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Zabójstwo kryminalne w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie. Studium przypadku z zakresu stosowania niemieckiego wojennego prawa karnego
Criminal homicide in the General Government. A case study concerning the application of German criminal law during wartime
Mielnik, Hubert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Criminal law
General Government
Nazi law
Third Reich
prawo karne
Generalne Gubernatorstwo
prawo nazistowskie
Trzecia Rzesza
Artykuł stanowi studium przypadku stosowania specjalnego niemieckiego nazistowskiego wojennego prawa karnego w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie, a dokładnie rozporządzenia o ochronie przed młodocianymi zbrodniarzami. Dokonano w nim szczegółowej analizy jednego postępowania karnego od powzięcia informacji o przestępstwie przez policję aż do wykonania kary. Sprawa będąca przedmiotem analizy została wybrana ze względu na jej szczególny charakter. Dotyczyła bowiem podwójnego zabójstwa (morderstwa) o podłożu kryminalnym, dokonanego przez młodocianego sprawcę na żydowskich ofiarach. W artykule przedstawiono, jak wyglądała praktyka stosowania prawa karnego w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie, mająca charakter przyspieszony i uproszczony. Podkreślono kwestię niejasności prawa, niepewności sytuacji oskarżonego oraz braku możliwości skutecznej obrony. Rozwój nazistowskiego prawa karnego następował w kierunku prawa karnego sprawcy. Niemieckie prawo karne stosowało bezwzględnie karę śmierci albo rozszerzało jej stosowanie.
The article is a case study concerning the application of the Nazi’s special criminal law in the General Government during wartime, specifically the Juvenile Felons Ordinance of 4 October 1939. A detailed analysis of one criminal proceeding from the moment the police received information about the crime until the execution of the sentence is carried out. The case which was chosen for the present analysis was selected due to its specific character as it involved a double homicide (murder) committed by a juvenile offender whose victims were Jewish. The paper presents the practice of application of criminal law in the General Government, which was characterized by its expedited and simplified nature. It also highlights certain aspects of the law's ambiguity, the defendant's uncertain situation, and a lack of effective possibilities of defense. The development of Nazi criminal law veered towards perpetrator-based criminal law. The criminal law of Nazi Germany ruthlessly sentenced people to death and expanded its application.
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne; 2023, 75, 2; 183-206
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabójstwo dziecka jako zagadnienie kodyfikacyjne w II Rzeczypospolitej
Child murder as a codification issue in the Second Polish Republic
Dworas-Kulik, Judyta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Codification Commission
unification of criminal law
crimes against life
Komisja Kodyfikacyjna
kodyfikacja prawa karnego
przestępstwa przeciw życiu
W artykule został omówiony przebieg prac kodyfikacyjnych Sekcji Prawa Karnego Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej z okresu międzywojennego dotyczący kwalifikacji prawnej czynu zabronionego jako dzieciobójstwo lub zabójstwo dziecka. Analizą zostały objęte zapisy redakcyjne projektów kodeksu karnego z 1932 r. przyjętych przez Sekcję Prawa Karnego oraz towarzysząca pracom kodyfikacyjnym dyskusja na przedmiotowy temat. Zasadność nowelizacji i ujednolicenia regulacji karnych w analizowanym zakresie przedstawiono na przykładzie archiwalnych akt Sądu Okręgowego w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim. W dotychczasowej literaturze przedmiotu zagadnienie kodyfikacji zabójstwa dziecka i dzieciobójstwa w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej nie zostało omówione.
This article discusses the course of the codification works of the Criminal Law Section of the Codification Commission during the interwar period concerning the legal qualification of a criminal act as infanticide or child murder. The editorial records of the drafts of the 1932 Criminal Code adopted by the Criminal Law Section as well as the discussion on the subject which accompanied the codification works are subjected to analysis. The legitimacy of amending and unifying criminal regulations in the analyzed area is presented on the example of the archival records of the Piotrków Trybunalski Regional Court. The issue of the codification of child murder and infanticide during the Second Polish Republic period has not been hitherto discussed in the literature on the subject.
