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Historyczne determinanty kształtowania się cech charakterystycznych i specyfiki polityki zagranicznej Chin
Historical determinants of specific characteristics of the formation of foreign policy of China
Dryjańska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Foreign policy
The paper presents the major characteristics of the Chinese political culture. The author selected those of the attributes of the Chinese political culture which in her view have had the biggest influence on the Chinese foreign policy - both strategic thinking and the methods used. The article examines such characteristics as paternalism, Sino centrism, imperialism, nationalism and pragmatism. The author explains them by their genesis in history of China and she provides analysis of their effects on foreign policy
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 11 - Chiny i państwa azjatyckie - karty z historii i wyzwania współczesności; 19-27
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Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jezični imperijalizam i politička korektnost
Opačić, Nives
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Croatian language
linguistic imperialism
political correctness
Language imperialism and political correctnessIn the times of general globalization, in its part that considers languages, especially the so-called small languages, we can talk not only about an uncontrolled inroad of mainly English words into all walks of life within a society, but also about elements of linguistic imperialism.That imperialism has come about through technology, not by arms and blazing swords, as was mostly the case in history. In addition, the USA – the exporting country of the above mentioned language-imperialistic phenomena around the world, is considered to be the cradle of the much advocated political correctness, which should include basic human rights, one of which is undoubtedly the right to a proper name.It could be argued whether this right is always respected: I will show some examples of proper names of immigrants who had to/wanted to renounce their names in order to be Americanized (‘‘cooked in the American melting pot’’). Thus, the Croatian Krešo became Chris, Eva is spelled Eve on the other side of the pond (pronounced /I:v/), and in the global (American) news Michael Stich, a German, is pronounced /majkl stits/, and so on.I will also provide an example of political correctness which is not far from sheer stupidity.Political correctness itself changes with time, which will be illustrated by the Croatian example Ciganin – Rom (Gipsy – Roma(ny)).
Slavia Meridionalis; 2010, 10
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Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Joseph Conrad’s essays and letters in the light of postcolonial studies
Kopkowski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Conrad studies, postcolonialism, imperialism, nationalism, tsarism, autocracy
This article is an attempt to explore the feasibility of using the analytical and interpretational tools offered by postcolonial criticism in order to reassess those texts in which Joseph Conrad expressed his political views. The author’s basic aim is to present the methods which Conrad used in his political essays in order to make a critique of great power politics in Central and Eastern Europe, and in particular to draw attention to techniques and content that were specifi cally designed to deconstruct the imperial practices of Germany and Russia. The article also shows how Conrad constructed a characteristically Polish defensive national identity, thus placing his political thinking within the context of the tradition of Romantic theories of nationalism, which found their finest expression in the writings of Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki and Conrad’s father Apollo Nałęcz-Korzeniowski.
Yearbook of Conrad Studies; 2011, 6, 1
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Yearbook of Conrad Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Twinning Rider Haggard’s Ayesha and Joseph Conrad’s Kurtz
Warodell, Johan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
solitude, madness, Congo, imperialism, Christianity, ivory
Circumstantial evidence counts as hard fact in the attempt to understand what infl uenced Joseph Conrad’s works. Twenty-seven years ago Allan Hunter boldly argued that Conrad’s Heart of Darkness was, owing to many similar passages and phrases, strongly infl uenced by Rider Haggard’s She. To date, Hunter’s argument has been left unevaluated. This essay highlights similarities between the two antiheroes Kurtz and Ayesha in order to add circumstantial evidence to Hunter’s stated, but relatively unexplored view. This essay does not attempt to prove a direct infl uence, but hopes to show that engaging with this specifi c question of infl uence is worthwhile.
