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Niewerbalne elementy perswazji w ikonografii biblijnej sceny spotkania Chrystusa z faryzeuszami i jawnogrzesznicą - na wybranych przykładach ze sztuki włoskiej XVI i XVII wieku
Pięcińska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
speech act theory
Italian art
non-verbal communication
The aim of this paper is to present the methods of depicting the act of persuasion on the picture in the background of the speech act theory. The analysis is based on the examples of Italian paintings from 16th and 17th century that are showing the scene of Christ meeting the adulteress. Firstly, the sequence of speech acts drawn from the text of the Gospel of saint John has been decoded. Furtherly, it was shown which of them had been chosen by the artists and how they had managed to transform the text into the painting using such tools as color, light and shade valor, and the direction of lines that organizes the composition. The conclusion is as follows: the act of persuasion can be easily recognized in painting not only due to the expressions of the faces of the protagonists of the scene and their gestures but as well due to the pure pictorial elements like the diagonal lines and strong contrast between light and shade.
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy; 2018, 5; 109-124
Pojawia się w:
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La poetica del Futurismo. Oltre i confini dell’arte
Campa, Riccardo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Italian Futurism, Futurism, art, poetics
The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between the program and the actual achievements of Italian Futurism. The Futurists introduce in literature the themes of the new urban, industrial, dynamic, technological, and tumultuous civilization, through a poetic which, without inhibitions, breaks linguistic, pictorial, rhetorical, and metric rules. The “words-in-freedom” program leads to the “liberation” of various forms of energy and vitality, and opens the way for a revolution in the perception of reality. The principle of mimesis gives way to free creation, which breaks down the boundaries between the fine arts and engineering, between artistic disciplines and life experience. The futurists seek not only the natural sublime as their predecessors, but also produce and glorify the artificial sublime, made through science and technology
Romanica Cracoviensia; 2015, 15, 4
Pojawia się w:
Romanica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O malarce, która ,,osiągnęła w szkicu i rysunku poziom wyższy od jakiejkolwiek innej artystki naszych czasów”. Autoportret Sofonisby Anguissoli
On a female painter who “achieved in sketch and drawing a level higher than any other female artist of our time”. Sofonisba Anguissola’s self-portrait
Morello, Magda
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Sofonisba Anguissola
female painter
Italian art
sztuka włoska
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy życia i twórczości włoskiej, renesansowej malarki Sofonisby Anguissoli, Cel stanowiło dokonanie porównania i interpretacji autoportretów artystki w kontekście jej biografii, na trzech różnych poziomach.  Pierwsza warstwa, skoncentrowana jest na kwestiach formalnych, takich jak kompozycja, kolorystyka czy zakres tematyczny, druga wychodzi nieco poza ramy obrazu, wyprowadza obraz na szerszy kontekst społeczno- kulturowy oraz czasy, w jakich żyła malarka. Wreszcie w trzeciej, najgłębiej sięgającej warstwie podjęto próbę zrozumienia motywacji oraz charakteru samej malarki. Tekst ten dąży do spojrzenia na Sofonisbę, artystkę tamtych czasów, oczami współcześnie żyjącej kobiety. Choć dzieli je niemal 500 lat, dzięki niezwykłej właściwości sztuki, jaką jest jej nieprzemijalność, mogą dziś, poprzez płótno, stanąć niemal twarzą w twarz. Analizując jej autoportrety, można dostrzec różne etapy jej życia – młodość, dorosłość oraz starość. Każdy portret odpowiada innemu typowi wrażliwości, aspiracji i pragnień. Od pełnej pasji młodej artystki niemal wkraczającej w jej życie zawodowe, przez dojrzałą i pewną siebie kobietę, aż po spełnioną życiem starą matronę, oczekującą ze spokojem na odejście. Artystka ta, nie tylko wytyczyła styl kobiecych portretów na następne lata, ale pozostawiła po sobie także pewnego rodzaju pamiętnik portretowy, dokumentujący ją na każdym z etapów życia. Ten specyficzny typ malarstwa jakim jest autoportret, silnie skoncentrowany na oddaniu prawdziwej osobowości i charakteru człowieka, tak często przez nią podejmowany, nabiera więc nowego wymiaru i ponadczasowego przesłania.  
