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Gender-Translation-Gap: Die Kategorie Geschlecht als Faktor beim Transfer (post-)jugoslawischer Literatur ins Deutsche
Gender Translation Gap: The Category of Gender as a Factor in the Transfer of (Post)Yugoslavian Literature into German
Gender Translation Gap: Rodna kategorija kao faktor u transferu (post)jugoslavenske književnosti na njemački jezik
Messner, Elena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bosanska, srpska, hrvatska književnost 1992— 2012
Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian literature 1992—2012
The unequal import of (literary) translations of male and female authors from Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia in German will be critically examined in this article regarding the following three aspects: 1. The gender differences in the quantity of translations; 2. The selection strategies for the translation of female authors, especially in the period from 1992 to 2012 (which mostly covers the period of the Yugoslav wars); 3. The role of female actors in the translatory field. The answers to these questions will show whether in this period one could speak of the “gender translation gap”.
Uvoz (književnih) prijevoda autorica i autora iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije na njemački jezik bit će u ovom članku kritički ispitan s obzirom na sljedeća tri aspekta: 1. Rodne razlike u količini prijevoda; 2. Strategije odabira prijevoda autorica, posebice u razdoblju od 1992. do 2012. (koje najvećim dijelom obuhvaća razdoblje jugoslavenskih ratova); 3. Uloga aktera u translacionom polju: Jesu li one djelovale kao prevoditeljice i posrednice za autore jednako često kao što su prevoditelji bili angažirani kao posrednici za autorice? Odgovori na ova pitanja pokazat će može li se u naznačenom razdoblju govoriti o fenomenu koji nazivam “gender translation gap”. Ovaj se pojam koristi u sociološkim i ekonomskim studijama o globalnim razlikama u plaćama između muškaraca i žena — i bit će ovim tekstom uveden u teorijsku raspravu o rodu i prijevodnom tržištu.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2022, 12; 1-24
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foreigner in One’s Own Language: Models of Translating Modern Croatian Dialect Literature into the Standard Croatian Language
Stranci u vlastitom jeziku. Modeli prevođenja moderne hrvatske dijalektalne književnosti na hrvatski standardni jezik
Kolar, Mario
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
moderna hrvatska dijalektalna književnost
književno prevođenje
modern Croatian dialect literature
literary translation
Since there are many differences between the standard Croatian language and the Croatian dialects (Čakavian, Kajkavian and Štokavian), Croatian literary works written in dialects usually include a glossary or otherwise try to bring their language closer to inodialect readers. This paper first reconstructs the models of translating modern Croatian dialect literature into the standard Croatian language and then analyses the advantages and disadvantages of each model.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2022, 12; 1-24
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trzydzieści lat nieobecności. Chorwacka książka dla dzieci w Polsce (1990—2020)
Trideset godina odsutnosti. Hrvatska dječja knjiga u Poljskoj (1990.—2020.)
Thirty Years of Absence. Croatian Children’s Books in Poland (1990—2020)
Ślawska, Magdalena Ewa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
hrvatska knjiga za djecu
književno polje
nakladničko polje
nakladničke strategije
Croatian children’s books
literary field
publishing field
publishing strategies
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie, w jaki sposób zmiany, które na przestrzeni ostatnich trzydziestu lat dokonały się na gruncie rynku książki dla dzieci w Polsce wpłynęły na wybór utworów dla dzieci chorwackich autorów, które poddano procesowi tłumaczenia i udostępniono polskim czytelnikom, a także ich funkcjonowanie i recepcję na gruncie kultury docelowej. Dzięki przeprowadzonym analizom będzie można oszacować rozmiar oraz kształt, jaki w badanym okresie chorwacka literatura dla dzieci przybrała w Polsce. W centrum mojego zainteresowania znajdą się przede wszystkim mechanizmy selekcji utworów – motywacje wydawców, podejmowane przez nich decyzje oraz konsekwencje ich wyborów. Analizy mechanizmów wyboru tekstów do tłumaczenia przez polskich wydawców oraz ich konsekwencji dokonam w oparciu o teorię pola literackiego Pierre’a Bourdieu.
Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati kako su promjene na poljskom tržištu knjiga u zadnjih tridesetak godina utjecale na odabir poljskih prijevoda hrvatskih autora dječje književnosti. U analizi mehanizama kojima su se u tome služili poljski nakladnici iskoristila sam teoriju književnog polja Pierrea Bourdieua u okviru koje francuski filozof nudi alate kojima je moguće kriterije za odabir dječjih knjiga dovesti u vezu s mjestom izdavača u nakladničkom polju, a koje je pak dio šireg književnog polja. U tom sam smislu najprije opisala promjene na poljskom nakladničkom tržištu nakon 1990., te predstavila knjige za djecu hrvatskih autora prevedene i objavljene u Poljskoj između 1990. i 2020. godine, kao i njihovu recepciju. I konačno, pomoću dijagrama suvremenog poljskog književnog polja, unutar njega posebice polja dječje književnosti nastojala sam analizirati motivacije i ciljeve poljskih nakladnika.
The aim of the paper is to investigate how the changes that have taken place in the children’s book market in Poland over the last thirty years have influenced the selection of children’s books by Croatian authors that have been translated and published in Poland as well as their reception. Thanks to the conducted analyses, it will be possible to estimate the size and character of Croatian children’s literature in Poland in the analysed period. My focus will be primarily on the mechanics of book selection — publishers’ motivation, their decisions and the consequences of their choices. I will analyse the mechanisms of selecting texts for translation by Polish publishers and their consequences on the basis of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of literary field.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2022, 12; 1-28
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagorka. Fenomen (nie)obecny.
Zagorka. The (Not)Present Phenomenon.
Zagorka. (Ne)prisutan fenomen
Gostomska, Anita
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Marija Jurić Zagorka (1873—1957)
kritička recepcija
critical reception
This article shows the phenomenon of Croatian journalist and writer Marija Jurić Zagorka. Well-known in Croatia and recently very popular not only among her readers but also scholars (especially feminist-oriented), she remains almost completely absent in Poland today despite the fact that her first novel, The Slaves [Roblje], was translated at the very beginning of the 20th century and she herself was commemorated as the first female journalist from Central Europe in the 1930s.
Članak prikazuje fenomen Marije Jurić Zagorke — najpopularnije hrvatske spisateljice i prve novinarke iz Srednje Europe, iz perspektive njezine recepcije u Hrvatskoj i Poljskoj. Kritičku recepciju njezine produkcije u Hrvatskoj karakterizira velika dinamika i dihotomija; u posljednjih desetak godina došlo je do svojevrsne renesanse interesa za ovu figuru, u akademskoj dimenziji (osobito feministički orijentiranoj) uzimajući oblik valorizacije i revalorizacije Zagorkine bogate ostavštine. Suvremeni poljski književni diskurs slabo reagira na fenomenalnu popularnost Zagorke u njezinoj domovini, iako se u Poljskoj pojavila i kao spisateljica i kao novinarka već početkom 20. stoljeća.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2022, 12; 1-25
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnos upravljanja radnom uspješnošću i kompenzacijskog menadžmenta u velikim poduzećima u Republici Hrvatskoj
The relationship between performance management and compensation management in large companies in the Republic of Croatia
Mostarac, Vinko
Knezevic, Danijel
Budimir, Ivan
Data publikacji:
European Business School Zagreb
upravljanje radnom uspješnošću
kompenzacijski menadžment
velika poduzeća
performance management
compensation management
large companies
U suvremenim poduzećima jedan je od glavnih izazova pronaći način kako motivirati i zadržati kvalitetne zaposlenike. Kako bi se u tome uistinu i uspjelo, poduzeća kontinuirano prate radnu uspješnost zaposlenika, a na temelju toga uvode i primjenjuju određene elemente sustava nagrađivanja. Glavni cilj ovog rada je istražiti sustav upravljanja radnom uspješnošću i koncept kompenzacijskog menadžmenta te njihov odnos u velikim poduzećima u Republici Hrvatskoj. U tu svrhu je provedeno anketno istraživanje na uzorku zaposlenika u velikim poduzećima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nalazi istraživanja ukazuju na relevantnost i potrebu za daljnjim kontinuiranim razvojem i povezivanjem sustava praćenja radne uspješnosti i kompenzacijskog menadžmenta u poduzećima.