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne; 2023, 75, 2; 7-25
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabójstwa w Polsce w latach 1951–1971 oraz sprawcy zabójstw w świetle akt sądowych (streszczenie wyników badań)
Homicide in Poland in the Years 1951-1971 and the Offenders in the Light of Court Records (Summary of the Investigation)
Janowska, Halina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawcy zabójstw
akta sądowe
court records
Summary of the Investigation   This study is devoted to an analysis of homicide in Poiand during the 20 years 1951-1971 as compared with the pre-war period. This part of investigation is based on data taken from the police and prosecutor’s office statistics from before the war and for the years 1951-1971. The analysis deals also with the court records’ data on 308 offenders convicted for homicide throughout the country in the year 1961. The offenders represented almost all the persons convicted during that year for crimes covered by Arts. 225, paras 1 and 2 of the Penal Code of 1932. As many as 75 per cent of them were convicted for committed and 25 per cent for attempted homicides. The incidence of homicide was during the pre-war period more than five times that during the 25 years after the war. The social reasons for this phenomenon undoubtedly involve the important socio-economic and cultural transformations which have taken place in the country since the war. The diminished frequency of acts of homicide was brought about by changes in the social structure, an increase in the range of values made universally accessible, a rising level of culture and education, and changes in certain behavioural patterns. As between pre-war times and the last few years, a significant dynamic aspect in the territorial distribution of homicide has been noticeable; fundamentally, this is a change in the trend of dependence between the rate of homicide and the level of industrialization and urbanization. In the years 1935-1937, this dependence was negative, the greatest rate of homicide being recorded in the economically backward regions of eastern and southern Poland. In the years 1956-1962, this dependence persisted but at the same time the highest coefficient of homicide was noted in areas with an extremely high level of industrialization. In the years 1963-1965 there was an interdependence between the homicide rate and the low level of industrialization and urbanization; the highest coefficient of these crimes appears at that time in voivodeships marked by a high ‒ or an extremely low ‒ level of industrialization and urbanization. In recent years, 1969-1971, the dependence between the homicide rate and the low level of industrialization and urbanization further decreased, but the dependence of the high coefficient of homicide on the high level of industrialization became still more obvious. The highest homicide rate before the war in markedly agricultural areas of what was then called Poland “B” is to be linked with, above all, the influence exerted by such factors as: low level of economic development of these regions, low level of culture and education, the local type of social bonds, favouring ‒ in the then existing conditions ‒ lynch law, the spread of models called “subculture of aggression”. The fact that after the war (with a coefficient of homicide less than one-fifth of the former) a relatively higher coefficient of homicide remained unchanged in the eastern voivodeships is to be connected, above all, with residues of the pre-war situation which were of a cultural nature and whose influence ‒ because of the urbanization of rural culture ‒ was expected to diminish. This hypothesis finds confirmation in the results of the analysis of statistitical data for the years 1956-1971 related to the dynamic changes in the territorial distribution of homicide. Analyzing the reasons for a greater homicide rate in the western voivodeships, and even of tendencies indicating increase in the homicide coefficient in these areas, primarily taken into account should be the enormous intensification of social migration processes and the rapid rate of industrialization and urbanization of these regions. As regards the first of these factors, it should be borne in mind that the coefficient of homicide in the various voivodeships is greater in voivodeships with a higher percentage of people frorn those areas of Poland which before the war were known for a high coefficient of the crime of homicide. In conditions inevitably giving rise to social frustrations, there is an increased probability of homicide by people with certain psycho-social features. It should be emphasized that the offenders examined were in the majority of cases individuals marked by serious personality disorders and not having had even primary school education or any professional qualifications. Not without significance seems to be the fact that the overwhelming majority of such came from environments where aggressive behavioural patterns had been widespread. The indirect influence of social factors on the frequency of homicide seems to be insignificant in the case of people who commit such a crime in states of mind definable as psychotic, giving rise to irresponsibility. This assumption found confirmation in data from some other countries indicating that during a period when there is an increase in homicide, no increasing number of homicides by mentally ill people is to be observed. There seems, however, no doubt as to the influence of factors of a social nature on homicide by people who are not mentally sick but suffer from psychic anomalies. Among offenders examined by court psychiatrists (70.4% of the total in the court record material studied) 69.8 had psychic anomalies of various kinds; this fact is to be connected with their difficulties in social adjustment as well as with violent, extremely aggressive reactions to frustrating situations. Analyzing by comparison with the years before the war, the structure of motives for homicide, on the basis of court records, it was found that in the categories of motives differentiated in pre-war works by P. Horoszowski, the following changes have taken place as regards the number of convictions for homicides with given motives. The annual number of convictions for homicide with economic motives decreased five times (by approximately 300 cases); homicides for erotic motives less than two and a half times (by approximately 100); in defence of honour and person ‒ five times (by over 500); and infanticide ‒ also five times (by about 70). Examining the structure of motives for homicide ‒ i.e., the proportional share of convictions appropriate to the various categories ‒ it was found that the number of convicted offenders decreased by 7% as regards economic motives and defence of honour and person, and increased by about 14% in the category of homicides with erotic motives, while the percentage of convictions for child murder remained in the general structure of motives unchanged. Although the results of research on court records of one year are in principle insufficient as a basis for generalization in regard to a longer period of time, nevertheless we feel justified in generalizing the basis of statistical data supplied by the police. Such data enables the statement that there is a similarity between the average annual number of cases of homicide in the various categories of motives for the years 1962-1964 and 1968-1970. Since, moreover, the all-over number of cases of homicide for those years also reveals similarities, it