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Zum Verletzungspotenzial der deutschen und polnischen Bezeichnungen für Flüchtlinge – Analyse am Beispiel der Internetkommentare
On the Injury Potential of German and Polish Designations for Refugees – Analysis Using the Example of Internet Comments
Suchorab, Krystian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Potential for injury
internet comments
German-Polish comparison
deutsch-polnischer Vergleich
Menschen verletzen andere nicht nur mit Waffen, sondern auch mit Worten, die als Waffe gebraucht werden können. In der Sprache lässt sich eine Menge sprachlicher Einheiten finden, die der emotionalen Verletzung dienen. Dazu gehören u. a. Vulgarismen, Schimpfwörter bzw. Schimpfnamen und Flüche, die mit der Absicht gebraucht werden, anderen zu schaden. Auch im Flüchtlingsdiskurs sind solche Einheiten zu finden, die negative Einstellungen gegenüber Flüchtlingen ausdrücken und mithilfe von bestimmten Sprachmitteln verbalisiert werden. Sie kommen vor allem in Alltagsgesprächen und in Internetkommentaren vor, die spontan im Netz geäußert werden. Darüber hinaus werden bestimmte lexikalische Einheiten, die als neutrale Ausdrücke vorkommen, um einen aggressiven bzw. pejorativen Charakter erweitert. Meine Präsentation hat zum Ziel, bestimmte Ausdrücke für Flüchtlinge zu präsentieren, die in deutschen und polnischen Kommentaren der Internetnutzer vorhanden sind. Kommentare stammen aus Webseiten der Online-Presse, wo sie unter bestimmten Artikeln hinzugefügt wurden, die der Flüchtlingsproblematik bzw. dem Flüchtlingsleben gewidmet sind. Anhand der Analyse wird es möglich sein, auf bestimmte thematische Bereiche hinzuweisen, die beim Sprechen über Flüchtlinge zum Ausdruck gebracht werden. Diese haben ein beleidigendes Potenzial und können von Flüchtlingen für verletzend gehalten werden. Darüber hinaus kann man darauf eingehen, dass sie ein bestimmtes negatives Bild der Flüchtlinge erstellen bzw. weiterreproduzieren können.
People hurt others not only with weapons, but also with words that can be used as weapons. In language, a lot of linguistic units can be found that serve the emotional injury. These include vulgarisms, swear words or swear names and curses used with the intention of harming others. Also in the refugee discourse can be found such units that express negative attitudes towards refugees and are verbalized with the help of certain means of language. They occur mainly in everyday conversations and in Internet comments that are spontaneously expressed on the net. In addition, certain lexical units, which occur as neutral expressions, are extended by an aggressive or pejorative character. My presentation aims to present certain expressions for refugees that are present in German and Polish comments of Internet users. Comments come from online press websites, where they have been added under certain articles about refugee issues or refugee life. On the basis of the analysis, it will be possible to point out certain thematic areas that are expressed to the refugees topics. These have an offensive potential and can be considered hurtful by refugees. In addition, it can be pointed out that they can create or reproduce a certain negative image of the refugees.
Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław; 2023, 23; 335-357
Pojawia się w:
Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The elusive cyber beasts: How to identify the communication of pro-Russian hybrid trolls in Latvias internet news sites?
Rožukalne, Anda
Sedlenieks, Klāvs
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej
Internet trolls
hybrid trolling
Internet users' comments
news sites
The research described here was performed on the background of the geopolitical fluctuations in Eastern Europe and the annexation of Crimea by Russia. These events caused fear of pro-Russian propaganda particularly in the so-called Internet hybrid-trolls, i.e., commentators who are on the payroll of Russian state agencies who disrupt internet discussion boards with massive pro-Russian information and opinions. This paper describes methodology of identifying possible hybrid-trolls, data gathering from the biggest Latvian online news sites (,, that provide information in Latvian and Russian language, and analysis of the data by means of quantitative analysis as well as qualitative, that included content analysis and a case study. The analysis shows that the presence of pro-Russian hybrid trolls is inconclusive. However, following the outlined methodology some cases were recorded. Quantitative as well as qualitative analyses demonstrate that the overall presence and exposure of the alleged trolls in the given period was insignificant and the influence of trolls on public opinion highly questionable.
Central European Journal of Communication; 2017, 10, 1 (18); 79-97
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Białoruskojęzyczne komentarze na forum internetowym
Siwirska, Anna Berenika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
contemporary Belarusian language
Internet comments forum
współczesny język białoruski
język w Internecie
сучасная беларуская мова
мова ў Інтэрнэце
Artykuł jest poświęcony charakterystyce białoruskojęzycznych komentarzy zamieszczanych na forum W tym celu sprawdzono, na ile popularny jest język białoruski wśród użytkowników forum: autor artykułu zestawił liczbę białorusko- i rosyjskojęzycznych komentarzy pod najczęściej komentowanymi artykułami zamieszczonymi na portalu W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy udowodniono, że chociaż język rosyjski dominuje na omawianym forum, to białoruskojęzyczne komentarze są obecne pod każdym z wybranych artykułów. Ponieważ głównym celem artykułu jest charakterystyka białoruskojęzycznych komentarzy, a wyszukiwanie pojedynczych wypowiedzi wydawało się mało efektywnym sposobem gromadzenia materiału, zdecydowano się na stworzenie korpusu tekstów składającego się z 50 ostatnich wpisów 13 internautów, którzy w dniach 1 stycznia – 31 marca 2019 r. zamieścili na forum przynajmniej jeden białoruskojęzyczny post. W ten sposób stworzono zbiór tekstów składający się z 890 unikalnych segmentów (wypowiedzi), które oceniono pod względem ich sprawności i poprawności językowej. W efekcie przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, że białoruskojęzyczne komentarze są bardzo różnorodne ze względu na ich treść i formę. Większość autorów białoruskojęzycznych wpisów prezentowało wspólne postawy, uczestniczyli oni w internetowych dyskusjach poświęconych rozmaitym tematom, aczkolwiek ich komentarze bardzo odbiegały od siebie pod wglądem poprawności językowej, predyspozycji posługiwania się językiem stosownie do sytuacji i celu, poziomem emocjonalności, sposobem werbalizacji znaków niewerbalnych oraz kulturą konwersacji. Analiza ukazała, że odmiana języka białoruskiego funkcjonującego na forum charakteryzuje się różnorodnością stylistyczną, a decydującą rolę w jej formie odgrywają przede wszystkim indywidualne umiejętności i preferencje każdego internauty.