In modern companies, one of the main challenges is finding a way to motivate and retain quality employees. In order to truly achieve this goal, companies continuously monitor employees’ work performance and, on that basis, introduce and apply certain elements of a reward system. The main objective of this paper is to explore the performance management system and the concept of compensation management and ultimately their relationship in large companies in the Republic of Croatia. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on the sample of employees in large companies in the Republic of Croatia. The findings of the research imply the relevance and requisite for further continuous development and integration of a performance management system and compensation management in companies.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo; 2020, 10, 1; 147-162
Pojawia się w:
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poezja w podroży i translatorskie synopsis. Komentarz do Bibliografii przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w 2018 roku
Travelling Poetry and Translation’s Synopsis Commentary on The Bibliography of Translations of Croatian Literature in Poland in 2018
Pjesništvo na putovanju i prevodilački sinopsis Osvrt na Bibliografiju poljskih prijevoda iz hrvatske književnosti u 2018. godini
Majdzik Papić, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Croatian literature in Poland
reception of translation
Dorta Jagić
multilingual edition
hrvatska književnost u Poljskoj
recepcija prijevoda
višejezično izdanje
This article summarizes and discusses the body of translations from Croatian literature published in Poland in 2018. The most significant offering to appear on the Polish market that year was a multilingual collection of mid-career poetry by Dorta Jagić entitled The Portrait of The Body, containing Croatian originals and their translations into Polish (by M. Wierzbicka) and English (by D. Šodan, M. Đurđević). “Synoptic” editions (bilingual or multilingual) allow the reader to view both the original and its translation, which has three major benefits: it contributes to a better circulation of texts; enables deziluzionist reading (the awareness of the difference between the original and the translation); and establishes an intertextual bond between the collected texts.
Članak sumira stanje prijevoda iz hrvatske književnosti koji su objavljeni u Poljskoj 2018. godine. Najvažnijom se pozicijom na poljskom izdavačkom tržištu pokazao višejezični izbor iz zrele poezije Dorte Jagić pod naslovom Portret tijela koji sadrži hrvatski original i njegov prijevod na poljski (M. Wierzbicka) i engleski (D. Šodan, M. Đurđević) jezik. Sinoptička izdanja (dvo- ili višejezična) omogućuju čitatelju da se sukobi s originalom i prijevodom, pridonose boljoj cirkulaciji tekstova, omogućuju deziluzionističko čitanje (tj. sa sviješću o razlici između originala i prijevoda) te uspostave intertekstualnu vezu između povezanih tekstova.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2020, 10, 2; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The analysis of Croatian scientific and professional journals from the field of economics in databases Web of Science and Scopus
Analiza hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa iz područja ekonomije u bazama Web of Science i Scopus
Konjevod, Barbara
Data publikacji:
European Business School Zagreb
analiza časopisa
ekonomski časopisi
Web of Science
znanstvena produktivnost
journal analysis
economic journals
Scientific journals are a key medium for scientific communication, and for librarians a main source for analyzing scientific productivity. The aim of this paper is to analyze Croatian scientific and professional journals in the field of economics using the quantitative tool Journal Citation Report (JCR) of the Web of Science database and the metric indicator SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) on journals in Scopus. The purpose of this paper is to enable economy scientists to present the overview of Croatian economic journals in relevant databases. The sample includes 69 active journals in economics on the Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals - Hrčak. The used method is the analysis of journals on Hrčak to find out which journals are indexed in Web of Science and Scopus citation databases, together with the analysis by following parameters: best ranked journal by impact factor in JCR and SJR indicator, the most cited article and most productive authors. This research provided insight into Croatian journals indexed in databases of category a1 according to the Rule book on Conditions for Selection in Scientific Professions as well as it gave insight into the scientific productivity of scientists within the field of economics.