may be concluded that the structure of motives for homicide in those periods was relatively stable. Changes in the structure of motives for homicide since the war period may, as compared with the pre-war period be attributed primarily to the changes in the structure of classes and strata in Poland and to changes in the hierarchy of socially accepted values. The typology of motives for homicide followed F. Horoszowski’s typology, which served as a basis for analysis of court records before the war but had to be extended for the purpose of this work. An effort has been made to find out whether offenders prompted by different motives differ essentially in respect to socio-demographic and psycho-social features. It was found that offenders, whether prompted by economic or erotic motives, or acting in defence of their personal dignity, etc., did not differ essentially as regards the features indicated above. But such differences can be observed when in the grouping of cases account is taken of, in addition to the motive for a crime, the objective situation on the background of which such motive took shape. Typotogy of the material examined, developed as indicated, led to the establishing of the following groups: (1) homicide in defence of personal dignity, arising out of a serious, developing conflict between the offender and the victim (26 cases); (2) homicide in defence of personal dignity, arising from a momentary, trivial conflict caused by the insobriety of the offender (40 cases); (3) homicide in defence of personal dignity during a brawl arising out of a trivial, passing conflict, caused by the insobriety of the offender (21 cases); (4) homicide for erotic reasons, arising out of the victim’s failure to satisfy the slayer’s emotional expectations (excluded are marital conflicts, caused by the slayer-husband’s alcoholism) ‒ 32 cases; (5) homicide with erotic motives connected with marital conflict, arising out of the slayer-husband’s alcoholism (32 cases); (6) homicide with erotic motives, to eliminate someone who constituted an obstacle to the offender’s realization of a plan to marry (18 cases); (7) homicide with economic motives arising out of claims to property (36 cases); (8) homicide with economic motives with intent to rob (29 cases); (9) homicide in self-defence or in defence of intimates (27 cases); (10) homicide to eliminate a witness to another crime committed by the offender (6 cases); (11) child-murder, as a rule of illegitimate infants, for various motives (23 cases), (a) by women (17 cases), (b) by men (6 cases); (12) homicide with pathological motives, arising out of a pathological reaction to intoxication (12 cases); (13) murder with pathological motives, arising out of a pathological way of achieving sexual satisfaction (6 cases). Note that the homicide category with the largest number of cases is that in defence of personal dignity (over 28%), including homicide for trivial reasons, a momentary confiict, arising out of the slayer’s being intoxicated (in police statistics such homicides figure as “hooligan”' killings; in literature ‒ often as “homicide arising from alcoholic motive”). Of the total of slayers examined, 90% were men. Of those ‒ 51% were under 30 years of age, and of female slayers ‒ 47%. 41% of male and 61% of the female offenders were single. From among male offenders 60% of them lived in the countryside, and from among female ones ‒ 63%. As many as 58% of offenders of both sexes had failed to complete primary school education (56% of men and 72% of women). Only 7% of the male and 9% of the female offenders were white collar workers. Analysis of the symptoms of social degradation among homicidals, showed that in only half of the cases was there evidence of intensification of such symptoms, which appearing together, indicated previous social deviance of the individual. Thus among the examined men 43% had already been tried for previous criminal offences before they were convicted of homicide; 22% of the total had been convicted once, 11% ‒ twice, and only 10% three times or more (among women there was not a single case of having 3 prior convictions). As to the structure of previous offences, it was found that there was a predominance (54.5%) of offences involving theft; 23% were offences combined with physical aggression, but of these only 17 out of a total of 75 could be considered serious (four involving manslaughter, 1 a brawl ending fatally, 5 serious bodily injuries, and 7 robberies). 58% of the total of homicidals systematically drank alcohol to excess (large quantities at least several times a week) and 68% of offenders were under the influence of alcohol at the moment of the crime. Alcohol is undoubtedly a very significant factor in the etiology of homicide; it plays an essential criminogenic role, especially as regards the very frequent cases in which an intoxicated offender simultaneously had serious disorders of personality. Data concerning recurrence of aggressive behaviour by offenders prior to the homicide were found in the court records of 65% of the cases; 60% of these received adverse references from their places of residence or of work. Only 20% did not work during the period preceding the homicide. The data given above show that not all homicidals reveal features indicating previous social maladjustment. In this connection, an examination was made of the correlation between certain psycho-social features o the criminals and the motives which prompted them to homicide. A statistical analysis, on the basis of which groups of the most strongly correlated variables were formed enabled further typology of groups of homicides differentiated according to motives. The principle of this typology was the connection between certain groups of homicides and the syndromes of psychosocial features, considered negative or “positive” from the point of view of social evaluation. Groups most strongly correlated with syndromes of negative features thus included individuals who had committed such crimes as: homicide with intent to rob; homicide in defence of own dignity arising out of a trifling, momentary conflict caused by the insoberity of the offender, homicide for erotic motives arising out of conflict caused by the offenderhusband’s alcoholism, homicide arising out of the offender’s pathological reaction caused by alcohol. It was found that the groups of offenders most markedly correlated with the “positive” syndrome of psycho-social features from the point of view of social evaluation were: homicide occurring in defence of personal dignity; arising out of a seriously gnowing conflict between slayer and victim; homicide with erotic motives aimed at the elimination of someone regarded as an obstacle to the realization of an offender’s plans to marry; homicide with economic motives arising out of claims to property; homicide in self-defence; child-murder committed by women. Of interest is the fact that in the light of court records a considerable majority of slayers (approximately 80%), men as well as women, committed homicide under the influence of strong negative emotional states, prolonged and belonging to affective experiences of the type frequently qualified in criminology and psychopathological literature as “states of continuous affect”. Only in about 10% of homicides did the records not reveal any intensified emotional stress on the part of the slayers – neither in the form of prolonged emotional stress nor in the form of marked exasperation arising directly before the homicide and caused by the victim’s aggressive, provocative