The article is about the life and artworks of an Italian renaissance female painter, Sofonisba Anguissola. Its objective is to compare her self-portraits in three different layers- the first one concentrates on formal matters such as composition, colours and theme, the second layer steps out from the frame of the painting and delves into cultural aspects of her life and tries to understand her works in that context. And the third, final layer tries to reveal her own motivations and dreams and looks at her, an artist from those times, through the eyes of a modern woman who, even though living almost 500 years later, thanks to impermanence of art can still feel and experience similar emotions. By analysing her self-portraits, it is possible to see different stages of her life: youth, adulthood and elderly years. Each portrait corresponds to a different type of sensibility, aspirations and desires: from passionate young artist nearly stepping into her professional life, through matured and self-assured woman, till an old matron fulfilled by her life and expecting the end with peace. This great painter not only laid out the style of female portraits for the next hundreds of years but also left us with something like a portrait- journal which can lead to transcendental and timeless perspective into art.
Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica; 2021, 3; 207-218
Pojawia się w:
Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
All Paths Lead to Rome. Establishing an Italian American Archive of the Visual Arts of the late 1950s and early 1960s
Blandino, Laura
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
post-war art
Trans-Atlantic art scene
archive Trans-Atlantic experience
Milton Gendel
American Art
Italian Art
Laura BlandinoUniversity of TurinItalyAll Paths Lead to Rome. Establishing an Italian American Archive of the Visual Arts of the late 1950s and early 1960sThis paper examines the role Rome played in the 1950s as an important outpost for the development of a distinct art scene, where the American and the Italian experience had the opportunity to blend with the artists gathering and sharing innovative ideas. It is a part of an ongoing research and it presents and sums up the early stage of the project which focuses mostly on archival sources and interviews with the central figures of this period. This paper, in particular, follows some of the members of this tran-Atlantic community, focusing in particular on the art galleries that fostered an international dialogue. Above all, this paper addresses the fundamental questions concerning whether this period could be considered as an “archive” of Italian and American art. It aims at demonstrating that, though not altogether free from contradictions and misconceptions, the period under study was very fertile in terms of the results of cross-cultural experience.
Review of International American Studies; 2017, 10, 2
Pojawia się w:
Review of International American Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cyprian Norwid and Italian art – a different approach
Norwid wobec sztuki włoskiej inaczej
Płaszczewska, Olga
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Cyprian Norwid
Hippolyte Taine
Józef Kremer
Italian art
19th-century italophilia
19th-century italomania
Italian art in Poland
negative Italian myth
sztuka włoska
XIX-wieczna italofilia
XIX-wieczna italomania
sztuka włoska w Polsce
negatywny mit Italii
The main purpose of the essay is to show the central aspects of Norwid’s approach to Italian art. Firstly, the poet’s opinions on the educational role of Italian art and its influence on the aesthetic sensibility of Poles are discussed. Secondly, the attention is paid to Norwid’s texts in which Italian myth receives a negative meaning and the Italianate fashion is presented from an ironic point of view, becoming also a source of linguistic humour. Moreover, the poet’s derision of italianity (considered a necessary feature of an artefact) is analysed. Last but not least, Norwid’s representations of typically Italian milieux are discussed in the context of contemporary travelogues and diaries in order to show how stereotypical may be observations made by the poet who is often considered the most original among the Polish 19th-century authors. In conclusion, Norwid’s interest in Italian art seems a consequence of an international trend.
Artykuł porusza kilka wątków Norwidowskiego stosunku do włoskiej sztuki. Zwraca uwagę na Norwidowskie przekonanie o roli, jaką poznawanie dziedzictwa artystycznego Italii może mieć dla edukacji estetycznej Polaków. Dotyczy także krytycznej reakcji Norwida wobec dominującej wśród współczesnych maniery odbioru sztuki włoskiej, przy jedno-czesnym przyswojeniu ogólnoeuropejskich wzorców narracyjnych, co stawia pod znakiem zapytania wystudiowaną „osobność” poety i ukazuje go jako świadomego, lecz niewolnego od powszechnej w XIX wieku italofilii twórcę.