Yearbook of Conrad Studies; 2011, 6, 1
Pojawia się w:
Yearbook of Conrad Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kulturowe stereotypy i uprzedzenia wobec Indusów w twórczości Rudyarda Kiplinga
Łuszczykiewicz, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii
cultural stereotypes
cultural studies
Rudyard Kipling
George Orwell
Victorian literature
The aim of this paper is to characterize and dispute the cultural stereotypes and prejudices against the Indians depicted in the writings of Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936), one of the most popular British novelists of the Victorian era. The starting point for these reflections is George Orwell’s essay in which he describes Kipling as a racist and imperialist as well as a morally insensitive and aesthetically disgusting figure. To verify this view the present author undertakes an analysis of the cultural stereotypes and prejudices embedded in the selected novels by Kipling. In reconsidering Kipling’s works, she traces the connections between his own world-view and the negative reception of Indians within the Anglo-Indian community by which he was largely shaped. The paper concludes by supporting Orwell’s criticism and demonstrating how Kipling reinforced the stereotype of an Indian, thus reflecting the cultural cliché widespread among the xenophobic and conservative Anglo-Indians in the 19th century
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal; 2012, 2, 1; 199-221
Pojawia się w:
ARGUMENT: Biannual Philosophical Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między kolonią a imperium. Miłosz i Dostojewski
Between Empire and Colony. Miłosz and Dostoyevski
Wedemann, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Central Europe
Russian imperialism
postcolonial studies
Mikhail Bakhtin’s polyphony
Europa Środkowa
rosyjski imperializm
badania postkolonialne
Bachtinowska polifonia
Refleksję Czesława Miłosza nad fenomenem twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego umieszcza autor w kontekście studiów postkolonialnych, zwracając uwagę na prekursorski charakter oraz komplementarność szkiców poety o literaturze rosyjskiej wobec analiz Ewy M. Thompson, przeprowadzonych w jej książce Imperial Knowledge. Russian Literature and Colonialism (tłum. pol. Trubadurzy imperium. Literatura rosyjska i kolonializm
The author puts Czesław Miłosz’s reflection of the phenomenon of Dostoyevski’s works in the context of postcolonial studies. He draws the attention to the innovative character and complementarity of the poet’s essays on Russian literature which is different to the its analysis carried out by Ewa M. Thompson in ”Imperial Knowledge. Russian Literature and Colonialism”. 
Porównania; 2012, 10; 23-37
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zachodni imperializm przeciwko pierwotnemu komunizmowi - nowe odczytanie pism ekonomicznych Róży Luksemburg
Western Imperialism Against Primitive Communism. A New Reading of Rosa Luxemburg’s Economic Writings
Löwy, Michael
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Rosa Luxemburg
primitive communism
Róża Luksemburg
pierwotny komunizm
Dyskusja na temat teorii imperializmu Róży Luksemburg dotyczy głównie argumentu ekonomicznego, w tym między innymi schematów reprodukcji, procesu cyrkulacji, konieczności istnienia rynków „zewnętrznych”. Istnieje jednak jeszcze inny jej wymiar, który wydaje się co najmniej tak samo istotny: zmagania imperializmu z przedkapitalistycznymi gospodarkami oraz bezlitosne niszczenie „naturalnych” i chłopskich gospodarek, stanowiących – w dużej części – formy pierwotnego komunizmu. Zainteresowanie Luksemburg społeczeństwami pierwotnego komunizmu udokumentowane jest w jej Wstępie do ekonomii politycznej, a imperialistyczna wojna przeciwko nim omówiona jest zarówno w tej pracy, jak i w końcowych rozdziałach Akumulacji kapitału. W jej refleksjach zarysowane zostało oryginalne podejście do formacji społecznych, będące przeciwieństwem linearnej, „progresywnej” perspektywy ideologii burżuazyjnej. Współczesne walki rdzennej ludności, na przykład walki przeciwko międzynarodowym firmom naftowym i wydobywczym w Ameryce Łacińskiej, ilustrują aktualność argumentu Róży Luksemburg w dwudziestym pierwszym wieku.