behaviour. A mere 17% of the cases examined could be considered homicide “with malice aforethought”; this also includes homicide committed under considerable affect. The courts considered onry14.5% of the total of offenders to have committed their crimes “under the influence of strong emotion”, and applied para. 2, Art. 225 of the penal code (of 1932). Note that in the years 1961-1965 the courts invoked para. 2, Art. 225 of the penal code in connection with – annual average – only 14.7% of the total of individuals convicted of homicide, and in the years 1966-1971 in connection with a bare 10.3%. But during the pre-war years 1934-1937, of all cases of homicide, an average of 49% were considered by the court as having been committed under the influence of strong emotion. Data from the records examined as regards homicide victims are very scant and incomplete. Thus this work took into account only information related to the connections between the offender and victim and such features as: sex, age and state of sobriety at the time the offence was committed and also data contained in opinions given about the victims. It is of some interest that such features of the victims differed, depending on whether the offender was a man or woman. Close relatives constituted as much as 53% of the total of victims of female offenders and only 9% – of the males. On the other hand, there was marked similarity as regards the percentage of husband or wife as victims, of the partner, lover or fiancé (fiancée). In the case of men this percentage amounted to 24%, of women – 21%. The percentage of more distant relatives as homicide victims was 10.4% for men and only 3% for women. The percentage of victims unknown to slayers was fon men – 13% and for women 12%. Entirely different as between the sexes of offenders was the percentage of their victims who were closer or more distant friends: for men – 43%, and for women only 12%. 60.4% of the victims of offenders (men and women) were men, 37% – women and 2.6% – children of both sexes. Consideration of the age of homicide victims showed that the average age of victims was slightly higher than the average age of offenders, being on an average around 35 years (children excluded). Approximately 45% of the victims were given unfavourable references and in 45.5% of the cases the victims were in a state of insobriety at the time the crime was committed. The undoubtedly important role played by the victim in provoking of some of the homicides could not be examined in this work, due to the lack in appropriate records of more detailed characteristic traits of the victims and the lack of analysis of the circumstances preceding the murder.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1974, VI; 179-187
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykonywanie kary śmierci w czasach Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej – analiza wybranych przykładów
Performing the Death Penalty in the Polish People’s Republic – an Analysis of Selected Examples
Mogielnicka, Ewelina Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
kara śmierci
afera mięsna
death penalty
PRL [the Polish People’s Republic]
meat scandal
Niniejszy tekst został poświęcony wybranym zagadnieniom związanym z orzekaniem i wykonywaniem kary śmierci w czasach Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej. Karę tę dopuszczał kodeks karny z 1969 r. W obecnym kodeksie karnym (z 1997 r.) ta sankcja karna nie jest przewidziana. Dlatego też wybrany temat wpasowuje się w tematykę czasopisma dotyczącego historii prawa i prawa współczesnego z wyraźnym kontekstem historycznym. Usunięcie kary śmierci wydaje się być bardzo dużą zmianą, jeśli chodzi o polskie prawo karne. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie Czytelnikowi przepisów prawnych dotyczących kary śmierci w czasach PRL oraz realiów jej orzekania i wykonywania. Dzięki zastosowaniu metody badawczej polegającej na analizie aktów prawnych, uzyskano odpowiedzi na pytania badawcze: za popełnienie jakich przestępstw można było orzec karę śmierci, jakie akty prawne przewidywały taką możliwość, a także jak wyglądała jej procedura w myśl przepisów kodeksu karnego wykonawczego z 1969 r. Wykorzystano również metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu. Wśród źródeł znalazły się książki oraz artykuły z czasopism dotyczące poszczególnych zagadnień, filmy dokumentalne, a także te źródła internetowe, które uznano za rzetelne. Główną część tekstu stanowi kryminologiczna analiza trzech wybranych spraw karnych. Uznano je za najciekawsze w kontekście omawianego tematu. Opisy kryminalnego PRL-u mają za zadanie uzupełnić informacje teoretyczne uzyskane za pomocą wspomnianych dwóch metod. Ponadto pozwolą Czytelnikowi przenieść się do tamtych realiów.
This text is devoted to selected issues related to adjudicating and carrying out the death penalty in the times of the Polish People's Republic. This penalty was allowed by the Penal Code of 1969. In the current Penal Code (i.e. the one from 1997), this penal sanction is not provided for. Therefore, the selected topic fits into the theme of the journal on the history of law and modern law with a clear historical context. Removing the death penalty seems to be a very big change when it comes to the Polish criminal law. The aim of the article is to familiarize the reader with the legal provisions regarding the death penalty in the times of the Polish People's Republic and the realities of its adjudication and execution. Thanks to the use of the research method consisting in the analysis of legal acts, the researchers found the answers to the following research questions: which crimes resulted in the death penalty, what legal acts provided for such a possibility, and what the procedure was like under the provisions of the Executive Penal Code of 1969. Further on, the researchers used the method of analyzing the literature on the subject. The sources included books and magazine articles on specific topics, documentaries, and Internet sources deemed reliable. The main part of the text is a criminological analysis of three selected criminal cases. They were considered the most interesting in the context of the discussed topic. The descriptions of the criminal Polish People's Republic are intended to supplement the theoretical information obtained by means of the two methods mentioned above. In addition, they will allow the reader to move to those realities.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 2; 341-372
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne metody poszukiwań ukrytych zwłok
Contemporary methods of search for hidden corpses
Trzciński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
ukryte zwłoki
archeologia sądowa
hidden corpse
forensic archaeology
Problems associated with searching for missing people are of complex nature. Police statistics clearly show that the number of people reported missing is increasing (in 2014 it exceeded 20,000 people). The etiological factors of the missing person are very diverse in nature and are not always associated with criminal activities. Human trafficking, kidnapping for a ransom and fights between criminal groups undoubtedly generate difficulty in specifying a group of people who are missing. We can also add victims of planned or accidental homicide, suicide, victims of accidents to the group of missing people. The aim of this article is the analysis of methods of searching for hidden corpses, both in urban areas and an open terrain, applied in criminalistics and forensic archaeology.