Studia Norwidiana; 2017, 35 English Version; 59-77
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Norwid wobec sztuki włoskiej – inaczej
Cyprian Norwid and Italian art – a different approach
Płaszczewska, Olga
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Cyprian Norwid
Hippolyte Taine
Józef Kremer
sztuka włoska
XIX-wieczna italofilia
XIX-wieczna italomania
sztuka włoska w Polsce
negatywny mit Italii
Italian art
19th-century italophilia
19th-century italomania
Italian art in Poland
negative Italian myth
Artykuł porusza kilka wątków Norwidowskiego stosunku do włoskiej sztuki. Zwraca uwagę na Norwidowskie przekonanie o roli, jaką poznawanie dziedzictwa artystycznego Italii może mieć dla edukacji estetycznej Polaków. Dotyczy także krytycznej reakcji Norwida wobec dominującej wśród współczesnych maniery odbioru sztuki włoskiej, przy jedno-czesnym przyswojeniu ogólnoeuropejskich wzorców narracyjnych, co stawia pod znakiem zapytania wystudiowaną „osobność” poety i ukazuje go jako świadomego, lecz niewolnego od powszechnej w XIX wieku italofilii twórcę.
The main purpose of the essay is to show the central aspects of Norwid’s approach to Italian art. Firstly, the poet’s opinions on the educational role of Italian art and its influence on the aesthetic sensibility of Poles are discussed. Secondly, the attention is paid to Norwid’s texts in which Italian myth receives a negative meaning and the Italianate fashion is presented from an ironic point of view, becoming also a source of linguistic humour. Moreover, the poet’s derision of italianity (considered a necessary feature of an artefact) is analysed. Last but not least, Norwid’s representations of typically Italian milieux are discussed in the context of contemporary travelogues and diaries in order to show how stereotypical may be observations made by the poet who is often considered the most original among the Polish 19th-century authors. In conclusion, Norwid’s interest in Italian art seems a consequence of an international trend.
Studia Norwidiana; 2017, 35; 55-72
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludomir Sleńdziński’s Trips to Italy 1923–1925
Nowakowska-Sito, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
classicism; return to order; Italian art of the 1920s; classicism in Polish art of the 20th century; Polish-Italian artistic relations in 20th century
The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne vol. 60, issue 4 (2012). Ludomir Sleńdziński was the main representative of classicism in Polish art in the period between the two World Wars. The article discusses his two trips to Italy in 1922/24 and 1924/25. They have not been yet researched in the context of the origin and character of his work, albeit impulses coming from Italy were thought to have been an important catalyst for the birth of the so-called “return to order.” Sleńdziński was Dmitry Kardovsky’s student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sankt Petersburg, and it was in his class that he acquired a worship of the old masters and a perfect command of his trade, first of all perfect drawing skills. Apart from the Sankt Petersburg school, classicist trends came to Polish art from Paris where they were first noticed in the circles connected with the Museion magazine (1911-1913) and among artists belonging to the Polish colony, such as Henryk Kuna, Edward Wittig and Eugeniusz Żak. In the article, I reconstruct Sleńdziński’s tour of Italy, and I remind about the exhibition of Polish modern art that he staged in 1925 as part of the 3rd Roman Biennale. His personal contact with old and modern Italian art became an important moment in his artistic formation, stimulating his departure from academic towards modern classicism, in which the artist starts playing a game with the present day and with tradition, consciously using stylistic elements that belong to different epochs. In conclusion it must be said that Ludomir’s trips inclined him to introduce many new solutions (sometimes surprisingly close to works by well-known Italian artists of similar outlook) and determined the final shape of his mature work.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 4 Selected Papers in English; 81-101
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Carlo di Prevo – un pittore ticinese in Polonia. Prova di approccio monografico
Gurba, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
Karol de Prevo
malarstwo włoskie
sztuka włoska w Polsce
sztuka nowożytna
mecenat artystyczny w Polsce
Charles de Prevo
Italian paintings
Italian art in Poland
modern art
artistic patronage in Poland
