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Desire and Intellect: Individuation in Capitalism, or Simmel vs. Marx
Ratajczak, Mikołaj
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
The aim of this text is to compare Simmel’s and Marx’s notions of two subjective faculties, desireand intellect, and the role each plays in modern capitalist societies. While Simmel understands the faculties asindividual, Marx’s critique of political economy presents their social, public, and trans-individual character. Thesetwo perspectives differ over the particular economic sphere in which we ought to locate the social production ofsubjectivity. Simmel locates such production in market exchange, the formal, symbolic expression of which ismoney, thereby leading to the notion of an intersubjective social reality as the effect of monetary relations betweendesiring and calculating individual subjects. Marx, for his part, treats both desire and intellect as trans-individualfaculties, and locates the social production of subjectivity in the sphere of production as subsumed under capital.
Polish Sociological Review; 2018, 204, 4; 499-515
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Henryk Rzewuski – on the way to Polish national philosophy
Jastrzębski, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
the idea of the nation
national philosophy
individual intellect
collective intellect
God’s revelation
The purpose of this article is to present original philosophical concept by Henryk Rzewuski. This nineteenth century Polish thinker was (and still is) extremely controversial person, accused of national “apostasy” for the Tsarist Russia and the spread of beliefs about the irrevocable end of the Polish state. In this text reveals the complexity and ambivalence Rzewuskiego attitude towards the Polish cause. This philosopher believed that indeed the Polish state will not be standing free himself from the Russian political sovereignty. At the same time, however, was an ardent supporter of building the Polish national philosophy, which would illustrate Polishness and develop in the sphere of the ideal and spiritual. Polish history has to be – within its concept – the material from which the philosopher sees that these thoughts and ideas around which crytallized Polish spirit, and that reflect the basic idea of moral. The spirit of the nation and its moral idea meet, according to this philosopher, the functions analogous to that of the soul to the body – is a condition of life and the unity of its geopolitical “body.”
Logos i Ethos; 2019, 51; 155-174
Pojawia się w:
Logos i Ethos
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intelekt bierny a intelekt możnościowy w ujęciu św. Tomasza z Akwinu
Passive intellect and potential intellect according to St. Thomas Aquinas
Zembrzuski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
intelekt bierny
intelekt możnościowy
perypatetycka tradycja epistemologiczna
Tomasz z Akwinu
passive intellect
potential intellect
peripatetic epistemological tradition
Thomas Aquinas
The article is an attempt to respond the following questions: is there a difference between operations of potential and passive intellect? Could one call the potential intellect passive intellect? Are there any questions, statements or opinions in the history of philosophy which separate potential from passive intellect? The passivity of potential intellect is not a problem here, because its nature and its act is to be in the state of potency towards ist object. The subject of analysis tends to define teechnical terms "intellectus passivus" and to reach philosophical implications resulting from it.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2012, 1; 65-84
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Human Being as Body and Soul
Long, Jeremy M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Under Hylemorphism, all composed beings are composed of form and matter. Accordingly, the human being is a unified substance of soul and body. Through the operations of a human being an immaterial power is manifested which demonstrates that the rational soul is immaterial and immortal. Through these elements of Thomistic metaphysics, a clear understanding of the person emerges as both in-itself and toward-others. After key metaphysical principles such as the principle of sufficient reason are defended, arguments against the thesis which claim the person is reducible to body or soul are rebuked and the Hylemorphic account is shown to stand. Leaning on the work of W. Norris Clarke, the person as body and soul is thus shown to be the frontier of being.