Problemy związane z poszukiwaniem zaginionych osób mają charakter złożony. Statystyki policji wyraźnie wskazują, że liczba osób uznanych za zaginione wzrasta (w roku 2014 przekroczyła 20 000 osób). Uwarunkowania etiologiczne związane z zaginięciami mają bardzo zróżnicowany charakter i nie zawsze bezpośrednio dotyczą działalności przestępczej. Zjawisko porwań dla okupu, handlu ludźmi, porachunków grup przestępczych generuje trudną do bliższego określenia grupę osób uznanych za zaginione. Możemy również dołączyć do tej grupy ofiary planowanego lub przypadkowego zabójstwa, samobójstw, ofiary nieszczęśliwych wypadków oraz kataklizmów. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na interdyscyplinarny charakter metod poszukiwania ukrytych zwłok zarówno na terenach miejskich, jak i otwartych, które stosowane są obecnie w kryminalistyce i archeologii sądowej.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica; 2018, 83; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiktymizacyjny wymiar zabójstw – warunki predestynujące do roli ofiary
Kowalczyk, Małgorzata H.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
victim of an off ence
victim of the homicide
relation perpetrator-victim
victim potential
predestining factors
victim risk factors
Issues brought up of the role of the victim in the genesis of the offence of the homicide stayed in the article. Crime (including homicide) is an act occurring in the specific social and cultural context. It is a result of special links between the perpetrator and the victim and circumstances which decision-making processes of both subjects called. In the end the perpetrator is taking this process motivated action with desire for achieving the potential purpose which also desire for avoiding the danger can be. However victim carrying out specific activities of the everyday life she created opportunities or delivered to the possibility for fulfilling the criminal purpose. Largely of studies of crime concerning issues this issue from a perspective of the perpetrator is usually discussed with omitting the participation of the victim. The offence of the homicide is of special importance in this context above all on account of the express occurring report between perpetrator and with victim. Establishing the system of features creating the potential of victims was a purpose of the article. Since victimisation and so has both immanent and contextual character he includes not only individual features but also is connected with a social and cultural sphere. The problem analysis is based on distinguishing of the scope of the „fault” the victim (according to the Mendelsohna typology) in the context of the established motive for the homicide. Research problems adopted in examinations refer to the relational, situational, personality prospect what allowed for the multifaceted problem analysis, establishing essential areas of the victim potential of individual categories of victims. In examinations methods of the interview and searching secondary sources were used. Analysis of research arrangements is focused on indicating features predestining victims to the role (what the team of an immanent traits of the victim potential) and of victim risk factors (comprising the contextual aspect of the victim potential). The arrangements gave the possibility of formulating recommendations for the purposes of the prevention.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2014, 3(103); 132-151
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Different Dynamics of Femicide in a Small Nordic Welfare Society
Freysteinsdóttir, Freydís Jóna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Intimate Partner Homicide
Ecological Theory
Gender Equality
In this study, all cases of femicide in Iceland over a thirty-year period were explored. A total of sixteen women and girls were killed during the years 1986-2015. Femicide was defined in this study as the murder of a woman by a partner, former partner, or because of passion. According to this definition, eleven femicide cases occurred during this time period. The data analyzed were court verdicts and news reports of the incidents. Qualitative methods were used for analysis. Interestingly, there was a different dynamic related to femicide cases, which included 1) sex femicide, 2) former partners and 3) current partners. Alcohol consumption and the willingness of the victim to end sex appear to be a dangerous mixture, judging from the results of the sexually-related femicide cases. Alcohol consumption was a factor in all current partner femicide cases in addition to low SES status; empathy was lacking, and patriarchal views were prominent in some of them. In former partner femicide cases, jealousy and possessiveness were major themes, but not alcohol consumption. It is important to study such dynamics and contextual factors in greater detail in larger studies.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2017, 13, 3; 14-29
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Seryjne zabójstwo w ujęciu resocjalizacji
Caban, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa we Włocławku
seryjne zabójstwo,
środowisko zewnętrzne,
serial homicide,
external environment,
Serial homicide in terms of rehabilitation
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne; 2017, 13, 4; 78-95
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Samobójstwo rozszerzone i poagresyjne – próba uporządkowania pojęć
Extended and post-aggression suicide – attempt of systemisation of terminology
Stukan, Jarosław
Staszak, Alfred
Data publikacji:
Centralne Laboratorium Kryminalistyczne Policji
samobójstwo rozszerzone
samobójstwo poagresyjne
extended suicide
post-aggression suicide
Wydaje się, że mimo upływu czasu fala zabójstw zakończonych samobójstwem sprawcy nie maleje i do tej pory jest to problem niedostatecznie wyjaśniony i poznany. Z punktu widzenia organów ścigania każdy taki przypadek przed dokonaniem oceny prawnokarnej musi być poddany kryminalistycznemu badaniu miejsca zdarzenia prowadzonemu przez biegłych różnych specjalności. W literaturze polskiej zdarzenia tego typu opisywane są jako samobójstwo rozszerzone lub poagresyjne. Artykuł podejmuje próbę uporządkowania terminologii w tym zakresie, wskazując na podstawowe różnice między tymi pojęciami, które nie są synonimami. Samobójstwo poagresyjne jest terminem szerszym, opisowym i neutralnym, gdyż wskazuje na nieokreślony akt agresji poprzedzający targnięcie się na życie. Natomiast samobójstwo rozszerzone, choć sugeruje, iż jednocześnie mogło dojść do samobójstwa kilku osób, faktycznie opisuje czyn sprawcy (zabójcy) uwarunkowany jego stanem psychicznym, który ten rzutuje na swoich bliskich. Przypisuje im on własne cierpienie, a dokonując zabójstwa, niejako ich od niego uwalnia. Z tego powodu ofiarami samobójstwa rozszerzonego są dzieci, rzadziej współmałżonek, a generalnie osoby, wobec których zabójca-samobójca żywi pozytywne uczucia. Motywem jego działania jest chęć uchronienia bliskich przed cierpieniem, nieszczęściem czy trudną sytuacją życiową, którą on sam przeżywa. Wyraźne odróżnienie samobójstwa rozszerzonego od samobójstwa poagresyjnego ma doniosłe znaczenie praktyczne, gdyż determinuje, co podkreślają autorzy, tok prowadzonych postępowań, podejmowanych decyzji procesowych, a także zakres badań kryminalistycznych zlecanych biegłym różnych specjalności.