The discussion on Rosa Luxemburg’s theories of imperialism has mainly focused on the economic argument - the schemes of reproduction, the process of circulation, the need for “external” markets, etc. There is however another dimension, at least as important : the struggle of imperialism against pre-capitalist economies, the ruthless destruction of “natural” and peasant economies, many of them being forms of primitive communism. Luxemburg’s interest for primitive communist societies is documented by her Introduction to Political Economy and the imperialist war against them is discussed both in this work and in the last chapters of The Accumulation of Capital. A wholly original approach to the evolution of social formations, running counter tol inear “progressive” views of bourgeois ideology, is outlined in these reflections. Present indigenous struggles e.g. in Latin America, against multinational oil or mining companies, illustrate the topicality of Rosa Luxemburg’s argument in the 21th century.
Praktyka Teoretyczna; 2012, 6; 299-310
Pojawia się w:
Praktyka Teoretyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Feminizm islamski. Niechciane dziecko islamu politycznego
Islamic feminism. The unwanted child of political Islam
Bobako, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Islamic feminism
Muslim feminism
political Islam
the Shari’ah
feminizm islamski
feminizm muzułmański
islam polityczny
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie feminizmu islamskiego jako zjawiska polityczno-intelektualnego, które rozwija się w międzynarodowych społecznościach muzułmańskich kobiet od kilku dekad. Autorka odróżnia feminizm islamski (postulujący równość płci i upodmiotowienie kobiet w oparciu o religijne zasady islamu) od wcześniejszej feministycznej tradycji, którą za Margot Badran określa mianem feminizmu muzułmańskiego. Tekst przedstawia polityczny i intelektualny kontekst powstania feminizmu islamskiego oraz pokazuje jego skomplikowane związki zarówno z islamem politycznym, jak i zachodnimi dyskursami feministycznymi. Kluczowym czynnikiem okazuje się tutaj dziedzictwo europejskiego kolonializmu i antymuzułmańska polityka Zachodu. Przywołując prace głównych reprezentantek feminizmu islamskiego, tj Fatimy Mernissi, Aminy Wadud, Ziby Mir-Hosseini i Asmy Barlas, autorka omawia podejmowane przez nie próby antypatriarchalnych odczytań muzułmańskiej tradycji, tekstów koranicznych i utrwalonych wykładni prawa szarijatu.
A goal of the paper is to present Islamic feminism as a political-intellectual phenomenon that has been developing in the international Muslim women community for a few decades. The author distinguishes Islamic feminism (that postulates gender quality and women’s empowerment on the basis of the religious principles of Islam) from earlier feminist tradition that she labels after Margot Badran as Muslim feminism. The paper discusses political and intellectual background of the emergence of Islamic feminism and shows its complex relationships with both political Islam and the Western feminist discourses. A key factor here is a heritage of European colonialism and anti-Muslim politics of the West. The author refers to the works of main representatives of Islamic feminism, such as Fatima Mernissi, Amina Wadud, Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Asma Barlas, and examines their attempts to arrive at non-patriarchal reinterpretations of the Muslim tradition, Quranic texts and the established interpretations of the Sharia law.
Praktyka Teoretyczna; 2013, 8, 2; 219-247
Pojawia się w:
Praktyka Teoretyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gemma Augustea and the Roman Stoicism
Gemma Augustea i rzymski stoicyzm
Burliga, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Roman Stoicism
the Roman imperialism
The article is devoted to the problem of so-called Roman Stoicism - the final stage in the development of Stoic philosophy and school. The starting point is the scene of the crowning of Octavian Augustus by the goddess Oikumene on the so-called Gemma Augustea, a beautiful cameo that dates from the early reign of Emperor Tiberius. The presence of the figure of Oikumene there is puzzling because, as is well known, the term was used in Hellenistic philosophy (Stoic and Cynic) to denote the inhabited world. The fact that the figure of Oikumene was included in the imperial programme of Emperor Augustus shows that the Romans gave the concept a different meaning: in their understanding, Oikumene now meant the Roman world stricto sensu. It was a symbolic way of expressing Roman rule over the world. Thus, the figure of Oikumene on the gemma is evidence that the Romans did not passively repeat Stoic teaching, but used some of its elements to describe their rule over the world. More importantly, the very fact of having such a vast empire defined, as it were, the nature of Roman Stoicism in passing.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 401-427