Studia Ełckie; 2020, 22, 3; 313-324
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ivan Karamazov’s rebellion in Albert Camus’ and Karl Jaspers’ interpretations
Lisowska, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
rebellion, rationalism, absurd, transcendence, solidarity, freedom, intellect, faith, suffering
The aim of this study is to present Albert Camus’and Karl Jaspers’ interpretations of Ivan Karamazov’s rebellion as the diagnoses of the weakness of the human intellect in confrontation with the world and the criticism of rationalism. Therefore, in the introduction I will present those fragments of the novel that characterize Ivan’s rebellion as highly abstract and theoretical. At the same time, this common literary context serves as the ground for reconstruction and comparison of the basic philosophical assumptions of each author. The intention of the remaining part of the paper is, firstly, to reconstruct A. Camus’ and K. Jaspers’epistemology and, secondly, to analyse the arguments against Ivan’s attitude formulated by the writers. Their criticisms of the protagonist’s excessive trust in intellect is based on their own concepts of human epistemic capacity, which are related to the problems of the absurd in A. Camus’ and transcendence in K. Jaspers’ writings. The question of nihilism demands analysis of A. Camus’ idea of the nature of rebellion as both affirmative and negative, and of K. Jaspers’ notion of faith as pre-intellectual trust. Finally, their criticisms of the slogan “If there is no God, then anything is allowed” introduces the problem of freedom, which allows the comparison of the concepts of solidarity (A. Camus) and communication (K. Jaspers). In the conclusion these two philosophical attitudes are discussed together.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2010, 1, 2; 5-14
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bыбранные pусские и польские фразеологизмы, связанные с безумием и недостатком интеллекта (мотивационно-семантический аспект)
Selected Russian and Polish phraseologisms connected with madness and the lack of intellect (the motivation and semantic aspect)
Walczak, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
lack of intellect
The article deals with the Russian and Polish phraseologisms including some proverbs and sayings describing madness and the lack of mind. The material has been presented with regard to dominating imaginations of madness and stupidity being displayed in the semantics of examined units. These units include – hitting, aside movement, the lack of sensitivity to outer stimuli, the fragmentation of entirety, lack of components, etc.
Linguistica Silesiana; 2018, 39; 315-326
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Silesiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola i znaczenie umysłu w życiu społecznym
The role and meaning of the mind in social life
Boczek, Michał
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Raciborzu
The aim of the article is to highlight the role of the mind in everyday life, the importance of intellect and intelligence. Paying attention to the changing reality, people's way of life and their thinking, the power of perception of intelligence in relation to the intellect, indicating the essence and importance of the issue under discussion, leaving the field to undertake one's own research. Design / methodology / approach: The research method used in the article is the analysis of scientific studies, supplemented by the author's observations and experience. The research procedure included a review of Polish and foreign literature, analysis of legal acts, method of analysis and synthesis, case study and deductive reasoning. The article refers to examples and studies related to the subject of the management of the human mind. Factors such as – intellect, intelligence, knowledge and awareness were indicated as indispensable attributes of a modern man. Conclusions: The relationship between the way of thinking and the intellectual level responsible for the reception and processing of information as the basis for rational decision-making was demonstrated. Attention was paid to the reality that makes people with a low level of intellectual efficiency a mass susceptible to manipulation. Persistent irrational attitudes in society resulting from misunderstanding and lack of awareness of the consequences of decisions made. Research limitations / implications: Limitations of the obtained results may result from a limited text sample, including limited analysis. The title complexity comes down to the essence of the issue of intellect and intelligence and their functioning, which remains a changing and always open area. Originality / value: The presented research, analysis, conclusions and suggestions provide practical tips not only to people of science, but above all to average citizens, mainly those who are not aware that each civilization change has a comprehensive dimension and obliges. Today, it is not enough to know what our problems and limitations are in order to control our emotions and calm the psyche. For the purposes of effective action, it is impossible not to know what intellect is? With true intelligence, we go beyond conventional beliefs, presuppositions and concepts, and learn to perceive things as they are and not as we would like them to be. A wise man is not the one who says that he is wise, but the one who consciously acts as a wise man. In the era of globalization, who we are is not determined by where we are from, but by what we can and how we deal with the multitude of challenges.