It seems that despite the passage of time the wave of homicides followed by suicides of perpetrators has not decreased and the problem remains not fully explained or explored. From the point of view of the law enforcement every such case requires a forensic scene of crime examination by experts of various specialties before assessing it in the context of criminal law. In Polish professional literature such cases are described as “extended” or “post-aggression” suicides. The hereby article is an attempt to systemise terminology used in this area by pointing out fundamental differences between two notions, which are not synonyms. A “postaggression suicide” is a wider, descriptive and neutral term because it indicates an undetermined act of aggression preceding an attempt to take one’s life. On the other hand, an “extended suicide” despite the suggestion that several persons might have committed suicide at the same time, in fact defines an act by the perpetrator (killer) conditioned by his/her psychological state projected on the other persons. The perpetrator attributes own sufferings to the victims and by killing them, in a sense, frees them. Therefore, children and, less frequently, spouses and, in general, persons the perpetrator has positive feelings for fall victims of an extended suicide. The motive of the killing is protecting of close persons from suffering, misfortune or difficult life situation, which the perpetrator is experiencing. A clear distinction between an extended suicide and postaggression suicide is of great practical significance because it determines, as emphasised by the Authors, the course of investigative proceedings, decisions at pre-court stage, as well as the extent of forensic examinations requested from forensic specialists.
Problemy Kryminalistyki; 2018, 301; 35-43
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Kryminalistyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwa przeciwko życiu i zdrowiu w świetle danych ze statystyk kryminalnych
Offences Against Life and Health in the Light of Statistical Data
Habzda-Siwek, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
spadek przestępczości
bójki i pobicia
uszczerbki na zdrowiu
proces rejestrowania przestępczości
crime drop
brawl and battery
bodily injury
crime-recording process
bodily injury;
The aim of the research presented in the article is to show the amount, structureand dynamics of the offences against life and health that are defined in Chapter XIXof the Polish Penal Code 1997. The article offers an analysis of the data on the of fencesagainst life and health based on the publicly available statistics for the years 1999–2016.In the analysed period, two main trends relating to the amount of crime shouldbe identified. The first, encompassing the years 1999 to 2003, was an upward trend,followed by a downward trend that accelerated in the second decade of this century.In fact, since 2011 there has been a general, spectacular and significant drop of crimein Poland, also including offences against life and health.For the purpose of the analysis, offences against life and health are divided intofour main categories: homicide, assault or battery, bodily injury and other crimes(not included in the above-mentioned categories). Based on the offences recorded bythe police in the years 1999–2003, the number of all offences against life and healthexceeded 35,000 in 2003. Then, the number of such offences was relatively stable (about31,000-32,000 per year) and has decreased to about 18,000 since 2011.Generally, over the analysed period, the number of offences in three of four catego -ries: homicide, assault and battery and bodily injuries, has shrunk several times. The onlyexception to the general trend relates to the offences under Art. 160 of Criminal Code(defined as “exposing a human being to an immediate danger of loss of life or bodilyinjury or impairment of health”) that is invoked, among others, in cases of parentalneglect, distribution of designer drugs or even as allegations of medical malpractice.The significant drop in crime during the second decade of the 21st century asksfor an explanation. The first possible reason for this is that a crime drop has beenobserved in many countries, seems to be a common and international phenomenonand, as such, it also applies to Poland. The second explanation, probably the mostimportant one, is that the crime drop in Poland has been due to the systemic changesin the recording of crimes.First of all, in 2013 a new police information system was introduced, which led tosome problems with making it compatible with the old one. In parallel, in the same year,a substantial change in the recording of juvenile delinquency was adopted. Accordingto the new methodology, offences committed by juveniles are recorded by the policeonly after juvenile courts confirm the fact that a juvenile has indeed committed a crime.The problem is that there is no rule that would oblige juvenile courts to give suchinformation back to the police. It could possibly have a strong impact on the statisticsof crime, especially regarding assault and battery and bodily injuries, as juveniles usedto be a significant group of individuals suspected of such crimes. To make it clear,the data about ascertained crimes in Poland do not include punishable acts committedby juveniles.Furthermore, the investigation and proceedings carried out by the prosecutor’soffices and entrusted to other competent bodies than the police are not includedin the official police data. It all means that, since 2013, the range of the police data hasbeen substantially limited and does not reflect incidence of crime in full.The third possible reason for the falling number of crimes is the effect of thedemographic processes. It should also be taken into account that the populationof adolescents in Poland is currently at the lowest level since World War II.The article discusses four main categories of the offences covered by Chapter XIXof the Penal Code.The category “Homicide” is not a simple one. It includes manslaughter (Art. 148§ 1), murder (Art. 148 § 2 describes different forms of such felony: killing withparticular cruelty, in connection with hostage taking, rape or robbery, for motivesdeserving particular reprobation, and also with the use of explosives). The PolishCriminal Code also has provisions relating to heat of passion manslaughter justifiedby the circumstances (Art. 148 § 4 of the Penal Code). According to the data recordingby the police, in the analysed period the number of homicide cases has decreased bymore than 50%!