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pojęcia imperium i imperializm w nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych
Concepts of empire and imperialism in International Relations
Gałganek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Stosunki międzynarodowe
International Relations
Contrary to appearances, it is difficult to make a straightforward distinction between „internationalism” and „imperiality”. On the one hand, from the point of view of a normative theory of international politics, crossing this line seems to lead from legitimization of international relations (internationalism) to a lack of it (imperiality), and from normality to uniqueness. On the other hand, from a historical point of view, the empire is a ubiquitous form of participation in the internationalism of the social world. One of the „sacred” rules in the discourse on the modern international system seems to be the prohibition of the empire. During the last twenty years the notions „empire” and „imperialism” have returned to the language of analysis of international relations. One can observe a specific rehabilitation of the notion of empire as a unit of analysis and imperialism as an international relation practice. The article presents the understanding of the notions „empire” and „imperialism” in the studies of international relations and the history of international relations. The author discusses often ignored in the international relations studies ideas and practices shared by empires and the influence that the overseas empires exerted on Europe and its culture. A significant problem discussed by the author is the explanation of a lack of particular interest in imperialism in the main research streams in studies of international relations. Therefore, the author presents the essence of understanding of the problem of imperialism in the streams of theorizing in international relations inspired by Marxist critique of capitalism, starting with W. Lenin and K. Kautsky, through E. Wood, A. Gunder Franka, I. Wallerstein, and finishing with M. Hardt, A. Negri and theorists of new imperialism. In the last part of the article the author motivates his thesis that one hundred years of theoretical reflection over the empire and imperialism, in which a significant place is taken by research carried out in the 2nd half of the 20st century in the form of dependency theory and analysis of world-systems, has taken a roundabout way, returning at the beginning of the 21st century to the problem of violence and strength within the capitalist social relations. Recent events in international relations have shown troublesome relations between the ideal of social agreements, especially in the economic sphere, and using military force in international relations.
Wbrew pozorom trudno przeprowadzić jednoznaczny rozdział pomiędzy „międzynarodowością” i „imperialnością”. Z jednej strony, z punktu widzenia normatywnej teorii polityki międzynarodowej przekraczanie tej linii wydaje się prowadzić od legitymizacji stosunków międzynarodowych (międzynarodowość) do jej braku (imperialność) i od normalności do wyjątkowości. Z drugiej strony, z historycznego punktu widzenia imperium jest wszechobecną formą uczestnictwa w międzynarodowości świata społecznego. Jedną ze „świętych” zasad w dyskursie o nowożytnym systemie międzynarodowym wydaje się być zakaz imperium. W ostatnich dwudziestu latach pojęcia „imperium” i „imperializm” wróciły do języka analizy stosunków międzynarodowych. Dokonuje się swoista rehabilitacja pojęcia imperium jako jednostki analizy i imperializmu jako praktyki stosunków międzynarodowych. Artykuł przedstawia rozumienie pojęć imperium i imperializm w nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych i historii stosunków międzynarodowych. Autor omawia często pomijane w nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych idee i praktyki podzielane przez imperia oraz wpływ jaki zamorskie imperia wywarły na Europę i jej kulturę. Istotnym problemem omawianym przez Autora jest wyjaśnienie braku szczególnego zainteresowania imperializmem w głównych nurtach badawczych w nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych. Autor przedstawia zatem istotę rozumienia problemu imperializmu w nurtach teoretyzowania o stosunkach międzynarodowych inspirowanych marksowską krytyką kapitalizmu poczynając od W. Lenina i K. Kautskiego przez E.Wood, A. Gunder Franka, I. Wallersteina na M. Hardt, A. Negri oraz teoretykach nowego imperializmu kończąc. W końcowej części artykułu Autor uzasadnia tezę, że sto lat refleksji teoretycznej nad imperium i imperializmem, w której istotne miejsce zajmują także badania prowadzone w drugiej połowie XX w. w formie teorii zależności i analizy systemów-światów, zatoczyło koło powracając na pocz. XXI w. do problemu przemocy i siły w ramach kapitalistycznych stosunków społecznych. Ostatnie wydarzenia w stosunkach międzynarodowych ukazują kłopotliwe związki między ideałem umów społecznych, szczególnie w sferze ekonomicznej a stosowaniem siły militarnej w stosunkach międzynarodowych.