Celem artykułu jest podkreślenie roli umysłu w codziennym życiu, znaczenia intelektu i inteligencji. Zwrócenie uwagi na zmieniającą się rzeczywistość, sposób życia ludzi i ich myślenia, na siłę percepcji inteligencji w stosunku do intelektu, wskazanie istoty i rangi omawianego zagadnienia, pozostawienie pola do podjęcia własnych badań. Projekt / metodologia / podejście: Metodą badawczą zastosowaną w artykule jest analiza opracowań naukowych uzupełniona spostrzeżeniami i doświadczeniem autora. Procedura badawcza obejmowała przegląd literatury polskiej i zagranicznej, analizę aktów prawnych, metodę analizy i syntezy, studium przypadku i dedukcyjne rozumowanie. W artykule powołano się na przykłady, przywołano opracowania związane z tematyką zagospodarowania ludzkiego umysłu. Wskazano czynniki, takie jak – intelekt, inteligencja, wiedza i świadomość jako niezbędne atrybuty nowoczesnego człowieka. Wnioski: Wykazano zależność pomiędzy sposobem myślenia i poziomem intelektualnym odpowiedzialnym za odbiór i przetwarzanie informacji jako bazie racjonalnej decyzyjności. Zwrócono uwagę na rzeczywistość czyniącą osoby o niskim stopniu sprawności intelektualnej masą podatną na manipulację. Na utrzymujące się w społeczeństwie postawy nieracjonalności wynikające z niezrozumienia oraz braku świadomości co do skutków podejmowanych decyzji. Ograniczenia / implikacje badawcze: Ograniczenia otrzymanych rezultatów mogą wynikać z ograniczonej próby tekstowej w tym również ograniczonej analizy. Złożoność tytułowa sprowadza się do istoty zagadnienia intelektu i inteligencji i ich funkcjonowania, co pozostaje obszarem zmieniającym się i zawsze otwartym. Oryginalność / wartość: Przedstawione badania, analiza, wnioski i sugestie dostarczają praktycznych wskazówek nie tylko ludziom nauki, ale przede wszystkim przeciętnym obywatelom, głównie takim, którzy nie są świadomi tego, że każda zmiana cywilizacyjna ma wszechstronny wymiar i zobowiązuje. Dzisiaj nie wystarczy wiedzieć, jakie są nasze problemy i ograniczenia, by opanować emocje i uspokoić psychikę. Na potrzeby efektywnego działania nie można nie wiedzieć tego, czym jest intelekt? Dzięki prawdziwej inteligencji wykraczamy poza utarte przekonania, założenia poczynione z góry i koncepcje oraz uczymy się postrzegać rzeczy takimi, jakie są a nie takimi, jakimi chcielibyśmy, by one były. Człowiek mądry to nie ten, co mówi, że mądry, ale ten co świadomie postępuje, jak człowiek mądry. W dobie globalizacji o tym, kim jesteśmy nie decyduje, skąd jesteśmy, ale to, co potrafimy i jak sobie z wielością wyzwań radzimy.
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development; 2021, 2(101); 45-57
Pojawia się w:
Eunomia – Rozwój Zrównoważony – Sustainable Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zdolności wytwarzania konwergencyjnego i dywergencyjnego uczniów szkoły podstawowej i gimnazjum
Ewa, Filipiak,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
divergent production
convergent production
Guilford’s structure of intellect
The article presents the results of research regarding the diagnosis of primary and secondary school students’ abilities in respect of two operations identified by Joy P. Guilford: convergent production and divergent production. The research used a set of SOI-Learning Abilities Tests by Mary Meeker and Robert Meeker. The research was conducted on 516 students (323 primary school students and 193 secondary school students; 259 students were boys). In divergent production tests students at all levels of school education (1st and 2nd stage of primary school and secondary school) experienced difficulties with tests requiring the application of non- -standard solutions and new approaches. This tendency grows in the consecutive years of education. Very good results of primary school students as regards convergent production – which involves the ability to combine and synthesize information relevant for the purpose of solving a given problem – do not continue for secondary school students. The age and sex proved to be differentiating factors for the level and properties of learning abilities as regards the abovementioned operations. In all age groups girls scored better than boys. Third grade students achieved the most scores assessed as above average, outstanding and talented.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(4 (238)); 155-171
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zdolności wytwarzania konwergencyjnego i dywergencyjnego uczniów szkoły podstawowej i gimnazjum
Filipiak, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
divergent production
convergent production
Guilford’s structure of intellect
The article presents the results of research regarding the diagnosis of primary and secondary school students’ abilities in respect of two operations identified by Joy P. Guilford: convergent production and divergent production. The research used a set of SOI-Learning Abilities Tests by Mary Meeker and Robert Meeker. The research was conducted on 516 students (323 primary school students and 193 secondary school students; 259 students were boys). In divergent production tests students at all levels of school education (1st and 2nd stage of primary school and secondary school) experienced difficulties with tests requiring the application of non- -standard solutions and new approaches. This tendency grows in the consecutive years of education. Very good results of primary school students as regards convergent production – which involves the ability to combine and synthesize information relevant for the purpose of solving a given problem – do not continue for secondary school students. The age and sex proved to be differentiating factors for the level and properties of learning abilities as regards the abovementioned operations. In all age groups girls scored better than boys. Third grade students achieved the most scores assessed as above average, outstanding and talented.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(4 (238)); 155-171