“Bodily injury” is a very broad category that also covers causing serious bodilyharm, which includes, among others, deprivation of sight, hearing, speech or the ability to procreate, or inflicting a serious crippling injury, an incurable or prolonged illness,an illness dangerous to life, a permanent mental illness, a permanent total or substantialincapacity to work in an occupation, or a permanent serious bodily disfigurementor deformation (Art. 156 § 1 of the Penal Code), stipulating a heavier penalty if theconsequence of an act is death (Art. 156 § 3 of the Penal Code) than for causinga bodily injury or an impairment to health other than specified in Art. 156 Penal Code(Art. 157 § 1 of the Penal Code). If the bodily injury or an impairment of health doesnot last longer than seven days, prosecution will be brought on a private charge. Overthe analysed period, most of these cases were qualified under Art. 157 of the PenalCode. The total number of bodily injuries has been slowly decreasing over the analysedperiod, reaching about 60% of the initial amount.“Assault and battery” (Ar. 158 and Art. 159 of the Penal Code) is also a verybroad category and includes brawling (the perpetrator who participates in a brawlis responsible for the complicity in the act that means an immediate danger to life ormay lead to a bodily injury) and battery, when the role of the victims and the offendersare clearly determined. Since 2011, the police data have shown a spectacular dropin the number of assault and battery – to one third of previously recorded cases. It isundoubtedly a side effect of the change in the algorithm of recording punishable actscommitted by juveniles.The conclusion is that the changes in the methodology of recording ascertainedcrime by the police have limited the range of available data on crime. Therefore, interpretingthe data on offences against life and health has now been made more difficult asthe punishable acts of juveniles are no longer included in the police information system.In such a situation, possible ways of gathering data on crime and their interpretation should be reconsidered.Moreover, there is an urgent need to develop and conduct criminological researchon offences against life and health.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2018, XL; 53-113
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proces hr. Macieja Mielżyńskiego na łamach prasy poznańskiej
The court trial of Count Maciej Mielżyński in Poznań press
Markowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Maciej Mielżyński
wielkopolska arystokracja
prasa poznańska
proces o zabójstwo
Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) aristocracy
Poznań press
homicide court trial
Artykuł dotyczy procesu w sprawie przeciwko Maciejowi Mielżyńskiemu toczącego się 20—21 lutego 1914 roku przed sądem przysięgłych w Międzyrzeczu. Sędziowie przysięgli uznali oskarżonego o popełnienie podwójnego zabójstwa za niewinnego zarzucanego mu czynu. Przedstawienie tego zagadnienia było możliwe dzięki analizie treści publikowanych na łamach trzech poznańskich dzienników: „Dziennika Poznańskiego”, „Kuriera Poznańskiego” oraz „Postępu”. Proces hrabiego Mielżyńskiego odbywał się bez udziału publiczności i przedstawicieli prasy, jednak bogactwo materiału zawartego w polskich i niemieckich gazetach pozwoliło w części poznać jego przebieg. Niestety z powodu utajnienia rozpraw trudno zrozumieć kontrowersyjny wyrok, który oczyścił oskarżonego z zarzutów. W artykule przybliżono zarówno sam proces, jak i tło, które doprowadziło do tragedii rodzinnej w sferach wielkopolskiej arystokracji.
The article concerns the court trial of Maciej Mielżyński, which took place in front of the jury in Międzyrzecz on 20—21 February 1914. The jury found the defendant — accused of a double murder — not guilty. The analysis of the court proceedings was based on the content of three Poznań daily newspapers, namely Dziennik Poznański, Kurier Poznański, and Postęp. Despite the fact that both the general public and the press had been barred from the court, the wealth of material featured in Polish and German dailies alike allowed, albeit only partially, to follow its course. Unfortunately, the confidentiality of hearings also contributed to the controversy concerning the court’s final ruling, which cleared the defendant of all charges. The present article examines closely the proceedings in question in order to reveal the background of a family tragedy that took place amongst the aristocracy of Wielkopolska (Greater Poland).
Wieki Stare i Nowe; 2020, 15, 20; 78-93
Pojawia się w:
Wieki Stare i Nowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Orzeczenie o zmienionej poczytalności a charakterystyka demograficzna, rodzinna oraz występowanie uzależnienia od alkoholu u osób dokonujących zabójstwa lub ciężkiego uszkodzenia ciała w stanie upojenia alkoholowego zwykłego
Diminished criminal responsibility of alcohol intoxicated homicide offenders according of demographic factors, family rate and alcohol dependence
Sieradzka, Anna
Rabe-Jabłońska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
alcohol dependence
criminal responsibility
ethanol intoxication
forensic psychiatry observation
severe body injury
ciężkie uszkodzenie ciała
obserwacja sądowo-psychiatryczna
upojenie alkoholowe zwykłe
uzależnienie od alkoholu
Ethanol intoxication is commonly considered as a risk factor of a criminal offence. This study is an attempt to assess selected demographic data, family situation, and alcohol dependence in homicide offenders or a severe body injury in relation to a judgment of diminished criminal responsibility. The examined group consisted of 90 suspects in the public prosecutor’s investigation. The subjects underwent a six-week forensic psychiatry observation during 2004–2008 at the Forensic Psychiatry Unit in High Security Prison No in Łódź. Analysed retrospectively was the medical documentation collected during the forensic psychiatry observation, including available medical documentation and categorical forensic psychiatry observation opinions issued by two expert psychiatrists. According to the collected materials, it was established that in the performed study none of the offenders who during ethanol intoxication committed a homicide or a severe body injury was acknowledged to be criminally responsible. A greatly diminished criminal responsibility was significantly more frequently evaluated in the case of divorced subjects who were not witnesses to aggression in their families and were not punished with a court verdict. Among the subjects with a greatly diminished criminal responsibility the alcohol dependence was diagnosed much less frequently. Besides, the offenders with a greatly diminished criminal responsibility were older than those with a slightly diminished responsibility and evaluated as criminally responsible.
