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Prace na Zamku Królewskim w dobie Księstwa Warszawskiego
Łysiak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Zamek Królewski w okresie Księstwa Warszawskiego
zniszczenia na Zamku w okresie Księstwa Warszawskiego
Rada Stanu Księstwa Warszawskiego
inwentaryzacja wyposażenia Zamku 1808
Hilary Szpilowski
Henryk Minter
Hołd Pruski
przebudowa Kaplicy Saskiej
projekt pomnika Napoleona
On th e basis of th e p re s e rv e d w ritte n reco rd s an d illu s tra tiv e sources th e a u th o r of th e p re s e n t a rtic le is dealing w ith co n stru c tio n a n d re s to ra tio n w o rk s th a t w e re c a rried out in W a rs aw ’s Royal Castle d u rin g th e pe rio d of th e Duchy of Warsaw. In th e y e a rs 1808—1812 a wide scope of w o rk s w e re ex e cu ted a n d also th e p la n s p re p a re d covering th e re co n s tru c tio n an d e x ten sio n s of c e rta in p o rtio n s of th e C a stle ’s complex as w e ll as of its most close su rro u n d in g s. When in 1806 th e d e v a s ta te d Castle w a s re cov e red from th e P ru s s ia n h an d s th a t fa c t was of u tm o st im p o rtan c e fo r th e e n tire Polish people. The aim of w o rk s u n d e rta k e n consisted in rem o v in g of all in a p p ro p ria te reb u id in g s an d d ev a sta tio n s th a t h av e been b ro u g h t to th is a rc h ite c tu ra l m o n um en t being th e fo rm e r residence of th e P o lish Kings. Basing on comparisons m ad e w ith th e s ta te from th e la s t y e a rs of King S ta n islau s A u g u s tu s ’ reign a lot of in v en to ry in g su rv ey s (m e a su rem en ts an d d e sc rip tions) an d also of co n stru c tio n , co n se rv a tio n an d d e co ra tio n (both designs an d re a liz a tio n s) w e re c a rried out. Though th e fin an c ia l m e an s from th e s ta te tre a su ry w e re r a th e r scarce i t w a s in te n d e d by th o se concerned to b rin g th e Royal Castle as e a rly as possible to its o rig in a l glamour. As those su p e rv isin g th e co n se rv a tio n an d re c o n s tru c tio n a re to be m en tio n ed tw o Polish a rch ite c ts , n am e ly W. H. M in te r a n d H. Szpilowski. The c o n s e rv a tio n w o rk s co v ered th e re p a irs of roofs, stoves an d firep la c e s, th o se m ad e in rooms s itu a te d in th e b u ild in g ’s e a st wing, th e S e n a to r s ’ Hall an d s.o. No less c a re w a s devoted to in te rio r d eco ra tio n s an d o rn a m e n ta tio n s w h e re th e ex is tin g p a in tin g s w e re su b je c te d to re s to ra tio n or th e sets of n ew ones w e re e x e c u te d w h e re a s th e w a ll d e co ra tio n s an d fu rn itu r e w e re also re sto red . Of a n um b e r of more in te re s tin g , th o u g h n o t re a liz ed designs th a t w e re p re p a re d by a rc h ite c t W. H. M in te r should be listed h e re th is covering th e re c o n s tru c tio n of th e so c alled S ax o n C h ap e l an d th a t of e re c tio n of w o o d -b u ilt s ta irs le ad in g to th e Castle site an d also b rin g in g to o rd e r of sites closing to th e Vistula R iv e r w h e re a n um b e r of te rra c e s w e re designed. H. Szpilowski p re p a re d a design fo r co rre c tio n of th e Ca stle S q u a re w hich p ro v id ed fo r demolition of n e ig h b o u rin g b u ild in g s to open a w id e r view to th e Castle itse lf. As some k in d of cu rio sity may h e re be q u o ted th e design of th e m o n um en t fo r Napoleon I w ith w ith h ad to be a d o rn ed th e S e n a to r s ’ Hall.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 21-28
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pięć albumów z rycinami medali polskich do dzieła „Historia polska medalami zaświadczona i objaśniona” biskupa Jana Chrzciciela Albertrandego
Podniesińska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Jan Ch. Albertrandy
medale polskie
Julian U. Niemcewicz
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Warszawie
Henryk Lubomirski
Feliks Bentkowski
Karol Fryderyk Minter
Antoni Ryszard
Ambroży Grabowski
Krzysztof August Schmidt
Andreas Geiger.
In 1808 the Warsaw Society of Friends of Science decided to publish a work of John Baptist Albertrandi „Historia polska medalami zaświadczona i objaśniona” (History of Polish MedalsRecorded and Expounded). The book was supposed to be illustrated with images of all medals stamped and known in Poland. Despite many years of ongoing preparations, the completed and ready numismatic study was not published. The copperplates for the engravings, of which there are four hundred and thirty-four, were created between 1822 and 1828. After the fall of the November Uprising they were conscated and exported to Russia to enrich the holdings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, where they remain to this day. Before they were carried off, around thirty copies of the set were printed. The  subject of this article are four albums including copies of prints from the copperplates for the engravings, stored in National Museum in Krakow, Jagiellonian Library (two albums) and Science Library of PAU (Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences) and PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) and one album from National Museum in Poznan containing so called new prints stamped in 1872 in Saint Petersburg. e article contains a presentation of all four albums, which are analysed from several standpoints, namely, historical, provenance, as collector’s items, as works of art and as works created to be printed.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2016, 3; 69-95
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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