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Role Ambiguity: a Problem or a Challenge Facing Contemporary Hospitality Industry. The Critical Role of Employees’ Creativity
Grobelna, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
hotel employees, role ambiguity, creativity, intellect/imagination, skill variety
Background. Delivering exceptional service experience and creating customer satisfaction and loyalty seems to be crucial for survival of a hotel organization and success in today’s highly competitive market. Gaining competitive advantage requires extreme responsiveness and sensitivity from hotel employees towards guests and treating them in a very individual manner. This may make rigid service scripts prevent maintaining this flexibility, which often leads to serious problems connected with role ambiguity experienced by employees. Research aims. This study attempts to seek an answer to the question: how to minimize the role ambiguity experienced by hotel staff. Therefore, the relationship between hotel employees’ creativity and role ambiguity is analyzed. Additionally, selected conditions that promote employee’s creative performance are also investigated.Methodology. In order to achieve the study aim, the literature review, including empirical findings of previous studies, and empirical research based on a survey method were employed. The study was conducted among all hotel employees having direct face-to-face and voice-to-voice interactions with hotel guests, working in two hotels located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, precisely in Tricity, as the tourist destination of Northern Poland.Key findings. The results showed a negative and significant correlation between employee creativity and role ambiguity. It may confirm that in the face of dynamically changing customer needs and preferences, employees’ creativity when serving customers may lead to reducing employees’ uncertainty how to perform effectively to provide outstanding service. The findings also revealed that both employees’ intellect/imagination (as a personality variable) and skill variety (as a job characteristic) should be taken into account to increase creativity in the workplace, as both of them positively related to hotel employees’ creativity in this study. Despite the fact that the study findings should not be generalized, the results provide some important information for substantive discussion and a context for a wider range of further studies. Discussion and managerial implications were also provided and directions for future research were formulated.
International Journal of Contemporary Management; 2015, 14, 3
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Contemporary Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realna różnica między intelektem czynnym i możnościowym w ujęciu św. Tomasza z Akwinu
The Real Distinction Between Agent and Potential Intellect in Approach Thomas Aquinas
Zembrzuski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Thomas Aquinas
potential intellect
agent intellect
real distinction
object oh intellectual cognition
Tomasz z Akwinu
intelekt możnościowy
intelekt czynny
różnica realna
przedmiot poznania intelektualnego
The aim of article was to prove the existence of the real difference between active intellect and potential intellect, based on the epistemological thought of Thomas Aquinas. Although many authors suggested such a character distinction, yet no one does not try to justifying it. In this article are comments on intellects in Aristotle account, very short history – following the Aquinas - of distinguishing and separating intellects. Presented is the same understanding of the real difference between existence and essence of beings created and in this light given difference between intellects, because Aquinas, actually never spoke about it in this way. A basic element of the article is to distinguish intellects on the basis of a formal rules of their objects and distinguish them on the basis of acts, which allows to build a proper argumentation. It has been shown that between what is recognized in the potential intellect is a disproportion, which may be removed by the allocation of truly different between potential and active intellect. Between intellects there is a real difference only in the case of the human intellect, since both in God and in the angelic beings, this differentiation is not needed. The real difference between intellects is based on the difference between the act and potency or being in act and being in potency, however, are not they act and potency relative to each other, but to the cognized object. Moreover, the active intellect as being in the act, is not determined nor determining the object of cognition potential intellect, it is not the object recognized by him. Finally, if the way of cognition depends on the mode of existence, the intellectual knowledge infinity of human remains in potency, by what must be in man two intellects.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 63-95
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poznanie Adama i wiedza Chrystusa a intelekt możnościowy i czynny. Ujęcie Tomasza z Akwinu
The Cognition of Adam and Knowldege of Christ in the Context of Potential and Agent Intellect
Zembrzuski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
intelekt możnościowy i czynny
wiedza Chrystusa
wiedza Adama
Thomas Aquinas
potential intellect
agent intellect
knowledge of Christ
knowledge of Adam