Przegląd Strategiczny; 2013, 1; 79-108
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Strategiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The creation of the Kingdom of Croatia in 1941 on the pages of the periodical “L’illustrazione Italiana”
Violante, Antonio
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
Italian imperialism in the Adriatic
Slavic identity in Dalmatia
With the May 18th 1941 agreement, the fascist Italy recognized the institution of the Kingdom of Croatia, and had also designated Aimone di Savoia as its sovereign, that was suppose to found a new dynasty, able to guide the country towards a renaissance, after twenty years of the Croatian population’s being tormented ever since Versailles. This study does not aim to analyse the historic context that has seen the birth and formation of this new state, tightly allied with the Axis powers, and also limited by their political and territorial interests, nor does it aim to investigate its ephemeral existence which ended with Germany’s defeat; but it does aim to verify how the creation of this political subject was treated by the periodical “L’illustrazione italiana”, one of the Mussolini regime’s biggest means of propaganda. After an analysis of its articles dedicated to the Kingdom of Croatia, and after comparing that to the reality provided and documented by other sources, it shows how obviously the Italian state tried to acquire an hegemony on the Adriatic, all the while basing such intent upon historical and cultural motivations, and how this attempt was presented as both the result of an unbreakable friendship between Italians and Croats, and as an operation aiming to guarantee a new European order in the name of the justice. The reality was, as it is well known, that even though the Kingdom of Croatia was born as an Italian protectorate, during its short existence it “slipped” slowly towards German influence, considering the incompatibility between its own and the Italian geopolitical interests.
Security Dimensions; 2013, 10(10); 46-58
Pojawia się w:
Security Dimensions
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imperializm ekonomiczny w kontekście podejmowania decyzji przez konsumentów − rozważania teoretyczne
Economic imperialism in the context of consumer decision making – theoretical deliberations
Walasek, Rafał
Zalega, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
imperializm ekonomiczny
zachowania konsumentów
model rozwodowych punktów zagrożenia
model separacyjnych punktów zagrożenia
economic imperialism
consumption behaviour
divorce-threat bargaining model
separate spheres bargaining model
Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu płci na podejmowanie decyzji zakupowych w związku, wyjaśnienie, które decyzje dotyczące zakupu konkretnych produktów i usług są podejmowanie wspólnie, a także określenie determinantów wpływających na wysokość wydatków na artykuły spożywcze wśród osób będących w związku. W pierwszej części artykułu opisane zostały modele stałych preferencji, a następnie modele negocjacyjne. W drugiej części przedstawione zostały wyniki badania empirycznego sprawdzającego wpływ płci na zakupowe podejmowanie decyzji wśród osób tworzących związek. Podsumowanie rozważań kończy niniejszy tekst.
The aim of the article is to analyse how gender influences buying decisions made by couples, to explain which decisions to buy specific products and services are made jointly, and to identify factors determining the amounts of expenditures related to foods products made by couples. In the first part of the article, fixed preference models and then negotiation models are described. In the second part, the outcomes of an empirical study investigating how gender influences the buying decisions of individuals involved in a relationship are presented. The article concludes with a summation of the discussion.
Konsumpcja i Rozwój; 2014, 2(7); 3-14
Pojawia się w:
Konsumpcja i Rozwój
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imperializm ekonomiczny w kontekście podejmowania decyzji przez konsumentów − wyniki badań empirycznych
Economic Imperialism in the Context of Consumer Decision Making - Results of Empirical Research
Zalega, Tomasz
Walasek, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
imperializm ekonomiczny
zachowania konsumentów
model rozwodowych punktów zagrożenia
model separacyjnych punktów zagrożenia
economic imperialism
consumer behaviour
divorce threat bargaining model
separate spheres bargaining model
Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu płci na podejmowanie decyzji zakupowych w związku, wyjaśnienie, które decyzje dotyczące zakupu konkretnych produktów i usług są podejmowanie wspólnie, a także określenie determinantów wpływających na wysokość wydatków na artykuły spożywcze wśród osób będących w związku. W części pierwszej artykułu opisane zostały modele stałych preferencji, a następnie modele negocjacyjne. W części drugiej przedstawiono wyniki badania empirycznego, sprawdzającego wpływ płci na zakupowe podejmowanie decyzji wśród osób tworzących związek.
