relative una pianificazione più “profonda”.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2023, 14.2; 171-189
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Laggiornamento dei docenti di italiano L2. Una ricerca sulle necessità formative degli insegnanti
Professional Training and Updating of Italian as Second Language Teachers. A Research on Teachers Training Needs
Facchetti, Giulio
Grosso, Micaela
Nitti, Paolo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
aggiornamento professionale
didattica L2
lingua italiana
linguistica italiana
linguistica educativa
professional training
SL teaching
Italian language
language teaching
Italian Linguistics
Educational Linguistics
In this essay, we discuss the results of a questionnaire to observe the perception of the needs associated with the professional training of Italian as Second Language teachers. Previously, we investigated these necessities according to a scientific literature review. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of teachers in order to explore the professional needs and the critical aspects of Italian as Second Language Teaching. From data analysis two significant needs emerge. The first being the formal instruction of language training, and the second being to improve the communication between academic research and professional life.
In questo contributo sono discussi i risultati di un questionario relativo alle necessità formative del personale docente, che si occupa di insegnamento dell’italiano L2. A partire dalla valutazione della letteratura scientifica di riferimento, è stato strutturato un questionario per rilevare i bisogni formativi e gli aspetti critici in merito alla dimensione della didattica dell’italiano L2. Dall’analisi dei dati emerge con chiarezza il desiderio di formazione di carattere linguistico e la necessità di ulteriori raccordi fra mondo accademico e professionale.
e-Scripta Romanica; 2019, 7; 29-39
Pojawia się w:
e-Scripta Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La concettualizzazione della depressione nel discorso giornalistico italiano
The conceptualisation of depression in the Italian journalistic discourse
Kuncy-Zając, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Cognitive Linguistics
Italian journalistic discourse
The aim of this article is to illustrate the most frequent conceptualisations of depression in the contemporary Italian media discourse. The analyses presented in the paper are mainly based on the cognitive theory of metaphor by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson and form a part of a wider research topic regarding the differences in conceptualisation of depression depending on such factors as the language, the type of the discourse and the personal experience of the author concerning the state of depression. The study revealed that depression is represented the most frequently in the analysed corpus through the frame of disease, and by the metaphors DEPRESSION IS AN ENEMY and DEPRESSION IS A LOCATION, often situated down and taking the form of a container. Less numerous and regular were other kinds of its personifi cations and representations of depression as an object or danger.
Linguistica Silesiana; 2019, 40; 257-271
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Come si manifestano le emozioni nei nomi delle organizzazioni non profit italiane?
How Do Emotions Manifest Themselves in the Italian Non-Profit Organisations’ Names?
Groblińska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Italian non-profit organisations
third sector
La manifestazione delle emozioni negli onimi non è un fenomeno frequente. Vista però la ricchezza generale della crematonimia, l’obiettivo di questo articolo è di verificare come si manifestano le emozioni nei nomi delle organizzazioni non profit italiane. L’analisi di oltre 100 mila voci crematonimiche ha inoltre permesso di stabilire a quali livelli e con quali strumenti linguistici gli italiani esprimono le loro (e altrui) emozioni nei nomi delle organizzazioni non profit. L’espressione delle emozioni viene effettuata a livello grammaticale, semantico, retorico o extralinguistico. Fra gli strumenti, invece, si possono enumerare rispettivamente: affissi, lessemi, metafore, nonché simboli grafici che accompagnano un crematonimo. La ricerca ha dato anche possibilità di constatare che il riferimento alle emozioni nei crematonimi sociali ha una funzione pragmatica, sociale e di marketing.
The emotions’ manifestation in the onyms is not a frequent phenomenon. Although, due to the chrematonymy’s general richness, the main aim of this article is to verify how the emotions manifest themselves in the Italian non-profit organisations’ names. The analysis of more than 100 000 chrematonyms has given the opportunity to decide on which levels the Italians express their (and other’s) emotions in the non-profit organisations’ names. The expression of the emotions is realized on the grammatical, semantic, rhetorical or extralinguistic level. Another goal of this paper is to find out with what kind of linguistic instruments the emotions are expressed. Among those instruments we will observe: affixes, lexemes, metaphors, or graphic symbols that accompany a chrematonym. The research has given the opportunity to prove that the reference to the emotions in the social chrematonyms has pragmatic, social and marketing functions.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica; 2023, 18; 19-32
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Błędy ortograficzne wynikające z interferencji językowej w pracach pisemnych polskojęzycznych studentów italianistyki
Spelling errors resulting from linguistic interference in the work of written Polish-speaking students of Italian
Gnyś, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Italian language
język włoski
Celem artykułu jest analiza błędów ortograficznych występujących w pracach pisemnych polskojęzycznych studentów uczących się języka włoskiego jako języka obcego. Pojawiające się błędy związane są z nieodłącznym zjawiskiem, jakie towarzyszy procesowi uczenia się języka obcego, tak zwanej interferencji międzyjęzykowej. W artykule przedstawione zostaną problemy dotyczące: a) zastępowania grafemów włoskich ich odpowiednikami występującymi w alfabecie polskim, b) braku podwojeń identycznych liter, c) dopisywania w internacjonalizmach dodatkowej litery występującej w pisowni polskiej, d) zastępowania liter oznaczających spółgłoski dźwięczne bezdźwięcznymi, e) błędnego stosowania wielkiej i małej litery oraz f) pisowni hiperpoprawnej.