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo; 2020, 10, 2; 92-106
Pojawia się w:
Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The construction of a political community: Croatian political emigrants after 1945 as performative actors
Zanki, Angelika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Croatian political emigration
Hrvatska revija
The construction of a political community: Croatian political emigrants after 1945 as performative actorsThe article concerns Croatian political emigration in the period 1945–1990. The author describes the construction of a political community as a form of opposition to the communist regime in Yugoslavia. The aforementioned group – understood here as a performative actor – made an effort to deconstruct the new ideology and political doctrine and to create a new community. These activities manifested in various forms of organization. In this article special attention is given to Hrvatska revija magazine, which was published in 1951–1966 in Argentina. Its main objective was to make the public aware of the socio-political situation in Croatia and to change public opinion. Croatian intellectuals analyzed topics that were forbidden or censored in their homeland; in particular, they willingly referred to Bleiburg and the figure of Alojzije Stepinac, whose reinterpretation became the foundation of a new political community. Konstruowanie wspólnoty politycznej. Chorwacka emigracja polityczna po 1945 roku jako podmiot performatywnyArtykuł dotyczy emigracji chorwackiej w okresie po 1945 roku, nazywanej polityczną. W tekście przedstawiono konstruowanie się wspólnoty politycznej, stanowiącej formę oporu przeciw reżimowi komunistycznemu w Jugosławii. Wspomniana grupa – rozumiana tutaj jako podmiot performatywny – dokładała wszelkich starań, by zdekonstruować nową ideologię i doktrynę polityczną, a tym samym stworzyć nową wspólnotę. Frontem takich działań były różne formy organizacji. W niniejszym artykule szczególną uwagę poświęcono gazecie „Hrvatska revija”, wydawanej w okresie 1951–1966 w Argentynie. Za cel nadrzędny stawiano w niej uświadomienie szerokiej opinii publicznej sytuacji społeczno-politycznej w Chorwacji, jak i wpłynięcie na jej zmianę. Intelektualiści chorwaccy poruszali tematy zakazane lub cenzurowane w ojczyźnie, szczególnie chętnie odnosząc się do dwóch ideologemów: Bleiburga i Alojzije Stepinaca, których reinterpretacja stała się fundamentem nowej wspólnoty politycznej.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2019, 19
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imenska osnova bog u hrvatskoj antroponimiji s osobitimosvrtom na osobna imena
The Radix bog in Croatian Anthroponymy with a Special Focus on Personal Names
Čilaš Šimpraga, Ankica
Brgles, Branimir
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
hrvatska povijesna antroponimija
osnova bog u hrvatskoj antroponimiji
narodna imena
dijakronijska usporedba uporabe narodnih imena
Croatian historical anthroponymy
radix bog in Croatian anthroponymy
folk personal names
diachronic comparison of the usage of folk names
In the modern corpus of Croatian anthroponyms there are 30 personal names with the root bog (‘god’). An abundance of both published and unpublished historical sources used in this research allowed the authors to create a corpus of personal names suitable for the comparative analysis of fre¬quency and incidence in historical sources. The continuity of the use of the root bog among Croats is presented through the analysis of historical anthroponymic records (from the oldest originating in the 11th century, to contemporary sources). The oldest available sources attest to the onset of interference and the blending of Slavic and Romanic ethnicities, foremost in coastal Dalmatian city communes. A limited frequency of these personal names was detected in the 16th century. The fac¬tors that led to this situation are not only connected to the decisions of the Council of Trent, which recommended general usage of Christian names, but can also be attributed to historical circumstan¬ces (incursion of Ottomans, subsequent migrations). Most of the 16th century attestations pertain to areas with a mixed Christian and Muslim population. In border areas, where Western states shared Eastern borders with the Ottoman Empire, the analysed attestations were quite rare. Due to constant migrations from the contact zones and the Ottoman Empire towards the interior of the Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom, these personal names were able to ”survive” the early modern period. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, usage of folk names was more frequent, most probably as a consequence of the process of Croatian national revival.
Onomastica; 2017, 61/1; 119-138
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miljenko Jergović w Polsce i o Polsce — na marginesie komentarza do powieści Wilimowski
Miljenko Jergović u Poljskoj i o Poljskoj — na margini komentara na roman Wilimowski
Miljenko Jergović in and about Poland — Notes in the Margin while Discussing Wilimowski the Novel
Kurtok, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Miljenko Jergović
hrvatska književnost
poljski prijevodi
Croatian literature
Polish translations
U članku se sintetično ukazuje književnu nazočnost Miljenka Jergovića u Poljskoj te se pregledava poljske prijevode njegovih djela. Predstavlja se Jergovićeve veze s Poljskom, npr. njegovu suradnju s Magdalenom Petryńskom (prevoditeljicom svih poljskih izdanja njegovih romana) i njezin utjecaj na piščevu popularnost u našoj zemlji. U odnosu na to, članak se koncentrira na Jergovićevu najviše poljskom djelu — (kratkom) romanu Wilimowski. Zahvaljajući Petryńskoj roman je bio objavljen u Poljskoj u travnju 2016., što je bila svjetska premijera ove knjige u tiskanom izdanju. U članku se ukratko prezentira okolnosti izdanja poljskog prijevoda Wilimowskog, razloge piščevog interesa za Poljsku (između ostalog za naslovni lik romana — poljskog nogometaša Ernesta Wilimowskog) te recepciju knjige u Poljskoj. isto tako se ukazuju osnovne crte Jergovićevog književnog rada npr. naracijska strategija ili najčešće teme koje se pojavljuju u njegovim djelima.