Thomas Aquinas anthropology is related to the description of human nature, which was established at the beginning, before original sin, as well as taking into account all its effects, and the nature that was united with God. The distinction of two intellects adopted by Aristotle - a potential and active intellect - for Aquinas was helpful in showing the unique character of the knowledge that Adam and Christ had. Adam as the one who was appointed as teacher of people, had perfect knowledge and did not have a potential intellect that would be an unwritten tablet. His potential intellect had the habits of knowledge, by which he had a perfect knowledge of everything that can be embraced in any field of cognition by the power of the first principles of knowledge. The perfection of Christ's knowledge was incomparably greater than knowledge of Adam and every other human being – it was result of unification with the Word, but not the mixing of two natures. Christ had knowledge which have blessed (saved), infused knowledge (resulting from union with the Word) and had experiential knowledge appropriate to age and time. Christ developed in knowledge and wisdom because he grew in human experience.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2019, 8; 123-138
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawda o intelekcie. Mieczysława Gogacza rozumienie intelektu możnościowego i czynnego
Truth about intellect. Understanding of possible and agent intellect in the thought of Mieczysław Gogacz
Zembrzuski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
intelekt możnościowy
intelekt czynny
dusza i ciało
Tomasz z Akwinu
Mieczysław Gogacz
possible intellect
agent intellect
soul and body
Thomas Aquinas
The aim of the article is presentation the problems of possible intellect and agent intellect in philosophy Mieczyslaw Gogacz, founder of consequent version of thomism (Warsaw School of Thomism). His understanding of the intellect was dictated by the successive publications. Difference between intellects, was first shown in the context of fundamental metaphysical positions - realism and idealism. According to M. Gogacz realistic proposition is depends on the distinction between two intellects, and idealistic related with the acceptance of a single intellect with passive and active function, and identification of the faculties of the soul with itself. M. Gogacz presented the metaphysical description of the nature of the intellect, emphasizing its being, as well as the very essence. He underlined that the possible intellect should be defined as the possibility of the soul, which is it imperfection (intellect is principle of individuation of the soul), located in the soul, but not identical with its essence. Agent intellect in his opinion should be defined as an accident of the possible intellect. Distinction between possible intellect and agent intellect allowed to remark the difference between knowing confused and clearly, and to build the theory of “speech of the heart”, which describes the most important way of knowing a principle of being – act of being.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2016, 5; 75-89
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie umysłowe koszalinian w okresie późnej dorosłości – raport z badań
Mental functioning of the residents of Koszalin during late adulthood - research report
Liput, M.
Jopek, A.
Moczek, D.
Łangowski, P.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
starzenie się
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zanikiem zdolności intelektualnych i psychicznych, który miałby postępować z biegiem czasu u osób w okresie późnej dorosłości, w wieku od 60 do 91 roku życia. Wyniki uzyskano dzięki przeprowadzeniu wśród pięćdziesięcioosobowej grupy trzech testów: Testu Sprawności Umysłowej według Hodgkinsona, Testu Folsteina oraz Testu E. Pfeiffera.
This article presents the results of loss of intellectual and mental capacity, that would follow over time in patients during late adulthood, between the ages of 60 to 91. These results were obtained by carrying on fifty people group of three tests: Abbreviated Mental Test by Hodgkinson, Folstein Mini-Mental State Exam, Pfeiffer's Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Koszalińskiej; 2015, 7; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Koszalińskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teoria poznania intelektualnego (ujęcie Franciszka Suáreza SJ)
Goczał, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
intelectual cognition
second intention
essence of being
passive and active intellect
This paper concerns Suárez’ intellectual cognition which is directly related to the theory of objective being, although understood differently than in the present times. In the discussion of intellectual cognition he placed the concept of first and second intention. Suárez especially indicates the order of so‑called the “second intention” in which the intellect perceives being through the very objective being (noetic order), which is characterized by undivided and undifferentiated status at the level of active intellect. Thus Suárez’ objective order of cognition is not distinctively determined. This makes the being to be comprehended through the objective concept of being from the noetic perspective as referring equally to the singular entities as well as universal, finite and infinite, being created and uncreated. Considering the above, one can agree with the position according to which Suárez’ intellectual cognition can be considered as a scholastic theory that could have a significant bearing on the future epistemology in modern rationalism, especially which had considerable influence on the Cartesian model of subjective knowledge and Kantian critical transcendental philosophy. Suárez’ approach meets with the theory that influenced the modern epistemology and post‑Cartesian philosophy as a cognitive shift towards a new subjective prospect (e.g. in se conversa), in which reflection on real being was shifted toward the cognitive representations, that is, toward the noetic reflection and mentalism.
Racjonalia. Z punktu widzenia humanistyki; 2016, 6
Pojawia się w:
Racjonalia. Z punktu widzenia humanistyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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