The aim of the studyis to trace spelling errors occurring in the written works of Polish-speaking students learning Italian as a foreign language. The resulting errors are related to the inherent phenomenon that accompanies the process of learning a foreign language, the so-called inter-lingual interference. The article presents: a) issues related to the replacement of Italian graphs with their counterparts in the Polish alphabet, b) the absence of identical letters, c) the insertion of additional letters in Polish spelling, d) the substitution of consonants for voiceless consonants, e) misapplication of upper and lower case letters, and f) hyperpolic spelling.
Linguodidactica; 2017, 21; 97-107
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interferenza Linguistica Nella Traduzione Specializzata. Il Caso Del Linguaggio Medico Italiano In Polacco
Linguistic interference in specialized translation. The case of the Italian medical language in Polish
Maniowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
linguistic interference
comparative linguistics
Polish and Italian language of medicine
The issue of linguistic interference will be analysed from the point of view of medical translations in the Italian-Polish linguistic pair. Since linguistic interference can manifest itself at almost all levels of the text (phonetic, orthographic, morphological, syntactic, socio-cultural), with the analysis of the fragments taken from translated medical documents we would like to understand which are the most frequent cases of the phenomenon when it comes to translated medical texts and which factors favour the interference most.
Linguistica Silesiana; 2022, 43; 141-156
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
I prefissi verbali russi pri- e do-: semantica spaziale e possibili corrispondenze in italiano
Russian Verbal Prefixes pri- and do-: On the Spatial Semantics and their Corresponding Italian Forms
Zangoli, Giulia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
contrastive linguistics
prefissi verbali
linguistica contrastiva
In this paper, we analyse the spatial meaning of verbal prefixes pri- and do- and their semantic contribution to the lexicalisation of motion events. Our analysis is based primarily on the lexicographic description of these prefixes proposed in the Academic Grammar of the Russian Language (Švedova et al., 1980) and on the interpretation given to them in different works devoted to the study of the semantics of verbal prefixes in the Russian language. In different contributions, it is observed that the spatial meaning of the prefix pri- expresses the reaching of the goal of motion, including the crossing of its threshold (boundary-crossing). In contrast, the spatial semantics of the prefix do- is mostly described in relation to the progressive approaching to an endpoint along a spatial scale (boundary-reaching). In the course of the contrastive analysis, an attempt will be made to identify and describe possible Italian correspondences for Russian verbs of motion with prefixes pri- and do-. We also consider which semantic components of a motion event encoded in a Russian prefixed verb are expressed or omitted in the corresponding Italian constructions. The research has been conducted on the parallel Russian-Italian corpus, part of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (we consider just a few examples).
Nel presente contributo si analizza il significato spaziale dei prefissi verbali pri- e doe il loro contributo nella lessicalizzazione degli eventi di moto. La nostra analisi si basa in primo luogo sulla descrizione lessicografica di questi prefissi, sulla definizione proposta nella Grammatica Accademica della lingua russa (Švedova et al., 1980) e sull’interpretazione data in differenti studi dedicati allo studio della semantica dei prefissi verbali nella lingua russa. In differenti contributi (Dobrušina et al., 2001; Dickey, 2010; Kagan, 2016; Padučeva, 2002, 2004) si osserva che il significato spaziale del prefisso pri- esprime il raggiungimento della meta, incluso il superamento del confine dell’entità di riferimento (boundary-crossing nella letteratura anglofona). Al contrario, la semantica spaziale del prefisso do- è descritta perlopiù in rapporto al progressivo raggiungimento di un limite lungo una scala spaziale (boundary-reaching). Nel corso dell’analisi contrastiva si individuano e descrivono alcune possibili corrispondenze italiane per i verbi di moto formati per mezzo dei prefissi pri- e do-. Si analizza inoltre quali componenti semantiche di un evento di moto codificate in un verbo prefissato russo sono espresse od omesse nelle corrispondenti costruzioni italiane. L’analisi contrastiva è condotta su alcuni esempi tratti dal corpus parallelo russo-italiano del Corpus Nazionale della Lingua Russa. Il contributo si compone di quattro parti. La prima parte introduce il lettore alla ricerca. Nella seconda parte è presentato il quadro concettuale di riferimento dello studio ed è descritta la semantica spaziale dei prefissi verbali russi pri- e do- secondo le fonti considerate. La terza parte è dedicata all’analisi contrastiva degli esempi tratti dal corpus parallelo. Seguono nell’ultima parte le nostre considerazioni sui risultati, seppur parziali e non esaustivi, dello studio.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2023, 14.1; 163-187
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słowniki włosko-polskie i polsko-włoskie na przełomie XX i XXI wieku – próba bibliografii
Italian-Polish and Polish-Italian dictionaries at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries – a preliminary bibliography
Gnyś, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
bilingual dictionaries
Italian-Polish dictionaries
słowniki dwujęzyczne
słowniki włosko-polskie / polsko-włoskie
W artykule zestawiono bibliografię słowników bilingwalnych włosko-polskich i polsko-włoskich, wydanych drukiem w formie książkowej w latach 1989–2016. Wykazano, że w sumie w tym okresie ukazało się 59 różnych leksykonów, z czego 42 to słowniki ogólne, a 17 to słowniki systematyczne. Wzrost liczby słowników wydawanych po 1989 roku w porównaniu z latami wcześniejszymi, wynika z kilku przyczyn. Jedną z nich jest zainteresowanie językiem włoskim jako językiem kultury, literatury, muzyki, twórczości artystycznej, aktywności turystycznej, kulinarnej, społecznej, religijnej, politycznej i ekonomicznej mającej długą tradycję. Drugą przyczyną są możliwości wymiany studenckiej w ramach programu Erasmus i studiowania we Włoszech, a także możliwość realizacji kariery zawodowej we Włoszech.