The article gives a brief summary of Miljenko Jergović’s literary presence in Poland. It concentrates upon the writer’s poems, short stories, novels and essays hitherto translated into Polish and published in Poland. Additionally, jergović’s manifold connections with Poland are presented, starting with the history of his cooperation with Magdalena Petryńska, who translated all of his novels into Polish. This translator’s impact on the writer’s popularity in our country is underscored. Within this scope, the article concentrates on the Jergović’s “most Polish” work, a short novel entitled Wilimowski. Thanks to Petryńska’s efforts, the book was published in Polish in april 2016, which constituted the novel’s world premiere. The article concisely addresses and describes the circumstances of Wilimowski’s several editions, concurrently discussing motives behind the writer’s interest in Poland (among others, the novel’s protagonist — a Polish football player Ernest Wilimowski), and the book’s reception in Poland. Last but not least, Jergović’s writing technique is characterized along with leitmotifs of his literary works.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2017, 8, 2; 37-49
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dorta Jagić — poetka wolności. Komentarz do Bibliografii przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w 2014 roku
Dorta Jagić — pjesnikinja slobode. Komentar uz Bibliografiju prijevoda hrvatske književnosti u Poljskoj 2014.
Dorta Jagić — the poetess of freedom. The commentary to the Bibliography of the translations of Croatian literature in Poland in 2014
Majdzik, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
hrvatska književnost
Europski pjesnik slobode
Croatian literature
Dorta Jagić
The European Poet of Freedom
U Poljskoj 2014. godina nije obilovala izdanjima hrvatske književnosti. U kulturnim i književnim časopisima pojavilo se dvadesetak pjesama i proznih fragmenata, nešto manje eseja i dramskih tekstova. Među monografijama posebnu pozornost privlači zbirka eseja Dubravke Ugrešić Kultura karaoke, kao i izbor stihova Ivana Hercega i knjiga pjesama Dorte Jagić Kauč na trgu. Spomenuta knjiga pjesama nagrađena je na prestižnom književnom natječaju „Europski pjesnik slobode”, koji je organizirao grad Gdanjsk. Posebno je istaknut prijevod pjesama na poljski jezik Małgorzate Wierzbicke. Članak analizira izabrane stihove iz nagrađene zbirke Dorte Jagić.
The year 2014 in Poland did not teem with many publications of Croatian literary works. In journals of culture and literature there were published a dozen or so poems and prose excerpts, less essays and plays. Among book publications attention should be paid to the collection of essays by Dubravka Ugresić Karaoke culture, the selection of poems by Ivan Herceg and the poetic tome by Dorta Jagić Sofa on the market. The last mentioned was awarded during the prestigious literary contest „The European Poet of Freedom” taking place in Gdańsk. Apart from the poetess the jury set the translator Małgorzata Wierzbicka apart for distinction. The article discusses selected poems by Dorta Jagić from the awarded collection.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2015, 6, 2; 45-55
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polski przekład dramatu Asji Srnec Todorović Odbrojavanje wobec kategorii ciała i cielesności
Kategorija tijela i tijelesnosti u poljskom prijevodu drame Asje Srnec Todorović Odbrojavanje
Category of ‘the body and corporeality’ in Polish translation of the drama Odbrojavanje (The Countdown) by Asja Srnec Todorović
Wołek-San Sebastian, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
nova hrvatska drama
the body and corporeality
contemporary Croatian drama
nowy dramat chorwacki
U članku se na osnovi teksta drame Asje Srnec Todorović Odbrojavanje govori o ključnoj kategoriji tijela i tjelesnosti u suvremenom hrvatskom dramskom pismu i njegovom polsjkom prijevodu Odliczanie. U drami Odbrojavanje pojavljuje se pitanje korijena i biti mržnje s kojom je neizbježivo povezano tijelo kao objekt i subjekt te mržnje. Analiza poljskog prevodilačkog rada prikazuje značajnost iskustva tijela u različitim diskursima koji se ostvaruju u ovoj drami. Identificiranje diskursa je uvjet uspješnog transfera kategorije tijela i tijelesnosti u novi jezični okvir.
