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O literaturze mirakularnej, epilepsji i innych zagadnieniach poruszonych przez Elżbietę Nowosielską w książce pt. „Melancholia, szaleństwo i inne »choroby głowy« w Rzeczypospolitej w XVII i XVIII wieku”
On miraculous literature, epilepsy and other issues raised by Elżbieta Nowosielska in her book entitled “Melancholy, madness and other ‘headaches’ in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th and 18th centuries”
Delimata-Proch, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Elżbieta Nowosielska
miracle literature
medical history
First Republic of Poland
17th and 18th centuries
literatura mirakularna
historia medycyny
I Rzeczpospolita
For decades, the history of medicine, healing, medical culture, health, etc. has been fascinating researchers: historians, anthropologists, archaeologists, and doctors alike. Researchers in this field use source materials that have been known in science for a long time, often creating a questionnaire of issues and questions that no one has posed so far. Elżbieta Nowosielska’s publication, entitled „Melancholy, madness and other ‘headaches’ in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th and 18th centuries” (2021) belongs to this group of works. It is clear to anyone who has dealt with books of miracles and graces that, on the basis of the miraculous literature, if properly explored, E. Nowosielska would have come close to one of the goals outlined in the book’s introduction – a possibly complete picture of the approach to madness or melancholy. The author underestimated the effort made by Jowita Jagla, a researcher into the books of miracles and graces, and the votive offerings, who discusses issues related to epilepsy in her work, and disregarded several other texts. This does not speak very well of the search she carried out.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2024, 2(41); 281-294
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How to Glow and Stay Fresh: Some Advice on Deodorants Penned by Aetius of Amida
Kokoszko, Maciej
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
History of medical literature
history of medicine
history of cosmetology
ancient/ Byzantine cosmetics
Aetius of Amida
Criton of Heraclea
As far as women’s wellbeing is concerned, ancient and Byzantine physicians took great care not only of their patients’ health sensu stricto but also of their appearance. A testimony of the approach is given, for instance, by Aetius of Amida’s (6th cent. AD) Libri medicinales, where he devotes much attention to cosmetics, including a group of deodorising antiperspirants called καταπάσματα. In our study we analyse one prescription, taken by Aetius from Criton of Heraclea’s (1st/2nd cent. AD) treatise, trying to prove that it is very informative of medical (especially pharmaceutical) theory as well as practice in the social context of the 6th century AD. In order to achieve our goal, first, we analyse ancient and Byzantine materia medica, scrutinizing the medical properties ascribed to each component of the cosmetic in the light of the theory in force between the 1st and the 6th centuries AD. Next, we determine the method of preparation of the antiperspirant, its form, the mode and place of its application. Finally, we proceed to assess its market value as a marker exposing the group of the cosmetic’s addressees. As a result, we conclude that the recipe was competently worked out on the basis of a theory commonly accepted by medical authorities, and that the preparation was designed for women (but also for men) of a high social status.
Studia Ceranea; 2023, 13; 477-490
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigating the history of folk Taoism: the concept of magic in the study of zhuyou rituals
Z badań nad historią ludowego taoizmu: koncepcja magii w studiach nad rytuałami zhuyou
Muchowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
historia ludowego taoizmu
taoistyczne rytuały pseudomedyczne
magia w literaturze chińskiej
definicja magii w badaniach taoistycznych
History of folk Taoism
Taoist pseudo-medical rituals
magic in Chinese literature
definition of magic in sinological studies
This article is devoted to the problem of applying the concept of magic in the study of Chinese Taoist pseudo-medical practices, particularly the therapeutic and apotropaic rituals of zhuyou 祝由, using incantations and talismans (fu 符). It addresses the question of whether, in the current state of sinological research, the use of the term "magic," which originated in Western culture, is still legitimate, and whether the phenomena in question meet the criteria for magicalness. This is an important issue because of the dissonance between the trends in contemporary theoretical research on magic, showing a tendency to interpret it as a parareligious phenomenon in which the concepts of religion and magic intermingle, and the practical approach of sinologists, who still clearly distinguish magical phenomena from religious phenomena and consistently use the term 'magic'. The article also attempts to answer the question of how classical definitions of magic should be modified to be consistent with the concept of magic actually used in sinological research.
Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi stosowania pojęcia magii w badaniach chińskich taoistycznych praktyk pseudomedycznych, w szczególności terapeutycznych i apotropaicznych rytuałów zhuyou 祝由, wykorzystujących zaklęcia i talizmany (fu 符). Autor wypowiada się w kwestii, czy stosowanie w badaniach sinologicznych terminu 'magia', pochodzącego z kultury zachodniej, jest w obecnym stanie badań ciągle zasadne i czy odnośne zjawiska spełniają kryteria magiczności. Jest to problem istotny ze względu na dysonans pomiędzy trendami we współczesnych badaniach teoretycznych nad magią, wykazującymi tendencję do intepretowania jej jako zjawiska parareligijnego, w którym pojęcia religii i magii przenikają się, a praktycznym podejściem sinologów, którzy ciągle wyraźnie odróżniają zjawiska magiczne od zjawisk religijnych i konsekwentnie posługują się terminem 'magia'. W artykuł podjęto też próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak powinno się zmodyfikować klasyczne definicje magii, by były spójne z pojęciem magii faktycznie stosowanym w badaniach sinologicznych.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2023, 28, 3; 98-110
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Leporis vero si novellae…”, czyli o powiązaniu medycyny i sztuki kulinarnej w "De observatione ciborum" Antimusa
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
historia literatury medycznej
historia dietetyki
historia pożywienia
De observatione ciborum
history of medical literature
history of dietetics
food history
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie początkowego fragmentu receptury na potrawę z zająca („Leporis vero si novellae…”) zachowanej w bizantyńskim traktacie medycznym De observatione ciborum autorstwa Antimusa (V/VI w. n.e.). We wstępie autorka dowodzi, że dzieło to zostało napisane zgodnie z antyczną tradycją medyczną. Wskazuje też na jego specyfikę zaznaczając, że dotyczy ono pożywienia typowego ludów spoza obszaru basenu Morza Śródziemnego. Nadto zaznacza, że skoro traktat został dedykowany władcy Franków, Teuderykowi, zawiera on przede wszystkim dane na temat diety wyższych warstw społecznych. Jako przykład odzwierciedlający wysoki status społeczny Teuderyka autorka przytacza przepis na danie z zająca. Zasadnicza część studium obejmuje analizę początkowej części wspomnianej receptury. Autorka proponuje rekonstrukcję technologii kulinarnej, która mogła być stosowana podczas przygotowywania mięsa młodego zająca w oparciu o dane zawarte w dziele Antimusa oraz literaturze źródłowej z zakresu ars medica (pisma Galena [II/III w. n.e.], Orybazjusza [IV w. n.e.] i Aecjusza z Amidy [VI w. n.e.]) oraz ars coquinaria (praca Archestratosa z Geli [IV w. p.n.e.], traktat De re coquinaria [IV w. n.e.]). Analiza porównawcza materiału źródłowego wskazuje na kompetencje Antimusa w zakresie dietetyki, a także uwypukla zależność antycznej/bizantyńskiej medycyny i sztuki kulinarnej. Dodatkowo tekst ukazuje wartość traktatów medycznych w badaniach nad historią życia codziennego.