An aim of the article is to analyse how gender influences buying decisions made by couples, to explain which decisions to buy specific products and services are made jointly, and to identify factors determining the amounts of expenditures related to food products made by couples. In the first part of the article, fixed preference models and then negotiation models are described. In the second part, the outcomes of an empirical study investigating how gender influences the buying decisions of individuals involved in a relationship are presented. The article concludes with a summation of the discussion.
Konsumpcja i Rozwój; 2014, 3(8); 31-47
Pojawia się w:
Konsumpcja i Rozwój
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imperializm ekonomii
Economics imperialism
Murak, Jan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
economics imperialism
theory of economics
social science
methodology of economics
In this paper we present the economics imperialism as an attempt to unify social sciences to the theory of economics. We show a lot of definitions of this phenomenon which are proposed in literature, but we point out that to some extent all highlight the issues of crossing of traditional boundaries of economics. Therefore, the definitions often accentuate an aggressive character of this process. In the next step, we present factors which allowed the emergence of the economics imperialism, such as the definition of economics proposed by Robbins, definitions of other social sciences and political factors. However, in the opinion of lot of researchers it was the unification of the science idea, as one of the “purest” goals of the scientific theorizing which was the most important. The influence of the last factor was reinforced also by the failure in finding of microfundaments of macroeconomics, that means internal unification of the economics. Trying to find an evidence of their advantage over heterodox schools, orthodox economists using tools, assumptions and methods which were characterisitc for them, started to analyse different non-market behaviours of people. We also distinguish two criteria of economics imperialism division. The first criterion concerns the subject of research or, in other words, a level of an analysis, so we distinguish the “into” and the “outside” economics imperialism. The aim of the “into” economics imperialism is to depart from traditional economic units and the analysis what these units are composed of and how they function, whereas the “outside” imperialism studies the phenomena of making decisions, which are not directly related to formal markets. The second criterion distinguishes the economics imperialism on the basis of methodologies. The old economics imperialism (the name of which arises from the fact that it was chronologically first, but this type of research is being continued) uses a methodology of the neoclassical economics, with the assumption of stability of preferences or effectiveness and market balance. Thus all areas of life are analysed as if they were markets. The main representative is G.S. Becker, who analyzed law this way. On the other hand the new economics imperialism is related to new institutional economics and its methodological approach. Thus, different behaviours of people are treated as a response to imperfections of markets. The main advocate of this approach is B. Fine. In the last part of the work we show that despite some success of economics imperialism such as finding new correlations or explaining some behaviours, it is criticised. Most of the criticism is related to the lack of satisfying the conditions of reasonable unification of science according to which first, a new, unified theory should explain all problems, which are explained by earlier theories and, second, phenomena which are discussed by this theory should result from the impact of the same real factors on them. Thus, t
Ekonomia XXI Wieku; 2014, 3(3); 113-126
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia XXI Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political Corruption and Electoral Systems Seen with Economists’ Lenses
Dzionek-Kozłowska, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
electoral system
economics imperialism
The ongoing process of democratisation lead to the growing importance of the electoral systems that regulate the procedures of gaining and legitimizing power in democracy. Taking it into account it is worth asking about the relationship between these particular ‘game rules’ contained into electoral law and the respect of the rule of law, being one of the basic norms of a democratic system. A question then may be raised about the existence and the character of the relation between electoral systems and the level of political corruption. It is worth noticing that besides the research conducted by political scientists and the representatives of various branches of social sciences the significant analysis of the issue have been presented by the economists. In this article a brief overview of the economic studies on the relationship between level of political corruption and the electoral systems is presented so as to assess to what degree this approach may be treated as fruitful.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2014, 17, 4; 79-92
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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