Charles de Prevo was the north Italian painter working in Poland at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The article shows the artistic live of Charles de Prevo, in particular his whereabouts in Poland and his paintings. The study of article has been used publications about the painter and his works, correspondence painter from his patrons and other archives. So far there is no publication showing the overall artistic activity of Charles de Prevo. On the example of this painter was presented socio-political situation and artistic phenomenon in the XVI - XVIII centuries in Europe.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2016, 23; 75-93
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vasari, Bellori, Lanzi – trzy filary włoskiej historiografii artystycznej
Vasari, Bellori, Lanzi – three pillars of Italian artistic historiography
Michałowicz, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
sztuka włoska
historia historii sztuki
piśmiennictwo o sztuce
cykliczny model rozwoju sztuki
Italian art
history of history of art
writing on art
the cyclical model of art development
From the middle of the 16th century, when the first edition of Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects appeared, until the threshold of modernity, the unusually influential conceptions concerning the development of art contained in the book, albeit criticized from various angles, were not in fact undermined as far as their foundations are concerned. Nevertheless, the 17th and 18th century Italian artistic historiography, as one that was formed in a different context and tried to describe and indicate the origin of art created by artists who started setting different goals, differed from the 16th century art in many details. They are shown in the article by confronting Vasari’s ideas with the visions of art presented by his great successors: Gian Pietro Bellori in his Lives of the Artists (1672) and Luigi Lanzi’s History of Painting in Italy; From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century (1796). Special attention is paid to the changing conception of art, the changing artistic ideas and the historical awareness that was being born, leaning towards reformulating the time-honored vision of history.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 4; 177-204
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coincidentia oppositorum: The Works of Giovanni Anselmo between the Visible and the Invisible
Tiberi, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Giovanni Anselmo
Arte Povera
Germano Celant
Italian Art
Contemporary Art
Art Press
Beatrice Merz
Jean-François Lyotard
Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Achille Bonito Oliva
Massimo Carboni
Michel Foucault
The Italian artist Giovanni Anselmo (b. Borgofranco d’Ivrea, 1934) was a member of Arte Povera group, which was put together by Germano Celant back in 1967. Anselmo has addressed the invisible in art since the beginning of his activity, mainly with projections ofwords that play with the idea of the visible and the invisible, with the true (or multiple) meanings of language, and with the very nature of art. He refers to universal and eternal concepts and opposite pairs, such as the visible and the invisible, the finite and the infinite, the close and the open, the clear and the blurred, the being and the non-being. In the works discussed in the paper, the intangible element of the light beam is made visible only through the projection. It is always the projection of something immaterial on something material, an entity that participates in the dimension of non-being that is projected onto the world of being.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione; 2018, 13; 66-67
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tim Shephard, Sanna Raninen, Serenella Sessini, Laura Ştefănescu, „Music in the Art of Renaissance Italy, 1420‒1540”, London–Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, 2020, ss. 408. ISBN 978-1-912554-02-7
Grabiec, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
ikonografia muzyczna
muzyka renesansowa
sztuka renesansowa
muzyka we Włoszech
sztuka włoska
instrumenty muzyczne
muzyka aniołów
music iconography
Renaissance music
Renaissance art
music in Italy
Italian art
musical instruments
music of angels
Artykuł dotyczy książki Music in the Art of Renaissance Italy 1420‒1540 autorstwa Tima Shepharda, Sanny Raninen, Serenelli Sessini i Laury Ştefănescu (Brepols 2020), poświęconej ikonografii muzycznej oraz muzyce w okresie renesansu we Włoszech. Jego celem jest prezentacja polskiemu czytelnikowi treści poszczególnych rozdziałów i zwrócenie uwagi na najważniejsze wątki i problemy poruszane przez autorów, a także na ciekawe ujęcie metodologiczne, które pozwoliło autorom spojrzeć na znane już tematy i dzieła z nowej perspektywy i ukazać je w szerokim kontekście kulturowym.    