An article on the characteristics of comments in the Belarusian language posted on the forum. At the beginning of the article, the author examines the popularity of the Belarusian language among forum users by compiling the number of Belarusian and Russian-language comments under the most commented articles posted on the forum As a result of the analysis, it was proved that although the Russian language dominates the discussed forum, Belarusian-language comments are present under each of the selected articles. However, since the main goal of the article is to characterize Belarusian-language comments, searching for individual statements under articles seemed to be an ineffective way of collecting a sufficient amount of material. Therefore, it was decided to create a text corpus consisting of a sample of the last 50 entries of 13 Internet users who between January 1 - March 31 2019, posted at least one Belarusian-language post on the forum. In this way, a set of texts was created consisting of 890 unique segments, on the basis of which further analysis was carried out. As a result of the research, it was found that Belarusian-language comments are very diverse in terms of their content and form. Although most of the Belarusian-language authors of these posts presented common attitudes, they participated in online discussions on various topics, and their comments differed greatly in terms of linguistic correctness and diligence, the level of emotionality, the way of verbalizing non-verbal signs and the culture of conversation. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the variety of the Belarusian language researched on the forum is very diverse, and the individual skills and preferences of each Internet user plays a decisive role in its form.
Артыкул характарызуе беларускамоўныя каментары, размешчаныя на форуме З гэтай мэтай было праверана, наколькі папулярная беларуская мова сярод карыстальнікаў форуму, г.зн. была параўнана колькасць беларускамоўных і рускамоўных каментароў да артыкулаў на сайце, якія выклікалі найбольшы грамадскі рэзананс. У выніку аналізу аўтар артыкула прыходзіць да высновы, што, хаця на згаданым форуме пераважае руская мова, беларускамоўныя каментары прысутнічаюць пад кожным з выбраных артыкулаў. Паколькі асноўнай мэтай артыкула зʼяўляецца характарыстыка беларускамоўных каментароў, а пошук адзіночных выказванняў аказаўся недастаткова эфектыўным, было вырашана змадыфікаваць спосаб збору матэрыялу. У выніку аўтарам быў ствараны тэкставы корпус – 50 запісаў 13 карыстальнікаў форуму, якія з 1 студзеня да 31 сакавіка 2019 г. размясцілі хаця б адзін беларускамоўны допіс. Такім чынам быў створаны корпус тэкстаў, г.зн. 890 унікальных беларускамоўных выказванняў, у якіх былі ацэнены стараннасць і правільнасць мовы. У выніку праведзенага даследавання выяўлена, што беларускамоўныя каментары з’яўляюцца вельмі разнастайнымі па сваім змесце і форме. Большасць беларускамоўных карыстальнікаў форуму выказвала падобныя погляды, яны ўдзельнічалі ў інтэрнэт-дыскусіях на розныя тэмы, а іх каментары моцна адрозніваліся паміж сабой з пункту гледжання нормы маўлення і здольнасці выкарыстання мовы адпаведна да сітуацыі і мэты, а таксама па сваёй эмацыянальнасці, спосабе вербалізацыі невербальных знакаў і культуры мовы. Аналіз паказаў, што выказванні на беларускай мове на форуме характарызуюцца стылістычнай разнастайнасцю, а на форму выказвання ўплываюць у першую чаргу індывідуальныя навыкі Інтэрнэт-карыстальніка.
Studia Białorutenistyczne; 2021, 15; 363-379
Pojawia się w:
Studia Białorutenistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o wartościowaniu w komentarzach internetowych
Some remarks on evaluation in Internet comments
Laskowska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
axiological charge
Based on a sample of comments gleaned from the portal, the author discusses positive and negative evaluations (axiological charge) found in internet language, and she examines some of the language devices used in such evaluations. In internet comments, it is definitely negative evaluation that prevails, and the positive evaluation of a single object creates only a background for a negative object. Samples which encode aggression and insults can also be found in the data. In the material under inspection, Internet users mploy all sorts of language devices used in an evaluative function; most of them are illustrative of economic, social and ethical values. Along with these values, emotions are also frequently expressed. Internet users resort to all sorts of language devices to signal evaluative functions, a number of them are marked and illustrate a colloquial style.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2016, 32, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internauci o „matce-zabójczyni”. Przyczynek do analizy socjologicznej
Internet Users About a “Killer Mother”. The Contribution to the Sociological Analysis
Strzemecka, Stella
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
murder of a minor
Internet users
The article focuses on the analysis of social reactions that manifest themselves in the form of comments of Internet users regarding mothers who killed their children. The aim of the study was an attempt to create a typology of Internet users judging a “killer mother”. The analysis includes anonymous Internet users who posted comments under the articles of two portals: (”Wirtualna Polska”) and (”Onet”). Comments on three selected cases of murders of minors in Poland over the decade (2003-2013) were submitted.
Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne; 2014, 24; 265-275
Pojawia się w:
Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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