The article contains a bibliography of bilingual Italian-Polish and Polish-Italian dictionaries, printed as books in the years 1989–2016. It seems that altogether there appeared 59 various lexicons, including 42 general dictionaries and 17 thematic dictionaries. That significant increase in the number of dictionaries published after 1989 compared to the previous periods has been a result of several causes; one of them is a long-standing popularity of Italian as a language of culture, literature, music, arts, tourism, cuisine and religion and of the interest in the socio-political situation of Italy. Another cause is the student exchange within the Erasmus Programme and a possibility of studying in Italy and building a professional career there.
Studia Językoznawcze; 2018, 17; 105-117
Pojawia się w:
Studia Językoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Valence des verbes de perception en français et italien : perspective diachronique
The valency of perception verbs in French and Italian: A diachronic perspective
Blumenthal, Peter
Rovere, Giovanni
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Dependency grammar
perception verbs
history of French
history of Italian
contrastive linguistics
Le thème de notre contribution,  conçue dans la perspective de la grammaire de construction, est à la fois contrastif et diachronique. Nous nous intéressons, après beaucoup d’autres linguistes, au comportement syntaxique des verbes d’un certain groupe constitué selon des critères sémantiques : les verbes de perception (entendre, voir, etc.). Contrairement à notre attente, les possibilités syntaxiques de ces verbes ne sont pas identiques. Ainsi, il apparaît rapidement que le verbe observer a tendance à faire bande à part. Nous essayerons, d’une part, de comprendre les raisons de ce statut spécial, d’autre part, de voir dans quelle mesure l’acceptabilité de la phrase avec observer peut être améliorée par une action sur d’autres paramètres de la phrase. Cette recherche nous permet d’identifier le rôle important d’un facteur que la rhétorique classique appelait evidentia.
This paper explores perception verbs (like ‘hear’ and ‘see’) from a construction grammar perspective, with a focus on both contrastive and diachronic aspects. Surprisingly, our corpus analysis suggests that different verbs from this semantic groups do not display a homogeneous syntactic behaviour. For example the verb ‘observer’ stands out from other verbs in this group. We attempt to account for the special status of ‘observer’ and discuss the extent to which the acceptability of sentences featuring ‘observer’ can be improved by acting on certain parameters in the sentence. Our research highlights the role of a factor referred to as evidentia in classical rhetoric.
Neophilologica; 2023, 35; 1-16
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gli errori nell’uso delle preposizioni in italiano. Uno studio condotto sugli studenti universitari polacchi di livello A2
Gandor, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
error classification
applied linguistics
język włoski
klasyfikacja błędów
lingwistyka stosowana
The aim of this study is to list errors in the use of prepositions in Italian, which are made by first‑year students at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. We have analysed the written final examination papers of students who started learning Italian without prior knowledge of the language. The identified errors have been classified and for each group of errors we have indicated the potential cause of their occurrence. The conclusions of our research can raise language awareness as to the correct usage of the Italian prepositions.
Celem badania jest wyszczególnienie błędów w zakresie użycia przyimka w języku włoskim popełnianych przez studentów pierwszego roku na Wydziale Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Analizie zostały poddane końcoworoczne pisemne prace egzaminacyjne studentów rozpoczynających naukę języka włoskiego od podstaw. Wyodrębnione błędy zostały sklasyfikowane, a dla każdej grupy błędów podano potencjalną przyczynę ich wystąpienia. Prezentowane wnioski mogą przyczynić się do zwiększenia świadomości językowej studentów w zakresie użycia przyimków w języku włoskim.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2021, 1; 110-123
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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