The article discusses the key category of ‘the body and corporeality’ in contemporary Croatian drama and its Polish translation basing on the drama Odbrojavanje (‘The Countdown’) by Asja Srnec Todorović. Odbrojavanje concerns itself with the issue of the sources and the essence of violence, to which the body, as the subject and the object of violence, is connected. Analysis of the Polish translation of the drama allows one to realize how does the ‘experience of the body’ function in different linguistic discourses realized in the text. Discourse identification is inevitable for the categories of the body and corporality to be successfully transferred into the new linguistic space.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2015, 6, 1; 149-157
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w 2013 roku
Bibliografija prijevoda hrvatske književnosti u Poljskoj u 2013. godini
The bibliography of translations of Croatian literature in Poland in the year 2013
Majdzik, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bibliografia tłumaczeń
literatura chorwacka w Polsce
bibliografija prijevoda
hrvatska književnost u Poljskoj
bibliography of translations
Croatian literature in Poland
Bibliografia przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w 2013 roku, obejmująca przekłady książek i przekłady publikowane w czasopismach.
Bibliografija prijevoda hrvatske književnosti u Poljskoj koja obuhvaća prijevode knjiga i prijevode objavljene u časopisima.
The bibliography of translations of Croatian literature in Poland in the year 2013 which includes translations of the books and translations in periodicals.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 2; 41-42
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bibliografia przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2012
Bibliografija prijevoda hrvatske književnosti u Poljskoj u razdoblju 2007-2012
The bibliography of translations of Croatian literature in Poland in the period 2007-2012
Majdzik, Katarzyna
Łoś, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bibliografia przekładów
literatura chorwacka w Polsce
bibliografija prijevoda
hrvatska književnost u Poljskoj
bibliography of translations
Croatian literature in Poland
Bibliografia przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2012, obejmująca przekłady książek i przekłady publikowane w czasopismach.
Bibliografija prijevoda hrvatske književnosti u Poljskoj u razdoblju 2007-2012 koja obuhvaća prijevode knjiga i prijevode objavljene u časopisima.
The bibliography of translations of Croatian literature in Poland in the period 2007-2012 which includes translations of the books and translations in periodicals.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 4, 2; 49-91
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chorwackich etnologów i ludowców marzenie o dotarciu do źródła
Falski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Radić Antun
Radić Stjepan
Banovina Hrvatska
Croatian ethnology
Croatian Peasant Party
cultural identity
Croatian ethnologists’ and agriarians’ dream of sourceIn the first half of the 20th century, the connection between ethnology and politics in Croatia was exceptionally strong. Ethnology has become a tool to build national cohesion, and the main discourse is sought in the authentic aspects of Croatian culture, which could distinguish it in particular from Serbian or, in general, from Yugoslav culture. The central category of discourse, both ethnologic as well as the political, is the concept of source. A key theorist and activist who developed the concept of authentic Croatian cultural sources, and entered it in the political agenda, was Antun Radić. Together with his brother Stjepan, he founded the peasant party, which after 1918 became the Croats’ main political force. The Radić brothers pointed out that only folklore preserves cultural purity, and thus peasants should be the source of the resurgence in Croatian identity. During the short lifetime of the Croatian Banovina (1939–1941), this policy and its accompanying ideas became the official ideology, marked by the extraordinary influence of ethnology. This paper points out the dangerous aspects of the idea of source, related to the concept of closed, exclusive culture exposed to arbitrary purification. Chorwackich etnologów i ludowców marzenie o dotarciu do źródłaW pierwszej połowie XX wieku związki etnologii i polityki były w Chorwacji wyjątkowo silne. Etnologia stała się narzędziem budowania spójności narodowej i główną dziedziną wiedzy, w której poszukiwano autentycznych treści kultury chorwackiej, różnicujących ją zwłaszcza od kultury serbskiej czy ogólnie, południowosłowiańskiej. Centralną kategorią dyskursu zarówno etnologicznego, jak i politycznego, staje się pojęcie źródła. Najważniejszym teoretykiem i działaczem, który opracował koncepcję źródeł autentycznej kultury chorwackiej i wpisał ją w program polityczny, był Antun Radić. Razem z bratem Stjepanem założył on partię chłopską, która po 1918 r. stała się główną siłą polityczną Chorwatów. Radiciowie podkreślali, że jedynie folklor zachował czystość kulturową i właśnie dlatego wieś powinna być źródłem odrodzenia chorwackiej tożsamości. W krótkim okresie istnienia Banowiny Chorwackiej (1939–1941) program ten i towarzyszące mu wyobrażenia stają się ideologią oficjalną, nacechowaną niezwykłym znaczeniem przydawanym etnologii. W artykule wskazuje się w konkluzji na niebezpieczne aspekty idei źródła, które wiążą się z wyobrażeniem kultury zamkniętej, ekskluzywnej, odrzucającej dialog i arbitralnie poddanej puryfikacji.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2014, 14
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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