The article concerns the book Music in the Art of Renaissance Italy 1420‒1540 by Tim Shephard, Sanna Raninen, Serenella Sessini and Laura Ştefănescu (Brepols 2020), devoted to music iconography and music during the Renaissance in Italy. Its purpose is to present the content of individual chapters to the Polish reader and draw attention to the most important threads and problems raised by the authors, as well as to an interesting methodological approach that allowed the authors to look at already known topics and works from a new perspective and show them in a broad cultural context.
Muzyka; 2022, 67, 4; 165-172
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludomira Sleńdzińskiego podróże do Włoch 1923-1925 – geneza i dojrzewanie klasycyzmu
Ludomir Sleńdziński’s trips to Italy 1923-1925 The genesis and ripening of classicism
Nowakowska-Sito, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
powrót do porządku
sztuka włoska lat 20
klasycyzm w sztuce polskiej XX wieku
relacje artystyczne polsko-włoskie w XX wieku
return to order
Italian art of the 1920s
classicism in Polish art of the 20th century
Polish-Italian artistic relations in 20th century
Two trips to Italy that Ludomir Sleńdziński, the main representative of classicism in Polish art in the period between the two World Wars, went on in 1922/24 and 1924/25 are the subject of the article. They have not been yet considered in the context of the genesis and character of his work, albeit impulses coming from Italy were thought to be an important catalyst for the birth of the so-called return to order. Sleńdziński was Dymitr Kardowski's pupil at the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg, and it was from his workshop that he acquired a worship of the old masters and a perfect command of his trade, first of all a perfect ability to draw. Apart from the St Petersburg school trends of classicism came to Polish art from Paris, where they first could be noticed in the circles connected with the periodical Museion (1911-1913), and with the artists belonging to the Polish colony, such as Henryk Kuna, Edward Wittig and Eugeniusz Zak. In the article I reconstruct Sleńdziński's stays in Italy, and I remind about the exhibition of Polish modern art that he staged in 1925 as part of Terza Biennale Romana. His personal contact with old and modern Italian art became an important moment in his artistic formation, stimulating his departure from academic towards modern classicism, in which the artist starts playing a game with the present day and with tradition, consciously using stylistic elements that belong to different epochs. In conclusion it must be said that Ludomir's trips inclined him to introduce many new solutions (sometimes surprisingly close to works by well-known Italian artists with a similar orientation) and decided the final shape of his mature work.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 4; 37-56
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metafory miłości w Portrecie patrycjuszki gdańskiej Antona Möllera
The Metaphors of Love in Anton Möller’s Portrait of a Gdańsk Female Patrician
Purc-Stępniak, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
malarstwo gdańskie ok. 1600 r.
Anton Möller
Herman Han
sztuka włoska XVI wieku
ikonografia miłości
kotara z węzłem
Gdańsk painting around 1600
Italian art in the 16th century
iconography of love
curtain with a knot
Portret patrycjuszki gdańskiej, przypisywany Antonowi Möllerowi Starszemu (ok. 1563-1611), budzi do dziś spory atrybucyjne, nie ustalono także tożsamości portretowanej. Obraz posiada interesującą ikonografię, wskazującą na inspiracje sztuką włoską i funkcjonującymi w niej metaforami różnych aspektów miłości. Na Portrecie patrycjuszki gdańskiej była pierwotnie przedstawiona kotara zaopatrzona w dwa węzły. Ujawniła to fotografia w świetle podczerwonym. Ten ikonograficzny szczegół nie został zauważony przez badaczy. Nie interesowano się nim w semantyce portretu, wystąpił jednak w siedmiu zachowanych do dziś, a malowanych przez Antona Möllera i jego warsztat portretach kobiet, mężczyzn i dzieci. Artykuł poddaje analizie Portret patrycjuszki gdańskiej z uwzględnieniem zastosowanych w nim motywów, atrybutów i ubioru. Jest to przyczynek do badań nad portretem prywatnym, który obowiązywał w Gdańsku pod wpływem mody panującej w XVI wieku w malarstwie europejskim, nawiązującym do włoskiego arystokratycznego portretu kobiet. Analiza konterfektu zwraca uwagę, że ta praca w swojej stylistyce wykazuje wpływ malarstwa niderlandzko-niemieckiego, natomiast w ikonografii rozwija model obrazowy zaczerpnięty z tradycji malarstwa i grafiki włoskiej (Florencja i Wenecja). Jest także próbą identyfikacji portretowanej jako żony Johanna Speymanna, Marii Judity z Bahrów.