Intoksykacja alkoholem etylowym jest powszechnie uznawana za czynnik ryzyka dokonania przestępstwa. W przeprowadzonym badaniu podjęto próbę oceny wybranych cech demograficznych, charakterystyki rodzinnej oraz występowania uzależnienia od alkoholu sprawców zabójstwa lub poważnego uszkodzenia ciała w odniesieniu do orzeczenia o zmienionej poczytalności. Grupę badaną stanowiło 90 osób podejrzanych w postępowaniu przygotowawczym prowadzonym przez prokuratora. Badani zostali poddani obserwacji sądowo-psychiatrycznej w latach 2004–2008 przez okres sześciu tygodni na Oddziale Obserwacji Sądowo-Psychiatrycznej w Zakładzie Karnym nr 2 w Łodzi. Analizowano retrospektywnie dokumentację medyczną zgromadzoną w czasie obserwacji sądowo-psychiatrycznej, w tym dostępną dokumentację lekarską oraz wydane przez dwóch biegłych psychiatrów kategoryczne opinie sądowo- psychiatryczne. Na podstawie zebranego materiału stwierdzono, że w przeprowadzonym badaniu u żadnego sprawcy dokonującego w stanie upojenia alkoholowego zwykłego zabójstwa lub poważnego uszkodzenia ciała nie orzeczono niepoczytalności. Poczytalność znacznie ograniczona istotnie częściej była opiniowana w przypadku osób rozwiedzionych, którzy nie byli świadkami agresji w rodzinie i nie byli karani w przeszłości wyrokiem sądu. Wśród badanych z orzeczeniem ograniczonej poczytalności w znacznym stopniu rzadziej rozpoznawano uzależnienie od alkoholu. Ponadto sprawcy z orzeczeniem znacznie ograniczonej poczytalności byli starsi od osób z orzeczeniem ograniczenia poczytalności w stopniu nieznacznym oraz od osób opiniowanych jako poczytalni.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2013, 13, 1; 15-24
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Okoliczności usprawiedliwiające stan silnego wzburzenia przy zabójstwie z afektu
Circumstances justifying a state of intense agitation in the case of homicide committed of passion
Zaborska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
silne wzburzenie
okoliczności usprawiedliwiające
zabójstwo z afektu
circumstances justifying
state of strong agitation
homicide commited of passion
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza okoliczności usprawiedliwiających stan silnego wzburzenia – jednego ze znamion uregulowanego w art. 148 § 4 k.k. przestępstwa zabójstwa z afektu. Zwrócono uwagę przede wszystkim na potencjalne problemy interpretacyjne, jakich może dostarczać wykładnia omawianego pojęcia, a także na praktyczny aspekt omawianej instytucji, jak chociażby kolejność dokonywania przez organy wymiaru sprawiedliwości stosownych ustaleń. Zdaniem autorki, nie można stworzyć wyczerpującego katalogu okoliczności, które w każdym przypadku zostaną uznane za usprawiedliwiające afekt. Ocena ta każdorazowo powinna być dokonywana in concreto, na bazie danego układu sytuacyjnego.
The subject of this study is the analysis of the term “circumstances justifying the state of strong agitation”, which is one of the premises of homicide committed of passion (art. 148 § 4 Penal Code). Attention is paid first of all to practical aspects of this premise, including potential problems with the interpretation of art. 148 § 4 Penal Code. According to the author, creating a closed catalog of circumstances that in any case will be considered to justify affect is not possible. This assessment should be made in a specific case.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2018, 4; 181-208
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od przypadku do przypadku – czyli o casus na gruncie rzymskiego prawa karnego oraz pism retorycznych Cycerona-
Case by case – about a casus in Roman criminal lawand Cicero’s rhetoric writings
Kubiak, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
unintentional guilt
unintentional homicide
exculpating circumstances
Roman rhetoric
The opinion that Roman jurists were giants in the field of private law and dwarfs in criminal law is nowadays a little bit out of date. However, upon a closer analysis of the use of the term ‘accident’ (casus), such a statement seems to be justified. Casus for Roman jurists was not only, as in the sphere of private law, a pure random fact, but also a culpable human act. It is not hard to guess that their writings and opinions were inconsistent in that field and sometimes suggested quite surprising legal classifications of deeds committed in such a way. In order to understand this paradox it might be helpful to take a closer look at historical regulations of crimes committed unintentionally, including above all homicide, but also rhetorical sources, especially works of Cicero. His writings were a canon for learning rhetoric in later times, as well as inspiration for next generations of Roman jurists. His remarks and specific character of the metaphorical phrase si telum manu fugit quam iecit, constituting a kind of definitional topos of crimes committed unintentionally, can lift the veil of secrecy and enable penetration of Roman jurists’ philosophy of life and their intellectual formation.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2016, 14, 2; 57-78
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Latest Version of Circumstances and Cause of Death of Sergey Yesenin. From Order to Exhumation
Ojcewicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Sergey Yesenin and Bolshevik Russia,
homicide and exhumation of Sergey Yesenin,
Yesenin and Stalin
The article presents the latest version of circumstances and cause of death of Sergey Yesenin. It should be seen as an edition as well as addition to the recently published monograph Murder of Sergey Yesenin. Criminalistic, Historical and Literary Study (Szczytno 2009), where the primary version of the poet’s murder was depicted. The following revised version reveals some new figures which were directly involved in the tragic death of Yesenin, i.e. Iosif Stalin as the initiator or Georgy Ustinov and Vasily Nazarov as the executors of that perfidious deed. The author projects a plan of the plot, a calendar of the last days and hours of Yesenin’s life, brings out unknown facts and hypotheses which prove a planned homicide committed by members of Soviet secret police (Joint State Political Directorate) and, therefore, disqualify the official version of suicide.
Acta Neophilologica; 2011, XIII; 235-250
Pojawia się w:
Acta Neophilologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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