The present study scrutinizes the initial part of the recipe considering culinary preparation of hare meat (reading: „Leporis vero si novellae…”), from a Byzantine medical treatise De observatione ciborum by Anthimus (5th/6th c. AD). The first part of the article proves that the work was written in accordance with the ancient materia medica. The author emphasises the specific character of the said work, as it discusses foodstuffs typical for non-Mediterranean peoples. Moreover, she highlights that since treatise was dedicated to Theuderic, the ruler of the Franks it contains mainly information on food served at the royal court. As an example showing Theuderic's high social status a recipe for hare meat is given. In the main part of the study the author analyses the initial passage of the said formula. On the basis of Anthimus' treatise as well as medical (works by Galen [2nd/3rd c. AD], Oribasius [4th c. AD], Aetius of Amida [6th c. AD]) and culinary (a poem by Archestratos of Gela [4th c. BC], De re coquinaria [4th c. AD]) sources she proposes a reconstruction of culinary technology which might have been recommended by Anthimus in preparing the examined dish. The comparative analysis of the above source material confirms Anthimus’ competences in the field of dietetics as well as a close connection between ancient/Byzantine medicine and culinary art. Furthermore, it proves that medical treatises are useful in the research on the history of everyday life.
Vox Patrum; 2022, 81; 91-110
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hare in Sauce According to Anthimus’ Recipe: Meat
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
history of medical literature
history of gastronomic literature
history of medicine
history of dietetics
food history
melancholic meat
hare meat
The present article examines the beginning of the recipe for hare meat (leporis vero si novellae […]) preserved in Chapter 13 of the dietetic treatise De observatione ciborum written in the first half of the 6th cent. by the Byzantine physician Anthimus. In the initial part of the study, the author briefly discusses key events in the doctor’s life, explaining the circumstances which brought him to the royal court of the Frankish ruler, Theuderic. Next, the author analyses Anthimus’ competence in the field of dietetics and proves that he composed his treatise in line with ancient and Byzantine materia medica. The key part of the article scrutinises the most popular methods of preparing hare meat according to ancient gastronomical literature (Ἡδυπάθεια by Archestratus of Gela, De re coquinaria) and compares them with Anthimus’ recommendations. This allows the author to reconstruct the culinary techniques that Anthimus most probably proposed be applied in the preparation of hare meat. The author concludes that Anthimus’ treatise is a clear example of the practical application of both dietetics and materia medica in culinary practices performed in the physician’s lifetime.
Studia Ceranea; 2022, 12; 751-777
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wine and Myrrh as Medicaments or a Commentary on Some Aspects of Ancient and Byzantine Mediterranean Society
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
history of medicine
history of medical literature in antiquity and Byzantium
ancient medicine
Byzantine medicine
history of wine
wine in ancient and Byzantine medicine
myrrh in ancient and Byzantine medicine
hellebore in ancient and Byzantine medicine
women in antiquity
abortifacient wines
abortifacient medicaments
Sextius Niger
Pliny the Elder
The present study has resulted from a close reading of prescriptions for therapeutic wines inserted in book V of De materia medica by Pedanius Dioscorides, the eminent expert in materia medica of the 1st century A.D. The authors emphasise the role of wine varieties and selected flavourings (and especially of myrrh) in order to determine the social status of those to whom the formulas were addressed. This perspective gives the researchers ample opportunity for elaborating not only on the significance of wine in medical procedures but also for underscoring the importance of a number of aromatics in pharmacopoeia of antiquity and Byzantium. The analysis of seven selected formulas turns out to provide a fairly in-depth insight into Mediterranean society over a prolonged period of time, and leads the authors to draw the following conclusions. First, they suggest that medical doctors were social-inequality-conscious and that Dioscorides and his followers felt the obligation to treat both the poor and the rich. Second, they prove physicians’ expertise in materia medica, exemplifying how they were capable of adjusting market value of components used in their prescriptions to financial capacities of the patients. Third, the researchers circumstantiate the place of medical knowledge in ancient, and later on in Byzantine society. Last but not least, they demonstrate that medical treatises are an important source of knowledge, and therefore should be more often made use of by historians dealing with economic and social history of antiquity and Byzantium.
Studia Ceranea; 2019, 9; 615-655
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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