The Portrait of a Gdańsk Patrician, attributed to Anton Möller the Elder (c. 1563–1611), is still giving rise to discussion, and the identity of the lady portrayed has still not been established. The painting has an interesting iconography, illustrating both the Italian art that inspired it and the metaphors of various aspects of love present within it. The Portrait of a Gdańsk Patrician originally depicted a curtain with two knots, as revealed by IR photography. This iconographic detail has been overlooked by researchers, but it appears in seven portraits of other men, women and children painted by Anton Möller and his workshop and which have survived to this day. The article examines the Portrait, considering the motifs, attributes and clothing used in it. It is thus an introduction to the study of private portrait paintings which was in vogue in Gdańsk under the influence of the 16th century fashion in European painting, drawing on Italian aristocratic portraits of women. As the analysis of the portrait shows, the style of this work shows the influence of Dutch-German painting, while, from the point of view of iconography, it develops the pictorial model drawn from the tradition of Italian painting and graphics (Florence and Venice). This article also attempts to identify the woman portrayed as Maria Judita née Bahr, the wife of Johann Speymann.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2021, 69, 4; 93-133
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Letteratura italiana e “arti sorelle” alla Facoltà di lingua e letteratura polacca: un percorso di letteratura comparata
Italian literature and the “sister arts” at the Faculty of Polish studies: a course in comparative literature
Płaszczewska, Olga
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
comparative literature
sister arts
Italian literature and culture in modern art
reception of Italian literature in Poland and in Europe
teaching Italian literature in its artistic context
The purpose of the article is to outline the guidelines of the interdisciplinary course in comparative literature, given at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The subject of the series of lectures is the relation between Italian literature and different branches of art, in context of their cultural references. The strategies of sensibilization of the audience both to the problem of „sister arts” and to the Italian literature and language themselves are explained. In addition, the significance of an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of reception of Italian literature in European culture is mentioned as one of the aims of the lecture. Moreover, main problems of the course, such as themes of reintepretation of Italian classics in visual arts, music, cinema and theatre, are discussed on the background of „classroom dynamics” which characterize the group of students with different knowledge of Italian language and different cultural competences.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2013, 4; 127-139
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teofil Lenartowicz – the Mazovian lyre player, and heir of Italian Renaissance Artists. The case of ‘The Holy Workers’: the bas-relief and the poem
Teofil Lenartowicz – „lirnik mazowiecki” i spadkobierca renesansowych mistrzów włoskich. Na przykładzie płaskorzeźby i wiersza „Święci robotnicy”
Bartnikowska-Biernat, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
19th-century Polish literature and art
Polish-Italian literary and cultural relations
Polish Romantic poetry
Romanticism and Italian Renaissance art
literature and sculpture
Teofil Lenartowicz (1822–1893)
Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378–1455)
Giovanni Dupré (1817–1882)
Enrico Pazzi (1818–1899)
After moving to Italy in 1856, Teofi l Lenartowicz, inspired by the great Italian art and supported by the best Florentine artists of the time Giovanni Dupré and Enrico Pazzi, began studying sculpture. Lenartowicz’s sculptures were always connected with literature: his work shows how one infl uenced the other. It is no accident that his style as a sculptor has been called ‘poetic’ by the critics. The Polish immigrant was fascinated by the Italian Renaissance, and especially by the art of Lorenzo Ghiberti. At the same time, he never forgot about Polish folklore, which played a signifi cant role in his artistic vision. One of the most impressive examples of this intersection of infl uences is the bas-relief The Holy Workers, complemented by a poem bearing the same name.
Ruch Literacki; 2019, 1; 77-86
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish-Italian Design Dualism. Artistic Projects by Dorota Koziara
Wiśnicka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Italian design
Polish design
Design history
Contemporary art
Polish-born, Milan-based designer, Dorota Koziara has been active on the international design scene for two decades. Her artistic career has swung between her national roots and the well-established traditions of Italian design. Working alongside the iconic Alessandro Mendini, Koziara gained a brand-new way of self-expression, smoothly intermingling between the two cultures. Her activity covers an outstanding range of projects, she is also the winner of the Third Millennium International Sculpture Competition held in Italy. Her achievements on both Polish and Italian design scenes are a unique example of how fluid contemporary trends based on national heritage can be. In this border-free society, the influences and relations between Polish and Italian design seem to be highly important. After centuries of inspiration and domination by Italian art, today’s scene shows a different approach to multicultural dialogue, the results of which are apparent in Koziara’s works. The article focuses on her achievements in the light of reciprocal Polish-Italian influences.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2017, 8; 160-175
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sul manoscritto testamentario di Bartolomeo Berrecci: uno sguardo storico-linguistico
On the Testamentary Manuscript of Bartolomeo Berrecci: A Historical and Linguistic View
Palmarini, Luca
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Italian in XVI century
Bartolomeo Berrecci
Testament of Bartolomeo Berrecci
Renaissance art
Renaissance in Kraków
lingua italiana nel Cinquecento
testamento di Bartolomeo Berrecci
arte rinascimentale
Rinascimento a Cracovia
The following article presents the analysis of the last will of the most famous Renaissance sculptor and architect in Poland: the Tuscan Bartolomeo Berrecci, creator of the Sigismund Chapel in the Wawel Cathedral in Kraków. After a brief historical-cultural introduction where the artist’s arrival in Poland and his function at the court of King Sigismund I the Old are presented, the transcription of the artist’s testament, written by his own hand in the Italian language and recorded in the archives of the ancient city of Kazimierz, is included, followed by an in-depth analysis. At first, the analysis will concentrate on content and structure: the characters and properties mentioned in the document will be presented along with the document’s form. Subsequently, morphological and terminological analyses will be carried out, which will confirm the use of the Florentine language of the late-fifteenth and early-sixteenth centuries, as well as the presence of specific terms related to the Polish reality in which the artist lived for almost 20 years, giving the document historical and linguistic value, in addition to classic values that are spiritual and notarial.
Il seguente articolo presenta l’analisi del testamento del più famoso scultore e architetto del Rinascimento in Polonia: il toscano Bartolomeo Berrecci, autore, tra le altre opere, della Cappella di Sigismondo nella cattedrale del Wawel a Cracovia. Dopo una breve introduzione storico-culturale in cui vengono presentati il suo arrivo in Polonia e la sua funzione alla corte del re Sigismondo il Vecchio, viene riportata la trascrizione del testamento dell’artista, redatto di propria mano in lingua italiana e conservato negli archivi dell’antica città di Casimiria, cui segue un’approfondita analisi. Dapprima essa sarà di carattere contenutistico e strutturale: verranno infatti esposti i personaggi e le proprietà citate nel documento, così come la sua forma. In seguito si passerà alle analisi morfologica e terminologica in cui si troveranno conferme dell’utilizzo della lingua fiorentina di fine Quattrocento e primi Cinquecento, ma anche la presenza di termini specifici, come p. es. prestiti integrati, legati alla realtà polacca in cui l’artista visse per quasi un ventennio, conferendo al documento stesso, oltre ai classici valori spirituale e notarile, anche quelli storico e linguistico.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2019, 10.1; 309-329
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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